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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1931, p. 2

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"News of Nearby Places | MEETING HELD BY 'BROUGHAM. WMS. et bel Cooke 67.1; Greta Hunking 65.8; Eva Hazell 65.3; Warren Peters 61.6; Dearl Walmsley 61: a WARD'S 60.1; "Bertha Fufr 48.7 ¢ 7 : 79.3 | : 8 {8 Bice Laks oH Gladys ™C yd ap { ; I | : ey "4 J ' I | I = JI 3 BIG DAYS SALE Eupjes hip, ck Sanders PE] Ye es I. Timmins, GOES THE EXTREME LIMIT IN VALUE GIVING Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dee. 3rd, 4th and 5tk my Hart 85; Albert Rodgers 81; Eddie Ssunders 81; Gordon Kel- Christmas shopping at this store gets a great start off with our annual 8 Big Days' Sale. lout '80; Joyce Powell 80; Vernon Tho Store is jammed from cellar to roof with well chosen, keenly i Papers on Work in Korea Read by Members rs. T 3 5 , Nov. 30.--The W. ™ Brae John's held their No- | Wright 80; Kenneth Conlin 79; ember meeting at the home of | Bruce Ferguson 76; Dorothy 'Mrs Lauee Johnston, on Thurs- | Ross 76; Bobbie Sugden 74; Au- aby oon. For various res-|drey Terwillegar 67; Vivienne sons, a number of mem were | Hérn 61; John Prest 47. Ont. The president, Mrs. John | Sr. Tl.--Leons Grills 89; Her- Phittips, was assisted in the [bert Kearney 86; Eileen Rodgers ! devotional perloa by |80; Cameron Smith 79; Merla J eorge Philip and. Miss |Prest 79; Lillian Kelusky 78. sale The subject. of our |Lloyd Sweet 78; Alvin Seott 78; Thankoffering meeting was fully Sheila Lewis 77; John Richard- ussed and plans made to hold | son 77: Floyd Sutton 73; Cecil "ip the near future. A com-|Cooke 66; Wesley Walmsley 61. fete of 4 Mrs. John Miller,| Jr. IL---Arthur Etcher 81; Paul +. Johnston, Mrs. George Philip | Shelter 79: Patsy Kearney 78: Ne ! and rs Barclay were i Marie Shetler 77; Bobbie Valller " / to make the necéssary préepara- Hi Hélen Sonn 71; Margaret Ad Box of 3 «tious: for this important annual leming 6 WOMEN'S FLANNEL» ETTE PYJAMAS $1.00 Made from good quality softly nappeq flannelette in colors white, peach, pink and blue. Tuck-in and regular styles. Also fancy flannelettes coms bined with plain colors. Butten . and silk frog fastenings. Small, med- fum and large sizes, 250 Boxes Fine : Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs --C. BE. Williamson, Teacher. . Only two members of the gu on Korea were pres- Junior Room t, Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Jr. 1.--Melba Hornby 94; H. Soh Phillips, who both contrib-¢ uted interesting papers on their gybject. At the close, Mrs. John- ~tson and daughter served daipty "pefeshments to the afternoon's 'guests. Sirs, Lawrence Goad and Miss + Helen Barclay, of Toronto, visit - ad their mother and brothers on -~ Thursday. i C3 C. Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Robert, were visitors at the winter fair n Thursday. ug _ Bert Harvey was a Tor- onto visitor during the week. Mrs. Philip and Miss Brodie . visited Toronto friends during the week. stme of our people attended the commencement exergises at Markham High School on Friday yening. Mr. irant Malcolm of Galt, spent Sunday with his people bere, Our young people are busy pre- Hyne 93; Audrey Walmsley 90; Dennis Thompson 89; Ida Hart 85; George Jackson 85; Everett Wakely 84; Ross Allman 83; Don- gld Cordy 83; Annie Sm 82; George Kingsland 76; Grant Pe- ters 73; Betty Sweet 67; Ruby Marritt 64. 8r. Pr.-~~Orma Terwillegar 86; Dora Shantz 84; John Gooding R0: Kathleen Brown 78; Orma Walmsley 77; Rose Prest 73; Hel- en Brown 67; Stanley Hart 66; Keith Fletcher 56. Jr. Pr.--Gordon Milling 98; Avelean Wakely 86; George Grills 82; Bobbie Hicks 75; Teddy Hobbs 75; Bruce Kearney 74; Marion Spicer 55. Pr. "A"-----Margaret Thompson, Vida Walmsley, Arnold Etcher, Jackie Lees, Grant Hart, Mary Hazell, Ronald = Kelusky, Betty Glover, Dbuglas Hert, Eileen Wright, Hazel Vallier, Edward Garrah, Betty Kearney, Ernest ook --Eileen M. Souch, Teacher. J Women's fine hemstitch- § ed white lawn handker- | chiefs with dairty em- il broidered corners. An excellent variety to chooses from at just about half the regular 39¢ BOYS LEATHERETTE HELMETS With Goggles BOYS' LEATHER HELMETS 80c Chrome tanned real leather helmets with new adjustable gog- gles. Warmly lined with dovetine flan. nel. Triple stitching throughout. Sizes 6% to 7%. GIFTS FOR bought Gift Goods. extremely low prices for quality merchandise. IT'S A VERITABLE TREASURE HOUSE OF PRACTICAL GIFTS. Never have we had such variety---never such JAPANESE RAYON 20c¢ yd, LEATHER SPORT A full range of colors in both plain and brocaded. Width 28 inches. SILKS GENUINE CHROME JACKETS AT $6.65 Misses' sizes 14 to 20. Colors, GIRLS' Fancy flannelettes, com- bized with plain colors. Peach, blue and pink.-- Tuck-in styles. FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS 80c and regular Sizes 6 to 16. Black, Chocolate, Tan, Green INFANTS' piece back. WOOL JACKETS 89c EACH Such well made little garments that we expect at this price the fifty will go White with blue or pink. GIRLS' LINED LEATHER MITTS. REG. 75¢ for 49¢ PAIR Sizes 6 to 12 with close fitting wrist, one Finest Chrome laather. dark green and brown. and Navy, Made with yoke and two pockets. Absolutely the lowest price ever quoted for a genuine glove skin leather. Very quickly. NEW FASHIONABLE RFAL LEATHER PURSES AT $2.98 smart shapes in back strap styles. Made from the finest quality genuine calf- skin. Zipper inner compart- mont, coin purse and mirror. Colors black and brown, Very years, Made quality Colors blue, SILK PAJAMAS AT 98c " $1.49 WOMEN'S FANCY EIDERDOWN KIMONAS Reg. £3.95 for $2.98 Beautiful eiderdown in fancy pate terns, trimmed wth satin to match and cord gir. dle, Sizes small, medium and large. warm cotton Your Hosiery N2eds Can Be Suppli=d for GIFT LINGERIE NATURE'S RIVAL GIRDLES Reg. $2.05 on sale for 81.053 Heavy silk. brocaded coutil cloth. Elastic inserts and 4 hose supporters, Sizes 23 to $1.95 NATURE'S RIVAL GIRDLES AND WRAP. AROUNDS Reg. $3.05 on sale for $2.95 15 inch garments. Heavy silk brocaded cloth. Silk clastic inserts. 4 hose sup- porters. Sizes 26 to 381, $2.95 Both the $1.05 $2.05 garments are abso lutely new numbers just passed into stock and rep- resent the finest gatments made by the manufacturer. . paring for our 8.8. entertainment on the 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. John Liscomb swelcomed a little son to their ~Lome during the week, + Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cowie and "John, of Toronto, visited their mother on Saturday. The sincere sympathy of this .gommunity is extended to the i { s of the late Frederick i Btevenson, of Smithville, whose - death occurred during the week. ~He spent practically all his life here until recent years and mauy cap testify to the sterling worth "of his character, always interest. . work. of ; she church ardent advocate of prohibition. is las' {liness extended . over ny months. Mets Elmer and Donald Wil- » and family Sundayed with J ie Gerow and Mr. Beat i" Mr. John Gerow an 3 . 3 he Toronto, were village viel- Brother & Dad MEN'S SILE AND WOOL SOCKS 44c "AIR An entirely new value. Mostly in the neater patterns that men are favoring so much this season. Sizes 10 'o 113%. BOYS' WOOL GOLF HOSE 44c¢ PAIR There's excellent value in this sturdy wearing all wool Lose. Grey and brown heather mixture with fancy striped cuffs, Sizes 7 to 10. BOYS' LINED LEATHER MITTS 29¢ PAIR Made from pieces of leather left over in the making of leather coats. Warmly lined and made with close fitting wrist. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Colors brown, grey and black. BOYS' LINED LEATHER MITTS 49c¢ PAIR Made from Je and capeskin leathers with close fitting wrist. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Regular 75c¢ quality. MEN'S NECK TIES BOXED 49c¢ These new four in hand Derby shaped Ties are shown in a particularly fine as- sortment of new pate terns. Featuring the new color tones in brown, blue and mauve. MEN'S SILK MUFFLERS © AT $1.00 - [ Chinese Hand-made Pillow Cases Rayon silk and Celan- ese silk in. lain white The emoroidered designs, the lace motif and even the lace edge is entirely hand made. $1.37 and check patterns. Copies of designs made to sell at twice the price, . . o Madei:a Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases A beautiful pillow cases for the money Four very attractive designs. An excellent quality $1 | 4 of cotton, Pair . MEN'S IR 3H LINEN INITIAL HANDHFS. MADERIA BRIDGE TABLE COVERS, $1.88 each MADEIRA NAPKINS to match $1.10 per 3 doz. 25¢ BACH Fancy Dursey Scarfs The new long shapec 2 sale offerings that give you an opportunity to initial is featured on a fine linen ¢ambr'e. choose practical gifts for very little money. Each . All initials arc here for early gift shop- * Special Wool Blankets Made by Kenwood's at $4.65 Each pers. And no better value can be found Only a fow left and no more at this price, 80 x 80 inches, satin bound. Colors, blue, green, $4.65 +0. "anywhere. MEN'S COLORED gold and helio . oe Warm and good to look at Cotton Filled Comforters for $3.98 Very Little Money MISSES' FANCY WOOL WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE SPORT HOSE 15c PAIR j Reg. $1.50 Special for $1 2nds. of our regular 25¢ Mado expressly for "school triple x hose. Colors are girls. They.come in many | black, sand and grey. Sizes novelty check and fancy D to 10%. : patterns. Sizes 814 to 10. GIRLS' SILK AND WOOL HOSE Reg. 62c for 39¢ Pair Sizes T to 934. and fl>sh only. WOMEN'S RAYON HOSE , Makers 2nds, 25¢ Pair Reg. 59¢ quality, Colors ten. rose, black, gun-metal, light gun-matal, aloma and beachnut, LACE TRIMMED NON-RUN BLOOMERS 89c¢ These ars in the better qual. ity--Something that any wo- man would be pleased 89c | to accept BLOOMER AND VEST SET FOR $1.00 ' Fine run-resisting rayon in an excellent quality. Made with lace molif on vest and bloomers. Colors peach, flesh, nile and mais Sizes small, medium and large. $1.00 NON-RUN SILENIT GOWNS 98¢ A really wonderful value for the money. So many pretty styles to choose from that description. is almost impossible. Lace trimmed and tailored styles are in the selection. 98c ABILITY INHOME COLOR PLANNING W. H. A. Patte Respons-| ible for Many Smart Homes onds. WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL PLATED HOSE 49c PAIR 1st quality, Puritan mald silk and wool hose for win- ter wear. Comes in gon. motal, dask al; ma, becehnyt and me 0. izes 814 to 10. Colors nude |. When. a. citizen is. in-need. of pap- ering or panting service ior the wome, he or sae will uo well to con sult with W. HH, A. ratte. 'Lhs arm hus interior decorators, of un- usually hign standards and has gained a reputation both from an artistic stanapoin! «5 weil as prac- ucal. 'Lhe employees ave altogeth- ofs on Saturday. er experienced in pant and wall Mrs. William Ellicott 'was the | paver lines. In color narmony and presentative of our Women's Vuppropriate designs, their taste Is stitute at the W. I. Convention | unsurpassed. Lonsuitations ana es- Lheld at the Royal York week, ates are cheeriuliy given. 2 The C League dance . H. A. Fatte's stock ot popular s not as well patronized us [brands of guaranteed grades of ual on Friday evening, but all | pdints, oils, varishes ana stains is | an enjoyable - evening. most complete, so that one may Te purchasing committee of | select just taé material necaed for 'have recently puréhased 38 ine job. 'Lhis brand of paint has a jomes, which have heen placed |.usung finish not soufid in many Son library shelves, Among the | paints. , Exterior, commonly known lanthors are the f5llowing: Lewis las house pant, flat, screen anu trol, Meade, Douglas, porch paint all have tae same stand- RBDickens, Packard, Wilffam ard quality and durabuity. 'rhe ston, Guy Fowler, W. J. Karr, | varpish is of all ingredi- 4 Richard Garnet, Jackson |ents DecosshiX to make it an easy iGregory, Lorne Pierce, Archie | working, brsliiant, durable, hard dry- McKishney, Mazo De La Roche, [ing varnish. A B¥ayline Johnston, Edith Lelan | 'this nrm carries a heavy and S0roves, William A. Deacon and |varied assortmént of wailpaper. Artbur Reeves, Opaenheim, Peter | Jualities to suit every purpose, yne. Grace L. Hill, Wi. J.| which they are to sell at a ocke, Earnest Thom Seton, | much lower through buying Bdith L. Marsh, 2. Gvev, Jackson |iarge quantities, There one will G. Wells, Mark [nnd a wide range of quality of pa Swain, W. J. Locke, James O.|ér from a few cents a roll to sevér- ®Curwood, Reading for all classés|al doilars, thereby suiting, every Sof readers, also a fine list of [station in life. a subseribed for.|{ Year after year this firm is . Several numbers of [sought by the same old satisfied r Mechanics, Popular Seoi- | jatrans, who know them to be nce Forest and Outdoors, Avia- | pginstaking and dependable. Ope ) Canadian National Geo- rg > assured that the work will hic, y done i the most approved man- n interesting event to the [ner with the best of materials, 'ot Brougham took place Much commendations is due them the Christan church passed | for the satisfaction and workman- the hands of Mr. Frank Bar- | ship they give. Do you know in' y who will proceed dto wreck at year this business was estab- it and clear the ground, Lo hat ished? pace utiliz ' omni Jean go on | $3 ih Prizes given dally for hel er rHioh ha in. these articles Call the | above firm to assist you. (Five in today's issue) - 4 Br + Strong Fight" " Hawkesbury.--A "strong fight for the wayoraity seat was ex ected aere when the nominations showe that 38 Wags ana 0. Laveiie nee | Were nominated to contest the re- {election of Mayor O. Laurin. Fore J d, R FE A p Work + -- h 4 Girls' Board : Kingston: = The Girl Work d of - with . B, I. Eng Teo 3 nd, the Ww. $8C- ry for girls' work in this dis- ] n WOMEN'S (CASHIILOE AND SILK AND WOOL HOSE Seconds of 50c to 75¢ qual- ity. On sale for 83c pair. Colors gun-metal, light gun. metal, aloma and bsechnut. Women's Full-Fashioned SILK HOSE 69c 1st quality Monarch made hose in a medium service wel ht. All colors and sizes. and the Gift Boxes will be supplied without extra charge with all articles at $1.00 and over. A REAL WOOL BLANKET CLOTH KIMON\ FOR $3.85 WOOL KNIT JIFFY CAPS 39c These' attractively satin trimmed kimonas are made from Ayers' wool bed covers and are exceptional values at $7.05. They can be had in rose, 5 25 blue, green and mauve. In small, medium and large sizes, Each. ... ® We Tell You Here of Some of the Super Values We Are Offering in Household and Fancy Linens. Bordered Linen Lunch Cloths, 59¢ Each ize 52 x 52. Fine cram oyster linen quality with border in green, blue, rose or gold. Each 59¢ Black Sateen Card Table Covers, 49¢c Each Stencilled design in each corner in green, red. or gold. Edges bound with color to match. Finished with 9 tape at each corner for tying to tablé legs, Each 4 Cc 50 Only Fancy Rayon Silk Cushions, 32¢ Each Mads up from short ends by a manufacturer, who spec- falizes in bedspreads and comforters, The price barely covers the cost of the filling which is in a good mixture of cotton and kapok, ............ 39%¢ ) Woolcot Bsd Covers, $1.28 Each , This is only onc of the remarka.l: values of the sale. Each blanket is bound with satin. Extra large size, 66 x 80 inches. Colors are rose and white, green and white, helio and white, blue and white, $1 98 . 12/4 Ibex Blankets, 70 x 84 inches, $1.79 Pr. This as you know is the best flannelette blanket made in Canada. And this is positively the lowest price either before or since the war. White or grey with $1 79 . pink or blue borders. Pair . Rich Rayon Brecaded I ibrary Table Scarfs $1.00 Each Cushion, Tops and Rad's Tops to M:tch, * 69¢ Each Linen Crash Cushion Tops (with bzck) 49 Ecru color with stencilled patterns in attractive 49 colorings. Very exceptional value. Each Cc "KLEENEX" reg. 50c sizé for 33c pkt. Real Leather Purses - $1.00 GIRLS' FELT TAMS at 3%9¢ Men's Lined Capeskin Gloves $1 pr. Women's Lined Capeskin Gloves $1 Women's Washable Capeskin Gloves HANDFS, 8 for 75¢ We cannot get any repeats on this line, so you would do well to get a supply early. They are sold in box of three handkerchiefs only . BOYS' LINED LEATHER GAUNT. LEY Sloves AND trict. conducted 'a most ful MITTS 59c ly on acted v in ers Tan color only in size urth. The CG of G6 to 14 years. Gaunt. halmers, under the leadershin of let in heavy black pat~ Mrs. H. M. Snell, were hostesses ent leatherette with day. Ther bout star emblem. rls t. BOYS' WOOL GOLF the rally this year was and the study groups under five o oy yr ram in he leaders of girls' work, discuss this class se at 'Disarmament. P00 pute Ing Tooley 1 2 Acclamation greys, brown, as well ir. (F X ville--~In the Higioal nom= as heather mixtures ; Irene Vance-68.9; George |inations held here on Monday. the ow 64.9; Garnett Goyne 56.9, | present ¢ountil was re-elected by that with cuffs in patterns Mb: Sugden ¢ ect. 1 wht this mae ----- t ¢ council-elec! s 3 5s ation Broher Kin ot. Melutyray i rs alas Fleming 71.2; Ross elk, Arthur Miller, Ro. 71.1; Constance Peters |bert Dennison and August Schmil- Grills 68.4; Iso- ling. ; Extra Large Gift Bath Towels, 3c Exch A great mill clearing lot gives you this unusual saving. White with fancy stripes and border in blue, pink, gold lavender and green. Note the size 24 x 45 inches, 39 "Each v rT Cc Lustrous Rayon Bedspreads, $3.59 Each Each in a transparent package. This attractive rayon spread measuring 80 x 100 inches comes in very hand- "some brocaded designs. Colors are rose, gold, blue, mauve and ivory. Usual $5.00 value. $3 59 | Each . ° BORDER INITIAL Satin Panelled oe Double bed size. Fancy chintz back au der, with either panels or center of rich pl A gift that will be about as acceptable as apy thing we can think of for this money. Each by t ae b 7 Sapte ust wally Stet oid have bee A good sized cloth in pure white with striped or check designs with border all around. Size pattern in colors, Usually sold at 10c each 5c 2 x 2 yds. Reg. $2.95 value. Bach $2.39 Each , English Bath ats at 6c Each White Bath Towels, 18 x 36, 19¢ Each 1Good ium \ size and an excellent weight. Comes | A towel that feels and looks like double the money. in new attractive colori that will add a 69 Good generous size, Fancy multi-colored borders. 19 c touch of color to the 'bafiroom. Each Cc Fancy Wash Clsths, Only 5c Each PERE ER z

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