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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1940, p. 8

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0) a ¥ A LA "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1940 PAGE EIGHT |ON THE AIR WAVES . RADIO FREQUENCIES CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL, 840k. CKCL, 380k. CBY, 1,420k. CFOC, 1,120k. U. S. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WJZ (Blue) WABC (CBS) ........... U. S. STATIONS KDKA Pittsburgh ......... FO WBEN Buffalo .... \WWGR Buffalo . WHAM Rochester ......... « WisBW Baffalo ... WJR Detroit WLW Cincinnati ............ SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES 'TPA4 France 11.750 RO Maly ........ anne oesene 35810 EAR Spain cave RAN Russia PCI Holland RF5 Brazil i §=- Schenec .. VIXK Boston 9.570 " W3XAU Phila, veer 9599 HE5J Geneva . 14,535 WEDNESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. CFRB, Hillbillies. CBL, CBY, Gus Steck. WBEN, WEAF, Girl Alone. WGR, WABC, Kathleen Norris. 5:15 P.M. CBL, CBY, Hiking amd Biking. CFRB, WABC, Pop Concert. WBEN, WEAF, Life can Be B-au-' tiful. WEKBW, News Flashes. 5:30 P.M. CKCL, It's Dance Time. CFRB, WABC, To be announced. WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong. WGR, News Flashes. 5:45 PM. CFRB, Safety Club. CBL, CBY, News Flashes. WBEN, WEAF, O'Neills. WABC, WKBW, Scattergood Baines. 6:00 P.M. CKCL, WKBW, WBEN, News. CFRB, Dinner Music. 6:15 P.M. CBL, Relax and Enjoy. CFRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade. 6:30 P.M. CFRB, News. CBL, WBEN, Sports. 6:40 P.M. CFRB, Wes. McKnight, CKCL, Birth Notices. 6:45 P.M. CBL, C. Robinson Ranch Boys. CKCL, Breezy Rhythms. WBEN, WJZ, Lowell Thomas. WABC, WKBW, World Today. WGR, News Flashes. 6:50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 P.M. CKCL, Wilson Ames. CBL, Music You Like to Hear. CFRB, WABC, Amos 'n' Andy. WBEN, WEAF, Pleasure Time, WJZ, Easy Aces. 7:'5 P.M. CFRB, Light Up and Listen. CKCL, Tim Maurice Orch. WGR, WABC, Lanny Ross. WBEN, WEAF, European News Roundup. WKBW, News Flashes. 7:30 P.M. CKCL, Al Leary, Sports. CFRB, Lanny Russ. CBL, CBY, Recital. WGR, WABC, Burns and Allen, CFRB, Easy Aces. 7:45 P.M CBY, CBY, Over the Top. CKCL, Musical Word Squares. 8:00 P. 1. CKCL, George Wade Cornhuskers. CFRB, Fantasy. CBL, CBY, Evening Prelude. WGR, WABC, Ben Bernie Orch. WBEN, WEAF, Hollywood Play- house. CBL. CBY, Canadian Press News, WKBW, News Flashes. 8:30 Pu... CBL, CBY, Sevillana, + -Trv or False. NGR, WABC. Dr. Chrisitan. WBEN, WEAF, Plantation Party. WJZ, What Would You Do? 9:00 P.M. CFRB, Bert Niosi Orch. CKCL, Eddie Stroud Orch. WBEN, WEAF, Fred Allen. CBL, CBY, Nat. Forum Discussions WGR, News F. hes. WABC, WKBW, Star Theatre. WJZ, The Green Hornet. 9:30 *.M. CKCL, Leafs vs. Baltimore. CB'.,, CBY, Serenade for Strings. CFRB, Quizz Club. WJZ, Roy Shields Rev e. 10:60 P.M. CFRB. Lnchantment. CBL. CBY, Radio Drama. CKCL, Ferde Mowry Orch. WJZ) News Flashes. WBEN, WEAF, Kay Class. WABC, WKBW, ( 'enn Miller Orch. WGR, News Flashes. 10:15 P.M, CFRB, Bert Niosi Orch. 10:30 P.M. CKCL, News Flasaes, CBL, CBY, Midweek Co.umentary. WJZ, Radio Magic. 10:45 P.M. CFRB, From tae Znchanted Islands. CBL, CBY, Don Turne- Orch, 11:00 P.M. CFRB, Slumber Music. CKCL, Evening . avalcade. WBEN, CBL, CBY, News Flashes. WJZ, Johnny Mesner ~ "ch. News 11:15 P.M, WBEN, Sports, CFRB, WABC, Jimmie Lunceford Orch. CBL, CBY, Symphony. CKCL, It's Dance Time. 1' 30 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Bob Chester Orch. CBL, CBY, Dancing Strings, News. CKCL, News Flashes. WBEN, WEAF, Sleepy Hall Orch. WJZ, Tommy Dorsey. "yser Musical THURSDAY, RADIO PROGRAMS | 5:00 P.M. At the Console CFRB, Salon Orchestra. WABC, WGR, Kathleen Norris. WBEN, WEAF, Girl Alone. 3:1> P.M. CFRB, WABC, Boy and Girl Next Door CBL, CBY, First Aid in the Home WBEN, WEAF, Life Can Be Beau- tiful. 5:30 P.M. CKCL, Tea for Two. CFRB, WABC, To Be Announced WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong. WGR, News Flashes. 5:45 P.M. CFRB, Safety Club. WEAF, WBEN, O'Neill Jo CBL, CBY, News Flasnes. WABC, WKBW, Scattergood Baines 6:00 P.M. iy Dinner Music. CKCL, WBEN, WKBW, News Flashes. 6:15 P.M. CFRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade. CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6:30 P.M. CBL. WBEN, Sports. CFRB, News. 6:40 P.M, CFRB, Wes McKnight CKCL, Birth Notices. 6:45 P.M. CKCL, Breezy Rhythms. WBEN, WJZ, Lowell Thomas , CBL, Who's Who in Music? CBY, Allen Reid. 6:50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 P.M. CFRB, WABC Amos 'n' Andy. CBL, CBY, Reflections in Song WBEN, WEAF, Pleasure Time, DAILY CROSSWORD 28. Attacker 29. Assert 31. Kind of apple 32. Flattened at ACROSS . Queer . Occupied a seat . American poet . Portion of curved line The white poplar Flicker Moon- goddess 16. Large nut 17. Emerge 19. Edible plant product 20. Poverty- stricken 21, Right-hand 6. Forms of verbs 8. Guarantee 9. Relate 10. Kind of oil 12. Praise 14, Land measure 18. Blind 19. Liberty 24. One's rela- tives 27. Electric current 11. 13. 15. page 22. S-shaped worm 23. Piece out 25. Female fowl 26. Falsehood 27. Constellation 33. Ate by pre- 35. River in 37. To grate 43. Deposit 44. Japanese Tos UISIE] DIO]! IND) [LIE RIG EEL] the pol ACE ope . DEED scribed rule Siberia Yesterday's Answer coin 47. Music note WJZ, Easy Aces. CKCL, Twilight Musical 7:15 P.M. CFRB, Light Up and Listen CKCL, Musical Contrasts. WABC, WGR, Lanny Ross. WEAF, WBEN, European News Roundup. 7:30 P.M. CKCL, Al Leary, Sports. CFRB, Lanny Ross. CBL, CBY, English News Letter to Canada. WGR, WABC, Vox Pop. . V 7:45 P.M. CBL, CBY, Monica Mugan CKCL, Yes or No CFRB, Muskoka Broadcast 8:00 P.M. CKCL, Tim Maurice Orch. CFRB, Pantry Shelf. CBL, CBY, Piano Recital. WABC, WGR, Ask It Basket. WJZ, Musical Americana. WEAF, WBEN, Mr. Dist. Attorney. WKBW, News Flasnes. 8:15 P.M. CKCL, Camping with the "Y." 8:30 P.M. CFRB, Auditions. CBL, CBC, Leon Zuckert Orch. CKCL, Singin' 'n' Steppin' Along WBEN, WEAF, I Love a Mystery. WJZ, Singin' and Swingin'. WABC, WGR, Strange as it Seems 9.00 P.M. CKCL, Eddie Stroud Orch. CFRB, Goodwill Hour WEAF, WBEN, Good News. WKBW, WABC, Major Bowes, WGR, News Flashes. 9:30 P.M. WEAF. WBEN, Rudy Vallee. WJZ. Promenade Concert. 10:00 P.M. CFRB, Bert Niosi Orch. WBEN, WEAF, CBL, Bing Crosby CKCL, Wishart Campbell CBY, WJZ, Louis-Godoy Fight WABC, WKBW, Glenn Miller Orch WGR, News Flashes. 10:30 P.M, CBY, Music Festival, CFRB, Rex Frost. CKCL, News Flashes 10:45 P.M. CKCL, Evening Cavalcade ON THIS DATE | - By -- FEED WILLIAMS | { Twenty-five years ago (Sept. 11, 1915) Sir William Cornelius Van Horne, an American born maker of | Canada, died. The years that have | passed have but added to the his- | torical importance of this son of Illinois who came to Canada at | the inception of the Canadian Pa- | cific Railway at the age of 42, be- | came a British subject many years afterwards and died a knight, an honor mightily deserved in his case. Van Horne was a remarkable man. Rough of manner at times, a driver in construction, an expert in "lan- | guage," he was in his private life a devoted husband and father, a man who delighted in his home, never Rappier than when he was studying | art (he was no mean artist him- self) or showing his treasures to | visitors. . , » { His great service to Canada was | in connection with the building and | operation of the Canadian Pacific | Railway, in which his extraordinary | physical and mental energy. driving power, initiative and faith in the | future of the road were of inesti- | mable value. It is, indeed, question- | able if the railway would, lacking | his firm, guiding hand, have pulled through the exceedingly difficult early years of its history. It was mainly due to his masterful meth- ods that: the railway, which had hitherto been moving forward at a pace that would have taken several decades to complete, was pushed to completion at a hitherto unprece- dented rate. Van Horne once said that the C.P.R. should have erected a monu- ment to Louis Riel, since it was the necessity for - transporting troops from eastern Canada to Saskatche. wan that gave the railway an op- | Horne's handling of the troop trans- | "Should Make : understand why | guing over the spending of a few | Registered U § Patent Office By STANLEY THE OLD. HOME TOWN 7077774 \Ts HO! HO¥- Loox ITS NOT HER OWA CAKE, IT HAS A LABEL ON IT---" SAYS "BAKED BY THE BIG TOWN, BAKERY CO. 1 IKNOW SHE HAS A SET \OF THOSE FROSTING SQUIRT GUNS! HER OWN FRCSTIAG 7) NO WONDER AUNT SARAH PEABODY FOUND THE SECRET OF MRS FAKINS PRIZEWINNING CAKES AT THE BAKE SALE TODAY corn on 100 xe nanses macaw wins vom samo 9-10) STAN Eg --- portunity to prove its usefulness and its value as a national bond of union between east and west. Van port in 1885 was a masterpiece, something unprecedented. Some one said once that "Canada sadly lacks monuments of William Cornelius Van Horne." But does he need one? Is not the CP.R. itself his best monument, for without him there would not have been any C P.R. for years after his zeal had made it complete in November, 1885. REPAIR FACTORY FOR CAS. USE This Ges- ture," Says Reeve When Expenditure Opposed Bowmanville, Sept. 11 I can't | we should be ar- dollars to fix up this old factory MUGGS & SKEETER | against building, when it may mean keep= ing our soldiers in town through the winter months," declared Reeve Alex. Edmonstone, speaking to a motion that the request of Capt. F. E. Lycett for the use of an abandoned factory building as training quarters for the C.AS.F. be granted. , . Mayer R. O. Jones declared that he could not see why use of the building should be given free when in other. centres the Government had purchased suitable buildings and established permanent head- quarfers "Let the town make this even if it does cost us a replied the reeve. "Let us that we really ere." The motion was unanimous- carried gesture little," Deputy Reeve C. G. Morris asked that the chief of police be request- ed again to take immediate action delinquents who paid dog tax or poll tax the last council meeting was ordered cellected - at "If we don't this through we will be made a commented Councillor have t vet At the once matter 1 iaugne- levy see ing stock," i Sid Little. That Body. of Yours By James W. Barton, M.D. SMALL DOSES OF INSULIN BRING RELIEF TO MENTAL PATIENTS One of the effective forms of treatment for mental patients who are in an excited or even dangerous frame of mind is the use of hot baths. The hct paths so soothe the nerves that the patient becomes quiet, often going off into a sound sleep. The use of quieting drugs is another method of allaying violent symptoms in these patients. Insulin, causing shock, is now be- ing used in practically all mental hospitals. That doses of insulin kept so small that they do not cause sheck but still help mental show | want 'to keep them | not | ' | ations is recorded by Drs. C. R. Bennett and T. K. Miller, Camarillo, | California, in the American Jour- | nal of Psychiatry. They used these | small doses of insulin in 125 cases | which formerly had been treated by | both baths and quiéting drugs. | They state that nearly every case | of acute manic excitement was con- trolled within an average period of thirty-six hours with insulin, with- out the use of the hot baths or quieting drugs. The hot baths and quieting drugs are now used only in epileptic cases, or in those cases where excitable behavior occurs only at night. Improvement in newly admitted cases of dementia | precox (persistent dream state), ex- pression and melancholy states is in many lous because the | rapid. The improvement does not continue if the insulin is discon- { tinued as soon as improvemont is | noticed Usually from three to eight weeks of continued treatment is required to bring about complete relief of the symptoms. All patients improve remarkably in their general physical condition, changes are so gaining weight on an average of 15 ; pounds within six weeks. Warts, | carbuncles, and acne (pimples) in these patients disappear quickly. has become 'routine" now to give | insulin to any patient threatened instances almost mirzcu- | It | with boils. Acne does not always respond favorably. By the use of insulin the so-called "disturbed" ward has passed away. When we remember that mental hospitals have more patients than all the other hospitals combined and that dementia precox patients make up the largest number of mental patients, it is gratifying to know that insulin in small doses is bring- ing relief to so many of these cases. Brougham BROUGHAM, Sept. 9.--Mrs. A, F. Harvey, Miss Camilla, o. Montre and Miss Ella Wallace, of it ! called at the Brown home and took Mrs. Brown to visit friends at Wick. Mr. David Walker, 48th High- landers, and Mrs. Walker called on Brougham friends, on Saturday. Sunday, the 15th, ir the date of, our Sunday School Rally Day serv ice, and the two services of church and Sunday school will be combin- ed. Service is to be held at 2 pm The nursing course, sponsored by |, the Women's Institute, got under way Monday morning. Instructor is Miss Grace Hamilton. This district has had a number of auto accidents of late. On Sun- day morning, two cars collided on Norton's Hill, 1'; miles west of village. Both cars were badly da aged. One car was from Toron the other from Beaverton. The lz ter, with a family party, en ro to Woodbridge, fared the wo! Several were conveyed to a Marl ham doctor to have injuries atten ed, None were seriously hurt. Mr. and Mrs. H. Robertson a little son accompanied Mrs. Lem: home from Toronto Sunday eve ing. The Happy Circle Mission Bai will hold their September meetid at the Gillman home Saturd Sept. 14, at 2:30 p.m, Mrs. Gordon, of Toronto, sist of Mrs. W. Ellicot, has been a gue the past week at the Ellicot hom Other visitors were Mrs. Ford an child, and Mr. and Mrs. Walla Ellicot. Rev. G. E. Kennedy observ Sunday by conducting a service prayer, and spoke on Christ's vitation, "Come Unto Me". Mr. Hugh Miller was a very suf cessful exhibitor of live stock Toronto Exhibition. Mr, Georgé Knox, of St. Georg who was helping his brothers harvesting, returned home on Sa urday. Mrs. Robertson was called to t city on Wednesday, a relative ha ing passed away. There's only one thing makes one cigarette bette than another--it tastes bette 25¢and 10¢ PLAIN OR CORK TIP CARRERAS LTD., LONDON, ENGLAND. (Est. 1788) 150 Years' Reputation for Qu: By Wally Bishon GOSH! WHERE, 1S. EFFIEY WONT SHE EVER COME UP 7 HOW WiLL 4 " SHE EVER CATCH NY 818 aRUTS. THAT THING 7 TI DUNNO! ALL T A " CHEB ETN IM AFRAI YOU'RE ROCKIN Nr Te OAT ® SECRET AGENT X9 NOW LETS RETURN TO THE FBI DETENTION PEN NEWSPAPER ! YOUVE GOT A HALF -HOUR TO READ IT, BEFORE WE TURN OUT THE LIGHTS OKAY, GRANDMA = HERE'S THE 2. SHE DID IT AGAIN! WHOOPEE ' HAVE YOU GONE WHAT ARE YOU TEARING THAT PAPER FOR 7 GIVE IT TO ME! HA'HA! -HA-HA'! ny HA! DONALD DUCK -- Spr. 1940, Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved By Brandon Walsh 30. Conclude 31, Seed vessel 34. Shaded walks 36. Antelope 38. Heaps 39. Kind of sugar 40, Paradise 41, Petty quarrel 42, Stately 44. Resentment 45. Before 46. Part of 'to be" 48. Boy's name 4c. A longing YOU SEE, ANNIE ~ THE DE STILES ACADEMY 1S NOT LIKE A COMMON SCHOOL. THERE. ARE A NUMBER OF FORMAL ARRANGE- MENTS TO BE MADE BEFORE. A PUPIL IS ACCEPTED -- [-- ! aR) THANK GOODNESS . HERE'S THE CHECK FOR THE DE STILES ACADEMY. NOW I CAN MAKE TH FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR j YOUR ENTRANCE J GLORYOSKY.! | IT8 A LETTER FROM MR. HAPPY "1 KIN YELL BY THE ENVELOPE DOWN 1. Open (poet.) 2. Perform 3. Emblem of dawn 4. Salty 5. Maltreats Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Ine.

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