= PAGE NINE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1940 &. -- Apartments, Are in Demand -- Times Want Ads Will Rent Yours Undertaking Articles For Sale MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. prcmpt day and night service. PF 3. Meagher, Manager, S. J. Strow- ger. Funeral Director. 117 King gt. E. Phone 907. (18Nov.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street blished 1889 Phone 401 Beta (24Nov.c) LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance. Residence 69 King St. E. Phone 210. M. P. ARMSTRONG AND SON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Auditors OSCAR HUDSON AND COM- pany, Chartered Accountants. MOFFAT HUDSON AND. COM: 5 uidators Conant and Annis ONamber, 7% Simcoe Street South. j Telephone 4. Head Office, Toronto. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢, WITH rental $1.00, Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon. 20 Mil St. Phone 960. Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G. L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- . amcé. Office phone 793, residence phone 2895. 4% Prince Street. Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312 DR. O. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W. (1Dece) ment. Phone for prices. 199 ees sau street. Legal A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, K.C, Uxbridge, Ontario. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Praser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa. Phone 4. Allin PF. Annis, BA, LL.B. Ernest Marks. B.A. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc., 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 3297. "Money to loan. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, KC, and J. CO. Anderson, K.C., Barristers, etc. of Montreal Building, 20 St. North. Phone 99. MANNING P. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, SARRISTER, ets. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 32€ Simcoe Bt. North. (4Dec.c) Cartage FOR SALE -- PRIVATE SALE, whole household of furniture in- cluding electric stove. Apply G. V. Crofoot, 66 Burk St. (92b) ONE ONLY -- BEACH CABINET range, high speed burners, guaran- teed fo three years, fnost modern design, demonstration model. Reg. $174, to clear at $149. Meaghers, 92 Simcoe N. (92c) FOR SALE -- BAXTERS, SPIES, Snows, McIntosh Apples, Good domestic. Phone 631. F. Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South. (4Dec.c) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs, Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store 156 Simcoe South. (23Nov.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 156 Simcoe South, (11Dec.c) BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Chesterfield, breakfast, and bed- room suites, studio couches, day beds, bed outfits, inner spring mattresses, wardrobes, bookcases, etc. Direct from factory show rooms. We invite you to visit our new store at 156 Simcoe St. South (30Nov.c) Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches to choose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1895 up. You can save 40%. Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $9.95. Also felt mattresses, rolled edges, well filled. Wonder- ful Value, all sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles and most attractive cover- ings, fully guaranteed construction. Sale price $40 up. Liberal allow- ance on trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thrillingly new, smart waterfall design, lovely selection. Sale price $39 up. Save 40%. Breakfast Suites Choose from a grand selection, all styles and colours. Sale $1895 up. Cedar Chests little you care to spend, we have just what you want, at YOUR price! And each lovely CHEST, regardless of price, has full tennes- see red cedar lining! Sale price $12.95 up. i Floor Covering Specials Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy linoleums in all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs and carpet dept. Save 40%. Xmas Gift Suggestions Cedar chests, mattresses, lamps, cushions, smokers, walnut tables, hassocks, sewing cabinets, rugs, comforters, bedspreads, occasional chairs, mirrors, studio couch, ches- terfield suite, bedroom suite, din- ette suite, 1001 lasting gifts to "|select from our 2 large stores. A small deposit will hold your article until Xmas. Ask about our easy Xmas budget plan. Our lower prices positively save you money, Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 KING W. 20 CHURCH ST. (6Dec.c) RED WING "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered to your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (25Nov.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. * (8Dec.c) MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS, sand, cinders, wood, coal, &tc. 70 Colborne Street West. Phone 605. (15Nov.c) Expert Watch Repairing PF. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. tn Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs. For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes tested free. L¥ (4Dec.c) Shoe Repairing A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible aalf soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North, (4Dec.c) LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W Allison, 9 Athol West. (2Dec.c) Mattresses and Comforters INNER-SPRING AND FELT MAT- tresses rebuilt just like new. Feather beds stripped, made into comforters. Eiderdowns recovered. Phone 23717. (17Nov.c) Hairdressing OIL PERMANENTS, $1.75 UP; MA- chineless wave, $295; finger wave 35c. Ann's Beauty Shoppe, 1328 Albert St., Phone 1322W. (14Nov.c) LADIES' BLACK SEAL COAT, size 40-42, good condition. 165 El- liott Ave. (93a) Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metal weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- ows. Phone 454. T. A. Morgan. (11Dec.c) Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 25, Oshawa. (12Dec.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 Willlam St East Phone 3148. (4Dec.c) Personal MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? Try Ostrex Tonic tablets. Stimu- lants and oyster concentrates aid to normal pep. Results with first Package or maker returns low price. Call, write, Jury & Lovell in Oshawa, and all other good drug stores, (29Nov.c) No matter how much or how He may be old-fashioned it comes to advertising. He in some things, but not when knows he can get the best results from the Daily Times Classified Ads. He likes their economy, too. CALL 35 AND ASK FOR AN AD-TAKER Agents Wanted FOR RENT -- TWO OR THREE unfurnished heated ' rooms, on ground, private entrance, private bath. Apply 214 Ritson' Rd. S. (92h) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 b-roomed, newly decorated. Everything mod- ern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Sept.tf) 5 ACRES OF LAND, SIX ROOMED cottage, electric. Possession at once, Phone 1239J. Rent $15. (92¢) "w - BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM- ed apartment, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 1718. (10Nov tf) OFFICES WELL LIGHTED, NICE- ly decorated, hardwood floors, hot water heated, well located in mod- ern office building, attractive ent-! rance. Bradley Bros. (290¢ct tf) WELL heated | rooms | con- 214, (93e) FOR RENT -- WHITBY, furnished: ground floor apartment, 5 large bright and bath. Every modern venience. Apply P.O. Box Whitby. OFFICE TO RENT -- 2 ROOMS, | hot water heated, 12% Simcoe St. | South. Felt Bros. (93a) | | FURNISHED BEDR®OMS, CEN- tral, ground floor, private entrance, | suit business gentlemen, 2720R. | (93a) | Wanted to Rent MODERN HOUSE AS SOON AS | possible, vicinity of R.C. Church or | North end. Give particulars to Box | 106 Times. (92c) 6 OR 7 ROOM, MODERN HOUSE in good residential district. Re- sponsible tenant. Please give par- ticulars to Box 102 Times (8Nov.tf | { 1 2 PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, | ground floor preferred. Phone 1799M. (93a) Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD, CENTRAL. Phone 2055. (11Dec.c) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED room, every convenience, central. Meals if desired. Gentlemen. Ap- ply evenings, 58 Drew St., Phone 1325R. (93c) Auction Sale I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY Mrs. H. Dearborn, to sell by public auction, at her premises, lot 13, concession 6, East Whitby, 1 mile south of Columbus, on Thursday, November 14, farm stock, and im- plements. 13 cows, Holsteins, Dur- hams and 1 Ayrshire, 1 Durham bull, 2 heifers, 5 horses, 3 colts, 1 | sow, 3 shoats, 20 rock hens. A | quantity of mixed grain. Full line of farm implements, eluting 10 h.p. electric motor, harness. ome | household furniture. Sale at 12:30 p.m. sharp. (ST. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. (91,93) AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN hairdressing by young married woman, Box 108 Times. (93¢) HOUSEWORK WANTED BY THE day at 25c hour, (not Saturdays). Apply 751 Gifford St. (93¢c) WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE day. Box 107 Times. = Lumber COLD DON'T WAIT UNTIL weather for storm, sash, and com- bination doors. Everything in lum- ber. W. Victor Peacock, 341 Rich- mond East. Phone 3310. (13Nov.c) Real Estate For Sale also 1 house, Joseph P. (93c) to wind up estate; immediate possession. Mangan, K.C., Phone 445. Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. 'We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits, pants, men's fall and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (17Nov.c) Wanted Dancing Instruction ---- WELFARE , SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds, stoves, furniture, anything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Collected. | Please phone 639, "DANCE FOR HEALTH". BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Satur- days. Tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances. Free health class Dramatic club. (17Nov.c) 'A Wanted To Buy OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMAN OR man to make a good income, part or full time, selling made-to-meas- ure suits, dresses, sweaters, under- wear. A complete line of British Knittedwear to clothe the entire family. British Knitwear Ltd, Simcoe, Ont. (921) Female Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Out of town. Must be good. Mother- less home, all conveniences, at once. Box 104 Times, (92d) WANTED -- WOMAN TO WORK by day. Box 10§- Times. (92¢) Male Help Wanted BOY WITH BICYCLE,, FULL time position. Opportunity to Tearn trade. Box 34 Times. (92¢) REAL ESTATE wanted, part or full time, with car. Bradley Bros. (20Nov.c) 2 MEN TO HELP WITH EXTRA Christmas rush. Good pay guar- anteed. If service satisfactory, permanent employment guaranteed. Apply giving particulars to Box 27 Times. (93a) BOY TO WORK IN BAKE SHOP. Apply Tod's Bread. (93a) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (17Nov.c) | WE PAY HIGR PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and fron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (6Dec.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store 56 Kifg West. Phone 1030 (5Dec.c) Notice SOLDIER'S ' WIFE WISHES TO go to Camp Borden, Sunday, No- vember 17." Phone 158TW. (83¢c) Business Opportunities p BUTCHER WANTED AS A PART- ner with $700 to invest. Albert St. (92e) Motor Cars For Sale 1932 CHEV. SEDAN, PRIVATELY owned. Call 1004J after 6 p.m. (93b) MAY ACT LATER ON NICKEL GRAB London, Nov. 12 -- The British Government is understood to have decided against a protest to Moscow over the reported transfer of Pin- land's nickel deposits to Soviet Russia. The attitude of the British Gov- ernment, it is understood, was that it reserved the right to demand in- demnity for the properties at some future date and it took no excep- tion to the transfer momentarily, providing no metal is sent to Ger- many. At the time of the Finnish-Rus- sian war last winter International Nickel Company of Canada had 2 concession to develop nickel de* posits in the Petsamo region of Northern Finland and had estab- lished some properties and staff there for the purpose. Automobile Sales Off in September Sales of leading makes of pas- senger - autos fell off slightly in September, but volume so far this year is well ahead of 1939, it is indicated by Canadian Automotive Trade's analysis of new pascenger car registrations in eastern Canada. New Passenger Car Registrations In Eastern Canada Twelve Leading Makes for the South 1940 1939 -- Sept, -- 1940 1939 450 Plymouth .... ry 219 ord . tens Chevrolet .... Dodge an McL. Buick . Hudson Pontiac ..... Oldsmobile .. Studebaker .. Mercury LaFayette . Chrysler 318 472 146 228 164 2,304 2,420 58,036 49,208 SALESMAN | - lower Apply 535 | That Body Of Yours By James W, Barton, M.D, WHY ALL DRUGS OR EXTRACTS ARE NOT TAKEN BY MOUTH Some may find it hard to under- stand why so many remedies such as drugs and extracts have to be injected into the skin or into a mouth are quite effective. There may be some who think that physicians advise the hypo- that the patient will have to come to the physician's office or the physician visit the patient. What these individuals forget is once the effect of a certain dose of a drug or extract is known to the physician, he is quite willing to allow the patient to use the hypo- dermic needle himself. For instance, in a hundred who does not give himself injections of insulin one to three times a day. A number of articles have ap- peared in the medical journals about the use of pollen extract for hay fever taken by mouth instead of by injection. While here and there a physician reports some suc- cess, the great bulk of evidence, in the air each year, shows that | ragweed pollen by. mouth is far from being as effective as by hypo- !dermic injection, For the past few years, investi- {gators have been trying to produce an insulin that can be taken by mouth, thus deing away with in+ jections. Ameng these investigators |is Dr. J. ©. Collip, McGill Univer- | sity, who had much to do with get- | ting insulin into a safe condition | for human' use. hand, the use of insulin by mouth {may be available at some future | time. | For those who cannot or will not {undergo the hypodermic method of [taking insulin, Dr. B. Brahn, in | The Lancet, <"London,; outlines a {method of getting insulin into the | | blood by placing suppositories con- taining insulin into the rectum or end of the large intestine. | Tests were carried out on 150 rab- {bits and on 150 healthy human be- ings. The action of the insulin sets in soon after the suppositories are placed in the rectum and roaches its full power or strength after | thirty or forty minutes, at the end tion drops rapidly. the insulin increase the intensity of the reaction and also prolong it. The insulin does not have to pass the digestive juices by this method | It is because the digestive juices | destroy or lessen the effects that | some drugs must be taken by in- | jection. - "Port Perry | | (M. Cockburn, Correspondent) | PORT PERRY, Nov. 6. -- Miss | Evelyn Alexander spent the week- i end in Toronto where she was the guest of Mrs, D. Jackson. The following officers were | stalled in Warriner Lodge, Monday, October 28, by Bro Keen- | er, DD.G.M, and installing team from Phoenix Lodge, Oshawa-- Harold Kerry, 1.P.G.; Merlin Dow- son, N.G.; Leslie Smith, V.G.; W. H. Peel, F.S.; V. P. Stouffer, RS; A. M. Lawrence, treas.; Roy O'Neil, | Warden; R. Foster, Cond.-1; Chas. Reesor, O.C.; P, Densham, 1.G.; O. Beare, RS.N.G.; Geo. McKay, LS. N.G.; Allan Dowson, RS.V.G.; Er- nest Lee, LSV.G.; Geo. Beare, RS.S.; Gerald McCrae, LLSS.; F. E. Reesor, Chaplain. Visitors from other lodges in this vicinity were also present. Jack Sangster has gone to Camp Borden where he has secured a po- sition in connection with ordnance work. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mann have moved into the Murray Willlams house on Bigelow Street. Miss Bess Crozier, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Harris on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pearce, of To- ronto, gpent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Slemmon Mrs. Wesley Elliott is home again after visiting friends in Toronto and Galt. Capt. Ross Hood. of Kingston, was with his father, Mr. Joseph Hood, over the week-end. Mr. J. E. Gauld, of Montreal, was a recent guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Mrs, D. F. Jackson was the guest of her parents, Dr, and Mrs. Lundy last weck, F.D.R. Fixes Nov.21 As Thanksgiving Day in- Washington, Nov. 12 -- President Roosevelt proclaimed Thursday, Nov. 21 as Thanksgiving Day and exhorted the people of the United States, in these times of calamity and .sorrow elsewhere in the world, to "give thanks for our preserva- tion." It was the second. time the Presi- dent has set Thanksgiving a week earlier than the customary last Thursday in November, which this vear fally on Nov, 28. In 1929 he sald it was done to provide a longer interval between the Thanksgiving and Christmag holidays. vein, while other drugs taken by dermic use of drugs or extracts so that there is hardly one case of diabetes keeping mind the amount of pollen From reports to SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK wiv hc ue Since 1atfoorD FIGURES ON THE ARE CONSIDERED | INSURANCE AGAINST EVIL BY HE BURM M15 KATE Must ~~ HAVE HAD Much fo FEAR Coded AMos ALONZO STAGG oF THE COLLEGE oF "He PACIFIC, 15 THE ONLY 112 SURVIVING MEMBER. oF THE FIRST us. fit Baipegroom Fi CARRIES "HE WEDDING BOUQUET IN HIS HAT = Do You Know Your CATS 7 HS COMMON TABBY-cAT MARKINGS ARE RICH RED ON A FUR OF GREAT" LUXURIANCE = THE ® Color. DEEPENS WHEN file KITTEN PASSES THE AGE oF HAF "A YEAR = "He EYES X= / | ARE YELLOW Nugufl? VAME BELOW) FOOTBALL WERXONY ro RULES COMMITEE [NR Fave) aay Ashburn (Mrs. Robert Heron Cerr.) ASHBURN, Nov, 11--No service will be at Burns' Chuich on Sun- day, Nov. 17th. cn account of an- niversary services at Por. Perry Sunday School will be heid at 10 a.m. Everyone welccmed. The fol- lowing Sunday, Nov. 27th. Sacra- ment will be commemorated at the morning service. Rev, Robert Simpson conducted the service last Sunday teking his text from Luke 10th chapter. The brotherhood of man. He who seeks his brother finds God, he sald Compassion means companionship with others. The lonely and friend- less need Christian love and com- passion expressed not by words, but by brotherly love and kindness There is an abundance of opporte- | unity in every community for this | work so clearly and recently ex- | pressed by our pastor, | Mr. Lyle Sherwin, of Kingston, | (Queen's) spent the week ¢nd with her parents Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Sherwin. A number from our neighborhood attended the tea .and concert in | | cepted | room of Burns' on | Claremont on Mcnday evening, Rev. Robert Simpson and Mr Walter Kerr atended Presbytery at Lindsay this week. Mr. Walter Anderson spent a few of which time the power of its ac- 1 days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Larger doses of | Norman Anderson, leavizg by plane where | Saturday | some be on he will months. Mr. James Doble left for London, Ont.,, on Monday where he has ac- a good position, We wish | him the best of success. [ Miss Emma Fisher and friend, | Esther Harding, of Toronto, spent | a happy week-end with her mother, | Mrs. M. Fisher. Their friend, Mrs. | Walker of Toronto, brought them down returning the samc afternoon, Young People's meeting will - be | held on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. for Winnipey, stationed for | Everyone welcome. Red Cross and Women's Guild | will meet on Thursday afternoon. Two-thirty in the Sundocy school | Churc!. ladies re- quested to bring work finished, also needle thimbles for work to be done. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Everet Wicks (nee Irene Spencer) on the gift of a son, Lawrence Rob- | ert, on Nov. 7, at St. Joseph's Hos- [ pital, Peterborough, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Wesley 3lack Brougham, visited Mr. William Taylor during the week. Mr. and Mrs, William Brosh visit- ed relatives in Port Perry recently. Mrs. Alfred Atkinson of Arizona, | US.A., Mr. and Mrs. Thes Stanton, also of the US.A.. and Mrs. W. A Dryden, of Brooklin, spent a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr during the week A manly looking lad, (son of one of our soldiers of war, 1914-1918) called at homes in the village with popies on Saturday -- In remem- brance of Armistice Day Nov, 11th, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ashton and relatives visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy of Bowmanville, last Sunday. Miss Ethel Strettaford re- maining for g week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Purdy. We wish to correct an error in last week's news items, having been misinformed, Mrs. John Hopking and Melford Bryant were notified regarding home defence but have not had to report for trzining as | yet. About ten ladies of. the Town | Line gathered at the home of Mrs. Earle Parrott on Wednesday after-.| noon and completed rather lovely | quilt for the Red Cross. The next quilting will be held at the home of Mrs. Donald McIntyre. Mrs. Vascoe, of Manilla, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Juhn Mec- Intyre. Mr. Stanley Spencer and Mr, A! Washburn, of Tecronto, spent a day, recently with Mr. MM. Spencer. Mis: D. Parkins, My: tle Station, ! visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. J Parkins on Sunday. ! Miss Marion Spencer, of Toronto, , was home last Sunday. Mr, Lester Beadle has accepted a position jn Oshawa. A meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Soclety will be held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday afternon, Nov. 19th, at 2.30, all the women in the community welcome Congratulations "to Mrs, William Walker who celebrated her 80th birthday on Monday, Nov 11th. of | be her portion all through the re- mainder of her life, We missed Mr, William Pile at our anniversary services this year. We trust he is enjoying her usual good health, It may interest some of the old- est people in Ontario that 4 second reader of the public schoo! publish- ed in the year 1854. coniains this sentence on the subject "Fuel." "Coal .abounds more in England than in any other part of the world." We regret the illness of Mrs. Robert Mole and sincerely hope she will soon pe restored to good health. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dobson, of Manchester, were visitors in the village recently. The school hoys and girls enjoyed a holiday on "Armistice Day." ON THIS DATE - By - FRED WILLIAMS There has recently been demol- ished at Montreal a house which was closely identified with an event | which took place on this date 165 years ago. It was nct much of a building, just thick stone walls and casement windows and low hanging roof, this Chateau Forretier; but within its walls were held many talks and military councils for it was here that General Richard Montgomery made his headquarters during the winter and spring of 1775-76. Governor Guy Carleton had been told that an army under Arnold had reached Levis and. that Quebec was in danger; Montreal was in no con- dition to be defended and so was abandoned, Carleton making his escape to Quebec in a thrilling journey, a stery of which may be told tomorrow, Montgomery's army, which had come up by Lake Cham- plain and occupied St. John's and Chambly (after stiff resistance by the Canadians), made its way up the St. Lawrence to just about where the southern span of the Jacques Cartier bridge now is, and crossed to Montreal Island on Nov. 12. : The magistrates and merchants of Montreal, knowing that armed re- | sistance would be useless, agreed to surrender the town, and on Nov. 14 Montgomery took possession in the name cf the "Continental Army." He did not, as expected, proceed to the Chateau de Ramezay, the resi- dence of the French and English governors. It was too aristocratic for his New England tastes. He looked around, saw the Forretier house and commandeered it as his headquarters. It was there that Franklin, Father Carroll and Chase councils of war were held, that asked themselves why the people of French Canada would not join the rebels' cause, and it was from ther that literature was printed and dis tributed, but to be read by only a few, because the bishop of Quebec had determined that faith would be kept with the English king who had kept faith with them. remained in this Forretier house until it became evident in the spring of 1776 that, the British navy having arrived at Quebec, the at- tempted invasion must be abandofi- ed. : When I first knew the building #t was an old-fashioned drug store, whose blue and green and red lighted globes lessened the dusk of narrow Notre Dame street. Over the door was a stone marked "1776" and a niche beneath, upon which, legend had it, the statue of 2 saint was placed after Montgomery left, as a mark of thanksgiving. That. stone has been conserved as an hiss}. torical memento. What became of the saint? I don't know. Perbage it is in some church museum, : i» GOEBBEL'S LATEST London, -- 'CP) -- The Germs, propaganda ministry has a. ast imagination. A recent broadcast te, the near east told of Hitler flying' over London and watching the King and Prime Minister Churchill dash- ing for an air raid shelter, NOT EASILY LOST Midstone, England--(CP)--Kene neth Farnes, Essex and England fast bowler, lost hie most valued cricket possession--his size 12 boots--wnen they dropped off the back of a car one dark night. Brantford R: and Builders' Supp McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Save the pleces! broken lenses. broken frames. Bassctts JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Mails Corner When in Need of Drugs Call FOWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY WATCH REPAIRING Let vs repair your Watch, Clocks, Jewellery, ote, Wi Guaranteed, D. J. BROWN THE 20 Simcoe St. 5, - Phone 10 Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P, O. oy Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1386 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 273TW OFFICE: 50 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O $e B On Active Service Wm and return to this office: Name in full ... sien an, Regimental No. .. Rank Unit . Place and date of enlistment ... Birthplace and age ............. Names and address of parents or next of kin with that health gnd happiness may In order to enable The Oshawa Daily Times to prepare a complete and accurate list of the men and women from Oshawa who have enlisted with any of His Majesty's Forces, the publishers request the relatives of such members to fill in the following form (Print Surname First ERE RR ay ER RI RI TI RE PY EE EE RI, RE I Ea