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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Dec 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1931 PAGE SEVEN" 4 If it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will do it geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vic- toria St.. Oshawa. Phone 94 Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist GR FT, BRYANS OF 160 Noor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Dru store each Saturday from 1 til 4 pam, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose throat only. Appointments be made at drug store. Phone JAR - Undertaking {UKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST Fast. Ambulance Residence 542 Simcoe Street North. Phone 2101 and 210W. -- OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service dav 4 1 ight. Phone 1082W. 87 BY i fa (4tf) chitects ¢ C STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectutal work. Second floor Roval Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phone 9091. Auctioneer PHONE 716), W. J. SULLEY. Au. oneer, 346 Simcoe St. S.. Osh- awa, Ont. Special attention given furniture sales and to household 1 farm. stock and implements. Your patronage solicited -- FLMER WILBUR, LICENSED Auctioneer, furniture, farm stock. jmplements a specialty, Terms moderate. Phone 1648 r 24, (29 dec ¢) ments 1973 = (15 may 1 mo.) [ORENE ~ JOHNSON, HAIR- drassing, 92 Church St, Marcel ling 36c and finger wavifig 50c. Phone 2188J. (14 dec ¢) (135a FOR RENT---5 ROOMED HOU: in Harmony in .first class condi- tion. Possession Jan. 1st, For in- formation phone 1588W, (1354) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR- dressing and Beauty Zulture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg, Oshawsa, On- tario. (23 nov tf) BESSIE BURTON BEAUTY shoppe, formerly "La Parisienne". Marcel 50c, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00, 512 Simcoe Street South, (over Anderson's). Phone 171. (24 dec ¢) LILLIAN McLEAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 35c at your home or 735 Albert St. (28 dec ¢) "YELLOW BIRD" HAIRDRESS- ing Shoppe. Marcel 35c. Hair cut 15¢. Mrs, H. Dafoe, 137 Ritson Rd. S, Phone 1255F, (8 jan c) egies Articles For Sale FOR SALE--DRY BODY WOOD, $3 14 cord. Mixed wood, $2.75 14 cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F. (8 jan ¢) FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard, soft, mixed slabs, Phone 2423W, 115 Annis St. (2 jan ¢) ORDER YOUR COKE FROM Preston Coal and Coke Co, Phone 572 or 2551J. All orders, hall ton and over welghed city scales Small orders promptly filled. (135¢) Watch Repairing ih F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 41% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ with rental $1.00. Repaired and res built, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St.. Phone 960. Hemstitching JIEMSTITONING, 7 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop, 4614 Simcoe S. Phone 1656, ve n (5 iy 31) Transportation CATTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Special ists in furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip" ment. Phone 82. = # HORROWDALE, CARTAGE sontructor. Local and "13g diss ince vauling, loads insured. 609 Tarnegle Ave. Phone 1618. TWO THOUSAND EARRELS apples, price $1 barrel and up, Spies, Mcintosh, Talman Sweets, Baldwing, Starks, Snows, Joun Pallock, one mile north of Whit- by Post Office, Lindsay High way. (19 dec c) FIRST CLASS DRY CORD wood. 90% maple, $12,00 per cord, delivered. b50c extra for stove length, J. H, Lawson, phone 723-2, (10 dec ¢) GOOD DRY BODY MAPLE wood $3.50 single cord delivered, Cheaper grades, also cartage any- where anytime. Call 3109J. 79 John St. (17 dec ¢) HARD AND SOFT WOOD, FIVE to eight dollars per cord at bush, (Delivery extra), North east of Courtice Corners. Fence posts, radio poles and timbers. Apply 3, Foley, phone 717, Bowmanville or Mike's Place, phone 622, Osh- awa. (18 dec ¢) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.60 per truck load delivered, Phone Essery Bros. 3142J, (21 dec ¢) Private Hospital -- Rest Home : SUNNYNOOK, WHITBY, REGIS. ered Nurse in charge. Confine- nents, and all patients requiring sare and rest Two dollars dally up. Inspection invited ' (29 dec ¢) FOR SALE--BODY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple. $3 single cord. R. Christy, 281 Elm Grove. Ave. Phone 1979W, i (25 dec ¢) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in attendance, warm r ms, terms r ble. 80 Brock St, W. Dancing Lessons STUDIO OF DANCI ARTS, BAL- et, toe, tap, acrobatic. Classes 'or babies, "children, adults, Pro- 'essional talent supplied, Phone 795. 20% King Street West, (18 dee c) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on matters of import ance, 93 Louisa St. Phone 20361. Business private, (2 Occ' ¢) SCIENTIFIC MADAME MAE, Palmist. Commercial Hotel, 2 to 9. (135d) 7 Radios Repaired TADIO SERVICE REPAIRS done on all models, Work guar- anteed. Prices reasonable. Tubes tested free in your home. Bat- terles recharged. Phone 2806W. Certified radiotrician. _ (21 dec ¢) EX ADIO SERVICE all makes of radios, Work fully Phone 2293; (30 dec ¢) Wanted to Buy HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of raw furs. Phone 81 Whitby or drop me a line. I Stein. (21 dec c) GOOD CLOSED CAR, WHERE player piano would be accepted as part payment, Balauce in cash, Phone 271. (130¢) * Music Lessons IBOGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN: is', choirmaster, Simcoe United Chzrch., Examiner, Toronto Con- servatory of Music, Plano, organ. singing, Phone 8128. Residence T66M. (28 dec ¢) MARION KE. ROBS, A.T.C.M., voice production and . singing. Phone Ne 6 Studie Johns Plano Co. (3 dec ct Pets and Livestock BOSTON BULL PUP FOR SALE. A nice Christmas present. 248 Park Road South. (134b) zuaranteed. Tubes {3-ted free. | FOR SALE--80 BA RRED ROCK National Radio Service S186M. ; Kies Apply during day to 610 : 48 jan ¢) | King st. East. (1850) FOR RENT---ONE 6 ROOMED FUR AND FUR COATS RE- paired, remodelled and relined. Also scientifically cleaned by ex- pert furrier. Also fur supplies. 119 Huron Crescent, Phone 632M, (7 jan FUR COATS MADE TO ORDER. brick house on Mary St. Newly | Furs repaired, remodelled at decorated. All modern conveni- | moderate prices. Mrs. G. Hicks, ences, Apply Bradley Bros. 143 Prince St. Phone 2373J or " (134¢) | J. H. Wilson, Melrose 5229, Toronto. (7 jan c¢) Auction Sale FURNITURE SALE WILL SELL by public auction in Hampton, formerly the late Chas. Stone- house property, on Saturday, Dec 12th, the contents of a six room- ed house, Sale at one o'clock. No reserve, Terms cash, Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneer, (131-1334) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF HIGH class furniture, at 251 Bruce St, screenings that can be purchased Coal Blowers gystem that positively burns coal from $5 to $5 per tou. The savivg will pay for the outlit in a short time. Phone 1214 and arrange to sce this new device in opera- tion, We alzo sell motors, blow- ers, controls. ete. Acme Coal Blowers, 161 King St. W,, Osh- ava, (10 nov-1 mo) Awnings Oshawa, on Saturday, Dec. 12th, 1931, the property of the late Mrs. Marlow, consisting of the entire household goods among which are 8 tube Kolster radio, Williams plano, chesterfield suite, dining room suite, wicker chairs, writing desk, 4 pieced walnut bedroom suite, 2 pleced walnut 'bedroom suite, number of other beds, Beatty electric washing machine, tubs and stand, refrigerator, electric stove and annex, vacuum cleaner, electric polisher, Congoleum rugs, dishes and cooking utensils, other things too numerous to mention, Sale at 1.30 p.m, Terms cash. George Reid, WwW. J. | Must be experienced, AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR- paulins, repairs, ete. Phone 2104, 66 Bond W. J. J. Representative, (25 dec ¢) & Sons, Turner Work Wanted SINGLE YOUNG MAN WILL: ing to work for board and room. Do anything and anywhere. Box bh Times, (134¢c) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--GOOK, GENERAL, Apply be- Sulley, Auctioneer. tween seven and nine p.m, Mrs, (134¢c) | H. P. Schell, 377 Simcoe St, North, (134c) Lost and Found LOST--ON THURSDAY, DEC 3, one spool solder. Addressed Ont, GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK. (Good plain cook, Must be experi- Shore Gas, Oshawa. Finder kind- ly communicate with Hoar Trans- port. Phone 2929, (134c) enced. Apply Mrs, A. OQ. Felt, 5S1 Simcoe St, N. (134b) Notice LOST--BIG SCOTCH COLLIE dog, long nose, white chest, dark yellow on back, Answers to the WILL PERSON WHO REMOVED white ficers' Spanish shaw! from Of- Mess, Dec, 4th, please re- got in trouble as a result. But he jst must have one cg at least one. if it could be obtained. So Unc' Billy lett Runty, his small | son, at the edge of the Green For- est with strict orders to wait for his return and made hi his v on the edge of d. the Old Orc He felt sate enough there for there were bushes all along the old wal anl plenty of openings between the stoncs into which to creep should an enemy appear. When he reach. ed the end of the old stone wall he had a short distance to go acre ai open space to reach the henhouse But it was dark and Unc' Billy 1 quite sare, However before he lef the old wall he sat for awhile list- ening to make sure that Bowser the Hound or Flip the Terrier was not prowling about, Sure that ti was clear, he 'shuffled over t« vat ) the henhouse. He went around three sides of the house looking for a hole, but there was none. There wasn't ever a hole under the house, Unc' Bill siched. "Ah reckon," he muttered, "that Ah done to climb that got WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR .! Marcel; Permanent and | Finger Waves | Phone 2633. & Celina St, | Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Room and Board ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted, Central, Large rooms. Private home, Phone 526. (134¢) Barber Shop GUS BANK'S BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St.,, corner of Ash. I there | it C | | 1 { i CHEESE PROVED 10.45 p.m. 1 A. GARTO 0 p.m, T. A. N, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, Special Busses For Reasonable Rates and GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) FA Legal Dental For Rent : TRICE i 3 : FOR T--APARTMENTS, 1F ea orage a CONANT & ANNIE BARRISTERS | DR, 5. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- | FOR RENT--APARTMENTS, 1F R t F , Heated = 3 tag =p 3olicitors, Notaries Public. Ete |sett's. Special dttention to X-ray | you are looking for an apart a es or » A yng . Bu ing "onveyancing and general practice | work. Gas .xtraction. Nurse In at- | ment we invite you to inspect the oie April 15t b. Tice $25.00 1 Law. Office 7% Simcoe Street. | tendance. Phone 959 House 1312 | Victoria and Simcoe Manor. They Classified Ads : Cash South, Oshawa. Phove 4. G. D. | ce are thoroughly modern, also very WelITBY. AWA. BOWMANVILLE Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Conant, BA. LLB.: A. F. Annis. cleanly ond the reut. are low BUS LINES 86 King St. East «9 BA. LLB. DAVIS AND SON. INSURANCE, | Managed by Bradley Bros. Week Day Schedule WE. N SINCLAIR, KC. BANK | 19 King St West, Oshawa. The old- ; (18 dec c) First insertion-- 14 cents (Effective on and after Sent. 2, 1931) A of C rce Build est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 re- | FOR RENT--HOUSE, MODERN word. Going West : JOSEPH P. MANGAN. B.A. BAR- put.ble Fire Companies. conveniences, Rent reasonable. Minimum charge for one in- PN: w : Leave Leave Arrive. Asrive eesti rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con- | WHEN PLACING INSURANCE | Apply 35 Gibbons St. Phone sertion 80c. --_-- owmanvifle, Osawa Whiths P gE veyancer. Money to lvan. Office | consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe St. | 2611J. ' (133¢) pei BEE -7903°> = < : Each subsequent consecu- y rmton ¥v. burgess 0 i 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone | North, Your insurance wants at- | Syr=SvpnNG ROOM TO RENT tive insertion 1 000 om 100 am. 10.45 am. c YY fo 445, Residence phone 837. tended to and vour interests pro- : . Net on" 1c per joN am MBs. 04; am. 12.40 J ° : CRIERSON CREIGHTON & [tected near Motors Office. Breakfast and word. UNC' BILLY'S DISAPPOINT. (fence. Ah certainly hope there is a] Ab25m 2ilom. 2pm. 1246pm. 4k Prince St Fraser. Barrister, Etc. Bank of | SUN LIFB ASSURANCE COM- supper if desired, Apply 1910J. Three consecutive inser. MENT way into that house irom inside Zs pan. 315pm. 330 pan, ince § Commerée Bide. pany of Canada, Dominion Bank (133¢c) tions for the price of two I think more frequently than not that fence." a ; +9 pm $11 im, 1 feng Bom Oshawa On [OUIS S HYMAN, BARRISTER, | Chambers. Phons 1834, Zlex. 3. | THREE LARGE ROOMS FOR first insertions (three [| T77t disappointment is my lot. So Unc' Billy climbed up to thel 5B 720m. smpm, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's | Ross, S. F. Everson. rent with hardwood floors and cents a word). --Unc' Billy Tossum. jon of the wire fence around thel 935 pm. 1600 p.m, 1015pm. 10.30 p.m. ". Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe (15 oet tf) | garage. Apply 311 Division St., or |B Mintmom charge for three ~~ henyard and then elinthed down oa] HB pm 0 a rah Yue 1 Street North, Phone 67. Resi- | {ANTED--MAN TO LEARN | Rhone 158TW. (133¢) insertions 60c. It is the same way wilh most of | LC." . : ant ole way tate way mathed * hroug 0 1926 Pontiac Coach : dence 3473W. fire and automobile insurance | APARTMENTS, MODERN, 3 AND Box number 10c¢ additional. us. 'Disappointuents are a part of | over hin at all. When he reach- | Le La YN Avveson Oe a GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- | pusinses. Not under 25 years of | 4 rooms, low rentals. Phone Dis- Patines peat cop t life and more often than perhaps we | oq the ground he hurried to the a Wane Oa ye 1929 Ford Coach +: risters, Solicitors, Ete. 24% Simeoe | 100 Apply Box 7 Times, ney 1550 or Supt, 2347TW. re pe or Bb think they are the best thing for us. | 0,500.0 Ho i a straight hid i 6.30 am, 650 am. 7.208.m, in beautiful condition 3 St. N. Phone 3160. "Residence 3514. od "© (1330) (13310) ards, $2.50 per month I'he little people of the Green Mea- [vie Tittle sliding fovea where the Ham 70am. 15am. ROSS, AMES AND GART- z Monev. to loan, 5 AG for 20 words or less, 10 dows, the Green Forest, the Smiling | jens were he Shae Nam. Ar80am Of yA z Money.t TY FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM cents a word per month or the Ling. Pros the oni {hens were in the # going in iam, 934m, 9334. sHonp FRANK &_EBBS, BARRISTER. Beauty Parlors and bath apartment. Reasonable I oT Rd: ar i Dosim. ore jond out. He ku He Weim imam umem || King St. West. Phone 1160 | Solicitor, Notary Public. Canvev- | ooo TY PAR rent. Every convenience. Apt. No, re pot tries | 1d entered 1} LI i Him E ancer Money to loan. Third floor BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR. | 1 ite used to disappointinents, They But it wa ; part way open Jp 43 9 15 p.m. a ee Al or Bing Soo ite Post | Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, | %» 161 King St. East. take them as a matter of course. | ot enough. to at} way ov n, Ls pm, 2.45 pan. Ar, 350 p.m, n 3 : EY ee Rhone 2096, $10.00. "Naturelle Method" Miss| ne __ (134¢) one Oitgg they learn from them. You | ip. tried to slide it fully open. but | opm. AR0m or ST HENNIGK. DA BARRIS | Elsic Dyer, Montreal. operator, No, | FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- know you can learn from disap- iy would not budge: There was | z4 £1: pm. EPAIRING pe tor. 1214 Simeoe St. South, Tele- | 3 marcel specialist. Marcel 50c. | room with all conveniences, Cen- pointments, Sometimes I am lead | something | t that kept it) PEs Eisp R 7 : { re 5 3078565 i Finger Wave 75c. Expert operators | tral, Phone 2329W. Ask for Classified Ad to believe that more is to be learn- | yon, open farther. Unc Billy 0 9.55 piv. WATCHES phone 307 "0 (ep sept th al Snes oof buitdressint, (135¢) Department ed from disappointments than from} .,,14 ict i nose in. but not i | Siem Wism. Nsw Uw OUIt SPECIALTY vi EE Ji ody : "(8 avi 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- $652 Bite Poses 1 cet hia | more. He could hear the hens ' ! NDF Medical CENOSHA Ti RD he keeping. Suit couple. Phone h ac Billy Fo gd Jad 5 Lhe ing on the roosts as now and the Leave Soioa ot x ). J. BROWN b 1 ae -- ---- rT 4 / / LOSE a y nr. dderd reiting i {Irom | enough ¥ : r wateh' ta Bo : DRT] TAZLEWOOD, PHY- | pastors. Betty Ward and Grace | 3338W. {135a) - Farmer Brown's henhouse, Hi was | o oinough 10 0 panville Oshawa Whithy If your watch is not giving' bg sician and Surgeon, special atten= | Marchal, experts in all kinds of | $20 RENTS COSY 6 ROOMED Furs Repaired eg hungry. Yes, sir, he was egg smell vgs | Sar 9.30 a.n 9, mn gatisfaction we can repair ie given to X-ray work and Boscty 'Culture. Our permanent | house. All newly decorated. | so ~ i SEL hunery, He knew that the wise Ml en caRs and make it tell the correct 5 Flectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block | wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.50 and | Hardwood floors. Central. Phone | FURS REPAIRED, REMODEL | thing would be to turn his back on : { time, =. 0 Phone 2030, Office open 9 am. to $10.00. Finger waye and shampoo | Holden 371W, (135b) | led and lined, 40 years' experl- | that henhousc and get away from THE JEWELER Pe 0 vom. Residence 421 Kinz Street | $100, Marcel 50c. Facials. scalp | fGUSE TO RENT, CHEAP, AT | ¢P¢® fur trimmings by the yard, | temptation as fast as his legs could | | Official Watch Inspector for §5 Zs 416 vent ¢ vie nofiet } fn TH Fivuaitd/ Ate AL collars and cuffs. Fur coats $25 |take him. He knew all about that | Canadian National and Osh. }. Fast. Phone 2416, treatments and planityres. Coffee | co Bloor E., near foot of Albert EL ig, PUL coats jake pb Je | oll a : Natior , R 3 PHYSICIAN, SUR ance, hone appoint | ¢ , mg vr Q up, Littuer, $6 Simcoe . renhouse and the risk of visiting it, | : | awa Railroads ji DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SU Shoppe entrance 0! PPO! St. Apply 785 Albert St. (28 oct 1-mo) | He had been therc before and had Oshawa Bowmanvil 20 Simco MS Phone 188 15 Jd m A > 1 $ BOYS" CORDUROY BREACHES, double _seat and double Special , 10 Prince Street All Occasions Careful Drivers Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Id. 1 Phone 2825 CUTE. We LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO sire w AM. PM, AM. P.M t | n6.45 2.30 6.30 2.30 1 he co | a7.30 3.30 7.30 2.36 & t v 8.30 4.30 8.30 4.3 LE, 2 13 + SROYAL YOR he 10.30 6.30 10.30 6.30 % 1.30 b7.3 11.30 7.36 2 » M., 8.30 P.M, bs.30 ang hi avait. 1 | 12:30 19.30 12.30 9.30 P e Quay | 1.30 10.30 1.30 10, ehoe | din.20 » | +--Daily except Sunday. day and Holidays only. he next Being Small CANADIAN NATION Effective, EAST! 8.55 agn E STRONG EVIDENCE - Lv. Oshawa, Mass, Train Service Nov, BOUND b--Saturday, Sun- d--Sunday only. Halt Pound Pkg. 28 t all Superi Stores AL RAILWAYS 22nd xcept Sunday, Boston, When four | 9.42 a.m. Daily, - Cambridge meu were arraigned (144 pm. Except Sunday. in Middlesex District. Court | 12,35 P = Dats, charged with larveny of a cheese, 12.45 a.m . Daily. an air of mild amusement was |, \ WESTBOUND i noticeable. Those present appar- | Yahaws, iam. ently heard jokes about cheese | 6.26 a.m. EATON GROCETERIA j and being of a humorous turn of 4.06 Pm, Daily. 3 mjnd were willing to concede its | g » p.m. Except Sunday, H of T 4 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday, t Pays lo Shop val the ue light topic. When evidence was produced, how a8 a CANADIAN PACIVIC RAILWAYS Here Always ever, the attitude ' changed to something a bit more substan- Effective Nov. 22. 19381 tic Judge Arthu P. Stone (Standard Time) was seen to turn his head as if 9.95 a.m. pao in deep meditation, Attorneys 2.40 Trenton Local Daily, ex. Sun, rh-- and court attaches pushed back x4.18 p.m, Daily, ---- Lhe has tinued ple pec giv its in a cell, where it continued to demonstrate the wisdom of the adage that iron bars do not a prison make, holidays side and my wife wanted the sea- The evidence ir chairs. The cheese was 1.05 a.m, Dally, tily removed and the case con- Sd Big after the four defendants aded not guilty. Although the ligree of the cheese was not en, there was no doubt as to age and maturity, Was Flag. 3.1 m. ly. 7.32 p.m. Daily, mE.54 p.m, Daily, i impounded ! wm Toronto and West o x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only-- ; Westbound aily, except Sunday, Smart Styles Perrin FRENCH KID GLOVES $2.35 to $3.00 LAMBLE'S # nly-flag. 'Where did.you spend your this year, old man?" I fancied the country- 90 Ib. ba 'Well, First Class POTATOES cPHOMPSQ DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS g, 50c Stock name of "Collie". Reward for re- | turn same immediately to care-| All haircuts 15¢, on Satu ; 5 . ; 7 ne ) y § rdays | side, so we went to ti seasid HOGG LY Re jun, 4 Y. Pogson, R.R. No, 1, | taker, Armouries. 20c. Wednesday close at 1 p.m, and spent all' i, "ime ee ; & Le LIMITED North Oshawa, (134h) v (134b) (10 dec ©) | firestde,'" i Ngo 1¢ Simcoe St. S We Deli TILLIE THE TOILER > By Russ. W re ' TH Cicer out ro FALL PLESE| OH, HELLO, DICK - WHAT'S t GUESS \M NOT l i WELL, NY EAH, BUT DICK ne Bon, 3 i er -- ar BE : THAT" You CAN'T TAKE boyd Cg i ears WON'T BE THAT TILE " : Yoong ME TO THE DANCE TOMGHT!| | Bick FuST RANG UP re aoe] |} way winen HE SEES rg C THIS 1S A FINE TIME TO _AND TAD HE COULDN'T LOOKING HOW HANDSOME MAC, - HIM HAVING 3 be 4 TATE ME FELLOWS > , ©1911, Ki HIS FACE BEAT . OUR. EXCcuseE., Gooo- Ye! IMAGINE TELLING ME AT "THE LAST MINUTE THEY /RE T™ oO NDE PEM - OENT BRINGING UP FATHER YES-THIS 15 MRS IGGS~ | J NO! MRS: LARCENY HASH CHANCE To GIT GONE OUT SHOPPING: [il THAT CORNED SHE DIDNT SAY WHEN SHE WOLLD RETURN- NOW ARE You? U NOW ME [BEEF AN! CABBAGE OUT OF ME ROOM BY GOLLY! TS N IN MY DRESSER DRAWER FER TWO DAYS-'M LLCKY To || GIT IT NOW - [1/2 or oN AI 8 \ - pA V-- GOODNESS! AUFFERIN' CATS! BACK SO SHES COMIN IN. SOON? HERE - WHERE m WiLL KIN f HIDE? . = OM! | HAVE SUCH Be l A HEAD -ACHE-=! e DECIDED NOT To GO: THINK A NAP WILL DO ME GooDn- 2 1951. IFT ettere Sarvioy Joc. Groat Britats vighis seamed MRS-JIGGS ARE ; YOL SURE 'M NOT | [id A NICE INCONVIENCING PICKLE | MR-JIGGS~ BY MIN 2 USING HIS ROOM? | N m 86) > i NOT A i BIT! IS T\NVED = Re. Labia

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