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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1940, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 PAGE ELEVEN THROW AWAY THE RENT CARD -- USE A RENTAL AD BELOW Undertaking Articles for Sale Articles for Sale MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOML Prcmpt day and aight service F J. Meagher, Manager. 8 J Strow- ger Funeral Director 117 Kine St. E. Phone 907. (19Dec.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street i tablished 1889 Phore = (24Nov.c) LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance Residence 69 King St. E Phone 210. M. PF. ARMSTRONG AND SON. proprietors 'Oshawa Burial Co Funeral snd Ambulance Service Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Auditors FOR SALE--60 BARRED ROCK pullets, excellent layers. Guys. N. Oshawa, Con. 4, Lot 15. (99¢) FOR SALE -- MCcINTOSH RED apples, 2 grades, $1.35 and $1.60 per hamper, delivered. Phone 163R3. (99h) CANARIES, BEAUTIFUL SING- ers, English Rollers and Noraich, ready for Christmas. Phone 1113W, 197 Church. (20Dec.c) ONE BROOD SOW, DUE DEC Would exchange for grain or hay. Phone 2124J. (98b) CLEAN FEATHER TICK, WOULD make good pillows. Apply 92 Elgin St. East. (98¢) STORM SASHES, 2--58 x 28; 1-- 57 x 30. Phone 2777. ®7c) OSCAR HUDSON aND COM: pany, Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM: pany, Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, % Simcoe Street South. Telephone 4 Head Office. Toronto Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St Prone 960 J. G. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office phone 793, residence phone 2805. 4% Prince Street. BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Chesterfield, breakfast, and bed- room suites, studio couches, day beds, bed outfits, inner spring mattresses, wardrobes, bookcases, etc. Direct from factory show rooms. We invite you to visit our new store at 156 Sim:zoe St. South (30Nov.c) RED WING "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered to your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (25Nov.c) HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS INCLUD- ing 1 plano, rocking chalrs, drapes. Phone 3117TR. 15 Maple St. (100c) 6 PIECE DINETTE FOR SALE, in excellent condition. Apply 140 Tyler Cres. (100a) PIANO, LOUIS XV, OAK FINISH, beautiful tone, $3, Wilson and Lee, 79 Simcoe N. (100a) MAN'S HIGH GRADE GREY overcoat, size 36. Double breasted. Like new, $8. Phone 1991. (100a) GIRL'S WINTER COAT, RUST, 14-16. Good condition. Reasonable. 106 Oshawa Blvd. (1002) re el Ei FRESH EGGS FOR SALE. PHONE 2598J. (1002) 15 RECONDITIONED COAL stoves for sale, 7 round fire box stoves, $6, $7.95, $0.50, $14, $16. Oblong fire box stoves, $8.95, $22.50, 33.50. Heater, $7. Washer, $20. Oshawa store, (1002 equipped with portable top. Good tires. Size 6 x 4 Weight, 430 lbs. Apply 226 Verdun Rd. USED STUDIO COUCH, WITH wardrobe. Apply 310 St. Julian St. (100a) Motar Cars For Sale 20 CHEV. CAR, GOOD tion. Apply 129 Colborne East. (100a) NEW 2 WHEEL BOX TRAILER. CONDI- | The Easy Way « «++ to buy or sell, rent or trade is to draw a warm tub, get into it with your Daily Times, and check through the Want Ads. Results always with Oil stove, $5. 'Robert Simpson Co., | THE WANT ADS IN . THE DAILY (100a) | Male and Female Help Wanted Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sstt's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas, extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1313 DR. C. L.. KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. Residence 1462W, (1Dec.c) Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES, BUILDER, Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts, Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- sau street. (t0) - Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G. L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2688, residence 145. Legal A W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER, SoNcitor, etc, 8 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. O. Pollard, KOC. Uxbridge, Ontario, GRI N, CREIGHTON AND Praser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa. Phone 4 Allin F. Annis, BA, LLB. Ermest Marks. BA. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, solicitor, etc, 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 3207. 'Money to loan. JOSEPH F. MANGAN, KC. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phcne 445. Residence phone 837. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, KC. and J. C. Anderson, K.C., Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe 8t. North. Phone 99. MANNING F. SWARTZ. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East. Phone 2832. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, 3ARRISTER, etv. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- af Housing "Act, 5%. 2¢ Simcoe Bt. North. (4Dec.c) Pets and Livestock FIRST CLASS 'BORDER FANCY Canaries. All singers, guaranteed. Also Hens for breeding, G. Rob- bins, 269 Court St. (14Dec.c) . CHOW-CHOW PUPPIES, PHONE 1554J. (100) W. E N. Dancing Instruction "DANCE FOR HEALTH", BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Saturdays, tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances, all types. Free Health Class. (20Dec.c) Expert Watch Repairing PF. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Bwiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. (tH Shoe Repairing VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (8Dec.c) '30 CHEV. SEDAN, $100 CASH. Good condition. Apply Parking lot Athol and Simcoe, Saturday 4 o'clock. (100a) FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS, the supreme gift of all is furniture. A gift that will add charm to your home. A gift that will add to vour comfort and hers. A gift of furni- ture from The Topp Furniture Co. is a reminder for years to come of your good taste and thoughtfulness. Select from chesterfield, studio, dining room, dinette and kitchen suites, cedar chests, lamps, smokers, walnut tables, hassocks, rugs, cush- ions, occasional chairs, bedding and other lasting gifts. A small deposit will hold any article until] Christ- mas. Our location saves you money. Topp Funiture Co., 10 Bond West. Phone 686. (14Dec.c) BLACK FITTED COAT, SUTTABLE for tall fellow. 1st class condition. Reasonable. Phone 1882M. (95b) (6Dec.c) POR SALE -- BAXTERS, SPIES, Snows, McIntosh Apples. Good domestic. Phone 631. ¥¥ Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South. (4Deec.c) Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Conches" B50 beautiful studio couches to shoose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1895 up. You gan: save 40%. Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $9.95. Also felt mattresses, rolled edges, well filled. Wonder- ful Value, all sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles and most. attractive cover- ings, fully guaranteed construction. Sale price $40 up. Liberal allow- ance on trade-ins, Bedroom Suites Thrillingly new, smart waterfall design, lovely selection. Sale price $39 up. Save 407%. Breakfast Suites Choose from a grand selection, all styles and colours. Sale $1895 up. Cedar Chests No matter how much or how little you care to spend, we have just what you want, at YOUR price! And each lovely CHEST, regardless of price, has full tennes- see red cedar lining! Sale price $1295 up. Floor Covering Specials Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy linoleums in all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs and carpet dept. Save 40%. Xmas Gift Suggestions Cedar chests, mattresses. lamps, cushions, smokers, walnut tables, Lassocks, sewing cabinets, rugs, comforters, bedspreads, occasional chairs, mirrors, studio couch, ches- terfield suite. bedroom suite, din- ette suite, 1001 lasting gifts to select from our 2 large stores, A small deposit will hold your article until Xmas, Ask about our easy Xmas budget plan. Our lower prices positively save you money. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 KING W. 20 CHURCH ST. LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store 156 Simcoe South. (23Nov.c) A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, invisible nalf soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Bhoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. (4Dec.c) LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2673R. W. 'Allison, 9 Athol West. (2Dec.c) * Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS. sand cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 Colborne Street West. Phone 605 ' (18Dec.c) Money To Loan BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete. dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 156 Simcoe South. (11Dec.c) 8 PIECE, FUMED OAK, DINING room suite; bed, spring, new inner spring mattress; oak desk. Phone 1721R. (100b) LARGE HEATER, INCLUDING feeder and pipe, in good condition. Apply 273 Division St, (1002) 100 BARRED ROCK HENS. AP- ply 181 Tresane St. (1008) 1933 PONTIAC SEDAN, CHEAP far cash, 146 Burk St. after 6. (1002) For Rent SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY .partment building, 1 5-roomed, newly decorated. Everything mod- ern. See caretaker or phone 169. (5Sept.th) 3 LARGE ROOMS, UNFURNISH- ed. Private bath, every conveni- ence. Phone 1052W. 1730 Simcoe St. 8. (100b) 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2441W, (1008) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL conveniences. [East side. Couple only. Phone 1412M. (100a) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL conveniences. Central, 65 Charles 8st. (1008) SERVICE STATION AND GAR- age for lease or rent in Oshawa. Apply Box 131 Times. (100b) ONE OR TWO ROOMS FOR RENT to business girls. Board optional, 16 Elgin East. (100b) 3 ROOMED FLAT, ALL CONVENTI- | ences, possession December 1st. Ap- Iply 174 Arthur St (1002) MODERN HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, garage, hot-air heating. Connaught St. Available Dee. 1. Fifty Dollars, Phone 532J. (100¢) | LARGE FRONT ROOM IN GOOD | district. Bedroom or bed-sitting room. Breakfast if desired. Phone 2060R. (100m) 2 UNFURNISHED "ROOMS ON {ground floor, reasonable rent. Im- | mediate possession. ~ Apply 276 Celina St. (100a) 5 ROOMED HOUSE, 253 BLOOR W., water, garage, $17 month. Write 8S. E. Hardy, Thurstonia Park. 2 BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Also separ- ate bedroom. Adults. Central. Garage. Apply 134 Alice 8t. (99b) 2 LARGE ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping ,unfunished. Resi- dential district. Close to Motors. Phone 3332W. (98¢) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM- ed apartment, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 1718. (10Nov tf) OFFICES WELL LIGHTED, NICE- ly decorated. hardwood floors, hot water heated, well located in mod- ern office building, attractive ent- rance. Bradley Bros. (200ct.t1) FOR RENT -- WHITBY, WELL furnished ground floor heated apartment, 5 large bright rooms and bath. Every modern con- venience. Apply P.O. Box 214, Whitby. (98e) Wanted to Rent TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Must be reasonable. Phone B591W, 7-8 p.m. (100a) BY LADY WITH CHILD, SMALL apartment or suite, unfurnished, near school, by December first. Box 125 Times. (99¢) WANTED BY DEC. 1, FOUR roomed apartment, with bath, un- heated, 203 Mary, Phone 1043J, (98c) 6 OR 7 ROOM, MODERN HOUSE in good residential district, Re- sponsible tenant. Please give par- deculars to Box 102 Times (8Nov.tf Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 William St. East. Phone 3148. (4Dec.c) LARGE No children. " Meals MONEY TG LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phoné 25, Oshawa. © (12Dec.c) STOVE FOR SALE, CHEAP FOR cash, Findley heater, medium size. Good condition. Phone 1874W. 1003) MEALS SERVED TO GENERAL Motors men, 62 Divion St., 3 min, walk to apy part of Motors, ; .. (20Dec.c) for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Four Dominion-wide exams held | since war began. Free Booklet, | M.C.C. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. (Wed. Fri. tf) Female Help Wanted GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, 25¢ Punshon Ave, off Warren, (100a) |A GOOD HOME FOR ELDERLY lady in return for light duties. {Small remuneration. Box 128 | Times, (100b) A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. one able to cook and wait on table. Phone 72. (97¢) Male Help Wanted | WANTED IMMEDIATELY, BOY for office work. Must have junior {matriculation and be neat and ac- curate at figures. - Apply in own handwriting, Box 127 Times, (09b) REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted, part or full time, with car. Bradley Bros. (20Nov eC) | NOW 1S THE TIME TO QUALIFY Notice NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAWS Notice is hereby given that By- law Number 2363 was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the 4th day of November, 1940, pro- viding for the issue of debentures to the amount of $120,000.00 to retire outstanding debentures which were issued for the purchase of the Gas Plant and Distribution System; and that such by-law was registered in the registry office at Whitby in the County of Ontario, on the 6th day of November, 1940. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and can- not be made thereafter. Dated this Tth day of November, 1940. P. E. HARE, City. Clerk. (90-95-100) Notice is hereby given that By- law Number 2364 was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the 4th day of November, 1940, pro- viding for the issue of debentures to the amount of $108,000.00 to retire outstanding debentures which were Issued for the purchase of the | Electric Distribution System: and that such by-law was registered in | the registry office at Whitby in the County of Ontario, on the 6th day of Novembef, 1940. Any motion to | quash or set aside the same or any nart thereof must be made within three months after the first pub- | lication of this notice and cannot | be made thereafter. | Dated this 7th day of November, 1940, | ¥. E. HARE, City Clerk. (90-95-100) Auction Sale I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY | Mr. Wm. Lindsay, to sell by public | auction, at his premises, lot 16, | concession 3, Whitby, 2 miles north | Thornton's Corners, on Monday, | November 25, farm stock and im- | plements, cattle horses, hay, grain, | pigs, harness, straw, manure, and 3 acres of corn in stook, wood, | | quantity of scrap iron. Sale at one | | o'clock, sharp (D.ST.) Terms cash, | | Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. | E (96,97, 100) | Real Estate For Sale [18 ACRES OF LAND, SIMCOE | | north, corner Simcoe and suburb | Beautiful location. Pine opportun- ity for home-builder. Ill health forces owner to sell. Apply first | house south. C. E. Warwick. (99¢c) 17s ACRES CLAY LOAM, Al | Building. All modern conveniences, | {Apply Walter Robertson, RR. 1, | Dunsford, Ont, (97e) | Work Wanted YOUNG MAN DESIRES ' POSI- {tion. Has had experience at sell- ing and farm work, Would accept |any position offered. Urgent. Box 1130 Times. (100b) CAPABLE MIDDLE AGED WOM- an desires position as housskeeper. References, Box 120 Times. (100b) A FULLY EXPERIENCED SINGLE farm hand, desires work for winter, State wages. Box 123 Times. (99b) CARPENTRY WORK WANTED, any kind. Estimates given free. Apply 476 Albert St. or 205 French St. (98c) Wanted WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds, stoves, furniture, anything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Collected. Please phone 639. Wanted To Buy '33 STANDARD CHEV, SEDAN IN Good condition. For cash. Phone 2146W, (100¢) PIANO, APARTMENT SIZE, good condition. Reasonable. Cash, Full particulars. Box 124 Times. (99c) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (18Dec.c) WE PAY HIGR PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and fron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (5Dec.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 56 King West. Phone 1030. ; (5Dec.c) Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GEN- tlemen friends or business couple in private home. 118 Alma St. (100c) WELL FURNISHED LARGE front room, ground floor, suitable for gentlemen. 31 John, 2851W, T (98c) BOARD AND ROOM FOR LADY or gentleman, centrally located. Box 133 Times. (100a) Lost SMALL PEKINGESE DOG, LIGHT brown, answers to name of "Chin- gey". 281 Mothersill Drive. Lost Tuesday afternoon. Reward. (100a) Tuesday. Answers to "Wings", Reward, Vernon Welsh, Phone 3114. (98c) $50 REWARD FOR RETURN OF 14K gold cigarette case, Jost about October 1st. Owner's name. ene graved inside. Box '126 Times. ARP i A (90e) spaniel, |sPEOIAL $2600. NEW SIX ROOMS | |Rug Brick, Burk St.--only $350 cash. | | Balance $27 per month pays Inter- |est, Taxes and Principal $2800. NEW RUG BRICK, SIX rooms, Rosedale Ave, $400 cash, |$28 per month pays all carrying charges. {JONES REAL ESTATE. (14Dec.c) FARM FOR SALE, 85 ACRES ON Lakeshore, front. Good duck {hunting in season, bank barn, frame |house, 2'4 miles from Oshawa Apply to Conant & Annis, T!; | Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa. (71) | BRAND NEW WORKMAN'S home, just completed, Fairleigh Ave. 3 houses Montrave, one Park Rd Apply Watkinson, 92 Church St. Thi i hei ty | BURKE ST. 6 ROOM MODERN | {rug brick house, garage, $2,600. | | Terms. Hortop Ave. 8 room brick, |oak floors, garage. A good buy at | $2500 and $350 down. Ritson Rd. 5 room brick bungalow $2100. Terms. Grocery store, going |concern, with dwelling. Owner leaving. Oshawa. Full information | | zt office. . CH. French, Ontario St. | (100a) | Typing Wanted STATFMENTS, ACCOUNTS, manuscripts, etc. typed, envelopes addressed, for prices Phone 1323W, | 187 Simcoe S. (21Dec.c) | Caulking and Weatherstriping HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metal weather- strip. Guaranteed to stop drafts and leakage; including casement wind- cws. Phone 454. T. A. Morgan, (11Dec.c) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits, pants, men's fall and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats! Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (18Dec.c) Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs, For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350). Tubes tested free. (4Dec.c) Philadelphia, Nov. 21. -- Hershey Bears came from behind to tle Philadelphia Ramblers 5-5 in an overtime American League hockey game last night. The Bears ram- med in two goals in the second period and two more in the third to overcome their 3-1 first period deficit. Although ng goals were scored in the extra period, it was enlivened twice, first when Rogers Jenkins eh pny Polich were chased for and again when Orville Roulston and Pojich were waved off "rapping. the ice for. | Lee, | Council asking for conscription of | wealth | various expenditures for the period | | tures, $12,950.46; | riotic' purposes. | County is getting well organized for | | the purpose of securing a steady sale STRAIGHT SALARY FOR JUDGES, NO MILEAGES URGED Northumberland-Durham | County Committee Endorses Bruce Proposal | Cobourg, Nov. 21--Removal of mileage payments to judges, magis- trates, sheriffs and other officials in connection with the administra- tion of justice was favored by the Legislative and By-Laws Committee at the session of Northumberland and Durham Counties Council. The committee indicated its ap- proval of such a move by endorsing the resolution of Bruce County Council in which it had been re- commended that in view of the high cost of the administration of jus- tice judges, magistrates, and similar officials should be on a straight sal- ary instead of getting mileage. Bruce County Council also recommended that judges be 1equired to contribute to their own pension fund the same as civic employes, and this recom- mendation was also endorsed by the Legislatire and By-Laws Commit- Action or Abandonment No action was taken by the com- mittee on the resolution of another county council that the Government either act on the various findings of Royal Commissions or else aban- don such methods of investigation. Resolution from Lincoln County in war time was received and filed. The committee also took | no action on the resolution of Prince Edward County Council that relief recipients should be disfranchised for the year in which they are re- ceiving relief. At the session of county councii Wednesday Ree.e R. R, Mallory, of Percy Township, reported that the Special Road Rebat~s "ommittee had interviewed the ».wrney-Gen- eral"s Department in regard to the road rebate by-law for which ap- proval is sought, and one clause was removed, with the result that muni- cipalities would not receive grants for any year from 1920 to 1939, in- | clusive, but the road rebate would | be resumed for 1940, on or before | April 1st, 1941, Approve Expenditure | The finance committee approved | from the June session until the end of October. Administration of jus- tice for that period cost $7,669.26; county roads, $43,563.20; deben- interest on loans, $1,563.29; counties' home, $7,101.44; counties' jail, $2,534.54; municipal government, $8515.51; education $70,140.49, and other items. A special committee of the war- den and four members of the coun- cil was appointed to look into the various requests for grants for pat- { WAR STAMP SALE id Birth | WANNAMAKER--At the Oshawa General Hospital, November 20, | to Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Wan=- namaker, the gift of a daughter, Mary Louise. (100a) Death LOCKE -- In Reach Township, | Concession 3, Lot 18, on Wednes- | day, November 20, 1940, William Locke, beloved husband of the | late Mary Jane Hamlyn, in his 86th year, Funeral from the parlors of Luke Burial Co. 67 King St. E, on Saturday, November 23, 1940, at 2:30 (DST) Interment Union Cemetery. (1002) SOME 0DD SIGHTS OF BRAVE LONDON | Doormen Flanked by Debris Still Polish Brass, Radios Blare in Blackout By D. E. BURRITT | Canadian Press Staff Writer | London, Nos 19--(CP)--Seen or heard in London: Hawkers doing a roaring business | in the subway shelters . . . "choco- | lates, sweets, ices" . . . automatic vending machines emptied within a | few minutes of arrival of first shel- ter refugees . . . the city in pitch | blackness but radios still blare into | the night and provide a ghost-like | background for lone travellers. . . A tiny motorcar with its nose | buried in a bomb crater still flaunt- | ed its important red-lettered notice across the rear window, "priority" | + + . Chinese laundryman, an odd | sight in West London, shuffling along with huge bag over his shoul- der and a tin hat hiding most of | his facial features . .. though bomb debris piled walst-high on either | sid of door. . . | But Going Strong | "ladies only" said the sign hanging drunkenly over a broken gas main | over which 14 men were laboring | .. . "No Depression in This House" | sald the sign hanging in a doorway | . . . the doorway was all that was left of the house . . . "Established 1628 and STILL open" said the sign over a damaged warehouse. . . A new boy brings the groceries now . . . "oh, the other bloke, 'e collected a packet on 'is bike . .. (he meant his predecessor had been | killed by a bomby . .. Climb over the debris to read a | "warning" tacked on the wreckage | of a building . . . in letters so small { you can't read them five feet away | it says "keep away as there is dan- | ger of injury from falling mam | | rye. TIRELESS MISSIONARY ( Melbourne.--(CP)--Rev. E. R. B, Gribble, who has spent 40 years as a missionary among Australian aborigines, was here recently for kis first vacation in 10 years. He | f= 72. CAMPAIGNPLINNED Regular Saving Plan Among Wage Earners Suggested by Organizer 21--Durham BASSETT'S JEWELERS ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER DANCING EVERY SAT. JUBILEE Pavilicn, Ladies 35c, Gentlemen 50c. (99c) PLAY BINGO. COME AND HELP the boys "Over There" Tuesday night. Over Burns'. 15c. Vouch= ers. (100a) ORANGE TEMPLE BINGO, every Saturday night, 8:30. 15 prizes, 25c. tn BINGO, = SATURDAY NIGHT, over Burns, Army and Navy Vete erans. Voucher prizes. 15 games for 25c. 8:45. tn CSUAL BINGO, THURSDAY night, over Burns, 8:45. Good prizes and vouchers. tn BINGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, and every Friday after this date St. John's Parish Hall, corner of Simcoe and Blcor Sts., at 8:30 p.m. sharp. 15 games for 25c, (100a) COLLEGIATE HOME AND S-hool, Monday, Nov. 25, 8 o'clock. Speaker Mrs, R. T. (Pattie) Tanner, Toronto. R2freshments. All parents welzcmo. (100a) RUMMAGE SALE AT HOLY TRIN- ity Church, Tuesday at 2 o'clock, (1002) EUCHRE, ORANGE HALL, EVERY Tu>sJay night, 8:30. 252. Six prizes. (1002) RUMMAGE SALE ST. GEORGES P°rish Hall, Centre St, Friday, 1:30. (1002) BAZAAR, NORTHMINSTER Church, Thursday, Nov. 28, 3p.m. Bosths. Tea served. (100a) THORNTON'S CORNERS HOME school Annual sale of work and hot supper. Thornton's Corners Sunday School, Nov, 29, 3 o'clock. supper commencing 5. 25¢. (100a) TURKEY DINNER, KNOX Church, Friday, Nov. 22, Adults 502. Served from 5:30. (1002) YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND a Tea in the officers' Mess at the Armour.es, 3-6, on Friday, 25c. Under auspices Women's Auxili= ary Ontario Regiment. (100a) KING ST. HOME AND SCHOOL Tea on Wednesday, Nov, 27, from 3-6, at the home of Mrs. W. H. W_ Hiscock, 312 King St. E. (1002) BINGO, ORANGE TEMPLE, FRI- day, 2:30. 10c. FE. Youds. (100a) BINGO EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, over Burns. 14 prizes. 15c. (1002) Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 When in Need of Drugs Call FOWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY ., WATCH REPAIRING Let us repair Clocks, Tewenery ete. ey Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 Port Hope, Nov. of war savings stamps and war sav- ings certificates to assist the war effort. ; Ross Strike, Bowmanville barris- GOOD STORE FOR RENT Cor. RITSON RD. & KING E. Vacant Now APPLY MR. J. SAMMUT 148 Simcoe St. S. Phone 2294 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ter, is organizer for the county and | | has addressed several audiences in Port Hope, He conferred at Cobourg with the reeves and deputy-reeves of Durham County between sessions of the counties council there. Mr. Strike pointed out that al- though the sales of war stamps and | war certificates were very gratifying after the campaign was launched some time ago, most of the loose money had been taken up by these means and returns were now falling off. It was therefore planned to supple- ment this by establishing a regular savings plan among wage earners whereby pledges and salary deduc- tion measures would provide a steady income from this source for the war effort. It was emphasized that the money arranged in this manner was not to be regarded as donations, but as loans. It is planned to have all industrial plants well organized along these lines so as to provide a steady flow of money to the government, bene- fitting not only the nation's war ef- fort, but also providing a substantial form of savings account for the wage earner. YOUTH STILL WALKING Colne, England (CP) -- A new youth hostel, built since the start of the war, opened at Jerusalem Farm in the shadow of Pendle Hill here. It will have beds for 46 for week-end use. OVERCOME.2-0 LEAD Omaha, Neb, Nov, 21--(CP)-- Omaha Knights edged out Tulsa Oilers 3-2 last night in the Ameri- can Hockey Association, Tulsa led 2-0 at the end of the second period on goals by Ross Knowles and Ken Grivel. In the third Besler scored twice and fire parsons once for CH. Juch o Eyesight Specialist o | ORTHOPTIC TREATMENTS Disney Building Opp. P.O. Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 2"2TW OFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O Oshawa, Phone 1516 2526 In order to enable The Osh complete and accurate list of the and return to this office: Name in full ...e0000000e Regimental No. .. Rank Place and date of enlistment Birthplace and age .. Names and address of parents or next of kin ............ EE EE I SNAPS Knights, On Active Service who have enlisted with any of His Majesty's Forces, the publishers request the relatives of such members to fill in the following form Other PaPHICUIAYS co avivivvnciivirncavivanasissaseien RR EE RR RE TR RR Sr Sy I I SPA SR awa Daily Times to prepare a men and women from Oshawa (Print Surname First) EE Tarts nnsaee EE Ea 'N

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