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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1931, p. 2

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PLAY PRESENTED BY YOUNG PEOPLE AT CLARENONT \¢ . ont, Nov. 25.--On Fri- pg Jast the Young Peo- of the Baptist Church pre- a three-act comed a . Path Across the £0 "2 arg: an apprecia H hs The dramas Lg mixture of "> humor dra- Yeti, d pathos and contains a haoral. The members of the wf sre to be congratulated on : their successful presentation of it each did his or her part in an to eliciting much fav- . orable comment. The mandolin _ music provided between acts by "the Niddery Trio from Prospect 'was of a fine quality and greatly .. appreciated by all presents or Rt the close of the evening, Mrs. G. M. Forsyth was presented with a beautiful bouquet in 2p- _. preciation of her time and pati < epee in training the young peo- ple for the drama. Last week being Canadian k Week, there was on display at our public library a number of books by Canadian authors. In cluded in the number were sever- al suitable for children of differ- ent ages. Readers should be en- couraged, at every opportunity, to learn more about the fine prod- uctions that come from the pen ' of some of our brilliant Canadian writers. A travelling library has also arrived in the village and the books are being put in circulation by the librarian at the public li » ' rary. Womens Institute A well attended meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Wm, Jones on Wednesday afternoon, November 18th. The president, Mrs. G, M. Forsyth, was in charge. Roll eall, /My Favorite Book and Its Au- thor," was responded to by most of the ladies present, The busi ness session occupied more time than usual as several requests for donations'had been received since it was known that the Imstitute had on hand the receipts from the banguet served to the South Ontario Plowmens' Association. Among the donations granted was one of $30 to the Public Library. Arrangements were also made to give substantial ajd to a needy family in the community, Miss Mary Forsyth read a splendid pa- per on "Thé Literature of The Day,' which was much appreciat- ed by all present. At the ptist Church, last Sunday morning, Rev, H. R, Ste- vens delivered the first of a series of sermons on "Some Men Around Jesus.' The one on Sun+ day, "A Man of III Repute,' brought an earnest and helpful message to its hearers, To Hold Banquet The Anchor Society will hold a banquet in the basement of the United Church on Monday even- ing, November 30th, when Mr. Baywell, president of Young Peo- ple's Bocieties of Oshawa Preésby- tery, will be the guest speaker. All members apd others of the congregation who are interested in the work of the society, are in- vited to attend the banquet. The apnual Christmas tree and entertainment for the [I'nited Church Sunday School will be held on December 2ist, and for the ptist Church Sunday School On December 22nd. Rev, A. McLellan preached a very forcible and impresrive ger- mon last Sunday on "The Curse of The Tongue," taking his text from James 3:10, "Out of the Mouth Proceedeth Blessing and Cursing.' " Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, Au- rora, and the former's sister and husband from Western Canada spent Sunday with Mrs. Stephen- son's relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. E, Pearce were in Newmarket on Monday, attending the funeral of a relative. Mrs. Alex. Morgan, Bobcay- veon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Wage, is serioutly ill at the Vie- toria Memorial Hospital, Toron- to, Her many friends are hoping for an early improvement in her BUCHANAN"S ARE CLEARING ALL EVENING DRESSES Less Than Cost condition. Mr. and Mrs, D, A. Bott re- turned home on Monday after a few days' visit with the latter's rents at London. pa Moase and daughter, of Little Briton, visited with Mrs. Rawson over the week-end and on their réturn wére accompanied by the latter who will spend 2a week at Little Briton. Mr. Caskey's mother and aunt from Madoe were guests at the Caskey home during the weok- end. Miss Wilma Burgess, of Tor- onto, was 8 Wéek-end guest Of Miss Clara Underhill. Alfred Moles of Myrtle spent 8 few days with Claremont friends during the past week. M Alice Bacon, nurse-in- training at the Cbhbourg General Hospital, returned to duty on Sunday last, after a few days' vis- it with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Bacon. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Tomlinson returned home on Monday after a short vis- it with her sistar, Mrs. (Rev.) Ferris, of London, Mrs. D. B. Taylor, who has been confined to her bed during the past six weeks owing to a fractured hip, is making but slow nrogress toward recovery, The Misses Bell, of Barrie, who have heen taring for her, returned on Sunday after a week's absence spent at their home. During. their absence Mrs. Taylor's sister-in- law, Mrs. Sadler, of Kinsale, was in charge. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Soden vis- fted their son, John and Mrs. Sod. en, Brougham, on Sunday and found that Mrs. Seden was gain- ing in strength after her recent fllness. James Allaway, Toronto, visit. ed J. H. Beal and Mrs, Chandler, this week. A number from here attended the Winter Fair at Toronto dur. ing the past week and were well pleased with the exhibits. Jim Fraser, one of our enter. prising young men, opened a new butcher shop on Monday on the kite which was formerly C, A. Overland's grocery store. Since Lyman and Mrs. Pilkey have moved to their other resi. dence we miss the regular sound of the town bell whieh for a num- ber of years, they have so faith. fully and gratuitously rung for the benefit of the citizens, Ivan Benson, who was recently appointed sectfon boss at Clare. mont, moved his family from Lo- cust Hill last week, They now oc- cupy the Birkett house, vacated by the McLaren family who mov ed to Lindsay. A number from here attended Jas. Underhill's sale of standing timber held bn Monday, at his ranch on the 6th concession, Ux- bridge. Several interested citizens were In Whitby on November 20th for the Recitation and Public Speak ing contest held In connection with school fairs when winners of the varfous districts oompeted for the'champlonship. Two com- noted from here, Miss Katie Bea- ton in the Public Speaking and Mics Mildred Linton in the Recl. Mrs. hy Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Riddle and daughter, Ileen, Orono, vis) at Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton's, Sun- y. Mrs. os. Williams and som, Howard, rea, visited at Mr, and Mrs, George Reid's. Mrs. Phyling Mountjoy visited at Mr, L. Swain's, Blackstock. Mr. Orville Ashton and Mise M. Dalton visited friends in To- ronto and attended the Winter Fair, Mr, and Mrs, W. Harder and daughter, Betty, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Walling, Oshawa, Mr. Will Oke, Port Perry, Mr. -and Mrs. J. Btrong and sops, Hugh Ross, Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Strong, Purble Hill, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Freeborn. A song service of fifteen min- utés at the commencement of the evening service was enjoyed by the good attendance Sunday even- ing, when our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, preached a good sermon from John 18:36 on "True Pat- riotism and a Plea to Live the Ohrist Life." A junior ¢holr sang "Jesus Friend of Little Children, and Jesus Wants Me for a Sup- beam" very sweetly. Mr. Eugene Beech, Mr, O, Ash- ton, Miss M. Dalton visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Russél Ormiston visited at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's, Bunday. The play "Miss Adventure' was well given on Tuesday evening by the young people of Trinity Unit. ed Church The different charac. ters were well chosen and each one acting their parts to the én- tertainment of gl, in an amusing manner. Miss Cryderman acted as chairman. Proceeds amounted to $14.00, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Ashton and Helen, Wilma and Ruth, and Mr. I. Simpson visited friends In "indeay, on Tuesday. THORNTON'S NEWS (Mrs. G. H. Robinson, Co ndent) rrespo Thetnten's Corners, Nov. 25+~Mr, and Mrs. Campbell and family who have occupied the Powel homestead the past few years are moving from our neighborhood this year, We are sorry to lose them and wish them success in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, of Brougham, and Mrs. George Smith, of Gravenhurst, were guests ome day last week of Dr. W, D. and Mrs. Forsythe. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Luke, June ard Bob Lue were Sunday guests of Mr. Jas. Luke. Miss June Luke recited at the Sunday school services in a pleas 'nz manner. A number from here attended the Boy Scout and Cub Pack banquet held on Friday evening in the West- mount School, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stonehouse and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hoag at. ended the Royal Winter Fair on [uesday. : Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gilbert and son, Murray, were in Manchester for the week-end the guests of Mrs. this community The pathy of is nde ty 3 A Pickell Cour: into the ways of the rural districts in Japan. She also presented the kindergarten work in a most intes- daughter, Mrs, - and Mrs. Cecil Found in their avi in the of Mrs. k Picken in Detroit. Jack is lh n here as this was his h when 2 boy and his many friends sympathize with him in his sortow. He has two little boys to mourn the loss of a mother, Miss Anne Holt picked a bunch violets in her flower garden last wv which were just as full of 'as in the good old summer 0 rida edlor time, On Friday evening Miss Sadie Muit entertained about sixty young people to 2 dance which lasted until the wee hours of morning. The services on Sunday were of a special character, In the morn- ing the Rev. A. R. Stone, returned Missionary from Japan, spoke on Yehalf of the Missionary and Main. tenance Fund, His address was in- teresting as wely as educative, deal ng with the customs of the Japan- ese. In the evening the service was in charge of the WW. M, 8, Mm. Blzke Courtice, 1st Vice-President, presided over the meeting in an able manner. A ladies' choir pro- vided the music and sang with'much 'mepiration. Mrs Rev. A. R. Stone who has been in Japan five years and with Mr, Stone is home on furlough, was the speaker of the evening. Mrs, Stone speaks with much ease and held the attention of even the children, who were pre- sent. She gave a clearer insight esting way and Jaying stress on the fact thas Kindergarten is one or the greatest means of convertion among the Japanese. The W. M. S, has at the present time fifty kinder- gartens there. rs. Stone spoke very highly of the wonderful work agawa is doing in his "Kingdom of God" movement. She told us of the splendid railway service in Jap- an which is taking the lead with other céuntries, also their wonders fuy means of hydro power through. out the rural districts, Mrs. Stone said in the five years she had spent in Japan she had visited only one village where they had not electric lights. Mr. and Mrs. Stone who have both been Missionaries in Jap- an were just recently married and ~xpect to return to their work in Tapan, They were puests of Rev. H.C and Mrs Wolfraim while here, The offering dhe gvening service was about in favor of WMS, and Mrs, Emoringham, Tor- Mr. onto, attended the dance given by her sister, Miss Sadie Muir, Friday evening. N. OSHAWA NEWS Mrs. T. H. Solomon, Co res~~ndent North Oshawa, Nov. 23--Mr. and Mrs J. Vallant of Port Whitby snent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. T. Solomon. Mr. and Mrs Muriel Hare and two children, Wilfred and Evelyn, of King, spent Sunday with T. Sélomen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Nattress and two <hildren of Oakville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Kobert Heas- np. Miss Annie Taylor of Oshawa, was homie over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Hurvid and child- sen have moved i North Oshawa irom the city. t, Hurvid is in the Fish business and will add to our small town business. Through the kindness of Mr. George Kennedy, the Sunday School Superintendent, a large number en- joyed lantern slides on Sunday ev- ening. Mr. Kennedy promised the chillien that he would show them dictures of the children in far off countries, where their missionary money was helping. This was most nteresting to the and old Hymns were sung from the. screen the opening prayer by Mr. Dennis and the closing prayer Mrs, Knox. Mr. Kennedy has promised to have some other slides in the near future since these were well received. The next lantern talk will be "Christmas for children in other Lands" At the conclusion the teachers and officers were asked to remain to plan a Christmas concert A tull account will appear/in The Times later. . (A boy falls asleep while watch ing a ship from a cottage wi O little skip! O pretty ship! With carved and gilded bow, -our pathway is marked by thi moon's golden light, : Your white sails ase filled with this breath of the night, ; 4 Where, O where, are you sailin 3 now? H O little ship! O pretty ship} Ge ey Yold Sash : Lhe gea is aslcep and the wayes rest, : The breezes come whispering ot of the west, y As you glide down the golden trai O little ship! O pretty ship! Could I your Captain be, Id sail with a breeze that was tr: velling far, To India, Egypt or Zanzibar, Jr to Isles m a Southern Sea O little ship! O pretty ship} 1 cannot see you now. 4'm drifting along to the country dreams, ; And t"~re in the light of the moon golden beams . I shall ride on your gilded bow. By~William J. Cowls. Luncheon sets of linen doflie! are appropriate for breakfast luneheon, informal dinners serv: ed in the diret or srnresm, pr £9 en informal Sunday might supp or similar occasions. ; It Food prices have been coming down fast--and nowhere have they come down faster or gone down further than in A '& P Food Stores. Practically every item it did a year ago--and new reductions are being mad= every week. * Stcck up your pantry now with quality foods at the lowest prices in years--prices that reflect typical A & P savings. costs so little how to fill up those empty ~ pantry shelves! AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES AGAIN OFFERED AT THE TREMENDOUSLY LOW SPECIAL PRICE OF 12 AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY--NO, 4 SIEVE * No. 2 Squat Tins SINGLE TIN, rr -- Ng -------- eg eee pry e ee pere--ee our stocks costs less now than Sc 57 PEAS GLOBE BRAND CHOICE KEIFFER Gilbert's parents. Mr. Eric Dean spent Sunday™in Toronto. tation contest. Although they fail. "d to win the championship we congratulate them on their suc. 12 % 8 ALSO SOME BEAUTIFUL the room. 15 King E. COATS All Sizes, All must go regardless of price as our Christmas Stock is arriving and we have to have [-] Phone 2853 Vulcan Anti Freeze Aud tide in comfort snd safely all through the. Moffatt Motor Sales SIMCOE ST. N. Jad Toad TELEPHONE 918 "org thus far and hope they will ry again next year. ENNISKILLEN NEWS Mrs. W. Stainton, Uorrespon. dent) Enniskillen, Nov, 25, =~ Miss Mary B, Virtue, Toronto, visited He unt, Mrs. P. Mountjoy, re- Mr. and Mrs. Coefl Wilson and Gwen, Nestleton, Miss Mae Lamb, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mrs, Gordon Werry was called 'o Toronto on Thursday owing to the illness of her aunt, whi> was operated on. Miss Leona Bradley has return- ~d home to Mr, Herbert Brad. idk after her illness in the hos. 3 Mrs. , J. Knox, Orono, spent onday with her sister, Mrs. H. Werry. Mr, and Mrs, Elwood R 'amily, Mrs, Wm. hr ne 'June, Oshawa, ysited Mr, and Mrs, Bhackletbn, Sunday. Miss Gertie and Winnie Oke. Nowmanville, and {ss Helen Brent, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Oke, unday. Congratulations. to Miss Elva Torguson and Mr. Bruce Fergu- re Seinadey nat scent marriage on Tr. and Mrs. Frank Orchard and Misses Elva and Velma visite ed friends at Caesarea, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, S. Pethick visited friends In Newtonville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, D, urgmaster are visiting friends in Buffalo, on ta, MeGil spent the 0 "nd Mrs. x Metin, oT Mr. eo Jadies' Ald a hasaar In Dece Tore holding 4 , Howard Stevens, inton, Sr, Mr. er and Mur- I ited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ho Solina, visited Mrs, Wm. Oke Mr. Gordon Werry and re. H. oronto at the, ] val Noise Fair, tending . H. Ferguson, Alla Donald, Mrs, J, Pye and ih fi FA hie joe L T. JJueT- y oo] A MIL % ) TICKET) ALL 4 rn Spuch vis friends in Uxbrl Mr, oy Mrs, 1 Bru oh . and Mrs. y bn i n and Harold Hockaday, | § Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott, Miss Pear! Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Scott were in Toronto on Sat. urday Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dean were visitars at the Reyal Winter Fair on Saturday. : Mr, George Scott, of Brooklin. soent Sunday with his parents Mr, and Mrs, W.A. Scott, Other visitors at the Royal Fair included Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Pier- son, Harold Pascoe, Miss Elva Mi- les, Mr. and Mrs, George Reeson, Edna and Lulu Reeson, Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Pierson, Mr, and Mrs, fverett Jackson, George Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Garrard and Mr, and Mrs. W. L., Luke, The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society will he held on Wednesday, December 2. A full attendance is requested as the elec tion of officers for the ensuing year will be held. The ladies will also sew for the relier work, the same as_at the last meeting, rs. W. L. Luke met with a pain. ful accident on Monday when the handle broke on a pai; of beiling water she was carrying. The con« tents badly scalded her feet and limbs and Mrs, buke is confined to ner bed, Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, The Young People's Society held social evéning at the Sunday ~choeol room on $riday. The gven- ing was spent playing various games and contests, Later refreshment were served. There will be a nilmber of these parties throughout the winter. The' school children are now busy dyjiling for the Christmas con- cert. The programme promises to be unusually teresting. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs, James Luke in the death of her mother, Mrs, Collins at the age of seventy-two years. i About two week's ago Mrs. Colr lins was badly injured by a car in yorontd, 'Lhe funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at Whitby ay. i COURTICE NEWS ------------ (Mrs. W. R. Courtlen, Correspond. en ourtice, Nov, 23.~Mits Them 4 & Thedlord, visited jr Sadie uir recently Miss Aura Brooks "Toots", K- wood Clinic, Toronto, and. Miss Smith of Toronto, were weekend vigor of Hy 5s H i, a 8 t Seh in of 2. was a Sunday visi tor of Mea. AE Rind J, Gay. 0 number of Oshawa Raine pa ner and bridge party on Thursday evap 3 Mr. an in Taront R ter Bair Jor'a Toronto, few Me. Ronald Courtice, at home, spent the week end ed SOU A Coffer ta suit BOKAR THE COFFER SUPREME ib. 39¢c HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP ON SOUPS--AYLMER BRAND = ASSORTED es AND VEGET/ 6 Tins 49. PS BRITISH COLUMBIA FANCY SALMON rx 6 mes AYLMER BRAND--IN CHILI SAUCE PORK « BEANS 12 PINEAPPLE ::2:21- - A & P COFFEES ~ your tasto--cdrreptly roasted amd c--riotly ground RED CIRCLE RICH, FULL BODIED, me Noh Aantote FLAVORFUL . felling Package Coffee 1b. 33¢ ib. SINGLE TIN, 10¢ NO. 2 SQUAT TINS 2 TINS, 13 8 O'CLOCK PEARS ¢- SINGLE TIN, 16¢ Condensed TOMATO | 645: Large ripe fruit--carefully selected ripened Pour own i ripening ea 5 BANANAS 3 16s. 19¢ TOMATOES iv. 29¢ A&P Bakery Products 59- 75¢ 59- TODDY ....... MAGIC Baka POWDER NO. TL FRESH CUTS OF CHOICL PORK HAMS BACON BRILLO ........ 2 Pi% 19¢ YOUNG ROASTING Loin Rib or Tenderloin Half .1b. 13¢ Pork Shoulders. ...........Ib. 8c Butt Roast, Lean..........Ib. 10c mms wm, | Ge suictn oni RAS ux BACON w= =x 17: SHIRRIFF'S ones, 58340 1 5lc SELOX ..... 2 hes. 10% | 3c SARDINES ., ®vyimex gg Tender, Juicy A & P Selected Beef ROASTS 2 Pkgs. 25¢ PEARL TAPIOCA . . 1b. 9c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 Pkgs. 23¢ Blade or Short Rib... .Ib. 12¢ Shoulder or Chuck. ....lb. 10¢ Round Steak.......,..lb. 15¢ Sirloin Steak..........lb, 17¢ TRY OUR NEW BAKERY PRODUCT Rye Bread ...:. 8¢ WITH CARAWAY SEEDS Swedish RYE ::4e Our Own ANN PAGE BREAD EVERY LOAF OF A & P BREAD 18° WRAPPED 24-02, LOAF 6e | Porterhouse Steak. ....Ib. 25¢ Porterhouse Roast. ... Ib. 20¢ Rump Roast... ........Ib. 15¢ 'Sausage: 5y" 1b. 18¢ Sausage: 218.25 PRAMEAL Cottage Rolls m.12¢ w= FISH -- FILLETS zi 1. 150 FLOUNDERS Freshib. 12¢ COD ATANTe ete Ib. 120 ; STEAKS, LB, de FISHER, Meat MR. MR. WEST, Grocery Manager, EGGS BO TE TT TE TTT TT TTY z SIMCOE ST. SOUTH STORE, TELEPHONE 3170 KING ST. WEST STORE, I'tLErHONE 2643 : MR. New Manager, 3 MR, ASHB Y. Me-t Manacer. LIMITED OF CANADA mE ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO.

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