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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Oct 1940, p. 8

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Today's Soorting Features Oshawa Srs. Win Second of .O.B.A. Finals. Fritzie ' Zivic Dethrones Henry Armstrong. Canadian Grid Season Opens Full Swing. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1940 A Pepsi-Colas Local Juvenile Today's Sporting Featu Defeated Detroit Tigers Need Only One More Win. Softball Tilt Rained res in Ontario Finals. Out. to Blank "Brights" 940 O 7 We wonder how Rexie Sti- "Iners feels today. All that is 'heeded now is for the Vancou- "yer Burrards to knock off St. Catharines' Athletics in the 'Mann Cup, Dominion lacrosse pane which open at Maple is f Gardens tonight, and the Garden City radio spieler might 'as well commit verbal suicide. * kd saRexie cut loose at the expense of the Oshawa veterans after that 3-2 game here and he predicted a hor- rible slaughter when Brights got the Motor City nine on their dia- mond. After that 9-0 whitewashing on Saturday, it wouldn't surprise us if the St. Kitts "Stymie" was torigue-tied--but then, that's too much for which to hove. \ Bo We didn't see the 9-0 shel- "Jacking but it must have been "a treat to walch. Reports are "that Dolly Dalton and Red Ju- 'benville performed feats of de- "fensive infielding the like of "which the N.F. fans had never "seen. Doc Rowden also whipped off some outfield catches of the og Covert and Thomson, Oshawa outfielders, bcth had a lot of work to do and performed in great style at the plate, it just wasn't Oshawa's day. They had their best chances spoiled by Guelph's timely fielding, LOE SE Played in fast time, it was excit- ing from start to finish. The Pep- si's were trying desperately when the last putout was made. Never a serious "squawk" in the entire ser- ies, the two teams shook hands heartily after it w2¢ all §0 the Pepsi's wrote "Finis" to a great season, a scason In waicu they came from last place in their own group race to finish in the O.AS.A. finals, a nip-and-tuck second. over and ge bo} The World Series continues today in Cincinnati and now the Reds are on the spot. Buck Newsom's brilliant 4-hit pitch- ing performance yesterday put Tigers out in front. Now any- thing can happen but it would not surprise us to see it go the full 7 games. oe of Bp O.C.V.I.. gridders opened their "sensational variety. LIE BO J "Jubenville was catch g fly balls fn right-field foul territory and in fielded like pros while at 14 - 1c Pp = e box score tells that s! was just too bad when tI Clty guns started to boom, Cpach Tracy Shaw, one of sam's younger bloods, getting three | ts in five trips. Matthews, Row- | den, Wallace, Jubznville, Hurst and tchen all walloped the ball all | the park. yer b LE 4 About 2,000 rabid fans were "on hand to cheer the Brights. 'The Winery team hadn't been ""peaten at home this year, The "fans were hot before the game "Nand for the first few frames "but when it was all over, they 'stood up and cheered for the ("Oshawa team, a real tribute to "the sensational display put on 'by the Motor City ballsters. 4 # he Brights are still confident. ports have it that their support- ers are bringing plenty of "kale" with them next Saturday and thgy are still willing to wager even- oney that they w 1 2. oe will be back--but then Steamer Lucas is apt to hand the other shutout. He was in rare form on Saturday. : LEE TR Up in Guelph, the Oshawa ""Pepsi-Colas went down to elim- "/ination, after staying in the 'running all season, right to the "finale. It was one of the most : exciting and thrilling softball "tilts ever witnessed in Guelph ] '""--or anywhere 'else, for that | | 'matter. 3 LO E ""1t was 2-2 until the homesters got } 8 couple of bre and ¥ four hits for four r | inning. After that the Pepsi's fought Pack in a gallant fighting finish and but for the hipper-dipper plays of the Guelph infielders and centrefielder, the Pepsi's would glill have come from behind to win. 4 4 Wilf Lewis was not quite up to his usual high-quality par "en Sa'urday. Preem Whiteley = took over in the 7th and stopped !the Lelands in their tracks. "'Whiteley's homer, in the 9th, was the longest home-run in "the history of Guelph softball, "'at least, to stated several of dhe home-town fans. It was a "mammoth wallop and the left- "fielder tock one look and didn't "even bother to run after it. po 2 ook * "Merkley pitched great ball again for Guelph but it was his support and not his drop that won the bunched in the 6th 2, .. ge 0 . game on Saturday. The Pepsi's hit | hard and often but the homesters | reeled off fielding gems that were so brilliant that they were dis- heartening. "Hap" Lawson, second- flash, literally "robbed" Osh- fur three hits, one on a ground 11, 15 feet behind second and he ade the pick-up and throw to e base, without turning around, nip an Oshawa runner on a orce-play. He ran miles back for p flies and once leaped about hree feet or more in the air and ade the throw before his feet uched the ground. Malott in cen- e, was equally brilliant while pvery member of the Guelph infield tarred. LA I Oshawa played almost as briiliantly. It was that kind of a game, Cornish, at shortstop, tunred in a great effort while GUILTINAN'S CHAMPION SHOE SHOP M OUR MOTTO: Better SHOE REPAIRING pleases our old customers and gets us new oncs. 17. BOND EAST PHONE 1218 Collect, Deliver te, i "finish" football season in Bowmanville on Saturday. The Motor City kids were | beaten but not by much and it was a case of fumbles and lack of rather than being out- | Coach Doug. Waugh pre- | boys will be working more | on their next appearance. LE Pet Stock Terriers trounced Clark's Supertests 14-1 behind Bud Morey's 3-hit pitching, on Saturday aflernoon here, to confure the local Juvenile soft ball championship for 1940. That cleans up the local soft ball picture, except for the city championship finals, Westmount Brones have issued a challenge to the Pepsi's Colas. Week-end games will be arranged to settle this series. ok + The Ontario football season open- | ed with a bang on Saturday. Argos | won over Montreal, after the regu- | ration time had expired. Balmy | | Beach trounced . Hamilton Alerts | | but lost, Bobby Porter for the sea- | son, Tigers were no match for the } Ottawa Ro riders and - Sarnla's | new football machine surprised | with 'a cn g defeat over Camp | Borden. classed dicts hi smoothly B n LO Niagara Falls Juniors won the | O.B.A. title over Toronto Kiwanis. | | Guelph Juveniles won their cham- | pionzhip series. Rifle -- Revolver | Club Member. Prepare for 1941 Oshawa Rifle and Revolver Club officials held a meeting on Friday | night i, in the absence of the president, T. Palmer, Lionel Hind took over the duties of chairman | Members present were Geo. Rob- | ertshaw, Dr. Sinclair, W. McIntyre, | | P. Holder, R. Glover. Club members are to be heartily congratulated on the improvements which have been made to the range, New scope | stands were erected and a danger- light installed which works auto- matically when the shooter goes down to pick up targets that have been shot at. Eight or ten lady members are expected to be on hand tonight for | their first shoot. At the above meeting the members present de- | cided to buy three light rifles for the use of members who did not possess one. These rifles are expect- ed to be on hand this evening fof immediate use. Shooting nights will be as follows for the coming season: Monday night for ladies; Tuesday night, men: Wednesday night, revolver practice; Thursday, light rifles. Competitive shooting for club trophies for individuals and teams will be started promptly the first week in November. The club is still open for a few more members so that any sportsmen in the city who are interested 'in shootin and plinking should take advantage of the splendid facilities which the nhove-mentioned club has to offer, and they may be assured of the best of instructions in the use of the rifle and revolver. Prospective | members may receive all informa- | | tion by getting in touch with Geo. | Robertshaw or. Lionel Hind. BUFFALO TEAM ON ITS OWN | Detroit, Oct. 7.--The "on again, | off again" Toronto Maple Leaf- Buffalo hockey farm team connec- tion was hanging fire again Friday | night and it was learned that Buf- | falo willoperate independently this season in the American Hockey League. However, it was said that nothing is definite yet and that no decision will be made, one way or | the other, until early next week, | | " 115 | 18--R. | 19--R. TERRIERS WIN OSHAWA Juv. CROWN Pet Stock Terriers marched to the Oshawa Juvenile softball cham- pionship on Saturday afternoon when they trounced Clark's Super- tests 14-1 in the third and deciding game of the finals. Bud Morey's brilliant pitching, in which he fanned no less than elev- en Supertest batters and allowed only three hits, was the deciding factor in the championship battle, Supertests could do nothing against Morey's brilliant pitching while he in turn received brilliant support from his mates, to further streng- then his stand. The only run gather- ed by Clark's came in the 4th in- ning when Metcalfe reached first on Morey's own error and scored later after an outfield catch. Keel- | er, Trimm and B. Higgins had the only safe hits for Supertests. Actually, Terriers won the game in the first inning when Kewin doubled, Morey walked and then both scored on a two-bagger by Bathe. They added another in the second on an error at short but the big splash came in the fifth, a 5- run rally that sewed up the verdict for the Pet Stock boys. With one out, Bathe was safe on an outfield error and then E. Bar- ker hit a triple. Dawson singled and so did Smeagel. Then MacKay sin- gled and B. Barker hit a double to complete the big rally. Terriers added single tallies in the 6th and Tth and finished off with a 4-run splurge in the 8th in- | ning when three walks, an outfield error and two singles built ww the rally, B. Barker, Morey and Bathe were the big hitters for the winners but everyone played a part in the run | scoring and each player crossed the plate at least once. TERRIERS--B. Barker, c; Kewin, 3b; Korey, p; Bathe, 2b; E. Barker, 1b; Dawson, If; Smeagel, rf; Cal- ford, cf; MacKay, se. SUPERESTS--Hocigson, rf; Met- calfe, ss; Black, cf; MaclInally, 1b; Keeler, p; B. Higgins, 3b; 'Trimm, 2b; Burch, If; T. Higgins, ¢; Lack, | rf, Weatherup, ss; and Johnson, If. | Local Racing Pigeon Club Holds Series The following are the results of a series of races held recently by members of the Oshawa Racing Pigeon Club. Tilbury Young Bird Race 1--F. E. Freeman & Son .. 887.74 2---W, Cowle 887.07 3--J. Williams 4--R. Woolacott ... 5--Lowe Bros. 6--J. Williams T7--J. Askew 8--E. Gibbie 9--H. Topping & Son .... 10--E. Gibbie 11--J. Askew 12--H. Topping & Son ... 13--V. Whiteley 14--Lowe Bros. ...... sevnas --R. Calford 16--V. Whiteley 178. ward ........400 Woolacott 19--N. Michael & Son 20--N. Michael & Son Results of Tilbury Open Race 1--F. Bottrell, Bowmanville 895.90 2--F. Bottrell, Bowmanville 895.61 3--L. Richards, Bowm'ville 890.90 4--F. E. Freeman & Son, Oshawa 5--W. Cowle, Oshawa 6--J. Williams 7--R. Woolaoott, Oshawa 8--Lowe Bros, Oshawa ... 9--J. Williams, Oshawa 10--J. Askew, Oshawa 11--E. Gibbie, Oshawa 12--H. Topping & Son, Osh, 13--E. Gibbe, Oshawa 14--J. Askew 15--H, Topping & Son 16--V. Whiteley, Oshawa '.. 17--L. Rickards, Bowm'ville 18--Lowe Bros, Oshawa ... Calford, Oshawa .... Whiteley, Oshawa .. Ward, Oshawa Woolacott, Oshawa . 23--N. Michael & Son 24--N. Michael & Son 827.14 25--Hunt Bros. Port Hope 775.60 Result of Belle River Open Race 1--¥, Bottrell, Bowmanville 1148.95 2--F, E. Freeman, Oshawa 1144.54 3--F. Bottrell, Bowmanville 1144.19 4--Piper Tordiff, Bow'ville 1143.03 5--E. Gibbie, Oshawa .... 1141.92 6--H. Topping 1141.73 7--J. Askew ...... .. 1140.83 8--R. Calford .. 1140.51 9--V. Whiteley .. .. 1139.46 10~J. Williams .... . 1139.14 11--R. Woolacott .... 1138.24 12--V. Whiteley ... 1136.01 13--J. Askew 1136.00 14--E. Gibbie . 1134.86 15--R. Woolacott 1133.77 16---N. Michael & Son 1129.83 17--F, FE. Freeman & Son . 1015.15 18---L. Richards, Bow'ville 992.32 19--W. Cowle, Oshawa ..., 983.25 886.53 885.43 885.41 881.68 881.66 881.55 881.52 881.38 877/09 875.70 871.20 863.87 887.74 887.07 886.73 886.53 885.43 885.41 881.68 881.66 881.55 881.52 881.43 881.38 8717.09 876.46 876.35 876.12 875.70 871.29 863.87 829.76 20--V. 21-8. 22--R. J Sensational Rookie to Chi Cubs JT DUA 4 886.73 | 881.43 | 876.35 | 876.12 | Here is Lou Striager, sensational second baseman of the Los Angeles club of the Pacific Coast League, who goes to the Chicago Cubs next year. - The Los Angeles team made the playoff finals, | . | | ENE ENEMA ENN. | RUGBY Burrards In Mann Cup Final Es Open Tonight INTERPROVINCIAL UNION Montreal, Que., Oct. 7.--Vancouv. Argonauts .... 9 Montreal OURWE + 1es¢+ 21 Hamilton .. er Burrard Blue Bombers, a bunch of "dead-eye dicks," when it came to finding the net, swept into the Canadian Senior Lacrosse final on | Friday night by trouncing Cornwall Braves 22-6 in the second game of a best-of-three Mann Cup semi- final series. Winners of the first game Thurs- day night by 17-8, the Burrards were even more convincing in the second contest, played before about 1,500 fans, as they flashed an ac- curate short-passing game and threw up an almost impregnable de- fengse before Goalie Walter Lee The back-checking of the Bur- fards was so good that the Braves had only one shot on Lee in the third quarter and only three shots the second quarter when they llied two of their goals. The single in the third stanza came when Joe Jenkinson took a penalty for tripping Windy Deedank. A mo- ment after Jenkinson was off Dee- bank fired a drive that Lee han- dled easily. AEnmwwnEEER O.R.F.U. SENIOR Balmy Beach , 20 Ham. Alerts .. Sarnia Battery 21 Camp Borden . KINGSTON SERIES .6 RMC | | C.0.S8.8.A. SENIOR Orillia . 18 Owen Sound .. C.0.8.5.A. JUNIOR Owen Sound . 44 Orillia ,....... W.0.8.S.A. SENIOR | Brantford CI. . 12 Guelph CL . i BRUCE COUNTY INTERSCHOLASTIC , Walkerton ... 12 Kincardine EXHIBITION | Ridley Firsts . 46 Jarvi Ottawa ... . 8 Loyola CI. .8rs in Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. T--George | Washington had nothing on little | Dickie Woodbridge. When his par- | ents failed to return home on time he entertained some friends hy | chopping down the family pear tree. | sh As Our Boots Won Futurity Here is the thundering finish of the Futurity, world's richest race fox two-year-olds, at Belmont, LIL, Our Boots, RIGHT, Arcaro up, took RESULTS 0.B.A. SENIOR "A" Finals Oshawa ...... 9 Niagara Falls . 0 Oshawa leads 3-of-5 series, 2-0. 0.BA, SENIOR "B" Finals Windsor 6 Waterloo ..,... 5 First game of 2-of-3 series, 0.BAA. INTERMEDIATE "B" Semi-Finals Hagersville ... 6 Hensall .... Best-of-3 series, tied, 1-1, 0.B.A. JUNIOR "A" Finals Niagara Falls . 14 Tor. Kiwanis 10 Niagara Falls wins series and title. 0.B.A, JUVENILE Finals Guelph 12 Welland Guelph wins series and title, 0.C.V.l. GRID TEAM LOSES IN BOWMANVILLE The 1940 edition of the Oshawa eee 3 Collegiate's senior rugby team was | defeated in Bowmanville on Sat-! urday by 5-1 in a game close but | full of costly errors. A total of 16 | fumbles were committed in this | league-opening game. | The homesters kicked off on al | heavy damp field. Buchanan fell on |a Bowmanville loose ball on their 40 yard line, After the exchange of | | kicks Davies got a fumble on the homesters' 25 which gave Oshawa it's point when McLaughlin punt ed a lovely one in the corner. Runs by Slemon and bucks by Stasinski featured the latter part of that, quarter until in the last play Mc- Ilveen hurled a long pass to Rundle on the O.C.V.I. 30 but the ensuing fumble was picked up by Davies who ran 20 yards before being downed. Plenty of Fumbles Snagging another loose ball in | the second quarter on Bowmnan- ville's 40, McLaughlin punted to the | 5 but Slemon ran it back a dozen | yards. On the cxchange of kicks | McLaughlin made a beautiful weay- | ing run-back but a blocking penalty | took away the gain. Bowmanville |ihen stepped in, fell on an O.C.V.L. | fumble and by a long pass from | Slemon to McIlveen put them on the 10 yard line but a fumble eased | the tension. . Mcllveen capitalized on an Osh- | awa fumble in the third quarter by | hurling a long pass to Slemon who | was downed in the nick of time by | O'Brien on the one yard line, Three thrilling bucks pierced nary an inch of the Oshawa wall and Mec- Laughlin pooted to safety. He clin- | ched it by falling on the dropped | catch and the ced, green and gold | started to walk up the field led by | Sloan, Buchanan and Krantz, The last quarter opened up the | game with a MecIlveen to Slemon | toss which was intercepted but | counted completed because of in- | terference. Another toss by the same team brought them to the O. C.V.I. 15, however Krantz caught the third pass on the 5 yard line. In kicking to safety from behind his own line McLaughlin was block- ed and 2 points were chaulked up. Sloane passed 20 yards to Krantz, however, a second attempt was caught by Rundle who raced to Oshawa's 25. Slemon and Rundle attained a first down but an at- tempted pass over the line was in- tercepted. Colville kicked a place- ment which completed the scoring. The game ended with the O.C.V.I. charging up the field with, however, not enough time remaining to pro- cure a major score. It was a closer game than the score*indicated, breaks making the scores. Oshawa sparked by Me- Laughlin, Krantz, O'Brien and Bu- chanan was better in the tacking, running and kicking departments while Bowmanville led by Rundle, Slemon, Colville and Mcllveen ex- celled in the bucks and forward passes. Bowmanville High School, --Sle- mon, Colville, McIlveen, Rundle; halves; Tamblyn quarter; Fisher, Power, ends; Rickard, Casbourn, middles; Hutchinson, Densem, in- sides; Elliot, centre; Venton, Grant, Allin, Underhill, Mitchell, Lam- bourne, alternates. Oshawa C.V.I.--McLaughlin, Bu- chanan, Stasinski, Krantz, halves; Sloane, quarter; Curtin, O'Brien, ends; Andrews, Davies, middles; Varcoe, Trew, insides; Knowles, centre; Edgar, Wotten, Scott, Lane, Fairheart, Barton, alternates, | SANSOVINO DIES London, Oct. 7.--The Earl of Derby's winner, Sansovino, sire of Sandwich, winner of the 1931 St. Leger Stakes, died Saturday. San- sovino was the first Derby winner ¢ince Sir Peter Teazle in 1787 to be bred and owned by a member of the | victory but the shutout honors of | stone combination, were the lime- $67,000, the winner's share. King Cole, Stout up, was second and Whiri- away (8), Longden up, was third, a. ' family which founded and after | which the famous race is named, Never Beaten on Home Diamond In Season, Niagara Falls Brights Are Both Blanke Rex Stimers' "Veterans and Cripples" Prove Old Theory About "Old Dogs and New Tricks" by Wal- loping "Brights" on Their Own Diamond MOTOR CITY NINE ARE SENSATIONAL Oshawa Players Pound Out Hits Galore at Plate to Pile Up Own Total and Give Steamer Lucas Dazzling Support in Field To Earn Shutout Oshawa Seniors dumbfounded the alleged baseball "experts" of the Niagara Peninsula on Saturday afternoon when they whitewashed Niagara Falls' Brights by a score of 9 to 0, in the second game of the O.B.A. finals. Second-straight win of the series | for the Motor City nine. it marked the first-time this year that the classy Brights have tasted defeat on their own diamond and so con- vincing was the shellacking ad- ministered by the Oshawa team that at the end of the game, 2,000 Niagara Falls spectators, who be- fore and early in the game had been rabidly cheering their Brights, stood up and cheered lustily in tribute to the Oshawa team's vic- tory. Sensational Fielding Defensive fielding, of a brand never before equalled in the Big'| Roar City, brought victory to the | invading Oshawa club. On the | mound, Steamer Lucas pitched his | usual effective brand of ball, keep- ing nine hits scattered to never more . than two safeties in one in- ning. Lucas hurled steady ball from start to finish, quite deserving of the win were shared with his team= mates. Red Jubenville and Dolly Dalton, Oshawa's smooth-working = key= light grabbers among a team of nine players, each one of whom turned in a brilliant game in the field. Doc Rowden had three tough chances in the outfield, Matthews had a couple. There were ten bat- ters retired at first-base. Jubenville and Dalton handled no less than sixteen chances between during the day's hostilities and there was only one bobble made in | the entire game, and that one a | tricky play. Dalton had six assists, knocking some grounders down with his gloved hand on the wrong side and then making perfect throws for the put-outs. Juben- ville, at second-base, had no less than seven put-outs himself, three of them on fly balls, for which he ran "miles" back into outfield ter- ritory. The homesters couldn't overcome Oshawa's brilliant fielding and nine potential runs "died" on the bases because of the air-tight support given Lucas in the pinches. Wield Potential Bats It was strictly Oshawa's day. In the field, their clever plays dis- heartened the Brights and at the plate, the Motor City batters wicld- ed bludgeons with telling effect. Seventeen safeties rattled into the "open" spots on the diamond, there wasn't a scratchy hit in the lot and Wasser, the Brights' hurler, had to take it all. Coach Tracy Shaw, a veteran of many a diamond sfruggle, paced his boys with three hits in five trips. Doc Rowden and Lefty Wal- lace kept right in step, with the same total. Johnny Kitchen had two or four and so did Moose Mat thews while Jukenville and Peg Hurst each had two of the best, in five tries. Of the nine scattered hits given up by Steamer Lucas, Lipke and Kalbfleisch had two. One of Lipke's safeties was a lusty triple. Stephen- son's double was their only other | extra-base clout. Only two of Osh- awa's big total went for extra- bases, Jubenville and Matthews both hitting doubles. Grabbed Early Lead Oshawa jumped well out in front in the opening stanza. Dalton fan- ned and then Kitchen singled and so did Rowden, Matthews kept the ball rolling with* his blow to score Kitchen and Jubenville smacked a two-bagger to score Rowden, Wal- lace hit a hot one to the infield and on the play at the plate, Kaminsky only touched the plate but not the runner, thinking it was a force, and Matthews was safe for the third run, Oshawg threatened in every ins ning until the 6th 'and in this frame they put the game on lee, Hurst ovened with a single and Shaw pinged one through the box. | | | Score by Innings: | off--Luc d and Trounced Bo Oshawa Dalton, ss Kitchen, 3b .. Rowden, If Matthews, Jubenville, Wallace, 1b Hurst, ef Shaw, c¢ Lucas, p ore 3 Wooo ROoORO, rf O~mMOoORWwWON cwMwNNWN ON -- HWOOINWO cooco~mooooN Totals = I CIS J RJ Niagara Falls Kalbfleisch, rf .. Whitehead, If ... Wedynski, ss .... Eamansky, ¢ .... Lipke, 3b Wilkinson, Hardiso! 2h n, 1b con, CoOW=NOWBARNOD Totals 3 0 (A)--Batted for Wasser in 9th. R. H. E. 300 004 020--9 17 1 00000000009 5 3 Oshawa Brights The Summary Runs batted in--Rowlen 2, Mate thews 3, Jubenville 2, Wallace 1, 3b. hits--Livke. 2b, hits--Juben=- ville, Matthews, Stephenson. Sacri« fices--Lucas. Stolen bases--Kalb- fleisch, Stephenson. Struck out by --Lucas 2, Wasser 4. Bases on halls as 2, Wasser 2. Double play to Hardison; 'Wodyn=- . Left on bases-- a Falls 9. Wine ning pitcher--Lucas of Oshawa. Losing pitcher--Wacsser of Niagara Falls, Passed ball--Shaw. Earned runs--Oshawa 7. Umpires--F. Mite chell and R. Rowden of St. Cathe arines, Time of game--2 hr., 30 min, --Wodynski ski to Kaman Oshawa 9, Nia Lucas sacrificed. Dalton fanned and then Kitchen was deliberately walked, filling the bases. The strategy back-fired badly when Doc Rowden promptly bang= ed a hard single into right, scoring Hurst and Shaw. Next, Matthews doubled, to score Kitchen and Rows den, making ig 7-0. In the 8th, Kitchen singled, Rowden singled again and Kitchen was safe home on a bad throw by the catcher. Matthews walked and Rowden scored on a fielder's choice, Oshawa had runners in scoring position every inning except the 5th. A double-play in the 9th pre= vented another run. Not Quite Enough The homesters had runners on second and third in the {first but Lipke grounded out to Kitchen, to end the inning. In the third, Lucas purposely walked Kaminsky to fill the bases and then forced Lipke to pop out to end that frame. Lipke's triple came in the 8th, with two out, and he died there. Stephenson doubled in the 9th and went to third on a single by Kalbfleisch but Jubenville threw out Whitehead to end the game and protect the shute out. : In the field, despite two errors - Wodynski turned in g Sparkling game for the homesters with Wile kinson and Stephenson also to the fore. Here's the Smoke Treat You've Been Waiting Forl Here they are -- actual size! Ten cent value in each at 2 for 5 cents . u's Canada's newest cigat that has sold by the millions since its introduction. Try a Trump for its mellow mildness . . ; for its delicate aro- ma . . . for its real Havana cigar flavour and satisfaction . . 4 and for its price. Guarantee We guar. antee that these ci- gars today at two for five cents contain Havana filler of the same quality as used in higher priced cigars blended with fine ime ported tobaccos + + + --

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