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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1931, p. 17

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« THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1931 PAGE NINE GIFT ARRIVAL OSHAWA MERCHANTS PLAN F OR --BUSY SHOPPING PERIOD-- "There Was No Room For Them in the Inn" And it came to pass in those Hays, that there went out a decree om Caesar Augustus, that all the orld should be taxed. And this taxing was first made hen Cyrenius was Governor of Byria. And all went to be taxed, pne into his own city. And Joseph also went up from alilee, out of the city of Nazareth, to Judea, unto the city of David, hich is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David. To be taxed with Mary his es every poused wife being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accom: plished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first- born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for him in the inn. And there were in the country shepherds abiding in field, keeping watch over flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, same the their and they' were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I brigg you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, living in a manger, And suddenly thére was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying: . Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodavill toward men. And it came tb pass, as the angels were gone'away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us, And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger, 'And hen they had seen 1t, they made known abroad «the * saying which was told them concerning this child, And all they that heard it wond- ered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. Reindeer Now - Iron Horses - Reindeers are iron horses in reality, and, without them, Santa Claus would trudge a very weary and belated path. Without the broad and willing back of the iron horse, there would be no Christmas as we know it--no choice foods from other lands, no delicate gifts from the shops of far- off craftsmen, no tide of humanity surging back and forth across the Continent to reach home hearths in the time for the holiday of all holi- days in the year. The mechanical steed is gallop- ing on just now at a powerful pace, Despite the times, large numbers of Canadians are returning to their homelands for the celebra- tion of the Yuletide season. Pas- senger officers of the rallways in the West report a goodly number of new Canadians making their way to Continental Europe while, in the East, Old Country folk are bus- tling to make the last sailings be- fore Christmas from Halifax, These are on Dec. 13, 14 and 17. While the more spectacular pas- senger business goes on, the .iron horses are steadily piling up food- stuffs in domestic and import ware- houses, Thousands of boxes of Ja- panese oranges, for instance, are beginning to move across Canada on the Canadian National Rall ways. An initial shipment of 17 cars left Vanc-uver for the prairies and East early this month, fol lowed a week later by a further 32 cars, Many Canadians have solved their Christmas problem for over- seas relatives and friends, by send- ing them boxes of big, juicy Cana: dian apples. Northern Spies, Me- Intosh Reds and rosy Baldwins by the scores of cases are being han- dled by the express companies for export to England in individual crates, They are shipped as easily as mailing a Christmas card and hence their growing popularity as Christmas gifts, Thousands of ¢hildren all over the country this year received spe- cial telegraphed messages from Santa Claus himself. One of the iron horse's swiftest minions are the linking copper strands that parallel his path, « These carried messages from Santa Claus an- nouncing to the children that he had received their letters and ad- vising them he would have the pre- sents on hand on the eve of Dec. 25 for His sake, says a writer in, "Our Animals are very easy please. Kind words are much to »& them, and small gifts go a great Christmas Kindness .1a share of His way. Why should not every horse, donkey, dog and cat, yes and all the farm creatures," too, have a Christmas treat, and share our joy? Horses and dom= keys love sweets, apples, carrots, and bits of bread. How sad ta on earth each of His acts, as|think that many spend Christmas. =~ well as each of His words, had | lone and forgotten, wandering..s« a deep significance, What did |about in the bitter weather! Ps Christ niean to teach us, then em -------------------- i by being laid in a manger in the home of meek and lowly animals? It was because He Himself was meek and lowly of heart, and loved to be with the meek, low- ly, sinless creatures. The lesson is perfectly clear and plain. Christ loved animals, gave them great loving Our Savior was born in a stable in order to teach us something. We must look for a reason and a meaning in everything which He did, for while He was here "What. Fity dollars Woman, are you ! Husband: for that hat! mad?" Wife: "No, een that you are. but it's plain to be "Too many Cooks at Holly-?% wood." Spoiling the troth? sare heart, and wanted us to love them nog Animal Erothers." 37 toh a I TR CR -- i OF J5 I 9 2 Ig ; HIER EIR If ~ o HIF ILHSH What could be more suitable than a pair of Slippers or 'a 'piece of Luggage equipment for a Christmas Gift? We have just what you require. Don't decide until you have seen our wide range of Slippers, Shoes, etc., for any member of the family. EVEN Boudoirs Rubber heels. Colored poms. Black, Grey or Blue Leather Sizes 8 to 8. .. LADIES' FINE CREPE BOUDOIR SLIPPERS With covered cuban heels. Trimmed with especially fine Maribou, Colors Sax, Blue Rose, Green and Black. frm a S115, 49c¢ LADIES' LOW CUT GOLOSHES $1.19 Jersey Jerscyetté materials. ; li : EAR han. ag "Re B 1 f i a : Popular patterns, All sizes $1 19 Boudoir iy . ' Fi NN Kayser Hosiery oN 4 SEE TFET APRN EARS Colors Red, Blue and Patent with low \ 41 MEN'S CHURCH SPATS Cuban Heels, fn grey or fawn in just the right $3. 00 shades. Pair ELMRET women a. LADIES' MOTOR BOOTS $2.69 Black Velvet, fur trimmed, $ Medium, Cuban Hecls. ... 2. 69 b>5 BIRO IIH IBIS $2.95 Black or Brown Velvet. Fur trimmed, High cut and all sizes. Goodrich $ best quality 2.95 PF AEF OBEROI EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GOODRICH RUBBERS AND GOLOSHES ladies' and In new shades. SERVICE OR CHIFFON Sizes 3 to 8 $1.25 $1 00 $1. 25 $1.95 C.C.M. SKATES AND OUTFITS We stock C. C. M.(girepared outfits from $5.00 up, ~ but can also make up outfits to suit your clibice. Our lowest priced outfits would be a combination of a following: USEFUL GIFTS GIVE Shoe Trees Rubbers Evening Slippers Boudoir Slippers Polish Outfits House Slippers Goloshes Motor Boots Skating Outfits Hoslery Spats New Footwear Fitted Cases Luggage . . iN N $1.00 C, C. M. Yukon Blade Skates or $2.00 C. C. M, Nemo Tube Skates attached to Black Box Kip Hockey Boots with inside ankle supports: .$2.50 $2.50 $2.98 Misses', 11.2 Boys, 1 to 51 Ladies', 3 to 8 Men's, 6 to 11 "oes . 82.69 | Boys' Special Tube Outfit, sizes 1-53, ce....$3.95 Men's, sizes 6-11 . . 54.80 EEE EEL EEE EEE EER PE pe pp php hp § Makers of the finest and lightest Goloshes. New Low Prices, Men's English Wool Collar Slippers In red plaid design and many others. $1.15 be LS LS Misses' and Childs' ; : : i H %5c CHILD'S BLUE and ECRU CAVALIER SLIPPERS English wool and vel- vet strap Slippers in Blue, Rose, Sand and Plaid. Sizes 4 to 7. Sizes 8 to 10 85¢ Sizes 11 to 2. 95¢ BY ST Ladies' Blue, Oxford, Lavender and Rose Cozies For Gift Suggestions Watch Our Windows Sp et fbi PES $1.80 MEN'S BROWN KID ROMEO SLIPPERS Soft and Flexible Sizes oto 11. $ A 89 FEIN SI $1.49 MEN'S LEATHER EVERETTS ICTURE SLIPPERS And others clearing at this low price. Sizes 5 to TYaBt- 10%; and 11 to 2. ri Sizes 3 to 8. $1.25 iy bh BEE 2 BE BI SINS BMS BINS See Our . dE BURNS CO 4 Windows Fitted Overnight black fit Ladies' Wardrobe Hand Cases. Packs dresses with hangers and minimum of Cases in with maize i : tings. creasing. $5.45 $9.95 BSB SB SIS ISS BES BRS BIAS BRAS BRAS BES BA Over 40 Years | Dependable Service hi In Brown. Flex- ible Leather Soles, Sizes 6 to 11, $149 Also Club Bags And Cases PREIVVIVVVEVVVOLVCVEVR | ; i EA Sigg

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