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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Dec 1940, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA, DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1940 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN PRESSNEWS DIARY OF 1940 ---- (Copyright, 1940, by The Canadian Press.) January 1--(New Year's Day)--King calls up 000,000 more men for service, . J. L. Ralston acclaimed M.P. for Prince, P.E.L 3---Earthquakes and floods devastate Turkey. 4--Britain calls all its merchant ships for war duty. S--War Secretary Leslie Hore-Belisha Kor Carol warns Russia Rumania in, "will tight if invaded. : 7--(Sunday) -- British-Canadian $17,- * 000,000, shipbuilding program an- nounced. 8--Finnish torces destroy Russian says i 9--British liner Dunbar Castle sinks from mine off English coast. Cana- dian and U.S. officials confer at Ot- tawa on St. Lawrence Seaway. 10--Allies lay world's largest field to protect North Sea traffic. 11--New British long-range air fighter announced. 12--Russian planes bomb Southern Fin- 13-- mine RAF. shoots down German ratd .F. shoots . ers over Firth of Forth. 14--(Sunday)--Admiral Yonal named Japanese Premier to succeed No- buyuki Abe, resigned. 15--RBritain challenges Pan-American safety zone and "punitive" attempts against Brus. SID Seahorse nced submar A ae 0 and Starfish lost: 130 dead missing. 17-- Russians own 11 Finnish planes. 18--Ontario Legislature by 44-10 vote adopts Premier Hepburn's motion condemning alleged inadequacy 3 vernment's . Doni, 000.000 war loan over- 20! Po Seo t against ects U.S. protest a Brita ia of American malls on British and neutral ships. raid 21--(Sunday)--Finnish = airmen ussian bases. 22- tests Britain's "serious - andy gers in seizing. Cerman seamen from Japanese , 23 Nearly 200 lost when British de- stroyer Exmouth sunk in North Sea. s C.A.S.F. units. x Ha Big Parliament dissolved. 28-U.S. commercial treaty with Japan STSenth Atrican Assembly rejects mo- tion urging separate peace with Germany. MW * call for Republic. oon warplanes raid British 20 Tanna forces bomb Russian har- motor columns. control ¥ r and British Government takes os Briuan shipping. CP February --South African Senate confirms Gov- pesky war poll by 21-13 vote. 8---France backs Britain in searching il. Ly sar 100 dead in week of i Russian alr ralds. --Balkan nations pledge SE action to safeguard rights. 8---C.P.R. freighter Beaverburn tor oD Pi in first In- r_oitare of wa evar materials sent ain contingent arrives "at U. rt. Sunday)--South African Opposi- gr $--Eire A ermment 'frames measure ES to curb x a French . gives Premier 10 eladier una vote of conti- dence. Tornado. kills 17 at Albany, Ga y . | BE Me (Sur «+ Governor-General! Lord » Ly Ld dies following fall, Feb, 6. 12-- troops arrive at Suez. 13 British Dianes fly over northwest 14--Fintand's President Kalllo asks ald PPR L127 ON Voy world's shipping inst German subs. 16--Britatn intensifies mobilization pro. n-ne. Cossack rescues 200 British seamen from German ship Altmark off Norwegian coast. 18-- (Sunday) --German freighter Morea captured by British. n refuses Norway's demand to | British seamen taken rk. 20--Russians announce occupation of Kolvisto, Finland M---Russia_ recalls experts . from Turkey." : 22--1.R.A. bomb explodes in London's West End. 23--R.AF. drops leaflets over Austria and Bohemia. 24--Hitler at Munich declares Germany i fight "unti] the terror of the plutocracies has been broken. technical 95--iSunday)--110th Army Co-Operation wadron of the R.C.A.F. arrives In gland. Foreign ministers of Nor- way, Sweden and Denmark re- affirm Scandinavian neutrality. 26--Sumner Welles, U.S. Undersecre- tary of State, talks at Rome with Mussolini _and Ciano. ; 27--Winston Churchill announces Sca Flow naval base has not been avall- able to Royal Navy since sinking of Royal Oak, Oct. 14. 1939. 28---1.S. House votes $24,000,000 loan to Finland. 20--British Navy orders selzure of Ger- man coal shipments to Italy, Sixty- day sit-down strike ends at Pioneer Gold Mines, B.C. Pe March 1--Bodiés of three fliers missing five months found near Hopedale, 2--Cambnag defeats Oxford by: tive ambridge defeats Oxford by lengths in Varsity Boat Race. Adolf Hitler talks to Sumner Weiles, U.S. Undersecretary of State. 3--(Sunday)--British iiner Domala air-bombed in English Channel; 108 killed. 4--Premier Hepburn bans news film "Canada at War" In Ontario during Federal election campaign. } s--Britain seizes [tallan ships carrying | 100,000 tons of German coal to Italy, 6--British Commons defeats motion censuring Government's Palestine land licy. 7--Eighty - five - thousand . ton liner Queen Elizabeth arrives at New York atter first transatlantic voy- age. Prime Minister R. G. Men- zles of Australia forms coalition. 8--Premier A. A. Dysart of N.B. re tires because of ill-health: Attor- ney-Genera! J. B. McNair succeeds. 9--Britain releases 12 [tallan ships with full cargoes of German coal. Italy agreeing to (2ase joading German coas at Belgian and Dutc ports. 10-- (Sunday) --Hitier shouts "on to vic tory' at Beplfn Memorial Day ob Mes of U.S, confers with fovgrament. g adler says 50,000 Anglo t $ ready to sall for da if onal call received. 3--Finlgnd and "Russia sign peace trealy. . Ziving Russia _Karelian Ist 8 Sh Michael O'Dwyer. as te sa, ndon. llipg. in Dominion elec gives Daladier vote it Sigs. world "seeks a : th ex: British, 12--Premi Freng Finl 17--(Sunday) --French police arrest 27 18--Hitler 19--Chamberlain says Britain ready for 20--French Premier Daladier resigns. 21--Paul Reynaud forms French gov- 22-- (Good Friday) --German freighter coast. 23--Riot by 23 Irish Republican Army 24-- (Easter Sunday)--Pope Plus 25} 26-- 27--Finnish wartime cabinet gives way 28--Sir tawa. 20--General Gamelin, Allied Comman- 30--Winston Churchill declares Britain 31--(Sunday) --German ville,» 0., 73 |. Communists. Five children die in tenement fire at Port Alfred, Que. and Mussolini confer at Brennero, Italy. any move by Rome-Berlin axis. ernment. Premier Wm. Aberhart and Social Credit Party returned in Alberta election. Heddernheim torpedoed off Danish risoners quelled at Dartmoor rison, England. ap- concord and with peals for 'peace, unity." Premier Reynaud Itallan ambassador. Liberal government returned ower in Dominion elections. confers to to coalition. Willlam Glasgow, Australian High Commissioner, arrives at Ot- r-in-Chief. inspects Canadian is at Aldershot. Nine marine pllots drowned In Halifax harbor when boat sunk by freighter. will "follow the war wherever It leads." 'nomad' bat- teries bombard French front. Pine April 1--Peter Fraser becomes Prime Min- ister of New Zealand +aits .on Unsuccessful Nazi air i Flow and North Sea convoy reported. 3--Earl of Athlone appointed Rover nor-general of Canada. Winston Churchill made director of Britain's military services. : Bois Gen, Victor W. Odlum, Van- couver, ap ointed to command 2nd Canadian Division. $--British warplanes bomb German warships at Wilhelmshaven. 8--British notes to Norway Sweden define allled position on | question of territorial waters, | and | Germany 7--(Sunday)--DBritain says ny in 1937 detailed 10-year-pian [ uer Europe. ben Toe Toronto Scottish and Saskatoon Light Infantry at Aldershot. 9--Germany occupies Denmark and captures Oslo, Norwegian capital, with Vikdun Quisling heading Nazi-led Norwegian government. Germany loses three cruisers, one submarine and many transports and supply ships In North Sea battle. 10--Five British destroyers sink eight Nazi vessels. British ships Hunter and Hardy sunk; Hostile and Hot- spur damaged. 5 11--R.A.F. attacks Germany's Norway bases. 12--British mine Skagerrak and Katte- at. 13-Fms. Warspite and destroyers penetrate Narvik fjord to sink seven German destroyers. New York Rangers win Stanley Cup, beating Toronto Leafs 3-2 in over- time in sixth game of series. 14 (Sunday) --German infantry attacks on Western Front repulsed. | 15--Roosevelt tells Pan-American Union Americas will meet force with force. 16--Thirty dead in Argentine floods. 17--Royal 22nd Regiment of Quebec takes guard duty at Royal palaces 11--French strike at Germans advanc- ing through Luxembourg. Vancou- ver Maple Leafs win Dominion senior basketball crown, defeating Montreal Y.M.H.A. in on sec- 12--(Sunday)--Belglans ag in on se utch battle ond line of defence. arachute troops. etherlands government vacates The Hague and Royal Family flees to Britain. British shoot down 135 Robert J. Conservative R. B. Hanson 13-- German planes. Hon. Manion resigns as party leader: Hon. chosen House leader. 14--Netherlands capitulates. Germans take Sedan. Lord Beaverbrook ap- pointed Minister of Aircraft Pro- duction. 15--Germans cross River Meuse at sev- eral points. 16--Greater war effort pledged as Cana- dian parliament opens. 17--London and district children moved from east coast camps to Welsh counties. (German troops enter Brussels. Winnipeg grain exchange egs wheat futures. 18--French Premier Reynaud takes over war portfolio, naming Edouard Daladier Foreign Minister and Marshal Petain vice-premlier. Ger- mans throw 2,500 tanks into Nor- thern France battle, 19--(Sunday)--Maxime Weygand places Gamelin as chief of allied armies. 20--Prime Minister King announces Canada to raise 3rd Division, 21--Premier Reynaud admits military situation dark 22--Bll1l passes British Parllament giv- ing Government power to conscript life, labor and property, Canadian Ministry of Natioral fence for Alr set up with Hon. G. C. Power as Minister, 23--British Fascist Leader Sir Oswald Mosley and Capt. Archibald Ram- say, M.P,, arrested in drive against possible "fifth column' elements 24-- (Victoria Day)--King In Empire broadcast says German - victory would mean "destruction of our world as we have known it." 25--Scotland Yard selzes 60 Fascists. R.A F. Intensifies attacks against German communications. 26--(Sunday)--Gen. Sir John Dill ap- taff. French. Premier Reynaud and Churchill confer in London 27--British offer stubborn resistance to Germans in France and Belgium. 28--King Leopold of Belglans surren- ders to Germany, ordering. Belgian army to cease fighting. 20--R.A.F. blasts Germans to keep Dunkerque open. Canadian Parlla- ment passes $700,000.000 war ap- propriations bill 30--Allied troops evacuated from Dun- kerque. Destroyers Grafton. Gren- ade and Wakeful lost off channel ports. R.C.M.P. arrests Adrien Ar- cand and other Fascist leaders at Montreal. 31--Italy breaks off British blockade talks. ---CP-- June 1--R.A.F. shoots down planes in France. T™ German 2-- (Sunday) --Britain announces agrarian 'program to boost production 3--Paris attacked by planes; 254 killed. 4--Dunkerque withdrawal completed: Churchill says 335,000 rescued with 30.000 casu: declares will fight on necessary to final victory big food 250 German alone, ' in London. 18--Defence' Minister Norman Rogers | confers with British war leaders | in London. | ations including d Communist bodles under Defence of 5--Sixteen or Nazl, Fa NOTHING STOPS THIS FELLOW Here's a. tank showing its stuf Great banks f in winter training. 19-- rd Cote, St. Hyacinthe, Que., wins Boston Marathon. 20--Allied Expeditionary Force reaches Norway. Great kes seamen's six-day strike ends. 21--(Sunday) - dames H. R. Cromwell, ,S. Minister to Canada, resigns. 22--Oshawa Generals defeat Kenora {Thistles, retain Memorial Cup and Canadian junior hockey champion- ship for third time. 23=Sir John Simon announces $11, 000,000,000 budget. rime Minis- ter King confers with President Roosevelt at Warm Springs, Ga. Nearly 200 negroes burned to death n Natchez Miss, dance hall fire. Kirkland Lake Blue Devils win Allan Cup and Canadian senior hockey c ampionsh) at Toronto, defeating . Calgary Stampeders. Bill granting suffrage to Quebec women becomes law. 26--French- push. back strong German ttack tern Front attack on Western . 21--British forces at Dombas, Norway, withdraw, i 2%4-- 28--(Sunday)--Mme. Luisa Tetrazzini, 65, soprano, dles at Milan, 29--British list 28 German transport and supply ships sunk since April &, 3U0--British Liberal Leader Sir Archi. bald Sinclair in antl-Chamberiain speech asks for showdown on Nor- weglan campaign. : --CP-- May 1--British 'retire from attack on Trondheim, Norway. 2--Allles re-embark at,Namsos. Capt. Fred Burke lost in sinking of 8.8, Collingwood in Lake Superior, 3--Three allled destroyers sunk oft Namsos convoying troops. 4--Chamberlaln government criticized for Norway withdrawal. 5- (Sunday) --k'rench Yepuise repeated attacks on. Western Front. 6--Gen, Sir E ironside British troops back from Norway. 1--Chamberiain admits Norweglan campaign failure, but defends ef- fort, George Lansbury, 81, British labor leader, dies. s$--Chamberlain government ' given 281-200 vote of confidence. g--~Russia counsels European powers against any ilalkan move. 10--Germany (nvades Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg. ~ Churchill becomes rime minister succeeding Cham- Pon. British force takes protec- tive custody of iceland. Hon, J. A. MacKinnon succeeds Hon. W. D. Euler as Minister of Trade and of snow and ice are no obstacle when he goes "over the top." 6--U.S. Navy trades in 50 planes to manufacturers, making them avall- able for Allied purchase, T--Prime Minister King says Canada accepts new responsibilities and will never surrender. 8--Alrcraft carrier Glorious lost with 1,200 lives. 9-- (Sunday) --Germans throw 1,800, 000 men into western battle front. 10--Italy declares war on Britain and France. Canada declares war on Italy. Roosevelt condemns Italy's "stab In the back." Defence Minis- ter Norman Rogers and three R.C. A.F. men killed In airplane crash near Newtonville, Ont. Canadian minesweeper Bras d'Or captures Italian freighter Capo Noll in St, Lawrence. 11-French Government set up at Tours, 12--Winston Churchill, Paul Reynaud and Marshal Weygand conclude conferences in France. 13--Turkey concludes trade pact with Germany. Hon. J. L. Ralston be- comes Minister of Defence. 14--Germans take "Paris. 15--British cruiser Calypso sunk by Italian submarine in Mediterranean, 16--(Sunday)--Marshal Henr! Phillippe Petain heads new French govern. ment on resignation of Paul Rey- re- | Seeing's Believing ported chief of Imperial General | Britain | | | naud as situation becomes critical, 28--(Sunday)--British recognition ae It actually happened at carrying a huge armful of wood into barracks. Camp Borden, a corporal But per- haps he's just showing his fatigue party how to do it. Aside From War-" Recalling Some Notable Events of 1940 Apgrt From Action in the Battle Zones WwW actual warfare--though in some cases connected with the war's AR cornered the headlines day after day throughout the |, year, giving Canada its One Big Story for 1940. At the | same time the year witnessed epochal events apart from | progress --that in other times would have stobd out in a list of big | stories. For instance: EI EA The year opened with Turkey rocking from its depths, with | 31 ER | 30--Britain blockades Spain and Portu- | the estimate on Jan. 3 of 46,200 killed, 100,000 injured and 500,000 | homeless from earthquake and flood. . . . Much nearer home were the mine explosions at Bartley, W.Va,, Jan. 10, with 92 miners losing their lives. . . . Tweedsmuir, died from injuries suf 0) 2, oe de On Feb. 11 Canada's Governor-General, + Lord fered in a fall at Rideau Hall. . . . gg Canada's general election March 26 resulted in the return of the Mackenzie King Liberal government with 178 supporters of the | total 245. . . . The Social Credit government of William Aberhart was returned in the Alberta general election March 21 with 36 of 57 seats. . . . EE On April 20 Great April 23 200 negroes were burned Mississippi. « . . LA og i 2 On to death in a dance hall fire in hb | | Lakes seamen ended a six-day strike which | tied up lakes shipping in the busiest season in years. . . On June 10 Canada's Defence Minister, Norman Rogers, and a plane crash near Newtonville, | three R.C.A.F. men were killed in Ont. collided over Queensborough, N.Y. oad stronghold in Canada by plebiscite EO a * oy Kop F. D. Roosevelt was elected' Nov. 5, giving that country a third . Eleven US. Army fliers were killed when bombers , June 17. . . . Twenty-five lost EE June 25. . . . LE Forty-three were killed in a traim wreck at Akron, Ohio, July 31 and there were 24 fatalities in the derailment of a train in Somerset, England, Nov. 4. . . . Vessels: (collideds dn, Conception Bay, Nfld. Nov. 10, and 28 were lost. . . . Five vessels were lost together with 67 lives in Great Lakes storms Now. 11... , . dW President pf the United States -term President for the first time in history and climaxing a campaign in which the candidates of both major parties were pledged to continued aid to Britain. French withdraw from outflanked positions In Maginot Line. 17--Petaln government asks for "honm-, orable' peace. Churchill proclaims Britain's determination to fight on alone. Eleven U.S. Army filers killed near Queensborough, N.Y, 18--Frime Minister King announces Canadian armed forces' on duty in Newfoundland, Iceland and West Indies. 19--Organization for evacuation of British children to Dominion estab- lished in London. 20--Petain says French situation hope- corded to French Gen. Charles de Gaulle, 24--French-Itallan armistice = signed. Income, excise and other taxes In- crease sharply in Canadian budget. Defence tax proposed. 25--Hostllitles between France, Many and italy cease. Province of P.E.1. by plebiscite retains prohibi- tion. Winston Churchill accuses Marshal Petain of 'many solemn assurances ing sea- power to Nazis. 26--Gen. Charles de Gaulle announces formation of French Legion in Britain, R yields' Bessarabia © and violatin "in less. Canadian Government bill for mobilization of p and material resources adopted. 21--Hitler personally dictates armistice terms to French in C northern Bucovina to Russia. 28--Canadian destroyer Fraser sunk by collision In French waters; 45 dead Tr misat Forest. 22--German-French armistice agree- méft signed. Halt million French troops surrender in Alsace-Lorraine, 0! 5 20--Blll requiring finger-printing of 3,500,000 lens DECOIES tw nus 30--(Sunday)---British attack Italians in Egypt. ---CP-- Ger- their lives Sept. 1 in an airliner accident at Lovettsville, Pa., and! 19 in a crash at Rio de Janeiro Nov. 8. . . . Prince Edward Island retained prohibition in its last provincial | July 1--(Dominion Day)--German occupa- tion of Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey announced. 2--French government set up at Vichy. 3--King and Queen reject suggestions to send princesses to Dominions. Royal Navy seizes two French bat- tleships, two light cruisers and other craft in British port; sinks a battleship and seaplane carrier in Oran engagement. Liner Aran- dora Star, en route to Canada, with enemy Internees, torpedoed and sunk. 4--De Valera reaffirms Eire neutrality. S--British defence area extended to include English east coast and nearly all south coast. 6--Germany and Greece sign economic pact. T--(Sunday)--R.A.F. continues nightly attacks on military objectives in Germany and German-held terri. tory. 8--Premler Angus Macdonald of Nova Scotia appointed Minister of Na- tional Defence for Naval Affairs at Ottawa. 9--Duke of Windsor named governor- general of Bahamas 10--Announcement in British House 6,700 prisoners of war and internees now in Canada. Hon. A. 8S, Mac- Millan sworn in as premier of Nova Scotia. 11--De Valera nt Eire rejects proposals for joint defence of Ireland. 2,000 war guests reach Canada. Britain calls 32-year-old men to colors. 12, 13-- 14--(Sunday)--Major-Cen. A. G. L. McNaughton promoted to [leuten- ant-general to command arnfy corps to include Canadian forces in Eng- land. 15--British garrison withdraws Kenya-Ethloplan frontier. 16--Brig. G. R. Pearkes, V.C., pro- moted to major-general to command 1st Canadian Division. 17--R.A.F. ralds barge concentrations on German occupled coast 18--Britain closes Burma Road to arms shipments to China. 19--Australlan cruiser Itallan cruiser 'In Mediterranean, Lt.-Gen. Sir Alan Brooke named commander-in-chiet of Home Forces succeeding Si Edmund made Field Marshal 20--Roosevelt signs bill $4.500,000,000) expansion of navy to glve U.S. ""two-ocean": fleet. on Sydney sinks 21--(Sunday)--Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia become part of Soviet Rus- sla. 22--Major-Gen. H. D. G. Crerar ap- | pointed Chiet of Canadian General | Staff. 23--Vichy "government orders former Premter Daladler and others tried for "war'guflt." 24--British Admiralty battleship two admits loss of aircraft carriers, three cruisers, four armed mer- chant cruisers, 26 destroyers 11 submarines since war's start, 25-- Fifty German bombers attack Brit. ish convoy off southeast coast of England. 26--Sacond * Itallan bombardment Gibraltar repulsed 27--Britons arrested In espionage campaign 28-- (Sunday) -- Italian pianes raid Cairo and Malta 29--China turns down Japanese peace overture, of l'okio ants. gal to keep supplies from Axis, crash at Akron, O, CP August 1--Duke of Windsor leaves Lisbon for Bahamas 2--Purchase of 100,000.000 bushels of Canadian wheat--largest _ single Ironside, | authorizing | and --Forty-three killed in head-on train | Minister King meet at densburg to discuss hemisphere defence, 18--(Sunday)--Germany loses 144 lanes in raids over Britain, oosevelt and King announce in- tention to form international joint defence board. 19--Canadian National registration of be ,000, gins. 20--Churchill admits "agreement In princ le' with U.S. request for tlantic bases. Leon Trotsky fatally attacked with axe at Mexican home. 21--Japan summons home American German iIn- envoy. 22--Lorentz Guenther, ternee, recaptured at Montreal after 400-mile chase, 23--London bombed in first night rald of war. 24--Nazi planes bomb Dover as cross- Channel artillery duel continues. Bun ritish forces withdrawn from ina 26--Canada-U.S. joint defence board begins study of mutual problems at Ottawa. 27--Regulations governing Canada's call-up of single men and child- less widowers from 21 to 45 an- nounced. BL Senate passes conscription 20--R.A.F. bombs Krupp works at Essen. Australian parliament dis- solved. 30--British refugee ship torpedoed and all saved except purser. 31--South African House rejects Hert: zog peace proposal. CP September 1--(Sunday)--Alr liner crashes Lovettsville, Pa., killing 25. 2-- (Labor Day)--Air Ministry 1,967 Nazi planes shot down year of war. 3--Britain enters second year of war; trades New World naval and air bases for 50 over-age U.S. de- stroyers. 4--Royal Navy bombards Scarpant! In Dodecanese. 5--Admiralty announces August sink- ing of unidentified Canadian steam- says in ship. 6--Carol of Rumania abdicates In favor of son Michael. Fines total- ling $165,000 Imposed on 19 Cana- dian paper box companies for combine activities. T74&-Nazis send 700 planes over Lon- don; 306 killed. 8--(Sunday)--Day of prayer observed at King's request 9--First group of U.S. destroyers turned over to Royal Navy. 10--Canada"s wheat crop estimated at 561,104,000 bushels 11--Churchill warns of invasion danger. R.A.F. damages Reichstag bulld- ing in Berlin. 12--Explosions at Kenvil, N.J., | plant kill 52. | 13--Germans drop five bombs on Buckingham Palace, but King and Queen unharmed. 14--Proclamation calls' first class of | Canadian trainees. 15~ (Sunday) --Lieut. Robert Davies, formerly of St. Catharines, Ont. leads "suicide squad' In removing Hime bomb from St. Paul's Church- | var 15--President powder Roosevelt signs first | [iaceiime conscription bill in U.S. istory. | 17--Nearly 250 lost, Including 81 chil- | dren (bound for Canada, when City | of Benares torpedoed in Atlantic. 18--British parliament holds secret sesstons to discuss alr attacks. w. Dominion cabinet discusses seaw ary project, 20--It 1s announced six U.S. destroyers | to be manned as Canadian ships. 21--Prime Minister Menzies returned in Australian general election. Canada's $300,000, war loan oversubscribed by $42 248,300. 22-- (Sunday) --Egyptian | 19-- cabinet an- WINTER ON THE RIFLE RANGE Even on the coldest days Canada's troops in training go out to the ranges for rifle practice, protected by canvas windbreaks. in history--announced by Britain, 3--Wheat Board Bill passed by Cana- dian Parliament. 4--(Sunday)--Transatlantlc flying boat Clare arrives at Boucherville, Que., on first trip of season. 5--Maj.-Gen. H. P. Elkins named to Canadian east coast army ecom- mand. Senate passes army draft blll 6--U.S. signs trade pact with Soviet. 7--Canadian House of Commons ad- journs to Nov, 5. More than 400 Nazl planes rald England; 60 downed. R.A.F. bombs Nazi ports, Wilhelmshaven bombed by R.A.F. Be Go] 10 11--(Sundap)-Famlly of drown- ed at Val d'Or, Que, when auto lunges from ferry. 1 rmans lose 62 planes in ralds over Dover and Portsmouth. 13--Lt.-Gen. Cyril White, chief of army staff, and three capinet ministers killed In - Australian air-liner crash. 14--War Jecrelary. Anthony Eden says real war starts when Britain takes offensive, 15--Germany uses 1,000 planes against Britain in fir attack; 180 downed. 16--Greeks mo ng. 17--President Roosevelt and Prime February 17. British boarding party takes 299 British seamen from German prison ship Altmark. March 18. Finland and Russia sign peace treaty giving Russia the Karelian Isthmus and other areas, April 9. Germany Invades Denmark Norway; Nazis lose many ships. April 13. British destroy seven German destroyers at Narvik, Norway. May 2. Allies evacuate Southern Nerway. May 10. Germany invades 'The Nether- lands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Churentll succeeds Chamberlain as British Prime Minister, May 14. Netherlands surrenders to Ger- many. ) and g Leopold of Belgians surren Kin, d ns fu of ders to Germany. June 4. Salient Dates June 10. Italy declares war on Britain ang France, Canada declares war on italy, June 186. Petain becomes Chief of State of France. June 18. Canadian Government moves to mobilize manpower and resources, June 25. Hostllities between France many and Italy end. » Ger- June 28, Announced Canadian destroyer Fraser sunk by collision in French waters, 45 dead or missing, Jaly 8. Arandora Star sunk en rout Canada with enemy' Internees: 000 Commerce. 1 que ey ion 335,000 Britisn soldiers rescued. lives lost. Britain tak 1 French fleet, #8 : action of the War 14. n. A. red L. McNaughton promoted to Ileutenant-general to command army corps including Canadians in England. August 16. Germans send 1,000 planes over Britain; 180 shot down. August 18. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Mackenzie King, er Ogdensburg, N.Y, conference, an- nounce permanent joint board of defence. September 3. United Kingdom trades New World naval and air bases to United States for 50 destroyers. September 7. Record raid on London by Ger. mans kills 306 and seriously iIn- Jures 1,337. tember 17. Se) City ot Benares torpedoed by Ger- mans in Atlantic; 248 lost, including 81 children bound for Canada, October 3%. Canadian destroyer sunk; 142 lives lost. October 36. Empress of Britain lost at through German air attack. November 85. German raider sinks H.M.S. Jervis Bay and four ships of 38 In British Atlantic convoy. November 9. Neville Chamberlain dies, Ti. November 11. British airmen smash Itallan war- ships at Taranto, November 14. Germans rald Coventry In first of series of ralds on Midland cities; 400 killed. November 22. Italian invaders driven Greek soll; Koritza falls, December 9. British start victorious against - Itallans in Egypt; sands ot prisoners captured. December 16. Fort Capuzzo, Itallan stronghold, falls' as British offensive extends into Libya. Margaree from drive thou- nounces full co-operation with Britain. 23--German subs sink 159,288 tons of merchant shipping in one week-- three times normal, 24--Prime Minister Zins announces Dr. Joseph Sirois to head unemploy- ment insurance commission. 25--Two chemical plants at Clairton, Pa., wrecked by blasts. 26---Canadian armed merchantman Prince Robert captures German ship Weser off Mexico. 27--Germany, Italy and Japan sign 10- year military 'and economic pact. pt. John Treacy of Cha A Ont., arrested in Rumania. 20-- (Sunday) --Rumania says Canadians and tish being Held for . ofl sal 3 30--Seven British residents of Japan Sonvicied of espionage, it Is re- ported. --CP-- October 1-Newly created George Cro: ed Lieut. Robert Davies, for bomb romoval. 2--British he evacuation scheme suspended. 3--Neviile Chamberlain resigns as Lord President of the Council. 4--Alr Chief Marshal Sir Cyril Newall named governor-general of New Zealand, S--British . reinforcements landed at Gibraltar. award nadian, 6--(Sunday)--Agriculture Mins ter Gardiner and other Canadlan offi- clals arrive in United Kingdom for nephew of Sir sworn in as Ontario Mines of National League series from Detroit 9--Compulsory military training be ins for 20,750 Canadians. Winston hurchill succeeds Chamberlain as leader ot Conservative Party. 10--Pacific Army Command created win Tigers. at | 10 11---British storm and capture Egyptian 17--British take 18--Munitions Minister 3 15--Lord Lothian, British ambassador to U.S., leaves for London. - 16--Brig. E. W. Sansom promoted major-general to command 3rd Canadian Division. 17--Burma Road reopens. 18--Vice-Admiral Sir John T be-: comes commander of British Home Fleet. 19=-cielmnany and Yugoslavia sign trade pact, 20--(Sunday)--R.A.F. attacks Berlim. 21--Churchill assures French of ulti mate victory. i 22--Canadlan destroyer Margaree sunk. in Atlantic; 142 lost. take no military action against England. 24--Hitler confers with Marshal Petain in occupied France. 25--More than. 100,000 children. evac- uated from Berlin and Hamburg. 26--Canadlan liner Empress of Britain, bombed In Atlantic, sinks whi being towed to port. a 27--(Sunday)--U.S. Ambassador Joseph Kennedy returns from London. : 28--Italy Invades Greece. Britain prom." ises ald to Greeks. ; It is announced Australia will 1m-/ port nearly 500,000 pounds : of Canadian leaf tobacco. : 30--Canadian minesweeper Bras d'Or; and freighter St. Malo repofted 5 Ost, 31--Greeks push back Italians. H.-M.C.8, Margaree survivors reach Bermuda. Pee November 1--Greeks report everywhere. bomb Albanian alrdromes and enemy concentrations. 3--(Sunday)--Landing of Br{tish troops In Greece announced.' 4--Greeks penetrate seven milés. into Albania, Premier John Bracken of Manitoba forms union ministry. S5--Armed merchant crulser ;Jervis Bay destroyed in Atlantic frotect- ing convoy against German raider, which sinks four of 38 ships. Franklin D. Roosevelt elected for third term as United States presi- dent. Canadian parliament pro- rogues. 6--British government advances £5, 000,000 ($22,250,000) to Greece. 7--Britain reserves right to bomb Rome following attacks on London, Dominion House opens new ses- sion. 8--Greeks back Itallans In northeast and centre U.S. to split war sup- lles 50-50 with Britaln, says ooseveit. Nineteen dead tn air- plane collision at Rio de Janeiro: 9--Neville Chamberlain dies at Odil- ham home, aged 71. 4 Italians repulsed, 10--(Sunday)--Thousands killed {and injured in Rumanian earthquakes: property damage enormous. 3 sels collide in_ Conception Ba Newfoundland: 28 killed. * 11 mbrance Day)--Fleet | smashes Italian warships: in aranto naval base, Italian opis ip sunk and others set on off Albania. Great Lakes storms, five vessels and 67 lives lost, . 12--Nine drown when tug founders in Beauharnois Canal. Que. i 13--Air Chief Marshal Sir be, Brooke-Popham named British mander-in-chief in the Far 14--Nazls smash Coventry; 400 ed. R.A.F. ralds Berlin, "26 airdrmes and other objectives from Ni y to Brittany; 10 planes missing. 15--Future anadlan army offieets must pass through ranks. De'ence Minister Ralston says. 16--Capt. Fogarty Fegen, lost sk'pper 97 sunken HM.S. Jervis Bay, cited 7 17--(Sunday)--Hamburg hard M 1 TT Ben tree ed In TNT e These Xplosion 't 19--Ralders damage Birmingham, Axis. planes downed In Koritza, Itdian | 23--Rumania joir 24--(Sunday)--Premler Cralgavon Northern Ireland dies, aged 69. Bulgaria spurns Hitler's bid to join" xls. 26--Bristo! heavily bombed: - Rothere " Jere, dies in Bermuda. --Six Italian warships damage British in Mediterranean. ESL by 28--German alr attack on Livemool diverted by anti-aircraft barrage. 29--Rumantan authorities move to wd som os, PES, /hole Italian line in Albania tires before Greeks. & "~CP~-- December ,A--(Sunflay)--It 1s announced Cana- ' , dian Industry m: borrow 'key if from the active army. nada's "baby" budget bans many non-British imports, of : 3--Prime Minister King promises eom- mittee to delve Into war costs. 4--Itallans abandon Port Edda and other Albanian bases. 5--R. smashes German Ruhr in 8-- Dominion °F 1 minion Parliament adjo . TuMaishal Badoglle, Admiral Cavas- ri and other Italian war chief: quit in shake-up. i 8--(Sunday)--Greeks take Argiro- Ta. 9--It is announced 21 missing, 18 wounded on Canadian Fr Saguenay In fight with German U- boat. | British "attack Italians in Egypt. Britleh in new drive in Egypt down 22 [tallan planes. ED! BHDR Itallan base of Sidi Barrani. 12--Churchlll announces three Italian divisions smashed in "victo first order' for British in an more than 25,000 prisoners taken. Lord Lothian, 'British envoy to S. .S., dies. 13--Remnants of Duce's armies in Egypt flee into Italian Libya. 14--Announced liner West Re estern Prince advance north of Albania. B. Purvis (British purchasing States, named to c ' 220, itallan_ forts, ish advance into three Italian forts in Libya. i) D. Howe and 152 survivors of doed Western Prince arrive at Brit Gordon «Scott, Mont lost. | 19--Itallians abandon Albania. 20--British surrcund Bard 21--Royal Air Force bombs § in Germany. Dionjactives 2--(Sunday)--War Eden appointed fore Lord Halifax made & 23--Churchill urges with Major-Gen.. R. as commander. N--Canierbury Cathedral windows dam- aged In raid. 12--British cruiser Ajax sinks three Italian destroyers. 13--(Sunday)--Princess Elizabeth broadcasts to children of Empire, voicing faith in victory, 14-- (Thanksgiving Day) ~-- Mackenzie King announces Canada and U.S. will move together in international 25-- (Christmas Day )--King 26--Britain's guards on : | 24--Prime Minister King | announces formation of Canadian rmy Corps overseas, ( » eorge in Empire message says' ure hard but grave crisis 3 t doubled against bility of shdden, at- Cal EPL PEE DTI R a8 PFO SES 5 SRR, SIR waterway power development, tempt at 'Invasion rma mists cloud the 4 waters. Hl 28--Vichy government says France wiil~ -----

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