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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Aug 1940, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1940 PAGE SEVEN \ Want Ad Will Tell It - Sell It - Trade It or Rent It. Ty It! ot Undertaking DALTON BURIAL COMPANY unsral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street stablished 1889 Phone 401 (23Sept.c) IEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. ompt day and night service. F . Meagher, Manager. S. J Strow- er. Funeral 1)irector 117 Kg bt. E. Phone 907. (17Sept.c) UKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST ast. Ambulance Residence 69 ing St. E. Phone 210. P.. ARMSTRONG AND SON. broprietors Oshawa Burial Co neral and Ambulance Service Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Auditors DSCAR HUDSON AND COM: any, Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- pany, Trustees and Liquidators onant and Annis Chamvoer, 7% Simcoe Street South. Telephone 4 Head Office, Toronto. Battery Service ATTERIES CHARGED 75¢. WITH tal $1.00 Caliec for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon, 20 ML] St Phone 960 Dental Articles for Sale STUDIO COUCHES OF QUALITY in velour and heavy repp, featuring walnut on chromjum arms, inside spring construction throughout, back support, and large wardrobe compartment. Direct from factory show room. Easy payments if de- sired. Save 20% at BRADLEY'S FURNITURE STORE, 140 Simcoe St. Scuth. (22Sept.c} Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches tc choose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1495 up. You can save 40%. Mattresses { New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $7.95. Also felt mattresses, rolled edges, well filled. Wonderful Value, all sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles and most attractive cover- ings, fully guaranteed construction. Sale price $39 up. Liberal allow- ance on trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thrillingly new, smart waterfall | design, lovely selection. Sale price | $39 up. Save 40%. | Breakfast Suites | Choose from a grand selection, all styles and colours. Sale $18.95 up. Floor Covering Specials Inlaids, congoleums, -feltols, heavy linoleums in all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs, and carpet dept. Save 40%. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- Special attention to X-ray | sstt's. work. Gas extraction [Nurse ip attendance. Phone 959. House 1212 DR. R. E. COX, DENTAL SUR- gean, 9 Simcoe N. Phone 233 Hours nine-twelve, one--five-tbirty. evenings by appointment. (11Sept.c) DR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. (28Sept.c) Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES, BUILDER, Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts Latest equip- iment. Phone for prices: 199 Nas- sau street. (tn Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of yowr Insuranee needs. Successors to G L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL" ance. phone 2895. 4% Prince Street. Legal A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, K.C. Uxbridge, Ontario. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa Phone 4. Allin F. Annis, BA, LL.B. Emest Marks, B.A. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, SolLu.tor, etc, 24% Simcoe North Phone office 814; residence 3297. "Money to loan, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, K.C, and J. C. Anderson, K.C. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North Phone 99. MANNING ¥. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King Si. East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, J3ARRISTER, etc. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 26 Simcee St. North. (1Sept.c Office phone 793, residence Our lower prices positively save you money. Wilson's Furniture Co. 10 KING W. - 20 CHURCH ST. (25Sept.c) | CHILDREN'S | Phone | (39¢c) | LADIES' AND dresses, shoes, and hats. 1639W., or call at 314 Alice, $55 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGER- | ator, five foot size, sacrifice, good | mechanically, new appearance. Also | couch, $10. Phone 3244. (41a) | CHESTERFIELD SUITE, Al CON- dition. Phone 2698M after 5 o'clock. (40c) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (22Sept.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete dropside couches beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, anglz iron, high riser, and all blade bed Springs. - . Bradley's. - 140. 8imcoe South. (6Sept.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (6Sept.c) Want-Ads. | ' RESULTS! a real sales | | h-m-m-m, four aces. That's a cinch in anyone's poker game. It's a cinch, too, to sell your goods through There's a reason for it... These little fellows pack wallop. the TIMES For Rent 5 ROOMED HOUSE, GARAGE. Apply 104 Montrave Ave. (40¢) 2 ROC ROOMED APARTMENT, LIGHT, water, newly decorated. Possession about September 7th. No children Apply 97 Colborne St. East. (40c) MODERN 5 ROOM "APARTMENT, centrally located, possession Sep-! tember 1. Phone 16 after 7 p.m. (412) FURNISHED 7 ROOMED HOUSE Golf St., garage. Available immedi- ately, for approximately four months. $40. 532J. (41a) LARGE FURNISHED OR UN- furnished room, very warm. Board | if preferred. One block from Ritson | (41b) | Road School. 241 Drew. 6 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AT 212 Athol St. East. Possession October 1. Apply 262 King St. East. (41c) | 2 OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, Bright and clean. Rent reasonable. 207 Court St. (41c) 2 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms, heat, light, and continuous hot water. Close to Motors, Phone 3032J. (41a) HOUSE, ALL OR PART, 380 SIM- coe St. South, near Catholic School, hardwood floors, garage, all con- | veniences. Phone 3244. (41a) 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, HARD- | Motor Cars For Sale 1936 BUICK SEDAN. MOTOR, tires, paint, trim, O.XK. Radio. | Phone 2989. 1936 FORD TUDOR, EXCELLENT | running condition. Bargain for cash. | Apply 328 French St. (41a) deluxe coach. miles. New Tires, Simcoe south. ap. 5 Eighteen thousand Reasonable, 281 (14Sept.c) For Sale or Exchange COMFORTABLE Tr ROOMED brick cottage in North Oshawa, con- veniences, exchange for house in Oshawa. Apply Box 617 Times. (39¢) Business Course (40d) | -- 2 | rooms, large and bright, suitable for | adults. open fireplace, double Apply J. H. (41b) wood floors, garage. 12 Burke St. R. Luke. Modern Service Station WITH LIVING QUARTERS. Cities Service Oil Co. Phone 2015. (41c) GUARANTEED LATE PORTIAC | imme eaten | 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CON- Soldier's wife Phone 2152W, (40¢) veniences, washer. and child preferable. HOUSEKEEPING L IGHT | 28 (40c) Reasonable. Apply Buckingham. FOR RENT--ONE ROOM FUR- nished or unfurnished, central, im- mediate possession, phone 83. (39c) SHORTHAND, SECRETARIAL, accountancy, comptometer, dicta- phone. Classes commencing Tues- day, September 3. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone Office 1314W, residence 399. - (9Sept.c) Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 25, Oshawa. (10Sepr.c) Cartage Dressmaking MOVING AND DUMP 1RUCKS. sand, cinders, wood, coal, etc. T0 Colborne Street W=2st. Phone 605 (13Sept.c) DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA- tions done at 130 Colborne East. West door enters sewing room. (26Sept.c) Mortgages MONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA or other property. Mortgages now in force purchased. H. C. Higgin- botham. 19 Ontario &t. Pnone 328. (28Sept.c) Expert Watch Repairing FP. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, .repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. (tf) Phone 25, Oshawa. (10Sept.c) Lawn Mowers LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED hollow ground for long service 75¢ Work guaranteed. Parts and 're. pairs. Called for and deliverea. Slater Brothers, Oshawa. Phone 611wW, (28ept.c) eee Furnaces $48 UPWARDS; RECONDI- $20 upwards; firepots, registers, low prices. 8 NEW, ticned, gratze, Room and Board BOARDERS WANTED, CENTRAL All conveniences. Phone 2055. (3Sept.c) NICE FURNISHED BEDROOM, IN quiet private home, suit business gentleman. Board if desired. 46 Kenneth. (40c) 3 ROOM 1 BATH FLAT "FOR , RENT. 5 minutes' walk from Motors. 323 French St. (40h) FOR RENT -- FOR OCTOBER 1, on Oshawa Blvd. $27 per month. Bradley Bros. 169. (40c) ATTRACTIVE 171 King two bed- 169. (40c) 3 BRIGHT ROOMS, REASON- able. Apply 614 King St. East. (40c) FOR ~ RENT apartment, Casa ILcma, East, hardwood . floors, rooms. Bradley Bros. SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 4-roomed and 1 5-roomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Aug.tf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND 3 room apartments, all modern crn- yenienees Phone 1718, Aug. tf) NEWLY FURNISHED C CABIN OR cottage, on Bow Lake, near Hali- burton, sandy beach. Private. Phone 3224J. (37g) 'Wanted t to Rent = ROOM AND BOARD FOR gentlemen. Every convenience. Cent- ral. 114 Elgin East. Phone 1943W (10Sept.c) LARGE NICELY FURNISHED room with board, in private home, Free garage. Use of piano. Up- stairs telephone. One teacher in residence. Would suit professional or business woman who would ap- preciate better. class home in good locality. Room has ample space for two girls who would care to share it. Apply Box 631 Oshawa Daily Times. (41a) Room and Board Wanted BUSINEES GIRL DESIRES ROOM FOUR ROOMED APARTMENT OR duplex. Central. - By October. 1. Apply Box 625 Times, (40c) 1 OR 2 ROOMS WANTED BY young lady, for light housekeeping. Apply Box 627 Times. (41a) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANT- ed by September 3, by young couple, one child. Heat, light and water. Apply 173 Ritson South. Phone 1344J. (41b) MODERN ROOM HOUSE, north of King St., by October 1st, careful tenant. Steady employment, Apply Box 620 Times. (39d) 5 OR 6 ROOMED HOUSE, FAIRLY central. Steay employment. Adult 6 and board, private, cen Work Wanted MIDDLE AGED LADY DESIRES houseke:ping position with elderly couple, or gentleman. Capable of | taking full charge. In city. Excel- lent references. Apply Box Times. . | Male Help Wanted | our BUSIEST SE SEASON 1S JUST starting! We need two steady workers who want permanent em- ployment. If you are ambitious and looking for a job that pays good salary with opportunities for ad- | vancement, write particulars to Box 629 Times. (41a) (40c) WANTED A MAN to sell a product for Simpson Co. ning, 170 Division St., tarlo. | ment, WITH A CAR { the Robert Oshawa, On- (41c) | EXPERIENCED FARM married, separate house, Phone 163R22. "Help W Wanted (Female) 'HOUSEKEFPER TO TAKE FULL | charge of home. Apply Box 628 | | Times. HAND. hydro. | be neat and clean--some knowledge { of cooking. Apply 282 King Street | East. (41c) Male or Female Help Wanted CIVIL 'SERVICE EMPLOYMENT Examination for Clerks announced. Open to all. Applications to reach Ottawa by Sept. 15. Our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Ser- vice positions as Clerks, Customs Examiners, etc, booklet, on request. Ltd,, Toronto 10. Oldest in Canada. No No Agents. (Wed. Fri. tf) Free Real Estate e Wanted WANTED--FOR A CANVASSER, § or 6 room bungalow, central, $2,000, State terms. Bradley Bros. 169. (40c) Wanted To Buy iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (7Sept.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 36 King West. Phone 1030. (3Sept.c) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, stock of gentlemen's suits, pants. Sold very reasonably, Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (8Sept.c) Real Estate For Sale $1450. NEW LARGE 4 ROOMS with conveniences, Annis St. near Ritson Road. Bargain. 70 acre farm, west of Whitby, on Lakeshore, 10 ecres bush, Good building. Might exchange. Jones, 10 Prince. (2Sept.) 7 4 ACRES, THREE MILES , NORTH of Whitby, east side No. 12. Frame cottage, electricity, garage, chicken houses, must be sold. Bargain. Apply Box 623 Times. . 41, 43, 46, 48, 51, 53) FOR SALE--6 ROOM BUNGALOW, well located, $300 down, balance as rent. Bradley Bros. .169. (40¢c) IDEAL 6 ROOM HOME, MODERN, warm, central. Owner will sacrifice. Apply Box 618 Times. (40c) Auction Sale COLEMAN'S "STORAGE ~ WARE- house auction sale, Monday, Sep- tember 9, 1:30 p.m. consisting of assorted household effects, some Lost PLAIN GOLD BROOCH WITH one star setting. Finder will be suitably rewarded. 48 Park Road North. Phone 198. (40c) Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with mete] weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- ows. Phone 2710J. T. A. Morgan {93ept.c) Painting and Decorating PHONE R. LITTLE, 271TW FOR painting » and decorating needs Prices reasonable. Estimates free. 131Sept.c) c) Saddle Horses STABLES, KING AND SUNSET 624 | Apply to W. J. Brin- | Phone 406W for appoint- | North. Road. Saddle horses for | nire. Lady instructress for chil- dren. Phone 2675W. Wilson Financial WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES Hl and. agreements secured by suburb- Phone 80, Osh- {63ept. 3 rural property Realty Co. an and North Shore Pets and Livestock PEDIGREED SPRINGER SPANIEI | puppies. Best blood line. A bar- gain at the price asked. Apply K D. Sands, 28 Buckingham. (40c) Personal MEN OF 30, 40, 50! HEALTH (VIM, PEP) subnormal? Try lets of tonics stimulants, oyster ele- ments to aid recovery of normal pep. | results first its Lovell in drug 3c with refunds Jury & other good (Sept, If not delighted package, maker price. Call, write Oshawa and all stores. NEVADA, Phrenologist St MADAM Psvrhologist 11-9. 98 Albert Shoe Repairing Hours (29Aug c) A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE | invisible nalf soling, ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362 | We Call and Deliver. Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Strezt LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- Radio Service MAID -- TO SLEEP OUT. MUST | ---- WE SPECIAL 1ZE IN Call w ing. All work guaranteed and deliver. Phone 2673R. i Allison, 9 Athol West. (288ept « R ADIO RE- For reliable e{ficlent service 3350]. Tube (28Sept.c) pairs phone Charles Wales, tested free. RANGERS SLEEP Postmen, | M.C.C. Schools | i Monday night, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR | ' Reveille at (16Sept.c) | UNDER GANVAY AT PETERBORD Five Hundred Machine Gunners Start First Day in Camp -- rive hun- Peterboro, Aug. 28 dred men of the Prince of Wales | Rangers (M.G.), in camp at the Ex. hibition grounds, slept under canvas many of them for the first time, and turned out at six o'clock yesterday morning to perform a chilly toilet at the open-air ablution tables out- side the cattle barn With the temperature at about 40 degrees, however, there was no noticeable rush to the cold showers Newly equipved with uniforms and rifles, and led by the regimental band, the men looked well as they marched into camn Monday. The tents had been set up by 100 men from the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders under the direction of Cant. D. A, Loomis, M. C., the Rangers' quartermaster. cleaned and pressed. We carry a big | | company para | per is at Organization occupied the greater part of the dav, but training was | expected to be in full swing vester- | day. The camp orders call for a | physical training parade at 6.30 | a.m., breakfast an hour later, and des an hour after that. From nine o'clock until noon the men will parade as a battalion. and again from 145 to 430 p.m. Sup- 5.30, and lights out at | 10.30 p.m |} | of the city, except for the men who | | Although the unit is still at home it is actually cut off from the rest obtain passes to leave the confines of the camp in the evening. A camp guard was mounted. Monday after the battalion moved in, and from now until the end of the two-week period of training no unauthorized persons may pass the gate Col J. A. Dewart, M.C., is in coin- mand, and among his officers #re Capt. G. R. Clegg and Lieut, R. F Rothwell, who have been attached from the Reserve for the duration of the camp. Snails, because of their ability to undergo long fasts, ara taken along en safaris by African natives as u source of fresh food. The svnthesis of a powerful vita- min called "ihe anid of lifa"--ho- (20Sept.c) | Ostrex tab- | low | FALMIST | cleaning, dye- | Modern Shoe | (30Aug.c) | FALL FAIR DATES ... Aug. 28-30 . Aug. 29-31 Aug. 29 . Aug. 30-Sept. 2 | Arnprior ... Belleville Cass2lman Lambeth Rainy River ...... Tillsonburg Aug. 27-29 Toronto (C.N.E.) .. Aug. 23-Sept. 17 SEPTEMBER 2-7. Binbrock Bruce Mines Centreville Addington Co. Sept. Chesterville Clute Delta Dryden Durham Fergus Kinmount Parham NANT ION Ee ae Is aWm | Tavistock SEPTEMBER 9-14. . Sept. Sept. . 'Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sapt. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. 12, Sept. All -- © = -- Cale: on | Charlton ) | Clarence Creek | Ccchrane ---- -----N -- --- msdowne Lion's Lombardy Marmora Maxville Midland New Hamburg { Newington Norwood Orangeville Oro | Oshawa Perquis Junction Port Perry Powassan Sept. Rama Indian Reserve Sept. | Renfrew . Sept. Rockiyn PAN 1 Sault Ste. Marje ...... Sept. Sprucedale | Sturgeon Falls i Sunderland Warren Welland Wellandport Wellesley Wiarten Wikwemikong SEPTEMBER 16-21. Sept Sept. Sept. a hk hd hk he ht ht ht a RE TR NR -- ---- -- --- ---- ---- -- Nw Acton Ailsa Craig Alliston Ancaster Barrie 3lyth Bonfiel 4 Braccbridge Br urks Falls Coldwater Comber | Desbarats Desboro Dres-en Dunchurch Englehart Exeter Fenwick . Galt : Garden River Ind. Res. Haliburton Hanover | He pworth | Huntsville | Kincardine | Lindsay | Listowel | Loring . | Magnetawan 19 19 , 18 , 20 , 11 | Manitowaning Markdale Meaford Metcalfe Mildmay 2 . Mohawk Indian Reserve (Deseronto) Mount Forest Niagara-on-Lake Norwick Oakwood , 18 Riceville Rosseau Seaforth . Sheguiandah Shelbourne | Shannonville Shedden . South River ... Springfield .... Stirling Stratford | Thorold Sept. Thorndale ............. Sept. Thessalon Upsala SEPTEMBER 23-28. Abingdon Ashworth Atwood Avonmore Bar River Baysville Beachburg Beaverton Belmont Blackstock ... Bobcaygeon Brussels Campbellford Carp : Collingwood Cooksville tcurtland Drayton Drumbo Dundalk Elmvale | 24, an, . 24 . 27, 27, . 24, «2: . 26, . 24, 28 25 28 28 25 26 25 25 25 25 . 23 . 24, 25 . 26, 27 . 24, 24, 24, . 23, Florence Galetta (Mohrs dd bt Et hd hd pt BN WA) WwW 0 | "Oh, please, .» Sept. . Sept. Sept. .. Sept. . Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sent. Sept Sept, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sent. . Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept 23, 24, 217, 26 26, 26, 24 25 28 27 28 Jore Bay Grand Valley Holstein Ilderton Iron Bridge Jarvis 25 27 27 25 26 26, 26, 24, 25, 26. 25, Kemble | Kilsyth Kirkton Lakefield Langton Lucknow 26. 27 24, 25 24, 25 26, 27 24, 26 24 217 28 24 25 25 28 1 28 McDonalds Corners McKellar Middleville Millbrook | Milton Minden Mitchell Murillo | Neustadt 26, 27, 24, 24, <2, -Oct. . 21, 23, 126, . 26, 21, 27 27 28 | 25 Port Elgin Port Hope Ramona + |'Ridgetown . 26, . 24, . 24, 27, 25 28 27 25 24 28 27 25 25 25 26 26 26 , 24 Schomberg | Severn . Bridge Spencerville Stella Strathroy | Sundridge | Trout Creek | Uttercon Walters Falls | Wilkesport Wingham Wyoming Zurich ... PORT PERRY BOY HAS SEAT BESIDE EARL OF ATHLONE (Continued fro.» Page 1) boy's acquaintance, asked him his name. ! 'Bill Hayes of Port Perry, William replied promptly. "William? Did you say Williar-*" jueried the gentleman. i "Yes, sr!" | "Don't you know that William is | a German name? I believe you're a German spy!" said the gentle- man, with a twinkle in his eye. "Oh, no, sir!" Bill quickly re- sponded. "I'm just Bill Hayes of | Port Perry!" At this juncture, another import- . 24 . 26, . 26, ., 24, «24, . 24, . 25, - 25. sir!" ant looking personage appeared be- | | side Bill tq claim his seat." Bill, by this time, was beginning to | realize he was in the wrong "pew". "Gee, sir, I'm sorry. 1 guess I shouldn't be here. I'll go right away!" "Oh, no!" said the first gentle- man, emphatically. "Please stay | here with us, | gentleman a chair and place it in the alsle beside Bil!" This being done, Bill began to | feel at home with his new-found friends, but was still somewhat be- was privileged to be in. Met Two Princesses fter much joking and fun, the | | first gentleman quietly asked our | | hero if he knew who he was. "No, sir!" "Well, | Athlone!" | i as to whose company he sir, I've made an awful mistake. Please let me go!" "Not at all!" replied the genial governor-general. | meet some of my friends. Oh, Alice, | allow me to present Bill Hayes of | Port Perry!" Princess Alice very graciously ac- | knowledged the introduction. | Young Willlam was also presented | to Princess Julianna and the entire | vice-regal party, including the sen- {ator whose seat he had inadvertently | occupied. "What impressed vou most about | | his excellency," I asked the lad. "The way he sang 'There'll Al- ways be an England. Gosh, couldn't even hear myself!" At the conclusion of the perform. ance, while everyone gathered out- of the vice-regal party, Bill's father had come to meet his son what disturbed at not finding the lad, he was ama:ed and bewildered ernor-general, Bill's shoulder. Brougham (Mrs. T. C. Brown, Corr.) Mrs. W. J. Brown and family visit ed T. C. and Mrs. Brown on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Markham, and their guests, Mr. and | Mrs. Frank Randall, of Corfu, N.Y., were Brougham callers on Sunday. A number of Toronto friends were callers at the Harvey home on Sunday, including their sons and families, and Mr. and Mrs. Sher- | ock. Since Mr. Harvey was an en- tertainer at the Big Zenda picnic last. week he has been under the | weather, being compelled to take a complete rést. His cweery smile and greeting is missed by his friends who are hoping for a satisfactory | py "ecovery 27 | 25 | 27 | 26 | 28 | 24 | 28 | 25 | Oh, usher, bring this | William, I'm the Earl ot | "I want you to | I! side the theatre to catch a glimpse | Some- | when he spied him with the gov- | whose arm was on | BROUGHAM, Aug. 26 -- Mr, and | Phil Forsythe, of from their honeymoon. The YP. cf the community have planped a hower for them to be held Wed-: nesday evening in the Town Hally The sunday service was taken by .he Y.P. last Sunday. Mr. Roy Or. mistan of Brooklyn was guest speaker. Mr. Robert Miller con~ wributed a solo. 4 Miss Mary Malcolm spent several days at her home here during the week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, | Harold Barclay on the birth of g son. ¥ Hampton (L. Horn, Corr.) HAMPTON, Aug. 26--Mr. Howard Allin, Belleville, visited his father, 'n Sunday, Mrs. Josephine Reynolds, Torone to, is visiting Miss Luke Reynolds. A community picnic is being held in the park on Tuesday. Mrs. Howard Price, Deira is visiting at the home of Mr. A, E. Bill=tt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred rento, visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Cour= | Hee; Miss R. Edger, Toronto; Dr. R. Davies, wife and family, Osh- awa, visited at the home of H. Wil. cox on Sunday. Mrs. Williams, and daughter, To- ronio, visited at the home of Clar- ence Tink on Sunday, accompanied by other friends, | Miss Jessie Hozarth, Bowmanville, visited her home on Sunday. ' Mr. Harry Faulkner principal of our public school has had an op+ eraticn in Belleville Hospital for appendicitus. Mr. and Mrs. Will White. and sons, 'Donald and Douglas, Orong, visited Mrs. Elmina Johns on Sune day. The Sunday Services were very well attended. Rev. W. Rackham based his sermon. in the evening on 2nd Chronicles 31:1 -- "And . Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah and wrote letters also to | Ephriam and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, to keep the pass- over unto the Lord God of Israel." Mr. Arnold Damant, visited his wife and family over the ver the weel-tnd: BLACKENED TEETH CAUSE CONVICTION Man Gets Six Months for | Theft of Drugs Billett, To- Peterboro, Aug 28 -- Two black ened front teeth were responsible for the conviction of Howard Innis, 48, of Brock street, in police court vesterday on a charge of stealing 12 ounces of opium, valued at $45, from the Standard Medical Clinic on Aug. 20. Innis was sentenced to a term of six months determinate and sim months indeterminate for tne theft, and to a further six | months, to run concurrently, on & | charge of having opium in his pos- session. | Constable Archie Menzies testified that a small man with two very | black front teeth had been seen in the clinic about the time, of the theft. Recognizing Innis from the | description, Menzies arrested him | shortly afterwards at the Brock | street house. Another officer found the bottle of opium under a vere | andah. Innis denied knowledge of the | theft, although he admitted he had | used drugs for a long time. Canada's exports of newsprint | paper recorded a substantial ine | crease In June, when the total was 6,413,093 cwt., valued at $15168,194, as compared with 4,893,105 ewt. | valued at $10,681,411 in June, 1939. § Fine Watch Repairing Qur Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 2727W CFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST, We Treat You [] The Year O We replace us repair Save the pleces! broken lenses. broken frames, Bassctts JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner Let Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY.

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