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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1931 PAGE SEVEN If it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will do i CONANT & ANNI: BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notaries Public Etc Conveyancing and. ueneral practice ih Law. Office 7% Sitite Shest South, Usha Phone 4. D og 7h AS LLB: A F. Annis w S| of At Toa V JOS! GAN B.A. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Note Putlic. Sen e onev ds. cr 14% "East. Os! Phone HYMAN, ARRISTER Notary Over Dewland's 16 Simecue Resi: Soll Store. Money to loan Street orth - Phone 67. BAR Solicitors, Ete 24% Sim oe de GRE SR Phone 3160 Residence 3514 10 loan oR Sotiitor Notary Public, Convev ancer Monev to loan. Third fluor new Alger Building, ovpralte Post Office © 2 S. J ter. 12% Simcoe st South. Tele phone 3038-565 (*5 sept tf) Medical DR. J] HAZLEW . sician' and Surzeon. special atten tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy Office. Disnev Block Phone Office open 9 am to 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. one 2416 DR BRAY PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher Office and resi dence King St East, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa _ Phone 94 Ear, Nose, Throat DR. FT BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West. Toronto. will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Dru store each Saturday from | til 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose an. . throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97 Undertaking L BURIAL Coe 8 G ST Fast. Ambulance Residence Simcoe Street North. Phone 2101 SSHAWA BORIAL CO. MF Armstrong & Son, Proprietor: Funeral and Ambulance Service day night Phone or nd Celina Architects L Sard floor Phone 14% a Le Roy Bank Butding. ence phone ; 16] 346 Shcoe se S. Osh Leta attention given furniture sales and Your i Auger Po oh #4 yh implements. rm sf pv ange Seid UR, Auctioneer, ie Fe ns stock tmplem a specialty. Terms a "848 r 24. soir ff 8 Ad asic) Watch Repairing EN. ER . watchmaker, repair shop at Fh King Stieet West. Your rat- [mee is solicited Soa 1ES RT TED, 75¢ BATTER T HAR R fined and re- ho ree ted for ghee delivered Prompt service. Stan. Bligdon, Mill St. Phone 960 Hemstitching HEMSTITGHING, 7 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations. dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop. Phone Joss, 26% Simeoe S. 958, ah PTI Tramspartaton Coleman's, 85 "Bond West Special ots jn furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip" m hone Ww 0 hy contructor Local and ag dis tunee sauling, ioads ins red 60y Carnes le Al ie Ave_Phone Floss 1818. Home STNNYROOK, WHITBY. REGIS tered sg 8 gd ments, an care and rest 'Two dollars daily ctl Tavited up. Inspection (2 dic. &) mE OF DANGE ARTS. BAL toe, tap, aerobatic. Classes bles, children, adults. Pro na) talent suppl aban v 20 King St % Ring Suse a gos 0 ist, matters of import 93 Lous St. Phone 2636F Business private. (20 dec ¢) i 2 Rest Home ORF ba vd Vly Plone 3117 80 (30 dec ¢) "* Music Lessons TWGINALD G GEEN, simcoe Unite arora choirmaster, iT ne . . [| TW us dec cr tion af. simeiny 'Studfo Johns Man: (3 jan ¢) J collars a ---------- i. DR S J PHILIPS. OVER BAS «it's Special attention to X ras 'work. Gas _xtriction Nurs: in 1t tgndance Phone 98 _H se 131 Insurance DAVIS AN D SON, INSUR, 19 King St West, wa old- est Fire pyrenty | in de awa 30 re ou! ble F HEN PL. ENG INSU consult R. N Johns. 80 Simcoe St, Nofth. Your inssrance wants at tended to and vour interests oro - ted FE oi of LR, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1834 Zlex 3 Ross, 8. F. 8 iy (15 oct ty - Beauty Parlors B U BEA A 3 Permanént wave spécia) $7.50 wave for $4.00. 10 days only Naturelle Method. Marcel 650¢ Finger wave 75c, Expert opera tors only. 86 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2968. Open evenings. (8 aug tf GENOSHA HATRORERSINE Parlors, Bettv Ward and Grace Maishall experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty, $500, $750 and $1000 Finger wave and shampoo $100 Marcel 50c. Facials scalp treatments and manicures Coffer Shuppe entrance. Phone appoint ments 1973 (15 may 1 mo) LORENE JOHNSON, A dresser, 929 Church St. Marcel- ling 35c and finger waving 50¢ 'hone 2188J. (14 jan ¢) PEMBER'S NCH dressing and Beauty Zuiture No. 9 Bradley Bldg, Oshawa, Obn- tarlo. (23 nov th 'BESSIE BURTON BEAUTY shoppe, formerly 'La Parisienne' Marcel 50c, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00. 5% Simcoe Street South, (over Anderson's). Phone (24 dec c! 3 HS McLEAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 35¢ at your home or 736 Albert St. (28 dec co "YELLOW BIRD" HAIRDRESS: ing Shoppe. Maree] 35¢c. Hair eul 15¢. Mrs. H. Dafoe, 137 Ritson Rd. 8, Phone 12B5F. (8 jan c¢) o AU ALO) special Ohristmas offer, very limited number of $10 French Pierre Pérmanents for $3.50 Four finger waves at 35c each with above. Marcel 85¢. Finger wave 50c. Phone 774W. Jeanne McCabe. (140a) Articles For Sale FOR BALE--DRY BODY WOOD $3 % cord. Mixed wood, $2.76 1% cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F. (8 jan ¢' FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wepd, hard soft, mixed slabs, Phone 2423W, 115 Annis St. (2 jan ¢) ORDER YOUR COKE FROM Preston Coal and Coke Co Phone 572 or 2551J. All orders, half ten and over weighed city scsies Small orders promptly filled (1860) TWO THOUSAND FAhREL® applés, price bairel and up Sples, Meln! , Talman Sweets. Baldwins, Starks, Snows, JOun Pallock, one mile north of Whit yy Post Oftiee, Lindsay Hig way. (19 dec c) APLE D wood $3.50 single cord delivered Cheapér grades, also cartage any: where anytime. Call 3109J. 79 John St. (17 dec ¢) fTARD AND SOFT WOOD, FIVE to eight dollars per cord at bush. (Delivery extra), North east of Courtice Corners. Fence posts. radio poles and timbers Apply ¥. Foley, phone 717, Bowmanville or Mike's Place, phane 633, Osh- awa, (18 dec c) cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 3142J, (21 dec ¢) FOR SALB--BODY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple. $3 s'ngle cord. R. Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave Phone 1979W. 28 déc ¢) best for the money, Dry hard- wood, a 4 cord $3, Dry softwood. 3% cord $2.50, Satisfaction guar anteed, Ben. Corson, phone 1041M, 147 Nassau st. (11 jan ¢) FOR SALE-SRLENDID TONE six tube radio t battery set table modél. $25. Also a number of radio parts. 94 Buckingham Ave, (138¢) FOR BALE<9 PIRCED WAL- nut dining room suite, Good con- dition, Cheap. Chesterfield suite. People leaving town. Apply 632 Somerville Ave. (140¢) ABY' OAT like new. Alsg other baby's clothes for sale. Phone 2214. (140¢) Furs Repaired Sa FURS REPAIRED, REMODEL led and lined 40 years exper ence, fur Silas 2 the shia 33 5 up, Lite ibaa by vy oct nig FUR A FUR COATS RE- paired, lled and rélined. Also ion lly cieanéd by ex: pert ri Also fu' 'supplies 119 Huron Crescent. Phone 632M ars repaired, Tomodelled af moderate prices. Mrs. G. Bless. 143 Prince St. Phone 2373 J. H. Wilson, Melrose ord Toronto. (7 jan ¢) PO Sho For Rent FOR RENT--APARTMENTS, IF vou are looking for ap apart ment we invite you to inspect the Victoria and Simcoe Manor. They are thoroughiy modern, also very cleanly ond the répt. are low Managed by Bradley Bros. . (18 det c» , 3 AND 4 rooms, low rentals, Phone Dis- ney 1550 or Supt, 2347W. (133t1 A ' very modern, continuous hot wat. er, electric stove and refrige a tion, garage. Apartment No, 2. Loma Apartments. (138¢) TWO LARGE ROOMS FUR- nished for I housgkeeping. electricity, gas, hot water, priv ate entrance and conveniences. Very central, Rates low. 9¢ Centre St. (139¢) §25 RENTS A RBAL NICE 6 roomed brick house with garage on Mary St, Apply Bradley Bros. (140¢c) Coal Blowers AT LAST A COAL BLOWF2 system that positively burns coa: screenings that can be purchased from $3 to $5 per ton. The savin: will pay for the outlit in a shor! time. Phone 1214 and arrange to see this new. device in opera tion. We also sell motors, blow érs, controls etc. Acme Coa Blowers, '161 King St. W., Osh ava. (10 nov-1 mo! Motor Cars FOR SALE --- CHEVROLET Touring, 1930 model in first class condition, Cheap for cash or reas- opable price on terms. Apply to Box 15, Oshawa Daily Times. { 138e) 38¢) Lost 4 and Found LOST--GREYISH BROWN CAT Answers name of Tom, Finder phone 1971W or 125 Clarke St. (138¢c) Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- MIDDLE AGED lady for housework. Apply 100 Burke St. Phone 812M. (140b) Radios Repaired RADIO SERVICE REPAIRER done on all models, Work guar anteed. Prices reasonable. Tubes tested free in your home. Bat terfes recharged. Phone 2806W Certified radiotrician. (27 dec c! EXPERT RADIO SERVICE ON all makes of radios, Work fully guaranteed. Tubes 2a-ted free National Radlo Service 3186M. (8 jan ¢) PHONE 3350) OSHAWA RALIO Service for radio repairs. Fully equipped to give rellable service. Chas. Wales, (10 jaa c¢) EARLS RADIO--REPAIRg ON all sets, batteries charged, short wave parts, Cheapest prices Phone 1200W, 115 Alice Street. (11 jan ¢) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR. paulins, repairs, etc. Phone 2104. George Reid, 66 Bond W, J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative. (25 dec ¢) 'Wanted to Buy AIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of raw furs. Phone 81 Whitby ar drop me a line. | Stein. (21 dec ¢) WINTED TO BUY--GOOD used sedan car, not later than 28 model, State priee and particu lars to Box 14 Times. (138¢) Rates For Classified Ads First insertion-- 11§ cents per word. Minimum charge for one in. tions for the price of two first Insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions @80c. Box oun. 10c¢ additional Profess 1} or Busi Cards. $2.50 per month for 20 words or less. 10 cents a word per month for each additional word Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department Loan Wanted WANTED -- STRAIGHT LOAN $1500, five year, seven per cent first mortgage. Well planned and rented income. Property mear Utility Bldg. Box 17 Times. ( 140c) Pets' 'and Livestock CANARTE: FOR _SALE--LET your Christmas gift be a canary. Wa have a special singer, cage and stand. complete, $8. Al singers guaranteed. A, Henning, Oshawa Aviaries, 16 Bruce St. Phone 1254F. (138¢c) CANADA'S TRADE IN PICTURES D:crcase in Theatres in the] Dominion An- nounced Montreal.--A keen analysis of the whole motion picture industry in Canada was offered the Junior Board of Trade recently at a meeting in Exchange Hall, when Col. J, A. Cooper, head of the mot- fon picture distribution system in Canada gave an inside and export resume of the history of film pro- duction in Canada. Of every dollar spent on motion pietures, only six cents goes to Hollywood, or to English and French producers, declared Colo- nel Cooper. The remaining 94 cents stays in Canada. The speaker was thanked by Ian Warren, while W. P. Murphy. chairman of the Junior Board committee on the motion picfure industry, presided, "First, let me say that I have nd apology to make for the motion picture busi- ness," commented Mr. Cooper, "It caters to the entertainment of more than two million Cana- dians weekly. It has more Cana- dian dollars Invested in {t than in the manufacture of motor ears, and it pays out to Canadians each "ear more wages and salaries than that Industry. 20 Years to Establish "It took nearly twenty years to establish the retail and wholésale end of the Canadian motion ple- ture business. The retail business came first, In the year 1907 Mr. Ouimet opened the Ouimetescope in Montreal, and thus blazed the { one negative is made. Ag soon as St. Francis' Coffin Unsealed in Goa, India, uese, India.-- The coffin of St. ancis Xavier was unsealed récently for the 13th time in nearly 400 years 1 boom- ing guns, pealing bells, fireworks and the crash of military music combined t> make a scene of Ori- ental splendor ¢elebrating the Catholic festival in this old Por- tuguese city which has beén call- ed the "Rome of the East." The body of the saint was offi- ~lally reported to bé in good con- dition fn spite of the fact that it has been 400 years in the tomb. The ceremoniés began with a brilliant processién in which the colorful véstments of the clergy "lended with thé picturesque In- dian surroundings. The procession Goa, Pértn "Rome of East" was led by a spécial émissary sent by Pope Pius XI and it included three archbishops, 15 bishops and hundreds of members of the clergy. The churéh wheére the body of St. Francis was exposéd was thronged by 10,000 people who heard the Papal Mass of Benedic- tion. Led by the arehbishops, the congregation passed before the coffin and kissed the dead saint's feet. The body will continue to lie in state for a month and it ig an- ticipated a million pligrime (rom many countries will come during that time to see it. way for the establishment of oth- er retail motion picture establish- ments in the Province of Quebec and throughout Canada. Between the date of the foundng of the astablishment of Quimetescope 'n Montrea) and 1929 about 1100 theatrés were built and brought nto the business of catering to the entertainment of the public. 1 mention 1929 because that was the peak period n the retail busi- ness of the motion plctures. Since that day there has heen a steady decline in the number of retafl establishments. From Mr, Oumet's investment of a few thousand dol- lars the total investment in mot. lon picture theatres rose until to- day it probably represents $60, 100,000 "From 1919 on the wholesalers became natonal in their methods and there was evdlved a definite wholesale system whereby every national distributor had six offices 'n Canada, in Saint John, Mont. real, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver, "The third element in any great industry is the manufacturing 'nd. About 1924 it became eviden; ta some of the wholesalers that a certain amount of manufacturing might be advantageously done in Canada, "Concurrent with prodnction in Canada of photographic material the wholesalers arranged with the producers in New York and Holly- wodd to send their negatives up to Canada for printing purpores, In the manufacture of motion ple- tures in large studios more than the producers decided that ft was possible to loan each negative te Canada for a period of, say, ten days it was then quite clear that large laboratory accommodation was needed to make the positive prints required in Canada from hese imported nezatives, For the- atrical purposes Canada brings iv about G00 feature pctures a year. and probably 1,500 shért ple- tures, to say nothing of news reels and other feature items, To eir- culate each feature picture throughout Canada, five to twelve positive prints are required. HARVARD EXPENDS, OVER 13 MILLON Operating Expenses of Cambridge Institution Reach Record Height pensés of Harvard University, with its new hbuses and increas- ed staff of teachers and officers, reached a record height in the academic year closing last June, it is revealed in the annual re- port of Henry L. Shattuck, trea- surer of the University, The total figure was $13,466,991.42, ex- ceeding. by more than $1,220,000. Harvard's previous most expen- sive year. The report also showed Har- vard's endowment fund had in: creased more than $9,000,000 over the preceding year. Exclu- sive of lands and bulldings used 'or educational purposes, the hook value of Harvard's éndow- ment funds on June 30, 1931, was $117,204,250.34. The Operating expenses as clas- sified by Mr. Shattuck follow: Salaries for administration {n+ struction and research, $4,244, 011.10, Other expenses for administra- tion, instruction, and research, $4,078,274.51. Maintenance and operation of buildings and grounds, $1,647, 973.48. Dining hala and Faculty Club, $1,018,105. Athletics 3d physical tion, $991,946.21. Student scholarships, loans and wrizes, $735,249.70. Medical Scho] heat and power plant, $262,089.28. Annuities, retiring allowances, and other non-departmental acti. vities, $58,441.06. Harvard athletles were self supporting, due to the drawing nower of the feotball team. The Faculty Club was al#> self-sup- porting. Statistics were unavailable as to the exact portion of the oper. ating expenses defrayed by gtu- dent tuitions, With some 8,500 ~raduate and under-graduate stu- dents contributing an average of $400. per year for a total of $3, 400,000. it was evident that mon- 2y gathered from tuition would hardly meet instruction and re- 'earch expenses, Harvard's oper- ating expenses are expectéd to reach anothér new height during the present academic year, Two hundred men have been added to the teaching staff, bring the to- tal to more than 1500, A heavy factor contributing to 'he higher expénses last year was an Inerease in the salaries of all professors and teachers in the de- partment bf Arts and Sciences. (Guaranteed) 35¢ for sale by W. THOMPSON A. R. BELF1Y JOHNSTON DRUG CO. od educa- BEATTIE'S COUGH SYRUP JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wormnill, Oph. D Eyesight Specialist Phone 8218 | TIME TABLE WTR. OHA NAILS 6.45 p.m 7 10.30 p.m 1.30 1200 am. Yimeo a marked * are through busses to Whitby Hospital East Leave Arrive Bow s manville 13 7. am 8i5am 9.55 8.m 11.30 a.m 120pm Heated Car Storage in Fireproof Building to April 15th, Price $25.00 Cash Ontario Motor Sales Ld 86 King St. East f 35pm 215 p.m, of - S. 0. m 6.40pm rASpm. [ 81 Sr m v.905pm. 85pm 1030 pm. 1045pm. 1Wpm 1pm SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West 10.45 p.m. 3 p.m. T. A. GARTON. PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 612 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Reom, 10 Prince Street ial Busse For All Octagions Reasonsble Rates and Careful Drivers GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1831) (Eastern, Standard Time) 2825 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. PM, AM, PM v--Draily except "Sunday. b--Saturday, Sun. day and Holidayy only. d--Sunday only. br CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Yealn Service Effec 2nd EASTBOUND Lv. Oshawa, 8.55 a.m Except Sunday. 9.42 a.m. Daily. 1.44 p.m. Except Sunday. 10.22 p.m. Daily. 12.35 a.m. Daily, 12.45 a m Daily. WESTBOUND Lv. Oshawa, & 45 am. Daily. 5.50 a.m Daily, 6.26 a.m. Daily, 34% p.m. Daily, 5.48 p.m. Except Sunday, 7.20 p.m. frcent Sunday, CANADIAN PACII'IC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1981 (S rd Time) 3 am. Dail 2.40 Trenton Focal Daily, ex. Sun, AE pan Daily, 12.05 a.m, Daily. 1.05 a m. Daily, ol For Ottawa, Montreal and East only= ag. Wes! 5.8% a.m. Daily. 7.13a.m Daily, 313 pm Dally. 7.8 p.m Daily, except me.S4 p.m. Daily, m Toronto and West only -~flag. Sundsy. 1--1931 Chey, Sport Sedan 1--1028 Chey. Sedan, free J. wheeling Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON~--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY ), J. BROW), It your watch !s oot giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, THE JEWELER 7 Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. hone 189 BOYS' CORDUROY BREACHES, double seat' and double knee, $1.39 Special Dominion Clothing Co., G8 King §t W Phone 2149 WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent aud Finger Waves 4 Phone 2653. K Celina 8¢, oH wl Lf ROYAL YOR ene Tes By) psig 28¢ t a rent Stores EATON GROCETERIA. it Pags To Shop Here Always POTATOES 90 Ib. bag, 50c First Class Stock HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED PHONE 908 BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE | 6-Roomed Brick-Veneer Dwélle ing, finished Attic and room, garage. Du Ave. Apply J, H. RS Une, of Phones 871---6887W, 3 TILE THE TOILER Ee ------ | MUST ASK You | ABOUT | NURSE OH, | CAME To SEE DR. CH\SELWELL. HAVING MR. MAC DoveALL'S CHANGED I THIN MAC SHOULD FOR GOODNESS SAKE! WHO PUT THAT THING IN MY ROOM TO GT'ME UP AT Whi HOUR? | lii= MI AE FOR GOODNESS 1% THAT ? wi aI a enn IST RE ee Re ----

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