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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1940, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940 PAGE SEVEN THE DOMINION BANK IN STRONG LIQUID POSITION Commercial Loans at High Level; Earnings Improved The Annual Meeting of The Do- minion Bank held in Toronto on Wednesday, December 11th, was largely attended. The 70th annual statement covering the Bank's op- erations for the twelve months end- ing October 31st last was presented and approved. ~ The statement contained many interesting features, among them enlarged earnings, a strong cash po- sition, a big increase in commercial loans, and deposits by the public only slightly below the figures of last year, notwithstanding that dur- ing the twelve months, approxi=- mately $22,000,000 was withdrawn from deposits to purchase Canada's War Loans. Net profits were $958,788, compar- ed with $802,296 for the previous fiscal period of ten months. After providing $370,165 for Dominion and Provincial tases--which was $105, 930 in excess of the previous year-- $700.000 was made available for dividends, a contribution was made to the Officers' Pension Fund of $85,000, $130,000 was written off Bank Premises Account, and $23,788 was carried forward to Profit and Loss Account, that account now standing at $861,188. The advs ange in commercial loans and discounts :n Canada is particu- larly noticeable as it amounted to $15,760,000. Total loans under this heading amount to $74,157,000 com- pared with $58,396,000 at the end of last year. Call and short loans in Canada and elsewhere were lower because there has been a smaller demand during the past twelve months for this type of financing. The compari- son is $3,817,615 in the present year as against $5,759,378 a year ago. Letters of credit stand at $4,333,- 000 as against $2,856,000 last year. This increase is explained by the greater activity of the Bank's cus- tomers in foreign business. Deposits by the public, not bear- ing interest, have increased during the vear from $37,978,683 to $41,075,- 839, while those bearing interest stand at $30,622,320 as against $85,- 335,930. The comparison of total de- posits by the public is $121,698,000 in the present statement as against $123,314,000 a year ago, a slight re- duction of $1,616,000. Dominion and Provincial Govern- ment deposits total $8,713,357, com- pared with $13,587,383 a year ago, a decrease of $4,874,026. The Bank's portfolio of Dominion Provincial and other high grade se- curities stands at against $60,649,000 last year. This is a decrease, in round figures of $22,- 000,000 in the main due to the re- quirements brought "about by the increased demand of the bank's cus- tomers for loans to finance the 1940 grain 'crop and to carry out war contracts. The capital of the bank remains at $7,000,000 and reserves, with un- divided profits, are $7,861,000. President's Address "As citizens and regardless of po- litical affiliation, we should lend every aid to both the Dominion and the Provincial Governments to re- vise "the B.N.A. Act to bring it in keeping with current requirements, to simplify to the nth degree the op- erations of government, t6 reduce costs not only within our ability to sustain but within» qur ility te liquidate," declared *C. Hf. Cariisle, president of the Dontinion Bank, in addressing shareholders at the an- nual meeting in Toronto on Decem- ber 11th. A great task will confront us when the war ends, said Mr. Carlisle. "It is equally the responsibility of the individudl and of governments to join in a common effort to see, in- sofar as we can at this time ana chiefly by the resolute elimination of waste, that all our essential ac- tivities meet post-war conditions well equipped adequately fin- anced. "We can no LW enshrcwl our. selvzs in the clopk of nationalism; our hope lies in! internationalism," declared Mr. Carlisle. He believed that there were great opportunities for trade with Latin America, and Canada must, dévelop these oppore tunities. - If war had" unsound ec countries, in ajor cause, it was , he said. Some . Canada, had failed to. un tand the new and adverse forces arising throughout the world. Demogracies must liber- ate their statesmen from the shackles of party bondage, must re- duce the load of government ma- chinery, and must reorganize the franchise so that the unfit and un- worthy do not have equal rights | with those who work and produce and pay. "If liberty ig to continue, license in speech and license to agitate can- not be permitted to destroy liberty itself," he declared. The annual statement, reviewed by Mr. Robert Rae, General Man~ ager, showed the bank to be in a sound liquid position, well equipped to meet War needs, The profit and loss account stood at $861,188, an in. crease of $23,788 over the amount carried forward a year ago, and readily realizable assets totalled $71,524,716. ; Mr. Rae drew attention to the substantial increase in commercial loans, which totalled $74,157,387, an increase of $15,761,974 over the pre- vious year. | WGR, Scattergood Baines, | CBL, $38,489,000 as | THE OLD HOME TOWN _ ewe somone STANLEY | - GRANDPAPPY GALE WIN! SPEAKS LP AS USUAL ON THE AIR THURSDAY NIGHT PROGRAMS DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 5:00 P.M CBL, School of the Air, WBEN, Backstage Wife, drama. WKBW, Portia faces Life, skeccn, CKCL, Dick Todd, popular songs. 5:15 P.M. WKBW, We, the Abbots, sketch, CKCL, A Prelude to Dinner. 5:30 P.M. WBEN, Lorenzo Jones, drama. CBL, The Lamplighter. CFRB, The Variety Corner, 5:45 P.M. WBEN, Young Widder Brown, sketch, CBL, Making Christmas n, CFRB, Young Canada Club, Gv CM. CBL, Closing Stock Quc.atlons. CFRB, The Goldbergs, sketch. CKCL, News WKBW, Varieties. 6:13 P.M. CBL, Relax and Enjoy Club. CFRB, Claire Wallace, gossip. CKCL, Supper Serenade. 6:30 P.M. CBL, Recital Series WGR, A Boy, a Girl, and a Band. 6:45 r.M. sketch. WBEN, Life Can be Beautiful, sketch. News Summary. CKCL, Breezy Rhythms. Ti Mm, WKBW, Edwin C. Hill, news. CBL, Questions of the Kour. CFRB, Eventide Melodies, CFRB, Light NE and Listen Club. CKCL, Musica] Contrasts. WBEN, Musical Part CBL, Headlines in Music, 7:30 P.M. CBL, Recital Series. WKBW, Paul Sullivan, news. WGR, WHAM, CKCL, sports reviews. 7:45 P.M. WBEN, Lowell Thomas, commentator. CBL, In the News. WKBW, The World Today. CFRB, Songs You Like to Hear, 8:00 1 M. WKBW,; Fulton Lewis, Jr., commentator WBEN, Fred Waring in Pleasure Time. CBL, String Orchestra. WHAM, Easy Aces, comedy sketch, CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy. sketch CKCL, Hannigan's Mountainéers. 5:15 P.M | FRB, Lanny Ross, tenor WHAM, Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Per- sons, WBEN, John W. Vandercook, commen- tator 8:30 P.M. CBL, They Shall Not Pass. WGR, Vox Pop, Parks and Wally. WBEN, Bob osby's Orchestra. WKBW, Confidentially Yours. CFRB, What Would You Do? CECL, Singin' and Steppin' Along. 8:45 P.M. WKBW, Inside of Sports. CKCL, The Blue Beetle, drama. 9:00 P.M. WGR, Ask-It-Basket, Ed. Bast, M.C. CBL, Meditation. WBEN, Fanny Brice, Dick Powell, cast. WHAM, Horace Heidt's Pot O' Gold CFRB, Goodwill Court, drama. 9:30 P. WBEN, Aldrich Family, fomedy sketch. WKBW, In Chicago Tonight, vari Het WHAM, Quiz, Tommy Dorsey's O ren. WGR, Strange As It Seems, drama, :00 P.M. WGR, Major Bowes' Amateurs. CBL, Bing Crosby, Bob Burns. ERY, Gabriel Heatter, commentator. , True or False? quiz. 10:15 P.M. WGR, The Little Show. 10:30 P.M. CFRB, Style NE 45 P.M. CFRB, Organ ne news. CKCL, Eddie Stroud's Orchestra. 11:00 P.M. CBL, Canadian Press News, WGR, Glenn Miller's Orchestra. WBEN, Rudy Vallee Program. WBEN, Rudy Vallee Program. G 11:15 P.M. CFRB, Choose Up Sides, z. CBL, Britain Fh pots a CK(CL, Jack Evans' Orchestra, 11:30 P. WKBW, Chicago Symph CBL, BBC Newsreel phony. WBEN, Musical Americana. ndon. | WBEN, Happy Jack, s 11:45 P.M. was News of the World. KBW, Its' Dancetime. MIDNIG CFRB, Sports Time. WHAM, WKBW, New CKCL, Ozzie Williams' Orchestra, 12:15 P.M. CFRB, Bill M¢Cune's Orchestra. 12:30 A WBEN, Abe Lyman's Orchestra. WKBW, Kay Kyser's Orchestra, 1:00 . WHAM, Fats Waller's Orchestra. WGR, Dean Hudson's Orchestra. FRIDAY MORNING 8:00 AM. CBL, CFRB, WKBW, WBEN, news CKCL, The Pepper-Upver. 8:15 o CBL, The Dance Parade. WHAM, Sunrise Special. :30 AM. CBL, Morning Devotions. CFRB, Breakfast Time Tunes, | 8:45 CBL, Musical March Past. 9:00 AM. CBL, At The Console. WKBW, News of Europe 115 AM. CBL, Al and Lee Reiter, plano duo. | CKCL, Musical Mallman 10:00 A.M. cts and od Fashions, 10:15 AM. Breakfast Club, variety. 11:00 CBL, Food CBL, CBL, Songs for You. NOON CBL, BBC News 12:15 AM. CBL, Clark Dennis, * or. 1:00 PM. WKBW, Kate Smith aks, commen- 12:30 AM. CBL, Farm Broadcast : P CBL, Haj WKBW, y Gang, anhatters. 2:15 P.M. WBEN, Frankie Masters'. WHAM, Between the Boo! 4:15 P.M. variety. 4:15 P.M. WKBW, Exploring Space, NEWSPAPER WINS IN CENSOR FIGHT London, Dec. 11 (CP)--Reynolds News, a Sunday newspaper, wip the first round of its fight aRalnst charges of violating censorship re- gulations today when a ny trate's court ordered cne of the three counts against the publica- tion withdrawn for lack of evidence, The charge in question involved alleged printing of uncensored ma- terial "with respect to the defence and fortifications of Malta." The two remaining charges con- cern printing of reports about the sowing of mines in the Rhine and the movements of British aircraft in the Mediterranean. The crown's case in the first in- stance was based on the fact that the censcr had made some cuts in an article submitted for censorship in the paper's London edition after it had appeared in the Scottish edi- tion August 11, The paper contended the matter on which the article was based had been passed by the censor on previous occasions. and return to this office: Unit Place and date of enlistment Birthplace and age ...... Names and address ot parents or next of kin On Active Service In order to enable The Oshawa Daily Times to prepare a complete and accurate list of the men and women from Oshawa who have enlisted with any of His Majesty's Forces, the publishers request the relatives of such members to fill in the following form Name in. full ...oieasss so eevccrsssrse Regimental NO, .. eects ivssersisnresisnsuciss ssstassasrarenses BY EE PE Ey EE EE RE ERE I EE EE EE EL EE RR ERT TT Dy EEE TE RE EE EP EE EPP ER EER EEE Pr Tr SE EE TT) EE PE EE EE EE EE EPR RY RY} ER EEE EE AAA AAR A EEE EEE) "(Print Sumame First) GREEK ADVANCES RETURN ANCIENT LANDS T0 GREECE Porto Edda Founded After Trojan Wars -- El Bassan Modern City Driving the routed Italian armies across Albania, Greek soldiers are traversing a country which still spells Greece to them for so many of the cities were founded in the dim past, bear Greek pames, or are being rebaptized as thé men of Met- axas widen their victory. All of the land which today is known as Albania has passed un- der many suzerainties. in centuries of history. Greeks, Romans, Turks, Serbs, Italians, Albanians--all nave had their day. For the skirted Evzones, and the less spectacular but none the less courageous troops of the Greek Army, the campaign now is one of liberation. And their prowess in the field is stimulated by knowledge that Mussolini's men, beaten in the field, have carried the war over defenceless towns and villages back in Greece. There, old men and women, mothers and children have been wounded, bombed out of their homes by the Italians. They urgently need medi- cal supplies, comforts, food, cloth- ing, emergency, shelter, and the Greek War Relief Fund is asking Canadians for $500,000 to finance the supplies. History of the Albanian cities and towns, in most instances wculd fill volumes. Here, in brief, is the re- cord of some of the principal Al- banian points: Argyrokastron, In Greek, Castle, Corinthian Colonists Antigoneia. But during the Byzantine Empire days one emperor renamed the town Argyrokastron after his wife Argyro (Silver); while Kastron stood for the castle and fortress erected in Silver the place. The sown was in the | veloped by the Venetians who oc- Greek Empire until 1420 when the | Turks. captured and held it until | 1913. When the Balkan wars, 1912- First it was named by its | | Turks. 13 were over, the Greeks claimed | the town but an international com-. mission awarded it to Albania. In| 1814 it was practically depopulated | by plague. Today it Is a centre of | some 20,000, half of them of Greek descent, Porto Edda, named for Mussolini's | aaughter, is to become once more Aghii Saranta, Greek for Forty ' Saints. It was founded by Helenus, son of Priam, after the Trojan Wars, It always has been a hard spot to capture, on account of the swamps around it. Greeks used it as a military centre, so did the | Romans. The modern city was de- cupied the city until 1797 when Ali Pasha, of Ionnina, took it for the Of the 12,000 in the city, about 10.000 are of the Greek Ortho dox faith. El Bassan, a city of some 15,000," is a comparatively modern town well located from a military view-. point, linked with the port of Durazzo by a light railway. It is a natural spot for military concen<i tration. The Italians have hadi! | headquarters there, and the Greeks, now preparing to assault it, are making very careful preparations. Tirana, an 18th century city, is the government centre, beautified by former King Zog, of Albania. Durazzo -- Founded in the 7th century B.C. by Corinthians, it be- came at once a valuable seaport." Around 300 B.C. it passed to the' Romans who renamed it chium and made it the chief point for debarkation of Roman legions. - (RURCUREURERCERRR E RER ER UR CUR R RR ER RE RER RRR RRUR RUR RURRRUK SAT ISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED TL WKBW, Golden Treasury of Song. AzP LOW EVERYDAY PRICES 2:29: SALMON CHOICE TENDER CUTS " [ Purchases limited to family weekly requirements, TIGER FANCY COHOE PORK & BEANS JEWEL SHORTENING PINEAPPLE WAX BEANS GREEN BEANS ROBINHOOD FLOUR « 2.5: = 83 = 3.19 PURE JAM CHOICE AUSTRALIAN SLICED or CRUSHED IONA CUT OR WHOLE IONA CUT ANN PEANUT BUTTER NECTAR TER =ziny PEACHES 15-1b. Pkg. IONA STRAW or CATSUP um: ASPARAGUS TIPS :.:.: MINCEMEAT °.: TOWNE PAGE PAG ih Ade 17- 25: 14- 23: 25: 21: 39 23: 29: 14- 15. 24 20-0z, Tins 2 2s 16-02, Tin 20-02 Tins 3 3 31 2 GE RASP. 20-02. Tins, 24-02, Jar 1-1b. Pkg. 18-02. Tins 32-02. Jar 12-02, Btl, 12-02. Tin ONDON 2-1b, Tin AP BRE WHOLE WHEAT 24-07. Wrapped Loaves OR UNSLICED CRACKED WHEAT 15 AD 8 O'Clock = Red Circl _ AP COFFEE BOKAR VIGOROUS & WINEY MILD AND MELLOW RICH AND FULL-BODIED PRUNES PEARS 70 FRESHLY GROUND 1-1b, BAG SAU CORN SYRUP CORN SYRUP COCOA EVAP. MILK CHIPS CAMAY SOAP SPAGHETTI SPREAD. WHEAT POWDERS i: 35. 31. 3, CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS CURRANTS Recleaned 1b. 19¢ ICING SUGAR EXTRACT COCOANUT RAISINS Cut Mixa Orange & Lemon WALNUT MEATS Smyrna Cooking BRAZIL NUTS "i shai In Shell Glace MIXED FRUITS CHERRIES suc Glace or Green Lge. Polished WALNUTS "jen MINCEMEAT von 2 Ibs, Artificial 8-oz, Vanilla BtlL Desfccatet | 15¢ 15¢ ». 10c lle Lexia Seeded > 13c * 15¢ 34c 15¢ 15¢ 19c 23c 2-1b. Tin 4-02. Pkg, 3-02, Pkgs, 2; STEAKS ROASTS BONELESS ROUND HAMBURG STEAK BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST PORK SHOULDERS PORK BUTTS VEAL ROAST PORK TENDERLOINS PORK SHOULDERS CHICKENS BACON Keiffer CORNED BEEF neime: Ocean Srray Cranberry Cowan's Perfection NATURAL BRAN cuaxer2 ries. 23c Hedlund's Sandwich Sunnyfield Toasted or Porterhouse SiHoin, Wing, Face Rump or Porterhouse Prime Fresh Boneless Fresh Roasting - 80's LARD Tona 9 r, 15¢ 23c 18 39c 24c 22c Tin 2-1b. Tin 5-1b, Tin Crown Brand Crown Brand 1-1b. Tin Tall Libby's Tins Lge. PKkgs. Cake Pre 8c 39c S5¢ llc 17¢ " 24-02. Catelli gs 2 Tins PRUNE Sirloin, Wing, Cube Steak or Roast Breakfast -- Sliced, Rindless OLD CHEESE MILD CHEESE CHATEAU CHEESE 3: 55. TOMATO GRAPEFRUIT ORANGE PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE Extra Lean Rib Fresh Shankless Choice Smoked Boneless DAIRY DEPARTMENT Shamrock 1b. 8 Ib. 23 1b. 4: Ass x Fin Tins 25¢ wx 10 3 12¢ or Qe 13 20-0z Tin 13-oz. Tin 9c 6-02. Pkg. 3 Pkgs. 7c 13¢ 0. K, Jelly YUKON CLUB GINGER ALE Contents 30: 295c ANN PAGE Plain or sugared Doz. c P00 0000000000000000000000000000000000¢¢ 4 I IXXXIXIXIXIXXIXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXY, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ONTARIO GROWN APPLE NO. 1 GRADE McINTOSH RED DOMESTIC GRADE GREENING COOKING FINEST FOR EATING 6 Qt. Bask. 35. 6 Qt. Bask. 29. GRAPEFRUIT YAMS ONIONS HEAD LETTUCE IXXXLXXIXXXEXXX 4-07. Tin 14- 8-02. Tin MAGIC BAKING POWDER 16-oz. Tin 19. = 28: CHICKEN Boneless Iona 4 Sieve WAR SAVING STAMPS SOLD AT A & P Beaver Brand TOMATOES ....":.. 1 "Y KIPPER SNACKS 2 == 11. SARDINES 'Cornflakes Quaker 'CLEANSER Xu : 22. PEACHES Black Tea 20-ox Tin 9 Marshsesdless 80's "The King of Sweet Potatoes" No 1 Grade Yellow Cooking 3.13 3u19. 10 1b. bag 2] 2 heeds] 3c XXXXXX! 11c . 0c Firm Fresh Pride of Fundy Tin Babbitts or Classic 3 14c Latics - adc special ib, 25¢ 1b. >. 49 A «P SELF-SERVICE FOOD STORES Owned and Operated by The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co, Ltd. PRICES I EFFECT UNTIL DECE 14 pn ES LE

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