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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1940, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1940 ~ PAGE THREE Bicycle Racing M eet Is Big Sports Attraction Here for Labor Day Fastest Bike Riders in Ontario Will Compete Here Labor Day In Meet at Alexandra Park Harold Pringle. Canadian] Title-Holder, and Lance Pugh, Ontario Champion, Both of Oshawa, Will Defend Their Crowns 3-MILE TEAM RACE TO BE FEATURE Splendid Program of Races | Lined Up By Victor Cycle Club -- Outstand- ing Riders Will Be Here Labor Day, S be one of the mo. in Os spa that do. the bicycl this city will h will d cycling Last presented map. year, th thei except the 10 The quarts one of the fast going all out tance. F one of Os event, Will Defend Title upon 1-mile Race for Oshawa Boys The O w f Most of t sters an first tr not they + local miss-and always heen at third and last lap, I re dou Frank Ball anc Wilson both entered in this e should both vop a prize Feature Event Pete The race ing te e mos 5 feet tall, a half in ¢ one of the mos this race must, he iated paid-up Lance Pug Frank B Victor C an excelléen trophy » lea and Art Lea round c e here, self a double been around years nom consists Dominion title and Provincial heater nme fe mus won. the hein nt, rider 1 he Riders Coming » Hoghen of Hamilton is an- and should cop medals. Included. in Leo Richey ang Jack Hull Qurh Eric 2 101 Juke Stan Truscott, and Dickson of Toronto; Bruce Book and Bob Wootten of North Bay; Harold Foster, Norman Foster and Tom Raeside of Aurora; Steve Hogben and Tommy Phillips of Hamilton, About twenty more en- tries are expected to come in yet, making a field of about thirty-five riders. One more thing, folks. The ad- mission to the park on Monday is free; so there should be nothing to keep you away. A few of the Vic- torette Cycle Club girls will go around through the crowd with the well-known coffee vots and we would like 'to see you support the Victor Cycle Club in the way they Ernie r. He should be supported. Don't forget, the time is 2:00 p.m. on Monday; place--Alexandara Park; and action--BIKE RACES ! NE OO OOOO BASERALL RECORDS Panu EENEEENEEEE Een anna INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Pct 607 575 518 507 .483 A479 the TORONTO Thursday Results. . 2 Montreal 4 Buffalo innings ay--Montreal at To- at Rochester, Syra- City; Newark at Bal- NATIONAL LEAGUE Ww. 76 Pct. 633 563 534 521 S517 406 [SRE a] oo» a AW DIU -3 = Thursday Results, iti 9 Broc > New York . 4 Philadelphia 3 Chicago i Friday--Philade! phia (only ganie scheduled). AMFRICANCLEAGUE tisburg esults . Louis Thursday hiladelphia 1g0 (night game). luled. AMERIC AN ASSOCIATION Thursday Results kee x2-11 Toledo 11 innings Indiana'lis 10-2 Lou 1 Kansas City 0 sift fifth. 1-5 ed end Pirst game of night double- alled end of twelfth, PONY LEAGUE Thursday Results Batavia 2 Jamestown Bradf s8-u Olean Hamilton . 10-10 london 1 7-7 1-7 Yankees Sweep Paige Twice ; York, Aug. 30.--New York nk battled. like champions ye sterday eo sweep a double-head- Louis Browns, 10-3 and narrow the gap separat- from first place in the er from St. 6-5, m y, | American League to 4'2 games, 2: second, irst game was a contest only the fifth inning, when the scored all their ten runs ind uprising that saw the filled nine times as sixteen 1 went to pat. Lefty Marios Rus- ted to his eleventh victory tering ten hits, one less than 5 collected off four hurl- out of nightcap went thirteen ine before a perfect squeeze bunt Y Crosetti with the bases two out brought home run. Elden Auker was with two out in the ninth. Then Joe DiMaggio, riding the hench because of a charley deliveréd a pinch homer with [two on to tie the score. It wag his twenty-eighth of the season. BILL POSEDEL STOPS CUBS Chicago, Aug. 30--Held to five hits by Bill Posedel, Chicago Cubs lost their second game in a row to Bos- | fon Bees yesterday, The score was 3-1. winning 4-1 norse, es | their cousins bert Mighty Arms, Shoulders Secret of oR s Success Bill Fleming (left) and Yank Terry (right) two new Boston Red Sox rookie hurlers, they would rather have Dominic DiMaggio, DiMaggio's appearance is s testing his mighty arms. dered where he got the power io pow.er this year and now that he has the range it would not surprise the season is over. Rol Nox centre-fielder, deceptive in wall. Dom. many that lefi-.icid (Mrs. D. Hope, Corr.) SCUGOG, Aug. 27.--Master Don- ald Long celebraced his 4th birthday on Tuesday, August 24. He had a pretty cake with four candles on it; guests were Misses Edna and Laura Prentice, Eileen Brown and Alene | Sweetman. Happy birthday Donald! Miss Anna Thomson mother, of Blackstock, -is spending this week with their friend Miss | | Janice Mildred Mills, The church service and Sunday School were as one on Sunday in the Centre Church and all enjoyed hearing Rev. F. G. Joblin, in the absence of the Bible Class teacher, Mrs. Geo. Sweetman. School starts agein on Tuesday September 3rd. Holidays are over until Thanksgiving Day in October and there are no school Fairs this | year, so all you local students can keep your minds on your books Miss Ann Sweetman, of Toronto, spent the week-end with he: cousin Alene Sweetman Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maxtyn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charle Johnston at Little Britain on day. Inez, their daughter, returne« home with. them after spending a week with Orma Miss Laura Prentice, of Epsom visiting her cousin Edna Prentice for a few days. Mrs. Charles Mills is visiting her friend Miss Hattie Hunter at Man- illa during this week. Miss Mary Lou Pearce is spending a few weeks with her uncle Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce at Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blight and children of Epsom, Mr. and Mrs Hubert Long, Donald and Marie is | were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Prentice ziter Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. David Miller return- ed 'to their home in Toronto after spending a couple of weeks in a cot- teze at Lakeside and a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, On Saiurday they all 2ccompanied their son Allan on a holiday motor trip in the dis- trict of Gravenhurst and also view- ed the internment camp. The weather was fine and time enjoyed by all. For the three -days 420 were registered in Hall by Rev. F. G. Joblin and Mrs Geo. Hood, assisted by Miss Winni- fred Niddery, Miss Dorothy Miss Audry Hood, Mr. Robert Tet- low and son Gordon, and Mr. Ralph | i Harlock There were quite a number itors registered here Milner. of summer vis and all received a certificate which | must be always carried. Scugog welcomes Winnifred Nid- dery, of Prospect, back to the Head School,. Miss Mildred Corbett, of Greenwood, back to the School, Harley, for the Foot School. Montreal, Miss Dorothy Joblin back to her school In Pickering, Audry Hood back to her school in Mariposa. All wish them success for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hood, June and Joyce, of Marsh Hill, and Joyce's girl chum of Wick, visited their friends Mr. and Mrs. A, Prentice on Sunday. A light frost has been reported around here. (Staff Correspondent) SOLINA, Aug. 27.--Recent visi- tors were: Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Park, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis, Enniskillen, at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees and Nell, Miss Jessie Cation, visited friends at Claremont on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright and Lawrence, Mr. Goering, Newmarket, | at Mr. Jas. Smales'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 8mith, Jack and Anna, Hampton, at Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mrs. Mowbray and Susie, Brook- | stein, emd her | people the Township | Joblin, | Centie | and Miss Reta Mather, of | Miss | Gladys Joblin goes to a school near | | nesday. Miss. | Blackstock lin, with Mr. and Mrs. Hary ris Mr. and Mrs. Everett and children at Mr Blackstock, Mary remaining for holidays. Master Ross spent last week Smith, | Master's Donal | cott, | chums at a who enter Wednesday af Mr. and Mu Mr. and Mount. Fores on Saturday Mr. and Mr with Sunday. . Mrs. A. J. Bal the Temperance day. Miss Dori juniors a I Bett m Mr. about t at a party My 55 Jessie and H Mr Mrs. Percy dle, and ! the funer Treneer day. and Joar Peterboroug Bagshaw Mr. H. E. and Marion and: Bruce Noreen a pleasant | * ton, visited Mrs. Don Erb and son ter, Mr Mrs. A Blewet Blewett Mr Gerry Mr. A and Mr Black: non nd and visited at Mr. Barbara Burney Hooe) LOCK, | Stevens' Mabel MoKe Bry Brown, Alan McKessock's Mr. and Mrs. Fre tended the funeral of the A. W. Jackson at Whitby Mrs. Jackson was of Mrs. Gilbert Mrs. E. OO. M Verna and Ella on Kedron KEDRON, Aug. 28 pathy of the community i to Mrs. R. Down in the death her sister the late Mrs, Art Hurd Napanee. Mrs. Percy-Langmald and Bernice Mr. and Mrs. Martin Libby, Ruth Doreen and Walter, Oshawa visit ed with Mr. and Mrs Brook The C.G.I.T, group thei leader Miss Bessie Mountjoy ed a picnic on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. H. Davi Mrs. Nesbitt visited at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sadler, Osh- awa, on Sunday. Miss Lorraine and Master Pascoe visited with Dr. and McCulloch, Orono. Mrs Mrs. ce Wed - aunt on an Misses Dori relatives On ited Saturday The sym- extended 0l Jack with enjoy - ana Gran! Mrs. tnem a uniform that many clouted four home with has to see him double Marion, Miss Irene Crossman visited with her gramdparents Mr. and Mrs. F Crossman, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, | against them after fans have won- runs to date that figure before than with Mi ca and Beryl Columbus, J. Lawrence, Willa Down and Mr » funer Napanee Pascoe and al of Mr. and one of was among 1 on Tuesday. | Robinson at the both agree that | Thornton's Cors. (Mrs. G. H, Robinson, Corr.) THORNTON'S CORNERS, Aug 27.--Mrs, L. Goldsmith entertained a number of neighbors and friends on Thursday evening at a demonstra- tion of wearever brushes which was instructive as well as very interest- ing. joyed and the hostess, assisted by Mrs, F. ham. Mr. and Mrs. Willieem Hoag and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoag motored last week-end to the North Bay dis- trict and also visited the "Quints". Master been spending his grandparents, Mr, Spencer, @. Manchester, home this week-end. Miss Ruth Goldsmith is a guest relatives at Dunnville for her holi- days. Mr. Roy Lick and Mr, Norman Buss were in Toronto on Friday Mr. G. H. Robinson attended the Canadian National Exhibition on Saturday, Warrior's Da Mr. George Beckett, of was a guest for a week of Mr old Beckett refreshments served by holidays with his and Mrs, A. E. Scarboro AE home- stead, Norman ce and Mrs Mrs. V Joyce, of On Sunday Mr Buss welcomed her young daughter, tingham, England Mi Wal who is a niece of 'Mrs. Buss and formerly Miss Fern Short, is ling to her katchewan she daughter will remain for ation of the war. Ot! guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bu two brothers Waltersand -- Mr and Miss Louise Wa of Mr. Roy Walters Mrs. George P. Res was a wee and Not lace wa travei- mother's home in Sa and her the qur- ier Sunda? Buss were Mr where nold k-end gue . Robinson On Sur Betty Robin ored to the Ha 1 ited Miss Agnes who is in of the Outpost Miss Leuta: Pierson is two week's vacation triy Mrs. Arthur Pierson, garet and Miss Audrey returned from a week's Bowmeaville Beach Saturday Exhibition visitor Mr. and Mrs. A. H Dean, Mrs. Arthur Jackson, ge 1 at Wilberforce away on a Mi Pier holiday on have in Mi Mrs clude and "I never saw a more beautiful automobile!" "That's because its colors harmo- nize completely inside ond out." A pleasant evening was en-/ Gra- Murray Gilbert who has | returned | f ol! ss Mar- | Nellie Pierson, Master Robert Pier- | son and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gil- bert. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pipher have re- turned from a week's motor trip to Kingston, Smith's © Falls, Ottawa, through the Laurentian Mountains | and Quehec Mrs. Eric W, Dean, a recent bride, was entertained by Mrs. Seymour Bigwood at a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday evening. The staff and Alumnae of the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, made a presentation to Mrs. Dean when she resigned taff. Mrs. Dean's grad- ion class mates of the Oshawa her a presenta- from the s uat Hospital also made kt on, On Tuesday eve Mrs. J McC forty guest at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Kenneth' Pakenham forme Miss Helen ning of this week illough entertained on of the Cor- ere decor- Camerc ntons wad the | dolls | were a hel ds. Mr the | JNK i < om ing S. SCOTT SETS NEW MARK Syracuse, N.Y. Aug. 30.--Spencer Scott, recent Hambletonian victor, added the $7,000 Governor's Stake to his list of triumphs yesterday and trotted to a season's 3-year-old record of 2:01'4 in the second heat of the Grand Circuit's feature event at the New York State Fair today. "WINNING NEW FRIENDS EVERY DAY" WHITE ROSE MOTOR OIL CANADIAN OIL CO LIMITED Daily Except Sunday, Aug. 24th to Sept, 7th. LEAVE OSHAWA Genosha Hotel) Regular Coaches LEAVE TORONTO Bay at Dundas) Regular Coaches Until Sept. 9th, REDUCED RETURN un $1.35 Includes exhibition Admission and Coach Transfer lo and from Terminal inside the grevnds, Genosha Hotel Oshawa Phone 2825 ODAY 1941 HUDSO "Look! Even the carpet end floor mad harmonize with the color scheme." "Yes . . color A BIG Synapheon=>7 Brilliant new design . - the first time in wide choice of AT terior colors... NEW STYLE IDEA! low price interior color gon ize with ex binations that hatte TRA re. and, for d cars, @ safety even! other unique SAFEST CAR R EVER BUILT! Safe Hydraulics in fro ping Auto-Poise if a tire blows . safety features. . and yow get this complete harmony at me extra cost!" VALUE m the same Longer Wh for extra .an nes nize d Silent Mesh 1941's Best eelbases; r Riding ransmission Investment in All- Around Value. Hudson Offers Fine Automobiles in Every Popular Price Class AT NEW PRICES STARTING AMONG CANADA'S LOWEST +. New Hudson Six and Super-Six (in the low price fleld); New Hudson Commodore Six and Eight (in the moderate price field). MORE CAR for LESS MONEY in Every Popular Price Class. Right now, at the nearest Hudson showroom, you can be one of the first to see the 1941 style sensation : : : Hudson's Symphonic Styling. Symphonic Styling is a notable example of engineering leadership which has made Hudson responsible for important advancements in the history of the some of the most i automobile industry. safest cars ever built ; investment in all-around VALUE : and the year's bes This same engineering leadership makes these 1941 Hudsons: the t Before you choose your new car, eome in : discover how much more your money will buy in a 1941 Hudson! ROSS & GREEN LIMITED 135-137 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA PHONES 575 and 1160

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