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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Dec 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940 Today 's Soorting Features » Play in S.PA Tonight Dave Sprague in Hospital -- Not In Council Biil Cowley Moves Into N.H.L. Scoring Lead Oshawa "Gener x SPORT NEWS «x St. London Senior Team Today's Sporting Features GM-Men Hand Hamilton Their First Defeat Catharines = Rally to Beat Brights Appoints New Coach are i Oshawa's Sizzling Seniors Burn Their Brand on Hamilton D ofascos Les Canadiens Have Large Stock of Promising Rookies PORT ELLE £0 By Geo, Campbell, Sports Editor Bring the Port Colborne Sailors! on * bd About ten days ago, we pre- dicted that the Oshawa GM- Men would defeat every other team in the loop, before the year ended. At that time, with the GM-Men sitting second from the bottom in the standing, and net going too well either, it might have looked like wishful thinking but today, the local lads are in second place and the only team they haven't beaten is Port Colberne. The Sailors come hers next Monday night-- so we think the GM-Men will fulfil our prophesy before Christmas. > +P Incidentally, the game here next Monday is the only game the local Seniors have in the next two weeks. That's too bad because right now the GM-Men are the hottest team in the league and they would be able to Tie up a few valuable points. +* + + They fairly sizzled again last night as they handed the Ham- ilton Dofascos their first defeat of the season and by so doing, moved into 2nd place ahead of Brights. Niagara Falls lost to St. Catharines last night when the Saints scored six goals in the third period, under the leadership of Red Reynolds, who hadn't been doing a great deal this season, up until last night. + + Ebby Edmison missed last night's game here, due to blood-poisoning, caused fro n infected blister on his heel. The infection developed over the week-end. * + + Coach Tracy Shaw moved George Ritchie, the speedy defenseman, into the pivot spot between the two Johnnies and Ritchie immediately rapped in the first goal in the first half-minute of play and three min- utes later, again combined with Carr-Harris, to make it 2-0 for Oshawa. Carr-Harris looked better last night than he has looked yet, his sizzling shot for the second tally having Goalie Eley beat all the way * + + Regina Tisdale turned in another whale of a game, with his wingers being right in step. Roy Covert and his youthful mates put on a great display, too. Scotty Reid nicked a neat' tally and the congratulations shcwered upon him by his mates was just another bit of evidence as to why the GM-Men are going places. They're not a bunch of stars but they are a great hockey club and they have plenty of team-spirit and will-to-win, * + + Oshawa's defense was brilliant last night. Daniels, Barnes and Maundrell all turned in stand- out performances, with Doug. Maundrell beginning to hand out those rousing body-checks that made him so effective for the Oshawa team, a couple of seasons ago. Barnes cleared well, should have had a goal with a great shot while Daniels blocked better than ever -- and that means plenty. * + * Oshawa players were responsible for all the goals. Harry McQueston is beginning to wish that the op- pcacnts would score their own goals. Leo Lamourcux (and he's a swell ciseinlan now who makes every 10) got the first goal, when g sho. caromed off Carr- nto tne net. In the Johnny Thompson fast to overtake an at- d by Fritz and he kicked uck into the Oshawa net for sdauaiiton goal, It was but didn't alter the fact .'0iascos were well beaten > or * Oshawa wiiicawss olen their 5...A. campaign in Toronto to- Izit, czainst Guzlpa Biltmores. dove Bd I..brassa has accepied the invi- to play in the Rose Bowl a.:e on New Year's Day, against steaford University. Lae Tilly Eeczelicn, 509 Buena Ita, wen last night's prize at -¢ ho key geome. Eis program © Ne. 18,041 and he presented program at the United i stanl, before others who -u-vied down afier the game. Billy passed up the game to be fret in line for the prize, ae, HE REMEMBER WHEN? -- Georges Carpentier, hea'yweight boxing champion cf Europe, knocked out Jce Burkett, Great Britain's title- hzider, at London 21 years ago to- day. 'Burieit went down for the count 74 seconds after the fight suarved. Botany Bay, NS.W. (CP)--Sydney Owen has been awarded the-Albert Medal for gallantry in swimming to the rescue of Maxwell Farrin, 13, whecze left leg was severed by a NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. TT FP.A P 37 11 18 2 20 12 23 23 10 28 23 23 21 TORONTO Detroit ..... Chicago .... Boston Rangers .... Americans 17 34 Canadiens 19 31 Future Games, Tuesday--Americans at Boston, Thursday -- Rangers at Cana- diens; Detroit at Chicago. Saturday -- Boston at Detroit at Canadiens. Toronto, AMERICAN LEAGUE (Eastern Section) W. L..T.F A. "9 34 <8 35 Philadelphia 6 44 Providence .. 5 42 (Western . 9 | 5 3 Springfield New Haven ON Ws Ss 2 ect! 32 37 39 43 32 Cleveland Pittsburgh Hershey Indianapolis Buffalo 42 36 26 BADR WH ORD © WB Future Games. Wednesday--sSpringfield at Pitts- burgh; Indianapolis at New Haven Thursday--New Haven at Buffalo; at Providence. O.H.A. SENIOR SERIES W. LIL. T.F. A Hamilton .... 6 47 26 Oshawa ..... 6 41 37 Marlboros 4 30 26 St. Cath'ines 5 35 28 Niagara Falls 3 24 26 Port Colborne 3 25 28 13 43 Yesterday's Results 5 Hamilton ..... St. Catharines 8 Niagara Falls . § Future Games Wednesday--Hamilton at boros; Niagara Falls at London. Friday--London at Port Colborne; St. Catharines at Niagara Falls. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION P. W: L.F. A 8 2 19 33 22 23 12 31 41 26 21 16 42 St. Louis 2 3 St. Paul 2 Kansas City . Minneapolis . Tulsa . 5 L} 4 3 5 5 : 0 9 Future Games Wednesday--St. Paul at Minnea- polis; Tulsa at Omaha. U.S. EASTERN AMATEUR WwW. L. T.F i i | 4" New York .. 7 56 Baltimore ... 5 33 Atlantic City 4 42 River Vale .. 4 n BS 25 Future Games Tuesday--Boston at Washington. 25 48 33 44 39 38 Washington 14 9 5 4 5 6 3 MICHIGAN-ONTARIO 1 1 0 Muskegon ... 0 Monday's Result Windsor 3 Detroit ..... PACIFIC COAST c-Spokane .... 2 Seattle ........ 0 s--Played Sunday. S.P.A. JUNIOR "B" Brantford .... 12 Pt. Colborne . 7 CAPE BRETON LEAGUE North Sydney . 4 Glace Bay ... KINGSTON JUNIOR Regiopolis ... 5 Kingston Lions . 0.H.A. BULLETIN There is considerable interest in tenight's Junior S.P.A. double-head- er at Maple Leaf Gardens, as it marks the first appearance in the series of last year's Canadian cham- pion team the famous Oshawa Gen- erals. The games tonight are as follows: 7:30--St. Michael's College v. Eto- bicoke A.C. 9:00--Oshawa Generals v. Guelph Biltmores, .Two games are scheduled in the Senicr O.H.A. tomorrow night as follows: 8:30 (E.D.T.)--Hamilton at Mari- boros (M.L.G.) 9:30 (ED.T.) -- Niagara Falls at, London. The annual meeting of the O.H.A, referees will be held on Friday af- ternoon, Dec. 6 at 3:30 o'clock (E.D.T.) at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, 5 DODGERS SIGN NEW COACH Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 3.--Brooklyn Dodgers announced last night they had signed Jonn (Red) Corriden as a coach. He had been with Chicago Cubs for eight years, scout and seven as a coach, until he was let out last month along with Manager Leo (Gabby) Hart- shark. Farrin died of his injuries, nety and Coach George Uhle, Springfield at Hershey; Indianapolis | | S.P.A. Tonite Marl- | | Indians, a pair of cle 2 | tion-mark club. | as | Daniels; A. Pte. | 16 | 12 | ] , Canadiens are pictured here. Montreal Canadiens are definitely emphasizing accent on youth this season under the direction of Coach "Cenerals » Appear In BACK ROW, i Dick Irvin. Joe Eight rookies of Les Benoit, Alex Singbush ROW Johnny and Elmer Lach. FRONT Ken Reardon, Coach Irvin, THE SEEING- EYE UMPIRE MAY STOP ALL ARGUMENTS "a Toronto, Dec. 3.--Oshawa Junior | Canadian champions for: the pas two seasons, make their first pearance of the new ho paign in Toronto tonigl tackle Guelph Bilimores S.P.A. junior "A" trophy semi- as the second half of double bill at Maple Leaf Garden St. Michael's College and Etobic ver "B" team in the first game tol oke provide the action | at, 7:30. Owing to player graduations, Oshawa starts the season a ques- They uch stars Goalie Dinny McManus; De- fenseman- George Ritciie and Dor and Forwards Jud McAtee Buddy Hellyer, Nick Knott Smith. As replacements able newcomers as Goaler Hainsworth and Dick Shad and Forwards Jim Conacher and Ken McNaught, make their bows. In ad- dition, several graduates of Osh- awa's junior "B" club have moved up. Guelph won its first start SP.A, trouncing Young . Rangers, | 7-2. Tonight's winner will mee! a lait Billy in the Marlboros in the final on Saturday or any corner, Sports Round Up By EDDIE BRIETZ | (Associated Press Sports Writer) i: New York, Dec. 3 -- (AP) -- La | e 2 | Marble, the tennis queen, has just | | finished eight weeks of football | | prognosticating with an average of one as a | 80 per cent--a mark most of the newspaper experts wotild be- de- | lighted to sport latest product | of the rumor foundry--that th e| Reds are after Eddie Miller of the | Bees--can he nailed right on the head. Mr. Russell Hansen of Tucson, Ariz., rises to remark that at least | two of the Bowl football teams-- Fordham and Nebraska--are "howl- ed over teams'--we merely pass it | along. The Colonels down in Kentucky | say there's nothing but whirlaway | in next year's Derby, but the Chi- | cago money will be riding on Our Boots. Today's Guest Star: Jimmy Wood, Brooklyn. Eagle: "This Louis-Burman business at least has some merit Burman is tough and game . He's not a great heavyweight, but he won't faint on the stool before the open- ing round." Next year's National League baseball opener in Cincinnati al- | ready is a sellout ... Carmen.Cook, | the old lightweight, is thinking over an offer to take over a match- making spot at Cleveland the | loyal citizens of Metaire, La., want it distinctly understood that Mel | Ott's new $20,000 home was not built in New Orleans, but in Me= taire, which is the biggest town in the next parish (county to you). Bank On This: You guys who think Boston Bees are a bargain basement proposition have plenty more thinks coming. . President Charles Adams has put $635,000 in the property and it isn't likely he'll sacrifice for any 300 grand--not with chattels like Eddie Miller, Carvell Rowell, Chet Ross, et al, on the roster, came cut er Dumont ir will prove it plains appearance | will do is I | tamweight By WHITNEY MARTIN Associated Press Sports Writer New York, Dec. 3--(AP)--It ind to come, fo utematic kingpin the vay {s not broken by the as we still want the um- Vho would the fans take it and what alibis woul 1 ve, if there were umy res? 1 1S no bal intriet in hor the g hes to take ums | 1i-Pro | to in« "finals [ ably | for which, | August, 2 ff ir with the his t doing awa make the job will 1 easier 1 §¢ of its hazard wh Dumont e home plate dust and the 1 ing micre 0s Much ey laughed n worth "This idea is this," Dumont "An electric ray act width of the plate, will make its at the side of the bat- If the ray jc no broken by the it means the ball did not go he plate or touch any corner 1 e umpire has to say is 'ball. "If the ball goes over the plate, the ray will be brok- and a signal on the scoreboard tell the fans and the umpire that the ball was a strike 'All that the umpire will have to judge the height of the pitch. We could get a device to judge that also, regulatigg the rays in coms- parison with ex- the ex ter to pitch en Salica Shows Montana's Ribs "Can't Take I' Toronto, Dec. 3 (CP)---Somebody wid Hymie Caplin that Small Mon- | tana had something the matter with his ribs, and that is largely the story of Lou Salica's successful world ban- title defence here last night. Because Caplin, Salica's manager, | told his fighter to go out and ham- mer away at Montana's body. The first punch Salica landed on Mon- tana's ribs made the former fly- weight world champion flinch. The second one knocked him down and he went down nine more times be- fore the bout was stopped after 90 seconds in the third round. It was a murderous sight to watch Salica popping Montana systemat- ically in the ribs, knocking him down every time he landed a solid punch. Once in the second round Salica abandoned his body attack, and then for the only time in the fight Montana looked like the pow- erful little piece of fighting machin. ery that .dominated the flyweight division a few years ago. But then Salica went back to his hammering body attack, and the end was inevitable. Montana acted all ough the fight as if his ribs were bothers. him. Salica confirmed this, "I tried to be fair, but supposin' it was me had bad ribs," he said. "I wouldn't get much sympathy. Hymie (Cap- lin) told me to bust him in the rips right off. I did. It worked so good 1 kept at it. This is no racket for a gentleman." the height of the bat- | will the ; routine player peam. eliminat sprouting announcer mix can't talk spe Of | his job The mike duster will stay right in Kan the time being, Dumont «¢ The prairie folks get a big k of the novelty of the innovations he said, and if they started spring- ing up in every park novelty would disappear. As for the seeing-eye umpire Dumont is waiting to see just how it will be received. home the SPRAGUE BEATEN IN OTTAWA ELECTION Ottawa, Dec. 3.--Mayor Lewis of Ottawa yesterday was re- elected to his sixth consecutive term as head of the Dominion capital's civic governtiient by a more than 8,000 votes, Ottawa's entire Board of Control | was re-elected, with Dave Sprague, Ottawa Rough Rider football star, the only newcomer to approach the four leaders. Mayor--sStanley Lewis, 19,729; S. Leonard Belaire, 11,692. Board of Control (first four elect- ed) --G. M. Gelbert, 13,333; C. Pick- ering, 13,004; E. A. Bourque, 12,417; J. A. Forward, 12,416; David Sprague 12,190; G. W.. Goodwin, 10,830; S Higman, 10,066; Thomas Brethour, margin of 1,239, DAVE SPRAGUE IN Dec. 3.--Dave Shrogio | who scored Ottawa Rough Riders' lone touchdown Saturday when Riders defeated Balmy Beach 8-2 in the first game of the Eastern Can- ada football championship pas in hospital yesterday with an | infected: left leg. Sprague suffered the injury. last October 19 in a game with Toronto Argonauts. Club physicians said they hoped Sprague would be in shape to play next Saturday against | Balmy Beach in the second and last Ottawa, series, game of the series includes lin New | Newark, | Biegel, | Turtélla, 148, New York (10); | | | | 5484; J. Parisien, 1,963; P. Bedford, | lespie, Stone OTTAWA \ HOSPITAL 12514, | British ship, Stanley | Chile, Tony Graboski, and Goalie Jack Adams, Quilty Bert Gardner. GODOY VICTOR IN TEN ROUNDS Ar- with red and rounds igoan v Labranche for )0, ten pounds ic left the Musto reopen- over his left bout lined the fifteenth News Christmas 1 drew a crowd of emi-windup, d Don Siegel, Michigan foot- first round. of in the Last Night's Eight Results (By Balti The Associated Press) more. Harry Jeffra, 126':, Baltimore, featherweight champion York and Maryland, out- pointed Sixto Escobar, 127, Puerto Rico (10), Torento: Lou Salica, 118, York, world bantamweight cham- pion, stopped Small Montana; 114, San Francisco (3). Cleveland: Arturo Godoy, 200, outpointed Tony Musto, 190, Chicago (10); Pat Comiskey, 200, NJ. knocked out Don 200, Detroit (1); Mike Kap- 143, Boston, outpointed Saverio Ever- ett Rightmire, 130, Sioux City, Ia., outpointed Mike Raffa, 129, Newell, W. Va. (8), Pittsburgh: Ossie Harris, 154, Pittsburgh, outpointed Johnny Bar- bara, 154, Chicago (10); Erv Sarlin, 175, Pittsburgh, stopped Willie Pavlovich, 175, New York (4). Newark: Pete Lello, 134%, cago, stopped Morris Parker, Ne wark, NJ. (8), Dayton, O.: Joe Marinelli, 128, Dayton, outpointed Jimmy Perrin, 125'2, New Orleans (10). Chicago: Frank Greene, Chicago heavyweight, outpointed Billy Gil- Lake, Wis, (8). New York: Vince Dell'Orto, 125%, New Yerk, outpointed Bobby Ruf- fin, 130, Astoria, L.I. (8), Scranton, Pa.: Billy Speary, Nanticoke, outpointed Jim- 126, Buffalo, N.Y, lan, Chi- 129, my "Gilligan, VETERAN 'GOLFER, JOHN BALL, DIES Wales, Dec. 3.--John eight times winner of the Amateur Golf champion- died yesterday. Ball was the first amateur golfer to win the Bri- tish Open title and the only one, prior to Bobby Jones, the American tar, to win both the Open ana Holywell, Ball, 79, | Amateur champichships in the same year. Ritchie Replaces Ebby Edmison, When Centre Gets Blood- Poisoning, and Turns in Swell Display OSHAWA PLAYERS Gecrge New | SCORE ALL GOALS | GM-Men's "Defensemien All! Turn in Great Effort to | Hold Undefeated Hamil- | ton Squad in Check Playing no favorites and treating | all entries in the league alike, Osh. awa GM-Men added the Hamilton ¢calp to their belts tonight as they handed the Dofasccs a 5-2 trim- ming here before the largest crowd | of the season The hitherto undefeated, league- leading Hamilton team was out- played and outsmarted at every | turn as the homesters, hottest team | in the Senior race at present, turn- | ed in another brilliant performance to give the Dofascos their initial taste of defeat. The GM-Men per- formed services of Ebby Edmison, league- leading scorer, who was forced to sit on the sidelines tonight because of blood poisoning, caused from an infected blister en his heel. speedy defenseman, vot spot on his number one line and the defense-man promotly . scored the first goal of the game in the first half-minute and then, a few | minutes later, made a perfect play | to enable his winger, Carr-Harris to notch the second one. Carr-Har- ris, Ritchie, Thompson, Tisdale and | three O:zhawa defensemen were the stars of the game, with Maun- drell's body-checking being a big feat: all ire Gift Goals Again Stran v enough, Oshawa play- ers in the game. Leo Lamoureux's shot from the blue-line, in the peried, caromed into the net off | Carr-Harris and Thompson kicked Hamilton's second goal into his own net, when trying to clear after | overtaking an Fritz, jn the third period. McQueston, at that, had more work to do than did his rival at the | | other end of the rink, but it was tough luck that the only two shots | that beat him came into his citadel at the direction of his own mates. Regina Tisdale turned in another | brilliant game for the home forces, with both of his wingers, Jerry Cocper and Durling also sharing in the . limelight. The third trio, Co- vert, Peters and Reid, uncorked their best hockey of the season, with Covert showing his old-time | zip while Scotty Reid notched a nifty goal in the second period, to receive a prompt ovation from the fans and hearty congratulations from his mates. Johnny Thompson scored one in the pass by "Ab" Barnes. The third period was only 19 sec- onds old when Oshawa made it 5-1, Jerry Cooper being on hand to de- | flect Regina Tisdale's shot into the net, Tisdale making his play while sliding along the ice. ; Defense Stands Out Oshawa's rear-guard division was especially effective in last night's victory. Don Daniels was in rare form, his blocking and interceptions being responsible for many spoiled Hamilton plays. Barnes was handy man with his fast-breaks and rug- ged checking while Capt. Doug. Maundrell was the pick of the trio, since he not only played a formi- dable game at the blue-line with his covering up and blocking but hes body-checking was one of the bright spots in the entertainment. Slapped "behind the eight-ball" with Oshawa's rapid two-goal start, the visiting Hamilton team never did get clicking. They tried hard and pressed deep into Oshawa ter- ritory on many occasions but they couldn't seem to click. When they did get dangerous, Harry McQues- ton was right there to make a sparkling save and keep them at bay. Fritz, Conick, Brady and Groom were the pick of the forwards while Leo Lamoureux played a stellar game on defense, starring both be- cause of his defensive play and ef- fective rushes. TOMMY ANDERSON TO PLAY New York, Dec. 3.--New York Americans announced tonight that Tommy Anderson, left winger, was not injured as seriously as was at first thought in last night's National Hockey League game here with Bos- ton Bruins, and will be able to play at Boston tonight. Anderson wos hit in the right eye by Eddle Wiseman's stick and miss- ed 2% periods of the game, won by Boston 10-3. GM-Men Turn in Another Classy Puck Display to Whip the feat even without the | were responsible for every goal | first | attack headed by | Loop-Leading Hamilton Team The Summary -- -- Hamilten: Goal, Eley; defense, Sherry and Lamoureux, centre, Woodward; wings, Groom and Rob- ertson; alts, Fritz, Shillington, Brady, Conick, Miocinovich, Bare | low, Dinning and Godin. Oshawa: Goal, McQueston; de- ! fence, Barnes and Daniels; centre, { Ritchie; wings, Carr-Harris and Thompson; alts, Tisdale, Durling, Cooper, Covert, Reid, Peters and Maundrell. | Referee: Bert Hedges, Toronto. { First Period { 1--Oshawa, Ritchie (Carr- Harris) 2--Oshawa, Carr-Harris | (Ritchie) h3 | 3--Hamilton, Lamoureaux .... | Penalties: None. Seccad Period 4--Oshawa, Thompson | (Barnes) es | 5--Oshawa, Reid (Covert) Ces | Penalties: None. Third Period 6--Oshawa, Ccoper | (Tisdale) T--Hamilton, Fritz . No penalties, SAINTS SCORE ~ SIX IN THIRD | TG WHIP FALLS | St. Catharines, Dec. 3.--St. Cath- arines Saints came through with a six-goal spurt in the final period to demolish Niagara Falls Cataracts, 8-5, here last night in an O.H.A. | senior "A" game. Over 1,800 fans | saw the Garden City sextet come | from behind a 4-2 count and collect victory spoils with a withering clos- ing surge. Captain Red Reynolds paced the Saints to victory with an inspiring display, of leadership. The Falls broke in front with a pair of goals in the second period and led 4-2 entering the concluding session. The Saints levelled the count at 4-4, bus Obs Heximer, making his first amateur start since reinstated by the C.AH.A, put the Niagara sextet in the lead again at' 14:50. Rey= nolds took charge o! procesdings on the part of the Saints from that point on, scored twice and as:isted in two other goals as the home- sters blasted their way to victory. APPOINT NEW COACH FOR LONDON SEXTET London, Ont., Dec. 3.--London Streamliners will continue in the senior "A" series of the Ontario Hockey Association and Ernie Dins. more, former trainer, has been ap- pointed coach to succeed Dr. Jerry Laflamme, it was announced hy Harry Garside, president of the London Club, last night. The Londoners will meat the Nia- gara Falls sextet in a scheduled game at the London Arena Wednes- day night and will visit Port Col- borne on Friday to clash with {he Sailors. Dave Castillioux Meets Tommy Spiegal | Coach | Tracy Shaw moved George Ritchie, | up to the pi- | Toronto, Ont., Dec. 3.--Dave Cas- tillioux, Canadian lightweight cham- pion and leading gontender for the world's title honors has been matzh- ed to meet Tommy Spiegal of Pitts- burgh in a ten-round bout at Marle Leaf Gardens bere on Monday, De- cember 9th. Spiegal and Castillioux were matched to meet in Madison Square Gardens, New York, last March but the match failed ' to materialize when Castillioux pulled out with an attack of the flu, Spiegal has two wins to his credit over the present N.B.A. champion Sammy Angott and is rated well up amongst the first ten lightweights of the world. Castillionx has arrived in Toronto to continue his training prepara- tions for the match and Spiegal is to arrive Wednesday from Pitts- burgh. GUILTINAN'S CHAMPION SHOE SHOP "SPECIAL" Invisible soles, tips & patches will not rip, leak or scratch the floor, Goloshes re- fured, soled & heeled. Longi- tudinal skate sharpening. Boots made to measure. Collect ana Deliver, PHONE 1218 17 BOND EAST

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