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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Sep 1940, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1940 ~ PAGE SEVEN A Want Ad Will Tell It - Sell It - Trade It or Rent It. Try It! Undertaking EAGHER'S ompt day and Meagher, , Funeral E. Phone 907. DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street pstablished 1889 Phone 401 Aa (23Sept.c) UKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST rast. Ambulance. Residence 8 st. BE Phone 210. PF. ARMSTRONG AND SON, oprietors Oshawa Burial Co. nersl and Ambulance Service. and night. Phone 2700. 134 East. Auditors DSCAR HUDSON AND " COM- pany, Chartered Accountants JOFFAT HUDSON AND OOM- ny, Trustees and Liquidators nt and Annis Chamber, 7% Street Suuth. Telephone 4 d Office. Toronto. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED Tc, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon. 20 Mil 8t Phone 960 HOME. nlgat bervice. '. Director. 111 King (178ept.c) i Dental DR. R. BE. COX, DENTAL SUR- gean, 9 Simcoe N. Phome ta] Hours nine-twelve, one--five-tbirty. enings b, appointment. ev y (110ct.c) DR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. (288ept.c) "121 Bond West. ,| trade. Phone S10W after 6 pm. Articles for Sale FALL WHEAT, 7c A BUSHEL. Phone 416R24. 82¢) DON'T SUFFER FROM RHEUMA- tism, constipation, and minor kidney troubles. Use Karn's Ah- Wa-Go Herbs--the remedy that has brought relief to many. 25c pack- age. At Thompson's Drug SO STUDIO COUCHES OF QUALITY in velour and heavy repp, featuring walnut on chromium arms, inside spring construetion throughout, back support, and large wardrobe compartment. Direct from factory show room. Easy payments if de- sired. Save 30% at BRADLEY'S FURNITURE STORE, 140 Simcoe St. South. (228ept.c) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. Yeu are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe Seuth. (223Sept.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete. dropside couches beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, anglz iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's. 140 Simcoe South. (60ct.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (80ct.c) "And let me give you a little advice. an old model car thai's dangerous to you and the public. It's mighty easy to have an expensive accident in a car The safest and best thing for you to do is like that. pendable merchants." read the used car ads in the Daily Times. yourself a low cost, good used car from one of those de- You're driving | Then buy For Rent Motor Cars For Sale AT A BARGAIN, 1937 FORD Tudor - in 'excellent condition, priv- ately owned. Will accept part cash, balance in monthly payments. Ap- ply Box 730 Times. (52b) GUARANTEED 371 PONTIAC coach, eighteen thousand miles, trade, best offer. Phone 1443 be- tween § and 6. (14Sept.c) 1937 CHEVROLET BUSINESS coupe, good tires, paint, trim, motor. Recently overhauled. Desire no (48d) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits. pants, men's fall and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, (90ct.c) Personal MEN OF 3%, 40, 80! VIM, PEP vigor subnormal? Try Ostrex tab- lets. Contain tonics, stimulants, oyster elements, aids to normal pep. If not delighted with results first package, maker refunds low price. ,| Call, write Jury & Lovell, in Osh- .| awa and all other good drug stores. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, KC, Uxbridge, Ontario, (30Septe) Shoe Repairing ° - | North, R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, SolLcutor, etc, 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 331. "Money to ioan. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BAR- yister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone #6. Residence phone 837. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, K.C, and J. CO. Anderson, KC. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. MANNING PF. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East. Phone 262. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, SARRISTER, ete. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, §%. 2¢ Simecee St. North. (10ct.c) MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS, sand, cinders, wood, coal, esc. 70 Colborne Street West. Phone 608 > (130ct.c) Mortgages MONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA Or other property. Mortgages now in force purchased. H. O. Higgin- botham. 19 Ontario St. Phone 328. (28Sept.c) Expert Watch Repairing '. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERI ss watchmaker, repair shop at 8 King Street West. Your patron- e solicited. an Furnaces A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- ing, ete. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street (308ept.c) INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W. Allison, 9 Athol West. (28S8ept.c) Laundry SEND YOUR WASHING TO Beatty Laundry and have it done the modern way by the best equip- ment on the market--which pro- longs the life of your clothes--saves you money and worry. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone 20437. (160ct.c) Lumber DONT WAIT UNTIL COLD weather for storm, sash, and com- bination doors. Everything in lum- ber. W. Victor Peacock, 341 Rich- mond East. Phone 3310. (120ct.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 Willlam St. East. Phone 3148. (298ept.c) Real Estate For Sale SUBURBAN HOME, 2 MILES north of Otlgawa, on highway, stuc- co house, 8 rooms, electric and fur- nace, 2 acres and barn. Apply Box 732 Times. (53¢) TWENTY ACRES IN COURTICE, with spring, no building. Close to highway. $800 cash. Apply Box 719 Times. . (51b) MODERN 6 ROOM DWELLING, every convenience, A-1 condition, central. Real buy for cash or sub- stantial down payment. Apply Box 722 Times. (31¢) NEW, $48 UPWARDS; RECONDI- ftioned, $28 upwards; firepots, grates, registers, low prices. 8 hurch St. Phone 758. (19Sept.c) Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs. For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes ested free. (288ept.c) Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA- ions done at 130 Colborne East West door enters sewing room. (268epte) TWO HOUSES, $300 DOWN PAY- ment, balance as rent, Bradley Bros. Phone 169. _ (81c) Financial WE PURCHASE MORTGAGES and agreements secured by suburb- an and rural property Phone North Shore Realty Co. 80, Osh- awa. (60ct.e) Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRSI mortgages on Real Estate Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 26, Oshawa, (100ct.c) Modern Service Station WITH LIVING QUARTERS. Apply Box 710 Times. (53e) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, OR one bedsitting room, or 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 745 or 668. (53a) COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, suitable for gentlemen, breakfast if desired. 114 Agnes St. (33¢c) Help Wanted AMBITIOUS MAN OR WOMAN needed to take charge of profitable route in Oshawa. Business estab- lished. Full credit for repeat orders. Commission and bonus average $1.50 per hour. Write promptly, Dept. CMS, 2177 Masson St, Montreal. (49, 53, 58, 63) Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL wanted. Phone 876. (52b) ONE OR 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED | or unfurnished, 480 Athol East. (53b) ATTRACTIVE WARM ROOM, gentleman, close to Motors' Office, | EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- | eral wages. Apply Box 1731 (53a) breakfast optional. Times. 4 ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT $12 a month. Phone 2008W or 211 | Clark. (52¢) VERY COMFORTABLE ROOM, with breakfast, on Division 8t. Phone 705J. (51c) A CORNER STORE, CENTRAL, good grocery and butcher business with every convenience. Call and look it over. Phone 2019W. (5lc) 6 ROOMED HOUSE, AVAILABLE now, newly decorated, 393 Centre St. Apply 25 Buckingham. (5l¢c) VICTORIA APARTMENTS, ONE | {and 45, four roomed, for October 1. Apply caretaker on premises, or Bradley Bros. 169, (50ct.c) 40 ROYAL ST. POSSESSION September 15. : Apply Conant & Annis. (44t0) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1° 4-roomed and 1 5-roomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 160. (5Sept.tf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND 3 room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718. (9Sept.tf) SINGLE ROOM FOR RENT AT 476 Albert St. Apbly 26 King St. West. (49e) STORE ON PRINCE ST. VACANT. $25. Suitable for plumber, tinsmith, or similar trades. Apply Murdoch, 27 Warren. (51c) Wanted to Rent 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, young lady, central. Give full particulars to Box 729 Times. (52b) TWO OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for adults, light housekeeping. Apply giving full particulars to Box 733 Times. (53b) Room and Board Wanted ROOM WITH BOARD WANTED by gentleman in private home, central. Phone 3298, (53b) EXPERIENCED COOK, GENERAL, with good references, for family of 4 Apply Mrs. J. J. English, 30 Connaught Street, Phone 785, ' (53b) housework, sleep In, good Apply 159 Simcoe South, (53a) MAID TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- work. Phone 819W, (52a) WELL EDUCATED YOUNG woman wanted for office position. Attractive personality and good local connection essential. No selling. Please give full particulars and references. Box 724 Times. (52e) Male Help Wanted SALES EXECUTIVE POSITION AVAILABLE IN | large local institution as of Oct. 15, | applicant must be between ages 30 | married, well educated. Give full details of business ex- | perience, Initial remuneration | $2000, yearly and up depending on | qualifications. Applicantions re- | ceived up to Sept. 20. Confidenial. Box 723 Times. (52¢) REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WITH car. Bradley Bros. Phone 169. (51c) Work Wanted WELLS DUG, PUMPS REPAIRED, chimneys, sidewalks built. Charles Dean, 138 Albert, Phone 3241W. (29Sept.c) Wanted To Buy HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (160ct.c) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (T0ct ec) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oll stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store 56 King West. Phone 1030. (30ct.c) Saddle Horses SUNSET STABLES, KING AND Wilson Road. Saddle horses for hire. Lady instructress for chil- dren. Phone 2675W, (208ept.c) CEDAR WILD RIDING ACAD- amy, Rossland Road and Mary St. Trained horses for beginners and children. 'Phone 375J. (90ct.c) Notice ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, September 16, 1940, I, George E. Judd, 132 Summer Street, will not be responsible for any debts in- curred by my wife, Mrs. Mary Judd. signed, George E. Judd. (53¢c) CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 43 resumed its regular meeting on Thursday evening, Sept. 12th, after the summer recess. All veteran members of the Le- gion are requested to attend the next regular meeting, Sept. 26th, and learn something to their ad- vantage. W. R. Elliott, Acting President. Dancing Instruction "DANCE FOR HEALTH". Weyms, Masonic Temple, Satur- days. Tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances. Free health class. Dramatic club. (160ct.c) Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metal weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- cws. Phone 454. T. A. Morgan. (80ct.c) Painting and Decorating PHONE R. LITTLE, 2717TW FOR painting and decorating needs. Prices reasonable. Estimates free. (218ept.c) Landscape Designing NEW HOME OWNERS! LAWNS, trees, shrubs, bulbs, flag walks, ete. Fall fertilizing of trees and lawns Phone 2178]. (100ct.c) Psychic Reading SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, TEA LEAF interpretation, and cards, by Elsie. 46 Kenneth, 2595. (90ct.c) YACHTING (Continued from Page 2) the Stacey race, except that it was once around, but it was still raining heavily. Boat Skipper Crew Time 4~F. Medland. E. Patterson . 17:25 10.--H. Kane, G. Lofthouse .. 18:03 2.--T. Monaghan, P, Wiley .. 20:09 Judges--C. T. Halleran, B. Mack- ness. Shelter For R.C.AF. Plane Forced to land by a low ceiling, a seaplane flown by an air inspector from Ottawa, alighted on the lake off the Oshawa harbor shortly after 7:30 Saturday night, and taxiing up the channel entrance, moored to one of the yacht club buoys on the north side of the harbor basin. The plane came from east, circled once, and landed on the lake. The in- spector spent the night at a hotel uptown and left early yesterday morning. Indians Move Back Into Top Cleveland, Sept. 16.--Cleveland pennant stock took a spirited jump on the American League bourse yes- terday as the Indians knocked Con- nie Mack's Athletics over in both ends of a twin bill to regain the | leadership of a full game. Bob Feller turned in a masterful two-hitter to blank Philadelphia in the opener, 5-0, and the Tribe over- came a four-run deficit to capture the afterpiece, 8-5. The Indians' Sunday slam before 26,039 allowed them to jump from | a half-game behind to a full contest ahead of the losing Detroit Tigers. and gave Cleveland its fifth tri- umph in six starts. Feller retired at second base. The Athletics collected another hit in the ninth as Frankie Hayes singled, Otherwise, Feller's mastery was complete as he hurled his twenty-fifth victory of the year, against nine losses. He didn't walk a man and he fanned seven. Rookie Southpaw Porter Vaughan opposed "Feller. St, Catharines, Sept. 16.--Hamil- | ton Frost Redwings won the On- | tario midget baseball championship | here on Saturday when they de- feated the C.Y.O. nine, 7 to 5, after | | M. E. Atkins, Mrs. F. C. Davidson, eleven innings of ball. The winners scored twice in the second extra | frame to cop the title, after win- | ning the first game in Hamilton, 8 to 6, on Thursday. HUGE MACHINERY DISPLAY FOR BIG PLOWING MATCH Farm Machinery and Home Conveniences to be Shown at St. Thomas There will be over $600,000 worth of farm machinery and home con- veniences housed in the fifteen-acre "Tented City" at the International Plowing Match and Farm Machin- ery Demonstration to be held Oct 15, 16, 17 and 18 on the Ontario Hospital Farm and adjoining farms, south of St. Thomas. Included in the plowing area will be a num- ber of acres on the farm of Hon Mitchell F. Hepburn, Premier of Ontario. Farmers' sons have not been back- ward in flocking to the Air Force and other branches of the Canadian militia. This has resulted in a dis- trict shortage of man power on the farms. Many farmers hope to over- come this shortage by a greater use of labor-saving machinery. They will find all the latest labor-saving equipment on dispiay at the Inter- national. Advance information as to size of displays from the leading farm ma- chinery firms of Canada has led to the statement by Secretary-Manager J. A. Carroll, that the Interna- tional! will have the largest showing of farm and home conveniences ever brought together in Canada. There- fore, farmers contemplating ma- chinery purchases should not fail to visit the plowing match. The entire display area has been surveyed for water mains and hy:iro service, while parking space adjoin- ing the "tented city" will have room for ten thousand cars. There will be 175 plow teams stabled on the site of the big match, and contestants will draw for teams each morning, There will also be a special parking space for tractors. The 200 or more tractors to be used in competition will also be serviced in this area. These tractors roar- ing out of this parking space to the plowing fields each morning is a Ha that will always be remember- A horseshoeing competition for blacksmiths will be open to the world. There will also be a num- ber of farm : educational features Which will be discussed at greater length in & future news release. the first twenty- | two men in order and was threa'- | ening to post the second no-hitter of | his brilliant career when, with one | out in the eighth, Dick Siebert hit | a pitch on the handle of his bat and it popped just over Ray Mack | Scholarship Won By Bowmanville Student Bowmanville, Sept. 16.--The Ot- tawa Women's Canadian Club Gen- eral Proficiency Scholarship valued at $285.00 has been awarded to Miss Kathryn (Kay) O'Neill, Bowman- ville, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. O'Neill, Although Miss O'Neill had tried for the scholarship some months ago, it came as a complete sur- prise to her that she had actually won it. However, the letter from the office of the Registrar was quite genuine and Miss O'Neill intends to take full advantage of it by start ing in at Queen's University when t opens next week. The nature of the scholarship is such that it has a cash value of $185.00, with the added tuition credit of $25.00 a year for four years. At the recent Upper Schol eams. Miss O'Neill made an eceptionally good standing. FLOWER EXHIBIT AT OSHAWA FAIR WAS BEAUTIFUL Displays of Exhibits Were Tastefully Arranged by Committee in Charge One of the finest exhibits of flowers ever to be displayed at the | Oshawa Fair, presented a most col- orful spectacle at the south end of | the building last week, the winners | of this section being announced to- | day. The arrangements of the dis- | plays was under the management of the floriculture committee headed by George Hart who was assisted by M. E. Atkins and representatives of the Oshawa Horticultural Society in the persons of Messrs. W. G. Corben and Stanley Gale. A description of this exhibit was reported in last | Tuesday's edition of The Times. Following is a complete list of the prize winners: Class 24--Cutflowers Aster, best collection of 12 blooms -M. E. Atkins, Edward B. Brown, R. R. 1, Pickering. Annuals, best collection of 12 blooms--M. E. Atkins, Marjorie Oke, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, Balsams, 6 spikes--Mrs. D. Mac- Millan, Oshawa; Edward B. Brown Bouquet for Table Centre--Mar- jorie Oke, Mrs. D. MacMillan, Bouquet for hall or living room-- Oshawa Calendula, best 12 blooms--M. E, Atkins, Edward B. Brown. Carnations, best 12 blooms (not i greenhouse)--Edward B. Brown, G. W. McLaughlin, Oshawa. Cosmos, best 12 blooms--Mrs. D MacMillan, J. W. Balson & Sons, Hampton. Dahlia, cactus, 3 specimens--Mar- jorie Oke, Edward B. Brown. 2, Bowmanville, Delphinjums, 6 blooms--M. E. Atkins, Wm. D. Dyer, Columbus, Everlasting, 12 bloom:--G. W, Mc- Laughlin, Chris Vann, Oshawa. Gladioli, 3 blooms, white--R. B Abbott, Oshawa, Wm. D. Dyer, Col- umbus. Gladioli, 3 blooms, pink--Wm. D. Dyer, R. B. Abbott. Gladioli, 3 blooms, red--Wm. .D. Dyer, Edward B. Brown. Gladioli, 3 blooms, yellow--Wm. D. Dyer, Edward B. Brown. Gladioli, 6 blooms, any color -- Edward B. Brown, Wm. D. Dyer. Larkspur, annual, 12 spikes--Mrs. D. MacMillan, Mrs, H. J. Rice, Osh- awa, Marigolds, African, 8 blooms--M. E. Atkins, Marjorie Oke Marigolds, French, 12 blooms--Ed- ward B. Brown, Mrs. D. MacMillan. Nasturtiums, best collection--MTrs. D. MacMillan. Phlox, annual, 12 blooms--Mar- jorie Oke, Mrs. D. MacMillan. Pansy, 12 blooms and foliage-- Mrs. D. MacMillan, Marjorie Oke. Roses, 3 blooms, yellow--G. W. McLaughlin, M. E. Atkins. Roses, 3 blooms, white--G. McLaughlin, M. E. Atkins. Roses, 3 blooms, pink--G. W, Mc- Laughlin, M. E. Atkins. Roses, 3 blooms, red--Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa, G. W. McLaugh- lin. Petunia, single ruffled, 12 blooms and foliage--Mrs. A, Black, Oshawa Petunia, double, 68 blooms and follage--Mrs. A. Black, Oshawa; Mrs. H. J. Rice, Stocks, double, 6 individual spikes --Edward B. Brown, G. W. Mec- Laughlin. Scabic-as, best 12 blooms--Edward B. Brown, G. W. McLaughlin. Salpiglossis, best 6 stems--Edward B. Brown, R. Bezzant, Oshawa. Snapdragon, 6 individual spikes-- Edward B. Brown, R. B. Abbott. Verbenna, 12 blooms. Mrs. MacMillan, Marjorie Oke. Z\nnias, 6 blooms, large--~Edward B. Brown. M, E. Atkins, . Zinnias, miniature, any variety, 2 blooms--M. E. Atkins, Edward B. Brown. w. D. Class 25--Plants Collection of cacti, 8 or more specimens--Bessie F, Mountjoy, Oshawa; M. E. Atkins. Collection House Plants--M. E. * kins, Bessie F. Mountjoy. Begonia, best 3 plants, any variety --J. W. Balson & Sons, M. E. Atkins Asparagus Fern--G. W. McLaugh- lin, Bessie F. Mountjoy. Collection of Ferns other than asparagus fern--M. E. Atkins. Best House Plant in the show-- M. E. Atkins. Specials For Flowers Best Display of Blooms--M. E, Atkins, Edward B. Brown. Best Display of Plants--M, E. Atkins, Best basket of mixed flowers--Ed- ward B, Brown, Marjorie Oke, Best basket of gladioli--Edward B. Brown. Fall Fair Dates SEPTEMBER 16-21. Ailsa Craig .. Alliston Ancaster Barrie Biyth Bonfield ... Bracebridge .. Burks Falls .. Burford Clifford Cobden Coe Hill .... Coldwater Comper Desbarats Dunchurch Englehart Exeter Fenwick Garden River Ind. Res. Haliburton Hanover Hepworth Huntsville Kincardine Lindsay Listowel Loring Magnetawan Manitowaning Markdale Meaford Metcalfe Mildmay Mohawk Indian Reserve (Deseronto) Mount Forest Niagara-on-Lake Norwick Riceville Rosseau Seaforth .......... Sheguiandah Shelbourne Shannonville Shedden South River Springfield Stirling Stratford Thorold Thessalon Upsala ... Val Gagne Williamstown SEPTEMBER 23-28. Abingdon Ashworth Atwood Avonmore Bar River Dahlia, 3 blooms, decorative--Ed- | gaysville ward B. Brown, Hazel Trull, R. R | Beachburg "he Blackstock Bobcaygeon Brussels Campbellford Carp Collingwood Cooksville Courtland Dundalk Florence Galetta (Mohrs Corners) Georgetown Glencoe Gore Bay Grand Valley Harriston Holstein Ilderton Iron Bridge Jarvis Kagawong Kemble Kilsyth Kirkton . Lakefield McDonalds Corners .. McKellar Middleville Millbrook Milton Minden Mitchell Murillo Neustadt Owen Sound Paris Perth Picton vee Port Elgin ..... sevens Port Hope Ramona Ridgetown . Ripley Sept. 24, 25 Sept. 24, 28 Sept. 27, 28 Sept. 38-Oct, 1 Sept. 27. 28 . Sept. 23, 24 Sept. 26, 27 Sept. 26, 27 Sept. 27, 28 Sept. 25 . Sept. 26, 28 . Sept. 24, 35 Sept. 24. 25 . Sept: 27. 28 esses. Sept. 27 vs see... Sept. 24, 25 .. Sept. 24 .. Sept. 26, 28 ... Sept. 26, 27 .. Sept. 24, 25 . Sept 24, 28 Sept. 24, 23 Sept. 26 Wingham Sept. 25, 26 Wyoming Sept, 25, 26 Zurich «cov veocssnsens Sept. 23, i Severn Bridge Spencerville .. Stellg Strathroy . Sundridge .... Trout Creek . Utterzon Walters Falls Wilkesport TRAINING CALL © ° WON'T DISTURB. SEASONAL JOBS Temporary Exemption te Be Allowed, but Not to Apply Beyond Year Ottawa, Sept. 16.--All classes calle ed for compulsory military training must put in their thirty-day traine ing period within twelve months of the summons, but temporary exemp~ tion will be allowed in the case of those engaged in agriculture and other seasonal occupations. The average man will take his thirty day's training immediately he is summoned to report. This was made clear by Hon. J, G. Gardiner, Minister of National War Services, at a press conference attended by a dozen Ottawa corres~ pondents. First call for training will be ise sued in a few days following a proce lamation which will be published soon, notfying all single men and childless widowers from the ages of 21 to 24, inclusive, that they are liable to be called. Mr. Gardiner said he believed it would be the aim of the Defense Department to see that those called for thirty-day training in the first twelve-month program would = be given a second 'similar training period during each succeeding year. This, he said, would depend upon facilities available and the circume stances existing at that time. At the moment his department was concentrating on provision of the men for whom training had been arranged in the first year, but there were about 1,000,000 single men in Canada from 21 to 45 years availe able for call. Eight Periods Planned Mr. Gardiner said it was the ine tention to have eight consecutive training periods during the twelve months beginning with October. A training period is thirty days and the thirty-nine camps now being prepared will accommodate a total of about 29,750 men. This will mean that about 240,000 men will have had thirty days' training at the end of the twelvee month period and, because of the ale lowance of 25 per cent rejections on grounds of physical unfitness, the total to be called for physical ex~ amination will be 320,000. National registration revealed that there are about 400,000 men in the age classes of 21 to 24 years eligible for call and the proclamation to be issued soon, is expected to cover requirements for the first year's pro= gram. A committee of departmental offi~ cials made a survey of indusirieg considered to be seasonal in order to ascertain what periods of the year they weve at their peak sad most likely to be disrupted by abe sence of men for training. On the basis of that committee's report, registrars in the thirteen administrative districts were ine structed not to compel those engage ed in agriculture to report before November if they desire to remain a¢ their normal occupations, There will be no occupational exemptions in the call, but temporary exemptions will be made on application of the men concerned. In WATCH REPAIRING I RR Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JE 20 Simeos St. 5. - Phone 100 Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT 2. O. FELT BROS. Established 1308 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | Armstrong Fuels OFFICE: 39 CRURCR ST, We Treat You [] The Year O fae ot, Bae, Weary ve the pieces 's replace 1 eps peg yu Bassetts JEWELLERS On Oshaws's Main Corner

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