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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Nov 1931, p. 2

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- PAGE'TYO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; ' eT a FRIDAY, ¥ 20, 1931 On PICKERING 'Plekering, Nov, 18.--Born on | Nov. 12th, at Stettler, Alta, to Mrs, Wright, 8 Mar, y, Nov. 15th, vate Hospital, Rr. and G, Winter, of "Av , 8 daughter, Little Miss Pauleen 'Palmer, of Liverpool, spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt, Mr, snd Mrs. J. Palmer. Mys. B, Bryant received word this week of the death of her mother, in Whitby, The sympath- fes of ber many friends are ex- tended to her. Miss Helen Toms, of Oshawa, visited with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, 0. Crummer, for a few days last week, H. W. snd Mrs, Boyes and and family, and W. J. and Mrs. Clark, spent the week-end with ¥. F. and Mrs, Balsdop, of Bur- ford. Mr. and Mrs, F. Weeks and family of Malton were in the vil- lage one day this week, Miss Irene Riley who under- went an operation for appendicitiy one day last week, is making a satisfactory recovery, The Swastika, Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. H, T. Fallaise, on Tuesday evening. A most enjoyable pro- gram on the subject of "Friend- ship" was under the direction of Miss K. Fawkes. A quilting under the auspices of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R, H. Cronk on Tuesday afternoon, The ladies are preparing for any calls or relief, which might come in during the winter, Mr. Walter Shepherd, of To- ronto, was in the village on Wed- nesday. » There is much conjecture as to the proposed change in the C.N. R. schedule, which is announced for November 22nd. It is rum- oured that hereafter there will be only on mail train each way a day, stopping st Pickering, but no one seems to know the exact truth of the matter, If the rall- way authorities were only made aware of the vast amount of the Indigestion And Gastritris Ended Says Toronto Lady Dr. French's NU-ERB Again Highly Praised for Bringmg About Splendid Resuis For people who are sick and ail ing Dr, French's NU-ERB repre~ nts the very latest development modern medical , science. In thousands of cases it has enabled sufferers to overcome attacks of ; m, neuritis, in. constipation, kid- _meys, nervousness, chronjc A of the sy: even after "all other treatment and harsh medi- 'gines had failed completely, . Scores of people have given state~ ments testifying to the merit of great herbal re: For ex- Mrs, Charles Brady, R. R. No, 2, Snelgrove, Ont. (between To- _zonto and Brampton), says: "For three yous 1 suffered from stomach troubles, especially indiges- tion and gastritis, Food soured and formed distress gases which made He Hiserable, My nerve were all on edge. I slept poorly at night and 1 felt tired and wornout all of the time. A "Although no: other remedy had ever been of any benefit, NU-ERB helped me from the very first. Now I can eat anything without having indigestion, gas or dyspepsia. My nerves are steady, I sleep soundly 'at night, and I have regained my lost Jientth and Sneemy. NU-ER Z id Phas by tore, Price por single bottle; 3 bottles for $3.00. joy of lite they would take away from some of our residents by curtailing their daily trips to the post office, it is quite possible that they would Increase Sather than decrease the number of mal trains, : George Bentley, 236 Jarvis St, Torontp, appeared before Magis trate Clark, op Monday evening, on the charge of manslaughter and was remanded for one week. Bentley is alleged to have heen the driver of the car Which knocked down, and fatally in- jured William Taylor, of Dunbar- ton, as he and bis wife were walking slong the highway, a mile west of Pickering, on Sat- urday evening, The accused is being held without bail, . J. D, Cator, of Bowmanville, has opened up a meat market in the McEwen store, with the first business day on Tuesday. Mr. Cator has had several years' ex- perience in the business, and is preparéd to conduct an up-to- date buteber shop, ------------------ MANCHESTER NEWS (Mrs. E. L. McKee, Correspon- dent) Manchester, Nov, 18,--The W. M.8, held their regular montMly meeting at the home of Mrs. E, Holtby with , about 25 ladles present. The meeting was In charge of the vice president, Mrs, Murphy. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by Lord's Prayer. Roll call and minutes of last meeting were read and adopt- ed. A short business session fol- lowed. Mrs. Holtby took the first chapter of the new study hook on Korea which was very inter- esting. Short readings were given by Mrs, W, F. Thompson, Mrs, Murphy, Miss Irene James and Mrs, Lloyd McKee, Hymn 81 was sung. Mrs. Murphy then asked questions on "Peace" which were answered by short readings given by Mrs, Harvey Dobson, Mrs, Jas, Dobson and Miss A. Thompson. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", was sung and Mrs. Murphy brought the meeting to a close with prayer. The hostess served a dainty luncheon and a social hour was spent, Collection and special of- fering amounted to over $10.00, The club meeting was held on Thursday evening and organised for the following year, Mr. John Moore, president for the last year was in the chair, The members elected for the coming year as follows: 4 President, Mr. Fred Lambe; Vice President, Mr. Sam Masters; Secretary, Mr. Ellwood Crosier; Treasurer, Mr, John Johnston; Pianist, Mrs, Frank Johnson; Ass, Pianist, Mr, Arnold Roach; Auditor, Mr. Donald Ferguson; Finance Committee, Mr, John Moore, Miss Irena Spoffard, Mrs, Lloyd McKee; Newspaper Cor- respondust, Mrs. Charlie Ger- row. ' The nest nieeting to be held In the Town Hall on Thursday even- ing, Nov. 26th, at 8 p.m, The program committee for the even. ing is Miss Irene Spoffard, Mr. Will Munro and Mr, James Mit- chel, The Sunday School have de- cided to hold their apnual Christ- mas tree oft December 18th, The committe appointed to get up the entertainment are Mra, Wright Crosier, Mrs. C, Gerrow, rs, Roach and Miss Spoffard. The committee for the capdy bags, Mrs. Leslie Lambe, Miss Dollie Ruse, Mrs, Joe Cooper. Decorat- ing committee, Misses Irene Spoffard, Dolly Ruse, Dorothy Roper, Mrs. Joe Cooper, Mr. Mannsell Getrow. The Christmas trée committee, Mr, Wright Cros. ir, Sam Masters, Harold Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. J, T, Evans and family, Raglan spent Sunday at Mr, Thos. McKee's, Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Dobson and daughter, Mina, spent Sunday at Mr. Roswald Dobson's, Oshawa. Mrs, Jamés Mitchel spent Mon- day in Toronto. Miss EB, Perceival, Port Perry, spent a few days with her niece, Mrs. E. Holtby, We are glad to hear that Mrs. James Lakey who bad the mis: fortune ot fall and striking her head, causing a nasty eut, is im- proving, Quite a number from here at- tended the asuniverssry services at Prospect on Sunday, Rev, Mr, McClellan, Claremont, was the speaker in the afternoon and Rev. Mr. Jull, of BrooKlin, had charge of the services in the evening. Mr. Robt, Moffatt, Manitoba, recently visited his uncle, Mr. Ernie Holtby, It has been decided to remove the eastern end of the church shed, as it obstructs 8 view of the church from the highway and will build a wood shed from the lumber, All the men are asked to help on Monday, Nov, 23ré, The W.M.8, has received an in- vitation to Myrtle on Thursday afternoon and are asked to give two numbers on the program. Miss Ball, of Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs, Isaac Vernon op Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smirthwaite and daughter, Jean, visited re- cently with the latter's sister, Mrs, E. Holtby, A number from here attended the recital given by the pupils of Miss Rose Reynolds at Utica Hall on Friday evening last, Miss Irene Spoffard spent the week-end at 'her home at Greén- bank, There was 8 good attendance at church on Sunday when Rev. Mr. Totten took as his text John 3 : 16. Mr, Percy Chase, Lindsay, who intended to sing did not come, Percy lived here a few years ago and many would be glad to hear him sing again, Ser- vices next Sunday at the usual hour 10.30 a.m, ENNISKILLEN NEWS Enniskillen, Nov. 18 ---Bnnis- killen L.O.L. No, 141 is to be con- gratulated on winning a prize of $50.00 for the largest increase in membership in Ontario east, the past year, The local brethren held a meeting on Thursday evening, when the RW. Bro. Shipman, Deputy Grand Master of Ontario east, made the presentation, Speeches were made by Brother Loftus Reid, Grand Secretary of Grand lodge; Brother Jamer Moore, Grand Master of Grand Black of Ontario east; Brother Scott, Past district Master of east Toronto; Brother Earnest Hamm, District Master of Orono, and several local brethren, after which lunch was served. The funeral of the late Mrs, Harry Ferguson was largely at. tended on Sunday, Mrs. Ferguson was in poor health the past sum- mer, but only the past couple of weeks was it thought she was seriously ill. She was a kind and loving miother and will be mueh missed by her sorrowing husband | and two daughters, Ida at home, and Mrs. Henry of Oshawa, Rev. J. M. Whyte assisted by Rev. Mr. "Wallace, of Newtonville, conduct- ed the funeral service, Rev. Mr, Wallace of Newton. ville occupied the pulpit Sunday evening, who gave a splendid gos- pel sermon taking his text from Act, 8:35, Rev, J. M, Whyte nreached anniversary sermons at Kendal. Mr. MeLean, of Toronto, is 111 at the home of Mrs. Andrew Sharpe. Mrs, McLean and ¢hildr-n aré home with her mother, We hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. G. Preston Is visiting friends in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Stainton and Ray, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs, Orr Jeffrey, Sunday, Mr, Walter Oke had thé mis fortune to lose another cow on the highway by being struck bv an automobile which broke both frant legs of the animal which had to be killed. Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Tamblyn, Woodbridge, visited at Mr, Wm. Stainton's and Mr. R. Ormiston's, over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Trewin FR Fea V RUS | FLORAL turing S EL to leave their homes on account of fllness, ete. A HEARTY INVITATION IS EXTENDED became EXHIBITION the Occasion of PERKINS 8th ANNIVERSARY On the occasion of this our 8th An Saturday, niversary which takes place on November 21 i Our new store will be complete in every de- tall on Saturday, It will prove worth while to visit us and see the wonderful floral ex» hibits. One of the feature displays will be a of EXHIBITION CHRYSANTHEMUMS Worth from one to one fifty each, Truly a gorgeous spectacle, 8 SEE THIS DISPLAY BEFORE 10 P.M. After this hour it is our intention to donate Wedding Bouquets and floral for every Greenhouse 403) Sa , and Mrs, Mrs, A, Werry's, Tuesday, A very successful plowing bee was held at the farm of Mr, Char He Virtue on Wednesday after. noon, Eighteen teams doing the work; as Mr, Virtue is In Toron- to Hospital and was operated bn recently, Miss Muriel Moore and Miss Grace Hastings visited friends in Oshawa, Saturday. The monthly meeting of the W.M.8, was held on Wednesday, with Mrs, 8, Trewin in charge. After 8 hymn and opening prayer by Mrs. H, Werry, the scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Edwin Ormiston. An instrumental solo wag given by Mrs, H, McGill, Then Mrs. Chambers sang a #10 which was much enjoyed with Mrs, Dan- fels of Bowmanville at the piano, Mrs. Russel Ormiston then favor- ed with an autoharpe music. Me then had the pleasure of listen- ing to Miss Luella Rorke, a re- turned missionary of Japan, give B® yery interesting talk of her work in Japan, Miss Rorke lived here when a girl in the parsonage when her father, Rev, Mr, Rorke, was our pastor, Mrs, Ferguson and Mrs, Pickard of Bowmanville favored with a duet very accept- ably. Mrs, Slemon was also pres- ent with Mrs. Rorke wh'> accom- panied her daughter here and re. newed old acquaintamees, Mrs, J, A. Werry moved a hearty vote o thanks to the visiting ladies who took part in the programme, Rev, J. M, Whyte also spoke a few words. The meeting closed with prayer, after which lunch was served, while a social time was spent, While plowing in the fleld the past week, Mr, Lorne Lamb came across 8 wedding ring as good as the day it was bought, perhaps, thirty years ago. The young people bf ATrinity United Church of Bowmanville intend giving their play "The Misadventure" in our church un- der the ausplees of the C.G(LT., on Tuesday evening, Nov, 24, | Come out to hear it, i Mr, Frank MeGfll and Miss Reva McGill, Toronth, visited friends here, Sunday. Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mrs, Etuart Rodman, Port Perry, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, E, C. Ash- ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rahm and family visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevensap, Sunday. BROOKLIN NEWS (Miss Elinor Mackey, Correspon. dent) Procklin, Nov, 19 - Miss Han. ne, of '.shawa, sp'nt tle week. end with friends here. Mr, J. Dryden, of Guelph, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, ey MP®. Mason, of Oshawa, fs spending a few days with Miss C. Burton, ' Mr, and Mrs, McKinney, of Brampton, have retutnel home nftar gpending a few weeks with their son, Dr. McKinney. The Young People's League met in the basement of the Unit. od Chueh, on Tuesday evening ast. The meeting opened with hymn, "I Am Thine, O Lord," af- ter which Rev, Jull led in prayer. The séripture lesson was read by Miss Jean Scott, The second hymn was then sung which was "Take My Life and Let It De." The programme consisted of a plano solo by Miss Evelyn EIl- ott and a very interesting talk by Mr, M, Soanes, of Oshawa, on "How It Hurts," which was cer- tainly enjoyed by all. The meeting came to a cloge with hymn, "Céme To The Savl- our, Make No Delay," followed by the Mizpah benediction. The hunters have returned being successful in bringing home one deer each, A very impressive service was held on Wednesday afternoon in the United Church, when the Thankbffering of the W.M.S. was held with the president in the chalr, After the opening of the meet- ing, Miss Oliver gave an excellent reading, Mrs, C, 8, Thompson a very pleasing solo. Miss Chene, of Burnt Lake, B.C. gave a most Interesting talk on her work there, She told the W.M.B. work- ers here that we all had part in kething wp the hospital there, Mr. D, White is still confined to his bed and he is not improv ing as rapidly as his friend: would like to gee him, The sudden death of Mrs, W Afar in the Oshawa General Hos- pital came as a great shock to her many friends here. The fam. {ly have the sympathy bf the eom- munity in their great bereave- ment. ALMONDS (Miss 1. Balsdon, Correspondent Almonds, Nov, 19, «= Mr, id Roberts, of Columbus, visited on Monday at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs, J. Guy. Miss Zorah Gee, of Kinsale, was a visitor on Tuesday with Miss Violet Hall, Almonds Young People are entortaining Kinsale Young Peo- Je on Tuesday evening, A good ime 1s looked for. Almonds Xmas entertainment will be held on Tuesday evening, ember 22, _ Mrs, ohn Huff and son visited with relatives In Oshawa on Tues- ay. The Young Ladies' Class are having an evening on Friday at eight o'clock to display their autograph quilt, A short pro- gram will be given and then everyone who wishes to see this lovely guilt which {a al] finished, will be given the opportunity. The quilt has also been sold which altogether brings in a alee sum of money, The Young People, of Whitby United Church, were guests of Almonds on Monday evening. A large crowd were present and a short musical program followed by games and refreshinents, made a_very enjoyable evening. Mr, and and family have moved snd are now nicely settled on Dr. Reed's farm, Range Line, Mr. and Mrs, J. Gregory, of Oshawa, Mr. Charles Reeson, Mr. J. Reeson, were recent visitors at the home of W, H, Balsdon. Miss Lois Balsdon éttended the funeral of her cousin, little six- year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs, Al- lap Balsdon, at Donalda Farm, Todmorden, on Saturday, In- terment was made in Markham cemetery, Mr. Roy Brown has returned efter spending a week with friends at Apsley, deer hunting, and brought home a fine, big eer, EBENEZER NEWS (Mrs. Blake Oke, Corres t) Ebenezer, Nov, 29, --Miss Nor- ma Wade, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her parepts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wade, Mr. and Mrs, Elton Werry, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Bragg, Shaw's, spent Sun- day with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. B, Werry, " Mr, and Mrs. D, Smith, Brant- ford are spending a short time with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Pearce and we are glad to report Mrs, Smith much improved after her recent fliness, rs. Cephas Osburne | da visited with friends here on Sun- y. Mr. H, ¥. Osborne, who had the misfortune to break his arm while cranking a car, Is doing fine, we are glad to report, Mr, and Blake Oke and Doug- las spent Sunday in Bowmanville at Mr. W. Cole's, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Bernice ond Jack, Maxwell's, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Werry were dinner guests st Mr. apd Mre, R, K. Bragg's, Shaw's, on Tucelay, it being their wedding ay. We offer our congratulations to Miss Velma Pearce, who re- ceived the silver cup last week from the T. Eaton Co., for win- Ling the largest amount of prizes at the School Fail held at Maple Crove, Mr. Alec. Swanson entertained about forty of his friends at Gene Goodell's Hall on Monday even- ing, when all had a Jolly good time, Miss Sadie Muir is entertaining on Friday evening at her home, Misses Evelyn and Jean Mill- gon, Solina, spent the week-end with Misses Annie and Florence Wilkins, Several from here are in at- tendance at the Teachers' Train- ing Course being held in Bow- munville, this week, Mr. and Mrs, W, H, Marshall ind Mr. and Mre, Chas, Oshorne attended the goose supper at Newtonville, snd report a real crowd and fine A Mrs. Robert toff and Mar- jorie, Oshawa, spd Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Wood and son Dick, Or- ono, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Flintotr, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Vinson in company with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mallett, Oshawa, had a delight. ful trip to Otter Lake, Miss Mule, Brantford, who is attending the School of Pharm- acy, Togonto, was a week-end guest of her friend, Mrs. Walter Suidér, . 3 Miss Hazel Rundle, Miss Vel- ma Gay, Mrs. Walter Snider, Mss Allie Worden, were very pleasantly entertained by Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin, at her home, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Found was in Peterboro on Sunday to sée her brother, Mr. Brsund, who has been quite ill with blood-poisoning, but is on the road to recovery. Mr. Waiter Snider, who has heer holidaying here, is return- ing op Monday to Brantford for the wipter with the Johpston Construction Company. ! Battersea.--Three cases of in- fantile paralysis have developed during the last week in Keolor- ville neighborhood. The Ketler ville Behool has been guarantin- ed for several days and it is hop- ed that the outbreak is now checked. THROAT SORE... L.S1 VOICE Toronto, Ont, - "For about eight years I was subject to iaryngitis, My throat would get very sore and I would lose my voice, especially in 7 winter when the weather was eold and disagreeable," said Mrs, A. Mc- Donald of 28 McMurrich $t. "I doctored, with little relief until i began taking Dr. Plerce's Gold- en Medical Discovery and it has so completely relieved me of this trouble that I gcarcely ever have a sore throat or suffer in any sich way, The Discovery is worth its weight in gold to me. All druggists. Fluid or tab- lets. Pot Nearing The Boil Wolfe Island.--The municipal pot is commencing to boil on the island and already several pros- pective candidates are being men- tioned. The present reeve, John Kingsley, will probably seek re- election, while there may be two other candidates for the reeve- ship as well as several new men putting their names up for the council. FACTORY WILLIAMS 7 Tube ADIOS $79.00 Balance on Easy Payments NOT These radios will give satisfactory back guarantee in every detail and are sold on a money service. ww FEATURES w= Has it Seven Tubes? Yes Is it a Superhetrodyne ? Yes Has it Multimude Tubes? Yes Has it Pentode Tubes? Yes Has it Full Dynamic Speaker? Yes Has it Tone Control? Yes 1 gl ql il 1 1 1 il jl il Has it Selectivity ? Yes Are the Tubes Acremeter Tested? Yes Yes | 1 Are They 1932 Models? Has it all the Latest Features Embodied in Radios, Some which Retail at Twice This Price? YES VISIT OUR SHOWROOM The Electrical Specialty Shop

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