+ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1940 PAGE ELEVEN THROW AWAY THE RENT CARD -- USE A RENTAL AD BELOW Birth KNIPE--At Oshawa Gen. Hospital on Thursday, Nov. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Knipe, North Osh- awa, a daughter, (101a) In Memorium REECE--In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mary Reece who passed away, Nov. 24th, 1939. Her faint last wish we should like to have heard And breathed in her ear one last parting word. Only those Who have lost are able to tell The pain of the heart in not saying farewell. A Brann y, Stuart an ra ! Mery (1018) TERRY--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs, Gert- rude Terrv who passed away Nov. 23, 1932. Too far away for sight or speech. But not tea far for thought to reach. Ever remembered by Husband, Sons and Daughters. (1012) REECE--In loving memory of one dear mother who passed away November 24, 1939. She bid no one a last farewell; She said good-bye to none; Her loving eart had ceased to beat; Before we knew it. she had gone. She @id not fail to do her best. Her heart was true and tender: | She worked hard for those she left And ever will be remembered. Sadly missed by Ethel and Anne. There's a face that is haunting as ever There's a volce that brought us good cheer, There's a smile we'll forever re- member When in silence we dry every tear, Sadly missed by her daughter Sophie, Emie and children. which The years may wipe out many. things, But this they wipe out never-- The memory of those happy days When we were all together. Sadly missed -by her daughter Rose, Roy and Barry. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. Sadly missed by her daughter Nellie and Al (1018) Card of Thanks , REESON Mr. Bruce Reeson and Mrs. John Reeson wish to thank their many friends, neighbors and relatives for their sympathy and floral tributes during their recent sad bereave- ment. (1012) BOOTH Mr. Arthur Booth and family wish to thank their many friends end neighbors for their beautiful floral tributes and kindness in their recent bereavement. (1013) Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE BSER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee iieeds. Successors to G. L. Nolan, 22% King Street East Phone 2628, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- ance. Office phone 703, residence phone 2805. €% Prince Street. Legal LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary, etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 67, Residence 3051. A. W. 8. GREER, BARRISTER. SoMcitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard, K.C. Uxbridge, Ontario, GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 7% Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa. Phone 4 Allin P. Annis, BA, LLB. Emest Marks. B.A. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, Sol.ic:tor, etc, 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 3207. "Monev to loan. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC.. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, KC, and J. C. Anderson, KC. , Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North Phone 99. MANNING P. SWARTZ BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PAREKHILL, 3ARRISTER, ev. Mortgage loans §% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. '26 Simcoe St. North. (4Dec.c) Auditors OSCAR® HUDSON = aND COM: pany Chartered Accountants, Articles for Sale MAROON PRAM FOR SALE. Cheap. 66 Emma St. (101a) CANARIES, BEAUTIFUL SING- ers, English Rollers and Noraich, ready for Christmas. Phone 1113W, 197 Church. (20Dec.c) BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Chesterfield, breakfast, and bed- room suites, studio couches, day beds, bed outfits, inner spring mattresses, wardrobes, bookcases, etc. Direct from factory show rooms. We invite you to visit our new store at 156 Simcoe St. South (30Nov.c) RED WING "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered to your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (25Nov.c) FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS, the supreme gift of all is furniture. A gift that will add charm to your home. A gift that will add to vour comfort and hers. A gift of furni- ture from The Topp Furniture Co. is a reminder for years to come of your good taste and thoughtfulness. Select from chesterfield, studio, dining room, dinette and kitchen suites, cedar chests, lamps, smokers, walnut tables, hassocks, rugs, cush- ions, occasional chairs, bedding and other lasting gifts. A small deposit | will hold any article until Christ- mas. Our location saves you money Topp Funiture Co. 10 Bond West. Phone 686. (14Dec.c) Select yours from aver 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store 156 Simcoe South. (23Nov.c) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. (8Dec.c) BLACK FITTED COAT, SUITABLE for tall fellow. 1st class condition. Reasonable. Phone 1882M. (95h) (6Dec.c) POR SALE -- BAXTERS, SPIES, Snows, McIntosh Apples. Good | domestic. Phone 631. F. Shaw, T4 | Park Rd. South. (4Dec.c) Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches to thoose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1895 up. You can save 0% J Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $9.95. so felt mattresses, rolled edges, wey filled. Wonder- ful Value, all siges. '$449. ~ New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles 'and most attractive iY ings, fully guarantéied construction. Sale price $49 "up. © Liberal 'sllow- ance on trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thrillingly new, smart waterfall design, lovely selection. Sale price $30 up. Save 40%. : Breakfast Suites Choose from a grand selection, all |styles and colours. Sale $1895 up. Cedar Chests No matter how much or how little you care to spend, we have just what you want, at YOUR price! And each lovely CHEST, regardless of price, has full tennes- see red cedar -lining! Sale price $1295 up. p Floor 'Covering Specials Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy linoleums in all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs and carpet dept. Save 40%. Xmas Gift Suggestions Cedar chests, mattresses, lamps, cushions, smokers, walnut tables, Lassocks, sewing. cabinets, rugs, comforters, bedspreads, occasional chairs, mirrors, studio couch, ches- terfield suite, bedroom suite. din- ette suite, 1001 lasting - gifts to select from our 2 large stores. A small deposit will hold your article until Xmas. Ask about our easy Xmas budget plan. Our lower prices positively save you money. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 KING W. 20 CHURCH ST. BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, . complete. dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. - Bradley's, 158 Simcoe South. (11Dec.c) 8 PIECE, FUMED OAK, DINING room suite; bed, spring, new inner spring mattress; oak desk. Phone 1721R. + (100b) HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS INCLUD- ing 1 plano, rocking chairs, drapes. Phone 3117R. 15 Maple St. (100c) Undertaking MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prcmpt day and night service. F J, Meagher, Manager, 8. J. Strow- ger. Punera)l Director. 117 King St. E. Phone 007. (19Dec.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Punera) Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street Established 1889 Phone 401 (24Nov.c) LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance Residence 69 King St. BE Phone 210. ! MOFFAI HUDSON AND COM: pany, Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, 7% Binccue Street South. Telephone 4 Heaa Office, Toronto. M. P. ARMSTRONG AND SON proprietors 'Oshawa Burial Co Funeral and Ambulance. Service Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East, Time and Tide + +» « wait for no man to sell his motor boat or grandfather's clock. But don't worry; you'll get a good price for anything you want to sell in THE WANT ADS IN LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM | | rugs. THE DAILY For Rent LOVELY SIMCOE MANOR, partment. building, 1 newly decorated. Everything mod- ern. See caretaker or phone 169. ~45Sept.tf) 3 'LARGE ROOMS, UNFURNISH- ed. Private bath, every conveni- ence. Phone 1502w 1730 Simcoe St. S. i a = |SERVICE STATION AND GAR- |age for lease or rent in Oshawa. | Apply Box 131 Times. (100b) | ices WELL LIGHTED, NICE- | ly decorated, hardwood floors, hat water heated, well located in mod- ern office building, attractive ent- rance. Bradley Bros. (290ct.tf) FOR RENT -- WHITBY, WELL | furnished ground floor heated |apartment, 5 large bright rooms iand bath. Every modern con- | venience. Phone 744, Whitby. li BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS | for light housekeeping. Also separ- |ate bedroom, Adults, Central. Garage. Apply 134 Alice St. (99b) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM~ ed apartment, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 1718. (10Nov tf) MODERN HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, garage, hot-air heating. Connaught Sf. Available Dec Fifty Dollars (100c) Board optional; (100b) to business girls. 18 Elgin East. Wanted to Rent ; TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR | unfurnished rooms for light house- keeping. Must be reasonable. | Phone 591W. (101a) 2 OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms. 'No children. Heated. Phone (1993. (101¢) DECEMBER 1ST--3 ROOMS, CEN- tral preferred, but not essential. State particulars and if gas con- nected. Reasonable rent, Box 132 Times. (101a) BY LADY WITH CHILD, SMALL apartment or suite, unfurnished, near school, by December first. Box 125 Times. " (99e) 6 OR 7 ROOM, MODERN HOUSE in good residential district. Re- sponsible tenant. Please give par- dculars to Box 102 Times (8Nov.tf Real Estate For Sale 18 ACRES OF LAND, SIMCOE rorth, corner Simcoe and suburb Beautiful location. Fine opportun- ity for home-builder. Il health forces owner to sell. Apply first house south. C. E. Warwick. (99¢) SPECIAL $2600. NEW SIX ROOMS Rug Brick, Burk St.--only $350 cash. Balance $27 per month pays Inter- est, Taxes and Principal. $2800. NEW RUG BRICK, SIX rooms, Rosedale Ave. $400 cash, $28 per month pays all carrying charges. . JONES REAL ESTATE. (14Dectic) THERE ARE STILL A FEW houses that can. be bought with $300.00 down, balance on monthly payments. Act fast as prices are steadily increasing. Lew V. Disney & Son, 82 Simcoe South. Phone 1550. (101b) Male and Female Help - Wanted NOW IS THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Four Dominion-wide exams held since war began. = Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10. Oldest in. Canada. No Agents. (Wed. Fri. th) 'Agents Wanted MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Route. Real opportunity for right man, We help you get started. Write Rawleigh"s Dept, ML- 310- O-K, Montreal, Canada. (101a) Female Help Wanted A GOOD HOME FOR ELDERLY lady in return for light duties. Small remuneration. Box 128 Times, (100b) Male Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted, part or fill time, with car. Bradley Bros. (20Nov.e) Work: Wanted | YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSI- tion. Has had experience at sell- 5-roomed, | (100b) | LADIES? INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing and farm work, Would accept 'any position offered. Urgent. Box | |= Times. (100b) | CAPABLE MIDDLE AGED WOM- | an desires position as housckeeper. | References. Box 120 Times. (100b) Wanted WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds, | stoves, furniture, anything useful | for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Collected. Please phone 639, Wanted To Buy : CASH REGISTER. MUST BE IN first class condition. State make, year and price. Box 134 Times. (101b) PIANO, APARTMENT SIZE, | good 'éondition. Reasonable. Cash. Full particulars. Box 124 Times, - 9) | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR | iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone | 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back | C.N.R. Station. (18Dec.c) | WE PAY HIGR PRICES FOR | rags, scrap metal and {iron 202 Annis. 'Phone 2423M. (5Dec.c) HIGHEST CABH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store 56 King West. Phone 1030 (5Dec.c) Caulking and Weatherstriping | HAVE YOUR HOUSE CAULKED and equipped with metal weather- | strip. Guaranteed to stop deafts and leakage: including casement wind- ows. Phone 454° T. A. Morgan. a : (11Dec.c) Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs. For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes tested free. (4Dec.c) Battery Service BATTERIES GED 75c, WITH rental $1.00. "Called for and de- liversd. Stan Bligdon. 20 Mil) St Phons 960. re ; Shoe Repairing A COMPLETE SHOE SERVICE, ihvistble half soling, cleaning, dye- | ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. | 'We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe | Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe'Street | North. (4Dec.c) | Class. Financial PERSONAL LOANS For Any Useful Purpose YOU MAKE YOU 12 MONTHLY RECEIVE DEPOSITS OF IF YOU BORROW § 60 492 1,068 OTHER AMOUNTS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW RATES YOUR ESTATE IS PROTECTED BY LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH THE BANK ARRANGES $ $ $ 3 $ $ Including Fuel Requirements ONE YEAR TO REPAY APPLY TO NEAREST BRANCH OF The Canadian Bank of Commerce MONTHLY DEPOSITS PROVIDE FOR REPAYMENT Auction Sale I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY Mr. Wm. Lindsay, to sell by public | auction, at his premises, lot 16, concession 3, Whitby, 2 miles north | Thornton's Corners, on Monday, November 25, farm stock and im- plements, cattle horses, hay, grain, pigs, harness, straw, manure, and 3 acres of corn in stook, wood, quantity of scrap iron. Sale at one o'clock, sharp (D.S.T.) Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (96, 97, 100) AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLF residential Property in the City o! Oshawa. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Thursday, De- cember 12th, 1940. at the hour of 12 o'clock noon STANDARD TIME at the office of W. J. SULLEY, 344 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ont by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the following property-- Lot 99 on the east side of. Christie Avenue in the said City of Oshawa, according to registered Plan Num- ber 260. There is said to be erect- ed thereon a one storey detached brick veneer dwelling, cemen' foundation, five rooms and bath- room, hot air heating, oak floors throughout, full size basement, known as 651 Christie Avenue. TERMS: Ten per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid down ar the time of ale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale The property will be offered for sale sublect to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to LEON- ARD & LEONARD, solicitors the Mortgagee, 320 Bay Street, To- ronto. Meals MEALS SERVED TO GENERAL Motors men, 62 Division St., 3 min walk to any part of Motors (20Dec.c) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's . suits, pants, men's fall and winter coats ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz 21 Bond West. (18Dec.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J | Pigden. 54 William St. Past | Phone 3148. (4Dec.c) Dancing Instruction "DANCE FOR HEALTH", BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Saturdays tots, children, adults. Latest New | York dances, all types. Free Health | (20Dec.c) | Saar ing. = All work guar Call Hardwood Floors and deliver.r Phone 2673R. W Allison, 9 Athol West. (2Dec.c) Pets and Livestock FIRST CLASS BORDER FANCY Canaries. All singers, guaranteed. Also Hens for breeding. G. Rob- bins, 269 Court St. (14Dec.c) Cartage MOVING 'AND DUMP TRUCKS. sand, cinders,- wood, coal, etc. 70 Colborne Street West. Phone 605 (18Dec.c) Monéy To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 25, Oshawa. (12Dec.c) FIPTY-FIVE HUNDRED -- EIGHT hundred cash buvs a lovely six room modern brick dwelling, hard- wood throughout, bullt-in-bath, de- corating In excellent condition. Lloyd Street district. For anpoint- ment see Lew V. Disney-& Son, 82 Simcce Street South, Phone 1550. (101b) Motor Cars For Sale 31 PONTIAC SEDAN, GOOD tires, motor overhauled, A. F. Cox, Used Car lot, 168 King West, (100%) Dental DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS OVER BAS- set's, Special attenuon, to X-ray work. Gas extraction' Nurse in attendance Phone 950. House 1313 DR. C. L, KELL, DENTIST, 26 Simcoe North X-Ray. Phone 1316 Residence 1462W. (1Dec.c) i. Expert Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 48 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. tn Lost LOST -- SMALL RED COCKER spaniel, Tuesday. Answers to 'Wings". Reward. Vernon Welsh, Phone 3114, (#8c) $50 REWARD FOR RETURN OF 14K gold cigarette case, lost about. October * 1st. Owner's name en- graved inside. Box 126 Hm. (99e) Board and Roont ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GEN- tlemén friends or: business 'couple in private 'home. 118 Alma St. (100c) B. w. HAYNES, BUILDER Hardwood floors laid, sanded, | finished by experts Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- sau street, (tn | Typing Wanted ATEMENTS, ACCOUNTS, | manuscripts, etc, typed, envelopes | addressed, for prices Phone 1323W, | 187 Simcoe S. (21Dec.c) | ECONOMIST ASKS POST-WAR PLANS London--Pleading for an econom- fc general staff to think out prob- lems likely to arise after the war and every possible method of deal- ing with them, Sir Percy Harris, chief whip of Britain's Liberal par- liamentary party, writes in "The Contemporary Review." "As far as one can hear, the Nazis are sucking the life blood out of both the industrial and agricultural organizations of Europe. If, there- fore, we are realists we cannot an- ticipate any economic paradise after the armistice, whatever may be its terms, Common sense dictates that he should prepare for the worst and assume a world completely disor- ganized. ¥ "If revolution in the widest sense Is to be avoided, we must think ahead and anticipate every possible contingency py well-thought-out plans." Benton, Alta--(CcP) -- .William Denton declared a young coyote chased his 40.pound gobbler one night and they crashed and burst Open 8 Wheat-filled implement shed, both being buried alive in the golden grain, for | (101-104-109) | 3 1] | wise there may be a rude awakening | CANADA PLANS SRD WAR LOAN NEXT SUMNER (Continued from Page 3) even small producers some ready money. Can't Be Ahead Harry Jackman (Con. Toronto- Rosedale) complained that each 're- cital" by the government was clim- axed by a statement that production was ahead of scifedule but members were not told what the schedule was. "In a struggle for life and freedom we can never oe ahead of schedule," he said. Conservative House Leader Han- son's remark earlier in the session that 'aid in the defence of Britain should be Canada's first objective was the subject of harsh comment from Wilfred Lacroix (Lib., Quebec- Montmorency). "No one has worked harder than he (Mr. Hanson) since the outbreak of war to disrupt national unity," Mr. Lacroix declared. "If the present session is to have no other result than to allow out consciptionists and imperialists to continue their work of disintegra- tion, it cannot prorogue too soon." | he added. In his review of his department's | policies, Mr. Ilsley said taxation, as | far as practical was a beiter meth- | od of financing than borrowing, "be- | cause it is fairer and final." "But | there are practical limits beyond | which taxation cannot be carried," | he said. | "The government must also do some borrowing which should be, as | out of voluntary | far as possible, public savings." | The minister recalled that he had aid in September last year that some expansion of credit is often | possible without inflation" in the | carly stages of a war, but should not | be continued when employment and | production approach their limits. "lI have not had occasion to change my basic views on this sub- ject but I believe that the tax pro- gram of the Government has been and will continue to he such that some additional financing of al short-term: character, accompanied by some increase in total bank de- posits, will not, under the circum- stances, ha.e inflationary results, and will, I believe, avoid undue stringency in the monetary field at | a time when the working capital re- | quirements of industry are increas- | ing because of expanding business | activity due to war orders." Canada was now spending on the war at the rate of about $1,000,000,. 000 a year, but non-war expendit- | ures for the current fiscal year were down by about $29,000,000 from the same period last year, and larger re- ductions would be made in the sec- ond half. Revenue Up $145,000,000 | Revenue so far'this fiscal year | had increased by $145,000,000 over the same period a year ago, in spite of the fact that income and excess profits taxes applied last June would not be reflected in the revenues un- til next spring. In this connection the minister advised income tax payers to take | advantage of the oppartunity to | start paying their income tax before next April when it falls due. "I trust that as many tax-payers as possible will take advantage of this plan and begin to save now for their income tax payments. Other- | when the magnitude of the tax pay. able becomes recognized," he said. Repatriation of Canadian securi- ties held in Great Britain to provide dollars with which the United King- dom may buy war essentials in Canada was proceeding at a rate of | about $200,000,000 a year, the Min- ister stated. Referring to C.C.F. claims that war production should be 'on a so- cialistic basis," Mr. Ilsley said that theory was "thoroughly disliked and disapproved by the overwhelming majority," and to attempt adopting it now would be to dislocate indus- try. Industry was co-operating with the government and "should this co-operation be not forthcoming the | go.ernment has ample power to take appropriate action and will not hesitate to use it." Brougham | (Mrs. T. C. Brown, Correspondent) BROUGHAM, Nov, 18.--Mr. and | Mrs, Will Bate, of Toronto, were visitors with their aunt, Miss Bate, | on Sundey. The firemen held a euchre and dance in the town ball on Friday evening last. The Home Guards meet Wednes- day evening in the town hall. Russ Burroughs has been in England for some weeks Relatives have written the home folks telling of their pleasure in he"ing a visit from him. The next contingent of young | men for trainees is scheduled for | Nov. 22. The Grant Malcolm femily, of Galt, visited the home .elatives on Sunday. Mrs. George Duncan, Sr. is un- der the doctos's care at present. suffering from a heart attack. The local Training Scaool for Leaders met in the township hall Thursday and Friday. Representa- tives from eight branches of the District W.I. were in attendance vegetable cookery and the relation: ship of proper food to health, to educate the mind to g've due at- tention to this subject. The November meeting of the W.I. was held at the hom~ of Mrs. M. Hamilton on Tuesday afternoon with a very large attendance. Rev I. E. Kennedy was present and gave a much-appreciated short talk on Peace, in commemoration of Armistice Day. The workers for the Red Cross had the latest con- tributions at the meeting making a very worth-while collection There were many new children's clothes boys' suits, and pairs of socks The workers are all anxious to help on thi much-needed work As fast as material is availahle work will pro- ceed. An invitation from Brooklin was received for the members of Brougham Branch to accompany the district president, Mrs. Harvey when she pays her official visit to Brooklin this month. The coming marriage of Bessie Mountjoy of Kedron Mr. Hugh Gannon on Nov 28, will be an event of interest to the vil- lage Mr. and Mrs Laidlaw and fon, of Paisley, were recent visitors of E. and Mrs. Holtby Mrs Laidlaw formerly Miss McCackney. was once a teacher of Brougham s-hoo!l The friends of Mr Will Gray honored him with a birthday party on Friday evening last. | Milk Association | The Ontario Milk Producers' As- cociation met in the Township Hall | Brougham, on the evening of Nov 12 for their annual meeting and | clection of officers. The following officers were elected: Honorary | pres, Mr. W. C. Thompson; pres, John Marks; vice-pres., I L Chap- | man; sec.-trear., Elmer Powell; | Directors: Pickering Township, | (3e0. Todd, Fred Hornshaw; Whit- by Twp. A. Neshitt, Mr, Cooper; Fast Whitby Twp, I Ormiston, James Lyons; Reacl, C. Ashen- hurst, H. Honey; Ux\ridge, Wm Cassie, A. James. The special milk delegation will be composed of Mr. Douglas | 'Thompson and Mr. John Wilson. | Mr. Fred Major was chosen as re- presentative to the Toronto board. Miss . | Utica | (Jessie E, Walker, Corr.) UTICA, Nov. 18--The Y.P.U. will meet in the basement of the United | Church on Friday night of this week | for the purpose of electing officers for the coming season. Mrs. Fred Ackney, of Uxbridge, has invited the Blue Bird Club to her home on Friday afternoon, Nov. | 22nd. The Red Cross Committee met in the basement of the Presbyterian Church last Thursday afternoon and finished the two quilts they had started a week ago, also completed plans for the Russ Creighton con- cert to be held this Wednesday evening. The Red Cross Committee will meet in the United Church next Thursday afternoon. Service at the United Church, next Sunday, will be held at one-thirty and Sunday school at two-thirty. | The change in the time has been made so that Epsom can have an | afternoon service at three o'clock. The school children and their | teacher, Miss Perrett, are busy pre- paring their Christmas concert to be given on the Friday night before Christmas. Pte. Hugh Rogers, R.C. M.C, of Toronto, was home on Sunday and called on friends in the community. | Mr. Luke Wilson spent Sunday in Toronto with his parents. Miss L. Ward, of Toronto, spent | the week-end wrth Mr, and Mrs. | Harold Kerry and family. | Messrs. John Ballard and Clifford Harper have recently secured posi- | tions in Oshawa. | Miss D. Perrett was at her home | in Hampton for the week-end. | Mr. Jack Crosier and Mr. Bruce | Bailey were away deer hunting last week. Mr. Dick Steer had what might | have been a serious accident last | Thursday night just east of the store, when a party tried to pass his car on the wrong side. Fortunately | no one was seriously hurt, although | Dick's car was turned over in the ditch and quite badly damaged. and | BINGO, ORANGE HALL, MON- Day, 2:30. (1012) DANCING EVERY SAT. JUBILEE Pavilion, Ladies 35c, Gentlemen 50c. (99c) South Africa Speeds War Tempo South Africa is determined to play an increasing part in the war. - War industries have been stepped up. Volunteers have come forward |in tens of thousands, South Afri- |cans serving in the King's African Rifles are included in awards for {heroic fighting against Italians in East Africa. * Wool growers in the Burgersdorp {district decided, in recognition of [the satisfactory wool purchasing scheme undertaken by Great Brie tain, to inaugurate a British War Fund to be known as the Wool growers Appreciation Fund. Mayors of the larger towns in the Union of South Africa opened funds to alleviate the distress of air raid victims in Britain. Within a week £80,000 was contributed, The first batch of children 'from Great Britain was welcomed at | Cape Town by the Minister of La- bour with the words: "I greet you as first instalment of the many thousands we hope will come in the future." During the voyage to South Africa, the children had physical training, games,: school, church, medical parades and lessons in Afrikaans, The South African Director of Information relates the fondness of one boy on board for playing pranks. One day he found the ship's flag locker, took out a flag and hoisted on the ship's halliards. No one noticed this until disturbing signs were noticed in another ship which was passing. The second ship hoist ed flags frantically. Thus it was discovered that the boy had hoisted the signal: "Enemy ship in sight." Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 When in Need of Drugs Call FOWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY WATCH REPAIRING Let us repair your Watch Clocks, Jewellery, ete. Work Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 Fine Watch Repairing Qur Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 2721W OFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O On Active Service meme eee In order to enable The Osh: complete and accurate list of the who have enlisted with any of His request the relatives of such members to fill in the following form and 'return to this office: Name in full ... sieeve inninniins Regimental No. .. Rank ....... EE EE Unit Place and date of enlistment EY Birthplace and age .. Names and address of parents or next of kin Other particulars ...... Sesser rstsa naan DR I SIE ET TRS the leader, Miss Gray taking up awa Dally Times to prepare a men and women from Oshawa Majesty's Forces, the publishers Ceasar (Print Surname First) ELE EEE EER FE PE EEE EEE EEE PEE ET ET PE PPT SMe eaaraesrasans lev esssasanns IR I SAPO REET TR TREY