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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1931, p. 10

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an to 18ec. 8.0 (8 Ibs. each 204 to 21 j THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1931 oduce Prices on the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) S-Toronto Fim he are buying uce at the following prices: ;s-- Ungraded, cases return- 'fresh extras, 38 to 40c; fresh 33 to 36c; seconds, 20¢; t extras, 28c. Butter--No. 1 Ontarfo cream- solids, 213 to 22¢; No. 2, ec. hurning cream---Special, 21 .22¢; No, 1, 20 to 21c; No. 2 heese--No. 1 large, colored. fined and government graded + paotations to poultry shippers . 88 follows: 2 Grade" ng chickens, over 6 Ibs... Over 5 to 6 Ibs, Alive Dressed 21-24 18-22 17-20 i SARE Ah Dver 43% to 5 Ibs, each Under 4% Ibs. each 12 ot 3c less than milk-fed flers, 17 to 2% Ms. 14 er 14 to 13 20-22 18-20 s firsts, 41c; seconds, 2¢; pul- y ing turkeys, =. - over 12 4 24-19 , 10 to 12 Ms... 22-17 .,, 8 to 10 Ibs... . 20-15 18-13 18-13 15-12 13-10 17 15 13 hens and toms .. 13 ted hens, over 5 Ibs. 5 Over 4 to 7 ™s. each on "Over 3% to 1 5° Ibs each... .®=Over 3 to 3 £ Ibs. each 19 Ducklings, white, over 6 Ibs....... Do., 4to5 Ms... Do., colored, 2¢ less Old rooscer?, . Bb Is. Turkeys ge Market price. Guinea fowl, over 2 Is. ..... (Belling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in car- toons, 48c; fresh extras, loose, 46¢; firsts, 41c; seconds, 25¢; pul- let extras, 3c. Storage extras, 29¢; firsts, 26¢c; seconds, 22c. Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, 24c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 22c. Cheese--New, large, 13c; twins, 13%c; triplets, 133c; new stiltons, 15%¢c. Old, large, 18c; twins, 18%c; triplets, 184%; stiltons, 203c. Poultry--Chickens, 5 to 6 Ibs, 30c Ib.; 4 to 5 Ms, 27c; 3 to 4 tbs., 26c; under 2145 Ibs, 32c Hens, over 5 ™s., 23¢c; 4 to's Ibs, 22¢. Ducklngs, 25 to 28¢, Geese, 20 to 22c. Turkeys, 30 to 32c. 12 18 10 16 47 11 15 15 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET quotations, The following are Lawr- retail, in effect on the St. ence Market, Toronto: Produce-- Eggs, extras, doz... Do., firsts, doz.... Do., pullet extras. Butter, dairy, Ib. Do., creamery, ™. Fruits and Vegetables-- Apples, bus. 1.0 Bananas, doz .. Cranberries, qt. Grapes, 2 ds ...... 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.32 tO BO 53 a CIES R esses e 0 0.25 von 0.50 0.30 3 25 0.40 0.25 0.50 0.18 Oranges, doz, .....= Lemons, doz. ...... Pineapples, each ... Tangerines, doz. ... Beans, green, qt. Broeoli, bunch Brussels sprouts, qt.. Celery, head .... Chicory, head Cucumbers, each Cress, 2 bunches Cabbage, doz. Green peppers, 3 for. Eggplant, each ..... Herbs, bunch ...... Lettuce, head .. Mushrooms, Ib, Onions, basket ..... Potatoes, basket .... Parsnips, bag ....s¢ som. Radishes, 3 bunches.. ...,' Squash, each Tomatoes, Ib, ...:.. 0.10 0.15 0.25 "os TORONTO HIDE ANY WOOL Toronto dealers in hides, wool and tallow are quoting the fol- lowing prices to shippers, for delivery at iocal warehouses: City hides, green, 3%; bulls and brands, 2¢; country hides, green, 2%c; do., cured, 3 to 3%ec. City, calf, green, 5c; country calf, green, 4c; do., cured, 414 to be, City veal kip, 3e; country vez. kip, 2¢; do., cured, 2% to 3c; country grassers kip, 1%c. Horse- hides No. 1, $1.35; No. 2, 8b¢; No. 3, H0c. Wool--Flat, free of rejects, 7c pound' rejects, 4c. Tallow--No, 1 solids, 11; to 13 c 1b.; cakes, 1% to 2¢ lh. Horsehair--20c per 1b. CARLOT POTATO MARKET Toronto dealers are quoting for Ontario potatoes on track, To- ronto, 33 cents per 90-pound bag. HAY AND STRAW PRICES Toronto dealers are paying for hay and straw, baled -carlots, delivered per ton: No. 2 timothy ..$12.00 No. 3 timothy .. 10.00 $11.00 OFA oOBPNaRPMTNN A) Cy € r v t 18 1 BASSES WENONE NE 5 NEADS © NOMEN NE © NE NSNE NE MENEAME MONEE O 5 2 Special Christmas Offer 00 Down Sends a Radio to Your Home. All Sales of Radios Sold on a » Money-Back Guarantee Join our PHILCO CHRISTMAS CLUB ERE'S the "hottest" in years -- an idea that's easy on the pocketbook--puts you to the minimum of trouble, and gives every member of the family 100% satisfaction--not only for the moment, but for a long time to come. 5 JUST PAY A LITTLE EACH WEEK AND WE WILL DELIVER YOUR PHILCO for 7 TUBE HIGHBOY $99.50 (use STH TUBES You know the reputation of the Philco for 'value, for performance, for appearance. We want to make this the happiest Christmas ever, for a lot of people. We believe this isthe way to doit. Let's get together NOW. "Good for This Week Only --So0 Act Quick! Wehad to ib fime on an amaz offer. Don't miss i If you haven'ttime to see us y ----come in Jonight. Framen. ber, a jimall weekly pay. ment de amy" hice you del fo goin Ru gmasingly easy A i vw) gift idea 7 TUBE BABY GRAND O $79:50 (Ts 5 BN BN SIE BARS HES BSE PHONE 1075 1 I NS EET NWRA Wheat, straw 6.50 Oat, straw TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision deale's are quoting the following prices to local retail dealers: Pork hams, 11 to 12¢; should- ers, 9%ec; butts, 1l%ec; loins 12¢. Cured meats -- Long, clear bacons, 50 to 70 1bs., 18¢; 70 to 90 1bs., 17¢; 90 to 110 lbs, 16¢c; lightwelght rolls, 18c; heavy- weight rolls, 17c. Lard--Pure tlerces, 9%e; tubs, 10c; pails, 103z¢; prints, 10 to 10%e, Shorteniug--Tierces, 10c; tubs, 10c; pails, 10%ec. Special pastry shortening-- Tireces, 15¢; tubs, 15%c; pails, 16ec. BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, Dec. 10.--Hogs. 2,100; dependable trade to all interests; weights above 220 lbs. strong; 170 to 210 Ibs. steady to 10c Jower at $4.90; 225 to 250 ibs., $4.60 to $4.75, 120 to 150 Ibs. unevenly higher," $4.25 to $4.50. Cattle, 250; virtually nothing done on steers; cows steady; cut- ter grades, $1.25 to $2.50 Calves, 300; vealers changed, $8.50 down, Sheep, 1,100; lambs rather slow; about steady; good tn choice, $6.50 to $6.75° medium kinds, $6; throwouts, $5 to $5.50: fat ewes, $2.25 to $2.75 "2.00, un-~ TORONTO GRAIN Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for = car lots: ' Manitoba wheat--No. 1 69¢; No. 1 Northern, 663%¢; 2 do., 60%¢; No. 3 do., 59c- 4 do., 66¢c (c.f, Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No. 2 CW. i) | | | hard, No. No 37¢; No. 3 CW. 26%ec; No. feed, 33c. Manitoba barley---No, 2 46c. Argentine'corn, ble¢, plus duty; South African corn, Ge, plus U.S, funds (c.i.f. Bay ports). | Millfeed delivered Montreal | freights, bags included-- Bran, per ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton. $22.25 widdlings, per ton, $30.25. | Ontario grain--Wheat, 61 to t4c; barley, 40c; oats, 21 to 24c; rye, 47c¢; buckwheat, 40 to 42c. wi NIPEG GRALN Winnipeg, Dec. 10.--~Continued indifferent support and lower quotations at Liverpocl sent wheat prices down for the third consecutive session in the grain pit here yesterday, At tke close values were 1% to 1%¢ lower, Scant export sales were not suf- ficient to offset the decline at Liverpool and reports of moisture over the Winter wheat belt of the United States. Eelling here by Chicago interests added to the weight locallm while Brads'reet's estimate of North Amer'~an ex- ports this week, coming smaller than expected, augmented the bearish news of the day, A pref- | erence for No, 2 Northern feat- | ured cash wheat trade, Cash Prices Wheat --No. 1 hard, No. 1 Northern, 59%c; Northern, 64%¢c; No, 3 North- ern, 50%c; No. 4, 47%c; No. 5, 13% No. 6, 40%c; teed, 38%c; | track, 68%c; No. 1 durum, | 73%c; screenings, per ton, 50c. Oats--No, 2 C.W,, 30¢c; No, 8 C.W., 27c; extra No, 1 feed, 27c, No. 1 feed, 26¢; No. 2 feed, 24c, rejected, 20c; track, 30c¢, Barley--Malting grades; 6- row ex, 3 C.W,, 40c; 2-row ex, 3 C.W., 39%c. Other grades: No. 3 C.W., 87c; No. 4 C.W,, 34%ec; No. § C.W,, 33¢; No. 6 C.W.. 31%c; track, 37c. Flax--No, 1 C.W., 97%¢; No 3 Cw, 92%¢c; No. 3 CW, 4%c; rejected, 74%c; track, T3%ec. Rye--No. 2 C.W., b7 b9%e: No. 40c, OLD SLEIGH NOW ON EXHIBITION Was Made in Paris About 1720 for Montreal Gentleman Montreal. -- A sleigh made in Paris about 1920 for a Montreal gentle- man and recently in the possession of a lady in Scotland, has been loaned for exhibition to the Mon- treal Art Association by E, W, Beatty, President of the CanaMan Pacific Railway. The sleigh was given him, on account of its Cana- dian connections by Mrs. C. H. Munro-Ferguson of Assynt, Evan- ton, Scotland, whose family had owned it for some time. Little is now known of its history nor of how it returned from Montreal to Scotland. A record, which formerly existed, was burnt while the own- er's house in London was occupied as a club by South African troops in the war, The body of 2 sleigh is of carved wood and is "carried by wrought iron supports on wooden runners, There is a seat for one passenger and a saddle seat behind for a servant, for whom there are foot rests on the top of the run- ners, By the side of these are two spring levers which could be pressed down by the servant's feet. These probably had spikes or forks at- tached which could: be used as brakes on hard snow. The paint on the body is now black. A drag- on's head, which forms the dash- board, is green with a golden mane and its mouth and tongue are red. All the ironwork and sdrolls on the wood are gilded, Both seats are covered with brocade, now brown, although the original colour must have been (crimson. Six carloads of soup were shinned West last month by an Eastern canner, EASTERN C:{TARIO NEWS Club Has Small Deficit Renfrew. ~The annual meeting of the 'Renfrew Hockey Club held in the Temperance Hall was well at- tended. Minutes of the previous an- n° meeting were read and adopt- ed. The treasurer's report showed a small deficit this year, H. A. Jor- dan in retiring from the presidency of the club thanked the officers and players for the splendid sup- port accorded him during the past season. Broke Good Record Pembroke.--For the first time in a neriod of 56 years, A. J. Fortier, Pembroke's veteran former town clerk, who is still clerk of police c¢ urt and secretary of the Board of Health, did not participate offi- cially in the municipal elections here. Tor 45 years he was return- ing officer and for 10 years subse- qu=ntly he acted as a deputy re- rnmg officer, a pasition he was unable to fill today because of a re- cent illness, from which he has not yet fully recovered. Narrowlv Escaped Winchester.-- While driving from Gananoque to Winchester on the Ottawa- Morrisburg highway Robert Howe and three companions, all employes of the Johnston const: ¢- ti panv Gananoque, narrow- ly esc---d death when they failed to make a turn about three miles south of Winchester Springs. The se ds an in which they were driving hed "through a cement bridge an Wd plunged into a creck. Would Separate Town Ottawa,- Separation of Eastview town from Carleton County was favored ia a plebiscite held Mondav, Th. ratepayers favored the separa- tion plan by a majority of 365, and legislation for the move will be sought at the next session of the Ontario Legislature. Rob Service Station Odessa. --Tt was learned in town on Mond. morning that several rallons of gas and some oil were ken trom the Red Indian Service Station at Odes ssa on Sunday even- ft It is 1derstood that the ves forced 'the son of the lessee DODD'S KI ON EY" oy, PILLS _ R FIAT RN : LL KIDNEY to pti the gas in the car and to add oil, and in leaving the area in front of the service station one or oi the car was almost pulled off. Expect Busy Station Kin~-*- | -- Indications are that the winter season just setting in will be a busy one at the drydock . the Kingston Shipbuilding Com- any; J. F. McMillan, manager and secretary-treasurer of the company, intimated that a number of vessels "1 enter the drvdock following the close of navigation. Dairymen Me®ting Kins <ton.--The annual meeting of the I° rymen's Association of East- ern Ontario is to take place on which occasion The Whig-Standard I'rophy emblematic of the best cheesemaker in F rontenac district, will be presented along with a num- ber of other special prizes Aged Minister Dead Peterboro--Rev. William - Henry Buckler, for fifty years a minister of the United Church of Canada (formerly Methodist) died at his home in this city Monday night Mr. Buckler was born in Cardiff, Wales, seventy-five years ago. He adurted from Victoria College and was ordained to the ministry in Pet- erboro in 188] Discussed Bridge Kingston.--At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held Wed- nesday evening at eight o'clock. two matters of outstanding imnortance vere discussed. One of these mat- ters w s the proposal for an inter- tional bridge which woulc i touch ata 'tnear the city of Ki n, Has Third Yorm Cornwall --Aaron* Horovitz was returned mayor of Cornwall for his thi-' m over the only competitor, Rene A. DD 's, present second de- puty reeve, by a vote 2018 {o 1,539, a majority of 479, of Is Liftin~ Buoys Kingston, The steamer Concretia cleared on Tuesday morning for the Bay of Quinte to lift the buoys, thus mark- ing the official close of navigation in these waters. After the lifting of these aids to navigation the ves- sel will probably clear for Prescott and lay up at that port for the win- ter, government Erratum: -- In. the October issue of the New Bulletin, Winnipeg was referred to as the leading slaughter- ing and meat-packing centre in Canada. This should have read Western Canada. "The best tonic for the Eastern | h.siness man at this time is a trip | nto Western Canada where he may | {see for himself that conditions are ar from being as difficult as most of us think them to be." C..O illman, President, Imperial Oil Ltd, Toronto, after trip through | Western Canada. FUEL PROBLEMS ARE NOW SOLVED Blake Wilkins in Splendid! i: Position to Give Service Blake Wi ilkins,* Bowmanville, with all kinds of years substantial a more establishment, Ibis firm der nands a specific stand- | in order that | ard from the miners, | has | uccessiully supplie ed this community of fuel for a number He does a large volume of business and is yearly building for meatest correct answers to questions in these articles. Call the above firm to assist you. | Chree in to-day's issue, Spe population of Saskatoon, k., has increased 678 per cent. 1921, and 38. 3 per cent since uehler ros. Ltd. 12 King E. Phone 1147 it may maintain this standard to its | customers, fect coal; very little units, coal qualities ar By placing os of the season one is a very substantial say ng, It aims toward the per- coal with few clinkers, as} ith # at reasonable prices. VOC 1d ssured as well any pec have experience tat and every spri their coal order have not already call Blake Wilki s its trucks s at all t iver pays to d summer ha licated, nes ¢s when pro other si s ble for it ity. The have had in the coal rained know ed orly | this are able rons a Il make Perh been respo busine ledge t} experience ex They at can be nd tt 0 secure for its putation is increased it of Je not oes ai please, as ; ot st at orders AT firn Ly h and maximum: heat | erful burning s order in ady ance | of al as | having coal in 'the bin when needed. | learned throug h | do this ve If vou | our order | is company ns in readi- | de- | aps no | for reliabil- t 1s no won- FRIDAY - SPECIALS | Fresh Dressed, Drawn Boston Butt PORK ROAST Machine Sliced mw 20C BEEF TO STEW Ib. 10¢ Prime Rib Rolled ROAST 19¢ & 21¢ CHOPS PURE LARD Smoked {@ CHICKENS i 29¢ £90K0D BEEF Ib. Shoulder Ib. 121/ 2C 9c COTTAGE ROLLS & DUCKS Ib. 10c Lean Boneless VEAL nw 17€ Any size piece. CHEVROLET SATURDAY, Santa, To Get Them "And Be Sure, At The Rexall Store" REMEMBER OUR BIG VALUE IN Christmas Cards 20--All different cards with envelopes, Total value if bought separate $2.45, Box of 20 g8c¢c Soap Box and Puff Box. Pink or Blue. $1.50 Baby Sets Consisting of Brush, Comb, In TOILETRIES Every woman thrills at the preparations in the chrome black packages. Face Powder, $1.00 Talcum, 35¢ WHAT A THRILL A SET OF JASMINE They're reasonably Jasmine Creams, 50c each WILL GIVE! sight of these new Jasmine plated boxes and white and priced too. As'ringent, $1.00 Perfume, 50c Bath Salts, 60c in matched decks. $1.00 per pack. DOUBLES $1.49 SINGLES 75¢ Bridge Cards Playing Cards, bridge size, of brilliant colorg and modern- istic design. May be purchased Regular MANICURE SETS Most useful of all access- ories of the tollet.. Cutex Sets are most complete, Compact Set ...,.....00¢ Five Minute Set ....8$1.00 Travelling Set ......8$1.50 Marquise Set ......$3.00 COMPACTS Intricate designs and bril. liantcolors combine to make an alluring diray of Xmas Compacts, DuBarry ...cec.0...8150 Cara Nome ....¢...81.00 Debut ....8$6.00 and $3.00 Jasmine ..cei0000...81.00 Yardley's ..vv000...81.00 Powder and Perfume Sets friends by giving him a Rolls Razor Imperial Model $6.95 OeLuxe Model $8.95 Make him the envy of all his Devilbis Perfume Sprays with matched glass jar for powder. In jade, black and Lavender sets. $2.50and $3.50 KODAKS For a genuine thrill give a Camera or Kodak. Hawkeye Camera Special 98c KODAKS $5.00 up The favourite, year after choosers. LAVENDER TOILETRIES by YARDLEY Every conceivable combination may be found in our stock beautifu'ly boxed, awaiting your selection. year of thcusands of gift Shaving Set Consisting or Rubberset Shave ing Brush and 50c¢ tube Klenzo Total value Special Shaving Cream, $2.00. $1.19 FOR BOTH Gift Stationery Just the proper luxurious touch to the gift of fine Sta- tionery. Drop in and see our big variety: Jasmine Stationery ....$1.19 Correspondence Cards, 35¢, 50c, and $1.00 Portfolios 30c¢ to $1.85 Boxed Stationery 383c to $3.50 ELECTRIC Heating Pads Hydro-certifiell, reliable single Heat Pads, in colored - wool Jacket $2.96 SHOP NOW WHILE STOCKS ARe COMPLETE EVERY PURCHASE COUNTS AS VOTES IN THE DOLL CONTEST | AT THE REXALL STORES KING E.--PHONE 28 JURY & LOVELL SIMCOE S.--PHONE 68 ANY PURCHASE PACKED FREE FOR MAILING

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