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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Aug 1940, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1940 PAGE NINE It's Not Too Late To Rent Your Summer Cottage With A Classified ; Auditors OSCAR 'HUDSON AND COM- , Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- pany, Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, 7% Simcve Street South. Telephone 4 Head Office, Toronto. B g 4 BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢. WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon. 20 Mil St Phone 960 Articles for Sale SIMMONS STEEL BED, SPRINGS and mattress, good condition; also Hawalism guitar, practically new. Cheap for cash. Apply 7 Celina, Apartment 3, between 6 and 7:30 evenings. Phone 1907W. (31b) BEACH ELECTRIC REFRIGERAT- or, in good condition, to clear at $79. Terms $5 per month. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe north. (31b) JOHNSON OUTBOARD Ontario Motor Sales, (22Aug.c) USED motors. Phone 900. min DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction Nurse in attendance Phone 959 House 1312 DR. R. E COX, DENTAL SUR- 9 Simcoe N. Phone 233 Hours nine-twelve, one--{ive-tbirty, evenings by appointment. (11Sept.c) DR. ©. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. (28Aug.©) Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES BUILDER, Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- sau street. (an Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. ©. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office phone 793, residence phone 2895. 4% Prince Street. Legal 'A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, SoMcitor, etc, 6 King Street East Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Res!- dent partner W. C. Pollard, EC. Uxbridge, Ontario. J. PARKHILL, SARRISTER, etc. Mortgage loans 5%%, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 2¢ Simcoe 8t. North. (1Sept.c GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 1% Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Allin PF. Annis, BA, D. S, BARRISTER. sohoitor, etc, 24% Simcoe orth. Phone office 814; residence 3297. "Money to loan, EPH P. MANGAN, KO, BAR- om , Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. W. E N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, KC, and J. C. Anderson, K.C., Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal *" 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. SAVE ON PAINT AND WALL- paper at Nelson's, 14 Bond St. West. Phone 841, Free estimates on house decorating. (26Aug.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (6Sept.c) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (22Aug.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP. special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete. dropside couches beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's. 140 Simcoe South. (68ept.c) August Furniture Sale Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches to choose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1495 up. You can save 40%. Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $7.95. Also felt mattresses, rolled edges, well filled. Wonderful Value, all sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles and most attractive cover- ings, fully guaranteed construction. Sale price $39 up. Liberal allow- ance on trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thrillingly néw, smart waterfall design, lovely selection. Sale price $39 up. Save 40%. Breakfast Suites Choose from a grand selection, all styles and colours, Sale $18.95 up. Floor Covering Specials Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy linoleums in all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs, and carpet dept. Save 40%. Our lower prices positively save you money. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 KING W. - 20 CHURCH ST. (25Aug.c) 1 BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE COUCH, solid walnut trim. Mrs. Joe Chap- man, .Hampton, Ontario. Phone Bowmanville 2421. (32a) FOLDING GO-CART WITH storm cover, reversible handle. Ap- ply 172 Celina, (32a) SWARTZ. BAR- Notary. Money to East. Phone 282. MANNING P. rister, Solicitor, loan. 11 King St. ger, Funeral Director. St. E. Phone 907. M P ARMSTRONG AND SON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST Fast. Ambulance, Residence 69 King St. E. Phone 210. Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS sand, cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colborne Street West. Phone "605 (13Aug.c) Mortgages MONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA or other property. Mortgages now in force purchased. H. C. Higgin- botham. 19 Ontario St. Pnone 328 (28Aug.c) Expert Watch Repairing P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. (tH Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa' Real Estate Cou, Phone 25, Oshawa. (10Sept.c) Lawn Mowers : LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED hallow ground for long service 75c Work" guaranteed. Parts and re- paigs, Called for and deliverea Slater. Brothers, Oshawa. Phone 611W. (28ept.c) Financial WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES + 'and agreements. secured by suburb. en 'and rural: property. Phone North Shore Really Cg. 80. Osh: wa, '(68ept.c) JACKET HEATER, ALMOST NEW, baby's go-cart, white, in good con- dition. Phone 2721W, (32a) MODERN WALNUT DINING room suite, good condition. Reason- able. Phone 2804W. (32b) GRAVEL, SAND, CINDERS. LOW=- est prices. Dump trucks. Essery Bros Phone 2572R. (32a) RESULTS . . . you habe to hit the first to get the Your target, the Oshawa trading area, can be second! hit most accurately and successfully in the Classified Sec- | | tion. Why? Because the Oshawa Times subscribers rec- ognize it as the Best guide to better buying . . . as the they can possibly follow. Male Help Wanted WANTED AT ONCE, TWO AMBI- tious men of good character for per- manent work. Good earnings ¢ start, with opportunity for advance- ment. Apply to box 524 Times. (32a) MOULDER SKILLED IN BENCH, machine, and light floor moulding, in capacity as assistant foreman Steady position to right man. In replying give full particulars as to ability, where employed, age, wages expected, religion, and nationality. Only applications giving full par- ticulars will be considered. Corres- pondence treated confidential. Apply Box 529 Times. (32¢) TWO MEN OVER 23 TO DISTRIB- ute samples, service snd collection. About 60c per hour to start. Must be willing to work about seven hours dally. Write Box 531 Times. (32a) Female Help Wanted GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, Sleep in, Apply Box 503 Times. (32a) LADIES -- 3 FOR PERMANENT work; must be over 24. No canvass- ing, but previous experience in ALL PARCELS FOR CANADIAN TROOPS GIVEN ATTENTION Faulty Addressing, Poor Packing Blamed For Most Delays With the Canadian forces, Some- where in England--All parcels for Canadian troops are being delivered as promptly as possible. This as- surance was given here today by Major E. J. Underwood, Assistant Director of Army Postal Services. He explained that faulty address- ing and poor packing are to blame for most delays. Postal authorities have frequently stressed the import- ance of stating the number, rank, full name, unit and branch but parcels are still being addressed "Private Blank, Canadian Expedit- fonary Force. England." meeting the public helpful. Write Box 530 Times. (32a) EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR HOUSE | work. Fond of children. Sleep in or | out. Apply mornings and evenings at For Rent Real Estate Wanted 48 AND 50 PRINCE ST. ELECTRIC. Apply 58 Prince St. (32a) THREE-ROOM BATH FLAT, NEAR G.M.C. Office Bldg.; hardwood floors, - wired for electric ramge; adults. 387 Beverley St. East. (32a) 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent, all conveniences. Separate entrance. 45 Bloor St. East. (32a) 3 ROOMS, DOWNSTAIRS, PRI- vate entrance, fireplace, hardwood floors. Apply 259 Simcoe St. South. (32a) $30 HOUSE, 380 SIMCOE ST. South, one block te Catholic School. Suitable for two families. Hardwood floors. Two car garage. Phone 3244. )32a 2 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms, close to Motors. Heat, light, continuous hot water. Phone 3032J. (32a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT- able for business girl 3 Bond street west. Phone 300R. (32b) 4 ROOMED STUCCO HOUSE ON Cubert St. Apply 205 Hillside Ave- nue. (322) WE ARE PREPARED TO PUR- chase city properties. Telephone us and representative will call. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Lii., Phone 25. (31c) SMALL FOUR OR FIVE ROOMED house. Must be reasonable. Apply Box 5256 Times. (32a) Real Estate For Sale $3500 HOUSE, CENTRALLY LO- cated. Newly decorated. Garage. Investment yields 8% Bradley Bros. | (31c) | BRICK BUNGALOW, 40 EMMA ST. | Apply 8. McMecham, 518 Ontario St., Toronto. Midway 8006. (30¢) BRICK HOUSE, 7 ACRES LAND, 1 acre young orchard, plum trees and small fruit, hay in barn, wagon, harness, 1 cow, young chickens, and crop. Ill health reason for selling. $3,000. Apply Thos. Sturgess, Whif= by. (32a) $1450. NEW LARGE 4 ROOMS with conveniences, Annis St. near Ritson Road. Bargain. 70 acre farm, west of Whitby, on Lakeshore, 10 gcres bush, Good building, Might exchange. Jones, 0 | Prince. (28ept.) 6 ROOMED HOUSE, 137 ALICE. $30 monthly. Possession September 1 Phone 163r2l. (32b) GROCERY STORE, A RUNNING business, good locaiity. Possession anytime. 317 Simcoe South. Phone 2919W, 2. 4 GARAGE FOR RENT. $3 MONTH. Apply 56 Warren Ave. (32a) SMALL CLOSE IN APARTMENT for two for rent. Newly decorated. Brexley Bros. (3lc) 2 OR 3 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, close to the south-end factories. Breakfast if desired. 775 Margaret St. 1368W. (31c) SMALL FURNISHED 2 ROOMED apartment, duplex, near GM.C. Al conveniences, Phone 1778W, (32b) 4 AND 5 ROOMED UPPER DU- QAK DINING ROOM SUITE Cheap. Phone 2059W. (32a) USED WARMING CLOSETS FOR all makes of ranges. Prices from $2.50 to $7.50. -Mezaghers, 92 Sim- coe North. (32a) GLADIOLUS--QUALITY GLADS, any quantity in a wide range of col- ors. John L. Gorman, 30 Gladstone Ave. 878J. (32a) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits, pemts. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (8Sept.c) 1 unheated. Phone 908r2 and 3. 31¢) 3 LARGE HEATED ROOMS, PRI- vate bath, hardwuod floors, phone, garage, cellar. Phone 1392J. (30c) TENTS, BOX TRAILER, AND double or single brick garage. Phone 119J. (26Aug.c) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND 5 room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718, (9Aug.t) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 4-roomed and 1 5-roomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Aug.tf) Wanted To Rent Furnaces FURNACES INSTALLED, CLEAN- ed and repaired, Eavestroughs, etc. For real comfort, economy, and durability install a "Mack" -- the furnace built to last a lifetime. A H. Taylor, 237 Clarke St. (24Aug.c) Summer Resorts SPEND YOUR VACATION AT Moore's Forest Hill Lodge, located among the Pines on the sandy shores of Rice Lake, half mile e of Gore's Landing. Good fishing, ts and tennis, etc. Reasonable rates . Drive out for fish, chicken or steak - dinners. Address Cobourg, R.R. No. Telephone Cold Springs Ex- (16Aug.c) 1, change. BROOKSIDE PARK, FIRST FARM east of Conlin School. Enjoy a fen- ily picnic and bathe in running water. 25¢ per car. Tables and bath- ing free. Accommodation for large picnics. Phone 1808r3. (82a) Pets and Livestock SMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT or house, near General Motors Di- vision St. plant. Modern conven- i Possessi August 32. Apply Box 522 Times. (31c) SMALL HOUSE, IN GOOD LOCAL- ity, family of tnree. Phone 3220R. (30c) ROOM OR ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Apply Box 521 Times. (30c) = - 1 OR 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, central, Phone 1967. (32a) TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE keeping rooms. Near Motors and downtown, Conveniences. Reason- able, Apply Box 326 Times. (32a) 5 OR 6 ROOMED HOUSE BY August 24. Phone 1533R. (32a) 4 ROOMED HEATED FLAT. CEN- tral. Immediate possession. Phone 1460W. : (32a) Room and Board Wanted TEN YORKSHIRE PIGS, SIX weeks old, nursing, fed Pioheer Pig- Starter for two weeks. Apply My; W. Heard, Enniskillen, (32a) BOARDING HOUSE FOR SCHOOL teacher, preferably between Ritson Road and Simcoe 8i., near King St. Apply Box: 520 -Times. £30c) | brick bungalow, OSHAWA BOULEVARD, 5 ROOM very easy terms, see this. JARVIS STREET, WELL KEPT 5- | room bungalow, only twenty-two | hundred. Must have good down pay- ment. | NORTH END, VERY SMART 6- room house, only twenty-six hund- red, three hundred down, balance as | rent. BURK STREET, SPLENDID 6- room house, oak floors, low taxes. Will exchange for house near CP.R station. C. H. FRENCH, Ontario St. (32a) | Motor Cars For Sale 1931 CHEV. COACH, ALSO 1931 Chev. deluxe coupe. In good condi- | tion. A. H. Bramley, North Oshawa. | (32a) | 159 Simcoe South. (32a) Business Course SHORTHAND, SECRETARIAL, accountancy, comptometer, dicta- phone. Classes commencing Tues- day, October 1. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone Office 1314W, residence 399. (9Sept.c) | Room and Board FURNISHED ROOM, NORTH END of city, board optional. Twin beds, | also room with double bed. Apply Box 527 Times. (322) | BRIGHT COMFORTABLE ROOM, private home, breakfast if desired. Apply Box 528 Times (32a) BOARDERS WANTED. ALL CON- veniences. Apply 134 Ritson Road South. (32a) BOARDERS WANTED, CENTRAL All conveniences. Phone 2055. (38ept.c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR gentlemen. Every convenience. Cent- ral. 114 Elgin East. Phone 1943W (10Sept.c) Work Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE. REASON- | incorrectly. { | les and stand a lot of bouncing | | | is what Is happening in Canada," | Major Underwood continued. In other cases names are miss- | pelled and regimental details given All these things mean that the postal authorities have to take extra time and trouble to de- liver the parcels. "Many people also seem to forget that a parcel has to travel 3,000 around in the hold of a ship," said Major Underwood." In many cases they use only flimsy wrapping paper 50 that by the time the parcel reach- es us the address i= undecipherable, the corners have been worn away ja often the contents have fallen out. | "At the bottom of mall bags we | find chocolate bars, peanuts, shaving | soap and other things that have | | dropped out of improperly packed | parcels," added Major Underwood. | Most complaints about delay in | the delivery of cigarettes were un- justified, 'he sald. : "Many people write "I am send | ing cigarettes" pefore they have ac-, tually ordered them. In fact some people start out with the best in- | tentions in the world but forget to | send them at all. We have checked | back several times and found this | to be the case," sald Major Under- wood "The letter reaches the soldier in England in about 10 days and he starts wondering what has happened to his cigarettes. 'Meanwhile this "The friend who has written the letter may delay for a day or two before going to the corner store to place the order. The storekeeper may wait to collect a few orders be. able rates. Doctors' reference. Phone 745. (32a) PLASTERING, STUCCO AND | General repairs, Phone 1412M. ' (16Aug.c) WIDOW DESIRES JOB AS | housekeeper in motherless home, fond of children. Best of references. Apply Box 523 Times. (31c) Shoe Repairing A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver, Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. (30Aug.c) LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- | ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W. Allison, 9 Athol West. (28Aug.c) | 1936 CHEV, MASTER DELUXE | sedan, in good condition. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 971W. (32b) | 1939 CHEV. % TON TRUCK. R.[ Brooks, Courtice. (31c) | GUARANTEED LATE PONTIAC | deluxe coach. Eighteen thousand | miles. New Tires. Reasonable. 281 Simcoe south. ap*. 5. (148ept.c) Personal MADAM NEVADA, FALMIST Psychologist, Phrenologist. Hours 11-9. 98 Albert St. (20Aug.c) MEN OF 30, 40, 50! HEALTH (VIM, PEP) subnormal? Try Ostrex tab- lets of tonics, stimulants, oyster ele- ments to aid recovery of normal pep. If not delighted with results first package, maker refunds Its low | price. Oshawa and all other good drug | stores. (Sept, "3c Auction Sale AUCTION SALE----ON SATURDAY, August 17, 1940, at 539 Ritson Road South, Oshaws, there will be offered for sale 1 sow, 1 year old; 13 small pigs, 13 weeks old; the property of Mr, Greenburg, sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. (31b) AUCTION SALE -- 150 CATTLE The property of E. A. Werry. Will offer for sale by public auction on his premises lots 17 and 18, conces- sion 8, Darlington, on Saturday, August 17, the following Shorthorn and Hereford catile--Durham cow, calf at side: Durham cow, springer; 50 feeder steers; 50 feeder heifers; 50 yearling steers and heifers. This group of cattle is an especially good breedy lot and in good flesh. Come to this sale and fill up your re- quirements in the cattle line, while 50 many people are busy harvest- ing, as the demand and the erowds will be greater after harvest. Free delivery on cattle. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Auction- eer. 31b) oe -~ Call, write Jury & Lovell in |, Wanted To Buy CLIENT WILL BUY FOR CASH, modern 6 or 7 room home, north of King. Apply Murdoch, 27 Warren. (301) HIGHEST PRICES PAI' FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (16Aug.c) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (7Sept.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oll stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. (3Sept.c) Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with mete] weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- ows. Phone 2710J. T. A. Morgan, (9Sept.c) SPECIAL NIGHT ! PROVES POPULAR Followers of the Leafs have been enthusiastic over the special nights the club has been putting on this summer in conjunction with the Baseball Boosters' Club. Father & Son Night is the most popular of all these special nights and the last one of the curent season Is being staged on September 4. Roy Worters, the old N.H.L. goal- ie, is now the energetic president of the Boosters' Club and he is re- sponsible in large measure for these special nights, He is the man who thinks up the .novelty events that delight kids and adults alike. He always has a number of convention al events like sprints and throwing for accuracy on the programme, but the big hits of the previous nights have been the holo contests and the wheelbarrow and balloon races, fore he sends them to the tobacco company in Montreal. There are so many cigarette orders that there may be some delay in filling them. "Then when the parcel is event- ually despatched there is the ques- tion of shipping to consider. The letter which referred to the cigar- ettes went by the fastest possible boat. Parcels often have to go by slower boats. "When the cigarettes arrive in England, they have to go through the Customs. Even though parcels to the troops are duty-free, they have to be examined to make sure that they contain no prohibited ar- ticles," Major Underwood expalined. When eventually the soldier re- cejves his cigarettes five or six weeks may have elapsed. But he added that these figures for non-deliveries did not include parcels of cigarettes sent overseas to soldiers who had not left Can- ada. Because these cigarettes had come from bonded warehouses and had not been subject to excise duty, they could not be sent back to Can- ada. In these cases the cigarettes were delivered to the O.C. of the man's unit and a letter 'was sent to the friend in Canada, explaining what action had been taken and why, Major Underwood explained that when letters were addressed 'c/o Army Base Post Office, Canada," they were automatically sent over- seas, Until it was definitely known that a soldier had gone overseas it was better, he said, to address all mail to the particular camp where he was last stationed. He also advised people to send parcels through the regular army postal system instead of despatch- ing them c/o some London bank or other British forwarding address. "Only parcels to the soldiers are duty-free and if they are sent direct to some British address, the customs authorities have no way of telling whether they are really soldiers' parcels, Even if the parcel is ad- dressed to a "Capt." that doesn't mé&an anything. The man might be a captain in the police or the Sal- vation Army", said Major Under- wood. Rangers Top Quota In Peterboro Drive Peterboro, Aug. 15--Although the Prince of Wales Rangers (M.G) has now reached a strength of 773, all ranks, or 23 Qver its quota, re- cruiting will continve until 800 of- ficers and men are enrolled, accord- ing to Col. J. A, Dewart, M.C., tee commanding officer, The extra men gre being enlisted, he stated, to replace any who may be discharged or who may re-enlist in units of the C. ASF, The battalion made an impressive sight Tuesday evening as the troops parsided to Riverside Park for drill, Last night the militiamen marched to the Exhibition Grounds to be SEA CADET NEWS Toronto--Navy League of Canada officials are immensely gratified with 'the auspicious opening of Mise Gracie Fields' tour of Canada on beha!f of the Navy League of Great Britain and Canada. Record crowds attended the Victoria and Vancouv= er apoearances of the popular Eng- lish stage star, six thousand seats being sold at Vancouver during the first three hours. Miss Fields proceeded to Jasper Park and Banff, her party being guest respectively of the C.N.R. and the C.P.R., Miss Fields making a tremendous hit with both Ameri- can and Canadian guests who com. pletely filled all accommodation. Once again the sailors' funds of Great Britain and Canada was handsomely increased. During her stay at Jasper Park, Miss Fields flew to and from To- ronto to fulfill an engagement at a mammoth concert in aid of the Toronto Star Fresh Air Pund. to charity and she received such an ovation at Toronto that her sched- uled visit in August and September is already assured of success. The entire proceeds of the various entertainments to be given in Can- ada by Miss Fields are to go to the Navy League of Canada and the Navy League of Great Britain, Fol- lowing her Canadian tour, she will go to Australia and New Zealand, where the Navy Leagues of those Dominions will co-operate similarly with the British organization, Through the fund thus being raised, the Navy Leagues will be able to extend their work of looking af- ter shipwrecked sailors and giving aid to the widows and families of men of the navy and merchant marine lost at sea. The Navy League of Canada has embarked on & most active program of war work and is receiving the financial support of thousands of citizens who realize the important part that the navy and merchant marine play in national defence. Courtice (Mrs. George Reynolds, Core, COURTICE, Aug. 13.--A miscel- laneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bar- raball on Friday evening of last week in honour of Mrs. Gordon Barraball (nee Frances Marion Rey- nolds.) Mrs. Harold Scorgie, a for- mer Sunday school teacher of the bride, was in charge of arrange- ments prior to the gathering. Around seventy-five persons as- sembled on the lawn to view the opening of the gifts. Car lights illuminated the circle, with the bride and groom near the centre. The following address was read by Mrs. R. Tooley: -- "Frances and Gordon: We are gathered together this evening to wish you happiness and prosperity in the future. "During the years you have been with us we have appreciated your sterling charscter, friendship and cheerfulness. "On the road ahead may these little gifts be found useful, and at the same time remind you of the friends who tonight offer them." The young couple proceded to open and display the numerous gifts, which included silverware, cut glass, electrical appliances, pyrex and china ware, a maatle clock, aluminum ware, and many other useful articles. Owing to the busy season many friends sent remem- brances who could nut attend in per- son. In a few well chosen remarks the groom thanked all present for their kindness. Fruit and candy were served, and dancing followed. Among those attending from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barraball, Miss Joyce Aldred and Mr. Charles Downey all of Bowman- ville; Mr. end Mrs. Jack Goyne, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barclay, Mr, and Mrs Wm. Sulley, Mrs. Wm. Hobbs, all of Oshawa; Mr. Gordon Pickell, De- troit; Mrs, G. H. Robinson, Thorn- ton's Corners; Mrs. W. Boyce, Brighton; Mr. Clarke, Newtonville. Sympathy is extended to the re- latives of the late Mrs. Thomas Scott of Bethany who passed away August 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes motor- ed from Toronto to attend the fun- eral of Mrs. Hughes aunt, the late Mrs. T. Scott. Wm. Whittick, son of Mrs. Paul Antil, who reported for enlistment when the war began, has been called up and is now with the Ordinance Corp of London. Pte. Whittick's father gewe his life in the Allied cause during the World War, Those home over the week-end in clude: Wm. Romhanyi, Frankford; George P. Reynolds, Peterborough; Gunner Rex Teoley, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scorgie, Mr. which never fail to panic the crowd. guests of the board of directors, and Mrs. Earl Gawchell, Misses Myr- . | Through the courtesy of the Navy | Leagues, Miss Fields interrupted her | itinerary to make this contribution | tle and Hilda Scorgie motored to friends et, Port Perry Sunday. Mrs. 8. Paternoster spent a week with Mrs. J. Trick, Oshawa, recently. Mrs. W. Boyce, Brighton, is visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. Clar- ence Penfound and family. A number from here took advan- tage of the privileze of viewing the magnificent floral display at the home of Mr. end Mrs. R. 8. Mc- Laughlin, Parkwood, Oshawa, on Thursday evening of last week; opened for the benefit of members of Oshawa's Horticuitural Society. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber are holidaying, previous to his beginning work at The Ontziio Motor Sales Ltd., Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Phair, Misses Doreen and Audrey, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baldwin spent Sunday at Port Bolster, ai Lake Simcoe. SEED POTATO EXPORTS The total shipments of the 1939 certified seed potato crop in Canada exceeded 2,900,000 bushels. This is a record, exceeding the previous highe est total of 1937 by more than 400,- 000 bushels. Exports amounted to 2,348,000 bushels, of which approxi- mately 1,250,000 buchels went to the United States, 500,00 bushels to Cuba, aad 500,000 bushels to South America. Domestic shipments totall- ed 565,000 bushels, about 100,000 bushels more than the previous highest of 1938. Zeventeen carlots were shipped from Prince Edward Island to the Prairie Porvinces. » Eyesight : ORTHOPTIC TREATMENTS Dismey Bldg. - Opp. P.O. @chawa, Phone 1516 - Residence, SEM GOOD STORE FOR RENT Cor. RITSON RD. & KING EB Vacant Now APPLY MR. J. SAMMUT 148 Bimooe Bt. 85. - Phone 2804 wit RADIO Sales and Service Oshawa 1438 Will Buy HOUSES for CASH FOR INVESTMENT Private funds available for purchase of better class homes up feo $4,000. Apply, giving necessary information te investor to Box 519, Times. Brantford Roofin and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OP CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Bassctts JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Malm Corner Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Weed PHONE 272TW OFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O WATCH REPAIRING Let us repair your Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, etc. Work Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 20 Simcoe St. S. - Phone 189 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty | FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT ®, 0.

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