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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1940, p. 15

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' be THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1940 4 PAGE FIFTEEN | Let Times Want Ads Sell Those Used Articles, for Christmas Gift Cash * : 10 GOOD USED BATTERIES, SAPINSKI--Entered into rest in| uy. GM, Prest-O-Lite. Priced Whitby, Ontario, December 19,|., clear. 275 King E. (FP,120b) 1940, Vera Sapinski, beloved daughter of Mrs. P. Sapinski and | CHRISTMAS TREES, 50c UP, DE- 'livered. Pick off the load. Phone the late Mr. Peter Sapinski in 986M. '48 Alexxander Blvd. (121c) her 23rd year. Fubsidl fom ihe Sem "| GIRL'S SKATES AND BOOTS. 5's: child's cot; extension table; coal ence, 179 Mitchell Ave., Oshawa, on Monday, December 23. Service 2 heater; wheelbarrow. Apply 488 pm. Interment Union Cemetery. igh Y Ha) 75 BU. ONIONS, $1 BU; 75 BU. (121a) Carrots, 50c bu. Come and get them. Mr. Wm. Willoughby, R.R. 2, N. Oshawa. (F.P.,120¢) BED, SPRING, MATTRESS, Al; Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi. | and '20 Studebaker sedan, winter- dent partner W. C. Pollard. KC. |ized. Cheap. Apply 681 Ritson Uxbridge, Ontario. Rd. 8. (121¢) PETER LEVINE, BA. BARRIST-| ONE TABLE RADIO, ONE CABI- er, Solicitor, Notary. Bassett Bld, | ret radio, and one pram. All in 3 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3329. good condition. 339 King St. E. (9Jan.c) (121b) SWEET CIDER, DELIVERED right to your door. 25c gal. Phone 1723W. (121a) CANARIES, GUARANTEED beautiful singers. J. McPhee, 283 Courcellette Ave., off Ritson Rd. S. (121¢) Legal A. W 8. GREER, BARRISTER. SoMNcitor. etc, 6 King Street East GRIERSON, CREIGHTON . AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ters, 1% Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Phoue 4 Allin FP Annis, BA. LL.B. Ernest Marks. B.A. R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS. Estimates furnished without obli- 0: car acts up. new one. Times Want Ads So.citor, etc, 24% Simcoe North Phone office 814; residence 3297 "Monev to loan. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KO. BAR- rister, Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phcne #45 Residence phone 837. WwW. E N. SINCLAIR, B.A, LLB, K.C, and J. C. Anderson, K.C. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St. North. Phone 99. : MANNING F. SWARTZ BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King Si. East. Phone 3282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, 3ARRISTER, etv. Mortgage loans 6% %, Nation- a) Housing Act, 5%. 3¢ Simcoe St. North. (5Jan.c) gation. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (19Jan.c) VIOLIN, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion. 478 Simcoe North or Phone 1264. (120¢) BARRED ROCK HENS AND potatoes and apples. Call evenings. E. Cooper, Thornton's Corners. (119¢) GOOD USED BICYCLE, CHEAP. Phone 247. (119¢) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, COAL, Coke, Wood, lowest prices. Dump truck Service. Essery Bros. Phone 2572R. (27Dec.c) CANARIES, BEAUTIFUL SING- ers, English Rollers and Noraich, ready for Christmas. Phone 1113W, 197 Church. (20Dec.c) "Ambrose Bilch! Every time we go on a trip this For the last time I'm telling you to get a TIMES WANT ADS ct 7 have a lot of bargains." For Rent 10 ROOMED FURNISHED HOME | for rent for 3 months. Apply Jones Real Estate, or Box 322 Times. (119¢) GARAGE FOR RENT, DOWN- town. Apply Mr. Sheffield, Times office. (tf) OFFICES WELL LIGHTED. NICE- ly decorated, hardwood floors, hot water heated, well located in mod- ern office building, attractive ent- rance. Bradley Bros. (290ct th BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM- | ed apartment, all modern convent- | ences. Phone 1718 (10Nov tf | PAIR GIRL'S SKATES, SIZE § one baby's crib, extension table one wheel barrow. Apply 488 Roger St. LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South. (25Dec.c) APPLES, BAXTERS, McINTOSH, and Snows. Also good New Bruns- Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs. For reliable efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350). Tubes tested. (5Janx) Dancing Instruction 'DANCE FOR HEALTH", BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Saturdays, tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances, all types. Free Health | wick potatoes. Phone 631, F. Shaw, Class. (20Deg) | 74 Park Rd. 8. (5Jan.c) _|FIRST CLASS BORDER FANCY Canaries. All singers, guaranteed. Also Hens for breeding. G. Rob- bins, 268"Court St. (15Jan.c) BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Ch field, breakfast, and bed- room suites, studio couches, day beds, bed outfits, inner spring mattresses, wardrobes, bookcases, etc. Direct from factory show rooms. We invite you to visit our new store at 156 Simzoe St. South (30Dec.c) WING "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered to your door twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (26Deec.c) FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS, the supreme gift of all is furniture, A gift that will add charm to your home. A gift that will add to vour comfort and hers. A gift of furni- ture from The Topp Furniture Co. is a reminder for years to come of your good taste and thoughtfulness, Select from chesterfield, studio, dining room, dinette and kitchen suites, cedar chests, lamps, smokers, walnut tables, hassocks, rugs, cush- ions, of jonal chairs, bedding and other lasting gifts. A small deposit will hold any article until Christ- mas. Our location saves you money. Topp Funiture Co., 10 Bond West. Phone 686. (24 Dec. ©) "' BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, fouches, boas, tubular Atast cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 156 Simcoe th, (12Jan.c) APPLES FOR SALE, MACINTOSH, Snow, Spy. J. Pallock, one mile North of Whitby PO. (21Jan.c) Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 William St. Bast Phone 3148. (8Jan.c) Lost YOUNG HOUND, BROWN AND white. - Reward. 32 Albert St, Phone 2000W. (120c), LARGE GRAY AND WHITE PER-~ sian cat. Generous reward. Phone 3286R, 338 King street east. (121a) Mattresses and Comforters INNER-SPRING AND FELT MAT- Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Cou. Phone 25, Oshawa. (13Jan.c) Expert Watch Repairing P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. tn Hardwood Floors BUILDER, laid, sanded Latest equip- prices. -199 Nas. (sf) RED B. w. HAY 1 Hardwood floor finished by ex ment. Phon» fo sau street. 4 a Undestaking MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prcmpt day and night service FP J. Meagher, Manager, 8 J. Strow- ger. Funeral Director. 117 King St. E. Phone 907. (20Jan.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street Established 1889 Phone 401 (25Dec.c) LUKE BURIAL CO. 87 KING ST East. Ambulance, Residence 69 King St. E Phone 210. M, P. ARMSTRONG AND SON. proprietors Osh Punersl and Day and nighr. King East. DR. 8 J. P sett's. Special work. Gas ex Nurse attendance Phone 059 House 1312 Insurance PEACOCK'S | INSURANCE SER- 2675W. | tresses rebuilt just like new. Feather' beds stripped, made into comforters. Eiderdowns recovered, Phone 2371J. (27Janc) S| Furriers Leather for Galoshes repa SELECT YOUR NEW PUR COATS Skates sharpened, W. Allison, 9 | or have your oid one remodelled in Athol W, Phone 2843R. Call and | '41 styles. Oshawa Furriers, 54 Wil- deliver. ¥ (Jane) 'liam E. Phone 3148, (12an.c) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM. TO | share with another gentleman 1| King E. Phone 798. (121a) | a------ - | M- 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. I mediate possession. 364 Simcoe St 8. Phone 2533M. (121a) 182 ALICE ST. AVAILABLE JAN, 1. Apply Copant and Annis. 4 (20Dec.tf.) Real Estate For Sale FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR IN- vestment ifr house property: House, $2200 rents for $25. House, $2900 -- rents for $30. House, $3500 -- rents for $37.50. Others at different prices | BRADLEY BROS. Phone 169 | (119¢) | ROOMS, excellent A real (21Dec.c) MODERN HOUSE, 7 garage, hot air heating, condition. Connaugh St. bargain. Phone 532J. Wanted WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds stoves, furniture, anything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Collected. Please phone 639. Wanted To Buy ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, PAY Cash. Late model. . State price and size. Box 317 Times. (119¢) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station. (18Dec.c) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (6Jan.c) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store 56 King West. Phone 1030 (6Jan.c) Furnaces FURNACE FOR SALE, VERY good condition, 6 rooms. $28--8 Church St. Phone 758. (16Jan.c) Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits, pants, men's fall and winter coats, Indies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, 21 Bond West. (19Jan.c) Musical Instructions EXPERT INSTRUCTIONS-- Plano Accordian, Hawaiian Guitar. Forming band. e Mrs. Davidson, 367 Mary, for expert advice before purchasing instruments, (10Jan.c) Female Help Wanted A CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN, 30- 35, to manage home. One young child and baby girl. Phone 2093J' for appointment. (121c) Male Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted, part or full time, with car. Bradley Bros. (29Nov ¢) Auditors OSCAR HUDSON AND COM- pany. Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM- pany, Trustees and Liquidators Conant and Annis Chamber, T% | Write | BORROW Simcoe ftrept Svuth. Telephone 4. Head Office, Toronto, Agents Wanted GOOD ROUTE AVAILABLE OF 600 Rawleigh consumers. No experi- ence needed. Large sales mean big profits. Permanent. Full time. Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-310- 101-L, Montreal, Canada. Male or Female Help Wanted NOW 1S THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno, etc. Five Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free Booklet M.C.C. Schools Ltd. Toronto 10. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. (Wed. Fri. tf) Meals MEALS SERVED TO GENERAL Motors men, 62 Division St., 3 min. walk to any part of Motors. (20Dec.c) Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS sand. cinders, wood, coal, etc. 0 Colborne Street West. Phone 605 (18Dec.0) Typing Wanted STATEMENTS, ACCOUNTS, manuscripts, ete, typed, envelopes addressed, for prices Phone 1323W, 187 Simcoe S. (21Dec.c) Financial PERSONAL LOANS For Winter Needs or Any Other Useful Purpose ONE YEAR TO REPAY APPLY TO NEAREST BRANCH OF The Canadian Bank of Commerce MONTHLY DEPOSITS PROVIDE FOR REPAYMENT YOU MAKE YOU 12 MONTHLY RECEIVE DEPOSITS OF 55.87 71 IF YOU $ 60 fo 144 192 300 402 1,068 OTHER AMOUNTS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW RATES YOUR ESTATE 1S PROTECTED BY THE LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH BANK ARRANGES Work Wanted ALL KINDS OF PLASTERING and general repairs. Phone 1412M, (16Jan.c) Battery Service \) BATTERIES CHARGED 75, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon, 30 Mill St Phone 960 Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL SCOTTISH TER- rier Puppies. Will hold for Christ- mas, Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, Ontario. Phone 65-19. (1212) POKER SHARPERS SENT TO PRISON Vancouver, Dec. 20 (CP).--James E. Watson and Ralph Lohn were convicted in county court yesterday of conspiring to defraud Louis Oliver Leroux, 66-year-old resident of Windsor, Ont., Who said he lost $4600 in a poker game with the two men last August at New West- minster, B.C. Lohn, 33, was sentenced to four vears in penitentiary and Watson, 32, was given a two-year term. "This poker game was the me- thod adopted to fleece this simple old man, but although he is simple he is not to be made the victim of crooks," said Judge A, M. Harp- er. "Of all the mean crimes this is one of the meanest and worst of which I can think" Leroux said he lost the money in a poker game while on a visit to the Pacific coast. ~ Myrtle Station (M. V. Luery, Corr.) Myrtle Station, Dec. 16--The Red Cross workers are progressing nice- ly with the quota of work for the evacuees in England. The layettes are almost completed and will make some mothers very happy to receive them and some babies very com- fortable when clothed in the pretty little jackets and bonnets. Knitters for the knee length stockings are in the minority and anyone who would be glad to help may do so by get- ting in touch with the vice-president of the Myrtle unit, Mrs. George Holliday, -or any one of the work- ers. The lasies' jackets have been cut out and distributed. It is hoped that this work may be completed and shipped to headquarters beforc Christmas. The Women's Association met in their annual business meeeting in the Sunday school room of the church last Tuesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Clarence Harrison, occupied the chair and conducted the regular. meeting. Reports of the year's work were given by the sec- retary, treasurer and conveners of the diffefgnt committees which showed thelinterest and enthusiasm with which the members have been working during the past year. Mrs. Gervan took charge of the election of officers which resulted as fol- lows: president, Mrs. C. Harrison; first vice-president, Mrs. Oscar Downey; second vice-president, Mrs. Roy Thompson: secretary, Mrs. Ger- van; treasurer, Mrs. James Cooper; pianist, Mrs, D. Luery. Also the fol- lowing committees were appointed: visiting, Mrs. E. Masters, Mrs. R. Chisholm for the north village, Mrs. O. Downey and Mrs. N. Hughson for the south village; refreshments, Mrs. Roy Thompson, Mrs. D. Duchemin; parsonage, Mrs. R. Chis- holm, Mrs. N. Hughson; flower, Mrs. Luery, Mrs. Chisholm. The Faithful Workers Sunday school class held the annual meet- ing and election of new officers in the Primary room of the Sunday school on Wednesday evening of last week. The president, Mrs. Gervan, conducted the worship service. Dur. ing the business period a motion was passed making the class respon- sible for the Sunday school supplies for the coming year. A thankoffer- ing of ten dollars was made to the church board and the usual gift of candies was made to the children at the Christmas tree entertainment. The officers for the coming year are as follows: president, Mrs. G. 8. Gervan; vice-president, Mrs. W. Armstrong; secretary, Mrs. F. Har. rison; treasurer, Mrs. A. Parrinder; planist, Mrs. O. Lane. A flower and fruit committee was appointed, with Mrs. E. Cook and Mrs, F. Harrison as members for the north end and Mrs, Armstrong and Mrs. Nottingham for the south end. Mrs. G. 8. Gervan was chosen as teacher of the class with Mrs, Luther Mitchell as her assistant. The dangerously icy condition of the highway' on Monday morning slowed up traffic considerably Heavily laden trucks north bound found it necessary to wait here for the sanding truck to do its work before continuing on their journey. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. A. Ross of Whitby visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Luery on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson visited with relatives in . Toronto during the early part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Armstrong have moved from the south end of the village to the house lately occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Walker at the forks of the road. Mr, Eli Harnden was a visitor in Whitby on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Elwood Masters has been con- fined to the house through illness for the past week. We hope to see him back at the elevator in a short time, enjoying his usual health, Messers. George and Earl Luery, of Stirling, visited with relatives on Tuesday evening. Marlene Barton was in Toronto one day last week to leave her annual order with Santa Claus. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Malley, of New. castle, spent Sunday with Myrtle relatives. Mrs. F. Harrison and Mrs. Jack Kirkham made a shopping trip to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Oliver Lane visited with her sister in Toronto from Sunday until Wednesday of last week. Mrs. W. McCarl and Ronald, of Brooklin, spent Saturday with her sister, Mr. John Truax is visiting this week with friends in Wilfred. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Lynde and baby Niel, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter, June and Fay, of Prospect; Miss Grace Lynde, of Whitby, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mas- ters. Miss Dorothy Hall, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Myrtle rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie magee have secured a house in the Oshawa and Bo their furniture on Satur- ay. . Mr. Gordon and Mr. Harry Perrin, of Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents, Mrs. A. Johnson, Lorne and Elmer visited with relatives in Greenwood on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hughson, of Oakville, visited with Myrtle friends on Saturday, . The Christmas service next Sun- day evening wi] be in charge of the pastor, Rev. @, g, Gervan, A junior choir will sing a couple of num- bers in keeping with the Christmas (MAW, ITS A CARD FROM STEVE IT SAYS -- DEAR BROTHER. HAVE BEEN IN THE COMPANY JAIL By STANLEY Cae oN ON THE AIR TORONTO STATIONS CFRB, 690k. OBL, 840k CKCL, 580k. CBY, 1420k U. 8. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WJZ (Blue) WABC (CBS) U. 8. STATIONS WBEN Buffalo .....cco000000s WUMK Luliale . WHAM Rochester ..... WIiiBW Baffalo ... WIR Detroit FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, | cBL, Plano Duo, WBEN, Backstage Wife, sketch, 5:15 P.M. Club Matinee, sketch, 6:00 XP. Closing Btock Quotations, 6:15 ¥.M, CBL, CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6:45 2M 7:00 P.M. CBL, Questions of the Hour. WKBW, Edwin C. Hill, news. 7:15 P.M, CBL, CBL, News, WKBW, Hedda Hoppers Hollywood p. 7:30 P.M, WKBW, Paul Sullivan Reviews the News, CBL, Recital Series. 7145 P.M. WBEN, Lowell rromas, news. WBEN, Fred Waring in Pleasure Time CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy, sketch, 8:15 CFRB, Lanny Ross, tenor. 8:30 P.M. WGR, Al Pearce's Gang, comedy. CBL, Toronto S8ymphony Band, WHAM, Alec Templeton e. 9:00 P.M, WGR, Kate Smith Hour, variety. , The Green Hornet, drama. CBL, Cities Service Concert. WHAM, Death Valley Days, dramas. WBEN, Information, Please, quiz pro- gram, CBL, Today's Music. : 10:00 P.M. CBL, Abe Lyman's Orchestra, WOR, Mystery 1 . , Gangbusters, drama. 10:30 P.M. CBL, Canadian Theatre of the Alr. WBEN, Everyman's Theatre, drama, WGR, Campbell Playhouse, drama. 11:00 P.M. CBL, WKBW, WaR, newscasts. WBEN, Wings of Destiny, drama, WHAM, Madison . Gardens Boxing WGR, Talk be A) : nudsen, G.M, Press. CBL, Britain Speaks. 11:30 PM. CBL, BBC Newsreel from London. WBEN, Choral Cameos, vocal, MIDNIGHT CFRB, Sports Time. 12:30 AM. WKBW, Sammy AM Orchestra. WHAM, Tony Pastor's Orchestra. WBEN, Charlie Spivak"s Orch, SATURDAY"S PROGRAMS 8:00 AM. CBL, CFRB, News, 8:45 AM, CBL, Musical March Past, 9:18 AM. CBL, 8oi for Saturday. dd 9:30 AM, CBL, Dick Leibert, organist. "10:00 AM. CBL, Breakfast Club, variety. WBEN, Texas Tors a AM, WBEN, Charloteers. 11:00 AM. TEEN, Lincoln TignweY: ama, h Aan ser, le 10s AML he due OBL, Travoning 0 A.M. WKBW, Bi Strings. CBL, any Rotem s Orch, NOON CBL, Newscast 12:30 P.M. CBL, Joe. Gallicchio"s Orch, 1:00 P.M. WBEN, Milestones in Musical History. 1:30 P.M. WKBW, Let's Pretend. CBL, Children's Serapbook. 1:45 PM. WBEN, Matinee in Rhythm, io 2:00 P.M. en and review, Pri J Ad WBEN, Calling All Xd Collectors 2:30 P.M. WHAM, Luncheon at the Waldorf, 3:00 P.M. OBL, Metropoll Qpera WBEN, Music ror BY oo 130 P, WBEN, Abe Lyman's Orchestra. * 5:00 P.M. WBEN, Campus Capers. 6:00 P.M. WGR, Buffalo Presents, 6:30 P.M. 8:50 P.M. WGR, Gay Nineties Review, variety, CBL, Share The Wealth, variety, 8:45 P.M. WEKBW, Inside of Sports. 5:00 P.M. CBL, Maple Leaf Hockey Game, WGR, Your Marriage Club. 9:30 P.M. WER, Wayne King's Orchestra, 10:6. P.M. WGR, Your Hit Parade, Barry Wood. . | WBEN, National Barn Dance, 10:30 P.ia. WHAM, NBC Symphony Concert, 10:45 P.M. WGR, Saturday Night Serenade. il:30 P.O WKBW, Jack Leonard, songs. MIDNIGHT WGR, Hawaii Calls, WBEN, Dance Orchestra 12:15 AM. CFRB. Dance Orchestra, 1:00 A.M. WHAM, WEEN, WKBW, Dance Orches- ras. SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 A.M. WBEN. Sunday Drivers, variety, 11:00 AM. WBEN, Natfona! Radio Pripit, NOON CBL, BBC News 1:00 P.M. WGR, Major Bowes' Family 1:30 P.M. WGR, Salt Lake City Choir. CBL, Radio City Music Hall, 2:00 P.M. CFRB, Musicale. 4:30 P.M. | WBEN, On Your Job, drama. | 3:00 P.M. | WBEN, Frank Black's String Sym- | phony. | 3:30 P.M. WGR, Flow Gently Sweet Rhythm | 4:00 P.M. | CFRB. New York Philharmonic Svm- | phony. 4:45 P.M. WBEN, Chats About Dogs. 0:40 Pun. WHAM, Tony Wons' Radio Scrapbook. | 5:30 Pv. CFRB, Music That Refreshes. WBEN, Pageant of Art, drama. | 6:50 P.M. | WBEN, Metropolitan Opera Auditions. | WGR, Design for Happiness, | | 6:30 run. | WKBW, The Shadow, drama. | WGQGR, Col. Stoopnagle"s Quixie Doodles WBEN, Your Dream Has Come True, | 6:45 P.M. [ CBL, News Summary. 7:00 .M, WEBW, Silver Theatre, drama. WGR, Double or Nothing, quiz WBEN, Catholic Hour, 7:30 P.M. WHAM, Beat the Band. WKBW, Gene Autry's Melody Ranch. 8:00 P.M. CBL, Jack Benny, comedy, WGR, News of the World. 8:30 P.M. WGR, Screen Guild Theatre, drama. WBEN, Fitch Band-Wagon, CBL, Let's Face the Facts. WHAM, Speak Up America, quiz, 9:00 P.M. CBL, Edgar Bergen ,and Charlie Mc- WGR, Helen Hayes: Theatre, drama. 9:30 P.M. WGR, Crime Doctor, drama. WHAM, Sherlock Holmes, drama. CBL, One Man's Family, drama, :00 P.M, WGR. Ford Sunday Hour, WBEN, Manhattan Merry-go-round. au, Walter Winchell, columnist. Carry On, Canada. 10:30 P.M. WHAM, Irene Rich, drama. | CBL, American Album of | Familiar usic, 11:00 P.M, CBL, News, | WBEN, The Hour of Charm, WGR, Take It or Leave It, quiz. Goodwill Hour, i 11:15 P.M. 1 OBL, Britain Speaks. 1 11:30 P.M. A CFRB, Columbia yorkshop.. CBL, BBC Newsreel from London, MONDAY'S PROGRAMS 8:00 A.M. OBL, CFRB, Newscasts. WGR, The Musical Clock, 9:00 AM. WKBW, News of Europe. CBL, At The Console. 130 A.M. CBL, Ray Perkins, pianist. 10:00 A.M. WBEN, Happy Jack, songs. CBL, Breakfast Club. variety. NOON Short, Short Story, sketch. BBC News. 12:15 P.M. WHAM, Clark Dennis. tenor, 1:30 P.M. CBL and WHAM, Farm Broadcasts, 2:00 P.M. WGR, OBL, WBEN, Fireside Singers. CBL, Happy Gang. variety. 2:30 P.M. CBL, Frankie Masters' Orchestra. 3:00 P.M BINGO, SATURDAY NIGHT, DE- cember 21, 8:30 p.m. Chicken and Geese prizes, 20 games 25¢, Jack Pot. Polish Alliance Hall, 219 Olive Ave. (F.P..120b) £8. No. 10, ANNUAL SCHOOL ° Meeting, Westmount School, Thursday, Dec. 26, at 8 pm. W. L. Pierson, Sec. Treas. (121s) BINGO, MONDAY, 2:30, ORANGE Hall. (121s) Audley (Staff Correspondent) AUDLEY, Dec. 16.--The Club met at the schoolhouse on Monday of last week and selected their offie cers for 1941, after passing reports | and hearing the treasurer's report by Miss Kay Winters and the saudie tor's report by Douglas Bryant showing a balance on hand of $9.00, The chief topic of discussion was the continuation of the Club's active ities for 1941. It had been o by some that the Club call off for the war. Free expressions of opine Ions by many present, all led to the cenclusion that we ought to carry on. The chief criticisms made were that tha Club meetings had run too much to amusement with little edu- cational work at the regular gathe erings. This was largely due, Percy Neale, to the lack of interest chown by the older members. Ken Pratt who was in the chair claimed that interests must be maintain for the younger folk, while others claimed that educational and ine i spirational meetings were just as | essential to the youth as allowing | them to follow a pent or project of | their own. Some criticism of our 1 school systems in not giving enough unding in the essentials of edue i ration and the lack of proper leads ership for the young people was 12de by F. M. Chapman. Other ceakers were Gard, Winters, Ben. | Bryant, R. P. Winters, Fred Pucke rin and several ladies. The getting | Of the older people back into the harness was borne out by the elege. ticns which resulted as follows: Pres, Ben Bryant, a former presie t; 1st vice, Gard. Winters; 2nd vice, Ken Pratt; sec.-treas., Miss Kay Winters; directors, Mrs, R. P. Winter, Mrs, Everett Bryant, F. M. oe | Chapman; pianist, Fred Puckrin, Tha boys' ball club came in for much congratulation and the old "ommittee was re-elected. The flower committee had also done 700d work and were re-elected. A ommittee of six was named as an amusement committee whose duty it was to arrange all Club amuse~ ments and to finance them as well, More meetings were likely arranged for the homes when the new execue tive met on Tuesday evening last. John and Fred Puckrin have been called to report for training, but i these cases it is likely that some arrangements can be made as each is the only male in charge of a big | farm with heavy livestock holdings. The roads, weather and travel have all been bad this winter so far. The new snowplow bought by Pickering Township has been in operation and is doing good work. In these days of motor traffic, it is essential that our township assist in keeping the roads open for milk trucks, stock trucks and other farm. transport. Bert Guthrie and George Bentley were called up on Tuesday to report for training. Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 BASSETT'S JEWELERS ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER _- When in Need of Drugs Call . FOWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY a Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty T BROS. tablished 1886 - OE ST. SOUTH . ---3 Armstron) Coal - Coke PHONE OFFICE: 59 CH We Treat You [J] F bE R Fuels Ww Ww H ST. 1 eo Year O WBEN, Hymns of All Churches. WGR, Eddy Duchin's Orchest: 6:45 P.M, CBL, BBC News, 7:18 P.M. Interview with N.H.L. players. 7:45 P.M. WKBW, The World Today. 8:00 P.M. CBL, hockey season. Sunday school at the regular hour 146 pm, i Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 hat WATCH REI Let us repair Clocks, Jewellery, D. J. BRG RING Watches. Work NEXT P, 0. WGR. People's Pl 20 Simeve 8b.

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