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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Dec 1931, p. 6

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Ae -------- rb ala AEC THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931 4 TODAY'S 'SPORTING FEATURES § TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES 'Leagues Cut Playing Rosters and Salaries A West Toronto Jrs. Play Exhibition Here Tonight 5 York Rangers Win Over Maroons by 3 to 2 Canadiens Blanked Amerks--Lepine Scored All Goals Falcons Earn Tie With Boston Bruins h A Ottawa All Stars Defeated Ali England by 4 to 0. EST TORONTO JUNIORS PLAY EXHIBITION HERE TONIGH Ontario Pro. League Falcons Tied : S 1 I i | Sti ff Co mp e ti ti on May Operate Again With Bruins Sport napshots | fry a Assis ts Winnipegs the coming snont hs. 2 Detroit Dec, 11.--Boston's ---- sd ' i Toum rinks at th sort ' . ' " : ' x H 8 8 -to r Meeting To Be Held mn Ran ers Win Bruins retained their third-place West Toronto, finalists with Marlboros for the S.P.A. title, will De CXNADIAN FARM» Olympic Hockey t Now uel ¥. da wpe A » . » " . . . ' T 1 > y * "Guelph To-day-- Butch g standing in the American section |, the city this evening for what bids fais to be ong of the best junios RUPP Sg 4 obLC ie Plays in Fast Ciy | For the first time in Olympic Forler May Manage the! in Montreal u ne Nations! Hicker League tilts of the year. Indeed the game should be more than an exhibition . i si Loop | history, the championship will be ast night, - decided in a closed rink--a de- | tie in an overtime game with the 3 i he WAR res ibd os -- aR Ava tae be 3 ¢ Woodstock Entry ) Dec 11 The New | Detroit Falcons. The Bruins, |can win out over the team that eliminated them from the OHA. semi Wis n tie Canadiay Pacific 4 eid savantag in favor of the a is th he win- | finding the Falcon defence a [final last year. balagiul new liner Smpress oi Winnipeg, Man, Dee. 11.--f EhAdEN ban : Early snumsina: York Rangers struck thei El rr izhility In the first ber- . * " | Britain sailed from New York on | o,,.da' hockeymen are out for |'ions at Lake Placid are carded ning stride again with a 3 to 2 3 , t reas T. ; [ty { December 3 with a full comple- Lyyooq 1 the Olympic hockey [for the outdoor stadium on the victory over the Montreal Mar- iod, broke through to score late West Toronto only lust out to Marlboros in the S.P.A. by J to 2, | ment of 600 passengers and a trav " Lake Pacid N.Y. in Feb- | Fim of pretty Mirfor Lake, but oons in a National Hockey League iu He second; pn Clabes pass while Marlboros were held to a tie in a game here earlier in the season, [crew of over 700 ratings, she lily fro qaarter "will Yo asked | the finals will be staged in the pew is 0 Sous The Oshawa team may sce some changes as the management aré anx Satried on board as food supply | ou siven' The speeding skatemen |W 0,000 arena now under : i . a : : - 1 1 | for » long voyage circling the 4 : , | construction, , Yale CTH} ». [ious tO put the strongest team in their grouping with Newmarket and | for the : of the Maple Leaf will meet the f Doug youns. i uledy Feral de. it i oy by giving o 1 ¢rs cvery ron that they will arrive ¢ | Blobe an interesting range of ar- | most Yor threat ever offered More than 3,000 fans will pack ence man, tie e score ony y's g he payers ) : 5 J dil ticles. Where possible these were | |" ovr 0 mater hockey | the arena for the final match-- s will be held in Guelph. | of their passing earned them PY : a Called by Robert K. Dawson of | their triumph. Bun Cook hung | Way in the final period, when he | the final selection. : ! purehased in Canada and in premacy. But they will be better | ¢¥pected to bring together Can- 8, city, who was secretary of lup a brace of goals and Dillon [fired a long one at "Tiny" * * * * every case in which they applied | os 404 Tor the ttle, ir any o {208 ANd the Uuitey Sialefw. ou his city, who dln Neo {50 rac oF sonls ang Dion Thompson, Bruin goalie, The The visitors will have a strong team, that goes without saying. 'The | the supplie vere bought hy Eitded fof tie ba ye many a4 uv. afternoon of Saturday, Feb. i eis To is ci, : Winking puck bounited oft the sole' arm el cD played such a sensational game here last | "Government Grade," especially | When the Winnipeg , holder Leki A3. The only possible dis- Sait, Woodstock, Guelph, Brant: ww Goos Mie inl Re stor 2s was awarded after lengthy Bruin [year to hold down the score. In front of him will be Whittal and | ore oy the case. with = eggs, 1 ' u Avan Ae Mi, boar d, Stratford and possibly Kit- that caught Normie Smith nap- | Protest. either Leask or McKillop. On the forward line will be Huggins at cen- | fio Bight Yor Caliada peas he often a bit and militate against ene: EE a hore, mh ap |, Tho same was lean ang Yost tre with Kerr and Primecau on the wings, while the alternates who ari | SMilkrod A nl : selected Ar [hokey world, sw ng into rombal he headlong speed of the Win- ockey players out of action in |Came to with a start but the puck g 1.90 Y seven Ie 3 sotenrized, : : ni In the first Olympic hockey also strong will consist, of Walker, Harrison, Runions, Tackaberry, Sti : : : oP : : A " 5. twine it elancs being assessed. Nearly 8,000 ; ter, "No rastenrized," cheese, ighting trim. No off-season idle- Western Ontario, there has been | Was in the twine, ii glanced off n ckson : ness, no tiring trans-Atlantic | ged playdown on this side of ther-At- antic, the Wingipeg sextette will ey hy : son, Pritchard and Ja n. : " strong move afoot during the Conacher's shoulder, The Mar- |SPectators watched the match. "* * % #* bacon, ' atoes, apple : a wide EE etic Training Th M ange f \ egetables, anc 3€, y = | t week to get the league fune- | oons managed to knot the score . \ : SPA ha . " SEY | ran 0 vege | " 3 . oronto Marlboros, § A. 0 F O and the team looke artic 3 : . a far-off land will dull the edge Honing again, and provided suffi- [at the end of the period when O.H.A A. SCHEDULE Toronto Marlboro, 5 jumior. Thamplons and 1 ah || particularly canned fruits and | ', RE oft Ja ad wil 4 © ©%%% 1 be burdened with the' need of mt interest is taken in the | Stewart took a double pass from upon in many quarters as th potential O.HA. champions, are go IE | Yogetables, Fancy Bd Cts loilowing the example of a trio eeting, there is every likelihood | Hooley Smith and Babe Seibert Intermediate Group No. 4 | to Kingston next Wedtiesday, where they will play a picked team o EX hole.' He eo are some of the Against competition as tough of victorions Canadian squads. t the organization will be pro- | to beat Roach. Bun Cook got his Clubs---Beaverton. Rouge Hills local juniors at the Harty Arena in a charity game, the proceeds i | Item Beet ed Brand-( hoice, as the Dominion can offer, the | Chey must seek to rate with peded with and an effort made | gecond goal in the next period, Port Perry Uxbridge and Mark- | divided equally between the Red Cross, the Local Council of Women, By: WY farcasses, some 30,000 | Winnipegs will struggle for SIX { world triumphs by 'Winnipeg 0 have the schedule in operation | gp a¢; Ba oy U ' » : : | pounds; pork, 7.500 pounds; | weeks in their home-city senior | gp, >E. 3 ASE skating around the vefence before | pam Convener, Max Reesor he Catholic charitie d The Whig-Standard Santa Cldus Fund 4 alcons, at Antwerp in 1920; To- he last weék in December or the 1 d . x . ' e80T, 1 the Lataolic charitieg an ® Np win) walita Liaus y grouse, 1,000 brace; turkeys, |league before they set out for |, NM ranwitas y 4 t*week in January he slammed it past Norm Smith. | farkham, Meet at Markham, Grade A" 15.004 ds: chick. {the snow-capped Allechenies Last | ronto Granites at Chamonix in E Provided Toronto is represent In the last period Murdoch skated Dec, 29---Beaverton at Rouge wi if a 0 / pounds; Chicks | Re SOW arp X a En Ble i! hs 1924; and Toronto Varsity Grads » 2 on ¥ ' x wo dab ad " . en, Ikfed and Selecte A, season, ihe 1ardes ob o e 3 : A . in the league it is understodd gown Teli Ming snd passed out: to Hills, Port Perry at Uxbridge. the game t'o get set for a scoring a system of "snow reports" is i 20.000 pornd bow, et in- re RoBi ng was the | al > . Moritz in 1928, hat Teddy Oke will sponsor the on, who was in perfect Dosi- Jan, 4--Port Perry at Mark- | ay, contemplation fgom Ballater. | gividual bird ducklings. 6.000 | taking of the city title; now the | 1: oach Hughes has counselled Queen City entry, while there is tion at the goal front. Dave Trot- | yam, a | These reports will be posted up pound ; {cotton oh A same: opposition is to tine them | his men 2 expect no walk-away Jk of Bas Megaffin handling the [tier counted the second Maroons' | jan, 5 Rouge Hills at Ux- . on the platforms of the principal | Thence in Camda Dous SRE OD i or ai Nn the Pebruary fray, He bas Balt Club and Steve Rice acting |8o0al on a pass from Jimmy Ward | pridge ilwde: stats Lr on. | \DOUghL in Canada); eggs, 130,-1up for the figh or anadas | them convinced that any advant- 4 i ridge. oosejaw qua railway stations EO that en-1 000 "Fresh Extras': flour 00,- | fourth world hockey-crown { : piles o The Guelph ory TE in a scramble, Jan. 7--Markham at Beaver- thusiasts will be able to see at a | 600 pound Aira; ; wig) # ' he po tay dil ank ages on their side are offset by 'Woodstoc alls in line it is e- Ee -------------------- . ounas, ) Tr, » Ltons-- > Des & > © 48K | the manifest improv . ton. P P " p 0 nan 3 ded ane . A provement in ly that Butch Forler, who look- io bo Usbrilee at Port Poesy Arrives Today Fancy wbal Qe ki in iin 1 $000 pounds; mition and lamb, [In 1raimivg for the. 1932 DIY mpics foreign copetition in 'he past 8d after the Oshawa entry last Wil Ab ll Jan, §- 1 Y. g ) wets are e, | 20,000 pound about G00 head; | is ours in the fact that we are r vears v 2's Ov ear will be in charge. son s oae Jan. 3--Markham at Rouge BEE | The manager of the Hotel Alex- | potatoes, "Canada No, 1," 100 [to play in the Winnipeg city jour Sa. Canada's Olympie Of the cities mentioned Guelph S (ll Us Hills, Woodstock, Dec. 11.--Splash- | andra, at Ballater, who is himself | (ons; apples, 500 boxes, "Extra | league," believes Jack Hughes, rough. roo Pxper 11 3 ind Woodstock are the only places ti ncertain : Jan, 11.--Rou lls at Port g soggy snow and pools of wa- |a keen winter sports enthusiast | Fancy", un 'No. 1": bacon, | crafty coach of the Canadian is Feady Zor 0 iy £urels--but hich are without artificial ice, Perry. : ter that spotted the ground, the |and a member of the leading | 22 000 pounds, "Wiltshire side": | champs. "The boys were working | « ot, the lask, md 4t is Droposed to arrange a Chicago, D C 11.--The two Jan.13--Uxbridge at Mark- | Woodstock Grads went through a | mountaineering and =ki-ing ¢l » | fresh milk 500 gallons--60,000 | in the gym in October, ont on the elite 0 nat the early games be eh a" Fue oting Nam, snappy signal drill last night in says that from December until | juarts; tea, 5,000 pounds; sugar, | ice in November and hard going | Young : i ' br these teams would be away [major baseball leagues, meeting Jan. 14--Rouge Hills at Beav- | training for their final game of | Easter first-class now "elimb-| 40,000 pounds; and a wide range | in December and January against Loit th ied gouple had been from home. in joint session, concluded their |ariop, the season against the Moose Jaw | ing" can be guaranteed in the | or condiment 3 wide 1 ber and Jaa | lo 1d s mother When k re Sa ¥ . : aa . ng ! ytidime and other pro- 3 ague teams will g 3 Iie x 1 p ra annual Winter sessions yester Jan. 16--Port Perry at Rouge | Maroons here on Saturday after- | Cairngorm Mountains, and that 5 HOCoRE: to ths tte ve Be ott fo der | ay ity. date 1 e . ning, OOD TO TRY day by passing the following | gis noon. ther short ing eli hing cossary. lo Lhe maiiiten- in play-off form for Fehruary.. [thick f ad cescenced. legislation: Jan 18 Beavert t U The team appears to be in fine 2 : : Tie 8g 3g, sle vr Hig ance of the high quality for which Even though United States and | My, it a fog! But then Ger- . : . -- saverton X- : 16 & 3 and tobogganing " e 1g le . ' | usevash OvEONE. ian i Di 1 w Ns Wav AE} G FOR DON'S MARK (1) Reduction of the player | bridge, Rouge Hills at Me kha | condition for the tilt that they |, hig Tal n San : ht BE eo famous the world | overseas entrise in the Olympic |: i NS ay home if he were limit of each team from 25 to 23 a , ; 4 ' {hope will bring them the Domin- | 3 18 [OWer ; grounds are laps he Canadian Pacific | test' will be stronger than ever 1d," said the fond mother, as she Neu (2) Reducti . oun pl 0 = Jan. 21--Port Perry at Beav- ip hone " EA Jack "Red" | covered, which js frequently the | Ocean Services insists on the very | before, the Canadians = will be | saw ti Miami, Dec. 11. --Gar Wood's ) Reduction in hall players' | reton, Markham at Uxbridge, 4 1op0rs, rag" Injur : he | ¢ase from January onwards i in quality in its chtoring ser. | prepared With exhibitic tches | often does," replied his wife, lim craft, Miss America IX, and | S#laries and operating expense | jan 25--Markham P France, who was injured in th : ns Pe prepared. Wil exn I Ima ------ er 2 200 horsepower engines are | of all clubs. Perry, U cb id at Port | yontreal game, is responding to Arrangements are also being ce supplies so far as possible | along the way, they will be able | ; lack: "Ho 4 ny z (3) Adopt! 3 ew closi ery, "XIN CES at Beaverton. treatment very well and should [| made at Braemar for ski runs re bought in Canada, and gov- [to speed from Winnipeg ice to| :"° DIAC w ped again for a burst of speed ) opliig a new closing Jan, 27--Uxbridge at Rouge f : | : i iq R= v quest of the 'elusive world's | date, Sept. 25, two days earlier | pj) g i ® t §€ | be able to take his place against | and a toboggan run of one mile, rmment grad ar ritten into | Lake Placid, less than four hours | : : "oh. J a Ra Tip! i " than last year. Be the Maroons. In addition the Fife Arms [all specifications on which ten-|out of Montreal. They will have | _ = ro Mi, MES. Yel ipeedboat record. el ; Jan, 29--Beaverton at Mark- While they expect stiff opposi- | yiote]l, Braemar, has decided to | de ire made as "standards of [plenty of chance to test their |jea.c he teacher savs whe. hv The veteran pilot and his mech- | (4) Elmination of synthetic |p,p, tion from the West, the players | vomai, hc ara Lit ith arty of [penis 0 2 indosr 11EAveS ol and goes on the doie pie, Orlin Johnson, are ready to | double-headers except with the Feb, 1-- Beaverton at Port |are looking forward to coming | main open, and Is arranging for | gual { skates on"the outdoor and indoor {he'll he at the head of the queue!" lake fie Miss Aerie: IX to She pormivaiog. of the presidents of Perry. through the season undefeated, | - - sm ------------ - - ------------------ pasured nautical mile course o id First and second teams to play | and they will certainly give every- | , 8 5 play | ® indian Creek here as soon as Lewis R. (Hack) Wilson, | oer yep, p 5 " | thing they have in the effort to | gible, probably Mondzy, in an traded to the St. Louis Cardinals, %h.'3 and .Peh. 5. brink Woodstock the champion- t to bring the record back remained a Heliber of Jue world ship of Canada. to t United States. The 110 [champions at the enc of the Moose Jaw players will arrive n LA hour record is now held nesting the obinion bre Ottawa Team at 11.28 a.m. feday, and Maver po ) aye Don, British boat and | Valls that he w e passed along o . Sutherland w head a welcome | utomobile driver, to some, other clubs before the Win mn England delegation of citizens 'which will | Woods attempt will be the rigth |-openingfof the 1932 season. meet them at the station, The lo- Three Clubs After Hack T---- cal club has arranged a theatre has, made in three years, two Birmingham, Dec, 11.--Otta-| party for the Moose Jaw team to- The Cardinals, i was said, fh 8 speed hus here brought have asked the re Bibi oad, wa 'All Starg"' defeated an All- | night, while they will entertain ces and far better for the x bs ecords but in each ton Braves, Brooklyn and. Cin- England hockey team here last [the Maroons at a dinner after . pce Don with a British einnati willin t bl night, 4-0. It was the third game | Saturday's game. smoker who wants real be tflater snatched the honor BOmLLLCE Ds ey 0 fam 'l¢ ON & | 10 Canadiens have played ii Jerry Goodman of London will . » rom; Wood. ] e og ; e former major | 4) oir European trip. referee the game, with Gordie satisfaction. The reason, ----e eague -homesTun king to wait The "All Stars" ran in three | Brittnell of Toronto as head lines- | . . Tie teacher .was testing the until a later date before opening | goals in in the first perfod and | man, and another Toronto man of course, Is that Victors nowledge of' kindergarten class, | "oBOtiations for the pudgy out-| added another in the 'second. |as umpire. The affair is schednl- bl s pping a half-crown on the | fielder who drew the higher play- | Fast backchecking and a stout | ed to get under way at 2 p.m., and are ended from three iesk she said sharply: "What is | FS salary in the National League | defense kept England off the |a large attendance of fans is ex- i affair as the local team are anxious to show their supporters that the i | Guelph, Dec. 11.-- Decision as whether or not the Ontario fessional Hockey League will te this winter will be made ey day when a meeting of several | game here last night, The fals who were interested in {erful skating attacks of the loop during the past few sea- | Rangers and the close harmony . {of the Allan Cup and of the right Extras," dressed poultry, a is your boy wr Instantly a voice from | 18st year. score sheet. The goals were scor- | pected, as parties from Brantford, famous tobaccos. os .Vir- k row said, "Tails." The Cards need a third base-|ed by Eugene Sauvageau, Les | London, St. Thomas and the sur- . . man and it is believed that they | White, Lou Bates and Jack Mou- | rounding districts have arranged giniq, Burley and Turkish. are willing to send Wilson to Cin- | sette. to attend, and with any sort of : cinnati for Joe Stripp. The In the three games played so | weather all local attendance rec- They come In the handy Robins, however, want Wil far, the Canadians have scored | ords for football will be smashed. H ' son 10 | oo shutouts. In the first game, shell-and-slide package N ° || use as'a drawing card and must EL i a Paris team tied them, 2-aM, but | | A ew Martin Je counted in any further negotia- in the second 'they defeated an all- WINTER S ! y i that really protects. | 4 ! The most i . ot European team, 5-0. They will [ i: yr-- ther b 3 lmportant action | play jn Berlin Saturday night, and Hina Showing Today Pe the majors concerned | then leave for Sweden, where he §| the curtailment of expenditure: |three games have been scheduled. || The reduction of the prayer limit England had its strongest team Io 23 aa pri of aprroxi- | on the ice, and only a re:narkable ely 0 a club in salar- | exhibiton of goaltending by Louis fost 30, 300 league and $160,- St. Denis held them goalless, The Big Scheme | For Resorts To| or both leagues, It will also nglish offensive could not be with enable second division clubs to | compared with the Canadian front Rival Swiss Sea get players that might sit on the |1ine, whose passing and combina- son CLAIRE, ROBT. AMES, |}| bench with pennant contenders. | tion was the feature of the game, : MYRNA LOY The American League favored Boneycastle and Little, two Ox- London.-- Great preparations | a reduction of the player limit to Torq students Were the best play. i | 4 | Lers on the En lish team. are being made in the Highlands | -- '}| 22 and the National League to g r------ for a winter sports season which | Deer Attractions : 5 auize K. 3 Landis cast the i will rival that of Switzerland. i g vote in favor of the Na- Canucks Blank Ski-ing grounds and tohoggan SILVERWARE NITE tional League. The layer limit rung, skating and curling ponds TO-NITE gcd may elfen: June 15. Each C L d. are all under construction in Juss comin o exiin'3s| Group Leaders mmm wits mew may' e: (ely en v . 'Many famous hotels are mak- | New York, Dec. 11.--The Mont- ing arrangements for a record in- real Canadiens, champions of the . y TODA hockey world "and second-place flux of winter sports enthusiasts Y and || team of the National Hockey Lea- il the Fellvay companies are gue's Canadian division, cut the | 188uing cheap fares from London SATURDAY lead of the New York Americane |@nd the South of England, Glas- to a single point with a 6 to -0 | 50W, and other important centres. triumph bver the group leaders Special reduced rateg for last night. It was the Americans' | sports clubs are also in contem- - secoiq defeat of the season, % plation, | - . he story of the Flying Fremnch- Hundreds of winter sports en- WHEY STEAL YOUR GOLD Re : en vas a personal Ariumph for | thusiasts who usually go to Swit- 2" 'Pit' pine, centre-ice man. He | zerland for tw tira wv PILLING WHILE YOU'RE ¢ A : scored oi three of the Montreal | when asian or Hiurce Weeks : > I goals, unassisted and one on . again FILLINGS WHILE YOU'RE 1 4 pass from big Sylvio Mantha. be prevented from going abroad Lepine's first goal, scored in this year by the depreciation of ' the pound sterling abroad. It is the second period, came on a lon WILLIAM HAINES h shot that Aho ae Worters hoped that these will now jump American goalie, napping, Early |4t the opportunity of a winter ; in the third period 44 BE 4 sports hollday in Scotland. "BLENDED TO THE lucky shot that glanced off Red Complete With Snow 17 Dutton's skate. Later, when the Many foreigners too, are ex- J CANADIAN TAST Americans were sending down |Dected to take advantage of the ] ga a In_a million dollars 4 four men in their efforts to over- | rates of exchange and to make worth of entertainment N N come the deficit, three Canadien {the Highlands thelr centre for . CHAPTER players broke away and Lepine | winter sports, : C -RICH- QUICK scored the Rha? goal All that is wanted to make a } or d a A record Eiowed that the | real Scottish Switzerland is a | I { : Montreal's 20, but the brilliane | £000 fall ot stow, followed by : ALLIN GF ORD Ph oe Codie defence | OFY hard weather. 'Ana this the ; made most of Goalie George local weather experts are con- Manufactured from the finest Virginia, Hainsworth's saves easy ones. Hige t will be forthcoming. : Burley and Turkish tobaccos, Outplayed on their own close- eady a large number of en- : arding game, the Americans thisingta have arranged accom- Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited igrdly had a chance all through | modation in Scottish hotels, and'

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