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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1931, p. 4

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nh THE OSHAW/] TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1931 ded om their seong seme of pubic | [Bad te ta | ps ment standards and also for box imes 1s nadian Da Rho . tizens. It 3 now the duty for some time maki ts of passed through the grading st a a sta- e electors in these wards to survey dele in a tank to RE 1510 ne tion. At Campbell's Bay, ad > orm of stream-ining, both | over 6 tons were graded and pack- ---- 3 : ot. news d dan hes. 3a Selecting Je dey who, in $7.160.200, and now amount to is expected that for tho actuai de-| 000 poun sraded T 7 undays avs a : ifie ,166,064, as aga = | signing of the boat al archi- | packed in one day. Buyers, by | ASS ; by | : y q we serve as 826,264. tect jo] rienced in a are D prices paid, have shown that this | OTAL ASSETS ! pe P E new move is welcomed by them.-- | 2 Above all, it is essential that the electors The many shareholders of the g | of b Bank will be particularly inter-|by two of the latest type Schneider { i ; turn out next Monday to record their bal : : 00d B¢ | lots so that t ; Tea h . | --provide a surplu: a Be Or pviucia sud so that the election will be should be regarded as very sal |power. Miss England II. had ap- F Pw a hg : a true istactory, Profits Dav, SPEAKING IN JAPAN npr nn PTION nA exp jon of the will of tic Dove o is fos id] don for the year a- | proximately 3,800 horse-power. It over liabilitios tc d 4 cartier Oshawa and suburbs, 12¢. » | Oshawa, these added to the amount [completed in time for an attempt in| Tokyo Japan. -- Three w a (out; brought forward from the' pre- [April on the world's record of 110 | schojare' i BH Sr vo million deb a year miles per hour established on Lake | Gixford. Prof. Shirley Jacheon Caer five million dollars. n t on their willingness to serve ered a start made. ci Boat-buyilders have been working | packing At Napanee over 16 tons | . E C UR I TY he field closely, and to use their very best : oO the Dominion being down only |ahove and beneath the surface. It |ed, and at Lac St. John over 52,- 000 pounds were graded and hos- | > members of the city council for 1932. Satisfactory Profits fast destroyers will be chosen, Dite % Above ik The new boat is to be powered Department of Agriculture, 4 f The Cana 8 i e the election seriously, and ested in the Profit and Loss Trophy Rolls-Royce engi ith 12,000,000.00 SPapr. a count and the showing e | combined ontput of 5.000 hot: fu WESTERN SCHOLARS $65,448,327, and |is hoped that the new boat will be . y the public of almost limits) Osha stronf and ready amity | ceding year brought the total a- wa gar- United Sraien Th Posi to mirapidly changing | vailable for distribution up to |Garda in Italy by Miss England 11. f University : TORONTO OFFICE e Position of France are among the | £0,555,105. Payment of the usu- | Kaye Don is to be her pilot. ohn Moca: of Chicago and Dr, 2 Building, 66 T ce Street. Telephon tures of the an-|a] 12 per cent. dividend absorb- ------------ . Jo I ia acNeill of Hamilton, Ont, ® oes oi HDT representative. ¢ The Royal Bank | ed $4,200,000; a contribution of - président of the It ist World Al- : Pep pee $200,000 'was made to Oficers" | BETTER POULTRY soLp | nce lately addr.e cd large audi i 5 Crs students a " ¥ ap is Togelving very little sympathy statement, which RARER e present economic situation in Eur y Pension Fund the usual amount | oye of the outstanding f Ci - . - a | 1 i u 8 features | Central Tabernacle here, where the DNESDAY, DECEMBER 80th, 1981, ope. It is generally regarded as being part ver s. It will be im- ol I =r ye of the poultry fairs throughout | Canadian, Dr. E. C. Hennigar, il 4 of the French policy to block hi 'medflepted as further | was set aside for Dominion Gov- Eastern Canada this year hag [missionary in charge. Principal 5 9.3» . which might lead y oe anyt ng of the successful | ernment taxes. After meeting all Been the noticeable improvement | MacNeill, who is visiting Baptist | | I2AN AND SAVINGS § The Municipal Elections dusteig ead to the economic and in- which Canadian | these charges the substantial a- in ihe Foneral quality 3s well 4 igo i the Orient, has now left | COMPANY : rial rehabilitation of her age-old ing with the prob- | mount of $4,155.10 was carried | tor gale. Farmers are paying mora | "A Jot of us, when we get out of {| "i%ANG VICTORIA ste. soRONTO Whe die is cast. Oshawa is to have a tional work in preparing poultry | month's.~Lorain Journal, yea and chat in of the council finance rednf only about 7 per { Another significant develop- | tri~~ that have imposed heavy du- Ed reparations for the damage done to French | pre In tho light of | § ' : try grading stations at which far- ! business, but it also affects export | Times, corner contest last year, as the candidates. ; BB From the standpoint of the good of the | maif of total assets at| | E ing the man to occupy the mayor's chair debts and reparations were abolished en- keeping with its pol-| | A. | . : icy K's liquid position, as ; | Strain Thank You worth while to look at the matter from the J ways agreed with his policies, even those Provincial Govern- Bripign and coloniat puo- substan- | an image is not formed on the ret- or during the year 1982. The fact that ing. * ] El y y h y p th A. 000. This indemnity France paid, and Ger- | *:F., $7,000,000. BN 1 enemy.' Germany. The Toronto Star the | Pious," forward to, credit of Prot 804 | attention to Waultrs 'as 4° cums | 1s depression, wil is bs Tre. oh hk two-man mayoralty contest, with Ald. P, other night, in its editorial columns, made Til statement of as- ------ crop' and the benefits of educa- | last month's income instead of next ESTABLISHED 384 A. Macdonald, alderman for the last six the Shs yeation that France ought to be ela Sd shows Jotal as: . . y Eye op market are becoming increas- -- fully satisfied with having Alsace-Lorraine 1 * | nsly apparent. C:eece joins the list of eoun- : committee for the last two years, and returned to her, without asking for any |S" pared with 'he wel | Care | 2st tor the present season is the |ties on exports from Canada. A | Lusiness.~Brockville Recorder and Eddie McDonald, who ran third in a three- a evident popularity extended poul- | high tariff may safeguard domestic |. ; territory, lowddity priced od sie erajng of activity, These are the men between whom the A )] dstels a rs of Oshawa have to choose in select- | World, it would be a better thing if all war |" er ood 1 for 1082. tively. There would be hope for economic ne, liquid as- t While it is true that Alderman Macdon- progress then. But on the other hand, it is | ald has, in his municipal career, made some French : 'by C. H. Tuck, Opt. D of Mistakes, and that The Times has not al- Hid Viewpoint, and to see how logical it | cou dod puong them pre (Copyright, 1038) ! . casjo ,286,891; Do- I As It of Li : MENTAL ASPECT OF VISION |} a result o 'who have not seen eye to eye with him In 1870 France was subjected to an un- | mofities of $05,473,058 Part "1" (have to admit that he has been an expon. | Provoked attack by Prussia. French ter- | anddian Municipal and nes fy SORA e301 ta) ses th A 1 3 H . an p y i ent of economy, and of sane and safe muni- ritory was overrun and devastated. Finally of $24,641,816. | respects is wae] Sof i € CC amations Sipar admivisteation These are qualities Prussia placed her heel on the neck of all total $76,293,880 and | part by part there is no reason why |} % nicl are needed in the man who will be France, appropriated Alsace-Lorraine, and p » he year, those |ina because actual images can be : in the manded an indemnity of over $1,000,000,- created and seen there by the ob- t., and those - Macdonald has behind him six man troops ined P P$7,000,000, { brain is not seeing because it hus remained in Pari il i s erally lessened bus-|.ot received a proper message. i N rth WwW WwW d 8 until it was Ee Lusher revecte? | 1f the message is received in a |} (6) est ar 'of municipal experience is also very Rd paid. "What was the indemnity for? Not |"°f.cia 1oans, which are | badly distorted condition, so much ly in his favor, since his opponent is and inexperienced in affairs of a foot of German soil had been touched by 43, as compared with [so that it does not correspond with | Hi ini : . the French armies. The only territory |* 77 a year aso. Letters [those received from other sources ||} . . nicipal administration and legislation. damaged y territory also show a reduction [which are proved to be more cor- I am returning to Council as With all these factors i ged was that of France. 1 $10,000,000--obviously | rect and is also at variance with 3 Shri = Nala save of Alger. In 1914, France was again subjected to urtailed international | past experience, we should Sxpec) | A , the rs shou ave ; the message to be suppressed. |] 2 difficulty in making their choice an unproboked attack by Germany. As in eposits stand at $647,- | When this suppression becomes ha- ||| lderman f r , as A a 7,- | When this : s against $695,689,060 |bitual it is not only useless but a |} oO 1870, French territory only was devastated. by a ro 1930 year. The | distinct disadvantage as a waste of has demonstrated a far greate r claim : ol the confidence of the electors of Oshawa Germany remained inviolated. This time, | defas is well known, has energy and a the finetion is dis ' : : ra i : Jipally in deposits else- | pensed with the eye slowly loses its han has his opponent. We are quite con- t fice Won. ihe victory, and secured the 2 I Canaan, those in [function as an eye and by slow de- |} 1932 mt in anticipating that Alderman M return of Alsace-Lorraine. But why should grees deviates outward and upward, n Mac. that be sufficient, in the ligh By this means is lost the dual sense ' e light of what of the picture and its position two d will be"elected by a ve b . jority. y Ty substantial happened in 1870 and 1871. France has prime_factors in Binocular or steri- And for which I extend to the citizens oscopic vision with the true per- every ri " i ery right to demand that satisfaction be spective of normal vision, 1. of Ostiawa ssw slucers. iduks esc early suppressions may |} . : ' given for the devastation of Frenc i The. re-election of Allin J. Annis, E. A. | tory and that is wh oe h terri ns wanted buf whip they TEath well, Dr. B. A. Brown and J. Carroll An- | a110" 40 Meiers i i ge is fos favor- |a greater duration ill no doubt n boar: uca Ich will relie h cause trouble depending upon the oh as members of the d of ed many of that obligation ve Ger use of the cves and conditions' of : health. And in the alternating cen- n is a well-deserved tribu busi. : n Nike manner i hi Ie te te el It is sound economics, from the world | ditions when one eye suppressed : ANner n whe ese tour standpoint rha; : then the other it will be noticed as zens, along with the rest of the mem. be forgi » Perhaps, to urge that Germany was once the condition of a seam- 8 of the board of education, have carried orgiven her debts. But, on the other ever stop to think of the [stress Who endeavoring to stitch the ed : hand, one must not blame Fra g¥le we owe to all those men | the, direct line, through the ater ucation affairs of the city. In for asking that nce too much | SE en of bygone days who | nating of fixation of one eve then . a ir case, re-election comes as a renewed sia, so ng hey 2 she was treated by Prus- , Possible 21 ghelr. Jol snd he offer cofpleted a line of the 4 allyl Let Them ¢ of the confidence which the electors Germa be allowed to treat we enjoy today? In what-| To be continued. . ny. eveld of endeavor we labor, e in the board, and in the type of citi- under a debt of obligation ' : at Others Say : H roan Hear Your s who, because of the fact that it is ed by city-wide vote, are willing to / . ' realm of commerce we are 2 1 ve oh that body. Other Editor's Comments dfs to fntrepid and herols| THANKS TO WELFARE x ho The history of navigation, SOCIETY a efation and aviation 1s the |The Editor, hree Song candidates are in the field BUY WITHIN THE EMPIRE gfof heroic achievement. Oshawa Times, the ili {hgapore Fr 8ir,-- . public utilities commission. John A cortespondent of the oh JI th 4 of serving was done before I wish, through the columns of 0 that | yme upon the scene. Our ben- your valuable paper, to express lacey, James C. Fowlds and Willia per as ' . m H. paper asking why two prominent Bri 3 tish clubs ther are the heritage of sacrice have all previous experience of muni. | Jrovide American soap in their dressing. 2 . Gr | my heartfelt appreciation of the stead of English soap. This js bringing the min. id our ability to compute or | U0 jerful work of the Oshawa Welfare Soclety, and to Miss Wil- life in the handling of civic utilities, | sion 9 mpire from the airy realm of fancy to the i Bround floor of fact, and whilst it may seem a stup- fathers paid heavily for the [cox and other ladies concerned, id all three are well qualified to give the y gt id and pettifogging suggestion it goes to the heart |ifeges we enjoy and they | whose chief aim, to joy Bin, and oblige ' A zens good service. No matter which o a Hatter. The plain fact of the matter now. |IPhed enterprises which they | seems to be to try two as elected, the people ean be satisfied wi yal we ave got to Songuer prejudices and SHU usted 30 our carrying | wherever possible, the needy it the utilities commission will remain | foreign articles are bought 1 ocr lod that many | 4870. Th0Y DAhed to the ILA | cases ot distress in tho City on Re 1 e bought in preference eir opportunities, BUT WE casion last J to British | fp" pUSH BACK THE HORI | Township. 1 had one * * * * Thursday to resort to the Welfare g civie body. because they are cheaper or moro sul may well be so in some { sultable. That |g "op ] rE- Ewe nstances, though { THEIR ACHIEVE ir 80 if mi : 8h 1t Is not Centre on Simcoe Bt, for a pa any others where it 1s merely a matter of | 1° of boots, as those which I hap- 'North d Cedardale individual preferenc B West Ward . and mount just now is ry Vit Should be para. pened to be wearing that day in have seen fit to elect their aldermen be temporarily set aside in the endeay: the rain, were beyond repair. It mation. In the Northwest Ward, create that tide in the sea of British Yu ye (] was in fact just miserable, I ex- shall bring prosperity once again fo the plained my plight to the proper 9 . quarters there, and after a few yor T. B. Mitchell prevented the | shores of the country here and at Home. ity of new nominations by qualifying . - auquirios, 1 camo #usy (roi the X t minute, on the understanding uilding satis f >with dry feet and a better ho wil resgn as soon as the new coun | | BITS OF HUMOR REALS to Start "A Happy 8 organized, 80 that the council can aps No person with average {tel}: ° @ successor, It is to be hoped that be- Her father: You w gence, eaves ford . ratios de. N Y i time he will reconsider his decis. | Company. What are yess oonese: for Blank and |B Eharity. but the ladles et the Wels ow ear fects for promotion? / | fare Centre make one feel at ons oo be ptm | yh oe vr HR pt, hoy inal oi a id seri the thanks of the entire com | wie MELFE MURDERS | Dy Parity The beginning of a New Yeas sa goad time hit, ig Be to Sh at ¢ wiki to Pasibby: It Should--you have just murdered it AN] S By [believe 1 am right when 1 wy to renew the real things of life--the home : i ties and friendships that nothing can replace. scores of other unfortunates in Jai Ct ; A " Wife: I've | 1 Jour. Ald. Morris and ex-Aldermay | Wife: 1 "een dakied for a reference about our Oshawa and vicinity) that the nan, his colleagues in the Northwest | imgertinent, Now: can 1 ud supihinnie siusls 3nd OUI" | veins Fociiy are dons' ve : , are both Alderson of past experi- | Hubby: You might say she ots rood appecn, mendous and wonderldl woTE 584 If you are away from home and from old d ~Answers, % are safe men to have on any | grateful, friends, let your telephone-help you. Long Winn you will Stsert this d etter in your paper and oblige. i i i ib fy AAS Distance has become so quick, so simple an BITS OF : | VERSE a inexpensive that it is your easiest way of ex- H. M. BLACK : atl Luden's Menthol Action Miss England III ! -changing good wishes. WHEN YOU ARE 0 gives rallef from coughing hen you hg and I am Ep awa in10seconds by spreading Travel 130 M.P.H. and your face y= thik, Whaicies th a iSelect fi56 ls kes (| a sogthing film | gree ose | \ , this dream of mu a soothing over the Lotidon, Dec. 36.--A potent) i oud the dim friend! Mar will shies e irritated nerve ends. spoed of betweeti 125 and 100 pote Start 1932 right by a ting to those you p ou stiimble and per hour was announced recefitly ear. yout voice -- Ye P Ey ty | 4 vi Te of the specifications of Miss care for. Let them h y voice the I] ma; it be: Tw dead Yesterds | [\ ! N England III, to be built by Leérd be ith th in 4 ay, /? - Wakefield with the view of re next best thing to being wi em in 8 sad-éyed As But genctous and g ) A) ing for Great Britain tho worlds person. ¢ 3y serve yout Memories like altmlhty w : : Hories |; Y Wine, | v : motorboat speed championship. Whe you are old, i \; 2 Lord Wakefield was in consultation jj ; ord - He it shall be so. Under the sway lime before abhopcIaE his' deter LS : e past's enormo disarray 1 jitie Delors aslionaciag his deter ' nto bulld a Stiecessor t gi dat, Yet though there tome no | i N Mise Jhsland hi Jrccked Just Lire Shel planted: immortal and divine while racing fof 0 A { g for the rth ; ; suf tnd's d as God's angels may, "H DL Trophy and it is fiow Rnd that 8 DROPS n you are old b : ' ) pheern | : re old. 0 the chief point of his éoncein was : | W. E, Henley. cou La] the safity of such a boat as he de-

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