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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1931, p. 9

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* THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 PAGE NINE to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will do it 3 §, PA lhe Jas Ea EE Be' de 2000 opposite Post ter. 12% Simcoe St. South. Tele phone 3038-563. (43 sept tf) Medical PR B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten: en to X-ray work and Ervetrotheopy Qffice. Disnev Block one 1 ce mn 9 am to 9 om. esidence 421 t. Phone King Street cKAY. AN, SUR eon, Accoucher, Office and resi dene King St. East cones Vie toria St.. Oshawa. Phen e Nose, Throat Specialist PR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store each Saturday from | til 4 pm. for consultation and of ear, nose treatment of diseases 2 ; throat only. Appointments my h.. made at dru store. 3 han ve A hy bulane esidence : Siren Norn, Phere 542 2101 d A & Son opm ciers tron, 3 haat ae Ambulance Service day and night. hone 1082W 87 Celina "aif Pp Architects WE. Second floor ectural work, 0) Sane Building, Phone 1496. Resi ence Sens C1 ; PHONE 71g] WT. _SULTEY of : Au..'oneer, Simcoe St. S.. Osh- ial attention : given gy Bi 2 jurniture sales an farm stock and ¢ mplements. Your tronage solicited Auctioneer, furniture, farm stock. implements a specialty, Terms ne 1648 r 24. moderate. Pho! 38 cou. 4 Watch Repairing : repair shep at ag "West. Your rate age is solicited. . on rental $1. £20 and re- i { nd delivered be a" i IR "tan. Bligdon, 20 Mil fas e 960. ING, 70 on work, alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop. 1656, 2614 Simcoe S. Pas 1484, 31) Transportation CART (3 AND STORAGE. LMRE Faond West. Special tupe moving. Storage i a and, movi ng van equip" ent. od atructor. Local and "ag dis. Lig loads insrred. 609 farnesie Ave. Phone 1618. Frais Toseinl = Ros Home JONNYNOOK, WHITBY, REGIS: Si, atts eons pat are uy Two dollars dally p. Iaspection uvpes. oe money to LOB % : STTONOSLE hg ox tates, Motor duced. / Loans 14% King East. snd 0. O gvenings, Poane' 3790. Opi overt don) one 82. pr te BAL: units. Pro- ded, Phone fds.) t talent supp 795. 30% King Btreet Palmist 1 rs of import: ance. Loutsa Bt. hore 2636F. Business private. tv . (30 dec © nity, general Sursing. doctor's work. Moderate rates. Mrs. Noble. Phone 3033J. ' (4 dec c) tendance Phone 959 4 Insurance Dental 5. J. ILLIPS, O \S- seit's. Special attention to X-rav work. Gas .xtraction. Nurse in at- House 1312 DAVI SON, INSUKANC 19 She 5 West, Oshawa, The od est Fire Agency In t. ble Fire ssult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe St. North, Your insurance wants at- tended to and vour interests oro- tect: pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1834. Alex. &. Ross, S. F. Everson. : : (15 oct tf) Oshawa. ance policies. Are they sufficient to replace in casé of total loss, If pot phone for Murdoch, Motor car lability. Inland marine and all risks floaters. Phone 2380. (3 dec ¢) lh Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR. Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, $10.00. "Naturelle Method" Miss Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No. 3 marcel specialist. Marcel 50c. Finger Wave 75¢. Expert operators in all lines of hairdressinz. Simcoe St. North. Phone 2968. (8 ave tH) ' A ESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty, $500. $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $100. Marcel S50c. Facials. scalp treatments and manicures. Coffer Shuppe entrance. Phone anpoint: ments 1973, 15 ' ' ma mo hin <TBAN, PHONE 2105, marcel 35¢ at your bome or 785 Albert St. (28 nov ¢) MA Se or 127 Ritson gppointment Hutchinson 195 AT R ME Road South For id Margaret Ww, (3 dec ¢) dressing, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 35¢c and finger waving 50c¢ Phone 2188J. (14 dee eo) A AIR. dressing and Beauty Zulture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg, Oshawa, On- tarlo, (23 nov tf) AUTY shoppe, formerly "La Parisienne'. Maree] 50¢c, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00. 5% Bimeoe Street South, (over Anderson's). Phone 71. (24 dec c LILLIAN McLEAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 35¢ at your home or 736 Albert St. (28 dec ¢) Articles For Sale d| FOR SALE--DR: BODY WOOD $3.00 % cord. ¥% cord. A. Wall, oc ¢) DRY BO 'CORD Hard, soft, mixed slabs. ixed wood $275 hone 2628F. (5 d Frank Mec- aid, Phone 2423 W. (2 dec ¢) 2.50. Hardwood, % cord $3. B Corson, 147 Nassau St. Phone 1941M. (8 dec ¢) apples, price $1 barrel and up. Sples, Melntosh, Taln.an Sweets. paldwins, Starks, Snows, Joup Pallock, one mile north of Whit: by Post Office, Lindsay , High way. (19 dec ¢) A Y R woed. 90% maple, $12.00 per cord, delivered. B50c extra for stove length. J. H. Lawson, phone 728-2. (10 dec ¢) Q0D™ (APLE wood $3.50 single cord delivered. Cheaper grades, also cartage any- where anytime. Call 3109]. 79 John St. (17 dée ¢) to eight dollars per cord at bush, (Delivery extra), North east of Courtice Corners. Fence posts, radio poles and timbers. Apply F. Foley, phone 717, Bowmanville or Mike's Place, phone 622, Osh- awa. (18 dec ¢) 4 "GRAVEL; cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 31427, | (21 dec ¢) -6 D 1- Pe 100-volts, 60-cycle motors, $8.60; 1-4 heavy duty motors, $12.00. Hoffman Machinery Supply, 181 King St, B,, Toronto. (1221) POR BA DY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple, $3 single cord. R. Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave. Phone 1979W, \ (26 dec ¢) TRAILER TOR SALE. CHEAP. hone 2907J or 333 Mary St. d- | furnished. Phone 2604W. No. For Rent NT -- GLA apartments, modern, 3 roomed with three pleced bath, coatinv- ods hot water, zas stove, private cellar, bot water heating, laup dry. conveniences, immediate possession. Rent $25 or $27.50 children allowed. (29 nov ¢) FOR RENT--APARTMENTS. IF you are looking for an apart ment we invite you to inspect the. Victoria and Simcoe Manor. They are thoroughiy modern, also very cleanly ond the rents are low Managed by Bradley Bros, . (18 dec ¢) -- N B , low, north, December fifteenth. $25. Other houses $15 up, Mur- doch. Phone 238(. © (124¢) OOMED " R- pished for housekeeping, private eptrance and convenience, very central, rates low. 96 Centre St. (124¢) NT-- R DUPLEX, 4 rooms and bath. Heated. Newly decorated, electric stove, blinds and fixtures. Apply 109 Ritson Rd. N. (125b) HOUSE TO RENT--SIX ROOM- ed, all conveniences, moderate rent, central. Phone 180 ring 21. : (126¢) F 0 . convenience with garage for rent. Apply 25 Burke St. Phone 2744). (126¢c) THREE ROOM ON BATHROOM lat, hardwood floors. All con- veniences. Board if desired, 316 Leslie St. (125b) SMALL STORE, APARTMENT adjoining, good location for pro- fessional or commercial line, Box G48 Times, ( Sat tN) THREE FURNISHED OR PART- ly furnished housekeepigg rooms, Every convenience, electPicity and sas. Also garage. No children, Apply 21 Warren Ave. : (126¢) FOR RENT--6 ROOM BRICK, newly decorated, in north end Immediate possession. Phone 2780. (126b) #UR RENT--4 "ROOM HOUSE, near G.M.C. Phone 2780, a (1260 TWO ROOMED APARTMENT, iurniehed, suit young couple or two furnished bedrooms, suit gentlemen, Phone 3335W. (126¢) ist, cholrmaster, _imcoe Unite 'burch. Examiner, Toronto Con ervatory of Music Plan, organ singing, Phone 3128 Residence 766M. (28 nov ¢ WARION E. ROSS, ATOM. volce production and sin.in; Phone No, 6 Studio Johns Pianc 20, ' (3 dee c AUSIC LESSONS GIVEN ON Hawalian Guitar, Spanish Guitar Tenor Banjo, Violin, Ukulelo at Harris Muste Store. P' one 1400, 11 Simcoe St. B. (3 dec ~ * me For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--BUENA Vista, 5 roomed brick veneer house. Phone 455M. (126¢) French Lessons § PUPILS TO COMPLETE CLASS with M, Broder, Friday evenings, Genosha Hotel. Phone Miss May- nard, 2300, local 143. Residence 466M. (12110) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in attendance, warm r ms, terms reasonable. 80 Brock St. W. Phone 3293, (30 nov c) Rates For Classified Ads First insertion-- 134 cents per word. Minimum charge for one in. sertion 80c. Rox pumber 10c additional. Professional Business Cards, 2.0 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department -- Furs Repaired EE Sa FUR COATS MADE Tr ORDER Furs repaired, remodelled at moderate prices. Mrs, G. Hicks, 143 Prince St, Phone 2373J or J H. Wilson, Melrose 5329, Toron: to. (2 dee ¢ FURS REPAIRED, REMODEL led apd lined 40 years exper! ence, fur trimmings by the yard. collars and cuffs. Fur coats $25 up, Littner, 88 Simcoe North. (28 oct 1 mo. Radios Repaired TADIO BoRVICE REPAIRS done on all models, Work guar anteed, Prices reasonable, Tubes tested free in your home. Bat tories recharged. Phone 2806W 'ertified radiotricianm, (21 dec ¢) "Cleaning and Pressing CLEANING, ressing and repairing. Good: called for. Phone 523. Norman Lambert, 66 Bagot St. (7 dec ¢) Coal Blowers TT LAST A COAL BLOWER system that positively burns cos, screenings that can be purchased from $3 to $5 per toa. The saving »111 pay for the outlit in a shor! 'me. Phone 1214 and arrange to see this new device in opera ion. We also sell motors, blow ers, controle ete. Acme Coal Dlowers, 161 King St. W., Osh- awa. (10 nov-1 mo) general housework {n town or country. Good reference. Gertrude fsaac, ¢-0 Mrs, P. Gray, Brook- lin, Ont, (124e) BXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS work by day cleaning, polishing, etc., husband unemployed Box 687 Times. 125¢) ET ~-- Room an ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO or three young men, separate beds, home privileges, . Board reasonable, Very central. 241 Dearborn Ave. (1260) BOARD AND ROOM CLOSE TO car line, exclusive district. Mod- erate price, Laundry included. Apply 68 Hilleroft St. Auction Sale WOOD SALE -- THURSDAY, Dec. 3rd, Mr. Albert Woodward, Lot 19, Con. 4, West Whitby, will sell by public auction 5 acres of given térs to remove timber. Sale at 1.30. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (1384) QI , A -- Farm Wanted FARM WANTED--100 ACREE or more, must {ront on Lake Scu- gog or Lake Ontario. Give full particulars as to acreage, whether road is paved, if el ty is available and condition of build: ings, Reply stating lowest price to Box 729 Times. (121-1240) "Wanted to Buy T ATGHEST PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of raw fury. Phope 81 Whitby or drop me a line. | Stein. Nn (21 dee ©) GUS BANK'S BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina 8t,, corner of Ash All haircuts 15c¢c, on Saturdayg 20c. Wednesday close at 1 p.m. (10 dee ¢) Lost and Found LOST--IN SOUTH EAST END of city, black leather club bag. inder return to 152 Olive Ave (126a) LOST--GOLD . BR QOCH "BET with pearls and amythest. Valued, Finder return to 2 Ouptario St. Reward. (126¢) WANTED---A SALESMAN CAP- able of handling 'an electrically appliance for the home. Oshawa land district, Apply Room 5, Bradley Block. (126¢c) "Real Estate For Sale it SALE~100 ACRES, GOOD and, fair buildings. Port Perry Apply 14 Plue St, Oshawa, (126a) sorry 1 1 1 That's perfectly all right. The suit was too large, any. way. Agents Wanted EMPLOYMENT FOR TEN thousand agents for "Authentic Lite of Edison", Large illustrated book; low price; quick sales: big profits. Wonderful opportun- ity to make money, Write for free sample. Winston Co., To ronto. M-W-g Nov. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Womill, Opb. D. Eyesight dpecialist Phone 8318 1 have some good houses to vent. Furnished or unfur. nished in good localities. Apply J. H. R, LURE, Regent Theatre Rlock Phones 687TW----871 A BARGAIN For Quick Sale $385.00 in splendid condition. A 1931 Ford Coupe Telephone 23 COUGH STOP COUPON Take this and twenty-five cents to your Drug Store for a large bottle of Beatties' Cough Balsam Sold at | DRUG TORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 1" Simcoe 8t. 8. We Deliver | Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawe"s Mein Corner Try Ow ROYAL YORK Bread Flour 98 Ib. bag, $2.40 49 Ib. bag, $1.25 Made from selected Western Hard Wheat and every bag guaranteed. Hogg & Ltyle, Ltd. Phone 208 215p.m. 7.15 p.m. Lv. 0.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. ? SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West 833888 peas s PepanDy E553 PFPPIES 2883383 ¥ 8.30 p.m. 11,00 p.m. . .m, T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 12 or 346 Oshawa Wal m, 10 Prince Street Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers Bpoens oo SRS ---- GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastein Standard Time) P 2825 hone LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. PM. AM, P.M, 2.30 3.30 4.30 5. 633 di.20 s-Daily except Sunday. b--faturday, Sun. day and Holidays only. @--Sunday 'only, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Serviee Effective, Nov. 22nd EASTBOUND Lv. Oshawa, 855 a.m Except Sunday, 9.42 a.m. Daily. 44 p.m. Exc Dail 4.06 p.m. Daily. i.48 p.m, Except Sunday. 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday, CANADIAN PACINIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. ro , 1081 (Standard Time) East! am. om. Date: s .m. Daily, except y p.m. Daily, 59t Sundey m Toronto and West only~flag. 1] 36 13 12 2 54 - WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves Phone 2653. Heated Car Storage tn Fireproot Building te April 13th. P'rice $25.00 Cash Ontario Motor Sa'es Ltd. 86 King St. East he THEE Det Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 1926 Pontiac Coach 1929 Ford Coach in beautiful condition ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE Ring St. West. "hone 1160 REPAILL..G W. 1CL E> OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. , THE JEWELER : Official Watch Inspector fos Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads ie 20 Simcoe St. 8. "hone 180) 4 BOYS CORDUROY | BREACHES, double seat and double knee, $1 3 Ld { Special Domirion Clothing Co., A8 King 8t W Phone 2141 TOYAL YOR Te a 28 range . ekoe it Pays To Shop | Smart "Styles Perrin i | FRENCH KID GLOVES | | $2.35 to $3.00 & Celina 8t, |} TILLIE THE TOILER TILWE SAVE A FAREWELL | Party TO MAC'S OW FACE Last NIGHT BECAUSE § wo MUMSY hs HEART TM Gomes OVER To. Say GooD BYE To MAG TAKE C'S OPERATION Face - pet ddd Tome ~ AND PLEASE 7] OF "ou EVERY MINUTE, WHILE YOURE ANY. (124c) . COMBINA- tion Quebec, Victor phonograph . records; antique couch. Ap- ply 75 William St. W. length leather coat, 3 tre St. (126¢) lsh pram, Good as new. Reason Able. Phone 3915J. (125¢) GE in good condition. Apply 98 Yonge St. (126h) CH of mey's and migses' hoots with skal attached Nearly new. Phone Sa "H ullns, repairs, ete. Phone rge Reid, 66 Bond TELEGRAM, SIR! C-O-D SIR' ONE HO. HO' | MIGHT HAVE , KNOWN IT: \'T'H FROM MAGGIES BROTHER, v2 A 1] fife il iA

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