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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1940, p. 2

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. PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1940 Terriers and Lions Local Today's Sporting Features Pepsi-Colas Even Up Series With Whitby Open Series Tonight Yachters Hold Races Over Week-End a TT Sports attractions for this ev- ening include three Minor League lacrosse games at the Motor City Stadium, starting at 6.30 pm., and, of course, the Juvenile playoff game at Alex- andra Park, booked to start at the same hour. * +» 'Lacrosse fans can watch their sport at the Stadium and if they have a "late supper" and still want to see some gutted-stick entertain- ment, they can always go out to Brooklin for the big game tonight. | Oshawa Coca-Colas invade Brooklin | tonight and it should be another grand tussle, after that overtime game there last week. +o In the Juvenile softball ranks, Lions won a game on Friday night 'over Mounties while the Pet Stock Terriers also won their tilt: with Victors. This leaves Lions in first and Terriers in second so tonight, they'll open their 2-out-of-3 game series, to decide which team will represent Oshawa in the Juvenile playdowns of the O.A. S.A. * + * The first game is tonight, at Alexandra Park and the return tilt will be at Bathe Park this Wednesday evening. Should a third game be necessary, they'll play it on Friday night, likely at Lakeview Park. * + + It should be a great series be- tween Terriers and the Lions to de- cide which team will represent Oshawa in the Ontario playdowns. Right now the Terriers are playing their best brand of ball and the in-and-out Lions will have to be at gheir best to survive the series. * * +» Meanwhile, the other Juvenile Seams will go right along with their schedule, except that Lions and ers are excused from playing fleague games this week. This means that only one game is booked for Monight, with Supertests visiting Jthe Mounties at Stevenson's Park, Gibbon Street. : * + / In the Junior ranks, Dixon's Coal and Bill's Place will settle their semi-final series on Tues- day (tomorrow night) at the Motor City Stadium. It's the third and deciding game be- tween these clubs and it should be a great struggle. Dixon's are back in stride now and should be able to hold their own with the heavy-hitting Bill's Place team. ¢ + Dixon's and Bill's Place were to have settled their semi-finals to- ht but the Stadium is taken up i the Minor Lacrosse League teams. However, both teams have a large following of fans and there will likely be a big crowd at the Stadium on Tuessday to see these two strong clubs fight it out for the right to meet Westmount Broncs in the finals. * + 4 In the Intermediate finals, Pepsi- Colas came back to even up the gount on Friday night with a 11-9 win over John's Place. Now the Whitby boys and Pepsi-Colas will bave to play a third and deciding game to see who meets Tannery in the finals. The third game of the semi-finals will be on Thursday night at the Stadium and it will be a rare old battle from start to finish. +* 4% Preem Whiteley was in great form Friday night to beat Whitby and what was more held on to win out. * bb The Independent Softball League feclared their championship on Friday night, at Lakeview Park and the Palm Billiards won the honors. We "called" the Cues to cop the title some weeks ago and one of our reasons at that time was that we had heard, via the underground wire, that all was not serene in the "bunk-house" of the P. V. Ranch- ers. On Friday night. some ill-ad- vised remarks were hurled at the Palm hurler from thé P. V. R. bench and instead of it bothering Melemeester, he ciiy got mad and worked all the harder--which re- sulted in a championship for the Cues and defeat for the Ranchers. B+ + They've had a keen season of rivalry in this Independent League and the summer's sport has pro- vided many softball players a chance to get action where other- wise they would have been on the side-lines. Next year, no doubt, the Pleasure Valley boys will be back with a stronger club in an effort to regain their own trophy and they'll get opposition from new entries as well. + + And that takes care of the local softball situation--except to remind you there's a girls' game down at Lakeview Park tonight. * + » Lawn bowlers and golfers, as well as the local yacht club boys, all had a very busy week-end and it can be easily seen that the summer sport activities are now at their peak. J * + + There's a senior baseball game here tomorrow evening. River- dale Grads are coming to Osh- awa for a twilight game. Frank- ly, we don't think twilight games are any good in this man's town but then, every- thing must be given a fair trial and as the Inter-City League officials are pushed for time, Mgr. "Peg" Hurst consented to try a twilight game here. * bb One thing can be said about to- morrow night's game. At least, the opposition is worth-while. The Grads, we think, are still the team to beat among the Toronto entries and right now they are making a great stab for second place in the final standing... ... * + » Oshawa Seniors need one more win in- order to clinch first place and they would like nothing better than to get that victory at the ex- pense of the Grads, right here to- morrow evening at Alexandra Park, 6:15 o'clock. * +. The locals split their twin-bill with Peterboro on Saturday. Geo. Clark limited Oshawa to only two hits in the first game and his mates, paced by Coach Red Kearns, bunched their hits to trounce the homesters 8-1, + + + In the second half of the bill, Steamer Lucas won another game even though he gave up 14 hits in only seven innings. He kept them scattered and always managed to tighten up just when one more hit would have meant a lot of damage. A couple of brilliant double plays also helped his defensive cause, On the other hand, the Oshawa boys bunched their 9 hits for two big scoring rallies and thus took the verdict, 8-4. * + » The one win may give Peterboro fourth place, depending on how the other Toronto teams make out this week. Actually the Petes needed both games to cinch fourth place but they still have a mathematical chance. * + # It is expected, since Petes are finished with their schedule and Oshawa has two idle Saturdays coming up, that Oshawa and Peterboro will now play a home and-home series, double-head- ers each Saturday, for the C.O. B.L. championship trophy, the Johnson Cup, at present held by the Petes. The first twin-bill may be here next Saturday. Challedon Wins Hollywood Gold Cup Here. comes Challedon--and there he goes! i That's all there was to it. The Hollywood Gold Cup was a race that left 36,391 paid fans stun- ned as Challedon won going away. ABOVE at the fiinish line it's Chal- ledon the winner with Specify second in the $50,000 Hollywood Gold Cup race. Challedon paid his backers $7.40 for $2. Terries Clinch Second Spot By Beating Victors Pet Stock Terriers pounded out a doubled score victory over Victors, 16-8, on Friday night at Alexandra ! Park, and the win cinched second a bid for O.AS.A. competition. Six runs in the opening inning got the Teriers away to a flying start. Kewin and Morey walked ! and Barker was safe on an error. | Then Bathe, Smeagle both singled, | Dawson walked and before the dust runs had crossed. E. Barker tripled in the second and scord on an outfield error. In the third inning, Dawson, Calford and Kewin all crossed the plate and then Smeagle and Dawson scored runs on hits in the fourth to make it 12-8. From there on it was easy, Terriers added two more in the 5th and 6th both. Victors started well and after get. ting three runs In the first frame on four walks and a lone hit by Hobbs, they scored four in the sec- ond inning when Crossman singled, Love tripled, Bryant walked, Hicks flied out, Morphy singled, Andrews walked, Hobbs doubled, Baxter walk- ed and the last three were left on bases when Wragg fanned. After that Morey bore down and they got only one more run, on hits by Bryant and Morphy, in the third frame. Terriers tightened up in the field too and finished the game, go- ing away. TERRIERS: --Kewin, 3b; Morey, p; E. Barker, 1b; Bathe, 2b; Smeakle, cf; Dawson, If; W, Barker, c; Calford, rf; MacKay, ss. VICTORS: --Love, 3b; Bryant, cf; Hicks, ss; Morphy, If; Andrews, p; Hobbs, 1b; Baxter, 2b: Wragg, c; Moore, rf; Crossman, rf. Lions Defeat Westmounties In Short Game 1] Lions nosed into the top berth again on Friday night with a 19-12 victory over the Westmount Mount- ies, on the latter's home diamond. Late in starting, both teams staged lengthy rallies and the re- sult was that the game had to be called on account of darkness at the end of the fifth inning. Mounties came out of their scor- ing famine in the fourth inning when they scored five runs o ree hits and some walks and 3 Batten, Miners and Vann did the hitting. In the fifth inning, Mount- ies again scored five runs, this time with the ald of four hits, by Davey; Lebrash, Miners and Valen. tine, Lions had it easy at the plate, They pushed across three tallies in the opening frame and then staged an 8-run rally in the second inning that just about spoiled the interest. Walks and timely hitting produced the runs and they continued for four more counters in the third in- ning. They missed in the fourth but scored four more in the fifth frame, Almost all of the Lion's managed to get at least one safe hit or a walk during the five innings while Batten, Vann, LaBrash and Valen- tine hit will for the losers. LIONS: --Monaghan, 1b; McIn- tyre, ¢; Davies, 3b; Daniels, 2b; Fowler, cf; McMillan, If; Sawyer, p; McArthur, ss; Pilkey, rf; Hall, ss; and Turner, cf. Westmount: --Batten, 2b; Miners, 3b; Vann, ¢; Valentine, ss; McKee, rf; Parks, cf; Davey, If; Brudek, p; LaBrash, 1b. MINGO IN FORM AS SAINTS WIN 8t. Catharines, Aug. 12. -- St. Catharines Transports stayed hard on the heels of the league-leading Niagara Falls Brights by defeating Welland Nationals, 5-1, here Sat- urday afternoon. It was the third victory for the Saints in four games with Welland this season and the loss left the Nationals in a precar- ious position as far as the play- offs are concerned. Hal Mingo pitched brilliantly for the Saints, holding Nationals to six hits and striking out eleven. Mel- enkoff, who fielded sensationally for the Nats, was also their most successful batter, the only Welland hitter to get two blows off Mingo's slants. Air-tight support kept Mingo in command of the situa- tion. MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS BATTING G. AB. R. H. Pct. Radcliff, Browns 105 39757 140 .353 Finney, Red Sox 93 401 59 140 .349 McCosky, Tigers 101 419 88 146 .348 Danning, Glants 96 365 53 121 .322 Rowell, Bees 8228434 94 331 Leiber, Cubs 79 28743 92 .321 Home runs : American League-- Foxx, Red Sox, 26. National League --Mize, Cardinals, 32, Runs batted in: American League --Greenburg, Tigers, 100. National League--F., McCormick, Reds, 87. place for the Terriers, assuring them | Racing Mayor had cleared for three putouts, six JENKINS SALT LAKE CITYS FAST DRWING MAYOR. By Jack Sords 18 MILES PER . HOUR. FoR. Hak] BREAKWE 21 WORLDS! RECORDS DURING? Tie GRIND Pepsi-Colas Grab Early Lead, Beat Whitby John's Place to Prolong Semi-Final Series "Preem" Whiteley in Rare Form, Holds Whitby Bat- ters to Only One Run in First Six Innings But Then Weakens WINNERS HIT WELL Pepsi Batters Connect With Hits in Bunches to Take Early Lead -- Whitby Finishes Strongly in Last 3 Frames Pepsi-Colas tied up their Inter- mediate semi-final playoff series with John's Place of Whitby, at the Stadium on Friday evening, when they took a 11-8 decision over the County Town squad. Pepsi-Colas were full value for their win and did some heavy hit- ting in order to get their runs. For the first six innings, their speedball ace, "Preem" Whiteley, completely handcuffed the Whitby team and thanks to the hitting of he and his mates, the Pepsi's had a 10-1 lead going into the 7th inning. However, Whitby were far from finished. Their first run had been scored on @ triple by Ab. Samanski followed by E. Samanski's single, in the very first inning. After that, Kapasincski hit a double in the second inning and that's the only hit they got until the Tth. inning. Whiteley fanned nine batters in the five innings, 2nd to 6th Inclusive and was on top, all the way. Whitby Rallies In the Tth, Whitby opened with Mayne's single. Law hit a double and Kapasineski also hit a two- bagger. An infield error by Taylor, gave Spencer a life and allowed the third run of the inning to score. Pepsi-Colas came right back with one tally In their 7th. Cornish doubled and was thrown out by a great throw to 3rd base. Thomson hit a triple and scored on a wild pitch. In the 8th, Whitby got two more runs when Bye singled, Samanski doubled and both scored on Law's second two-bagger in succession. With the score 11-6, the Pepsi- Colas didn't even worry then but Whitby made it very close when they cut loose in the 9th. Gill was thrown out but A. Samanski singled. Hercia wis out on a grounder to first-base, Bye walked wnd then E. Samanski hi} another double, scoring the two runners and he scored on Mayne's bingle but Law struck out to end the game. ° Jumped Into Lead Esen with their nine hits in the last three innings, the Pepsi-Colas still puthit Whitby 14 to 12, Their big ining was the opening frame when they scored five runs. Covert opened with a single and Hall bunt- ed safely. Kitchen also bunted safely when the play to 3rd base was too slow to catch Covert. Taylor fanned but Whiteley's screaming triple with the bases loaded, started the scoring for Pepsi's. Lewis hit a double and then he scored on a two-bagger by Cornish. In the third inning, Taylor, first batter, clouted out a terrific homer, the only four-ply blow of the eve- ing. In the fourth, Pepsi-Colas again loaded the bases on a single by Little, a walk to Hall and an error by Hercia. Taylor bunted for an attempted "Squeeze" but Little was nipped at the play when Kapacinski made a clever play. Whiteley's single however scored Hell and a two-bagger by Lewis scored Kitchen and Taylor. An error by Law gave Covert two bases in the fifth and he scored when Hall clouted a two-bagger. Hall, with three hits, Whiteley, with a triple and single, Lewis, with two doubles and Cornish with twg doubles, were the hig hitters for the winners but every single player on the club had at lect one safe blow. A. Samanski, E. Samanski, with three hits, Mayne, Law and Kapas- inski were the big hitters for Whitby. WHITBY :-- A. Samanski, ss; Hercla, 2b; D. Bye, 3b; E. Saman- ski, ¢; Mayne, rf; Law, cf, Kapas- inski, p; Spencer, If; Gill, 1b. PEPSI-COLAS:--Covert, cf; Hall, 3b; Kitchen, ¢; Taylor, 2b; White~ ley, p; Lewis, rf; Cornish, ss; Thom- son, 1b; Little, If. Umpires: --F. Kellar and R. Falr, DETROIT LAD WINS 'SOAP BOX' DERBY Akron, O. Aug. 12. -- Thomas Fisher of Detroit Sunday won the seventh annual all-American "Soap Box" derby before a crowd of 50,- 000. Aided by = slight tail wind, young Fisher's gravity racer flash. ed over the 1,031-foot course in 26.68 seconds. Robert Londeree of Charleston, W. Va., was second and George Smith of Akron, third. The detroit lad went on to win the international championship by trouncing ¥Teddy Stewart of Colon, Paname, and Donald McGowan of Belleville, Ont., by streaking over the course in 26.84 seconds. Stew- art was second and the Canadian champion third. ADVISES PLAYERS TO TRAIN Pittsburgh, Aug. 12. -- John H. Harris, owner of the Pittsburgh Hornets, sald yesterday he had asked his hockey players subject to the twenty-one-day training for home | defense in Canada to. "volunteer | immediately" so as to complete it in time for the club's training seas- | on, which opens at Windsor, Ont, | Oct. 10. Some of the players have already enlisted, Harris said. N G. Clark, p, Burton, If, Kingdon, 2b, Hollingsworth, rf .. 3 [I ; rt DOO a | CI) cccocomocon™ Kitchen, 3b, Rowden, If Jubenville, 2b, .... Matthews, rf Wallace, 1b, Dalton, ss, (a) Shaw 1 0000 oo Cco~=0O; NI Coco oo~omoDt NI ocoocococo~omod © I OONNOOWM-W. Totals (a) for Tamblyn in 7th. Score By Innings 123 456 789 200 004 2 . 100 000 0 The Summary Runs batted in: Kearns 4, G. Clark 2, Burton, Kingdon and Jub- enville. Home runs: Kearns. 3b. hits: Kitchen. Stolen bases: Kearns phy. Bases on balls off: Clark 2, off McGarry 4. Struck out by: Clark 1, by Mc- Garry 2. Double play: Kitchen to Jubenville to Wallace. Ieft on bases: Peterboro 5, Osh- awa 5. Winning pitcher: G. Clark, Pet- erboro. Losing pitcher: McGarry of Osh- awa. . Wild pitch: McGarry. Balk: G. Clark in 5th, Passed ball: Tamblyn. Earned runs: Peterboro 7, Osh- awa 1. Umpires: B. Shepperd and J. Spring, Toronto, Time of game: 1 hr. 30 mins, .HE. 8 2 Oshawa . 2 2 and Mur- Second Game Peterboro ABRHPOAE. A. Clark, 3b, .... Whatley, c, Kearns, cf, Mutphy, ss, ...... GQ. Clark, #1, .... Burton, If, Kingdon, 2b, Cadd, 1b, Whitehill; p, .... OM HMOOO OD - WE CO a he 0 OW -- DI HBO HNN WI OOMOONOOO Totals ] 0 Yourth, ss, Kitchen, 3b, Rowden, If, Jubenville, 2b, Matthews, rf, .... Wallace, 1b, Shaw, c, Fair, cf, and rf, .. Lucas, p, (a) Hurst, of, .... 1 O0O=OoOO MN W; WI OWHOOORO HEE DI WOHOOOO HM DI COOH ONN MN » mI OMHMNOO HNL 0 cocococo~ococol? [oy Totals 2 3 Score By Innings 123 456 789 111 100 0 R.HE. 414 3 Oshawa 891 Runs batted in: A. Clark, Mur- phy 2, Cadd; Rowden 2, Jubenville 4, Matthews and Wallace, 2b. hits: Matthews. Sacrifices: Rowden. Stolen bases: Kearns, Murphy and Kingdon. Struck out by: Whitehill 0, by Lucas 2. Bases on balls off; Whitehill, Lucas 0. Double play: Yourth to Juben- ville to Wallace, Lucas to Yourth to Wallace and Whitehill to Cadd. Left on bases: Peterboro 7, Osh- awa 3. Winning pitcher: Lucas of Osh- awa. Losing pitcher: Whitehill of Pet- erboro. Wild pitch: Whitehill. Earned runs: Peterboro 4. Osh- awa 7. Umpires: J. Spring and B. Shep- perd, of Toronto. Time of game: 1 hr: 25 mins, WATERLOO OUSTS GUELPH NINE 9-8 Waterloo, Aug, 12 --Waterloo Car- dinals are continuing to do amazing things in the intermediate inter- county playoffs, and Saturday the team that won only one game in the regular schedule shunted Guelph from the semi-finals with a 9-to-8 victory. Previously Cards eliminated Preston. . They now qualify to meet the winner of the Hespeler-New Ham- burg series for the intercounty championship. Saturday's victory was the sec- ond straight playoff win for Cards over Guelph. They won the first game in the Royal City on Wednes- day'.by a T-to-1 margin. Although they ywere outhit 8 to 12 Cardinals bunched their blows to win. p pe A ~ ind - MAAAAAAAS A Today's Sporting Featdres { Oshawa Srs. Divide Twin-Bill With "Petes" Palm Billiard Cues Win Independent Title Junior Softballers Settle Series Tuesday Night IAN Oshawa Loses First But Cops Second in 'Double Feature With Petes "Petes" Improve Their Chances Playoff Berth With Victory i First Half of Double- Heade Gee Clark Limits Oshawa to Only 2 Safe Blows as His Mates Bunch Their Hits for Big Rallies in 1st Game LUCAS WINS AGAIN Homesters Make Their Hits Count for Big Scoring Splurges in Second Tilt --Petes Outhit Oshawa But Leave Runners on Bases Peterboro and Oshawa divided thelr twin-bill at Alexandra Park here on Saturday afternoon and if anything, the Oshawa team derived the most benefit, as the Petes took the first game 8-1 and Oshawa came back to even the count with an 8-4 win in the "night-cap." Playing their last games of the schedule, Peterboro needed two wins in order to clinch a playoff berth but as it is, even the one victory may enable them to finish ahead of Parkdale Derbys or Good Rich and so catch fourth place. Oshawa's win, however, put them in the happy position where they can still finish tied for first, even if they lose all their remaining games, three. Gee Clark Shines Gee Clark, youthful Peterboro flinger, and Red Kearns, speedy out- fielder and acting manager of the Petes, were the heroes of the visi- tors' victory. Clark allowed only two hits in the seven innings he worked and they both came in the first frame, when Oshawa got their orphan tally. Johnny Kitchen clout ed a triple to right-field and scored on a hit by Red Jubenville, That concluded Oshawa's hitting for that game and despite a couple of walks and as many errors, Clark was never in serious trouble again, not an- other runner ever reaching third base. Actually, Red Kearns won the game in the opening. Whatley was safe on Jubenville's bad throw and Kearns hit into right-field for a homer, 'After that, Frank McGarry held the Petes in complete check until the 6th inning. He allowed only one hit in that period but in the sixth frame, he weakened. Whatley walked, then Kearns, Mur- phy and G. Clark all singled. Bur- ton flied out and then Kingdon singled to complete a 4-run rally. The Petes added two more runs on two hits in the 7th and their rally ended with the bases loaded. Kearns, with three hits in four trips, was his team's big hitter. Defensive Skill Both clubs uncorked some bril- liant defensive play with Dolly Dal- ton and Red Jubenville hogging the limelight for Oshawa while Kearns, Kingdon and Murphy were the work-horses for the winners. SECOND GAME Steamer Lucas went to the mound for Oshawa in the second tilt, with Maxie Yourth taking Dalton's spot at short and Jack Fair going to centre. Gunner Whitehill got the hurling assignment for the Petes but although his mates outhit Osh. awa by a wide margin, 14 to 9, he was chalked with a defeat because Lucas always managed to halt the Petes before they could do too much damage in any one inning while on the other hand, Oshawa bunched their hits to puild up big scoring ral- lies. The first one was in the open- ing frame when Yourth walked and Kitchen was safe on a fumbled ball at 1st. Doc Rowden sacrificed the runners and both scored on a hit by Jubenville. He scored wh Matthews connected for a hig Wallace hit into a force, While Petes were trying--and missing, attempted double-play, Jubenv. went from 2nd to the plate. In third, Ma drove in anoth run, his two-bagger scoring Ro den all the way from 1st. base. Big Rally Does It It was going into the last of 4th. The visitors had scored ol run in each of the first four sta the first on two hits by A. Clark a Kearns, the next one on hits Kingdon and Cadd, the third hits by Kearns and Murphy the fourth on hits by Cadd, Whit hill and A. Clark. 4 Oshawa jumped into the lead th when Tracey Shaw opened up ti winning rally with a clean hit. F' fouled to the catcher and Luc skied out to left-field. but with tv out, Yourth singled, Kitchen did same, to fill the bases and th Doc Rowden came through wi a timely bingle to score Shaw af Yourth, Jubenville's hit sco: Kitchen and Rowden, to comple the splurge. In the 5th, after G. Clark h singled and Burton doubled, Lue fanned Kingdon to end the inniy without g score. In the 6th, Yo started off a brilliant double-p to shut off a Peterboro rally ai Lucas speared Whitehill's hot grow der with his bare-hand, to start o another twin-killing in the 7th i ning. Peterboro also pulled off double-play, in _ their half of 6th. : Plenty of Hits A Clark, Red Kearns and Cad were the big hitters for the Pete: boro team in this second gam each getting three safe blows. marked Kearns' sixth safe hit the day while Cadd had ga perfe game, three-for-three. Maxie Yourth and Jubenville, bi sides shining in the smart wo done by the Oshawa' infield, a paced the hitters with two cx Moose Matthews had a single ax a double, the only extra-bace 1} of the game. Rowden, Fair a Kearns for Peterboro,allcontribu. brilliant running outfield catches this fray to add to the entertain mental band concert in Victo PARKDALE D's BLAST WIN OVE GOOD RICH 15- Toronto, Aug. 132. -- Parkd Derbys blasted their way to a 18 3 conquest over Good Rich O on Saturday at Earlscourt Park a current Goodyear Trophy se game to more ints a tie with Ri dele Grads for second spot honor The Parkdalians cuffed the 'offe ings of three Lakeshore flingers to regular fare-thee-well and the ult] mate outcome was never any do after the third inning. Al Leonard, former Border Cif star, was the big stumbling block the Oiler's bid for undisputed honors. Leonard turned in a ne mound effort, allowing the lo but five hits, the Initial blow com ing in the fifth. Aircraftman C ton Crawford, was the powerhout man on the attack for the Derk chalking up four bingles in trips to the plate, including in h quota a circuit smash and a p of doubles. His big ash bat counted for eight of his team's tq tal markers. J Tomorrow evening at Earlsco Park, commencing at 6:45 o'cloc Good Rich Oilers will defend Pat Downing Memorial against Parkdale Derbys. CLU Club has the rich, full flavour you'll like and it keeps "fresh as a "daisy" to the last, 10 CHEWING TOBACCO YOU MIGHT AS WELL CHEW THE BEST

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