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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1940, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1940 } PAGE ELEVEN N THE AIR WAVES CFRB, Road of Life WBEN, WEAF, Life Can Be Beau- tiful pm, 11:00 pm, 12:30 am. CKCL, Prelude to Dinner 5:30 P.M. CKCL, Tea For Two WBEN, WEAF, Lorenzo Jones WGR, News Flashes 5:45 P.M. Rumors CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL, 840k. 580k. CBY, 1,420k. ORCL CFOC, 1,120k. U. S. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WJZ (Blue) WABC (CBS) ........ U. S. STATIONS KDKA Pittsburgh .... WBEN Buffalo ... WGR Buffalo WHAM Rochester . WKBW Buffalo . WIR Detroit WLW Cincinnati .... SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES TPA4 France 11.750 2RO Italy .... 11,810 EAR Spain 949 RAN Russia .. PCI Holland . PRF5 Brazil CBL, CBY, Spread and Effect CFRB, Young Canada Club WEAF, WBEN, Young Brown WABC, Kate Hopkins 6:00 P.M, CFRB, Goldbergs CKCL, News Flashes 6:15 P.M. CKCL, Supper Serenade CBL, Relax and Enjoy CFRB, Claire Wallace 6:30 P.M, CBL, CBY, Popular Songs CBL, CBY' News WBEN, Life Can Be Beautifu' Widder WIXK Boston W3XAU Phila. CFRB, Name It and Take It CBL, Sinfonietta WEAF, WBEN, Dedication monies 10:00 P.M. CKCL, Organ Musings CBL, WEAF, Waltz Time CFRB, Melody Lane WJZ, Gangbusters 10:30 P.M. CFRB, Organ Reveries WJZ, Death Valley Days CBL, Theatre of Air CKCL, News Flashes WABC, WKBW, To Be Announced WBEN, WEAF, Everyman's Theat. 10:45 P.M, CFRB, Motorists on the Move CKCL, Ferde Mowry Orch. 11:00 P.M. CFRB, Swing Fraternity CBL, CBY, News WJZ, Dance Music 11:15 P.M. CBL, CBY, Northern Messenger CKCL, Rendezvous 11:30 P.M, WKBW, WABC, Back Where Cere- I 6:15 P.M. CKCL, Variety Hour 6:30 P.M. WBEN, Your Dreams Have Come to CKCL, Golden Hour. WABC, Col. Stoopnagle 7:00 P.M. CBY, From the Band Stand CFRB, CKCL, WBEN, Church Ser- vice WGR, Double or Nothing 7:30 P.M. WBEN, WEAF, The Bandwagon, CBL, CBY, Week-end Review 8:00 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Out of the Night CBL, Jack Benny 8:30 P.M. CBL, Let's Face the Facts WGR, WABC, Swing Go. CFRB, Musical Class CKCL, Church Service, 9:00 P.M. CFRB, Golden Moments CBL, CBY, Charlie McCarthy CBL, CBY, Carry on Canada. CKCL, Church Service, WJZ, Walter Winchell. WBEN, WEAF, Merry-go-round. Hour. WGR, Helen Hayes Theatre 9:30 P.M. CFRB, Silver Theatre WEAF, Familiar Music WJZ, Irene Rich CKCL, Church Service i Power of Requisitioning Given Defense Minister Ottawa, Nov. 8.--Power is con- ferred on the Minister of National Defense to requisition any chattel in Canada if he considers it essen- tial for prosecution of the war, un- der an Order-in-Council tabled in the House of Commons yesterday. Dated July 25, 1940, the order in- | cludes provision for requisitioning any vessel or aircraft and anything | aboard a vessel or aircraft. The | Minister also may requisition. any | British ship or aircraft registered in | Canada, even when {it is outsid? | Canada. IN nt - POLLY AND HER PALS ~ Canadian Honey Favoured in U.K. At the outbreak of wal, honey was classed ac a luxury in the Unit- ed Kingdom but two nwonths later (November, 1939) an open general licence was granted importers. Still later (June, 1940) th: British Min- istry ruled that individual import permits would be required for all shipments of honey imported into the United Kingdom, eventually fixing a maximum price of 65 shill- ings per cwt. cif, for Canadian bulk honey and limiting quantities imported during the twelve months immediately preceding the outbreak of war to approximately 4% million pounds. Under this plan importers are granted import permits up to 100 ver cent of their. imports for the 'basic period. The British honey importers. re- cently formed an association to facilitate their deaiings with the British Ministry of Food and ex- pressed their desire to co-operate with Canadian shippers at prices well up to the maximum fixed, This generous quota of 4'4 million pounds should readily absorb Can- ada's exportable surplus and relieve the home market to a point where fair returns to the producer can be realized. In 1939 the average in- voiced value of honey from Canada to the United Kingdom was frac- tionally higher than 11 cents per pound. With the market opening strong in fhe 1940 season, and with the maximum fixed at 65 <hillings per cwt, equally good returns should be made. At the nresent time, domestic prices average close to 3 cents per pound higher than at the corresponding period of 1939, according to quotations published in the Weekly Crop and Market Re- port. The crop year of 1938 (August 1, 1938 to July 31, 1939) hclds the rec- ord for Canadian honey, with a pro- duction of 37,909,900 pounds, and exports of 5.511.988 nounds, the im- ports were double the average. The ports were duble the average. The production for the crop year ended | July 31, 1940, was 28,856,100. with | exports of 10,046,043 pounds, ang imports of 1,335,043 pounds: Th heavy importations, four times the average, were due to the excessive exports of Canadian honey which cleared all.stocks from the domestic market and forced packers to seek supplies from the United State$y The production figures for 1940 crop are not yet available but the Dominion Aplarist has estimated it at approximately 23 million pounds. NOT PURE MAPLE SUGAR p Omer Levasseur, of Montreaks was fined $35 and costs at Montreak police court recently, for selling am mitation maple sugar as pilire sugarg contrary 'to the provicions of the Maple Sugar Industry Act. The orie ginal charge was laid on March 20 1939. Levasseur did not appear. He was arrested on October 12, 1940, af Gaspe Bay by an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and brought to Montreal to answem | the nineteen-month old charge. a» SO000 BIG! ER GIT IN SOME ) JIWOT ER YUH DOIN TO IT PETE'S THEN I BETT "7 (LIKE LAST YEAR-- SEWIN'ON THIS DINNER WHERE YUH TELLS WELL , TNIGHT'S TH ANNUAL FISHERMEN'S WGR, Scattergcod Baines WBEN, Jack Armstrong Come From CKCL, News Flashes { REINFORCINY TH' ARM-AHOLES ~~- y SO YUH WON'T RIP 'EM CUT ILLUSTRATIN A STORY LIKE HBJ Geneva ON SHORT WAVES FRIDAY | CFRB, News BBC London transmissions beam- | ed to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m, CFRB, (Daylight Saving Time) 9.58 meg, 31 m., and 6.11 meg, 49 m.: ] News, Topical Talks and Com- | CFRB, Did 1s San? 6:45 pm. 7:00 pm, on -M. BShtsties on p.m po pm, 12:30 CKCL, Twilight Musicale | ie { CBL, CBY, Questions of the War | BY din Calling at 6:42 pm. Can- | CFRB. WABC, Eventide Melodies | : m. | ad ht ada Calls from London at 8:30 p.m. WBEN, dic Lh : 9:30 p.m. and : .M. ig ii Be P | CFRB, Light Up and Listen Scots Abroad at 8:45 p.m. | WRBW, Hedda Hopper Newsreel at 11:30 p.m. 5 jCBL, Red igh " + Military Band at 7:15 p.m. e- | Hora ligious Period at 8:15 pm. Feature | CKCL, Al Leary Programs at 9:15 pm, 10:00 p.m, | CFRB, Poppy Day Speaker 10:15 p.m. 10:30 pam, 10:45 pm, | CBL, CBY, Jean Belland 11:15 pm. 12:00 midnight | WKBW, WABC, News Flashes ; w 12: idnight. | BC Australia (VLQ): Beamed to Am- 7:45 P.M vy ji CFRB, Easy. Aces :30 . to 8:30 am, en a ON I %ilcBL oFY, canstian Book Wee meg, 31 m CKCL, Tim O'Callahan Orch, Madrid (EAQ): Programs at 2:00 | 8:00 P.M pm. and at 7:00 oy 30 m. band | CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy Moscow: Beamed to Americas at | CKCL, Gypsy Ensemble 7:00 am. 11:00 am. 5:00 pm, 8:00 WJZ, CBL, CBY, Hunting pm. 4:00 am. Uses 19 and 25 m: Northern Ontario bands. | WKBW, Fulton Lewis 8:30 P.M. CBL, CBY, Toronto Symphony CFRB, Game of Games CFRB, Homespun Trio. 9:00 P.M, CBL, CBY, Presenting | CFRB, The Green Hornet WKBW, WABC, Porcia Faces Life | WEAF, CBL, Frank Black Symph. 'WBEN, WEAF, Backstage Wife WGR,*Kate Smith CKCL, Kay Kyser Orch. CKCL, CBY, Payload 5:15 PM. WJZ, Harry Kogen Orch. CBL, CBY, Talk, Betty Svzuki 9:30 P.M. 6:40 P.M. Wes McKnight | 6:45 P.M. Birth Notices 6:50 P.M. CKCL, Radio in FRIDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. + By R ).SCOTT: Wien Slourp A CHILD BEGIN READING ? SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK & CBL, CBY, Northern Messenger SATURDAY RADIO PROGRAM 5:00 P.M. CBL, CBY, London Calling 5:30 P.M. MEETIN, MA/ win 4 CBL, CBY, Quiz for the Forces CFRB, Keyboard and Console 5:45 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Highways to Health | 6:00 P.M. CKCL, News Flashes WBEN, Tommy Dorsey Orch, 6:15 P.M. CFRB, Hit Tunes | WKBW, News Flashes 6:40 P.M. CFRB, The Hidden City. CKCL, Birth Notices. 6:45 P.M, CKCL, Breezy Rhythms CBL., BBC News | WBEN, Little Tin Soldier 7.00 P.M. CFRB, K-7 Spy Story CBL, Question in Moods WKBW, WBEN, News | 7:15 P.M. CFRB, CBL, CBY, N. H. Players : CKCL, Musical Contrasts. WKBW, Columbia Concert Orch. 7:30 P.M. CFRB, C. C. Orchestra CKCL, Al Leary. | CBL, CBY, Mary Friedman { 7:45 P.M. CFRB, Piano Moods CBL, CBY, Talk CKCL, Go to Church. 3:00 P.M. CFRB, Around the Marble Arch WKBW, Washington Highlights CKCL, Clary Settell CBL, Sweet and Swing WABC, People's Platform 8:15 PM. CBY, Better Business Bureau 8:30 P.M. CBL, Share the Wealth CFRB, Public Opinion 3:00 P.M. W. Hit Parade. L. Hockey WABC. WKB ABOUT TH' BIG ONES JACKET LOOKIT THIS COLLAR TH' BRATS DREW PI 7 O' YOURN RIGHT FER SAKE 2 YUH DID LAST YEAR! YOUTH WILL BE SERVED. TO BE FRANK, SAMUEL , THAT NEVER OCCURRED ANGEL / You HEARD WHAT HE. JUST SAID 2 --= 0) NO REASON WHY YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH THE REST OF THE foto 3 ly SH {rms sei THERE'S / IRT, TOO! 1 warneD you BARBER! You | ASKED FOR CBY, CKCL, CFRB, Red Wings vs Maple Leafs, hockey 9:30 P.M. WBEN, WEAF, True or Consequen- ces 10:00 P.M. WJZ, Melodies in the Night 10:30 P.M. | CFRB, Bert Niosl Orch. CAREFUL AND WIDELY CHECKED EDUCATIONAL TRSTS Siow May Mu Agr «lo PEGIN READING 1S 6/2 - . PARENTS = DONT Aurny HE IGHPERGANTEX TeAcHen ¢ ISLAND, DUTCH EAST INDIES, | ARE PROBABLY "HE ONLY PROPLE | mE WORLD WHO STILL WEAR WROUGHT- IRON ARMOR. GIBRALTAR 15 CALLED AFTER TARIQ BEX ZAID, ONE ~ EYED BERBER CHIEF, WHO CAPTURED THE ROCK, IN A.D. TIl= HS NAME- , BEING A CORRUPTION oF JEBEL TARIQ ~( MOUNT TARIQ) ~ id 1949, King Pru Syadhsn, Inc. Vor gh send. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS rodent 1. Steep, American rugged rock Indian 8. Linen Foot-like , vestments organ (Eccl) Chance 9. Network A State 10. Ooze Earthl 11. Particle 15. Letter C Writing fluid [LEH 12. Auction. 16. Civil War Furnace > 13. Salt (Chem.) * president tender 14. Transgress 17. Stained A spice 15. To cool 18. Affirma- Live 17. Shabby tive vote Prompt 19. Elongated 21. Small Negative fish 3. Coral island 4. Precious stone . Beast of burden . Rent . Creed . Squanderer 24. 25. 28. 29. 31. 32. 34. . 36. 38. 40. 44. 1" Yesterday's Answer vote 45. Clique 20. Mischievous child 22. Charge for services 23. Editor (abbr.) 24. Pry into 26. Sun god 27. Sharp 28. Exclamation 30. Charges 31. Music note 33. Indian madders 35. Shelter 36. Firearm 37. Thin metal disk 39. Im:bibe 41. Case 42. Finish 43. Related 45. Medieval tale 46. Flat-topped hill 47. Paradise | 48. Showily imi- tative of art | 49. Pneumatic tube (Eng.) DOWN 1, Smashed 2. Sell in small * , quantities Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc. WJZ, News 11:00 ¥.M. CKCL, "Swing." CBL, NBC Symphony Orch. 11:30 P.M, CFRB, WABC, Al Donahue Orch. CKCL, liews Flashes. WBEN, U. S. Selective Service 12:00 P.M. WKBW, News CFRB, WABC, Harry James Orch. WBEN, Bob Armstrong Orch. WEAF, Jimmy Dorsey Orch. 12:30 A.M. WABC, Guy Lombardo's Orchestra WBEN, Eddie Le Barron's Orch. WJZ, News ON SHORT WAVES SUNDAY (Daylight Saving Time) BBC London transmissions beam- ed to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m.; 9.58 meg, 31 m, and 6.11 meg. 40 m. News, Topical Talks and Com- mentaries at 6:45 pm, 9:00 pm, 9:45 pm, 12:30 a.m. London Calling at 6:42 pm. Re- ligious Service at 8:15 p.m. Variety at 9:15 p.m. Britain Speaks at 9:30 pm, 12:15 am, Radio Newsueel at 11:30 p.m. Band and Feature Programs at 7:15 pm, 8:45 pm, 9:15 p.m, 10:00 pm, 10:30 pm. 10:45 pm. 11:00 pm, 11:15 p.m. 12:00 midnight. Australia (VLQ): Beamed to Am- ericas from 8:25 am. to 9:00 am, and 11:00 am. to 12:00 noon, at 9.68 meg, 30 m. Also at 2:00 am. to 2:45 am, at 17.80 meg., 16 m. p.m. and at 7:00 p.m. 30 m, band. Moscow: Beamed to Americas at 7:00 am, 11:00 am., 5:00 pm. 8:00 pm, 4:00 am. Uses 19 and 25 m bands. SUNDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 1:30 P.M. CBL, Ernest Seitz 5:15 P.M. CKCL, Sunday Serenade 5:30 P.M. CFRB. CKCI. News Flashes, CBL, CBY, Church Service WBEN, World is Yours WGR, Children's Chapel 5:45 P.M. CFRB, Musicolor Clues CKCL, Serenade 6:00 P.M. CFRB, How We See CBI, CBY, Band Musle WBEN, WEAF, Met. Opera Audi- tions CFRB, WABC, Clyde Lucas Orch. .| Madrid (EAQ): Programs at 2:00 GET HIM TO THE PRISON RAN DOWN THIS FIRE STAIRWAY / HOSPITAL, BILL! I'M GOING AFTER THE MANICURIST -- SHE AND NOW -- JUST OUTSIDE THE HOTEL LOBBY... MADAME REMI, Wi OUR LISTENERS BE YOU LEAVE ON YOUR TOUR { JUST A FEW NOTES 7 YOU SING SOMETHING FOR ON'T 10 LOVE TO, BUT MY CAR 15 WAITING... 1 REALLY MUST SAY : [> Gooo-8y/ J \ FORE < WHO'S THAT Y WHATS HAPPENING dd ob LEAVING ...I'VE GOT TO GET THESE ROSES TO HER! | HEY! tiem rowers ARE FOR MADAME REMI, THE OPERA SINGER ! SEET 1 LD You ; SomeEBODY WAS FoLLOWIN US" WHO Do YA 'SPOSE IT 1S 7 WHAT COULD He WANT 7 NEVER MIND! TL TAKE THEM TO HER! I'M.. IM HER SECRETARY / GOOD LUCK , MADAME REMI ) © mn / 6000 ( LUCK! TTT 14 oa HUH 2... SAY, IT VE GO A UUNCU YN TLL BET ITS i GRANDPA I! GRANDMA PROBABLY SENT HM YD SEE HOW WE GET ALONG WITH our NEW PAPER Wp ROUTE ! Cope 1940, King Features Syndicate, Inc, World nights reserv - a THANK You! AH... MORE FLO THANK You! AU REVOIR! MY JEWELS! OH! wHo ARE You ? WERS -- ! I DON'T WANT YOUR JEWELS ... IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE , ORDER PB) YOUR CHAUFFEUR Ppa TO DRIVE FASTER! WHO WAS IN THE CAR THAT JUST LEFT? DID YOU SEE A YOUNG WOMAN -- A BLONDE? OPERA SINGER ! yeh EN By Wally Bishop JUST THE WINDOW - Gl 7, ved MUGGS & SKEETER A PAPER LEFT OVER... THAT MEANS WEVE MISSED SOMEONE .. WHAT LL WE | SAY SKEETER , WE'VE GOT ) Tl. GO NTO 1 SeRcuL ATION LASS REPAIR-.Y MAN ... z 7... T FolLLow ALL THE NEW THE DRUG STORE A SB JUS ENE! WE ECAIZT MENT. MAYBE T'S Jus' HAS ANYBODY 77 >a. We HAD ONE PAPER LEFT OVER... YEAH. MIGHT HAVE MISSED SOMEONE! ROUTE CALLED INE HE SAVE WAS HE MADYT / = 2 THOUGHT WE ON OUR - WELL. WHAT DID WELL... NOT ABOUT THAT ONE .. ...BUT HE WANTS © KNow WHAT WEVE DONE WITH THE PAPERS FOR THE OTHER EIGHT CUSTOMERS ... THAT WE MISSED 7

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