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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1940, p. 9

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A DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1940 0 CLASSIFIED [TH IIE oo Yad 2X od 8 SV LER 8 Na " tl SE NB SR PL 9 BSE EE CAN eae SQ , Chartered Soret HUDSON AND coM- Trustees and Liquidators Gonent and Annis Chamber, 7% Simooe Street South. Telephone 4 Head Office, Toronto. Surveying P. J. DONEVAN, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor and Civil' Engineer, 365 ne Street East. Phone 1981. (10Julyc) BA CHARGED 75¢, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- fivered. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St Phone 960 Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1812 DR. R. E. COX, DENTAL SUR- gean, 9 Simcoe N. Phone 233 Hours nine-twelve, one--five-thirty, evenings appcintment. . by (11Julye) DR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. avemacnos 1462W, (28Julyc) Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES, BUILDER, Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- sau street. (tn 8 Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of you Insuranee needs. Successors to G L. Nolan, 32% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office phone 793, residence phone 2805. 4% Prince Street. A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, EC. Uxbridge, Ontario. MANNING P. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to Joan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282. Residence 30714. . . . A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, ote. Murisage Io loans 5%%, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 2¢ Simcoe St. North. (1Julye) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, , etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Sigcoe St. 8, Oshawa. aie Allin F. Annis, BA, LLB. Ernest Marks, B.A. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, Sohaitor, etc. 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 3291. Money to loan. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. W. BE. N. SINCLAIR, B.A, LLB, KC, and J. C. Anderson, KC. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montrepl Building, 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. Undertaking MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prompt day and night service. F. J. Mesgher, Manager, 8. J. Strow- ger, Funeral Director. 117 King St. E. Phone 907. (17Julye) M., P. ARMSTRONG AND SON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co 'Puneral and Ambulance Service Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence 69 King St. E. Phone 210, \ Cartage 'VING AND DUMP TRUCKS. cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colborze Street West. Phone 605 IY (13Julyc) . Mortgages MONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA or other property. Mortgages now in force purchased. H. C. Higgin- ham, 10 Ontavio St. Phone 328. : (28Julyc) i -- Watch Repairing, ®. A. 'VON GUNTEN, EXPERT 8 watchmaker. repair shop at Street West, Your patron- (tf) Fr Mowers Sharpened AWN MOWERS, OALLED FOR delivered by J. W. Minard, 104 Street. Phone 1048). Work nteed. ' * (26Julyc) - Lawn Mowers MOWERS - SHARPENED ground for long service 75c guaranteed. Parts and re- 'Oalled for and delivered. Brothers, Oshawa. Phone 3Julye) 1 FOUR BURNER BLUE AND white gas stove, good condition. $! Phone J056R. (130a) CABIN TRAILER FOR SALE. Apply 240 Burke St. (130a) CEDAR HULLED LAUNCH, 16 foot launch motor, also outboard boats and canoes. Priced to sell Jermyns', Centre St., Whitby. (130a) DRESSED POULTRY. MILK FED broilers, fryers, roasters. Phone T23R2. (1302) 6 WINDOW SHADES, CREAM; 1 mower; porch glider; double bed. All nearly new. Phone 1055. (130a) 'CASH OR CREDIT Oilstoves, lawn movers, ice boxes, dining and breakfast suites, ward- robes, kitchen cabinets, desks, dressers, porcelain tables, carpets, also summer cottage furniture and boat. BRADLEY'S FURNITURE STORE, 140 Simcoe South. (4Aug.c) 116 (130a) LARGE FRAME GARAGE. Burke St. 1 FOLDING GO-CART. APPLY 290 Nassau St. (1302) 487 Simcoe (129¢) steel bed and springs. St. South. DOMINION ORGAN. GOOD CON- dition. Apply 169 Church St. (129¢) SAVE ON PAINT AND WALL- paper at Nelson's, 14 Bond St. West. Phone 841. Free estimates on house 'decorating. (26Julyc) AT REDUCED PRICES! JOHN- son Outboard motor, alternating firing, 9 pt. 8 h.p., 1929 model, per- fect every way, will troll on aver- age size boat, price $125; boat, 16 ft. long, very safe, with good beam, and trailer with knee action, rides excellent. Price $125. Terms. On- tario Motor Sales, 86 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 900. (129¢) TWO USED HOT WATER BUN- galow heaters, could be' used as jacket heaters, for immediate sale. Bradley Bros. 169. (25Julyc) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS. Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (6Julye) USED JOHNSON OUTBOARD motors. Ontario Motor Sales, Phone 900. (22Julyc) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (22Julyc) -| BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP, special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses from $7.95, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 140 Simcoe South. (6Julyc) SPECIAL COLLECTION OF ROCK plants, '$1 a basket; annuals, per- ennials, shrubs, evergreens. Coak- well Nurseries, North Oshawa. (TJulye) THREE FOOT SAFE, $30; WEST- inghouse refrigerator, $70; child's high chair, $1. Phone 3244. (128¢) "Wanted To Buy CAR WANTED, FROM '32 AND up. Must be reasonable. Will pay cash. 424 Bloor St. Fast. (1302) WALL TENT, 9 BY 12 OR LARG- er. Phone 2804W, between 6 and 7 pm, (130b) HIGHEST PRICES PAI' FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (16Julyc) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, 'scrap metal ¥nd iron. 202 Annis, Phone 2423M. (7TJulye) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, ofl stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. (3Julye) * Shoe Repairing LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. + W. Allison, 9 Athol West. £28Julyc) A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. (30Julyc) Wanted To Rent SMALL HOUSE OR DUPLEX FOR August, for reliable couple steadily employed, Apply Box 331 Times. (1302) CEN- (130a) UNFURNISHED ROOM, tral. - Apply Box 330 Times. "Credit Exchange CENTRAL ONTARIO CREDIT Exchange--The Home of Collections. 3 Simcoe St. South. - Accounts col- lected; Credit reports. Phone 2330. a (4Aug.c) verandah curtain, bamboo; 1 lawn || FLAT TOP DESK, $10; BROWN || NEED A GOOD USED CAR? Scan through the Used Car Section of this page. are sure to find a car to satisfy you in every way. For Rent For Rent 3 ROOMED FLAT, PRIVATE bath, cupboards and sink in kitchen. All conveniences. 214 Mary St. (130a) 73 YONGE ST, 7 ROOMED house with garage. Apply 174 Athol St. East. (1302) SMALL GARDEN HOUSE FOR rent, 1 large room, kitchenette, and verandah; by week or month. 446 Simcoe South. (130b) APARTMENTS, 2, 3, 4 OR 5 rooms, beautiful large home, all conveniences, King West. Inspec- tion invited. 3136W. (130a) 2° UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, lights, water, garage, $12. Phone 2619J. (130a) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN the Bradley Block, hot water heat- ing, hardwood floors, nicely decor- ated, well lighted. Bradley Bros. (4Aug.c) 1 LARGE FURNISHED OR UN- furnished béd sitting room, use of telephone, electric refrigerator and washing machine, Phone 2103W. (1302) SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE, OSH- awa Boulevard; possession any time after July 16. Phone 1707M. (130c) 4 ROOMED APARTMENT, NEW- ly decorated, equipped with elec tric range, ¢ electric refrigeration, centrally located. Apply Bowra Electric and Hardware. (130c) $30 GROUND FLOOR APART- ment, two rooms, large kitchenette, electric stove, enclosed porch, sep- arate entrance, lovely grounds; also attractive three room apartment. Phone 3244. (128¢) Female Help Wanted CAPABLE GENERAL, TO SLEEP out. References required. Apply stating age to Box 329 Times. (130b) FEMALE HELP WANTED -- EX- perienced waitress, single, not over 30 years. Good wages and hours to right person. References essential. Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. Phone 27. (129¢) ELDERLY LADY WANTS CAPA- ble help over 30, for general house- work, references. Personal applica- tion. 209 Byron St. North, Whitby. (130a) Male Help Wanted A RELIABLE MAN- OVER 26 TO take over established territory. Ap- ply Fuller Brush Co., 33 Alger Bldg. (130a) WANTED AT ONCE, 3 NEAT AM- bitious men, good pay, steady em- ployment the year round. Apply Box 328 Times, (130a) Mortgage Sale For Sale or Rent Of Valuable Residential Property In the City of Oshawa There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Thursday, July 11th, 1940, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, Daylight Saving Time, at the office of W. J. Sully, 344 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa, by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the following property-- Lot Number 18 on the north east corner of Rosedale Avenue and Avenue In the said City of Oshawa, according to Plan Number 158. There is said to be erected thereon a 1% storey detached brick veneer dwelling, containing 6 rooms and bathroom, heated by hot air, known as 98 Rosedale Avenue. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. This property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars, apply to Leonard & Leonard, Solicitors for the mortgagee, 320 Bay Street, To- ronto. (122-126-131) Financial WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES and agreements secured by suburb- an and rural property. Phoné North Shore Realty Co. 80, Osh- awa. (6Julyc) Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co, Phone 25, Oshawa. (10Julye) Room and Board BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted, near Motors, and town. 41 Louisa St. (130a) DOUBLE BED ROOM WITH OR without board, for two gentlemen. Central. Phone 72, (130b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen. Nice locality. Every con- venience. Central. Phone 1943W. (10Julyc) BOARDERS WANTED. CENTRAL All conveniences, Phone 2055. (3Julye) For Sale or Exchange LOT, 40 BY 120, WITH SMALL house, for sale or would exchange on small lot and house, 423 Louisa St. Apply Mrs. Jackson, Columbus. (129¢) 8 ROOM BUNGALOW, KINGSTON Road, near Toronto, for Oshawa residence. Box 323 Times. (127¢) Motors Cars For Sale EMPLOYED MARRIED MAN TO do janitor work night and morning in return for heated apartment, Utilities included. State qualifica- tions. Box 332 Times. (130e) 17 LLOYD ST., 4 ROOMS, 3 PIECE bath, July 15, $15 per month. Murdoch, 27 Warren. (130c) FURNISHED APARTMENT, 2 nice rooms on ground floor. Gas stove and separate sink. All con- veniences. Colborne St. Also single unfurnished room with gas stove. Phone 120. (129b) Work Wanted STUCCO AND Phone 1412M. (16Julyc) WELLS DUG, PUMPS REPAIRED, chimneys, sidewalks built. Charles Dean, 138 Albert. Phone 3241W. (12Julyc) PLASTERING, General repairs. 3 ROOMED COTTAGE AT PRES- tonvale, running water. Phone 1150J. (129¢) ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK; furnished or unfurnished light houseglgeeping rooms. 207 Simcoe South, between 5 and 7. (3Aug.c) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. Apply 115 Burke St. (120b) TWO BRIGHT LARGE FURNISH- ed rooms on ground floor for light housekeeping. Very central, in quiet home. 247 Arthur St. (129¢) 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED, COM- plete for light housekeeping, all conveniences, use of® frigidaire. Phone 3144W. 5 (129b) APARTMENT, CENTRAL LOCA- tion, 3 large rooms and bath, hydro, heater, laundry facilities. $26 for summer months. Vacant August 1. Oshawa Real Estate, Co. Ltd., phone 25. (130c) SIMCOE ° MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1, 4-roomed and 1 5-mgomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Junetf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND 5 room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718. (9Junetf) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, bright modern three roomed, private cellar, laundry conveniences, adults only, 'Rent $25 unfurnished. Phone A. N. Sharp. (16Julyc) FURNISHED ROOMS; BED SIT- fing room, ground floor; large front room, twin beds; single rooms. Continuous hot water. 39 Bond West. (12Julye) CENTRALLY LOCATED APART- ment for two persons. All conveni- ences. Bradley Bros. 160. (128c) 3 ROOMS AND BATH FOR RENT. Apply 106 William St. East. Phone 1895. (128¢) 2 OR 3 ROOMS, TO MIDDLE aged couple, or middle aged woman, Box 326 Times. ~ (128¢) Notice PHYSICAL CULTURE OLASSES, mornings 9 to 12, evenings 7 to 9. Special rate. Apply T. K. Ishii, 182 King St. East, City. (130¢) 1937 CHEV. COACH, 1931 CHEV. DeLuxe coupe; accept trade-in and terms. A. H. Bramley, North Osh- awa, (130a) FOR SALE CHEAP, '37 PONTIAC Sedan, excellent condition. Apply 38 King West. (128c) Spraying PAINT--WHITE WASH. OSHAWA Spraying Service. Phone 1855. (3Auge) Real Estate For Sale 6 ACRE FRUIT FARM, BRICK house, barn, chicken coupe, crop, implements, 1 truck, 1 Buick car, 2%. miles north of Oshawa. $2800. M. Hennick Real Estate, 428 Simcoe St. South. (130a) den GRAHAM'S BARBER SHOP, COR- ner of Pine and Westmount Ave, 1 block south of West End Shell Station. Adults 20c, children 15c, children Saturday, 20c. (130a) WRECKING. Car Barns -- Freight Sheds Simcoe and Athol Streets HARD BRICK, 150,00 doors, windows, poultry sash, heating, lumber of every description. Salesman on job. TEPERMAN & SONS. (128d) AUCTIONEER, E. J. POMERY, 65 Park Rd. 8., Phone Park Rd. Car- tage. After date I will charge 8% on all household effects in Oshawa. $2.50 on mortgage sales if not sold, if sold 2%. Farm stock and imple- ments sales 1%%. I solicit your patronage. All phone calls will re- ceive prompt attention. (129¢) Pets and Livestock TWO JERSEY COWS AND ONE horse for sale. Phone 2375R. (129¢) Found FOUND -- PURSE CONTAINING sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for ad. 381 Pacific Ave. (128¢c) Lost LOST -- TWENTY DOLLARS IN two ten dollar bills at Lakeview Park Monday afternoon. Finder please leave at 214 Gibb St. very badly needed. Reward. (129b) Wanted MIDDLE AGED COUPLE WOULD give services for room and board In elderly person's home, Refer- ences. Box 327 Times. 11308) BEY A sale. BUILDING LOT FOR Apply 400 Park Road South. (130c) HOME, CENTRAL, GOOD CON- dition, 2nd floor always rented, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, no incumbrances, taxes paid, chance for someone. Apply Box 236 Times. (18Julyc) BUNGALOW IN NORTH PART of city, real bargain. $27 monthly pays all. Bradley Bros. 160. (128¢c) $500, 3 ROOMED HOUSE, GIBBON 8t.; $650, 3 Roomed House, Division Bt.; 6 rooms, Church St. for rent, Jones. 10 Prince, (25Julye) ALMA ST. 4 ROOMED COTTAGE, furnace, bathroom, some hardwood. $1800. Terms. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Ltd., Phone 25. (130b) MASSON ST. SOLID BRICK MO- dern home, containing ten rooms tastefully decorated, hardwood floors throughout, oak trim, hot water heated as in the two-car garage. Inspection by appointment only when price will be discussed. Exchange for smaller property will be considered. Oshawa Real Es- tate Co. Ltd., Phone 25. (130k) VERY MODERN 5 ROOM BRICK, oak floors, garage, near Motors, $2200. Terms. SPLENDID 6 ROOM BRICK, good district, north, reduced to $2700. Terms. Many others. C. H. FRENCH, 19 Ontario St. (1302) $3200, BURK ST, 17 ROOMS, large lot, five hundred cash. Bal- ance easy; $2,150, 5 room bungalow, Summeryilie: $2,500, five room bun- galow, Warren Ave.; $2250, six rooms, brick, Church 8. Jones, Ten Prince, (130) 6 ROOMED FURNISHED COT- tage, Viewlake, on Scugog; sandy beach. R. Deverell, Whitby. (1302) Electric Service FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC WIR- ing and repairing motors and appli- ances, Call DeGuerre, 1012W, (1Julyc) Personal MADAM NEVADA, PALMIST Psychologist, Phrenologist Hours 11-9. 98 Albert St. (29Julyc) MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? Try Ostrex tablets. Their tonics, stimulants, oyster elements are aids to normdl pep after 40! If not delighted with results first package, maker refunds its low price. Call, write, Jury and Lovell, in Oshawa and all good drug stores. (31Julye) Motor Cars Wanted CASH FOR CHEAP CAR, MUST be in good ¢ondition. 27 Bucking- ham. 1832M. (1302) 1,000 NAZIS DIE WHEN PRISON SHIP SUNK BY TORPEDO (Continued from Page 1) forts to push into lifeboats were responsible for the heavy casualties. "Germans and I:alians fought and kicked each other in efforts to save their own necks," said a Welsh soldier who was aboard as a guard. "The Huns were the worst offend- ers. Scores of them had to be fore cibly restrained." A Canadian ship wag the first boat to answer the S O 8 that crackled out when the torpedo struck. "The Canadian ship raced up will every ounce of her speed," said a guard who was Jescued by her. "The ship loaded herself to the hilt with men plucked from the water by whaler boats she sent out and others taken from the Aran- dora Star's lifeboats." This guard said the rescue work of the Canadians was magnificent, and so was their treatment of sur- vivors once they were brought aboard. "They did everything possible to make us comfortable," he said. "Race and creed made no differ- ence." Hundreds of those aboard were asleep. When the survivors came ashore the majority of them were clad either in pyjamas or just trousers, Few wore shoes. While scores of survivors spoke bitterly of the behavior of Italians and Germans in the face of dan- ger, a Cockney member of the Arandora's crew described their panic most pungently: "They behaved like cattle, 'They kicked each other in a ferocious scramble for places in lifeboats. It was & wonder any one was saved in the panic they caused." "We cursed the U-boat, but not 50 much as did the Germans and Italiane," sald one soldier. "They were almost ferocious in their de- nunciation of this type of warfare." Another soldier told of 'bitter hostility" between the Germans and Italians both before and after the torpedoing. "Big Hulking Brutes" Survivors told dramatic accounts of the fighting between the Ger- mans and Italians, who were said to have engaged in numerous fist fights from the hour the Arandora Star left port. "The Germans were big hulking brutes, who tried to sweep the Ital- ians over the side and had to be forcibly restrained," one of the Brit- ish guards related. Another told of seeing a German, rushing -toward the boats, seize an iron bar and beat an Italian to the deck with it. One survivor, describing the Ital- fan and German melee, said: "When I saw what was happen- ing I decided to look for another means of escape, I walked to the aft deck and found it awash, so I continued walking into the sea and kept me afloat. "Eventually I managed to reach a raft and after eight hours I was hauled out of the water. My legs were folded under me. They'd lost all feeling." Two German and two Italian survivors died aboard one of the rescue, ships, the survivors said. Many injured were rushed to hos- pitals in the unidentified Scottish port where the rescued were landed. Several ships participated in the rescue work, hauling the survivors from the water, Several of the survivors said the Germans and Italians "fought like wildmen" for places in the few life. boats, One British survivor said that the liner was torpedoed about 6 was hit only once, but devastating. ly~the sides caved in and Whole compartments were destroy "The Germans and Italians pushes ed everybody they could from their path as they scrambled for life- boats, hence madly of us had no chance to get to lifeboats and had to jump and trust to luck." Another survivor sald that when the ship plunged stern first into the sea it covered swimming bodies, including many injured. The ship's owners sald that "a fair proportion" of the crew was saved, Many of the Italians aboard were traders in England until they were interned for the duration of the war when Mussolini declared war, The Arandora Star was relatively small, but one of the world's finest and most luxurious cruising vessels before the war. She was used for round-the- world cruises annually, and also made g spring trip to the West In- dies, a Christmas trip to the Medi- terranean, and an autumn Baltic "cruise, (8 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT "Christian Science" was the sub- ject of the lesson-sermon for First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Col- borne Street East, on Sunday. The Golden Text was, "The pro- phecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (II Peter 1:21), Selections from the Bible includ- ed the following from Psalms 119: 1, 2, "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart." Correlative citations fro mthe Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health With Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in- cluded the following from page 109: "I knew the principle of all 7 r monious Mind-action to be God, and that cures were produced in primitive Christian healing by holy, uplifting faith; but IT must know the science of this healing, and I won my way to absolute conclusions through divine revelation, reason, and demonstration." we WHITTINGTON RADIO Sales and Service Oshawa 11731] Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 : 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH am. and "it seemed that the ship | TINE TABLES Effective Now CANADIAN - NATIONAL AND CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS At CNR, Station Eastbound a.m. Pool, Daily, . pam. geol, Sat. 42 bm. Pool, Daily. Sunda only. 2% Pool. Dally.' Westbound Dally Pool, Dally. Pool, : Pool, ot Sat. and Sum. pool Sunday only. -- rg Station Eastbound Daily, Pool. Westbound Dally, Pool. 11.57 p.m. 5.53 a.m. TORONTO-OSHAWA BUS LINE (Gray Coach) (Standard Time) NESTROUND Leave Oshaw; 5:45 a.m. 6.20 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 40am - So ®2 av a wh =BRS 88 88 88 8 88 L8yas: vo ¥9P vy BE BB BE BBB EH: 8k Bg 8 SRR ~- TUTUPP BB BB Bap Bhabbast 8 44 &5 ESe #4 awa wnubESeq ; eed BE ERE Edusesi WEF BF FRE BRRERRER vY TY voy TORONTO-GANANOQUE BUS (Collacutt Coach Lines) Daylight Saving Time Eastbound from Oshawa 9.15 a.m. Dally {2.45 pm. b ; Cer. RITSON RD. & KING BE Vacant New APPLY MR. J. SAMMUT 148 Simooe St. 5. - Phone 3804 WATCH REPAIRING Let us your Watch Clocks, Tamaliery etc. Guaranteed, D. J. BROWN" THE J 20 Simcoe St. 8, =~ EWELLER Phone 189 and Builders' McLAUGHLIN COAL & PHONE 1246 *| grabbed a plece of wreckage, which | Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 _ NEXT P, O. CARRIER BOYS WANTED | "i | | for the OSHAWA DAILY TIMES High School Boys Preferred Apply TIMES OFFICE AFTER 4 an. TUESDAY ci BOYCE Circulation Department 4

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