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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1940, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1940 MYRTLE STATION (M. V. Luery, Corr.) MYRTLE STATION, Nov. 25 -- Members of the Faithful Workers Sunday school class met at the home of Mrs. Elwood Masters on Wednes- day afternoon of last week for the purpose of quilting. A very prety quilt was made and will be one of the many practical and beautiful articles that will be on sale at their bazaar on the afternoon of Decem- ber 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison of Latehford are spending two or three weeks with relatives here and in Toronto and Cobourg. Mr. Jack Kirkham, the C.P.R. sec- tion foreman, had extra men ut work last week putting up snow- fences 1n readiness for old man win- ter and the driving snowstorms that follow in his train, A fair numoer of workers gather= ed in the Red Cross work room on Tuesday afternoon of last week Cutting, sewing and knitting made it quite a bee-hive of industry. More workers are needed in order that the clothing for evacuees may be com- pleted within the time allotted for this department of work. Practising for the Christmas Tree entertainment is well under way and the children are showing the usual enthusiasm ana excitement which goes: with it. The Christmas con- cert will be held on Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 17th. Mrs. Henry Lane left last week to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Wickett, of Little Britain. Miss Ruth Ives enjoyed the week- | end holiday with her parents in Bowmantille. The meat-and-potato pie supper | which was to have been this even- ing (Wednesday), in "basement, will be held tomorrow evening (Thursday). served at 6 p.ra. Vernon McCarl, of Brooklin, visit- | ed on Sunday afternoon with his cousin, Gordon Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilde and "children and Mrs. A. Johnson, of | 'Whitby, visited with Myrtle rela- tives on Friday evening. George A. Munro, Port Perry, RR 4 Harold Gray, Port Perry, RR. 4, | Harry S. Oyler, Port Perry, RR. 2, | , Harold Vernon, Port Perry, RR. 2, | Melford Orr Bryant, Ashburn, John | Manns, Raglan, John B. Cook, Myr- | tle, John M. Peek, Port Perry, R.R. 1, and George Hall, Port Perry, .boarded the C.P.R. local on Friday morning, bound for Newmarket «where they will be in training for four weeks. : The regular monthly meeting of the auxiliary of the Women's Mis- '<sionary Society was held at the parsonage on Thursday afternoon with the usual number of members " present. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. Gervan, and was built around the theme, "The Pil- grim Way." The scripture readings where chosen {from Matthew's Gospel © "Couriers of the Cross in China" ! was the study for the afternoon The * aim was to reverently commemorate ' the life and service of Miss Minnie | ~ Shipley, "Pilgrim of the Honan " Road," and to give thanks to God . for those other pilgrims, the Chinese Christian leaders, who today are . following the paths of service both .. In Honan and in Free China. An . English friend and three Chinese i colleagues of Miss Shipley, imper- i Sonated by members of the Auxili- + ary, paid tribute to her. They told :. of their close association with Miss i" Bhipley, of her inspiring leadership, * of the value and progress of liter- {acy among Chinese Christians +" through her advocacy of the phone- * tic seript and of her ability to arouse "in Chinese pastors and women lead- ers an enthusiasm for their task, and to train them for it. The meet- ing was interesting and impressive. Mr. Russell Lunney who is sta- tioned at Monteith, spent the week- end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price, Miss Pauline and friend, of Port Hope, called recently on former Myrtle friends. Mr. and Mus. Harry Stacey and Mrs. O. H. Lane were visitors in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook visited on Friday with relatives in Green- bank. ! Mrs. Clarence Holman, Miss Hilda of Dagmar, and Merle Ross, of Ash. burn, were Sunday callers at- the James Dickson home. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters spent Sunday with relatives in New= castle. The members of the Faithful Workers Sunday school class have all their arrangements made for their annual bazaar which will be held in the community hall on the afternoon of December 3rd. After- noon tea will be served also, and in the evening the Greenwood Drama- tic Club will present their play, "Grandpa's Twin Sister." Mr. Jimmie Fdgar and Miss Doro- thy Hall, of Toronto, were evening visitors with relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greentree and Kenneth, of Oshawa, and Mrs. | the church Supper will be | Joseph Greentree, of Harmony, were Sunday evening callers at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Robert Chisholm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughson, of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hugh- son, of Toronto, spent Saturday with -Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hugh- son and on Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Milton Hodgson, of Oshawa and Mrs. Gordon Brent and children, of Raglan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bedford and family, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jay O'Boyle and family, of Oshawa, | were Sunday visitors at the home of their aunt, Miss L. O'Boyle. Brougham (Mrs. T. C. Brown, Corr.) Brougham, Nov. 25.--Brougham war work sent out Nov. 23, 1040, all new--Sweaters, 19; men's pullovers, | 2; boys' pullovers, 6; mitts, 5 pair; boys' shirts, 19; bloomers, 11; girls' skirts, 9; sleepers, 6; infants' coats, 7, quilts, 4; were not absolutely new, but in per- fect condition--boys' suits, 2; ladies' | coats, 2; women's dresses, 1; girls' | dresses, 3; slips, 2; sweaters, 3; girls' fur-trimmed coat, 1. Have used up all material at pre- sent available but willing workers are ready to keep the work going as fast as material is available. The family of Mrs. H, Malcolm | | tendered her a birthday party on | Saturday evening at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Jo wu: XNOX. The attendance at ¢hurch service on 8unday was good. The W.M.S. of St. John's held their November meeting at the W cap, 1. | ance. Mrs. Cassie, president, was in charge of opening devotions. Mrs. | J. Miller, treasurer, reported a shortage in receipts for the third | quarter, After discussion it was | thought advisable to leave the mat- ter over and see if the fourth quart- er would balance up the amount of allocation. Mrs. H. Malcolm, conven- | er of Group A, gave a few of the! high lights in the life of the late Miss Shipley, missionary to China. | Some of the local members met her Eewre EE am nen EE he i Bret moter -auice Ande Th Bd ring well-beloved Gracie Fields in ERROLFLYNN Back in the saddle... better than ever! She sings, she dances, she wows "em! 7 / : ny Original Screen Play Robert Buckner + Music by Max Steiner \YB/ This splendid" western picture fs being double billed at the Biltmore , Theatre starting tomorrow for three days on a generdus dual bill star- "Love, Life and Laughter." ® | next, Nov | them both a The following ! | gre {| the Women Bayles home with a good attend- | | Russel Brodie and daughter | M | with their parents. Mild Excitement in the Neighborhood The wreckage of German warplanes is getting vo commonplace throughout Barland that hardy Britons The big bomber that crashed into a house at Hornchurch attracted no more | than a handful of neighbors. The caption failed to state if anyone were in the building wrecked by the now take them in their stride. fallen raider. KINSALE (Mrs. A. Hooker, Correspondent) KINSALE The Wom- Institute will hold their No- vember meeting the home of Mrs. W. T, Stevenson on Thursday Theme to be "Cana- dian Industries". Roll call a Canadian-made article used in the home An interesting programme is'arsured. All ladies welcome Mr. and Mrs. How Longfield and daughters, of Sh n, Mr. and rs. Oscar Bell, and Mrs Cook klin, were Sunday visitors wit 1d Mrs. Wm. Bell Jr rs, Victor Parkin is spending a week with relatives in Toronto Sorry to report two persons from our community are in Oshawa Hos- pital. Little Patsy Death was rush- ed to the hospital last Wednesday and operated on for appendicitis Mr. R Mowbray {3 algp in hos- pital for treatmen wish for Nov. 25 en's I at n Miss Glenys week-end at hor A supper anc ing and ca ne, wa Friday la"t Heme Cook- 1 by a pro- the hall the auspices of ciation of fancy work and home-made ar ticles wa somitted this year, es most of the ladies are enzaged in Red Cross work. The members gatherad at the hall in the afte short business meeting ing supper. After all had served and while the ladics were busy with washing up duties, Misse Roxena Ledgett and Velma Balson conducted a fish pond for the chil- dren. A programme followed. Rev R. W. McVey was chairman It opened with the singing of O Can- ada, and the national anthem, fo]- lowed by solos by Miss Mable Har- bion and Mr. Lloyd . Moody. Miss | ¢ on The sale re before serv- been | and heard her speak when on her last furlouzh. Her fine personality will long be remembered by those | privileged to hear her. Se.eral| hymns were sung, with Mrs. Harvey at the piano. Hostesses Mrs. and Miss Bayles and Miss Bate provided a most appetizing tea. Toronto visitors here on Sunday were the W. J. Brown family with their people. Mr and Mrs: E. Crock- | er wiih LL. and Mrs. Mathews, Mr with boys . Philip and the Harvey Messrs. Fred Hodson and Walter Knox left for training camp on Fri- day. Walter had home leave on Sun- day. The Junior Girls Sewing Circle held their meeting at the O. Wilson home on Thursday e'ening, the leaders are hoping for increased membership. The children are being trained for the S.S. entertainment to be held on the evening of Dec. 23. The Young People are holding a social evening at the Manson Elliott home on Monday evening. Mr. Hugh Gannon spent a couple of days in Toronto the end of the week. The daughters, Majory and Mary, with husbands paid their father Mr, John Phillips, a visit last week. Mrs. 8. Real and Miss Kay Real and other friends of Wick visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox on Sunday. Brock Road (Miss Hilda Hood, Corr.) BROCK ROAD, Nov. 25---Mr. James Johnston visited friends in this locality before leaving for train- ing at Camp Borden. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Reesor attend- | ed a fowl supper at Markdale re- cently. Mr. and Mrs, Bert, Churchill and family are comfortably settled in their home on the fourth concession. We noticed many city hunters taking advantage of the fine week- end in this community, Mr. Howard Rowe is operating his merry-go-round in Eaton's this Christmas season, Miss Phyllis Farley spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Chas. Hood was greeted by a skunk in his wood house Sunday | Velma Balson then favered with a | Mow- | Mrs. R. E bray and Miss Roxena Ledgett then conducted an interesting quiz, some answers, of course, providing. much merriment. Milton Mowbray took charge of a Hoop game, which alto piano selection, i proved lots of fun, some=finding it quite easy to get through the hoop while others found quite diffi- Jack Hooker put on a "Carry the Bean" game To bring the evening to a close the Rev. Mir McVey led in an old fashioned sing song. The ladies were well pleased with the returns of the evening Jack Parkin on Friday for Newmarket having been called for the thirty day training period Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Lee and Mr. and Mrs. W. Houghton of To- ronto were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. W. Mulock The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. H. White in the loss of her father, the late Mr Isaac Connor, also to the family of the late Mr, William Puckrin of Audley r M cult. Mr ¢ of Al Mrs. LL. H R. Heard an amily it'd Mr. and Mrs ard, and ana . 1 ¢ 1! rs, J O Parkin. shawa, vi Mrs /.- T. Stevenson Stevenson at and his 2. glad to hear plendidly will at the usual hour. Special speaker to ye the Rev, Dorie. Rev, Dorlg was in charge of the distribution of the cf fondstuffs and cloth- ing sent to the droygint areas in the t, and will tell of his work Miss Band will be held at the heme of Mn, A, Hooker on Friday rext, at 4 pm. All children wel- come, nd and car load wr evening. It was allowed to leave on its own free will, Mr. tertained the 'Brougham | Monday evening. Mrs. Grant McCachen of Aurora, visited Mr and Mrs. C. Hood on Sunday last. Mr. Ivan Fuller has started mili- tary training at New Market, Mr. and and family, and Mrs. Manson Ellicott en- YPS SOLINA INSTITUTE PRESENTS PLAY Enjoyable Drama Given Under Auspices of Women's Association ( Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Corr.) RAGLAN, Nov. 25 -- On Friday vening a splend.d audience wit- nessed and thoroughly enjoyed the three-act drama "Three Pegs" pre- sented by nine members of Solina | Institute and given under the aus- vices cf the local Women's Associa- | Much credit is due these nine | ladies who so ably enacted their The cast of characters were as follows: --Emily Weston. a wom- an of 35, rich, cultured; Mrs. Jack Reynolds. Aunt Euphelia, 50, sees no romance in life does everything because of a morbid sense of duty, speaks in a whinninx, hopeless | manner, Mrs. F. S Gilbert; mar- | querite, ill-mannered, habitual user of clang, Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees. Madge. dainty, delicate in health, sweet disposition, 1leen Bal:on: Peg, | vivacious, eernest, siricere, eager to make others happy, Mrs. R Gil- bert Balson; Mrs. Barclay, Emily 'rellowlses: Lizzie, Sarah's sister, the maid; M R. Lanegmeid; Mrs Conti, a talka'ive Ttallan, Mrs Al- bert Belson: Mre. Bar'lay, Eimly Weston's refined friend of about 40 Mrz. Ralph Davies. The funeral of the late John | Recgon was held from the family residenca on Fridav. November 15th, and was attended by symoathizing friends and relatives. Rev. Mr, | Wylie of Columbus United Church had charge of the service and spoke 'omforting words to the bereaved. Beautiful floral tributee also bore sympathy. Interment was ade In Groveside Cemctery Prook- in The heartfelt sympvathy of the mmunity is extended to Mrs. Ree- 'nn and =on Bruce Mrs. Plerson has been in Toronto visiting a sick friend. Mr. end Mrs. Catherwood, son | Kenneth, and Mrs. Catherwood's Mr. Medd, have moved Into Mrs. W. Badcock's residence. | Mr. and Mrs Charlss Luke re- | cently spent a day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A J. Grose also re- | cently visited in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodd and Mrs | A. Miller attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Arthur Both in Osh- awa on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ormiston daugh- ter Helen, and Mrs. Tpros. Hall of Brooklin, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Miss Kay Goheen and friend of Oshawa visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nottingham. A fine new Pedlar Steel roofing has been put on the church roof, another much appreciated donation by Mr. Frank Mason, Oshawa, The Young People's Union have commenced activities for the win- ter monthe, Miss Daffney Avis is helping in the home of Mr. Lorne Cook at Columbus. Miss Jean Ormiston of Oshawa, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodd and Mra, A. Miller entertained Mr, and Mrs. W. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler and Bobby at dinner Sunday evening, the latter were celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary. Miss Nora and Dorothy Wilson entertained the "Busy Bees" Class at their home last Saturday after- noon when all had an enjoyable time, Mrs. Willlam Avery entertained members of the Women's Associa- tion at her home on Tuesduy after- noon which was largely at'ended by members and visitors. The presi- dent, Mrs. Irwin Ormiston presided during the meeting. Following the business session a short programme was enjoyed. Luncheon was served by the hostess and her daughter. Mrs. L. Miller, and a social half hour was spent. Next meeting will be the anrual election of officers and will be held in the church. Several from here were in atten dance at the auction sale at the farm of Mr, Lorne Knapp Burketon on Saturday afternoon when he disposed of his farm stock. and im- tion narte lent father | Mrs | treasury of the Society ALL AVAILABLE HOUSES RENTED Prospect of Employment at Pickering Puts Homes at a Premium (J. Clark; Corr.) Pickering, November 27 -- The prospect of a great deal of em- ployment in the vicinity in the near future has definitely affected the housing situation in the village, All available houses have been rent- ed, and some householders with large houses have turned them into apartment suites. The Bunting property on King Street East, which has been vacant for several years, has recently been purchased by a farmer from Ma kham who has begun extensive alterations. It is reported that eventually the resi- dence will be turned into three- room apartments. Mrs. C. A. Sterritt entertained a number of ladies at briige on Sat- urday afternoon. Local hunilers were 1 little more fortunate than the hunter we heard about, who spent two weeks in the woods, and saw 10 sign of a deer until he returned home to see one behind his barn, but they report less success than usual Only two deer were caught by the party of seven, Mr. and Mrs, E. Toms, and fam- ily, of Oshawa, wate Sunday visitors | with Mrs. Tom's parents, Constable | ° and Mrs. R. O. Crumme: Miss Dorothy Miller of Watson, Saskatchewan, who has been visit- ing relatives in Toronto, spent Sat- urday with Rev. M. ®& Jenkinson and rs. Jenkinson Mr.*and Mrs, Howard Law, of Oshawa, were in the villags on Sun- day and visited with the former's mother, Mrs. T. Law. and his aunts, the Misses Law. Private Gordon Wa'son, ASC. stationed at Camp 3irden, has been home on leave during the past week. Several members of Doric Lodge attended the Masonic Service held in the Whitby United Church on Sunday morning by | brethren. | the Whitby [ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunt enter- | tained the latter's parents Mr and | W. H Bowley, mother, Mrs. G. Bowley Agincourt, on Mo.day. all of and grand- | The members of the Presbyterian | | Ladies' Club held the'r November meeting at the home of their min- | ister's wife, Mrs Wednesday. A feature of thé pro- gram was the "Grab Basket" which contributed a substantial sum to the dent, Mrs. FH. Hall conducted the meeting, and Mrs group was in charge of the social period. Mr. and Mrs. spent last week-end with Mr, and D. Marshall, on | The presi- | W. R. Miller's | EL. Chapman Mrs. E. Purielle, of Prince Edward | County. Miss Leila Sparrow, R N., of Tor- | onto, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mrs. Sparrow, Burns, was a wes sisters, the Metdames Morley Mr. Frenk P. Petrie, of Walker- ton, visited with HL. R and Mrs Monney over the week-:nd. W. V. Redditt and Mre Redditt were in Newmarket on Bunday visiting the former's father. who has been in poor health Mrs. B. Mashall, of Toronto, and sons, Stanley and Wslter, and daughter, Bernice, wer: the guests of Miss D. Bayne on Sunday. A number of local pupils of Whit- by High School attended the Com- mencemant - Excercjtes held in the school auditorium on Triday even- ing. Miss Marjorie White of Birch- cliffe was a week-end visitor at the home of her parents. H and Mrs. White. BIG FARM HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE Picton, Nov. 27 -- Fire completely destroyed a double house owned by Joseph Adams in Ameliasburgh Township. Only part of the con- tents were saved. A nearby barn was saved only by the fact that the wind was blowing away from it. Earlier in the day there had been a chimney fire and it was thought this had been extinguished, but later the roof was discovered afire. A telephone call brought a crowd of volunteer fire fighters, but they were unable to do much as the fire was quickly beyond control, due to W. H and | | of Toronto visitor with her | the high wind. Audley AUDLEY, Nov. 25--Mark Hedge has been called up for training. He is a clean cut youth and will give a good account of himself, i Wm, and Mrs. Hedge, of Oakville, called upon her father, Mr. Richard Winters here on Sunday. W. A. Westney has recovered from a recent attack of lumbago. F. M. and Mrs. Chapman attended the Masonic service at Whitby on Sunday last. The local inistitute visits the Brooklin branch this week. Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Crozier, of Whitby, called on friends here last week. Sydney and Mrs. Wonnacott are rejoicing in the arrival of a baby boy. Mr, William Madill and family, of Micico, visited the church here on Sunday and he addressed the people for a few minutes. Seventy years ago he sat in the little church and heard the words that started him on his church life with which he has been connected ever since. He lived with his parents on the 100- acre farm now owned by Chas. Puckrin. Rev. Mr. Jenkinson took much pleasure in welcoming him back to the old building. Wm. Puckrin passed away peace- fully at his home here on Saturday last in his 77th year. Deceased was the youngest son of the late Isaac and Ann Puckrin, and was born th farm on which he died. He leaves his wife, formerly Miss Wilson, Greenwood, and three chil. dren, Isaac, of Whitby John and Miss Alma, ae home. He was twice & home loving man, not having been away from it more than one night in his life. He never took any part in public life being interested en- tirely in farming and livestock. He accumulated a fortune and rated as one of the wealthiest men in the township. He was a strong character, rigidly honest in his deal- ings and a supporter of the Method- ist and later the United Church here. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Jenkinson, to the Salem Cemetery on Tuesday last. The community extends their sym- pathy to the bereaved. Two sisters, Miss Mary and Mrs. Squires and one brother Thomas survive also. The Gazette and Chronicle, which is putting on a drive for circulation, now deserves the hearty support of all people in the district for its news service and general excellence. For a postage stamp a week, every person can get all the local news and we commend it to all residents here, TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sunday, December 1, 1940 Full information from Agents FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE REBUILT WASHERS Before you buy don't fail to see these. never had water in them, A few have others only demonstrated. These washers are priced many dollars below original cost. WASHERS PRICED FROM ........cccuennnneee $29.50 UP CLEANERS, PRICED FROM ....cceecruvecrrre $ 9.95 UP IRONERS, PRICED FROM ......cccercensrneece. $34.50 UP BEATTY WASHER STORE Phone 2082 66 SIMCOE ST. N. Attention! Pre-Christmas SALE! Starts Thursday November 28th until Christmas! Now is the time to plan to give gifts this Christmas that will be appreciated. Men's Suits, Overcoats or Odd Pants No need to 0 out of town to buy. We can assure ou every satisfaction at prices that are the lowest n town. BUY Remember -- prices will be much higher after Christmas. NOW AND SAVE! Men's Suits in blues, grays and checks, two pant and one pant styles, All guaranteed to fit. ...... OVERCOATS Heavy Wool Overcoats made by the leading clothing manufacturers in Ontario. .. Take advantage of this pre-Christmas Sale. Buy now while our prices are low, and give the gift he will appréciate. Come and choose now from our large selection. posit will hold any arficle until Christmas. $10.00 ,, in blues, some $10.00, A small de- JOHN SACHY 32 Bond East 'AILOR y Phone 2399W CUSTOM BUY BRITISH McLaughlin's "'Genuine Scotch Anthracite" The coal that has been tried and tested and that has given absolute satisfaction to hundreds of fuel users in Oshawa, McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 110 KING ST. WEST plements. PHONE 1246

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