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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1931 PAGE SEVES IF it's to be BougAt or Sold - Times Classified Ads will dv it] CONANT & ANNIL BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notaries Public Ete Copan 2, i, ote imcoe aw i Phone 4. G D I "BARRISTER Solicitor Notary Over Dewland's Store. M to loan 16 Simcoe Street (Nort one 67. Resi e J473W_ cw itors, Etc 4% Sim:@ve ing N Poe 3160 Residence 3514 Hon to loa & y EBBS, STE 'citor. Notary Public, Cunvev gg Ts to loan. Third fluor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office Ph . B.A. - ter. 12% Simcoe St. South. Tele phone 3038--565 os spf tls Medical B. HAZLEWOOD, PHY: iu Wn Surgeon. special atten tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy Office. Disnev Block Phone Office open 9 am. to 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street Fast. Phone 2416 KAY. PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher Office and resi dence King St East, corner Vie toria St. Oshawa Phone Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR F T BRYANS OF 160 r Street West, Toronto, will be iy 1B office over Jury & Lovelt's Drue store each Saturdav from til 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose an. throat only. Appointments may bs made at drug store. Phone 97. Undertaking ALCO, 67 KING ST Li bulance Residence 542 Ba An North Phene 2101 d_210W BSHAWA BURIAL CO. MF t & Son. Prourietor: and Ambulanze Service "~ and night Phone (416) Celina Architects STENHOUSE, GENERAL i | work Second floor i in Building. Phone 149 Residénce phone Auctioneer NE 716) W | SULLEY ATONE o% Simcoe St. S. Osh awa, Ont. Special attention uiven to household furniture sales an farm stock and implements. Your tronage solicited R x i . _ stock petioneer, furniture, fa er: a specialty. Term# . Phone 1648 r 24. moderate. Ph 3 30 doe ©) Watch Repairing VON GUNTEN. EXPERY wi hmaker, repair shop ST i St. ret West. Your pat: vonage is solicited. Battery Service is CHARGED 75¢ with rental $100, Repaired and re ted for and delivered Galt Ca Stan. Blicdon. 20 Mill St. Phone 960 "Hemstitching broide work, altera hy aemaking. etc. The Dell Shop. one 1856, 26% Simcoe 8. Pb me 1 3 SE Transportation a Gs Bond W A / ', ¢ on furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip" ment. Phone 82. teuctor. Local anc ag dis Fp qauling, ioads ing. red 609 Carnes le Ave. Phone 1618. ri SE Private Hospital -- Rest K, WHITBY, fn 'harge. Cosfiby " all patients requ guents. suds) vo dbliars daily A invited oo Inspection ; (30 dep 0 Palmist 1 matters of fmpott Pas Louisa St. Phane 2636F d {usingan getzate, (20 dec ¢) §f tered Nurse TEEN ORGAN Re Juco 1 nits ' Plano, organ, ; , Residence 765M. (Phone 3128 Ls IM. 4 'voice production ana singing Phone Xo '6 Studio Johns Plan 4Ce. - (3 Jan c) i or > leer house with § Paved - gtreet. Modern conveniences. Gas TE, 8 Wanted to fiIGHEST PRICE PAID FOW "all kinds of raw furs. Phone §1 { Whitby or drop me a line. | p RE dio ale (21 dec ©), Dental - JR § 1 PHII LIPS. OVER BAS .ett's Special attention to X fas work. Gas .xtraction Nurs in at tendance Phone 959 House 1312 DAVIS AD D SON, INSURANCE 19 King St West, Oshawa The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 re out ble Fire Com ke WHEN PLACING INSURANCE sonsult R N Johns. 80 Simcoe St orth, Your insurance wants at tended to and vour interests oro " pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers Phone 1834 Zlex. 3 Ross, 8. F. Everson (15 oct ti AN a Beauty Parlors u ou A Permanent wave wave for $4.00. 10 day¢ only Naturelle Method. Marcel G0c Finger wave 785c, Expert opera tors only, 86 Simcoe St. North. Phopge 2968. Opén evenings. (2 aug tf' GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Bettv Ward and Grace Matshall experts b all kinds Beauty Culture ur permanen wave a specialty. $500. $7.50 and $1000 Finger wave and shampoo $100 Marcel S0c. Facials. scalp treatments and manicures Coffer Shoppe entrance. Phone appoint ments 1973 Y : special $7.50 1S may 1 mo) A , Celina St. All Hues of beauty culture. Marcel 50¢c, Shampoo and finger wave $1. Christmas spec la] Permanent Wave $6. Guaran teed work by experienced opera- tors. Phone 2663 for appoint ments, (145d) {ORENE JOHNSON, HAIR dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 36c and finger waving 60c 'hone 2188J. (14 jan ¢) PE R'S A) AlTR- dressing and Beauty Tujture No 9 Bradley Bldg, Cshawa, On tario. ESE 3 : 'hoppe, formerly "La Parisienne 'laree] 50¢, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00. 5% Simcoe Stree! South, (over Anderson's). Phone (24 dec c' 71. LILLTAN McLCEAN, PHONE 2106 marcel 86¢c at your home or 73. Albert St. (28 dec "YELLOW BIRD" WAIRDRESS- ing Shoppe. Marcel! 35¢. Halr out 15¢c. Mrs. H. Dafoe, 187 Ritson Rd. 8, Phone 1255F. (23 mov tf (8 jan ¢) FINOER WAVE 50c. MARCEL 35¢c. Trim 2%¢. Miss Robbins, 81 Ontario St. Phone 1115W, (15 jan cy Articles For Sale FOR SALE--DRY BODY WOOD $3 % cord. Mixed wood, $2.76 14 cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F. (8 jan c K McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard soft, mixed slabs. Phone 24.8W. 115 Annis st. (2 jan ¢) For Rent FOR RENT APARTMENTS. IF vou @are looking for ap apart ment we invite you to inspect the Vietoria and Simcoe Manor. They are thoroughiy modern, also vers cleanly ond the rent. are low Vianaged by Bradley Bros. (18 dec eo APARTMENTS, MODERN, 3 AND 4 rooms, low rentals. Paone Dis ney 1550 or Supt, 3347TW. (133t8) -- 0 B unfurnishéd or partly furnished rooms, light, heat, water. Girls or young couple. 331 Centre St, (143¢ 25 DOLUARS TAKES A GOOD six roomed house, newly decor ated throughout, north end. Close to Bimeoé St. Immediate posses sion. E. P, Doncaster, 109 Ritson Rd, N.. (143¢c) A BRIGHT THREE ROOM apartment with bath Very mod- ern. Electric stove and refrigera- tion. Casa Loma Apartments, King St. East. (143¢) FUR RENT--MODERN 5 ROOM- od bungalow, $20, Immediate sossession, Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave (143¢c) G : 2 R- nished rooms, heated with ali conveniences. $15 per month. Apply 278 Haig St. (143¢c) Rates For Classified Ads First insertion-- 13 cents word. per . Minimum charge for one in- sertion She. Bach enbsequent comseru- tive insertion 1s per word. Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three' insertions 602, - lox nun.ber 10¢ additional Professional or Husiness Cards, $8.50 per month for 20 words or less. 10 cents a word per month for each additienal word Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ald Department TUK KENT--3 NICELY FUR: nished rooms on grouua floor. Phone 711M, (143¢) Help Wanted--Male Z MEN WITH BUSINESS ADIL- ity willing to start at about $2» weekly, Excellent future, Per manent position, Apply Monday 10 to 12 or 2 to 5. 24 Alger Bide. (1442) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE o attendance, warm 1 ms, terms reasonable. 80 Mrock St W 'hone 32983, (30 dec 0» Furs Repaired FURS REPAIRED, REMODEI 'ed and lined 40 sears experi ance, fur trimmings by the yard 'ollars and cuffs Fur coats $2: up, Littuer, 86 Simcoe North (28 oct 1l-mo! FUR AND FUR COATS RE neired, remodelled and relined \lso scientifically sieaued by ex pert furrier. Also fu supplies .19 Huron Crescent. Phone 632M (7 jan e» "IR COATS MADE 10 ORDER Fars repaired, remodelled at moderate prices, Mrs. G. Hicks 143 Prince St. Phone 2373J or J. H. Wilson, Melreo ° 5228. Toronto. fan ¢) Pets and Livestock CANARIES FOR SALE--CHOICE singing canaries. Guaranteed, A. Henning, Oshawa Aviaries, 16 Bruce St. Phone 1254F. . ; (145¢) Room and Board LADY ROOMER WANTED. Close to Collegiate and Hosp'tal Phone 1200J or 11v Alice after ms or 7 to 8 evenirgs. TWO THOUSAND TAhREL* apples, price $1 bairel and up spies, MecInfosh, Taln.an Sweets. Jaldwins, Starks, 8Snow., loun Pallock, one mile north of Whit sy Post Office, Lindsay Hig way. (19 dec c FOR SALE--SAND, . cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros, 3142J, (21 dec ¢) FOR SALE--BODY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple. $3 s'ngle cord. R. Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave Phone 1979W. (25 dec c! WEST END WOOD YARD, THE best for the money. Dry hard- wood, % cord $3, Dry softwood. 3% cord $2.50, Satisfaction guar anteed. Ben Corson, phone 1941M. 147 Nassuy St. : (11 jan c) 8 carriage, toffee color body, cream wheels, rubber tires, storm shield, tizst class condition. Also fron age seeder with cultivator attach: ments. Apply 21 Elgin i y c) eral dresses, 14, COATS, SEV- 16 years, 331 Centre St. 1 (1438¢ ¥ diamond rigg, halt a karat, bar :aln, Gold antique gate pattern bracelet, Apply Room 5, Com- mercial Hotel after 2 p.m. (143¢) CINE C lan pendant, very fashionable. Also lady's 3 stone diamond ring amd other articles for sale. Room 5 Commercial Hotel after 3 Xs. y . Cc) mixed $3.50, dry body maple $3. Cok Yo Coal, 79 John St. Call . (18 jan ¢) ers wanted at once. Box 26 Times. (143¢) length seal coat. Good style and in good condition, Size 38. Thirty dollars. Bargain, Box 27 ae a) white fur, terrier pup, reasonable Phone 3287W of 52 Drew B a Motor Cars ~ J cats or trucks. We also special bump: washing and Turaiture refnish- Ing. Merritt's, King West. ; '(16 jan ©) PRE, TEE IR, 3-1 (143¢) Help Wanted--Female WANTuD--<B X P E RIENCED on plush menders., Apply Box 26 Times, (145a) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--1 UNFUR- nished room. Apply Box 28 Times. (145a) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR paulins, repairs, etc. Phone 2104 Géorge Reid, 66 Bond W. J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative. (25 dec c Coal Blowers AT LAST A COAL BLOWT 1% system that positively burns coa. screenings that can be purchased from $3 to $5 per toa. The savin: will pay for the outfit fn 3 shor: time. Phone 1214 and arrange to see this new device In opera Jon. We also sell motors, blow ers, controle ete. Acme Coa. Blowers, 161 King St. W., Osh ava. (10 nov-1 mo) Radios Repaired TADIO SERVICE HEPAIRR lone on all models, Work guar inteed. Prices reasonable. Tuber ested free in your home. Bat eries recharsed. Phone 2806W 'ertified radiotrician. (2) dec ¢ OXPERT RADIO SBRVICE ON '1l makes of radios. Work fuily ruaranteed, Tubes ted free ational Radio Service 3186M. (8 jan c) HOw 3350) OSHAWA RATIO ervice for radio repairs. Fully quipped to give reliable service Chas. Wales, (10 jan c) EARLS RADIO--REPAIRS ON | all sets, batteries charged, short wave parts, Cheapest prices Phone 1200W, 115 Alice Street. (11 jam c) Shippers Urg:d to Halt Competition Paris, Dec. 21.---The shipipng business will have to eliminate cut- throat competition if it wants to re- cover some of its old-time prosper itn Lows Chappedelgine, Minister of Merchant Marine, said in ap- proving a project for an interna tional shipping conference next ear. Rene Morfux, shipowner and builder, is sponsoring a movement for such a conference with the ob- ject of drafting an agreement among the world's shippers to feduce com- petition which 1s harming all of them. Shipping experts say there are too many ships in commission and that the difficulty of attaining a pro fit 1s increased by the building of faster ships and by the growth of efficiency in all the ports of the world. e------------------ "The boxers are of more import- ance than the promoter," says a sporting writer. But, after -all, it's the referee who ¢ounts, - ality for the Public Notice Sypposis of proposed by-law and copy of two quest'ons "ub- mitted to the qualified electors by the Council of the City of Oshawa. i The purpose of the by-law is to | reduce the number of Aldérmen for the City of Oshawa from fif- teen to ten, béing two for each Ward, Question, "Are you in favor having the Aldermen f the City of Oshawa elected by a general vote." Questiop, "Are you in favor of the continuance . of Daylight .aving Time." TAKE NOTICE THAT the above is a true sypposis of a proposed by-law, and . true copy of two questions bel g submitted to the qualified electors of the Jity of Oshawa, The votes of the Frectors of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa shall be taken upon the said proposed by-law and upon the sald questions at the same time, and at the same places as the annual election for the Muni- :ipa) Council and the Deputy Re- turping Officer appointed to hold the sald Election shall take the vole. On the 31st day of December A.D. 1931, at the nour of twelve o'clock noon, the head of the Counc! of the sald Corporation or some member of sald Council] ap pointed for that purpose by res olution shal] attend at the City <lerk's Office in the said Munici- purpose of ap- pointing, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing sign- ed by him, two persons to attend at the fina] summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one per- on to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and voting in the affirmative on said by-law and juestions, and a like number on .ehalf of the persons interested n and voting in the negative cn .he said by-law and questions. On the 6th day of Jacuary, A J, 1932, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon at the City Clerk's Jifice in the sald Municipality che Clerk of the said Municipal- ity shall attend and sum up the votes given in the affirmative ind negative on the id by-law nd questions, F. E. HARE, City Clerk. (133-139-145 SWEET PROSPECTS IN THE BARBADOES The English Bank, "Barclays," | says that Barbados, which is known | as "Little England" and which is | said to be "more English than Eng | land herself," will have a large: | crop of sugar in 1932 than the nor. | mal Barbados crop of 80,000 tons. | In 1931 a drouglit almost halved | the Barbados harvest of sugar, It would seem that Dame Fortune is smiling sweetly on "Little England" through the dissipating clouds of depression. The tropical colony lies along the "eastern group" route of Canadian National steamers that unite Canada with the West Indies ORIGIN OF TOBACCO According to one explanation to- bacco takes it name from "to- baco," the name given by Spaniards and Caribs to the pipes in which they smoked tobacco in the West Indies. In turn, "tobace" is said to take its name from Tobago, the name of the island where Robinson Cruso is supposed to have been marooned. obago is near Trini- dad, southerly island terminal of the Canadian National Steamship liners plying from Halifax and Boston. "Who gets the most out of mar- ried life ?" a writer asks. We should say Hollywood film stars, they seem to bc always getting out of it. WITCHCRAFT MAY PLAY PART IN MURDER TRIAL Peculiar Habits of Man Ac- cused in Nova Scotia Are Being Probed New Germany, N.S, Dec. 21. -- Crooked crosses of dogwood hang over Ninevch's stable doors; horse- shoes reversed divert the spells of evil, And before long a detathment of Nova Scotia police may venture into one of these Lunenburg county back-country settlements to end by legal means a witch-doctor's reign. olice have not yet disclosed the full ¢ontents of two notes found in a raincoat pocket near the body of Lem Smith, last Monday, in which a death-threat against four people was signed with Naaman Smith's name. But it is understood that new light on superstitions practiced about the countryside is contained therein, and that the first casc re sulting from "witchcraft" on record in Nova Scotia may result, From $10 to $25, it is stated, has heen the charge made by a witch doctor in one of the settlements for freedom from spells and direction for avoiding the influence of anyone qualified to "wish a witch on you." Naaman Smith, now charged with the murder of his uncle, is said to have worn 2a black raincoat, summer and winter, rain or shine, as pro- tection against evil spirits, blamed by him for the heart discase from which he suffered. BEFO fy AS? EERE ARE GIFTS ACCEPTABLE TO ANY WOMAN LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RICHARD HUDNUT VANITIES $1200 7829 Karn's Diug Store Next P',0. Phone 78 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OMIP DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY We Deliver 1 Simcoe St. 8. WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMAN VILLE | TIME TABLE | Week Day Schedule and after 2, 131) (Effective os Fond Areive SPECIAL! Clean Carbon, recondition Valves and motor tune up . Chev, 4 cylinder .... Chev. 6 cylinder ......50.808 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES © 86 King St, E. ] Phone 900 1240pm 6.45p.m 10.30 p.m LY p.m Times marked Whitby Hospital Leave Arrive Bow manville 7.20 a.m 815em Of 9558.0 {10am 1240 p.m dl5pm Og 40pm 5.40 p.m tv p.m 85pm of 9.35 po 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m NNY¥om SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West | Lesve Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 3.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 4.45 p.m. »00 p.m. 6.45 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 20 p.m. 8.15 p.m. 10.00 p.m. 2 .m. 10.45 p.m. Gol it Leave Whitby 15pm. Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 245 pm Arrive Bowmanville 10.45 a.m 12.45 p.m. Y. A. GARTON. PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room. 10 Prince Street Special Busses For All Occasions Rates and Careful Drivers GRAY COACH LINE: Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) Phone LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO | 11.20 «--Daily Sunday. b--Saturday, Sun. day a sas only, d--Sunday only. F3e .C.YOUN 4% Prince Osh | 11931 Chev, Sport Sedan 1--1928 Chev. Sedan, free wheeling co Ross, Ames & Gartshore "| HUDSON--ESSEX 7 133 King St. W. Phone 1100 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY '. J. BROWN It your watch 1s not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correet time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. "hone 180 BOYS' CORDUROY BREACHES, double seat and double knee. $1.39 Special Dominion Clothing Co., A8 King 8t W Phone 2141 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service 'Effective, Nov, 22nd EASTBOUND Ly. Oshawa, 8.55 a.m Except Sunday, " am Daily, & 44 p.m Except Sunday. 10.22 p.m. Daily. y 12.35 a.m. Daily, 12.45 am Dail WESTBOUN 4.45 am. Daily. 5.50 a.m Daily, 6.26 a.m, Daily, 4.06 p.m. Daily. 6.48 pm Except Sunday, 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday, CANADIAN PACIIIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1931 (Standard Time} tbound Eas 9.25 a.m. Dail 2.40 Trenton Loca) Dally, ex. Sun, xi.18 p.m Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily, LOS am. Daily. re For Ottawa, Montreal and East only-- 8 la, Westbound 5.56 a.m. Daily, 713am Daily, Ju p.m Daily, 2n.m Daily, except Su: p M834 pn. Daild, ep! nday m Toronto and West only--flag. = ---- Everyth'ng for the WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves Phone 2653. = Celina St. ROYAL YO age At all Superios Stores range Pekoe EATON CROCETERIA | It Pugs To Shop = | Here Always - ¥ POTATOES 80 Ib. bag, S0c First Class Stock '& HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITE PHONE %08 = 4 7 ---------- - TILLIE THE TOILER ON 50 KAD Me, WouLo pi - By Russ; We Sues. | MIGHT AS we, MAKE A Goon Jo OF IT WHILE ACTOR, BY 1 ARE You? ANY CHANCE, ARE YOU. RUNNIN FER-JIGCS? TRY AN KEEP A MARRIED, COUPLE FROM FIGHTIN =~ I'M ONE OF 'Em! a x eet a ea I~

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