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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Ontario and Durham County News | B= COLUMBUS NEWS Mrs. T. Cook, Correspondent) Columbus, Dec. 8, -- The Young Peoples' Leag~- held their regular neeting Wednesday evening, Dec, 2, with Chas. Wannan presiding. The Scrit are lesson was read by Miss Jessie: Ormiston. After the devo- dons an interesting program was put on, th subject being * "Educa- tional and Rural faders Dr. Cooper gave a brief address on "Citizensiup"., Miss Winniired Cage lick read an excellent paper on, "Th- Home in Rural Life," while Stanley Webber Rave a very inter- esting paver also on, "Essentials of Christian Leadership." A aquestion- sire was held afterwards on the question of the evening. Miss Marion Pereman sang a verv fine solo to the delight of all. It is in- spiring to ..otice the interest being taken by the voung people in the work of the League. On Vriday evening 4th, the an- nual meeting of the, Live-wire |: class, was held at the home of Miss Greta Pereman. There was a large stendance. The meeting was open »d by. the president, Alvin Spencer. The election of officers was held, ths part being conducted by the pastor, Dr. Cooper. The following officers were elected: Chas. War- man, President; Doris Nesbitt, vice- president ; Mary Lambert, secre tary; Greta Pereman, treasurer; Alyin Spencer, and Doris Annis, ex- ecutive: 2A. M. Cooper, pianist. Dr, Coo~er was nominated for teacher for the ensuing year. Greta Pere- man, treas., gave a very fine Fans. of finances, showing a balance on the right side. After the business part of the meetine, Miss Eva Co" took charge, putting on some in- terestin~ contests and ofmes to the enjoyment of all, Refreshments were served and a hearty vote of thanks was given to the tess. Preparations are under way for a grand Christmas entertainment wider the auspices of the S.5, on © evening of the 2ist. Be sure and come. = Mrs. C Laycock, Toronto, is visit ne her sister, Mrs. Lorne Cook. Mr. A. Murison Stewart and Ross visited at Markham on Sunday. KEDRON NEWS (Miss Beatrice Mounties, Kedron, Dec. 9~Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lee attended the ment at Bowmanville High School one evening last week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Osh. awa, were recent guests of their cousins, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pas coe. Conlin's School Christmas Tree and Concert will be held on Tues- day evening, Dec. 22nd, when a ~ood program will be given. Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Scott were host and hostess on Thursday even- ing last, to a number of thew friends. Progressive Lost Heir was played, Mrs. F, W. Lee winning the Ladies orize and Mr. C. W. Hoskin the gent's prize. On Tuesday even- 'ng, Mr. and Mrs. Scott were again at home to about twenty-five of their friends. Mrs. Everett Mount. iov being successful in winning the Ladies' prize and Mr, Ross Lee the gent's prize. Mrs. Scott served a dainty lunch and a splendid time was enjoyed by all, Mr. Fay Conlin spent a few days with friends in Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Mackie, Brook- lin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Inrvey Pascoe on Saturday. Miss Kathleet Conlin and Master two tone 6 for 25c¢. Next Post Office Pre-Christmas Inspection Christmas will be here only too soon, We sre ready to show you our gift lines now, All the big things are here ind at what prices, i lines are about .one half those of a year ago. The two tone ivory is going at a fast rate on account of our special prices. 'Fancy!"--==mirror, brush and comb in Wouldn't you like to look these things Also don't forget the large assortment of Canadian Artist's Christmas Cards at 5c each; 24 for 98¢; or An early inspection and early selection will give you the best of suggestions and the best choice, Karn's Drug Store THE DRUG STORE FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING -- ------ Ivory, regularly $8 to $10, at $4. over? Phones 78 and 790 #, ., and Three Packages of OLD DUTCH" \{ Dutch Cleanser --the modern Keep it handy at times in the bathroom, kitchen laundry. There's nothing else it;you don't need several styles kinds of cleaners. Think of this ? convenience in Old Dutch; 's all youneed for all your cleaning. Quicker--quicker than any- ng else you can use. Help your- if to mare time with Old Dutch, Cleans Safely--becauseit contains no harsh, chunky grit and doesn't scratch, Old Dutch protects the surface. Keeps lovely things love- ly. And it's kind to the hands. Healthful Cleanliness--is brought tyourhena by GidDutch aces | removes nvisible with the visible dirt. It is economi- cal because a little Old Dutch goes a long way. MADE IN CANADA "2 LISTEN ' fo the Old LOUIch Ohi avarp Mdfday, fod-y} the Columbia Broadcasting System, Tene in Toronto Station CFRE 8:43 a. m. Standard Time * Old Dutch Molders, In & in Colors! ip out from three Old Dutch Cleanser _ divactions. /Aail these, together with 10¢ 8 over appearing above the reneand 0 Piit out coupon tedey. Cudahy Toronto, Pleas find oJ eg.ang , .. labaly for 1 A Werks 64 aero, James Love are holidaying this we~k at Mr. S. Conlin's, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crossman visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jay, Oshawa. ; Kedron 8. S. scholars are lookin, forward to their Christmas tree ai concert on December 23rd. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy returned fiume on Monday after spending the past week with relatives and friends in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Croseman spent a few days last week at Williamsburg, ) Haydon, Dec. 9, -- Mr. and Mrs, Stapley Byam, and daughter Olive Goodwood visited at Mr. David Graham's, Mr, Graham re- turning home with them for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. L. Disney and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. J. Wright's and Mr, Richard McNeil's, Mrs. 8B. Grant and sons Bill and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Stoe and son, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at | Mr. A. McNeil's, Mr. and Mrs. family, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Arthur Read's and Mr H. Ashton's, Mr, Gordon Beech and Miss Mabel Beech visited their sister rs. Austin Larmer, Burketon. Reserve the 21st of December for the Christmas tree and con- cert A programme of dialogues, choruses, drills, recitations, will be given by the scholars of the Sunday School. Admission 15 and 10c. Church service Sunday was well attended when our pusior Rev. A. M. Wotten, preached an- other one of his good sermons, Reserve the date Dec. 16th, for the play entitled "The Road Baek" which will be presented by the members of the young peo- ple's League, Admission 25¢ and 16¢c. Music between acts, Come and enjoy a good laugu, SEAGRAVE NEWS (Mrs L. Scott, olf, Correspondent) Seagrave, Dec, 8--On Sunday after- noon, Dec. 6th, there passed away at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Be Coone Gibson, widow of the ate Wesley Gibson, formerly of SHaras. aged 65 years. The late Gibson was very highly re- spected: a kindly and loving AA ition, many friends mourn the de- parture, but confident she has been called to be with her Lord, whom she loved, ever looking onto Jesus who doeth all things well. The late Mrs. Gibson with her family moved to Toronto some few years ago and had been in very good health until some few weeks ago, undergoging an operation which re- sulted in her death. There are left to mourn the loss of a loving moth- er, five daughters and four sons, namely: Ray, of Trehern, Manitoba, Jay, of Port Perry, Arthur, of War- saw, Ind, Howard of South Bend, Ind., Mrs. Johnson of Lindsay, Mrs. Cookwell, of Oshawa, Mrs. Butt of Pickering, Florence and Winnie, of Toronto. The funeral service vas held from Trull's Undertaking Par- lor, Danforth Avenue, Toronto, on Wednesday, Interment at Salem Cemetery, Mariposa, Ont. lhe deep- est sympathy goes on to the fam- ilv in their sad bereavement, The service in the United Church on Sunday evening will be in charge of the Rev. Mr, Mellow, or Manilla, Rev, Mr. Green will take charge of his work at Manilla, Mr. G. Ewen accompanied by Mr. C. W. Moon and iss Norma Moon spent Sunday in Toronto, the latter remaining with her aunt, Mrs. C Wallace, whose little son, we are sorry to report, is under the doce tor's gare, a speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock and family, of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Shunk, of Seagrave, spent Sun- day at Blackstock with relatives, Mr. and Mrs F, Harrison and son Gordon and Mrs. R. S. Long, of Myrtle, Sunday guests of rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone spent the week-end with relatives at Oshawa, Mrs. N. Wilkinson and daughter, Grace, Mr, and 'Mrs. C. Down, of Oshawa, recent visitors of rela- tives. Mr, and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family Mr. R, Owls of Port Perry visiting Mr. and Mrs, 1. Irwin on Sunday. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Clarke, December 7tlv, a son, both doing well, Gongratuiftions. League on Tuesday evening was well atténded, with the President, Bert Wanamaker, in the chair, The meeting opened with devotional exercises, Mrs. H. Eagleson read the Scripture lesson, after which » if i interesting debate was neld: esolved that intemperance is a foe ter evil than war." Affi.mative arion Eagleson and E ¢ Mills, negative by Iva Reynolds 1a! Rov Scott, won by affirmative, Mrs. Green, Miss Una Sleep anil Mr. dgar Butt acting as judges. 'be meeting closed in the usaul way. Owing to the funeral of the late Mids Gibson, the Woma i's As- fio meeting has been postaon- ri until Thursday afternoon. SOLINA NEWS (Mrs. W, T. Rak: Baker, Correspon- ent) 7. Deus, Doe' 7.~~Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown entertained about to of thelr friends on Wednesday when all had a jolly time, A au ud Mrs. Norval Wotten ed 8 dance at Courtice on br ay night, r. A. L, Pascoe is attending Gaunt Counell at Mr. .and Mrs. H. , and Mrs, J. T. Rundle, Mrs, R. J. McKessock, were in Thornton's Corners with Mr, Edgar Pascoe oh Monday, ] Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Langmaid, Oshuwa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs Geo. White. The Epworth League meeting | nesday evening, J. Kennedy and | CHRISTMAS "Gifs | Moderately priced gifts are to be found in abundance in Felt Bros. Upstairs GIFT ROOM Entrance through Main St 12 Simeoce Street Scuth was in charge of first vice-presi- dent, Hymn 247 was used in opening, followed by prayer by Rev. Mr, Bick. Hymn 37 was sung. Mr. A, P, McKessock took up the devotional, John 156: 1-8, Piano duet, Misses - Evelyn and Jean Millson. The topic which had been prepared hy Mr, George Millson was read by Mr. Lem. Westlake, Roll eall was an- swered by some splendid quota- tions, Reading by Miss M. Sott. Vocal trio was then pleasingly 1endered by Harold Shuttleworth, Mr, George Werry and Mr, Will Nicholl. A hymn was then sung in elosing and the Mizpah bhene- diction repeated, Messrs, Thos. Will and John Baker and Mrs. John Baker were among those who attended the anquet held in the community nail in Newcastle in honor of Mr, Hepburn, the new leader of the Reform party. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmald attended the banquet in New- castle. Mr. John Baker has been {p- speeting Shorthorn cattle around Lindsay for the Victoria County tale, In last week's church news we omitted the splendid services of the male choir, They sang two gocd numbers. Library Treasure Come to Auction London---~Two Caxtons; an im- portant Shakespeare collection; a remarkable Fifteenth Century manuseript; an autograph note- Look of Voltaire, and a letter from Katherine Charles V, sures to he found in the cata- logue of the late J. T. Adams' (the well-known Sheffield polish manufacturer) library, were sold at auction here on December 7 and 8, John T. Adams, of Ecclesall, Sheffield, polish manufacturer, governing director of Adams' Po- lish, Ltd,, a well-known collector of rare books left $700,000, In his will Mr, Adams directed that his books MSS. etc., should be valued by Messrs. S8othebys, who thould dispose by publie auction of such of them as his daughter CGwendoliné Adame, did not ffle- sire to retain, The first of the books from Caxton's press is the largest copy known, and one of four remain- ing in private hands, of "Cord- yale, or, Four last Things, trans- 'ated from the French by Earl Rivers," 1479; while the second Caxton is 'Christine' of Fisan, The Fayttes of Armes and of Chyualrye," 1489, also one of four in private collections. Both, however, are imperfect, but the imperfections of the latter are supplied in facsimile, A First Folio The Shakespeare collection in- cludes an unususlly good exam- ple of the First Folio, 1623, want ing only four leaves; an extreme- ly fine second impression of the sccond Folio, 1632; the first col- lection edition of the "Poems," 1640; and twenty Quarto editions of the plays, To this collection must be ad- ded the only perfect copy known of the first edition of Thomas Lodge's "Rosalynde; wmupuues Golden Legacle," 1590, It was this pastoral romance which sup pplied Shakespeare with the ground plan of "As You Like It." With the exception of Jac- qugeés Touchstone. and Audrey, nearly all the characters were Lorrowed from Lodge, though some of their names are changed. This copy, when bound in with John Lille's "Euphues," 18617, brought £210 in 1801. The only other example known of this edi- tion and that lacked four leaves, wae sold in the Britwell Court sale (February 9, 1922) for £960. Voltaire Note-Book The Voltaire notebook con- sists of anecdotes and notes writ- ten during the great Frenchman's sojourn in England round about 1727; while the Katherine of Ar- agon (Queen of Henry VIII.) let- ter, written in Spanish to her nephew, the Emperor Charles V. (February 8, 1534), relates to the subject of her divorce. In this letter, which brought 800 in. the Fah sale, 1911, atherine ent: 'he. Emperor, as the only fr! .6 has in the world able to a.4 lier to obtain justice. On March 23 sentence was given by the Pope in a secret consistory at Rome that her mar- riage was valid, but the English Parliament had already declared Anne Boleyn Queen, and herselt Princess Dowager. The sale at Messrs, Sotheby's of Aragon to | are a few of the trea- | Museum, litrie attention Mix the following In order givens. Curent lsi% BAKING POWDER BISCUITS BW. Foy Cups Seeded ttm RIB ROASTS 17* package eR Four ups" Soar owest Be sul'e it's fresh wD 21S) Lennigrad, and brought a to- Plum -- 5 Fa © fe p23 MH of 9 20 MN attracted tal of only £2,280 16s. A collec- tious of 28 pleces of Scythian jewellery brought £28Ff (Museum Van Oudheden); a Hellenistic golden sepulehbral diadenm, £48 (J efevre); and a Hittite statu- ette in electrum, £136 (Savill). In an adjoining room, the first of # two days' sale of books and manuscripts, frowns various sour- ces, brought a total of £3,673 17s. A first edition of James Bos- well's "Dorando, a Spanish Tale" 1767, sold for £82 (Elkin Ma- thews); and a copy of Vincent de Beauvais's "Le Quart Volume de Vincent Miroir Hystorial," 1541, bound in brown calf, in Paris, for Peter Ernst Count of Mansfeld, and Prinee-of the Holy Roman Empire, during his deten- tion there (1652-57), when Par- ielan binding was at its zenith, £520 (Gabriel Wells). SHIPPERS BENEFIT BY SALES IN U.S, MARKET The "turkey" is the "bird of the Gay" all over the United States on Thankegiving Day, the third Thursday of November, The market on the other side being firm, Canadian shippers have sold there to advantage, While there fs a 10 per cent duty on turkeys going into the States this was more than offset hy the prevall- ing exchange situation, Where the shipper had the foresight to sell at the Buffalo market price and instruct payment in United States funds deposited in a Buffalo bank, he profited by the prevailing pre- mium of around 12 cents on the dollar for United States funds. The deposit of United States mon- ey transferred by bank draft to If it is somet ing for Christmas, we have it; don't overlook our special priced lingerie and some lovely purses $1.95 up, or maybe a scarf. We have a high grade of Hose, two pair in a box for $1.75, and Sunday evening dresses from $9.95 up. Only a few coats left at $12.95. Call in and we will be pleased to help you with your Christmas shopping. If we haven't what you want we will get it for you. 15 KING E. ¢ or PHONE E 3355 Cansds gave the shipper the hene- | it of the prevailing premium, LY) IN] rN Go THE FOLLOWING METHOD IS RECOMMENDED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PLUM PUDDING RECIPE: Lea: eqps and milk together in separate bowl, then mix all dry ingredients, add to seme mix. ture of egpe and milk. Butter bowl well, filling tlree ports full (so as to allow reom for pudding to ewell), wet a cloth in hot water, wring out slightly and flour well on the inner side, tie cloth securely over bowl, then place in saucepan or other utensil, having three parts of bowl inp BOILING water, cover tightly with lid, and heep boiling con- stantly until taken out (this is important). more carefully from BOILING hettle, replading lid immediately, When water gets low, odd Boll three to five hours, according te size of pudding, SPECIAL PEAS ON DOMINION STORES TEAS RED PACKAGE DOMINO - RICHMELLO Cups GOLDEN TIP THIS WEEK Ib. 29¢ 1b. 39¢ Ib. 53¢ 1b. 65¢ DOMINO BRAND MEALED Cottag MIXED IAL PRICE DUNDAS CANNED VEGETABLE SALE Good Quality NO. 2 TIN CORN pen TOMATOES = 2 Tins 25. 2 15e vomggon 1s. 2D Sour. Milk oe Three Baking MEATS e Rolls FRONT QUARTERS ONTARIO LAMB - THICK RIB ROAST CHOICE PORK AND BEEF SAUSAGE ib. 17e ib. 12V5¢ 1b. 11c i. 13¢ Ib. 9%5c Soda Fruits and Vegetables Good Size Seedless ORANGES LEMONS Dozen Seedless GRAPEFRUIT CRANBERRIES Pound HEAD LETTUCE GREEN PEPPERS 4 i. 2 for 2 for Sirloin Steak On Sale Friday Only CHOICE FULL SLICE 1b. J 8c SNOW APPLES Basket COOKING APPLES. Basket 1-LB. PRG, McCORMICK'S ROYAL ASSORTMENT BISCUITS SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE GOOD BIZE 25¢ PRUNES PLUMP MADE IN OUR OWN BAKERY XMAS PUDDINGS 555. == 69. SEEDLESS CURRANTS 2 ums. 2b¢ we. 15e RAISINS Aver. RECLEANED "TASTY" ALMOND ICING un. PEG. 20¢' COCOANUT snmEp. OR DESS. LB. 19¢ DOMINO ... A COFFEE TO SUIT YOUR TASTE -lb. Pkg. 29¢ RICHMELLO ............... IIb. Tin 43c SELOX--The Speed Soar .... DOMINION'S WHERE Pig. Me | lemon. RICH, DARK AND FRUITY OMINIO +» STORES Li» PLAIN OR "CED XMAS CAKE © 35¢ 1 cup sug Up jugd rs walter teaspoons ornstarch ie blesp So butter Boil su il sugar, t add cornsta N= A anon and gra d aS Gi ed QUALITY SR

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