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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1940, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 ON THE AIR WAV ES CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL, 840k. CKCL, 580k. CBY, 1,420k. CFOC, 1,120k U. 8. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WJZ (Blue) 760k. WABC (CBS) ........c0nene .. 860k. caken U. S. STATIONS KDKA Pittsburgh ...... eves. 980K. WBEN Buffalo ... vo. 990K WGR Buffalo WHAM Rochester . WiBW Baffalo . WJR Detroit WLW Cincinnati ... SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES TPA4 France .. 1.750 2RO Italy .... EAR Spain RAN Russia PCI Holland .... PRF5 Brazil W2XAF Schenee ..... WIXK Boston 'W3XAU Phila. ........ HEJ Geneva ON SHORT WAVES THURSDAY Variety at 9:15 p.m., Britain Speaks at 9:30 pm. and 12:15 a.m. | Radio Newsreel at 11:30 p.m. (Mrs, Winston Churchill may be heard at this time.) (Daylight Saving Time.) BBC London transmissions beam- ed to Canada at 11.75 meg, 25 m, 9.58 meg. 31 m., and 6.11 meg. 49 m.: News, Topical Talks and Com- mentaries at 6:45 pm. 7:00 pm, 9:00 p.m., 9:45 p.m, 11:00 p.m., 12:30 a.m. London Calling at 6:42 p.m., 8:00 p.m. Canada Calls from London at 8:30 p.m. Britain Speaks at 9:30 p.m. and 12:15 a.m, Scots Abroad at 8:45 p.m. Radio Newsreel at 11:30. Serial play at 7:15 p.m. Religious Period at 8:15 p.m. Feature pro- grams at 9:15 p.m, 10:0v p.m,, 10:35 pm. 10:45 pm, 11:15 pm. 12:00 midnight. Australia (VLQ): Beamed to Americas from 7:30 am. to 8:30 a.m, and 11:30 am. to 12:30 p.m. 9.61 meg., 31 m. Madrid (EAQ): Programs at 2:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m. 30 m. band. Moscow: Beamed to Americas at 7:00 am. 11:00 am. 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m., 4:00 am. Uses 19 and 25 m. bands. THURSDAY, RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M CBL, CBC, Poldi Milner, pianist. CFRB, Santa Claus WABC, WKBW, Portia Blake. WBEN, WEAT™ Bo-'"stage Wife 5:15 P.M. WRFN, WEA S Dallag CKCL, Two Variety Periods 5:30 P.M. CFRB, Variety Corner WBEN, WEAF, Lorenzo Jones WKBW, WABC. At Hilltop House CBL, The Lemnlichter 5:45 P.M. CFRB, Young C.:a.a Club WEAF, WBEN. Young Widder Brown | CBL, CBY, Marg't Richardson, talk 1" ONLY HE PRIESTESSES OF THE SNAKE GOD CULT of " KENS| VILLAGE IN BURMA SEEM 10 BE SUCCESSFULLY FEARLESS #4 THE PRESENCE oF KING COBRAS, wHicH THEY KISS oN THE HEAD AT THE END oF THEIR CEREMONY TA CITIZEN WAS ROBBED ~ USUALLY By R J.SCOTT| Do you Know Your CATS T o| PLEBEIAN STRIPES Rn HOF BLACK OX ATTAWNY BACKGROUND MARK, | A FUR oF ARISTOCRATIC THICKNESS = IF THE Long HAIR, wERE cut HIS Lord: tr SHIP WOULD BE. ip MISTAKEN FOR AN ALLEY ROGUE! (NAME BELOW) I, on THE STREET EVERY NINE MINUTES (S558 Fees Wowk] WN 7727777 6:00 P.M, CKCL, News WEAF, WBEN, Girl Alone 6:15 P.M. CFRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade. CBL, Relax and Enjoy. WEAF, WBEN, Lone Journey 6:30 P.M. JBL, CBY, Burt Austin CFRB, News. 6:40 P.M. CFRB, Wes McKnight. CKCL, Birth Notices. 6:45 P.M. CKCL, Breezy Rhythms. WBEN, WEAF, Life Can Be Beauti- ful CBL, CBY, BBC, London News 6:50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 P.M. CFRB, Eventide Melodies. CBL, CBY, Questions of the Hour WBEN, WHAM, News. 7:15 P.M, CFRB, Light Up ana Listen CBL, CBY, Headlines in Music. 7:30 P.M. CKCL, Al Leary, Sports. CFRB, Melodies CBL, CBY, Ethel Stark, violinist WKBW, WABC, News Flashes 7:45 P.M. CBL, CBY, "Education of Forces" talk by Col. Wilfrid Bogey CKCL, Tim O'Callaghan Orch. WBEN, Lowell Thomas 8:00 P.M, CKCL, Mountaineers CFRB. WABC. Amos 'n' Andy CBL, CBY, Chuhaldin"s Strings WJZ, Easy Aces WEAF, WBEN, Fred Waring Vari- ety. 8:15 P.M. CFRB, Lanny Ross | WBEN, Vandercook Comment (N.Y Boy Scouts Talk with English Boy Scouts). 8:30 P.M. CFRB, What Would You Do? CBL. CBY They Shall Not Pass CKCL, Song and Dance Time, WBEN, WEAF, Bob Crosby Show. WABC, WGR. Vax Pop 9:00 P.M. CKCL, Jack Evans Orch, CFRB, Goodwill Court WBEN, Fanny Brice, comedy. WABC, WGR. The Ask It Basket. 9:30 P.M. WEAF, WEEN, Aldrich Family WJZ, Fame and Fortune. WGR, Strange As It Seems 10:00 P.M. CFRB, True or False {CBL, WEAF, Bing Crosby ' WJZ, Emma Otero, songs | waEC, WGR. Mafor Bowes , 10:30 P.M. CBY, Chicago Symphony CFRB, Style Talk. CKCL, News Flashes 10:50 P.M. CFRB, News Flashes. 11:00 P.M. CFRB, On Wing of Song CBL, CBY, News WEAF, WBEN. Rudy Vallee 11:15 P.M. | 5:30 P.M. CFRB, Superman. WBEN, WEAF, Lorenzo Jones WGR, News Flashes 5:45 P.M. CBL, CBY, You and the War, CFRB, Young Canada Club WEAF, WBEN, Young Brown WABC, Kate Hopkins 6:00 P.M. CFRB, Goldbergs CKCL, News Flashes 6:15 P.M. CKCL, Supper Serenade CBL, Relax and Enjoy CFRB, Claire Wallace 6:30 P.M. CBL, CBY, Popular Songs WBEN, Jack Armstrong CFRB, News Widder 6:40 P.M. CFRB, Wes McKnight 6:45 P.M. Notices 6:50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 P.M. CKCL, Twilight Musicale CBL, CBY, Questions of the Hour, CFRB, Eventide 'Melodies, WBEN, WGR, News. 7:15 P.M, CFRB, Light Up and Listen WKBW, Hedda Hopper CBL, "Red" Foster CKCL, Birth 7:30 P.M. CKCL, Al Leary CFRB, Song Styles. CBL, CBY, Recital Series. WKBW, WABC, News Flashes 7:45 P.M. CFRB, Easy Aces CBL, CBY, Norway Today. CKCL, Tim O'Callahan Orch. 8:00 P.M. CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy CKCL, Arthur O'Neil. CBL, CBY, Inaugural Program from Station CHNS. WKBW, Fulton Lewis 8:30 P.M. CBL, CBY, Toronto Symphony CFRB, Game of Games 9:00 P.M, : CKCL, CBY, Talk by W, A. Bishop. CFRB, The Green Hornet WEAF, CBL, Frank Black Symph. WGR, Kate Smith 9:30 P.M, CFRB, Name It and Take 'It CBL, Sinfonietta WEAF, WBEN, Information Please. 10:00 P.M. CKCL, Organ Musings CBL, WEAF, Waltz Time CFRB, Melody Lane WJZ, Gangbusters : 10:30 P.M. CFRB, Organ Reveries WJZ, Dance Orch, CBL, Theatre of Air CKCL, News Flashes WABC, WGR, Herbert Hogver. WBEN, WEAF, Everyman's Theat. POLLY AND HER PALS FOUND MY WIFE YEP, THA'S ARE YOU PERKINS -... THE PARTY THAT 'S BUT YuH'LL HAVE 10:45 P.M, CFRB, Motorists on the Movs CKCL, Ferde Mowry Orch. 11:00 P.M. CFRB, Swing Fraternity CBL, CBY, News - WJZ, Boxing Bout, Zivic vs. Davis. 11:15 P.M, CBL, CBY, Britain Speaks. CKCL, Rendezvous 11:30 P.M, WABC, Seems Radio Is Here to Stay CKCL, Reveries. CBL, CBY, BBC News Reel. 12:00 P.M. CBL, The Northern Messenger, Farmers Are Blamed For Drought Condition Port Hope, Nov 2]1--Dean Armi- tage of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Cobourg, was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting here of the Northumberland and Durham Min- isterial Association. Rev. W. O. Nu- gent of Cobourg presided and 12 ministers from the district were present, Dean Armitage, who spent some vears in western Canada, told his listeners that a great deal of the drought and poor crop conditions in the western provinces had heen due to the fact that crop after crop in bountiful harvests had been taken off the land without the farmers replacing the nutritive contents of the soil. 'B.B.C. CARRIES ON By Gerry Wilmot (Condensed) When the London gun barrage is booming over Broadcasting House it is obvious of course that the BBC workers who are on night duty can't very well be expected to get home, A few of them do. One very famous BBC speaker, nearly 70 years of age," stoutly maintained that it takes mor: than a mere gun barrage to stop him, and on no less than three occasions has been whisked to and from tre studio by taxi. But by far the great majority of nocturnal workers at 'he BBC come prepared to stay all night. Wonderful indeed are the arrange- ments that have been made to ac- commodate everybody, Walk through the Broadcasting House at midnight, look into what you see dozens gnd dozens of sleep- ing people. The ccncert hall seats have all been removed and on the raised rows where .they used to be the mattresses are spread out. and the whole huge room curtained off into two sections, one for men tHe other for women. Peace reigne in the concert hall at midnight, but the BBC canteen snug and bright down in the depths of the building, is a veritable babel of sound at every hour of the nign, There isn't an hour between dark- ness and dawn that scme of was formerly the concert hall, and | us | | don't feel kindly disposed toward a cup of tea or coffee or a snack to keep going with. Then, of course, in the small wee hours of the air raids, work of the BBC goes on 'too. [epartments, whose quarters are aoimally up- stairs, shift smoothly and speedily to duplicate premises in the nether regions. Not an inch of room is wasted below, all the available space is allocaced in such a way that is serves more tfian one purpose. A studio from which a famous sta: has been broadcasting will 15 mine utes later have become a bedroom. So bombers above, or no bosbers, work at the BBC never stops, and programmes from the BBC go out for all the world to hear. For there isn't a single man or woman who who is any way connect*rd with the BBC who hasn't got one thought uppermest in mind these days -- foome what may, the shew must go on!" . END OF SAFE-BREAKER Melbourne (CP)--Regarded as the most skilful safe-breaker in Victoria, Vernon Budge, 28, died in hospital here of injuries suffered when he fell while trying to climb the wall of a building. INCORPORATE COUNCIL London (CP)--A charter to the | British Council makes it a body cor=- nerate fer the purpose of promoting a wider kncwledge of Britain and he English language abroad." - - - THAT BEAT AS ONE! HE'S HERS AW RIGHT ENOUGH. BUT LISTEN, FRIEND --. THERE'S FIFTY BLCKS IN IT FOR YOU = 1F { You PROVE HE ISNT' SECRET AGENT X9 THE OLD GUY You TAGGED TO CHEMIE & CO. 15 JASPER VONN, AN ESPIONAGE AGENT WITH A RECORD... I'M GOIN® THERE THIS AFTERNOON TO FIND OUT WHAT BAY, Y wHAT'S THE CONNECTION BETWEEN HIM AND LUCILLE? DON'T KNOW, YET, BLL. SHE'S LIVING AT A GIRLS' CLUB. BELINDA IS OVER THERE NOW, WATCHING HER, x-9-- THE PY! IT5 LUCILLE-- SHE'S IN THE ROOM ACROSS THE COURT! SEEMS TO BE WRITING SOMETHING -- d COPYING IT OUT Cg OF THAT BOOK! I CAN'T MAKE rout FROM HEY}--You FELLERS, NO SECRET PACTS! You GOTTA PLAY | THIS GAME ACCORDIN TO INTERNATIONAL. WAR RULES OR LEAVE THE CBL, CBY, Britain Speaks 11:30 P.M. CKCL, Reveries WJZ, Fisk Jubilee Choir, Winston Churchill may heard on this program.) CBL, CBY, BBC, Newsreel 11:45 P.M. CFRB, Hockey Summaries CKCL, Bands and Ballads, News | | MUGGS & SKEETER By Wally Bishop (Mrs bo AH'M A-GONNA GIT M'SECOND-HELPIN'G AFORE ITS TOO LATE! eieTeR THOUGHT ITD BE A LOT OF FUN TO HAVE A FORMAL DINNER FOR US KIDS! BUT FIRST WE GOTTA STUDY LP ON ETIQUETTE! NOW, SUPPO THE MAIN COURSE IS OVER AND THE MAID HAGN'T CLEARED AWAY THE (Rogan PLATES... P---- / WHO SAID ANYTHIN' ABOUT WARSHIN' WHAT'S THE NEXT MOVE ? jh ae OH!OH! IS THAT ALL YOU KNOW ABOUT 55 ETIQUETTE? 5:00 P.M. CFRB, Story Time Lady. CBL, Presenting. WKBW, WABC, Porcia Faces WBEN, WEAF, Backstage Wife CKCL, Kay Kyser Orch, 5:15 P.M. CBL, CBY, Club Matinee. CFRB, Road of Life WBEN, WEAF, Stella Dallas, CKCL, Prelude to Dinner | | | fants Mg baat FRIDAY RADIO PROGRAMS | Lite | DONALD DUCK DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 6. Food refuse 25. The earth 1. Boast 17. Leg joint | 26. Sugary 5. Substance 8. A journey 28. A salad from coal in circuit plant 9. One who lies 10. Paired 31. Tangle 10. Full of 11. Injure 33. Purposeful thorns 15. Book of Old journey 12. Monster Testament 38. A hautboy 13. Church 'Apocrypha 39. Tall tales celebration ¥ 88. Pleasure 40. Wagon 14. The morn- boat 41. Hebrew ing star God of measure " 16. Look poetr; 42. Festive , 17. A British 20. Quick 44. Christmas Yesterday's Answer soldier 21. Maxim carol 46. Pieced out 19. Unit of work 24. Seat 45. A shore recess 48, Energy 22. Exist 23. Performs 27. Having a rank taste 29. Masticate 30. On the left side 31. Divide 32. Tempo 33. Whole 34. Poems |35. Sun god | 86. Rodent {37. Contrite (40. Gear wheel (43. Equilibrium 47. South Amer- ican river 149. Kind of bird '50. Trusted 51. Glacial snow 2. Snare 5» Snow vehicle > m P| WEEE SN REs © a S) ro [mM 3m Oi 19. 7 MAYBE WE'LL. COME TO ATTOWN WHERE THEY HAVE A HONEST, ZERO, 1 WISHT I NEVER SAW THIS CHAIR FALL OFF THAT TRUCK-LOAD OF FURNITURE --~~-- I THOUGHT THE MAN WOULD FIND OUT HE LOST HIS CHAIR AND COME BACK TO GET IT... BUT HE HASN'T. AN' ITMAKES ME FEEL KINDA GOOFY TO HAVE TO CARRY THIS CHAR EVERYWHERE I GO--~~ THEN TLL GIVEEM a THE CHAIRLTHEN SWELLCHAIR I CANT THROW IT AWAY ORGIVE IT TO ANYBODY: DOWN 'CAUSE IT DONT 1. Lump of To earth 2. Capital of Latvia J. Having the form of an oar 4, Wrench v. Island in Dodecanese

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