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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1940, p. 8

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rv : 5 tg Co Bo , ImpoRkuo inode Eliwes ioe YE B°2 LABUET SSR OA) Wel i), RN WH ETE FN Sl A Ged teal «WEY PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1940 ON THE AIR WAVES RADIO FREQUENCIES CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL, 840k. 580k. CBY, 1,420k. CRO CFOC, 1,120k -- U. S. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WJZ (Blue) WABC (CBS) U. 8. STATIONS KDKA Pittsburgh WBEN Buffalo WGR Buffalo WHAM Rochester ......... | WiiBW Baffalo 1,180k. | WJR Detroit 750k. WLW Cincinnati ..... citar 700k. | SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES | TPA4 France 11350 | 2RO Italy 11,810 | EAR Spain 949 | RAN Russia : 9.690 | PCI Holland . 15,222 | PRF5 Brazil . 9.500 | W2XAF Schenec .. . 9.530 | WIXK Boston 9.570 | W3XAU Phila. 9.599 | HBJ Geneva aie 14,526 ON SHORT WAVES TUESDAY (Daylight Saving Time.) BBC London transmissions beam- ei to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m, ! 9.58 meg. 31 m., and 6.11 meg, 49 m.: News, Topical Talks and Com- mentaries at 6:45 p.m, 9:00 p.m. 9:45" p.m. 12:30 am. London Calling at 6:42 pm. Can- ada Calls from London at 8:15 pm Britain Speaks at 9:30 p.m. and 12:15 a.m. Radio Newsreel at 11:30 p.m Feature Programs at 7:15 pm, 8:45 pm, 9:15 pm, 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10:45 p.m, 11:0 p.m 1115 p.m. 12:00 midnight Australia (VLQ! Beamed to Americas from 7:30 am. to 8:30 am, and 11:30 am. to 12:30 p.m 9.61 meg, 3 1m. Madrid (EAQ): Programs at 2:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m 30 m. hand Moscow: Beamed to Americas at 7:00 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm 8:00 p.m., 4:00 am, Uses 19 and 25 m. bands. Guatemala: Hawaiian Music. band. 12:00 mid 968 meg. TUESDAY KADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. CFRB, Musicale WBEN, WEAF, Backstaze Wife. WABC, WKBW, Portia Blake Faces Life CBL, CBY, School of Air 5.15 P.M. WGR. Greenfield Village Chapel CFRB, Road of Life WBEN, WEAF, Stella Dallas CKCL, Prelude to Dinner. 5.30 P.M. CFRB, Variety Corner. OBL. CBY, Allen Roth Orch, WBEN, WEAF. Lorenzo Jones, WABC, WKBW, Hilltop House. 5.45 P.M. CFRB, Young Canada Club WBEN, WEAF, Brown CBL, CBY, Save the Children. 6.00 P.M. WABC, CFRB, The Goldbergs CKCL, News Flashes WEAF, WBEN, Girl Alone 6.15 P.M. CFRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade. CBL. Relax and Enjoy. CBY, WKBW, News Flashes. 6.30 P.M. CFRB, News. WBEN, Jack Armstrong. CBL, Pauline Rennie. 6.40 P.M. CFRB, Wes McKnight. CKCL, Birth Notices. 6.45 P.M. WBEN, WEAF, Life can ful. CKCL, Community Service, CBL, CBY, BBC News. WGR, WABC, Scattergocd Baines 6.50 P.M. | FRB, Did 1 Say That? | be Beauti- | CFRB, Amos Young Widder | 7.00 P.M, CFRB, Eventide Melodies WBEN, WKBW, News Flashes CKCL, Let's Go Formal CBL, CBY, Questions of the Hour. 7.15 P.M. CFRB. Light Up and Listen WBEN, Musical Party. CBL, Red Foster. 7.30 P.M. CFRB, Voice of the Console. CKCL, Al Leary. CBL, CBY. Recital Series. WABC, WKBW, News Flashes. 7.45 P.M. CKCL, Choral Camens. CBL, CBY, How to Make a Speech. WGR, News Flashes, 86 P.M, 'n' Andy. CBL, CBY, Inaugural Program Station CHSJ. CKCL, O'Callahan Orch. WKBW, Fulton Lewis, Jr, 8.30 P.M. CFRB, The Shadow. WGR., WABC. Helen' Menken CKCL, Tune O. CBL, Musical Rendezvous 9.00 P.M. a Line. FRB, Add | CBL, John and Judy CKCL, Ben 'Bernie Orch. WABC., WGR. ' Court of Heirs WEEN, WEAF. Jot 93 P JFRB, Treasure Trail WABC. WGR. First Nighter CBL, CKCL, Good Luck Show 10.00 P.M. CBL., Old Observer WBEN, WEAF, Battle of Sexes. CKCL, Hockey, Brantford WABC, WGR We. th: People CFRB, Queer Qirks 10.50 P.M. CBL, WEAF, McGee and Molly WJZ, The Bishop and the Gargoyle 10.45 P.M. News. 11.00 P.M. CFRB. On Wings of Song CBL, CBY, News Flashx 11:15 P.M. Britain Speaks. Missing le Presents CFRB Talk, CEL CBY, ON SHORT WAVES WEDNESDAY (Daylight Saving Time) BBC Lond transmissions beam- ed to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m,, 1eg., 31 m, and 6.11 meg.; 49 on and Com- 9:00 p.m Topical Talks s at. 6:40 p.m 9:45 pm. 12:30 am. n Calling at 6:42 p.m. Can- Is from London at 8:30 p.m Speaks at 9:30 pm Abroad at 8:45 p.m. Radio Newsreel at 11:30 p.m, y Band at 7:15 p.m. Re- li d at 8:15 p.m. Feature Progr s at 9:15 pm, 10:00 p.m 10:30 pm., 11:00 pm. 11:15 pm 12:00 midnight. { tralia (VLQ): Beamed to Am- om 7:30 am. to 8:30 am am, to 12:30 p.m Programs nd at 7:00 pm. 30 m Beamed to band | 7:00 am pm. 4:00 am bands Uses 19 and 25 m WEDNESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. WKBW. WABC, Px a Blake CBL, CBY, Presenting WBEN, WEAF, Backstage Wife 5:1» P.M. CFRB, Road of Life WBEN, WEAF, Stella Dallas 5:30 P.M. CFRB, Variety Corner | WBEN, WEAF, Lorenzo Jones CBL., CBY, Al Roth Orch {oF 5:45. P.M. CFRB. Younr 'Canada Club CBL, CBY. Make Fear Count WBEN WEAF, Young Widder Brown 6:00 P.M. CKCL, News CFRB, Goldbergs DAILY CROSSWO ACROSS 24. 1. Turkish money 6. A dive :0. Mythical monster . Beetles 12. Spread about 13. Condition . Devoured 16. Insane 17. Webbed- 7. Concur 8. Picture border 9. A landed property 12. Medieval story .4. Dutch cheese 18. Rascel 33. 19. Dicease of 35. rye 20. Sets cf three 39. footed birds 21. Hair 40. 20. Greek letter 41. 22. Public notice ] . Ten million rupees Type measure . Once more _ . Masurium (sym.) . Feeble-mind- ed person . Birthplace (abbr.) . Expert 27. 28. 30. 31. 25. gS) [¥) 3 RD Rowing implement Servant Afloat with- out anchor Cooks over coals Hammer, head Weird Muscular strength Delighted Otherwise Norse ab RD mi "TS [OTC NEE OEE Ol QJORIMIO PIN Di! Nevin Ee EE GOEERNG bE ES <M|®) Yesterday's Anvwer 42, Courts 46. Father 6:15 P.M. CBL, Relax and Enjoy. CFRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade. 6:30 P.M- CFRB, News CBL, Virginia Fair WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong 6:40 P.M. CFRB, Wes. McKnight CKCL, Birth Notices. 6:45 P.M. CBL, CBY, News WBEN, Life Can Be Beautiful WABC, Scattergood Baines | WKBW, Little Orphan Annie 6:50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 ©.M. CKCL, Wilson Ames. CBL, Topical Talk CFRB, Eventide Melodies WABC, WKBW, News = Pr.M. CFRB, Light Up and Listen. CKCL, It's Dancetime WKBW, WABC, Hedda Hopper WBEN, Musical Party CBY( Songs of To-day 7:39 CAL CKCL, Al Leary, Sports CFRB, World of To-day CBL. CBY, Recital WABC, WKBW, News 7:45 Pu CFRB, Fasy Aces. CBY, CBL, time CKCL, Musical Word Squares. 8:00 ¢. 1. CKCL, Tim O'Callahan CFRB, Amos 'n' And) CBL. CBY. Little Review WBEN. WEAF, Pleasure Time WKBW, Fulton Lewis 830 Fo. CBL, CBY, Serenade for Strings CFRB, Fun Parade WGR, WABC, Meet Mister WBEN, Int. House Party 9:00 2M Meek and [ 961 at 2:00 | Amisricas at | 11:00 am, 5:00 pm. 8:00 | CFRB, Edward G. Re | CKCL, Dainty at Console | WBEN house CBL, CBY, Send WJZ, Quiz Kids yinson for Paul Temple | CKCL, Ed CBL, Ici CFRB. The WJZ, Manh t Midnigl 10:00 P.M | CFRB. Theatre of Air; Fred Allen { CBL, Melcdie r Yeu WJZ, The Political Front WBEN. WEAF, idie Cant 10:30 P.M WEAF. WBEN, Mr. District ney CK. Newns Fh | CBL, CBY, Que "10: Ferde Mo 8) 11:00 P.M. CBY, News Ky + Music Dramas 11:15 P.M. CFRB. On Wings of 'S CBL, CBY, Britain 8 CKCL: R2ndez '- WABC CBY. BB Time and " News 15.16 tion Box | CKCI CFRB, CBI WBEN, Kay WJZ, Story "al College WGR | CBI WJZ CKCI Ballad: with FRED WILLIAMS A few weeks ag executive comm of Engl the time had come when the dian church could. di grants made for over the great church societies in Eng- land. It i therefore to note that just ago today (October meeting was held at Y was formed th sicnary Society west of the Ottawn river A Bible and Prayer Book Society had been organiz=d at York | in 1816 and had done much to dis- tribute the Word of God among im- Sir John Colborne, land in interesting, 110 330) a vears 29 | | migrants; but The Engineer in War- | WEAF, Hollywood Play-® (Toronto) at which | t Cnadian Mis- | THE OLD HOME TOWN «vn » rms By STANLEY be, Af = IF You DONT WANT HIM TO OPERATE Q@INT SRLIRMING / |F WE CANT SMOKE EM OUT /N AN HOLR Lk HAVE TO A TREE DOCTOR OFFERED TO RELP PEGRAM CRABB WHO IS SUFFERING FROM TERMITES ; soap osm sams 10-30 Tw. that great Christian gentleman, aid- ed | Scot | prised all Canada west of Halifax) time had cmous was 'cme for whic | desp by Stewart diocese (of then Bishop ila, whose inced the an effort at autc sh work. con that formed a remarkable 50 was h did ite the very POLLY AND HER PALS com- society | Ww? handicap of its name | which was: ada". Mcaey parliament was scarce, ish had withdrawn votes | : sod, ccieties were hard pre rk , lo the war conditions, much as "The Scclety for Con- Nova | verting and Civilising the Indians and Propagating. the Gospel among the Destitute Settlers in Upper Can- the Brit- for aid to missions; the Britich cwing the they are now, and so the few people of good inteniion and small means had to put their hands in their pockets and provide the funds for this new society. When a few years later the English S.P.G. was able to re- sume its aid to Canada there was some confusion when appeals for funds were made by local branches of the S.P.G. and by the Canadian S.C.C. 'DS. UC, which has, of course, in the evolution of years be- come the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, thus able to trace its way back 110 years. That Body of Yours By James W. Barton, M.D. ) ) ) ) > > > ) ) ) ) Sy. INJECTING NERVE ROOTS TO CURE ASTHMA physicians have been seeking the cause of asthma in their patients. {In former days the cause was un- known and treatment for the at- tack by nitroglycerin and more recently by epinephrine (adrena- lin) was all that was done and be- lieved could be done To-day the physician tries to | find the cause of asthma searching for nose and throat defects, allergy or sensitiveness to pollen, food, fur, feathers and other substances, and It is only within recent years that ' finally the nervous or emotional condition of the patient. Even after prolonged search thc cause is not always found and so there are many asthmatics to-d who still depend upon nitroglyceri, amyl nitrite, epinephrine, 'to stop their attacks and in more severe cases the use of ether in olive oil as an enema, or breathing in 100 percent oxygen. In extreme cases surgical ope.a- tion to cut the roots of the nervss causing the /little air vessels to close, is performed. That this opera- tion in extreme cases is not always necessary is reported by Dr. Hyman M. Wilensky, London, Ontario. in the Canadian Medical Journal. He points out that asthma seems to. strike persons of more than average intelligence win he- come prematurely aged in appear- ance and discouraged by the fre: quent asthmatic attacks with little or no relief. It is not to be wondered at that they are willing to underqo surgical operation. Dr. Wilens! then outlines a method of injec the nerves supplying the little air tubes in the lungs and thus prevent- ing thes spasm which causes the attack. The patient takes a sitting position, leaning over and spreadini; bis shoulder blades well anart. After the use of a little anaesthetic under the skin the needle containinz al cohel is directed to the roots cf two or three nervzs and the alcghol in- jected therin. This is done in th» nhysician's office with no of time by the patient from work. Of the 18 patients with theses in- loss A RUGGED INDIVIDUALIST. Association ; ! jections of sleohol, 6 were compl y cured, 4 received marked be in that attacks were reduced" number and severity, 4 had slight relief, There were 4 where it was felt an insufficient amourt of alcd= hol was injected. The point hei» is that in very severe cases where vsual remedies fail and surgery appears to be the only means of relief, this method of injecting alcohol mio the nerve roots might well be considered. '¥ UNIT PRACTISES " AT RIFLE RANGES Peterboro, Oct. 29. -- Taking ad- | vantage of the fact that a half= holiday at the Military Training Centre left the rifle ranges on Norwocd road vacant, about %® members of the Prince of Wales | Rangers (M.G.) proceeded to the | 1anges in a fleet of trucks on Sak~ | urday afternoon in order to.firexs course of musketry. - Approximately two-thirds of the 800 men in the Rangers fired their course whilz at camp two months ago. The remainder, who were un- able to get awev cwin~ tn the de- | mands of industry, have been ug | dergoing training in weekly parades lat the armories and are now being given an opportunity to shoot under service conditions. y | At the Military Training Centfe, | church parades were held as usual esterday ricrring, and in the af- ternoon, the gates of the camp were | cnened to receive the weekly host I'cf relatives and friends of the men. TH MISSUS WILL SKIN ME FER SKIPPIN' SUPPER OR MY NAME AIN'T HANK HENPECK ! i JESS THROW "ER HAT IN TH' DOOR IF SFE LEAVES IT IN YER FORGIVEN IF NOT, ra YUH J AINT, 7 BUT Y KNOW WIMMIN THINKS ITS SORTA CUTE AN' ALLUS &% == 2 SWELL,SAMBO.. HERE GOES! YES, EFFIE MAE, You MAY BE SECRET AGENT X9 LUGLLE, LISTEN, I CANT TALK LOUD. THERE'S ANOTHER ONE...IN 2022... MAJOR STEVENS, AIRCRAFT EXEL. IN 2022 2 HOW NICE! THANKS, MAISIE , WATCH HIS CALLS. KEEP IN TOUCH 'BYE... DONALD DUCK -- AN AIRPLANE BIGGIE, LEON! A MAJOR ..... MAISIE WAS TIPPED OFF, HE WAS HANGING ON TO A VALUABLE BRIEF-- CASE -- WE'LL HANDLE , HIM QUST THE WAY WE DID THE OTHERS GUYS ARE PUSHOVERS THESE ANY VALUABLE PAPERS, 1 SUGGEST You KEEP THEM IN OUR VAULTS... THERE HAVE BEEN --ER-A FEW LOSSES LATELY f er =o = Copr 1940, Walt [ | World Rights Reser cd ( OUTA GAS AND NOT A LANDING- FIELD IN SIGHT! OM-OH...A ROAD! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE LADY VANISHES. By Brandon Walsh wr. 13 ALL THE GIRLS THINK YOU WERE ILL. ~BECAME DELIRIOUS AND VANISHED "THEY DON'T KNOW IF YOU ARE . DEAD OR ALIVE. + ALL THEY KNOW IS YOU'RE GONE __ ISNT IT" WONDERFUL? TUSTLIKEA A MOVIE /{ HURRY .. LOCK THE DOOR ~ AND WHEN WE'RE INTHE CLOTHES CLOSET WHERE NO ONE CAN p< peme HEAR US TLL TELLYOU ALL THE NEWS THIS LETTER IS FROM DORA~ SHE WRITES THAT EVERYONE IN THE ACADEMY IS WILD pp NONE OF THE GIRLS KNOWS THE ANSWER TO THE RIDDLE -- THEY DONT KNOW AAISS MINERVA ACCUSED YOU OF BEING A WITH EXCITEMENT SINCE MEMBER OF A GANG OF I% : al You DISAPPEARED -- 4 SWINDLERS AND i 1 So Py Tim FORGERS ---- . Cavalry sword . Anger . Spawn of fish . Funeral song . Two (poet.) . Satiate . Cry of a dog . Eating utensils . Darlings 32 DOWN . Measure of land . Twist . Park (abbr.) . Finishes . Tumult . Made a note of Distriouted by King Features Syndicate, Inc,

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