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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1931 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home cad the Ccmmunity. Mr, and Mrs. E. E, Miller and family of Toronto, and Miss Gladys Miller, of Weston, Ontario, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Al chin, Elgin Street. Mrs. Louise Hagerman, of Belle- ville, is spending Christmas with ber daughter, Mrs. H, Stewart, of Albany Street. 9 Mrs. P, A. Blackburn and daugh- ter, Millicent, of King Street East, will spend Christmas and the holi- day season in Sarnia. Mr and Mrs. S. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman, of this city, are to be the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace of Port Hope on Christmas Day. Y Miss Eileen Cuddy, of 97 Roxbor- ough Avenue, will spent Christmas Day in Delora, Ontario. Miss Grace Marshall, of this city, will spend Christmas Day and the following week-end with her par- ents at Oak Lake, Ontario. Miss Alberta Christian, Mary Street, entertained at a shower on Saturday afternoon of last week in honor of Miss Hazel Sweet, a bride elect of this month, A unique way of tendering the gifts was introduc- ed by the hostess who announced that on the reception of each gift the guest of honor would have to answer any question the danor. cared to ask of her. The originality, in both questions and answers caus- ed much merriment. Tea was ser- ved in the dining-room which was hung * with lovel wedding decora- tions, . AN LJ NN Mis Hazel Sweet, a bridesto-be of this month, was the guest of honor at a shower and bridge given by Miss Jean Hamilton, of Ritson Road South, last Saturday evening. The guests included many school friends of Miss Sweet's who enjoy- ed chatting about former days. Be- fore the hostess served refresh- ments a tiny guest wheeled in a carriage full of beautiful gifts for the bride elect, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Weir, Athol Street and Miss Phemie Weir, also of this city, will spend Christmas Day and the following week-end with«relatives in Tor- onto, » wm " Mr. Reginald CG. Geen, organ- ist of Simcoe Street United Church has left to spend Christ- imas with his parents, Rev, and Mrs. A. L. Geen, of "Moodie Cot- tage," Belleville, Ontario. Mr. Geen will return to take charge of the music at the services in .the church next Sunday. WOMEN'S MEETINGS After the regular lodge meet- ing of the Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 222, held on' Friday evening an old time Christmas concert and party was given for the children of the members. Those who helped to make pos- sible this pleasant evening for the little people were Mr, and Mrs R. Holden, Miss Velma 'Har- ris, Miss Martin, Mrs. Chalmers, Jack Naylor and Teddy Morgan. - The arrival of Santa Claus in FLIP GIVES HIS MASTER A SURPRISE Be suspiicous if you must, But try at first a little trust, ~Old Mother Nature, Even Unc' Billy Possum had to admit that never before had such a sight been seen in the Green Forest There was Flip the Terrier dancing about and on his back was Runty who had been the smallest of Unc' Billy's twelve children. Not only was Runty on Flip's back but he had climbed there of his own ac- cord and he scemed to be enjoying that wild ride. Runty's brothers and sisters from their safe perches in trees they had climbed looked on in pop-eyed astonishment. There was Runty actually doing one of the things he had boasted of having done, a thing they hadn't believed Re or any other Possum would dare o. Suddenly Flip remembered his master. He stopped and turned his head to look back at Runty cling- ing to his back. Then Flip began to shake himself. My, my, how he did shake! Runty did his best to hold on, but Flip's hair was short and there was little to cling to. At the fourth hard shake Runty fell off. Instantly Flip was standing over him, his tail still wagging. Be- fore Runty could make up his mind what to do next Flip seized him in his mouth, It was the first time Flip ever had done this and it start- ted Runty. However, Flip was hold- ing verv gently though firmly, and Runty was wise enough not to struggle but to lie limply as he did when pretending to be dead. Flip lifted him gently and turned to go back to meet his master. It was just then that Farmer Brown's Boy appeared in sight. His eves op ened wide in surprise as Flip came to him and proudly laid Runtv at his feet. "So vou really did catch some- thing!" he exclaimed as he stooped to pick Runtv up. This must be a member of the same family as that little scamp who got away from us., 1 suppose you shook him to death just because I wasn't there to stop you. I---hello! This rascal isn't dead after all!" He held Runty up by the tail for a better look 'at him and then he recognized him. "It is our little runway as sure as 1 live!" he ex- claimed alond.. "So that is why you didn't shake, him to death, is it? You recognized him and were satis- fied to catch him and bring him to me. Good Dog." He stooped and patted Flip on head and Flip licked his hand, wag- ged his stump of a tail and begaf to bark. "Quiet!" commanded his master and, walking over to an old stump, sat down still holding Runty. The latter still was limp, but his cyes were open and very bright those small eyes were. There was no fear in them. He was in the hands of a friend he knew it. Farmer Brown's Boy put Runty across his knee and began to stroke him. Runty came to life at once. He rolled over onto his feet and sat up to scratch back of one ear with a hindfoot, Farm- er Brown's Boy laughed aloud. "You know me, you rascal!" he cried. Yes, sir, you know me. Well, let me tell you one thing and that is it is a good thing for you that Flip and not some other dog found you." Meanwhile Runty's brothers and sisters were looking on with almost unbelfeving eyes, There was their brother in the hands of this giant and seemingly unafraid, They won- dered what it meant and what would happen next. Truth to tell Runty was also wondering what would happen next and if he would be carried back to that comfortable prison from which he had made his escape. And then he remembered something. He rememberd that al- ways Farmer Brown's Boy had had something good to eat in one of his pockets, But that was when Farmer Brown's Boy used to take him out of his cage to play with him. Would there be anything in one of those pockets now? "The only way to find out is to look," thought Runty and stopped scratching his ear, (Copyright, 1930, T. W. Bureess) The next story: "Runty Arouses Envy." Graduate of Oshawa Hospital to be a Missionary in China The drawing room of the Nurses' residence of the Oshawa General Hospital, was the scene of a charming little party on Sat- urday evening, when the mem- bers of the Nurses' Alumnae As- sociation assembled to honor Miss Marguerite Dickie, a grad- uate of 1925, and a former sec- retary of the Alumnae Associa- tion, who is leaving the day after Christmas for Vancouver wnere she will enter a Bible training school for six months before go- ing on in September to China as a medical missionary of the In- all the Yuletide glory was the climax of fun for the kiddies. He too a gift from the huge Christ- mag tree for every boy and gir! present, This is the first Christmas treat that Sunshine Rebekah Lodge has provided for the chil- dren and it was voted a splendid success, with the hope expressed that it would become an annual event, land China Missions, Miss Dickie is one of the most vopular of the graduate nurses. She entered the.Oshawa General Hospital as a probationer when only seventeen years of age, hav- ing come here from China where her parents were missionaries and where she was born and educated in an English Mission School. Miss Dickie graduated in 1925 and since that time has made her home in Oshawa doing nursing at. the hospital. and working on private cases. Her cheerfulness, pleasant disposition and kindli- ness, have won for her many {riends while her skillful and con- scientious nursing have placed her in a class with the 'best in her profession. : On Saturday evening Miss Dickie's friends and sister nurses made her the recipient of many beautiful gifts which she will take with her as remembrances of her happy life in Oshawa, The staff of the Hospital and its Superintendent, Miss E. Mac- Williams, although [} foam biG Reorgani--ation Sale At The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. 5. One Block South of the Library COATS, DRESSES, HATS, SPORTWEAR, HOSIERY AND LINGERIE AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES. Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Merchandise fo be sold than cost. Come everyone. £4 Simcoe St. S. they regret | sincerely that Miss Dickie is to ieave their midst, are happy 'in the thought that one of their graduates is going to carry the prame of the Oshawa General Hos- pital Training School to so far distant a land. Miss Dickie is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James Dickie who Zor thirty-eight years were in the niiscion fields in China and wuo ars at present doing niissionary work in British Columbia, SHE TER KIDDIES ARE ENTERTAINED Sunbeam Chapter O.E.S. Give Party and Gifts place at the Children's Chapter of the Ogder of the East- ern Star entertained the thirty- five children who are now living at the home, The programme of songs, reci- tations amd solos was arranged by Miss G. Annand, principal of Simeoe South School. The young artists who included boys and girls from the Simcoe South Scheol arrived at the Shelter at children ready and waiting the concert to begin. The or- chestra of South Simcoe School waz: there and played several se- lecrions, Miss Barrowclough's class sang a Bedtime Song, Mike Kupnicki and Charles Hamilton piayed violin solos, John and seven-thirty to find the Shelter | ror | A happy Christmas party took | Shelter | last evening when the Sunbeam | | fault of James Stewart sang a vocal duet at as also did Ruth Ferguson and Wanda Gamble, Doreen Stewart BURRESS ELS SL SIDE ORL IRR LEY and Miss Arlie Barrowclough gave readings, The children were delighted with this entertainment and doing their part to make the evening more pleasant, they sang some songs, while Miss Ger trude Colver, the matron, accom- panied them at the piano. While the ladies retired to the kitchen to prepare the refresh- ments the children were taken to the playrooms where some of the adults remained to lead them fn games, With supper over, the arrival of Santa Claus was the next bit of excitement, With jingling bells and his red and white suit he bounced into the room where the little tots were cagerly anticipating his visit, To every child he gave a gift, and a ag of candy and nuts, The party reached its height of merrt- ment then, They were allowed to play for a while before Miss Col- | ver burried them off to bed. When they had gone, on behalf of the Sunbeam Chapter, Mrs, Rus- sell Weir, W.M,, moved a vote of thanks to Miss Colver for the | 2 We can say without any fear of contradiction that we have the finest assortments of Gift Goods this store has ever had. We are more than pleased to hear so many favorable com- ments on our goods and our prices by the keenest shoppers. We are ready to fill all your Gift needs during the last two rush days, with a full staff of experienced salespeople whe are anxious to serve you well. Shop at Ward's and Save Money § privilege of being allowed to | bring a bit of Christmas Cheer to the kiddies, who througn no |% their own, are bheing| caved for by the Children' Ad | PR Rn a nh ER BRR GR th RG Die OC | Canadian Chicken Competes With the Australian Rabbis ret Montreal, 1 nd f will be the eventual arbiters. in the air; death dealing As a direct result of a trial ship- weapons are in will le- ment which reached Canada this fall clared between the Canadian chick- [aboard the Canada-Australia "good- en and the Australian rabbit : | will" ship, 15,000 Australian rabbits battle ground is Canada : invaded the Dominion and were cause of hostilities is a touchy situ- | carried by Canadian National Rail- ion wherein Canadian housew ways to points in all provinces, prin er action ; cipally in Onfario, The rabbit con- tingent arrived by National freighter Canadian High- lander, which docked Disembarkation took place in sec- leased. It appear to be the ag patriotic hens hav some time. gastronomically equal to the chic- kens, quite as good Several millions of rabbits darken the hills of Australia and motorists near Melbourne say they get seve eral rabbits to the gallon on a gi day. Though the invading army is numerous, each contender = arrives furless, skinless and without inter nal impediments; yet each is none the less a potent lielp to the culins ary Cause the Canadian Halifax. at and the news is only now re- is peculiar war, The rabbit ressors; thougl laid plans for The rabbits claim to be There are new evening slips without straps, They fit tightly around the top to form a bane deau, They claim / their taste is o> COOKING FIGS Citron Peel LEMON OR ORANGE PEEL FOR POULTRY (= SHIRRIFF'S FRUIT JELLIES MARASCHINO < = 5 MALAGA TABLE RAISINS GINGER ALE Tle. mi CLEANED CURRANTS AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS AYLMER BUFFET HALVES Walnut Meats 1. 59¢ «sh T1LA ORANGE PEKOE 1b. 4c- ib. 75 BLENDED INDIA ENCORE BRAND MAYONNAISE 214-02. JAR SPOOLS .....ccooonuneses Ibs 370 ROCK ......v000000 Ib, 170 UPS taenasesss Ih 190 cuT BUTTERC HOMEMADE STYLE -- MADE OF FINEST QUALITY INGREDIENTS ONLY T A «P Mincemeat 21 HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS Items of every-day use at prices that tell their own story of real savings. LAYER FIGS 1b. 19¢ 2 Ibs. 21¢ 1b. 24¢ ib. 17¢ SEASONING Tin 9¢ Tumbler CHERRIES 2%" Glace Cherries 1. 39¢ Karavan Dates 35¢ PITTED rig. 21€ rig. 35¢ (Contents) Canada Dry 2:7: 25¢ 1b. 17¢ RAISINS 2 Ibs. 29¢ Fruit Salad 215s 25¢ Don't Guess on Quality-- Look for the v " Governmeni-Grade Tag on the Turkey You Buy Every turkey on sale in Toronto A & P stores has been graded and tagged by a Government Inspector. , , , To the average householder this means much, . . . It means that it eliminates the necessity of guesswork when buying. Government grades are the standards of quality, At A & P you will find only Selected Grade "A" and Selected Grade "B" turkeys, properly tagged--thus assuring you of birds that have been well-fatted and\well-fleshed for market, MAKE A & P YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CHRISTMAS POULTRY TURKEYS Plump, tender young birds from the country's best turkey farms, Buy your Christmas turkey at A & P--Every bird guaranteed and sold at VERY LOWEST PRICES Also a Complete Assortment of GEESE CHICKENS DUCKS FOWL Our full money-back guarantee goes with every purchase made. : AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT--Shop at A & P. SMOKED IES' PERFECTION BRAND HAMS ras ib. 1% INLY SLICE Wrapped" ™ a BACON... srveeys Be Tackige Oc FRESH YOUNG ROASTING a Shoulders ti" 1b. 9¢ POR Loins ** 5350" 1b. 12¢ Butts (rx 1b. 11¢ SELECTED A & P CHRISTMAS BEEF ib, 22¢ ROASTS sou Shoulder 1b. 12¢ PEAMEALED 24¢ --- 25¢ - 2 Pkgs. Blade" ii" 1b. 14¢ COTTAGE ROLLS mb. 12¢ IL 1b. 32¢ BOILED HAM SAUSAGE MEAT 2 bs. 25¢ EXCELLENT FOR POULTRY DRESSING FANCY BLUEPOINY OYSTERS Glass Jar 35¢ SPECIALLY BAKED FOR CHRISTMAS -- FULL OF FRUIT CAKES J 29e i §§e SEALERS IN QUART SEALERS BULK 3521.25 DUBARRY'S FANCY CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE ASSORTMENT ! Chocolates 1b. Box Qe 21b.77§e 3-1b. Box §Qe THE GREAT LIMITED OF CANADA SCORER (NRT ATLANTIC £ PACIFI We don't drag home the Yule Log any more at Christ- mas-time, but it's really fun to shop at A & P for the makings of a holiday feast. So many tempting things to eat--such really good things, too--and, best of all, even the most gift-weary purse will not be strained by A & P money-saving prices, CLUB HOUSE BRAND STUFFED OLIVES sox. Jor 23¢ wer QUEEN 20 i 19e CRISP, TENDER, SWEET. MIXED J Zz. PICKLES 30: 35¢ CHRISTIE BROWN BISCUIT CO. 1 LB. ASSORTED FANCY ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTIE'S BEST OF FINE BISCUITS 25-/11«= 19: BOKAR th. Tin 39 THE COFFEE SUPREME RED CIRCLE wb. Pkg. 33¢ RICH, FULL-BODIED, FLAVORFUL 1-LB, 49¢ 8 O'CLOCK ro, WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING PACKAGE COFFEE NUTS (AR BRAZILS PECANS WALNUTS i Large, Meaty In the Shell California Budded ) ib. 21c¢ 1.39 mw. JO FE MIXED * %7.0 1b. 17¢ Mixture OUR OWN ANN PAGE BREAD RAISIN LOAF Loat sc FRUIT and NUT LOAF Loat 9¢ CHERRY CAKE 1b. Cake 29¢ VALENCIA CAKE 1b. Cake 19¢ PUDDINGS :: 59: Fruits and Vegetables gu, om fruits rr vogetables ARS, Tor: on at all A & P Stores--and at prices that are very low. LUSCIOUS--GOLDEN CALIFORNIA NAVEL They are coming b; the carlond to give you the greatest Grange Tet posible or a Ards prices. FANCY RED EMPEROR GRAPES 1b.15¢ No dinner LB. ' | 24-OUNCE Wax-Wrapped LOAF ey value in years. Buy your sizes and without Cranberry Sauce. o%a 1b. 190, TEA CO.

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