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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1931 PAGE SE Fi it £0. be Bougly o or Sold - Times Classified Ads will dv it] Ban Notaries Pubhc Etc Conv and general oraétice ws nt ¢B "i LBA F. Aneid Gomntrec Buyildi EPH P MANGAN B. AR- Solicitor. Notary Pu*lic. Con- Money to luaw. Office King St East. Oshawa Residence phone R37 ERSON CREIGHTON & Barrister, Etc. Bank of Bid M B Roh itors, Ete 24% Sime & N* Phone 3160 Residence 3514 oney 2 |! ARRIS F Lcitor JL "Public, Convey ascer Money to loan. Third fle pg Alger Building. opposite Post 3 ee e 299% B tor, 12% Simcoe 8 South. Tele 58 +A 3028-5 at opt t2+ Nor THY special octen- "XR tay work an a hee isnev Block Office open 9 am to Residence 421 King Street i 1 Office and resi- . gar ean Fast. Surtier Vie: toria St A en Phone 9 , , Throat ist BRYANS OF 160 Bloor 'Sipser West. Toronto. will be r Turv & Lovells B® eh Saturday from ! t 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear. nose an. throat only Appointments may bs made at drug store Phone 7? Undertaking URIAL C Rr] 515 Ambulance Residence Street North Phene 2101 and 210W A BURIAL CO. F Armstrotg & Son, Proprietor 'Funeral and Amtulan-e Service a and night Phone --- Celina t pte Fast Simcoe Phone | » Dental PHI LIPS. OVER BAS S 3 Specs) attention to X-rav o kG Gas sxtraction Hoste 1 in at Insurance INSTANCE ing St ER WL esiFise Agency in haw. 1 hese te Fire C ult R 5 , Your insurance wants at to and wcur interests Oro of ae ison Bank ch bers. Phone 183¢. Alex. 8 B TY PA . ent wave éepecial $7.50 10 days only Marcel wave 76¢, Expert opera St. North > evenings. (2 aug tf' SHA HAIRDRESSING 4 Bettv Ward and Grace experts in all kinds of Cultere. Our permanent ¢ | specialty. $500. $7.50 and Finger wave and shampoo farce S0c. Facials. sca ts and manicures Coffer Phone appoint (15 may 1 mo) E JOHANSON, HAIR 92 Church St. Marcel and f{irger wa.ing 50c 'hone2188J. Shuppd entrance. (14 jan c A A ER . and Beauty ~u;ture No 3 Brajley Bldg., Phone 38, Osh- awa, mtario. (23 nov tf CILLAN McLEAN, PHONE 2105 mareél35e at your home or 786 AlbertBt. (28 jan ¢) 'YELIDW BIRD" HAIRDRESS ing Shppe. Marcel 35¢. Hair ew 15¢. Ms. H. Dafoe, 137 Ritson Rd. 8, Phone 1255F. (8 jan ©) TINGE WAVE 60¢. MARCEL 38¢, Tom 25c. Miss Robbins, 8! ntarioSt. Phone 1115W. (15 jan ¢ at TEE vesaty culture, For appointient phone 1230F, or call 7t 156 joxnorough Ave. (151¢) OUSE GENERAI ity work Second floor bh Bank Building. Phone 1496 Residence phone » Auctionees 16] W SU. LEY Au... oneer. 346 Scot St. S. awa, Ont Special attention bid to heusehold furniture sales and farm stock and impiemenis. Your patronace golicited Watch Repairing A. VON SUNT XPERT h er. repair gh oad West Yonr pat fenaae is solicited Battery Service B. ARGED 75e with ronal sim Repaired and ré : f and delivered pot. 5 el an Bligdon. 2 Mill St. Phone 960 H --- = TOHING, 7 CENTER oN brolde work, altera iia ete. The Dell Shop. 86% Simcoe S. hone Asse po Transportation TACK ND STORAGE ' s, 85 Bond West. Special ists in Mrarnitute moving. Storage warehouse and maving van equip ment Phore contractor Local ane sag dis tupce eauling, 'oads ins: red. 60Y intl le Ave Phone 1418. I = Palmist AME 1 Ist. on matters of {pot Ling 93 Louisa St. Phone 2086F i § Busingmptivate, (20 favo» D G GEGYN ORGAN _ st, echolrmaster. iimcoe Unite | Es CRE bir 8128. mee | (28 jan © af sin rodu ne eo 8 Studio Jonts anc Jono) ' Tame. Co. ory Any 287 Bouts or pao 3 248 FOR a Aoior chickens for ¢ _ tresh killed, dressed Toy ox Order early pc oa ey furott | hoy King West. ~ Articles For Sale FOR E=oky BODY WOOD $3 Y%lcord. Mixed wood. $3.70 1 cofl. A. Wall. Phone 2628F (8 Jan ¢ "RA , COAL, CO dry boly vont. hard soft, mizen slabs. Phone 24.3W, 116 Anois St. (2 jan ¢* WEST D YA best fo} the money. Dry hard rood. § cord $3. Dry softwood 1% cord $2.5). Satisfaction guar anteed, | Ben Corson, phone 1941M, ie Hasguu St. (11 jan ¢) , % CORD, $3, mized $1.50, ry body maple $3 Coke and Cod, 79 John Bt, Cal: 3109J. | (18 jan ¢) macaine, kithen cabinet, table and chair, 75 ft, hose and other articles. Must sold. 649 Hor- top Ave, | FOR BA 28 x 29 x38, |practicall, 3plendid condilion. Cost $245 Will sacritiée pr $150. Box 30 Times, (1632) S all makes of fos. Work fly guaranteed. 'ated free National Radio jervice 3186M. a (8 jap e¢) Alice Street. (11 jan ¢) Cli fepairad or meihdos are ski} ) moderate. Ten years specializing |n repair work. Free Juspectiop, a) (3 Jan ¢) EE-- ize In automobile (16 jan ©) ra y experi pe vard saris. Phone 163 s rd (183) | 3806W. | low rentals. vey 1550 or Supt, 2347 188t4 A housékeeping. Every con- mee or would suit two gentlemen. Phone 3338W. (3% jan ¢ apartment with bath, Very mod- ern. Blectric stove and refrigera- tion. Casa Loma Apartments. ise St. Bast. (150¢) ed house on n Connaught St. Vae ant Feb, 1st, For further par- vicylars. Phone 1493J. (161b) pe . ST. N. 28 x 86 mediate possession. space. Im- one 309. ia (151¢) $17 PER MONTH RENTS 4 tive roomed bouse on highway, single or double garage. Soft wat- er and lights in house. Garden i'hone 1588W, {16lc) 0 $30 , 8 S aewly decorated, fireplace, all pr 0 ody Bigin St. Phone 835. : (152¢) #OR RENT--¢ ROOMBD BRICK house. Kvery convenience, Not far from Separate School and Collegiate. Apply 76 Colborne St, West. (152¢) FOR RENT--246 GROOMS AVE., 6 roomed house. Apply L, Han- cock 1827 r 2-3. (1562b) SE LED Water and light. Apply 151 Col lege Ave. Phone 3231W. (152¢ Male Help Wanted tellablly MAN TO CALL ON retail stores ip your with staple and fast selling lipe, axperience unnecessary. You should have a car and be pre pared to finance yourself to the ostent of about $300. Great money making possibilities, should net you §75 weekly to start. Write for full particulars. Box 35, 300 Bay Street, Toronto. WANTED--- BY JANUARY 18T 1932, youth with fair knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be accur ate and speedy and have at leas! one year's experience. Apply stat. ing salary expected to Box 29 Jshawa Daily Times. (151b WO BALESNME ITH ABIL ity. Must be favourably known. vermanent, ear essential. Apply full particulars write Boxy 3) Times. (152¢) Work Wantcd SCIENTIFIC CLEANING CHES terfield suites, carpets, cushions thoroughly cleaned and disinfect ed in your own home, Prices reasonable. Phone 2580F. (151e) GIRL OF 17 UBSIRES POSI- tion for light housework or nurse maid. Sleep home, Phone 1600M. (152¢) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NCRFE .n attendance, warm : mis, terms reasonable. 8) brock St W Phone 3293, (30 dec ©) A venerable Toronto lady recalls a spanking she received ninety years ago Cértainly. the spankings that were current in Victorian days were something t6 be remembered through life. -- Quebec Chronicle- Telegraph. Assistant sports editor of the New York Sun is dead, aged 77, Promo- tion mi~ht have come his way in a few more years.~Woodstock Sen tinel-Review, County' Rates For Classified Ads Each subsequent consern- tive (imsertion 1¢ per word. Fhree consecutive imser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). VMinimom charge Cop three insertions 60c. lox ann.ber 10¢ additional Professional or Hasiness Cards, $2.80 per month for 20 words or less. 10 cents a word per month for each additional word Plone 35 Ask for Clshsified Ad Department HAY MARKETING IS DISCUSSED BY FEDERAL DEPT In the following article prepared by the Seed Branch of tne Federal Vepartment of Agriculture some oi the reasons for the present poor sarket for hay are discussed, It is unnecessary to tell the com @qercial hay growers of Canada that the hay market is in a serious state of decline. The demand of ate years has been steadily de- creasing owing to fewer horses be- ng uscd in cities and to purilal displacement of horses by gusoling driven trucks and tractors in Jui vering and other operations in which the horse was once supreme. Another important factor jn lessen ng the demand for hay is that cat Je and sheep are not pow held lon, in the stock yarcs and so-do no. -~uire as large quantities as for. aerly for stuck yard fecuing. The growing tendency ig interna Jonal trade for nations to prohib.i or restrict the importaticn of for cign products, except when neces sary, has rendered the foreign mar «ot for hay extremely limited. The present United States tariff against hay is $5.00 per ton, which is little iess than the average prevailing price for baled bay in the farmers' barns in Canada. Hay exports to Eurcpe are now out of the question even though there is a lighter crop than usual in the United Kingdom. High transportation rates and the decreased value of the pound ster ling, amongst other factors, make the export 'price of hay. to Great Britain lower than the price se- cured by farmers in some other years for wheat straw, or about $4 per ton, Thus it is easy to under stand why hay Is not moving more satisfactorily from the prineipal production districts in Canada. Our 1931 commercial hay crop was an unusually large one and as in some previous years there may be a considerable carry-over. A rea sonably large carry-over would probably be of advantage as experi ence in the past has shown that of- ten a carry-over of hay is necessary to take care of shortage resulting from a less abundant crop the next year. i ------------------ Mass production js even entering Inte the crime racket, Ten bandits armed with machine guns were re- quired ta rob an Indiana bank. -- Peterboro Examiner. When England found expenses were getting too high she put a Scotsman on the job.~Brandon Sun. AUTO PRESIDENT PRAISES POLICY OF FARMER AID Points to Need of Moderate Taxation on Vehicles Used in Agriculture Toronto, Dec. 20-T. A. president of Willys Overtind, Lim. & , Pr of y-Hany a dire of the i Fook o por ce and a number of other im rant | instity, tions, vesterday issued a statement advocating governments continue a nolicy of fairness in taxing oor vehicles used for the transportation of agricultural products. This was in reference to revisions in motor 'ees. and taxes in various provinces. "In these days ow extremely low :rices for agricultural products, is vital for the producer tp get nls ~oods to market at the lowest pos- sible cost," said Mr. Russell, "Mod. ern conditions have necessitated the use of the motor truck and the cost of gasoline, taxes thereon, and Ii. cense fees. ete, form a substantial portion of the farmer's entire cash outlay. Much Used on Private Land "It should not be overlooked," ad- ded Mr. Russell, "that many farm- ers use their motor trucks a great lezl on their own lands and the vehicles are on the public highways less than any other class. Yet in every instance, the government cdl. lects tares om gasoline used in trucks. "N> one with any knowledge of public aaffirs can be ignorant of the aravity of our railway problem, but at the same time everyone should re lize the importance of econom- 'cal distribution, "In many respects, the develop- ent of h'rhways and the coming into use of the motor vehicle has seen a great boon to the agricultur- il community and it would be ex- tremely unwise, in my opinion, were we *~ forego or unduly restrict that advantage "I bave heard of fnatanices where "attle we.e taken 200 miles to mar, et in trucks -- and over prairie oxds at that. Undoubtedly it would ¢ more economical to ship catte by rail s:-h a distance. Bur for siorter distances there are great v.ntages in moving cattle by ighway. That business largely has been lost to the railways because the c-ttle reach the market more quickly. Such cattle are in better condition and therefore command a better price, "It is in the farmer's interest that the commercial motor vehicle be al- I>wed to develop to its economic limit, paying its fair share of the cost of building and maintaining highways, but no more. I do not nretend to be a railway expert, but it seems to me that railway man- awement might go farther to bring about a degree of ¢o-ordination be- tween highway and railway which will leave to each that part of the 'ransportation job which it is the "etter fitted to do." While Mark Twain was editor of a Missour! paper, a subscriber wrote to him saying he nad tound a spider in his paper and asking Mark whether this was a sign of good or bad luck. .The folowing was the reply of the well-known humorist: "0ld Suberjhber: Finding 3s spider in your paper was neither rood luck nor bad luck for you. The spider was merely looking over your paper to see which merchant 1s not advertising, so that he can go to that store, spin his web across the door and lead a life of undisturbed peace ever 'afterwards." Hop prices are lower than for a period of forty vears and this will certainly justify. the resultant squealing.~Brantford Expositor. Lis pm. 5pm. 7.30 p.m 85pm Ar 80pm a hte yu 10.30 pa. DAY "AND TiOLIDAY "SCHEDULE Going West Amive Whitby 9.45a.m 11.45a.m, Lesve Leave PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawe Waiting Room. 10 Prince Street Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonsble Rates and Careful Drivers GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov. 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) Phone 2825 ~EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO 2.30 ; dil2e y except Sunday nay, Sun. day if Holidays only, d--Sundsy enly CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective, Nov. 22nd 'TBOUND Lv. Oshawa, 8.55 am Except Sunday. 9.42 am Daily. 1.44 pm Except Sunday. 10.22 p.m Daily. 12.35 a.m Daily. 12.45 am Daily, ESTBOUN 445 am Daily, 5.50 a.m Daily, 6.2 am Daily, 4.06 p.m. Daily, 6.48 p.m Except Sunday. 7.20 p.m m. Except Sunday. CANADIAN PACH IC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1901 (Standard Time) Eastbound Lv. Oghawa, 9.25 a. 40 Sento og AA Daily, ex. Sun, 18 p.m Daly. 12.08 4m Daily. 1.0Sam Daily " « For Ottawa, Montreal sand East only- ag. Wi $.56 a.m Daily, 7.134 m Daily, 3 p.m Dai ly. Sai nm Daily, extept da. ma.54 p.m. Daily, v m Yoronto and West © only---flag. BOME WATER FACTS Everyone knows that water is essential to the proper growth and development of all plant life. Here is sbme indication of its magnitude as disclosed by science: A sunflower with a combined leaf area of 11 square yards 'will evaporate some 75 quarts of wa- ter from its leaves during growth. A corn plant uses about 16 | quarts during its life time. An acre of cabbagé requires over 2,000,000 quarts of water in a season. Some of the hardwood tree spe- cies give off as much as 80 quarts of water per day by evaporation. It takes over 600 pounds of wa- ter to produce one pound of dry alfalfa. Over 98 per cent. of energy ab- sorbed by plants from the sun fs utilized in the evaporation of wa- ter from all surfaces. Along this line studies conducted by experts of the Fedéral Department of Agriculture show that-- It takes nearly 1,700 quarts of water to produce ome pcund of wheat, 1,425 quarts of water to produce one pound of oats. 24 1b. Bag. 60c Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. Phone 203 EATON GROCETERIA It Pugs To Shop Here Always .C.YOUN Prince 11931 Chev, Sport Sedan 1--1028 Chev. Sedan, free wheeling Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160, i 1931 Chevrolet Swart Solan: | driven small mileage as demonstrator, $750. 00 | i Price ... | ONTARIO MCTOR | SALES, LTD, | 86 King St. Bast. Phone 900 Grand New Year's Eve FROLIC Profes: ainment Genotha Hotel Tickets Now un Sale KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 78. NEXT THE POST OFFID Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH REPAIRING W+ TCLES OUR SPECIALTY '. J. BROWN If your watch 1s not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. THE JEWELER ¢ Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St. 55. "hone 180 HOYS' CORDUROY BREACHES, double seat nd double" kanes. Sc] 30) 0 Special Dominion Clothing : os, 2141 § 8 Kinz 8&t W WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLO Marcel, Finger Phone 2653. J Celina Bt. J Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Next year 63 nations will meet at Geneva, each ready to disarm pro- viding the other 62 do so first.-- Montreal Star. "College Graduate Crashes Into Telephone Post." And now, we take it he's a post-graduate.~Bor- der Cities Star, Ro fey WE DELIVERY 1" Simcoe 8t. 8S. We Deliver TT -- Girls' All Wool Fancy" PULLOVERS at TILLIE THE TOILER NOW THAT "You YOUR OLD BACK « You SC THAT'S WELL, OF YOUR OESIKKS - You So QUT AND HAVE S70 LUNCH AND BEVERY THING WiLL BE ALL RIGHT WHEN SEY -- 2AacKk rr, S17?" VL Move BoTH as WHAT S "THE BOSS Ryne To 8° By. Geo. TT MY BOOK? Cionoen eon TOOK IT DAVGHTER> | NOW | GOT TO FIND MAGGIE . | CERTAINLY HH 4 hid i i. i i 2 © 1931, King Features Syndicate, Ine, Grest Briain rights reserved. vane OM! YES! DAUGHTER GAVE I'T YO ME AND MRS BOND WAS HERE AND HWE WANTED TO READ \T- 901 LENT, "To HER x Jie LT

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