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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Dec 1931, p. 2

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7" s ier v Gg 0 BE A PPI NI S29 Berio wu on 7 y i BRODKLIN MAN DIED THIS WEEK (Miss Elinor Mackey, Correspon- : dent) Brooklin, Dee. 10.--Mr, Noel Lade, of Kingston, is spending a few weeks at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. D. Nesbitt has re- turned to their new home near this village, / Brooklin vicinity was saddened on Wednesday when one of our best citizens, Donald White, was laid away at Groveside cemetery. Mr. White was fn his 72nd year and was born where he lived till hig death. He had been failing for some time, but it was mot until the last twb weeks that his friends realized his time was short. Mr. White was a man be- loved by all his acquaintances as a man of integrity and kind dis- position. He leaves a widow and four sons, Clayton and Russel, of Ottawa; Ralph, of Newmarket, and Gordon, of North Oshawa. He was an elder in the United Chureh and the pall-bearers were his fellow elders. The Busy Bees Sunday school class held their monthly meeting at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Bleke DeHart. The meeting open- ed with hymn, "We've a Story To Tell To The Nations," followed by the Lord's Prayer. The minu- tes of tho last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was responded to by "A household Task." Several matters of busi- ness were discussed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss E. Mackey. Ruth Bickle will take charge of the meeting. Miss Edna Thompson gave a very inspiring address on "'The Three Hebrews." The meeting closed with hymn, "I Am Thine, O Lord," followed by the class prayer. The rest of the evening was spent in contests, after which a daintv lunch was served. The Women's Association held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. D, MeDonald with ithe vice-president, Mrs. F. Holli- 'day in the chair. After the devo- itionals and business were tran- sacted, a brief but impressive memorial service was held for the late Mrs, Agar, president of the association for the last three years. Miss Boyd gave instrumental solo, and Mrs. N. G. White and Mrs. Lockyér a duet. It being our annual meeting, the following of- ficers were elected: President, Mrs. F, Holliday; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. E. W, Pascoe; second vice-president, Mrs. A. C. Elliott; secretary, Mrs. G, Balley; treas- urer, Miss L. Mowbray; pianist, Mrs. E. W. Pascoe; assistant pia- nist, Mrs. C. L. Mackey. The Women's Institute held a social evening in the basement of the church on Friday night with a gobd attendance, Mrs. Batty, convenor of the committee in charge, is to be congratulated for getting such a splendid speaker as Mrs. Corbett, speaking on "The Romance of Old Songs," and having different ones in the audience/ singing some solos, duets, quartette and all singing together. A luncheon was served and a social hour spent. MAPLE GROVE NEWS (Miss Marion Snowden, : Corespondent) Maple Grove, Dec. 10--Mr. R. R. Stevens and Miss Ida Stevens spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Rav Snowden, Toronto. A number from here attended the banquet tendered to Mr. Mitchell Hepburn by the Durham County L'berals in the community hall at Newcastle on Teusday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Rov Metcalf and son, Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Shortt visited Mrs. Tavlor, Picker. ing on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. his sister Mrs awa, on Sunday. Miss Greta" Munday, Peterbor- ough Normal School spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark, Munday. Mr. L. C. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf and Mrs. Roy Van- camp attended the Holstein banquet in Orono on Wednesdav. The Young People's Meeting was held on Wednesday evening with the President, Mr. Ernest Twist in charge, The Bible reading was giv- en by Mrs. Ivison Munday, and the Devotional Topic by Mick. Brown. Miss Dora Eames, 2nd vice-pres- ident, then took charge ofthe fol- lowin» programme: reading, Clif- ford Swallow; tepic, "Oveninz a Gate on the Courtvard of the King- John James visited Ed. Power, Osh- of the KIND black, brown, green, navy. Misses' to 42!, Women's One price, Saturday, 'Brocaded Silk KIMONAS. Printed Silk KIMONAS, Silknit NIGHTGOWNS. Pure Wocl PULLOVER SWEATERS for girls $1 9 5 8to 14 years, Each .................cooevenreennnnn. . Boxed Handkerchiefs (3 in box) ...25¢, 39¢, 49¢, 69¢ ramets ShoVES. ANE COATS BETTER ON SALE $21.95 Fine Chonga weaves, broadcloth and flecked patterns. Beautifully trimmed with sable, oppossum, French seal in | $21.95 Do Your Christmas Shop- ping at Dewland's Where the entire stock is new. age of the new low prices prevail. PET LL LL PPE PPP RP PPT PPP h ' | Silat NIGHTGOWN, tailored. fe Elie OGRE, wins di, $1.95 Fancy Trimmed Non Run Rayon BLOOMERS. 79 c Sizes 15 Therefore full advant- $2.95 ... $3 95 $4.95 ceive S119 Girls' Fiannelette PYJAMAS. - 98 c fiaddiey Flannelette PYJAMAS, aw LACE GLOVES for | Fine Wash Cape and Kid GLOVES. Pair ................... with For Cute. air > $1.95,, $2 50 | 'with Fur Cuffs. chiffon. Pair evening wear. Pai BP cori ninsivanion cosines RR ii rand innssons ins GIFTS FOR THE $1.95... $2 25 98c $1.49. $250 Weldrest perfect fitting SILK HOSE. Dull finish 98 c | koa | Extra Heavy Service Weight I cones. Pair $1.50 ....Pair $1.50 maid = xz = 5 ext Door to Woolworth's || v2 ario and Durham County ews | 4] vons, dom," Ruby Aldworth; vocal solo, Allan Balson; reading, Winnie aln- caster. The president closed the meeting with a hymn the benedic- tion. Miss B. E. Souch spent the week- end with her sister, .in Toronto. The teacher and pupils of the Public School are very busy these days preparing for their Christmas concert which is to be held in the hall on Monday evening, Dec. 21st. WOMEN'S MEETING AT MANCHESTER Over Until the Next Meeting (Mrs. E, L. McKee, Correspondent) Manchester, Dec. 16 -- The Wo- men's Association met a: the home of Mrs. James Mitchell 'on Wed- nesday, Dec. 9th, but vwing to the inclement weather and bad roads there were only nine present. The president, Mrs. E. A. Spencer had charge of the meeting. Two verses of "Silent Night" were sung and all repeated the "Lord's Prayer" in un- ison. Roll call and minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. As this was to be the meeting in which the election of officers for the com- mg year was to take place it was decided with so few in attendance {to postpone it and hold a special meeting at the church on Saturday, Dec. 12th at 3 p.m. and all the la- dies are urged to attend. The meet- ing was brought to a close with Mrs. Barrett offering prayer. licious lunch was served by the hostess and all enjoyed a social time together Collection, $285, The next W. A. meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, Joe Cop- er. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Tor- onto, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gilbert, and son, Murray, Thornton's Cor- ners' were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Spen- cer. Messrs. Sidney Harbent, Reg. Cooper spent Friday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, Brooklin, on Sunday and attended church services there The club will hold their semi- Monthly meeting in the hall on thursday night at 8 o'clock. The programme committee getting up the entertainment are Miss 1, Spof- fard, Mrs. Frank Johnston and Mr. John Moore. We would like to sec more present at these meetings, Miss 1 Spoffard is trying an ex- amination at Omemee on Friday and school children will have a hol- iday on that day. On Sunday, Dec. 6th, owing to Raglan anniversary no church was held here but the organized Bible class put on a special the Sunday schol on the afternoon with a good attendance, the Sunday School pupils taking their places mn the choir, Mr. W, eula Land", by the pupils. M. Chorus, Mrs Munro. of Paul, which was well and was very interesting. given Rita r'hos. Duhson, of Prince Albert who was past superintendent of the Sun. day Schol here ror thirty years gave an adress with much helpful advice to the young people who would like to live an upright, hon- ourable and christian life. Mrs. James Mitchell then sang a solo in her usaul pleasant manner. A hymn was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by the Superin- tendent, Mr. John Johnston. Al- though thc Bible Class has just lately been organized much credit is due them for this splendid and h.lpful Sunday School session. "ec were glad to have Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wirren and $s. John Warren, Prince Albert with us at the Sunday School session Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collins, Shirley, were recent visitors at Mr. I" .vard Franklin's. Mr and Mrs. Bob Kirk visited friends in Oshawa recently. The boys' club, of Prospect, held their meeting at the home of Mr. Jack Holtby. Don't forget the Christmas tree on Friday evening, Dec. 18th. The programme committee are busy training the children and every ef- fort is being put forth to make this the best one yet. Th. weather on Monday and Tuesday made one feel that win- ter had arrived in carnest but the past two day- have been mild and th: snow is fast disappearing. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer were visitors in Toronto recently, The Port Perry Christmas fair is hein® held Thursday and Friday, Dec. 17 and 18 and a few trom here intend to exhibit at it. A mistake was made in last wecks correspondence when the name should have been Mr. Marshall who has taken over the garage in the interests of Beare Bros, Port Perry, formerly managed Ross Wallace. We regret very much this error. ; Ouite a number from here jour- neyed to Pickering Thursday even- ir= and spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace. We wish them every success in their new home. ------ UE KILLEN NEWS Enniskillen, Dec. 9.--Mrs. H, J. Werry is spending a few days with friends in Oshawa. Miss Verna and Mr. Oswald Pethick visited their grapdpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Sheppard. Port Hope, recently, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stainton and Clifford, Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mrs, John Pye, . 'Mr, and Mre, A. Wilson and rt, Edgar and Harold, Bark Migs Vera Shackleton, spent ay with Mr, and Mrs. J. Shackleton. Mrs. ¥. Heddon, Mr. Kenneth and Miss Lois, Heddon, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. Orchard an ---------- > ntita-- ---- er r---------- [-- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931 4 | of Commons. Everybody is getting them Apart drom being the perfect gift, Rolls Razor is the perfect safety. Its design in- corporates all the fea- Election of Officers Held A de- | service in | The lesson for the day was read | b " Roach gave a synopsis on the. life | | and | | George Munro then gave a pretty duet, which was much enjoyed. Mr. | patent mechanism within the stropped. | { quite moderate. Nickel-plated, $6.95; The Rolls, hollow-ground blade will last for years. | blade to be kept perfectly keen--it may be honed as well as Although the Rolls Razor is perfect in every part, its cost is Karn's Drug Store tures a good razor should have. The slim razor case enables the Silver-plated, $8.95 sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Brent, Uxbridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stainton Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Brent returning home with them after a week's visit with friends here. Misses Lily and Ethel Gilbert, Mrg, McCullough and daughter, and Mr. Tyredon, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Rususell Gilbert Junday. Miss Reva MeGlill, Toronto, Migs M. Dalton visited Mr, and Mrs. T. McGill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Werry, Solina, and Mr. Frank McGill, Toronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stainton and babe, Oshawa, Miss Grace Hastings, Hampton, visited Mr. | and Mrs. Wm, Morris Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Master Ross and Miss Marie, Mr and Mrs. R. Ormiston visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Gwen, Nestleton, Mrs. Wm. Lamb, visited Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lamb, Sunday. Rev, J. M. Whyte and Rev. [rwin, Oshawa, exchanged pul- pitson Sunday. Mr. Irwin gave a splendid address on the charac- | ters of Jacob and Esau, The children are busy practis- {Ing for their Christmas concert | on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd. | Mr. and Mrs. R. Price are | moving to Sandford to reside, | = Miss Grace Mark, of Scugog, at | Mr. and Mrs, A, Brunt's. | Mr. and Mrs, Howard Grills, of visited at Mr. O. E. Valentia, Jeffrey's. Mrs, E. A. Werry held a kit- chen shower for Miss Florence Ashton (bride to be) at the former's home on Saturday, Dec. Sth. Rev Irwin at Mr. J. A, Werry's. EBENEZER NEWS Ebenezer, Dec. 9.--NMr. and { Mrs, Ted Baldwin, Keith and Edna, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W, H, Marshall, Miss, Morris, Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Walter Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden returned home on Monday after a pleasant three months' visit with Mrs, Worden's parents and urothers at Edam, Sask. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Bernice and Jack Maxwell spent ounday with Mr, and Mrs. Blake vke and Mrs, Osborne. Sorry to report Mr. W, H. ~ichols having a bad attack of umbago but bope for a speedy recovery. Little Jack Pearce had the misfortune to hurt one of his iegs last week which wa: neces- sary to be x-rayed, but is much improved at time of writing, Mr. and Mrs. Esll Oke and Miss Elsie were guests of Mr. wverton White's, BUethesda, on waturday to help celebrate little miss Maries birthday. Miss Louise Worden, Ottawa, «4 spending a holiday with her cousin, Miss Allie Worden. Miss Evelyn Millson, Solina, was a week-end guest of Miss Annle Wilkins and attended the «.G.LT, box social, Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, who nave been spending a month with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Pearce returned home on Sunday to wrantford, Mr, Pearce motoring The Campbell family from Ross Corners have moved in Mr. Geo, Holt's house for the winter. Jap with them. ELECTION HAS EMBARRASSED CANDIDATES Sought to Gain Advantages As Also-Rans, But Now in Commons (By Thomas T. Champion, Cana- \ dian Press Staff Writer) London.--Many successful can- didates in the recent general olec- tion in Great Britain sustained an embarrassing surprise when théy found that they were actu: ally returned as Members of Par llament. They sought what the) considered forlorn chances--ana won, Several are reported to have entered on a contest which they thought would place them in an *'also ran" position because they had an eye to the future rather than to the present. They thought that by sustaining what looked as a hopeless would ingratiate themselves with the party chiefs, so that on some future occasion they given a much more favorable op- portunity of entering the House fight they | would be The London Kvening News cites the case of a young Mem- bers of Parliament who holds an appointment in the distant part of the Empire, He stood for par- lament while he was home on leave; and his victory has placed him in a quandary, For he has had to resign from his luctrative overseas post--which he ob- viously could not retain by stay- ing in London as a Mémber of Parliament. His private means are small, and he is now trying to supplement his member's sal- ary of $1800 a year--the orig inal $2000 a year has been cut by 10 per cent. as pa: government economy scheme. Many of the mea who are sur- prised to find themselves mem them were already making good carcers for themselves at the bar in England and Scotland. Constant attendance at the House of Commons wil] cause serjous interference with those careers. ---------------- Teacher (to boy's mother): "Why, what's the matter? Has Johnny got toothache?" Anery Mother: . "No, Johnpy hasn't got toothache. His suffering comes from your foolish teaching. how long it would take him to eat 20 apples if it took one and a half got stuck on the fifteenth, Customer (to butcher): "Those sausa~ves vou sent me had meat at me end and bread at the other." | Butcher: "Yes, ma'am In these {hard times it's difficult to make | both ends meat." TOM of the bers are young lawyers. Some of | You told him he was to tell you | minutes to eat one apple--and he | . The gift of gifts * ««the engagement ring! Nothing, perhaps, should be chosen with more care than the engagement ring. It must be as perfect as the sentiment it expresses . . . natural, then, for you to seek the counsel of experts when you buy this precious stone, . . Especially, when our plofessicnal advice adds nothing whatever to the cost of your diamond . .. Many interesting designs from $50. Felt Bros. Jewelers 12 Simcoe St. TFonth Established 1886 all you want in an automobilel SILENT, EASY With Silent Syncro « Mesh you can shift all gears with ease and quietness, silencer, is now * important factor formance. extra power and Surely you want SIMPLIFIED FREE WHEELING remove your foot from the acceler- ator, you coast along on the car's momentum. And you ma "oily pears without using the clute ! Surely you want TW ln whether "in" or "out" of free wheeling. When descendin, grades, you can shift rapidly bish back to second to get t braking power of the engine. Surely you want SMART, MODERN STYLING jors are roomy, luxurious, with many fine-car features. Chrome- plating enhances the custom-car effect. Sarely you want Chevrolet is now a 60-horsepower car--a 20% increase--giving faster acceleration and more miles per hour. Chevrolet's built-in smooth- ness is enhanced by new features. Rubber insulation from the frame. Surely you want or QUICK STARTING and PICK-UP The down-draft car- buretor, with intake Chevrolet's finer per It assures easy starting, pick-up, Press a conven- ient button on the dash, and you are "in" free wheeling. Vhenever you pedal SHIFTING steep L from ec safe New Fisher Bodies preseat the ultra- modern sil- houette. Inter- HE new Chevrolet Six goes on display tomotrow: car-shifting with free wheeling! wv driver enjoys easy, clashless gear shifting--wit every ible driving condition. Then too, with a 60-horsepower motor under the ood, you experience the big thrills of modern motoring -- Jighming like acceleration, more miles per hour. And Chevrolet's famous built-in smoo is more noticeable than ever. It is a pleasure to drive the new Chevrolet Six. You will be delighted with the beauty--the sheer grace--of the new car. You will find the interiors roomy, with many fine luxuries and conveniences. The new Chevrolet is a car anyone would be proud to own. Surely, you want to see and drive the new Chevrolet! And surel that--with prices set as low as $635, at factory, taxes afford any new car can own the new Chevrolet Six! silent shift syncro-mesh 7 , 4 7 free wheeling faster acceleration 20% more power sari new Fisher Bodies positive con SIX 719352 Mesh ith 20 per cent. increase in power! With new, ultra-modern styling, and many fine-car features! With both Silent Syncro-Mesh and free Wheeling at his command, the Chevrolet y you will ages Visit our showrooms. in The new Chevrolet Six--the Great Canadian Value--may be purchased on easy GM AC terms. Lasting satisfaction is assured by the General otors Owner Service Policy. IN CANADA ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LIMITED, BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA WHITBY Listen t> Generel Motors' hroadcas ts of 'all Maple Leaf Hockey Team's home games from CFRB or CF CA at 9 pm. --t

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