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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Dec 1940, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1940 PAGE ELEVEN THROW AWAY THE REN Births "At the Oshawa Gen- 'Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs N geant, (nee Bernice Jarvis) (125a) 7 J. L] Robert James. 3 . 'In Memoriam . REID In loving memory of a dear a | and father, Wm. Reid, wi passed away December 27, Thy will be done, seems hard to say When one we loved has passed away. Some day, perhaps, we'll understand When we meet again in that better / land. There is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last forever. Sadly missed by wife and family. (125a) Lega! A. W 8. GREER, BARRISTER, SoMeitor, etc., 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residenca 3514. Resi- dent partner W. C. Pollard. KC, Uxbridge, Ontario. Articles for Sale LOTS, ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF Supertest Gas Station Corner about half mile east of Post Office, Apply ence Mutton, Bowmanville. Carers (123¢) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS, Estimates furnished without. oblis gation. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (19Jan.e) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, COAL, Coke, Wood, lowest prices. Dump truck Service. Essery Bros. Phone 2572R. (27Dec.c) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these - at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South. (26Jan.c) APPLES, BAXTERS, MCcINTOSH, and Snows. Also good New Bruns- wick potatoes. Phone 631, F. Shaw, 74 Park Rd. S. (5Jan.c) FIRST CLASS BORDER FANCY Canaries. All singers, guaranteed. Also Hens for breeding. G. Rob- bins, 260 Court St. (15Jan.c) - PETER LEVINE, BA, BARRIST- er, Solicitor, Notary. Bassett Bld., 3 Simcoe St. S. Phone 2320. (8Jan.c) CREIGHTON AND RIERSON, i Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. NANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- oo 9% Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 4. Allin P. Annis, BA, LL}. Ernest Marks. BA. ee sme on Sohaitor, etc. 24% coe Norin. Phone office 814; residence 3297. Monev to loan. EPH P. MANGAN, KC. BAR- a= Solicitor. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone #45. Residence phone 837. W. EN. SINCLAIR, BA. LLB, KC, and J. OC. Anderson, KC. Barristers, etc. Bank of Montreal Building, 20 Simcoe St North. Phone 90. a PF AW A sister, Solicitor, Notary. ey joan 11 King St, East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, SARRISTER, ets. Mortgage loans 8% %, Natlon- .e) Housing Act, 8%. 26 Simcoe st. North. (8Jan.c) Radio Service WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIO RE- pairs. : For reliable 'efficient service phone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes tested. (8Janc) ~ Insurance PRACOCK'S INSURANQE SER- vice. Consult us for any of your Insuranee needs. Successors to G. 1. Nolan, 23% King Street East Phone 2686, residence 145. J. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR~ ance. Office phone 793, residence phone 2805. 4% Prince Street. Bought and Sold USED CLOTHING STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed. We carry a big stock of gentlemen's suits, ts, men's fall 'and winter coats, ladies' fall and winter coats. Sold very reasonably. Samuel Schwartz, (19Jan.c) 21 Bond West. : ti ai f Musical BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Chesterfield, breakfast, and bed- room suites, studio couches, day beds, bed outfits, inner spring mattresses, - wardrobes, bookcases, etc. Direct from factory show rooms. We Invite you to visit our new store at 156 Simzoe St. South (30Dec.c) RED WING "THE BETTER Apples," also Red Wing Apple Juice, delivered to your . door twice weeklw Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the following day. ~ Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. (27Jan.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle fron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's, 156 Simcoe South. (12Jan.c) APP1 JY; FOR SALE, MACINTOSH, Snow, Spy. J. Pallock, one mile North of Whitby PO. (27Jan.c) Motor Cars For Sale 1938 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, equipped with 4 Goodyear . Life- guard tubes and Double Eagle tires. In excellent condition. Radio and heater complete. Must sell." Owner leaving city. Phone 3515. (124c) . Furnaces , FURNACE FOR BALE VERY good condition, 6 'rooms: Church St. Phone 758. (16Jan£)' Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and de- livered. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St Phone 960. oo Undertaking For Rent 2. OR '8 ROOMED FLAT OR aparttient by young couple, no children. 1423R. (124b) 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Adults. 35 Hall Street off Simcoe St. South, near Hart's Dairy, (124d) THREE BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms upstairs with other conveni- ences downstairs, use of garden if desired, adults preferred. Box 328 Times. 1280) GARAGE YOR RENT, DOWN- town. Apply Mr. Sheffield, Times office. (tn) OFFICES WELL LIGHTED, NICE- ly decorated, hardwood floors, hot water heated, well located in mod- ern office building, attractive ent- rance. Bradley Bros. (290ct.tf) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM- ed apartment, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 1718. (10Nov tf) Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT -- 1 OR 2 furnished rooms. Immediate pos- session. Box 332 Times. (125a) Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD. APPLY 213 Athol E. Phone 3318J. (125a) Wanted To Buy HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses, 'Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station, (19Jan.c) WE PAY HIGH PRICES: FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (6Janc) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store. 56 King West. Phone 1030 (6Jan.c) Wanted WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. . Beds, stoves, furniture, anything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Collected. Please phone 639 (4Jan 3c) Male or Female Help Wanted NOW IS THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno, etc. Five Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free Booklet M.C.Q. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10. 'Oldest in Canada. No Agents. ia 5.00 (Wed. Fri. t0) Male Help Wanted SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT wanted. Personal call. Goodrich, King and Ritson. (1268) FULLER BRUSH CO, HAS AN opening for a reliable distributor. Apply in person to Fuller Brush Co., Alger Bld. (125a) MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. Prcmpt day and night service. F J. Meagher, Manager, 8. J. Strow- ger. Funeral Director. 117 King St. E. Phone 907. (20Jan.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance Service 75 Charles Street Established 1889 Phone 401 (25Dec.c) EXPERT INS UCTIONS-- Piano Accordi wailan Guitar. Forming band. $88 Mrs. Davidson, 367 Mary, for expert advice before purchasing instruments. (10Jan.c) Mattresses and Comforters INNER-SPRING AND FELT MAT- tresses rebuilt just like new. Feather beds stripped, made into comforters. Eiderdowns recovered. Phone 2371J, (27Janc) Dancing Instruction DANCE FOR HEALTH", BETH Weyms, Masonic Temple, Saturdays, tots, children, aduits. Latest New York dances, all types, 'Free Health Class. il (23Jan.c) Money Tole MONEY TO LOAN ON Galoshes repiired Skates shi Athol W. deliver, Ho V. A. HUF ing and Rals ing. Phone Port Hope, O pany. Chari MOFFAT pany. Conant and ~~ |1aid and finished before prices £5 | and general repairs. $ | CITY CARTAGE R. B, LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence 69 King St. BE Phone 310. M. P. ARMSTRONG AND SON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Pigden, 54 William St. Bast. Phone 3148. (5Jan.c) Furriers SELECT YOUR NEW FUR COATS or have your old one remodelled in '41 styles. Oshawa Furriers, 54 Wil- liam E. Phone 3148. (12Jan.c) RELIABLE HONEST MAN DESIR- ing to go into business for himself will be financed by a reliable Cana- dian Manufacturing Company and 'allotted 2000 regular customers to start. Apply in person with refer- ences to 20 Albert St., Saturday, 28, and Monday 30. (1252) A MAN BETWEEN 20-40. MUST be reliable, honest worker and ac- customed to handling cash. Sales experience preferred. Apply giving full particulars to Box 313 Times. (125a) BOY WITH BICYCLE FOR FULL time Grocery delivery. Apply Sands Grocery, 28 Buckingham Ave. (124a) Agents Wanted WANTED -- A GOOD RELIABLE man to supply customers with Raw- leigh Products, Write Rawleigh's, Dept, ML-310-127-L, Montreal, Canada. (125a) Radio Repairs EFFICIENT RADIO AND APPLI- ance repairs. Phone M. Pollard, 3442W. (23Janc) Personal 'MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? 7 Ostrex Tonic tablets. Stimu- ts and oyster concentrates ald to normal pep. Results with first package or maker returns low price. Call, write Jury Lovell in Oshawa and all other good drug stores. (10Jan.c) Pets and Livestock SIX DAIRY COWS FOR SALE: Holsteins and Jerseys. Laverne Clemens, 3% miles north of Bow- manville, Phone 2436, wr Work Wanted GET YOUR HARDWOOD ne fs (1348) vance. Phone 972, ALL KINDS OF or invalid, Box 330 Times. Cae" Se Simcoe Rtresty Head Office, Is hiv brune, moving and general c: 70 Colborne Street Phone 605. P y Be : ~(16Janie) |. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN. WANTS | position, companion to ellyry 1d, f (1250) | al Bi Typing STATEMENTS, ACCOUNTS, manuscripts, ete., typed, envelopes addressed, for prices Phone 1323W. 187 Simcoe 8. (27Jan.c Financial PERSONAL LOANS For Winter Needs or Any Other Useful Purpose ONE YEAR TO REPAY. APPLY TO NEAREST BRANCH OF "The Canadian Bank "of Commerce MONTHLY DEPOSITS PROVIDE FOR REPAYMENT - yOu MAKE } OTHER AMOUNTS *AT PROPORTIONATELY 'LOW RATES YOUR ESTATE 18 PROTECTED BY West. (18Jan.c) LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH THE BANK ' ARRANGES Ly kins, Jack Lee, Sr. trombone gold] | Wishitt. Real Estate For Sale FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE AT 353 Pine Ave. Oshawa. $800 Cash, bal- ance of $400 arranged. Fred Ding- man, RR. 2, Whitby. (125¢) Dental DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1313 Expert Watch Repairing FP. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT. Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patron- age solicited. tn Hardwood Floors B. W. HAYNES, BDUILDER, Hardwood floors laid, sanded, finished by experts Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 1090 Nas- sau street. «on Oldest Thoroughbred Still Living Today By JUSTIN ANDERSON Associated Press Sports Writer Lexington, Ky. Dec. 27. (AP)-- The heart that carried Merrick through 205 races from 1905 through 1915 still is ticking in the oldest of thoroughbred horses known to be alive today. On Jan. 1, universal age-change date of all race horses, Merrick will be 38 years old. There's :sadness in the voice of his owner, J. C. Milan, a horseman- farmer, when he tells 4 only a small country bridge an#isMilam's farm will carry Merrick's name after the "old man" is gone. Mer- rick is a gelding. (Numegous bridges in the Blue QGrass county of Fayette are named for outstanding race horses.) People from all gver the country visit Merrick every year, Milam con- tinued, beaming on the nearly blind, deaf and crippled animal. Mersick made an effort to look his best for a photographer and held his head erect. Merrick"s appearance was marred by a head injury, suffered recently, but Milam said he fs "getting along fine." rgmento, Calif. the son"of import- strange racing career. Unlike most - runners, Merrick never was successful as a two and three-year-old. In fact he didn't win a penny as a three-year-old, but under Milam's careful handling began winning as a four-year-old and scored his greatest successes during his fifth, sixth and seventh years. He continued campaigning until well in his 11th year when he was brought to the Bluegrass and retired. In 205 starts, records show he won 61 times and was in the money 157 times. His earnings totalled a modest $26,785, but in those days purses were much smaller than they are today. Merrick's underpinning never was strong, 'he was a good contend- er at six or seven furlongs. He won one stake, the Pontchartrain Selling Stakes at Windsor, Ont., in 1909, and still holds the record for seven furlongs at Latonia; Ky. The mark of 1:25 2/5 was made Oct. 15, 1909. Merrick was owned by four men before Milam obtained him in a trade. He lost him several times in claiming races but always got him back. SILVER CUPS: PRESENTED T0 REGIMENT BAND (Continued from Page 3) keeping Oshawa before the public generally. > Ald. R. D. Humphreys was chair- man for the program, Mayor J. C. Anderson, K.C,, was the only mem- ber of the City Council who spoke, formally congratulating the bands- men on behalf of the city for their successes. The miniature cups were presented by Ald. 8. R. Alger as- sisted by the other members of the city council. Following the presentations a buffet supper was served. Bands men then demonstrated their musi- cal ability in vocal renditions of popular songs in which they receiv. ed enthusiastic vocal support from vocalizing aldermen and City Trea- surer Peter A. Blackburn, Members Receiving Cups The members of the band who received the miniature silver cups were Bandmaster J. Broadbent, Arthur Alexander, John H. Allison, John H. Askew, William J. Askew, euphonium gold medallist, Albert Bryant, a member of the Manning Pool R.CA.F. band, Thomas Broad bent, Humphrey Carnell, also in the R.CAF. band now, Murray Hainer, Jack Harding, George C. Hood, cor- net gold medallist, Willjam J. Jen- medallist, Jack Lee, Jr, Ernest J. Luke, Robert E. Luke, Reginald W. Martyn, William D. McLean, David C. Meech, Edward Roberte, Mack Switzer, Jack Taylor, Albert Toms, Willlam Toms, also an R.CAP. bandsman now, Ernest Walker, H J. Bathe, Arthur Bryant, Thomas Bryant, Chester = 'FPollest, Owen Merrick, foaled in 1903 on the late | James B. Haggin's farm near Sac- | ed Golden Garter-Bianca, had a | HYDRO AND WATERWORKS INPROVE POSITION (Continued from Page 3) major office records. These are listed below in order of their im- portance, with a few notes of ex- planation on each one: 1. Transformer Record: A Kardex system to indicate at all times the potential load and capacity of the various transformers throughout the city. Coupled with this is a complete set of maps which show in detail, primaries, secondaries, services, water heat- ers and transformers. 2. Water Heater Record: A Kardex system in contract number order, to indicate complete data on all water heaters installed. A con- trol card summarizes the number installed of the various sizes and, of course, indicates the total load of the water heaters. , Street Lighting Record: A Kar- dex system to indicate street light replacements broken or burnt out. This record is essentially the basis for our billing to the city. Water Heater Control On January 1st of this year, we put into operation a Carrier Cur- rent' Controller to control the load of our water heaters and prevent them from riding our peak load. However remote in the City, each water heater is turned off and on at the time required, in response to timed impulses of low frequency carrier current superimposed on the Bystem. + How, well this is working out is indicated by the following figures: Month Load Controlled January .. 34584 HP. Febriary .. 450.40 HP. 52219 HP. 525.47 H.P. 54692 HP. | August .... 589.81 H.P. September 589.81 HP. October... 643.43 HP. Average .. 529.76 H.P. (10 months) Cost of Power Saved at $30.50 | HP. -- $13,464.73. WATER DEPARTMENT Improvements and additions to | the plant in this Department have slso been entirely paid for out of revenue. They include a total ex- tension of 3,579 feet of 12" main over the two years, etc, The detail of the improvements and additions is as follows: Lands and Buildings $§ 3,138.32 Mains and services undebentured .... Meters Office Equipment ... ks 20,065.59 1,203.35 315.50 Cr. 247.51 Or. aman Debenture Liability The regular ual payments on the principal Have considerably re- duced this debt as follows: Balance at Dec. $ 91217420r 24% By improving and add- ing to our System to + the extent of Reducing our indebted- ness to the extent of We have improved our position in the past ------ two years by $113,800.15 Consumers The number of consumers has in- » substantially as shown by the following comparisons, properly classified: 9131742 = Dec. Oct. 3K 3 1038 1940 Incr. Domestic Metered 4357 4504 147 716 33 Commercial Metered 277 204 pag The demand for water has in- creased considerably over 1938 as shown below: 1938 to Oct. 31 505,113,000 Imp. Gal. 1939 to Oct. 31 600,231,000 Imp. Gal. 1940 to Oct. 31 606,589,000 Imp. Gal. An increase , over 1938 of 101,476,000 Imp. Gal. or 17% Cost of Pumpage and Distribution It is interesting to note the de- crease in the cost per 1,000 Gailons pumped for the total operation ex- penses of each of the two years, 1938 1940 Decrease 16.07c. 14.57c. 1.50¢c. or 9% Budget The operation of a budget similar to that of the Electric Department has also proven of value in this De- partment. In 1039, we operated 5% over our estimates excluding the cost of guarding the plant for which nothing had been provided. 8o far in 1940, we are operating 4% under our estimates excluding the cost of guarding, and 13% over our estimates' including the cost 'of guarding, © Effect of the War on Our Finances Since the declaration of war last year, this Commission has spent A considerable gum of money to pros tect our plant from possible dm- +261.52 Cr. | wi _| oBL, Britatn Speaks. a Jl THE OLD HOME TOWN aged 0 3 Sonne OPOen By STANLEY THAN HIS WIFE CAN DO! SINCE DENMAM SAURTZ GAVE ED, THAT OLD ARMY UNIFORM HES BROLGHT /A MORE WASHAGS | ! BE AN THE SERVICE ED WURGLER, WRO DELIVERS WASHINGS] FOR HIS WIFE, ALWAYS WANTED TO ON THE AIR FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. CBL, Piano Duo. CKCL, Music of Kay Kyser. WBEN, Backstage Wife, sketch, 5:15 P.M. CBL, Club Matinee, variety, 6:00 P.M. CBL, Closing Stock Quotations, 6:15 P.M, CFRB, Claire Wallace, gossip CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6:45 P.M, CBL, News. 7:00 P.M. CBL, Questions of the Hour. WKBW, Edwin C. Hill, news, 7:15 P.M, WBEN, At the Musical Party CBL, Red Foster, sports talk WKBW, Hedda pper's Hollywood Gossip. 7:30 P.M, WKBW, Paul Sullivan Reviews ews, WBEN, It's Buffalo Speaking, variety 7:45 P.M. WBEN, Lowell Thomas, news. 8:00 P.M. WBEN, Fred Waring in Pleasure Time CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy, sketch, 8:15 P.M. CKCL, .Captains of Industry CFRB, Lanny Ross, tenor. | WBEN, International House Party 8:30 P.M. WGR, Al Pearce's Gang, comedy, CBL, Toronto Symphony Band, WHAM, Alec Templeton Time. 9:00 P.M, WGR, Kate Smith Hour, variety. CFRB, The Green Hornet, drama. CBL, CKCL, Cli mas Oratorio WHAM, Death Valley Days, drama. WBEN, Information, Please, quis pro- fram. CKCL, rde Mowry's Orch, 0:00 P.M. CBL, Abe Lyman's Orchestra, Drama, CBL, Canadian Theatre of the Alr. WBEN, Everyman's Theatre, drams, WGR, Campbell Playhouse, drama, 11:00 P.M. H g CBL, WKBW, WGR, newscasts. WBEN, Wings of esting, drama, 11:15 P. CBL, BBC Newsreel from London. CFRB, Golden Gate Group WBEN, Choral Cameos. vocal MIDNIGHT CBL, Northern Messenger WKBW, Sammy Kaye's Orchestra. 100 AM. | WHAM, Tony Pastor's Orchestra, WBEN, Fats Waller's Orch. SATURDAY'S PROGRAMS 8:00 AM. CBL, CFRB, News. 8:45 AM. CBL, Musical March Past, 9:15 AM. CBL, Songs for Saturday. 9:30 AM CBL, Dick Leibert, organist, 10:00 A.M. OBL, Breakfast Club, variety, WBEN, Texas Jim Roberts, baritone. 10:45 A.M. WBEN, Charloteers. 11:00 AM. WBEN, Lincoln Highway, drama. CBL, Al and Lee Reiser, plano duo. CBL, Travelling Cook. 11:30 A.M. WKBW, Singing Strings. CBL, Harry Kogen's Orch, NOON CBL, Newscast 12:30 P.M. OBL, Joe. Gallicchio"s Orch, 1:00 P.M. WEBW, Country Journal 1:30 P.M. WEBW, Let's Pretend. OBL, Children's Scrapbook. 1:45 P.M. WBEN, Matinee in Rhythm, 2:00 P.M. WGR, Of Men and Books, review. 2:15 P.M. WBEN, Oalling All Stamp Collectors CBL, Closi tock Q ' 2:30 P.M. WHAM, Luncheon at the Waldorf. 3:00 P.M. CBL, Metropolitan Opera Co.' WBEN, Music For Everyone, 3:30 P.M. CFRB, Brush Creek .Follleg 5:00 PM. WBEN, Campus Capers. 6:00 P.M. WGR, Buffalo Presents, WHAM, Concert Orch the 6:30 P.M. WGR, Eddy Duchin's Orchestra, 6:45 P.M, CBL, BBC News, 7.00 P.M, CBL, Questions of the Hows 7:5 rN. Interview with NHL, hockey players, 7:45 P.M. WKBW, The World Today. 83:00 P.M. CBL, Sweet and Swing WGR, People's Platform 8:50 A WGR, Gay Nineties Review, variety. CBL, Share The Wealth, variety, CBL, , debate, WBEN, H. V. Kaltenborn, news WKBW, Inside of Sports. 9:00 v.M. WBEN, Knickerbocker Playhouse CBL, ple Leaf Hockey Game, WGR, Your Marriage Club. WGR, Wayne King's Orchestra, 10:w P.M. WHAM, of Your Life WGR, Your Hit Parade, Barry Wood. WBEN, National Barn Danoe, 10:30 P.M. WHAM, NBC Symphony Concert, 10:45 PM. WGR, Saturday Night Serenades: il:30 P.M, WEKBW, Jack Leonard, songs. MIDNIGHT WGR, Hawaii Calls, CBL, News 12:15 AM. CFRB. Dance Orchestra. 1:00 AM. WHAM, WBEN, WKBW, Dance Orches- SUNDAY PROGRAMS 10:30 AM. WBEN. Sunday Drivers, variety, 11:00 AM. WBEN, National Radio Pulpit. NOON CBL, BEC News. 1:00 P.M. WOR, Major Bowes' Family hi 1:30 P.M. WGR, Salt ke City Cholr. CBL, Radio ity Music Hall, 2:00 P.M. CBL, Old Country Mail CFRB, Musicale, : 2:30 P.M. CBL, And It Came to Pass WBEN, On Your Job, drama. : M. Flow Gentl Frank phony. Sweet Rhythm Black's String Sym- 3:30 P.M. R d Table Di 4:00 P.M. York Philharmonie Sym- y. 4:45 PML WBEN, Chats About Dogs. 5:15 P.M. CFRB, WBEN, CFRB, New on! . WHAM, Tony Wons' Radio Scrapbook. 5:3v P.M, WHAM, Behind the Mike CFRB, Music That Re es. WBEN, Pageant of Art, ma. 6: 6 WBEN, tan A WGR, Design for ey 6:30 P.M. WOR. Gol. Stoopnagis A e's Wal Pour Rast, ie Doodles. Come True. CBL, News Sul A 7:00 PM. WEKBW, Silver Theatre, WGR, Double or Nothing, 2, WBEN, Patholis ao ? CBL, Week-end Revue WHAM, Beat the Band. § WKBW, Gene Autry's Melody Ranch. 8:00 P.M. | C Jack Ben! 1 ommedy. wa ToS 3 Screen Guild Theatre, dr 3 \ CBL, T CARD -- USE A RENTAL AD BELOW BINGO, AUSPICES SERGEANTS' Mess, 2nd Bn., Ont. Regt. (T) Legion Hall, Priday, Dec. 27; 8 o'clock; three special door prizes; choice of merchandise or fowl prizes. g (124b) CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S EVE Jubilee Pavilion, $1 per person. Jack Raynor and his orchestra. ; (124d) BINGO, ORANGE TEMPLE, MON- day, 2:30. 10c. L. Thompson. (125a) | BINGO EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT over Burns'. 14 prizes. 15c. ' (125a) USUAL BINGO THURSDAY night, over Burns'. 8:45. Chicken prizes and vouchers. . (tf) BINGO, SATURDAY NIGHT, Army and Navy Veterans Hall 2 cards for 25c. Prizes and vouchers. 8:45. tn ORANGE TEMPLE BINGO, every Saturday night, 8:30, 185 prizes, 25c. tn PLAY BINGO. COME AND HELP the boys "over there", Tuesday - night over Burns'. 15¢. Vouchers. (tf EUCHRE, ORANGE HALL, EVERY Tuesday night, 8:30. 25c. Six prizes. (tn GAS TANK CAMOUFLAGE Palm Springs, Calif. --- (CP) -- Goaded by the protests of many powerful citizens, owners of a big gas tank had it painted in mottled browns, tans and purples to blend with the landscape. 11:15 P.M. CBL, Britain Speaks. 11:30 P.M. CFRB, Columbia Workshop. CBL, BBC Newsreel from London. MONDAY'S PROGRAMS 8:00 A.M. UBL, CFRB, Newscasts. WGR, The Musical Cloc] 9:00 AM. WKBW, News of Europe. CBL, At The Console. 9:30 AM. CBL, Ray Perkins, pianist, 10:00 A.M. EN, Hap WBEN, y Jack, songs. CBL, Brea! ast Club, variety. 11:00 A.M, 7 CBL, Songs For You NOON CFRB, Luncheon Music WHAM, Clark Dennis, tenor, 1:30 P.M. A] CBL and WHAM, Farm Broadcasts, 2:00 P.M. WEKBW, Dance Orchestra Happy Gang, variety. 2:30 P.M. CBL, Frankie Masters' Orchestra, 3:00 P.M. WBEN, Hymns of All Churches. CITY FUELS COAL ¢ COKE ¢ WOOD PHONE 2997 15 QUEEN STREET Karn's Drug Stere FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P. O. Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 BASSETT'S JEWELERS ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER WEEN, Fitch Band-Wagon, CBL, Let's Face the Facts. WHAM, Speak UR "nsrion, quis, P.M. CBL, r Bergen and Charlie Me- WGR, Helen Hayes Theatre, drama. «9:30 P.M. WGR, Crime Doctor, drama. WHAM, Sherlock Holmes, drama. OBL, One Man's Family, drama. 10:00 P.M, WGR, Ford Sunday Hour. WBEN, Manha Merry. WHAM, Walter Winchell. col! CBL, On, Canada, 10:30 P.M. : OBL, Pres, Roosevelt's talk on ald to Britain, drama, P.M, und. nist. WHAM, Irene Rich, 11:00 CBL, News. , The Hour of Ch WGR, Take It or Leave WHAM, Goodwill Hour, arm, It, quiz When in Need of Drugs Call POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Estabifsnea 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH the citizens and industries of a safe and continuous supply of water, Fortunately our improved financial position made it possible to absorb this cost entirely in our current revenue without having to borrow or resort to an increase in rates to supply the necessary money. Just how the money was spent is shown below: Guarding Filtration plant and Tower '. Installation of 8 Lundy Steel © Fence at. the Plant io... Install of a flood- lighting system at the $ 8216.54 1,523.12 Gibbs, Willlam Riding and William age through sapotage; and ensure Sabotage Insurance ...ss Total cost to this Commission CONCLUSION . In reviewing the progress of the two Departments, it is a source of considerable satisfaction to see the - Armstrong Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 2727W ; OFFICE: 59 CRURCH ST. We Treat You [JiThe Year O strides being made by this Com- mission to serve the City of Oshawé generally with these two essen< tial commodities with a maximum of efficiency at a minimum of cost. The two Departments combined' have in the past two years improved their position by $229,387.17. WILLIAM BODDY, Filter Plant ..v0ivvvenee 218.03 y IR Chairman,

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