THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 uce ePrice onthe . . Commercial Markets . 3 Crea: 21 to ht No, ment poultry shippers -No, 1 large, color- govern & each . Over 3% to 4 the, . each . " Over 8 to $14 tbs. oac "Ducklings, white' over 5 11 w 4 to 5 ibs. .. ,, coloured, 2c 1 ay o8y. "0)d Roosters, over bs. .. .. dE 20 to 30c; Arsts 27¢; seer : opds, 23¢c. Butter « No. 1 creamery nts, 24c; No, 2 creamery ne Cheese = New, large, 13%c: Ltwine, 13%¢; triplets, nKe i stiltons, 15% ¢. Old, large. twine 181e: triplets, 18%¢; kX on the Winnineg Graip ge yesterday. Forged lig- fon, combined with heavy i gs by discouraged specu- Ee A ri Sot the market roll: 5 downward, and at the close ¥ or months showed Ee qr tem kor ie iy to 'sac; $38. ' | Ege hy an Bitove Side 3 ow. ba Oaty~No, 1 teed, 88¢; d, 340, { Gora--Btc plus do aut} edd, Bay yy - fli(ead---- (delivered JNontreal vel cluded. Bran, a. 5 RIaa8e per t , per ton, 30, oba Flour---Tirst patents $5, % Te ; Peocond t, 6% to i \ 88¢ oy SY Je day before." ee CEE Woy mH say. But I'm fp py Hed ALY 1 HAH pigs slow, largely $4.50 ' i Gh p-~ Receipts, 5,600; lambs, { pe lower good to choice, $6.75; between k SOLINA NEWS (Mrs. W. T. Baker, Correspons dent Solins, Nov, 24. -- Mr, A Hos erock was in charge of the wnday School on Sunday and the usual form of service was nsed, Ws Rev. J. R. Bick preach ing a ndid sermon on the wore upebold, " taking ss his text three verses with Behold in them. Behold the axe is 1aid st the root of the trée; Behold w manner of love the father hath on us; Pehold I set before you an open door and no map closes it but yourself. League on Monday night was in gharge of Miss Evelyn Tok Devotional topic was ts by ov J, R. Bick and a debate op dueation was taken by Miss A. lillson and Miss Helen Baker end Messrs, Hobbs and Dewell, Reading was given by Roscoe Paker and a pisno solo by Miss Helen Baker. Messrs, Thos, and John Baker and Mrs. J. D, Hogarth and Miss Helen Baker attended the Roy al Fair on Tuesday, Mrs. N. C, Yellowlees attended the convention as delegates from the women's institute held in the Roys! York Hotel, Toronto, Sorry to report Miss Murlel Baker as under the doctor's care. Clover thréshink is the order af the day around these purus Messrs. Job and Schuyler wil. bur returned with two deér on Sunday. Mrs, Arthur Drew apd Mrs. Terwillerar, Nehgwa, visited at Mr. H, E, Tinks, Mr, Thos, Taylor has sold his farp: and al] belongings, recent- ¥. Mrs. Ada Burke and Miss Ruth Rurke, of Rochester, are visiting her brother, Mr, James Moorey. Mr. M. Hobbs wishes to an- nounce the public rehool concert on Dee, -4th, in charge of Mrs. Rohb, of Orono. Let all who ean attend do so and éncourage the rupils. Silver collection at the door Program will consist of readings, dialogues and mixed choruses. Mr. and Mrs. George White spent & day with their daushter, Mrs, Clarence Tink, Maple Grove, recently. Messrna, Ralph and Alan Wilbur sment. Wednesday at the Royal falr, Messrs. A, Willlams and C. Howsam spent a day at the Roy- sl. Congratulations to Mr, Bruce Montgomery and Miss Elva Fer. guson on their recent marriage. MAPLE GROVE NEWS bn (Miss Marion Snowden, Corres. pondent) ' Maple Grove, Nov, 27, = Miss Plo duce Foley ntly - visited at Mark Blackburn's, Orono. Mr, Yona Funalcliffe, Oshawa, visited her sister, Miss Wright on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Freeman, §t. Catharines recently visited his iy Mt. Harry Freeman. . Jee Hamilton, Millbroox, vis tod her niece, Mrs. Lloyd Snowdén, on Sunday. Mr, Willam Laird and Mr. Jatk Brown recently visited | filends in Toronto, The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.8, will be held in the gait on | on Wednesday, Dec. 8nd, at Ra Young People's meeting was held on Wednesday evening, Nov 28, with Rev. H. C. Wolf- jute in charge. The Bible read. was given by Miss Eileen Hoc. or the Devotional Topic y Mise Ellen Gimblett, (] ne were asked to ballott for a new President, which resulted in the election of Mr, Ernest Twist. Miss Ruby Aldworth, 4th vice resident, was called on and the |B lowing en Sao was given: reading, Marien Snowden; solo, May Free reading, Rub Alaworth; ok, Misses Betty an Mildred 'Snowden; 'oF No "What Should the Reading | o Novels. do toy Me," Mr, Lr ot, Rev, and Mrs. Wolfraim. Miss Dorothy Stevens then Lise Fs he did in a very al ng for the co-operation of "a the Young ape to hel Thin our esgue es hee held ou arp ------ ota pans Tide bp od TO! e it oka which he ended d with par "Well, Sle. what wags it your "Sure, ma'am, I can't tell ATH Inds, $6.60 jen : -Sooee (hvomonis, 464%. $5.25, nw 'You see, I hadn tor to yd LSE ETHYL making the WORLD'S FINEST MOTOR FUEL To the supreme quality of Cyclo Motor Fuel there has now been added Ethyl, the celebrated "no-knock" fluid. : (J "This combination has resulted in a motor fuel that we confidently believe has opened a new era of engine performance. If you want a new sensation, fill up your tank with CYCLO-ETHYL. On sale only at Red Indian stations and dealers. Made in Canada by Canadians - - a McCOLL-FRONTENAGC Product