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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1931, p. 2

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Schoo] were well attended -the Interesting programme by the audiences of both day of last week), The program thant Days 1. Violin duet, Day"; Fiorrie Figary Robert Cawker. 2. Dance, Nag, English Country 8. Presentation of prizes, pight, Mrs. John Na- Thursday night Mrs. 8. ) . 4. Quartette, "Old King *, Storey Beare, Tom Harris, McMillan and Beverley an. 5. Irish Jig, 6 pres. n of prizes, Wednesday Dr. G. M, Rennje, Thurs night, Mrs. 2. M Jackson. 7. dictory address, John Clark, y evening, 8. Gymnastics, fen boys. 9. Dance, "The Dut¢h 166". 10. Solo, (a) "My Wild Rose" (b) "Trees", Frances risty. 11. "The Turtle Deve", a ) act play by Margaret Scott ¥. based on the story of Willow Plate". The cast of characters was, the chorus, Bev- erley Smallman. The Gong Bear- er, Georz> fiosley, The Man Hn, Tom Harris Chang Sut "¥en, Hugh Wind, The God of Robert McMillan, the Prop- : ly Man, Willlam Harper. Kwer Ina Reynolds, The dances ire under the direction of Miss df Miss Kitching directed play. it of prize winners--I1.0.D.E. hip, for highest standing first two years in High Sehool Mildred Prentice. Art . (donated by Miss L. M. ). 1, Mildred Prentice, 2, ilner, 3 Fred Bown. Agri: ire. prizes (donated by R, G. mell) 1, Magine Beare, J, : Householy Science (donated by V7.C.T.U.). tm I, 1, Evelyn Rotinson, 2, pe Beare. Form II, 1, vs , 3, Elizabeth Meneely b prizes, (donated by Miss Harris), Upper School, Dor: ly Balfour; . Middle 8chool, Upc Nasmith, Bulg Wallase, En- srauce prizes, ona by the joard of Education), Delga La- No. 5 Utica, Dennis r, 8.8. No. 5, Utica, Alan Tur- Port Perry. Graduation dip- lomas, Dorothy Balfour, John lark, Melville Lakey, Marjory ichell. Athletic Medals, Port High School Champions, Senfor, Audrey Hood, Girls' , Grace Bradley. Boys' Sen- hert Carnegie. * Jun. t Hook. Inter-§chpol ons, Girls' Senior Runner. udrey Hood. Girls' Junior Li Gras Radley, gisle 1B ; unner-Up, sen Tr 3 Boys' Junjer Champion. A Diy brook, and Norma Orchard. £ Newcastle, are spending the ida) Wha thelr parents, Mr. Miss Irva Nott, of Mount Al- visitng her parents, Mr. 'Mrs. W. F. Nott. Har! of Uz ura Ingram, of Toron- me fof the holiday, Joyce ) ris Mr. Philip Nind, of To- were with their parents, 'T. A; ang Mrs. Nind for "8. McBride, of Niagara and Miss : Mr. and Mrs. Elton Wright, of Detroit, are visiting Port Perry friends. Miss May Cockburn, of Torop- to, is hotié for the waek-end. , Miss Edith Peters, of Kaka- Falls, is spending the holi- with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Peters. ..r, ang Mrs. pig og spent Christmas with her par- ents, Mr."and Mrs. Keat, in Lind- say. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon and family, of Saintfiled, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Crosler snd family, of Seagrave, and Mr. and Mrs, Al- bert Wilson, of Manchester, spent Cl mag with Mr, and Mrs. Alan Goode. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke ang fam- ily, of Uxbridge, were Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs E. F. Gerrow, Mr. apd Mrs. Carruthérs and daughter, Norine, of Glen Major. and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Beverley and family, of Claremont, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrp. A. D. Peters. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Lucas, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lucas for Christ- mas. Mr, Dawson Kaufman, of Chatham, was home for the holi- day. Mr. Irvine Coates is spending the week-end with friends in To- ronto. Miss Jean Dunn, of Detroit, is home for a few days. Anniversary Services of the Porgy Perry United Church Sun- day School were held last Sun- day. The singing at both services was very good, In the evening the choir of sixty voices sang the cantata "The Song of the Ages". They were assisted by the Sun- day School Orchestra. Mr. Vietor Stoutfer, who trained the singers is to be congratulated on the success of his work. Also Mr. R. B. Smallman, Superintendent of the Sunday School who organized the chorus ang looked after all the details of the services. Miss Loretta Wilson, of De- troit, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Kedron News (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Corres- pondent) Kedron, Déc. 28.--Mr, apd Mrs. Ross Lee attended Cbrist- mas gatherings at Mr. A. T. Stalin. ton's, Zion, and Mr. F, W, Lee's. Miss Mildred Cole, Orono, and Miss Marie Cole, Tamworth, are spending the vacation at their home here. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn and family, Entield, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Fice ang Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hepburn: and family on Christmas Day. Mrs, Chas. Warne, Oshawa, visited on Monday with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. W. Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Gibson, Douglas and Alan, and Miss Laura Wickett, Oshawa, Mr, Al bert Luke and Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, Mr. Fred Bray, Entleld, Miss Nora Werry, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Mountjoy, Marion, Willa and Beryl, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Luke Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Shipman and Martha, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. S. Jewell. Mr, and Mrs. T, W, Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and Lor- raine spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Pascoe, Col- umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mountjoy and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Mountjoy and Miss Beatrice Mountjoy were guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Hoskin for Christmas. Mrs. James Hoskin and Miss Marion Hoskin, Harmony, visited ou Monday with Mrs, C. W. Hos- kin. Mr. ang Mrs, E. Davis, Messrs. Gordon, Ralph and Walter Davis and Mrs. John Nesbitt spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nesbitt, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Lee, Donald and Joan, Arnprior, are spending the Christmas vacation with Mr. bi Mrs, F. W. te fy. apd Mrs. Frank M. Lave and son, James, Mr. Fay lin |ana Miss Kathleen Conlin, Osh were | awa, spent Christmas at Mr. 8 Conlin's. " M t) her arents, jor! "B. Caer. i ad iy i Ri 'T ®, Beotly for Christ. ® was a [®) 7 aud it. John's Presb % Tue evening. The BE, Sas nt Bo al 1 Fa The $010 ApARE attend- con: My. and Mrs. Leslie Hancock, Robert, Mark and Frank spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Beath, Brooklin, Mrs. John Nesbitt, Oshawa, has been spending a few days with bis daughter, Mrs. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin and family visitéd at Mr, Herb, Run- die's, Hampton, for Christmas. Mrs. 8. Jewell and Billy spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, th Gp. x T. and Mrs. Frank Cro 8 optertgined Mr, and Mre. Harvey Shean foil, A. Jor h » TS. Crossnfan and Irene, M?, an Mrs, Walter Wheeler, Port hor, Miss Florence Wheeler, Toronto, Mr. ang Mps. Cécll Cropsman and Jean, North Oshawa, to a family sathering on Saturday, Miss Lena Hoskin is visiting 'oodville, utes of ---- Mr. and Mrs, Hasvey Cross: man gnd Irene spent Christ mar with Mr. and Mrs, John Naylor, 86lina. rivet Miss Beatrice Mountjoy visited on Monday with her cousin, Miss Emily Lawrence, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs, Bigwood and daughter, Osbawa, visited with Miss Bernice Werry. Master Frank Hancock is visit. ing his grandfather, Mr. Robert Beath, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Baker, Mr and Mrs. George White, Solina. and Mr. Alan White, Peterboro, were dinnér guests of Mr, and 3. Frank Thompson on Tues- y. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery and baby, lan, Oshawa, were visitors with Miss Haze] Van Dyke on Sunday. My. Fresk Lee, Ottawa, spent 8 few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ¥. W, Lee, Mr. and Mps. Wallace Scott, Enfield, Mr. apg Mrs. Arthur Ross, Mr. Frank Ross and Miss Gladys Ross, Miss Margaret Scott and Mr, James Scott, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs, A. R. 3¢ott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry and family were guests of Mr. apd Mrs. G. L. Scott for Christmas, Miss Ethel Warne and Miss Newton, Oshawa, visited on Mon- day with the former's cousin, Mrs. Harold Moustjoy. Mr, ang Mrs. L. Hancock at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. W. Adams in Brooklin on Monday. s Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kilburn, and Joyce, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Cet: Crossman snd Jean, North Oshawa, Mr. Jas. Leask, Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Leask and baby and Miss Elinor Sheppard wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson for Christmas. There being four generations present Mr. Leask being 83 years of age and his eldest great grandchild, Jean Crossman, four years old. Mr. L. Richer, Oshawa, called on Miss Bernice Werry recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Van Dyke and baby, Aleta, Mrs, A. D. Van Dyke and Miss Hazel Van Dyke visited yecently with Mr. and Mrs J. Lawrie, Oshawa. A number of the men attended the nomination meeting in the Town Hall, Columbus, on Mon- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Werry and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Beott, Ray and Grace at- tended a family gathering at Mr. James Scott's, Columbus, on Tuesday. Mr. J. A. Devaney, Miss O'Con- nor and Miss O'Brien, Toronto, visiteg at the bome of S, Conlin's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Lee enter. tained their family and Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Cole and family to dinner Christmas night. Columbus News (Mrs. T, Cook, UC dent) Columbus, Dee. 29.--~Mrs. Rob- ing5h, Mr. Rob and Miss Delma Gilroy and friend, Toronto, spent Christmas at Mr. Levi Ellin's. Mr. Russel Nesbitt ie home from Flint, Mich., for the Christmas y. Ary Dyer, Mr. John Dyer, Oshawa, HA Grant, Toron- ta, visited at Mr. Wm. Dyer's, Mrs. John Guy and Bobbie, Al- mond, spent a few days with her father, Mr. 8, Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips. Toronto, spant Bupday at Mr. H. Hayes'. Mr, and Mrs. 8. Holman, Brook- lin, spent Christmas Day at Mrs J. Holman's. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Richardson. Mr. spd Mrs, Russel Richardson and family, Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs. John Guy and family, Al- mond, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rich ardson spent Christmas Day at Mr. 8. Roberts'. Mr. and Mys, John Stone were at Port Perrv for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes and family spent Christmas Day at Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. E. Webber and Tally spént Christmas at Brook- n Miss Margaret Scott spent Christmas at Mr. Geo. Scott's at Kedron, Mr. Howard James, Detroit, was home for the Christmas holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKenzie W. ALLIN LAVIS Who has been elected by acclama- tion as veeve of East Whitby Township for 1932. EVERETT WARNE Who has been elected by acclama- tion as deputy-reeve of East Whitby Township for 1932. held a gathering of relatives on Christmas Day. Miss Lapp and Miss Cook are spending their holidays at their homes, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Cook and family spent the week-end at Gil- ford with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Purves spent the Christmas holiday with her mo- ther and brother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jobh Pickering spent Christmas at Brookin. Mrs. Jas. Ashton is visiting her sister in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Bryce Cook, Osh- awa, spent a few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Cobk. Mr, A. Murison and sons spent Christmas at Markham. Mrs, McWaters and Miss E. McWaters, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. Hugh McCollock. The annual meeting of the Sunday Sch>ol- of the United Church was held Monday evening, the 28th inst. The paster, Dr. Cooper presiding, there was a 7ood attendance. Reports were re- celved from the different officers and departments all showing the ~¢hodl to he In splendid condl- tion. After dicenseion abont rav- ~ral important items, the election of officers was held. Mr. Wm, Dyer was the nnanimous choice or su- perint ~ t, having «~'+ In that ~apaecity (or some time. ine Board thought there was no other better ~nalified for the position than Mr. Dyer since he has been so faithful and efficient. The following are the officers for 1932: Asst, 8upt.--(T> he appointed). Sec.-- Margaret Dearborn. Asst. Sec.--E. Lawrence. Supt. of Cradle Roll--Mrs, L. Guy. Supt. of Temperance Depart- ment~--K, Heddon. of Missionary--Gladys Asst. Librarian--G. Webber. Musical Committee--Mrs. Good man and Mrs. Dyer. Program Committee--A. Spen- cer and Mary Lambert. Planist---- (To be appointed by committee). Grading Ofcer---John Hyslip. Representing Official Board- P. G. Purvis. Teachers Primary Class--Mrs, W. Dyer; Asst, Mrs. T. Pereman. Juniors 1st--W, Caslick; Asst., Maxine Pereman, Juniors 2nd--G. Ross. Intermediate Girls -- Mrs. T. Goodman, Mrs. 1. Stone. Intermediate Boys--Wm. Rich ardson, N. Scott. . Live Wire Class Young People ~Dr, Cooner. Adult Class--P, G. Purvis. The installation service will be held Sunday, Jan, 3rd, 11 a.m. The annual Congregational meeting of the church will be held the evening of Jan. 14th at 8 bo" clock. Brooklin News (Miss Elinov®Mackey, _ Correspondent) Brooklin, Dec. 22--The Waen's Institute which was to have been held on Wednesday, Dec. 30th, is nostooned until January 8, when Dr, Me. Kinney will give us a talk, Mr. John Dryden, of the Agri. cultural College, Guelph, is snend- i=~ his vacation at his home here. Miss Bertha Jones, of Toronto, is mending her holidays with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Tones Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Michell, of START 1932 RIGHT Save Money -- by Buying Your Shoes at S!spent fhe cad Mont: zal, spent a week with Mrs. Michel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C L. Mackey. Miss Elinor Mackey retyrned homé with them for a month's vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Gerdon Pengally and family, of Téronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs, James Pengally's over the holilay. : Misses Margaret and Ruth White are visiting at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman White. : Mr. Qllie Kivell is visiting at his home here at Mr, and Mrs. Sam Kivell's. Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Hogarth and ons visited at Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hunters over the holiday. This community is saddened and shocked by tae number of sudden deaths recently in our midst. The last one, Mrs, W. Weir, was only ill wo or three days with the "Grippe" when complications set in around the heart and she passed away Sun- day night before anyone realized she was in a dangerous condition. Her funeral takes place Wednesday fternoon to Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, where she lived all her yonuger days. Mr. Weir his e svmpathy of the ne'zhborkood, Iso her aged mother, Mrs Harper, 'ho is over ninety years old. The condition, we understand, of Mr, John Dunn, who is in the Hos. nital at Oshawa, is very grave, very little or no hope is held for his re- covery. WAX SPHO0L CRRISTHAS EVENT Children And Parials Fil- ed School for Annual Concert (Mrs. J. Arnott, Correspondent) Taunton, Dec. 28. -- On Monday evening, Dec. 21, the teacher and pupils of Maxwell's school held their annual Christmas concert in the school house. As usual, the event was a decided success. The schoolroom was beautifully decorat- ed and the Christmas tree was weighted down with Christmas gifts, The schoolroom was filled to capacity. The children did the'r parts exceptionally well and gr™™ credit is due their teacher, Miss McRoberts, and thelr music teach- er, Miss Orchard. Mr. T..C. Glas pell very ably acted as chairman The program was as follows: -- Welcome recitation, by Ray Gif- ford and Donald Beckel. Chorus--"Come Let Us be Merry." Chairman's address. Recitation by Jean Leach. Dialogue--*"A Plan that Worked.' Reeitation by Ray Gifford, Banjo solo by Donald Thompson. Recitation by Percy Mountjoy. Mouth organ solo by Mr. Bradley Red, green, white drill Recitation by Iris Atkins, Chorus -- "Santa Claus Come." Recitation by Frank Hancock. Christmas exercise. Christmas Lullaby, by Emma vmpbell, Doris and Jean Leach. Recitation by Joyce Gifford. Chorus--"Christmas Carols." Accordian solo. Recitation by Donald Bickel. Piano solo by Miss Orchard. Doll drill. Recitation by Murray Short. Chorus--"Bird's Ball." Dialogue--"0 What a Difference." Mouth organ solo by Mr, Bradley. Recitation by Jack Arnott. Pantomine--* Christmas Eve." Accordian solo, Dialogue -- "Waiting for the ain" Recitation by Peggy Northey. Upside down drill Recitaticn by Bessle Mountjoy. Chorus-<"With Joy We Sing." Recitation by Doris Northey. Dialogue--"How Mr. Bates Go! it of Shopping." Recitation by Doris Leach. Banjo solo by Mr. Thompson. Chorus--'The British Grenadiers. Farewell exercise, Myrtle News be. Myttle, Dec. 28--Mrs. Bue) of Toronto, spent the holiday and Jatleand Fn her cousin, Miss Mary Hawley. Mr. George Blight, of Port Whit. by, visited relatives here over the week-end, There was unusual weather this winter for the Christmas season. vhe heavy rain, like that of March, then the heavy thunder storm on Christinas Eve followed by a geld sndp and just enough sndw on Christmas Day to say that it was nét a gréen Christmas that was to be so muéh dréaded by those who w. 'e inclined to be superstitious. It lias al. worked out fine as the rain | he sed to fill the cisterns and rer plenighed the water supply and the cold 'span did away with the mud for a time at léast, Mr. dnd Yrs. John C. Lawrence holiday and week-end will with their son in Lindsay, Mr. Governeur Porter, of Detroit, has been visiting his brother, Mr. Schyter Portor. i r. George Painter has received many compliments since the Christ- mas tree on the splendid way he trained the Boy Scouts for the drill. J. number of ratepayers from here attended the nominations in Brooklin on Monday afternoon. is is something that every citi. zen should take an interest in as it concerns every taxpayer to know how the affairs of the council are|N run during the year. Rev. Totton delivered a very ap- propriate New Year's sermon here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock ren dered a much appreciated duet at the close of the service. Mr, Robert Hawkshaw who has been a very efficient "speed cop" al 1g the Highway here for some time has accepted a position at Minden and moved from his loca- tion at Greenbank last week to his new environments. Seagrave News (Mrs. L. 8e¢ott, Correspondent) Seagrave, Dec. 28.--In spite of weather ¢onditions, many from a distance enjoyed Christmas and week-end with relatives and friends. One hundred were in attend- ance at Supday School on Bun- day. Service was of special In terest when the Rev. Mr, Keith MeMillan, of Greenbank, deliver- od a most impressive and inspir- Ing address taking for his topic "The Prince of Peace", with special music appropriate to the séason. The quartette "Silent Night" by Mrs. F, Billingham, Miss A. Trebell, Mr. C. W., Moon and Mr, Aubrey Moon and solo 'Beautiful Garden of Prayer" by iss Iva Reynolds heing much ippreciated. Service in the even- ng was in charge of the pastor. Rev, Mr. Green, who preached a 'plendid sermon with the choir rendering pleasing music. A special meeting of the Young People's League was held on fonday evening at the home of r. and Mrs. C. W. Moon. Busi- ig was discussed and transact- Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson, of Creswell, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon feDonald, of Greenbank, Mrs W. Rennie with thelr families. and Mr. Ewart Miller, of Teron to, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. ""ooldridge Mr. ang Mrs. Orville Boe and family, of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sleep and family, of Brooklin, spent Christmas and week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sarnberger en- tertained a large number of rela- tives at their heme on Christmas Day. Mr, and Mrs. I. Beadle and Leonard visitors with relatives at Lindsay on Christmas. Mr: and Mrs. R. Moon and family, of Richmond Hill, Mr and Mrs. A. Moon ang family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Billingham and family, Miss A, Trebell, Mr. Mc- Bride and Mr. G. Bowden, all of Toronto, spent Christmas and week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Moon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Copeland and son, of Oakwood, visitors of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Short on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moase and family spent the holiday with relatives at Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs, T. Atkins, of To- ronto, visiting the latter's moth- ar, Mrs. Dowson on Sunday, Miss Verna Tanner has return- od to ber duties in Toronto, after a pleasant holiday spent with her mother, Miss V, Wilson {s spend /ng the holidays with her parents at Fenelon Falls. _ Miss Alma Frise, of Gam- 'ridge, is enjoying the holidays in Seagrave and Toronto, Miss Gladys Sharp, of Toronto, spent Christmas with relatives. returning to her duties on Satur day, dccompanied by her niece Miss Muriel Clarke, who will spend a holiday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frise, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding, Mrs. G. Druain and Mr. F. Smith in To- ropto during the week-end. The latter attending the hockey match on Saturday evening. The season's greetings for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Raglan News (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, Dec. 2 Mr. and Mrs, C. Blanchard and son, Arthur, of So- lina, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moorey and grandchildren, of Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs k Ashton and childs ren of Bradley's, Mr. Arthur Wil- son and sop Nelson, were ente. tained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Morley Cook on Christuias Day. Mt. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard and daughter, Marion, spent Lhristmas Way with relatives in Enfield. ; Fi and, Ma, Start and, in réne een, of Tor: gy 4 and Mra. Glén Stacey, of Calymbus, were recent visitors with Mr, Mrs. Robert Bryant and Mts. saver. rs. S, T ds, of visited My. and Mrs. nds recently. jolet and Mr. tdon son of Torénto spent Christs mas Day, and the weeksend with their father, Mr. {i Thampsen. 1. Jind rs, Sfdon rent and son, Billy spent Christmas Day with tl latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cook. of Columbus, id to, Tefoft Shat Nos E. Tummon 38 recover rom Te ol fini of Port nding her vir , Hu umm iss er parents, Mr. apd Mr. 4nd Mrs. A. J. Pilkey spent Christmas wi h rélatives rote. Me Leonard for) is i Foro week at his home mn ey's Bay. Mt. an re. Earl ualch, and son, Allan, Mr. and Mys N. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. W. Horner were en- tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Squelch on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Ormiston, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ormis- ton, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hall and daughter, Doreen, Mr. T. Hall, of Columbus, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Avbry, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tummonds and daughter, Inez, spent Christmas Day with relatives jn Port Perry. Mr Lloyd Hughson, of Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn and son of Prospect, and Miss Ida Wilson, of Oshawa, spent Christmas Da with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Wilson. : Mrs. Wm. Bright and family spent Christmas evening with rela- tives in Myrtle, 7 Mis; Susie Bray spent Christmas wich Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, at Prospect. Mize Hazel and Mr. Frank Grose, of Toronto, were home for Christ- mas and over the week-end with their pagents Mr, and Mrs. A J. rose. i Sorry to report that Mrs. Richard Stacey is confined to her bed un- der the doctor's care, a speedy re- covery is hoped for. % Mr. and Mrs. John Kellington, and sc... of Oshawa, and Miss Hazel Pierson, of Oshawa, were Christmas guests of their parents, here. Miss Dorothy Bright, of the Jun- jor Grade Class, has received first prize from her Sunday School teacher, Allie Avery, for memory work and regular attendance, while Ruth Bray received first prize for memory work and attendance from her teacher, Miss Lorene Miller. M- ssrs. D. Thompson, C. Brawn, N. Hughson, T, Hill, J. Wilson, Roy Leach, A. Bishop, and H. Hayes. of Court Ra~lan Canadian Order of Foresters recently attended a lodge reception in Toronto. While there they witnessed 85 new members in- itiated into the Order. The return isit to Raglan will be on Janvary 11, when Raglan officers for 1932 will be installed by Toronto Court. A number from here attended nominations in Columbus on Mon- day. Claremont News Claremont, Doc. 29.~--As Wwe snd the last page in the history >f 1931 and enter upon another right and happy New Year, lot 1s endeavor not to mar its pages vith bitterness, h2tred or strife but take as our watehword Faith, lope and Charity, then the peace happiness apd good-will which characterizes the Christmas sea- jon will manifest itsel? during the entire year of 1932. There were a numbher of happy te-unions and family gatherings held here on Christmas Day, Christmas services with speeis! music were listened to by large and appreciative congreyations at both of our Churches on Sunday. This year the Ward re-uniru was held at the home ef >. and rs. Walter Ward Clifford Pilkey and fan.ly, of Toronto, spent Christy with Mrs. Pilkey's parcnt ph and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Pennell aud fam- ily, of Toronto, spent the Christ mas week-end with Mrs. Pennells' parents, Jas, and Mrs. McCul- tough. 4 J. C. and Mrs. Macnab ang son. John, and Mrs. Letcher, of Ux- bridge, were guests of the form- er's sister, Miss Margaret Mac- nab, on Christmas Day. Luther Bowes, of Peterbéro, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. J. Readman. H. G, and Mrs. M¢Intyre spent Christmas with the former's mohter and sisters, of Toronto. John and Mrs. McLellan and little son, of Toronto, Miss Mar- garet MeLellan, of Ottawa, and Miss Mabel McLellan, of St. Catharines were with their par- ents, Rev. A. and Mrs. McDhellan for the Christmas season. W. M. ang Marshall Snith, of Palmerston, and Miss Katy Smith, of Toronto, were guests of the Misses Forgie one day last week. The Fred Cowie family and Mrs. Cowie, Sr., spent Christmas with relatives in Markbam, W. and Mrs. Brown, of Toron- to, were with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Thompson, for the Christmas week-end. Miss M. Graham (south) en- tertained a numbér of her rela ives on Christmas Day, Mr,-and Mrs. Groff, of Dres- den, returned home on Sunday after a few days' visit with Mrs. Groff's sister, Mrs. A. McLellan and family. Tom and Mrs. Scott, of Lamp- ton Mills, ang David and Mrs. Scott, of Locust Hill, visited the former's parents, W. G. and Mrs. Scott during the Christmas sea- son. Mrs. R. Rawson had her family home for Christmas. They were Bob and Mrs. Rawson and fam ily, of Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Shaver and daurhter, of Brougham, and Prof. Donald Rawson, of Saskatoon University, Sask, Clifford Soden, of Toronto, and John and Mrs. Soden, of Brough- am, spent Christmas with the 'former's parents, Frank and Mrs Sodén. John and Mrs. Forgle, of Dun- barton, were with the former's sisters, Misses J. and A. Forgie, on Christmas Day. A. and Mrs. Mantle, F. R. and Mrs, Pugh and son, and N. and |; Mrs. Sanderson and family spent Christmas with the former's daughter. Mrs. Jarvis apg family of Daws Rd. Miss Harbern is visiting her sister, Mrs. Reesor apd family, of Oshawa. A specialist from Torontd was here on Sunday to see Mr. D. B Taylor, whose condition remains 'ritical. Mr, Dougal Taylor, of Sault Ste. Marie, is here at present owing to: the serious illness of his brother, David. Mrs. Williamson, of Pefferlaw, i * io to spend the winter. and Mrs. Girvin, of Torgnto, were guests of Mrs. J. Readman for several days last week, Stewart Graham, of Cochrane, is spending the Christmas holi- days with his parents, J. and Mrs. Graham. His sister, Miss Bessie was also home for Christ- mas Day, Dr. and Mrs. French, of Dres- den, and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, of Richmond Hill, were visitors at the manse on Saturday. T. and Mrs. Stanbury spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Parkinson and family of Cobourg. The Stewart Graham family, of Myrtle, and O. and Mrs, Mow- bray, of Whitby, were with Mrs. T. Neal and daughter on Christ. mas Day, Courtice News BC Mrs. W. B. Courtice, Correspon- y * dent Courtice, Dec. 28. -- Mr, snd Mrs. Jas. Bhort spent Sunday in Toronto, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. Christmag Day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Brooks' were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fitsimmong and Master Harry, Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Soules and family and Miss Aura Brooks, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle are spending the holiday season with heir son, Elmer and family in Toronto. Mr. Ronald Courtice, Toronte, was home for Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, Buf- falo, spent the holiday and week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Short. Messrs, Herbert Flintoff and family, Jack Flintoff and family, \1f. Flintoff and family and Mus, Florence Flintoff, Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Mclvor and Jéan. Hamilton, were holiday visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Howard Flintoff'. Mr. Jas. Hancock, Guelph Agri- cultural College, is home for the holidays. Miss Lyla Osborne and Mr. Gor- don Oshorne, Toronto, are home for the holidays. Miss Hazel Walter, Oshawa, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper and family, Bowmanville, were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tas. Brown on Christmas Day. Mr. Walter Snider, Brantford, 's visiting at Mr, W. H. Nich!'s. On Tuesday afternoon of last week the regnlar meeting of the 'Sunbeams' Mission Band was held in No. 8 School. The officers for the coming year were elected as follnws: President, Ella Bald- win; Vice-President, Michael] Vet- zal; Recording Secretary, Mar- ~aret Adams; Treasurer, Jéan Gay; Temperance Secretary, Mur- fel Lott; Leader, Miss Sadie Muir; assistant leader, Miss Mar- fon Trevalil. A program was given by the Band. Miss Doris Wilkins read the Bible lesson, and readings were given by Lorraine Anti), Telen Bnudden and Gretd Wil kins and Christmas hymns sung. Afterwards the leaders treated the members of the Band to can- dy and popcorn and a short time was spent soclally. Our cho'r wag entertained fest week on Tuesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Worden. A good practice was held and after a social hour spént when Mr. and Mrs. Worden served delicious refresh™ents and r=4s every one most happy im thelr home. The services on Sunday were fine. In the morning our pastor, Rev. H, C. Wolfraim preached an excellent sermon on the subject, "Self-Kn'awledge," which was very suitable and helpful, it being the last Sunday of the year. In the afternoon our Sunday school held an open séssion fn the church when a splendid program was put on by the different classes. The session opened with Miss Louise Oshorne, Bowmas- ville, playing "The Chimes" very sweetly. After a hymn Mr, W. R. Courtice led in prayer. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mr, Sampson. A chorus by Friars 4 > and Beginners under thi wn chip of Misses Sadie 'Muisssana™ Velma Gay, "Away in a Manger," Miss Margaret Adams told a very interesting Missionary stoty in a delightful manper. A reading was also given by Miss Doris kins. Mr. Kenneth Courtice's class of boys sang a chorus heartily.. Mas- ter Ralph Found gave a recitation on Santa Claus which was enjoy- ed. A vocal solo was nicely guns by Miss le Oke. Mrs. Cecil Found gave a reading '"Geéing home for Christmas" by Edger 'lesers. Geo. Annis, Frank Rundle, Walter Rundle and W. R. Cour- "ave a reading. Rev. Mr. Crags, {ing St., Oshawa, was expected reason did not arrive. An offer. ing was taken for the Sick Ghil- dren's' Hospital Foronta, ae mounting to over $20.00. x gave a talk on '1 to be a Christian," : ciai music mi J : and Miss Sp ioring and 4 , Bow. manville, sang a "Christ Brougham News (Mrs. T. C. Brown, Correspandey He Snwm, = Mr, e Hi account of his advan: gentleman, = His miany are hoping for a favorable: Mr. Clare aechapic at the Farley Mathews House. Young couple to, the Guest, A quartette was sung tice. Master Donald Courtice then to give an address but for some Sunday evening our' pe blackboard, The choir : 'a pretty. Chris mas-solo in the evening service. Ridin ? Hamilton is. seriously ill with 8. Earl Hogle, of Qshawa: ( anxiety is felt con um 3 Clarence Walked, hi taken housekeep! and Mrs. E onto were visitors at ome on Christmas day. ; Y Mr. Roland man,of a Cr ant Fragen. 'Mrs. Stirling hee gone to. Torep- here, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perryma left on Monday for an : stay with their sonsin.law and ¢ ued on page 8 Nh

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