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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1940, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1940 - Births Articles for Sale DeGUERRE--Mr, and Ms. Doug- las. DeGuerre (nee Margaret Leavitt) Cobeurg, announce the birth of a son, Clarence Douglas, TWO RADIOS, skates; boy's leather coat and cloth coat, 'size 14. FOUR PAIR phonograph with records, (126a) ' Phone 1452J. at Cobourg Hospital, on Sunday, Dee. 22nd, 1940. (126a) VENETIAN BLINDS, Estimates furnished without obli- gation. 66 Bond West. AWNINGS. George Reid. Phone 2104, (19Jan.c)' Deaths DAVIS--Entered into rest in Osh- awa, Helena Francis Pickell be- loved wife of Charles P. Davis, in her 52nd year. : 3 € LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. patterns actually in stock. are BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South. Select yours from over 300 You invited to view these at (26Jan.c) Funeral from Meagher's Funeral Home, 117 King St, East, on Wed- nesday, January 1, 1941, Service 1:30 p.m. Interment Union Ceme- tery. (12583) APPLES, BAXTERS, and Snows. wick potatoes. 74 Park Rd. S. McINTOSH, Also good New Bruns- Phone 631, F. Shaw, (5Jan.c) POLAK--In Oshawa, on Saturday, December 28, 1940, Albert Polak, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Polak, in his 16th year Funeral from the family resid- ence, 493 Albert St, on Monday, December 30, to Holy Cross Church for Mass at 10 am. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. (126a) SILLS--Jesus called a little child in Oshawa, on Sunday, December 20, 1940, Patricia Katherine, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FIRST CLASS BORDER FANCY Canaries. also Hens for breeding. bins, 269 Court St. BRADLEY'S NEW FURNITURE store opening specials in all new Chesterfield, breakfast, room suites, beds, mattresses, ete. rooms. new store at 156 Simzoe St. South All singers, guaranteed G. Rob- (15Jan.c) and bed- studio couches, day inner spring wardrobes, bookcases, Direct from factory show We invite you to visit our bed outfits, (30Dec.c) Roy Sills, 13 Willlam St. E, age 2 months, 15 days. Funeral from Meagher's Funeral Home, 117 King St. E,, on Tuesday, December 31, 1940. Service at 2:30 Interment Union Cemetery. pa (1252) TERWILLEGAR -- In Oshawa, on Sunday, December 29, 1940, Lydia Pereman, béloved wife of the late John J. Terwillegar, in her 69th year. Funeral from the residénce of her daughter, Mrs. S. Jackson, 624 Kingston Rd. East, on Tuesday, December 21, at 2:30 pm. (DS.T) Interment Union Cemetery. (126a) In Memoriam LAMMIMAN--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mary Lammiman, who passed away December 30th, 1039, »+ x To-day recalls sad mempries Of a dear mother gone to rest, And the ones who thinks of her to<{ t day Are the ones who loved her _ Sadly missed by "husband family. 26a) VAN VOLKENBURG -- In loving memory of & dear husband and father who went to rest Dec. 28, 1937. The peace of God which passethy all understanding be thine. Always remembered by wife a daughter Hazel. ; Cards of Th POWELL" Mrs. Wm. H. Powell, North Osh- awa, wishes to thank Drs. Rundle and Wilson, Nurses Niddery, Arm- | our, Dunn and Hunfer, the staff nurses of the Oshawa - General Hospital, also her many friends ani neighbours for thiglr many acts of kindness and 'expressions of remembrance her recent (126a) 3 Simcoe St. S. ARTZ BAR- Money to Phone 282. 3ARRISTER, ans 5% %. Nation- 5%. 26 Simcoe (6Jan.c) Bassett Bld., e 3329. (9Jan.c) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc, Bank of Commerce Building. . CONANT AND ANN BARRIS. ters, 7% Simcoe St. 5 o Oshawa. Phone 4 Allin P. 'B.A, * LLB. Ernest Marks. BA. 5 R. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, Sol.citor, ete, 24% Simcoe North. Phone office 814; residence 3297. "Money to loan. JOSEPH P. MANG. rister, Solicitor. Of St. East, Oshawa. Residence phone W. BE. N. SINCLA KC, and J. C. Barristers, etc. Ban Building, 20 Simcg Phone 99. MANNING PF. rister, Solicitog loan. 11 King Residence 30 A J. P etu. Mortg a) Housing 8t. North. PEP, VIM? ts. Stimu- ntrates aid ts with first 3 price. ell Dsftawa MEN! WANT] Try Ostrex lants and oy to normal p package or m Call, write J and all othe (BAR- | RED WING Apples," Juice, twice weekly. Phone before 5 p.m. Monday or Thursday for delivery the guaranteed. Phone Oshawa 1665. "THE BETTER also Red Wing Apple delivered to your door following day. = Satisfaction (27Jan.c) BRADLEY'S special opening offer, everything in bedding, studio dropside couches, beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. South. Snow, Spy. North of Whitby PO. BEDDING SHOP inner spring mattresses, couches, cribs, complete; 156 Simcoe (12Jan.0) APPL FOR SALE, MACINTOSH, J. Pallock, one mile (27Jan.c) Bradley's; FORD DELUXE SEDAN, motdp gompletely- over-hauled and gu: teed. 'Good selid body, . Equipped he. | te =F Redter complete: Lies ot .| MEAGHER'S FUNERAL - HOME. St. BE. 'Phone 907. ' I ' your old Ean , Box 402 Times. 'Phone 960 'East. + Ambulance. Motor Cars For Sale "1035, gze, New heater and tofstart in cold wea , 1268) BUICHE FOR SALE, ition. 3, Seco d Ave. 1938 O! equipped 4 guard tubes 'and Doub In excellent gonditio . Mugg cell 3 FURNACE FO good condition, 6 Tooms. Rt Church St. * Phone 758. (18d! Battery Service ~~ BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢, WITH rental $1.00. Called for and des livered. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill 8t | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Help Wanted Mortgage Sale AMBITIOUS MAN OR WOMAN needed to take charge of profitable route in Oshawa. Lished. Full credit for repeat orders. | Liberal Daily commission and monthly monus. Chance for ad- | vancement. Apply promptly--Dept. | C. M. S., 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED RELIABLE WOM- an as cook general. Small family, good home. References required. Reply by letter to Mrs. G. N. Goodfellow, 406 Dundas St. West, Whitby, stating wages. (126¢) For Rent 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. Mrs. A. Solomon, Courtice. (126¢) 2 DOWNSTAIR, PARTLY FUR- nished rooms. Brock St. district. Adults only. Phone 2586J after 6. (126a) 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Adults. 35 Hall Street off Simcoe St. South, near Hart's Dairy. (124d) THREE BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms upstairs with other conveni- ences downstairs, use of garden if desired, adults preferred. Box 328 Times. (123¢) GARAGE FOR RENT, DOWN- town. Apply My Sheffield, Times office. "5 (tn fg .-NICE- OFFICES WELL Tio} ly decorated, hardwood ! ory, hot water heafed, well logabed Mh mod- ern office Building, ive #ht- g diay , t: rance. Brag) Bros. | i (29Q¢ . BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 5 ROOM- ed apartment, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 1718. (10Nov tf) Wanted To 1 Remt WANTED, 3 OR. 4. ROOMED heated apartment with bath, right away, Responsible tenant. Phone 21700. (1260) T FURNISHED TWO OR roomed apartment or house 2 rooms. Reliable adult couple, ;Mal- | oolm Sinclair, 94 Bloor West. (126¢) ONE FURNISHED ROOM. WITH | breakfast for gentleman. Box 331 Times. « (126a) | b apartment childfén. 14% Wanted To Buy "young couple, no : (124b) \ Business estab- | tain day of JANUARY, Esq, {time of .sale | thirty days rok dior wl owl" UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers of sale contained in a cer- mortgage which will be { produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on FRIDAY, the TENTH 1941, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the Auc- tion Room of Willlam J. Sulley, 344 Simcoe Street South in the City of Oshawa, the premises known as 337 Jarvis Street, Osh- awa, being composed of Lot Num=« ber Twelve on the east side of Jarvis Street according to regis- tered Plan Number 257. On these premises there is said tu be a brick veneer detached bungalow with six rooms and, hot air heating. TERMS OF SALE: The proper- ty is to be sold subject to a reserve bid. Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money will be paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and.eon- ditions of sale apply to the ulider- signed. SIMS, McINTOSH, SCHOFIELD & SIMS, 2 47 King Street, West, i. Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitors for -the Mo DATED December 20th, 1940, , (122, 126, 130» VIRTUE of the ined in & cer- hich 'wifi be e of salé, there UNDER AND B powers of sale tain mortgage} " produced at the 2 the Auc- |- ; y Duley, ith, in e premises Y: Street, Osh- ed of Lot Num- the west side of will be offeped for sale by Public Auction on oy 'the LN 194. two \ | od el | these prem theré is "sald § be spdetached brick veneer and gle age ungalow with seven hath gnd hot afr heat= SALE: The proper- ject to a reserve t. of the pur- aid at the tie balance within ereafter. iw p particulags and con- | apply to thé undef- | d SCHQFIELD ditions of + signed. SIMS, MEINTOS & SIMS, A 47 King Strégh West, Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitors for the Mortgagee. | DATED December 20th, 1940. (122, 126, 130) irom, metal, rags, mattresses. Phoné 635, Cedardale Iron Metals. pack | mo C.N.R. Station, (19Jan.c) PAY HIGR PRICES FOR seidp metal' and fron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (6Janc) | HIGHEST CASH PRICES. PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes, Collis Trade-in Store 56 King. West. Phone 1030 (6Jan.c) 3 A Wanted Undertaking day and nigat service. PF r, Manager, 8. J. Strow- Director. 117 King (20Jan.c) DALTON BURIAL COMPANY Funeral Home - Ambulance service 75 Charles Street ° Established 1889 Phore 0 (26Jan.c) BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST Residence 60 King St. E. Phone 210. M. P. ARMSTRONG AND BON, proprietors Oshawa Burial Co Funeral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 King East. Prcwm J. Mea ger. Funeral WELFARE SALVAGE DEPART- ment donations wanted. Beds, stoves, furniture, ahything useful for needy families. Paper, rags, etc. Collected. Rigas phone 639 "4 (4Jan.3c) i ht § Work 'Wanted | man, RR, 2, Whitby. 'Real Estate For Sale. O ACRES LAND, HOUSE; GAR- ! ui and barn, orchard and rasp- | berries. Bargain for cash. Box 401 Times. (126¢) FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE AT 353 Pine Ave. Oshawa. $800 Cash, bal- ahce of $400 arranged. Fred 8. J SHLLFS OVER BAS- ofl Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction Nurse In attendance. Phone 859. House 1312 Expert Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN,. EXPERT: Swiss watchmaker. 'repair shop at 46 King Street t. Your patron- age solicited. . ' tn ALL KINDS oF PLASTERING and general rogairs. Phone 1412M. a (16Jan.c) RESPONSIBLE WOMAN "WANTS position, 'companion to elderly lady or/nvalid. Box 830 Times, (125b) Bought and Sold apts, men's fall and winter coats, Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. Plgden, 54 William St. East Phone 3148. (5Jan.c) Furriers SBLEOT YOUR NEW FUR COATS one remodelled in Purriers, 54 Wil- . (12Jane) WE roi IN RADIO RE- paire. For reliable efficient service pnone Charles Wales, 3350J. Tubes tested. (5Jan.c) Pets and Livestock SIX DAIRY COWS FOR SALE: Holsteins and Jerseys. manville. Phone 2436. Laverne Clemens, 3% miles north of Bow- ales fall .and winter coats. Seid very. reasonably. Samuel Schwarta, 21 Bond West. (19Jan.¢) kt Dancing Instruction DANCE FOR HEALTH", BETH Aeyms, Masonic Temple, Saturdays, tots, children, adults. Latest New York dances, all Yypes. Free Health Class, (23Jan.c) * Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages on Real Estate. Prompt service. Oshawa Real Estate Co. Phone 25, Oshawa. (13Jan.c) Shoe Repairing TRY OUR GENUINE BULL DOG Lesther: for Men's Work Shoes. Galoshes repaired and refurred Skates sharpened. W. Allison, 9 Athol W. Phone 2673R. Call and deliver. (5Jan,e) Cartage House Movins CITY CARTAGE R. E. ROCK~ brune, moving and general cartage. Phone 605. West. (19Jan:e) 70 Colborne Street' V. Ai HUFFMAN, HOUSE MOV- ing and Raising, General Contract- ing, Phone 432, 27 Hope Street, Mattresses: and Comforters Port Hope, Ontario. '(9Jan.c) Lost PCACOCK vice. Co Insuranee L. Nolen. Phone 2686% | » INNER-SPRING AND FELT MAT» tresses rebuilt just like new. Feather ped, made into comforters. beds st. Eiderdowns recovered. Phone 2371J. : (27Jan, c) "Radio Repairs - wa J C. YOUN ance. Office _ phone 2805, 4 e193, residence Street. | IN VICINITY OF WARD'S STORE or 'Brock St. E., $35 in bills. - Finder retufn 147 Brook St. E. Reward. 11268) & Found J VALUABLE PARCEL IN OSH- EFFICIENT RADIO. AND "APPLI- Phone M. Polard, ance repairs. 3442W., (23Janc) ewa late Tucsday afternoon, Dec. 24. Apply Box 12, Prince Albert, Ont. (126¢) Hardwosd Floors -- - B. W, HAYNES, BUILDER Hardwood floors laid, sanded. finished by experls Latest equip- ment. Phone for prices. 109 Nas- sau street. «an - Typing STATEMENTS, ACCOUNTS, manuscripts, ete., typed, envelopes addressed, for prices Phone 1323W. 187 Simcoe S. (27Jan.c Musical Instructions EXPERT INSTRUCTIONS Piano Accordian, Hawailan Guitar. '| Forming band. See Mrs. Davidson, 367 Mary, for expert advice before purchasing instruments. (10Jan.c) Saddle Horses SUNSET STABLES, WILSON RD. Saddle horses, sleighs for parties and cutters for hire. Phone 2675W. (6Jan.c) Auditors OSCAR HUDSON AND COM pany, Chartered Accountants MOFFAT HUDSON AND COM pany, . Trustees .and Liquidators Conant and Arnis Chamber. Ty Simcoe Rtreet South. Telephone 4 Head Office, Toronto. , Industrial Astident Said War Casualty 'Bowmanville, Dec. 30-- Tire lost from an industrial accident is as serfous these cays as a casualty in the ranks," stated Eugene E. Spar- row, Works Manager of the Imperial Varnish and Color Co., addressing Rotarians here on industrial safety, 'Needless accidents fritter away the gkilled labor - that is most needed to-day," he sald. "Since the war began 40 per: cent, more hours are spént working and' the natural result is that more ac- cidents occur 'Lut nevertheléss 'the cost of compensation is proportion- ately lower," LOWER INTEREST HYDRO, GAS BONDS REDUCES DEBT (Continued from Page 3) local electrical distribution system. In that year, Hon. Mr. Conant and Mr, Frank Mason became mem- bers of the Oshawa City Council and devoted most of their efforts toc the promotion of the purchase of the electrical distribution system by the City of Oshawa from the HEP.O. The system was then in #2 most favourable earning position, netting a surplus of about $50,000.00 a year, which surplus was going {ic or particular benefit to Oshawa itself, Take Tail to Get Hide Because ofthe apparent tage of having any surplus avail- able for the Council proceeded towards its | objective and following an exhaus- tive amount of work and prelimin- | ary detail, the necessary by-laws and agreements were prepared, a vote of the electors was taken and | in accordance with its favourable | result, the City of Oshawa pur- | chased the electric system. In all | these negotiations with the HEP.C. | there 'was a desire, and eviry ef- fort was made to purchase the elec- | trical system without the gas plant. | at that time the gas plant was Tot profitable and the Council en-|¢g aeavoured to: purchase a splendid asset free 'from the entanglement | fot a Jesd favourable utility. How- | ever, it'was necessary "to take the | tailsto get the hide." purchase was finally complet - ly in 1020, the total purchase | price being $520,000. ~ $310,000. of | this: fepresented the purchase of | the "electric utility; $210,000. repre- | ented the purchase of the gas 'plant. The payment was effected by the city issuing 20 year De- benturés bearing an Ropiegste face value of $520,000. at 4% When this purchase rod been { finally completed, Hon. Mr. Conant and Mr. Mason became members of the newly constituted Public Utilities Commission. The Com- | mission, as can be imagined, now assumed a most important aspect | in municipal administration, Be- | cause of the unfavourable returns {irom the gas utility, however, the | | Public Utilities Commission soon | adopted a policy of disposing of the | Eas plant at the earliest opportun- | | ity. Gas Plant Sold In 1031, the Utilities Power and Light Company of Chicago became a prospective purchaser and as a result 'of the ensuing negotiations, the gas plant was sold to the On- | tario Shox Gas Company, its $214,832.48, being the | high, * it stood on the | the Joghl Commission. The | sale Was completed by .a cash: payment of $18,183.41, and the bal- ance of $196,640107 was to be paid {a period of years and was by a 'first mortgage on all | © the plant hd assets of the Com- pany in Oshawa. For a few years following 1031, the Onfario Shore Gas Company paid interest and instalments ac- «cording te 'the' obligation. How- | ever, in 1035, 'the Samuel Insull | Utilities empire collapsed and soon 'after the Utilities Power and Light Company went into receivership. With this financial support re- moved, the Ontario Shoe Gas Company was no longer able to meet its principal payments. The immediate expedient was an-ar- rangement with the City whereby the Gas Company would pay all surplus over to the City, the City having the right of audit and gen- | eral supervision. There were many | great problems faced by the City in financing. during this difficult period so that the Council pre- vailed upon the HEP.C. to defer for five years the principal pay- ments of the bonds held by them covering the apportioned cost of the gas plant. Arrears Pile Up The deferring of these payments, however, naturally resulted in a considerable amount of accrued arrears being owed bv the City of Oshawa to the HEPC. Early in the year 1940 these arrears amount« ed to $46,251.45, . The officials of the City of Osh- awa took the view this year that the situation should be clarified. The obligation of the City with re- spect to the gas plant was $164,- 81562 and the obligation in re- spect of the electric utility deben- tures was $108,491.54. According- ly, negotiations with. the H.E.P.C. for the purpose of arriving at a definite and, if possible, a favour- able settlement were undapistien, In his prior capacity as the Mayor of the City of Oshawa when the entire Eastern Ontario System was purchased by the Government in 1916, as one of those active in the purchase by the City of the electric and gas plants, and now as a member. of the Ontario Gov- ernment, the Honourable Mr. Con- ant was admirably qualified to sponsor discussion with the HEP.C. The = Attorney-General extended every co-operation and arranged a conference with the Chairman of the HEP, pr. T. F. Hogg, Mayor Anderson ang the Treasury offic- ials of the City in which Hon. Mr. Conant. himself. participated. ? Debt Reduced $54,815.62 This confayence and subs:quent discussions finally resulted in a substantial eduction being made to the City, At the outset of ne- | into the Treasury of the Eastern | Ontario System without any speci- | advan- |. the Oshawa system only, af 11 months of 1940 iron and steel production was up 58 per cent, tex- THE OLD HOME ETOWN _ THE OPERATOR OVER ar BELDEN CITY 1S TRYING TO GIVE ME SOME WAR NEWS-- BUT THE TELEGRAPA INSTRUMENT CANT TAKE \T ¥| WHEN HE GETS /A THOSE FOREIGN NAMES! Go) $OLOYST ref NO PERN (14 te . Ld - ' hed dS Tu onal 9 A a MONDAY EVENING (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) 59 1'.M WBEN, The Backstage Wife drama. CFRB, Music From the Studio, CBL. Vancouver Musicale | CKCL, Dick Todd, songs. . 5.15 M., CBL, Rose Bowl Luncheon. CFRB, Road of Life, drama, 259 A.M CBL, Music by Wayne King. WBEN, Lorenzo Jones, sketch. CFRB, Variety Corner 545 P. M. CKCL, Evening varieties, WBEN, Young Widder Brown, drama. 6.00 Pr. oL CFRB, Dinner Music CBL. Toronto Stock Quotations. CKCL, News flashes, Super Serenade G15 P. M. CFRB, Claire Wallace, society enssip CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6.30 P. M, CBL, Popular Songs WGR, Football Preview, ual P.M. CFRB, Wes McKnight, sports. 6.45 £. Mi. CBL, News from London. CKCL, Breezy Rhythms | WBEN, Life Can Be Beautiful, drama. 6.00 P.M, | cera, Did I Say That? ivi EM. CBL. Questions of the Hour, CFRB, Eventide Melodies WKEBEW, Edwin C. Hill, news, WBEN, jews, sports reporter, "ib Pom. CFRB, t up and Listen CBL, Of Record CKCL, It's Dancetime WBEN, At the Musical Party. | WKBW, Hedda Hopper, movie gossip. Mm. 30 P. Club, CBL. Recital Series WBEN. It's Buffalo Speaking WKBW, Paul Sullivan. news summary CKCL, 'World of Sports 745 P. M. QERE: Easy Aces, comedy sketch. WBEN, Lowell Thomas, news commen- | tator. CKCL. Tim O'Callaghan's Orch, WBKW, The World Today. 800 P. M. | CFRB, Amos 'n' Andy, comedy sketch CKCL, Bongs by Sair. WBEN, Fred Waring's Orchestra, CBL, Music Hall, variety program. WHAM, Famous Jury Trials, dramas. CFRB, Lanny Ross, tenor. CKCL, Honor the Law, drama. WBEN, Vandercook Comment, news. B30 P. M. CKCL, Corbett at the Console WHAM, Burns and Allen, comedy team. WBEN, International House Party. WGR, Blondie, comedy sketch. CBL, Musically Speaking. CFRB. News Review of 1040. WKBW, Lone Ranger, Western drama 00 P. M. CFRB. Bijou Theatre. CBL, With the Troops Overseas, WGR, Those We Love, drama. WBEN., Telephone Concert, Jas. Melton WHAM, I Love a Mystery, drama, 9.30 i. CKCL, Grenadler Guards Band. WHAM, "True or False", quiz program CFRB,; Double or Nothing. CBL, Wallenstein Symphony Concert. WGR, Pipe Smoking Time, variety, 10.00 2', M. CFRB, The Radio Theatre, CKCL, Eddie Stroud"s Orch, CBL, Time on My Hands. WHAM, Dr, 1. Q Quiz, novelty. 10.30 P.M. CBL, Romanelll's Orchestra. WBEN, Showboat, variety program, 0.45 P.M. CKCL, Ferde Mowry's Orchestra. 10 P.M, | CBL. CFRB, WKBW, News flashes. WGR, Guy Lombardgis Orchestra, WBEN, Contented Ho®y P. Faith's Or LIS Pom. CBL, Britain Speaks 11.15, Ozzie Williams' Orch, CFRB, On Wings of Song. P.M. CBL, BBC Newsreel from onan, COFRB, Golden Gate Grou MIDNIGHT OFRB, Sammy hg Orchestra, 1 M. WLW, Henry: King's Orch. WKBW, Eddie Pushing Orchestra; WHAM, News, Glen Miller's Orch, | WGR, Sammy Kaye's Orch. TUESDAY'S PROGRAMS 8.00 AM. S, 8:15 AM. CBL, Dance Parade. 10.00 AM. CBL, Breakfast Club, Don McNeill, m.c. WKBW, News. 10.15 A.M. WBEN, The Band Goes to Town, 10:30 A. WKBW, Dancing Thru the Years, 11.00 A.M. CBL, Songs for You. .. NO CBL, BBC New¥ from London, CKCL, Siesta Musicale. | 12.15 P.M. | CKCL. Br. United Press News CBL, Hart House Carillon, P.M. | CBL, T®e Wife Saver, P.M. | oma. Singin' Sem ho. 1.00 P.M. Wi , Words and Music. WRBW, Fate: tary, CBL, News flashes; '115 P.M. WBEN, Xavier Cugat's Orch. OBL. Sweet Hour of Prayer, devotional WHAM, Christmas Carols. 1.30 P.M. WHAM, National Farm and Home Hour. CBL, Canadian Farm Broadcast. 2.00 . WKBW, News. CBL, The Happy Gang. variety. 2.15 PM. WHAM, Tony Wons, Radio Scrapbook. | 2.30 P.M. WKBW, Music from A Z. WBEN, Frankie Nine crenesten, 3.00 P. WBEN, Hymns of all Churches. 3.30 PML CBL, U. 8. Anny Bal A 5 P.M. CFRB, Golden at Song. WGR, Old Fashioned G! gotiations, the total debentures out- standing and held by the HEP.C. covering both electric and gas utili- ties amounted to $273,307.16 divided, as before stated, 'into an electric utility obligation of $108,491.54, and a gas utility obligation of $164,815.62, the latter including deferred pay- ments. Under the proposal which now reaches a successful termin- atien. the HEP.C. az ants $110.00. in full settlement of the obligation of the City in respect of the gas utility. The obligation in the mat- ter of the electric utility is to be met at face value. Debentures amounting to $273,307.16 are to be liquidated by a payment of $218,- 401.54 which means a saving to the City of Oshawa of $54,815.62. * The city is definancing the whole matter by issuing new debentures maturing in six years in respect te the hydro plant and in 15 years in respect to the gas plant. The electric plant bonds sold at $99.23 at rates varying from 3% to 34% making a saving in interest of $2,- 161.03 while the bonds on the gas plant sold at $98.25 at rates varying from 3% in 1941-2, 3'4% in 1943-47 and 4% in 1948-55. The lower rate of interest on the gas plant bonds saves the city $26,766.20. The sale of the hydro electric bonds to yield 3.68% is ve lowes. of any bond ever sold in this munici- pality, The Times is informed. NATION'S BUSINESS SEEN AT HIGHEST POINT IN 20 YEARS (Continued from Page 3) 25 per cent. in 10 months and in | corresponding period of 108 tiles 25 per a bw facturing seven per cenfy production 20 per cent. a print shipments 22 per ce mobile production totall units in the first 11 mont} year compared with 1384 of 44 per cent. Despite a moderate shop labor, output of minerals ¢ the rising trend that 8 the industry in recent ye P 1940 production is expects ceed $500,000,000. This with $474,600,000 in 1939 8 824,000 in 1938. '4 Gold production pron production is well year. Other productio clude coal, 12 per cents per cent; lime 40 coke, 28 per cent. The lumbering indust® propserous yaar despite gains in- cement, 25 cent; and 10 months totalled 2,020,857.0 0 970,000 in the comparable period of 1939, a gain of 11.2 per cent. Ship- ments from British Columbia to the United Kingdom are estimated at a billion feet for the year, an all-time record. Logging operations this winter are heavier than in re- cent 'years. The Novemb:r tally showed 23,200 mora men in the bush than at the same period of 1939. Building Doubled Building in 1940 more than doubl- ed the 1939 total and exceeded in value that of any year since 1930, Contracts in 11 months aggregated $320,000,000 a gain of 85 per cent over the $151,000,000 total for the comparable period of 1939, Factories for the turning out of war equip- | : | Canada's ithe British Isles, lin November CBL, CFRB, WBEN and WHAM. news. peak at $117,456.508 cast: EY ORL Bmith speaks, commen | board feet compared with 1,823,- ; CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S EVE Jubilee Pavilion, $1 per person. Jack Raynor and his orchestra. (1248) NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE AT Pidduck's Hall, Courtice Jack Town's orchestra. 50c--M p.m, to-3 am. ? 1 (126b) SPECIAL BINGO OVER. BURNS Monday night. 2 cards 2c. 15 games, 8:45, i | (1268) : 7 other government construction for war purposes comprised the bulk of the large increase. The farming industry experienced irregular movements of prices and demand with th» average conditions showing some betterment. Wheat exports in 11° months were worth $110,212,308 compared with $83,009,- $M in the same period of 1939 while exports of wicat fiour totalled $23,- 135,000 aga.n:t $12,338,083. Farmers marketzd more hogs than in 1932. Sales at publiz stock | yards and shipments direct to pack- inz plants in the Dominion totalled 15,060,407 hogs in 50 weeks compared | 7h 3,482,578 in the first 50 weeks |of the previous year, a gain or 45 | per cent. Cattle marketings show a [ more moderate gain. reat Britain | remains the big market. for Cana- ' dian pork products. Cheese production in 11 months ncreased 15 por cent. and butter production was down 1.4 per cant. Rail Recovery Railway traffic has, of late, 'Been setting new records for recent years. Carloadings to December 14 [ree 2,741,721 against 2,466,6¥2 in 50 weeks of the previous year, an line rease of about 10 per cent. C.N.R. [1 | | gross earnings improved 20 per cent. and CP.R. earnin, gs improved 12 per cent. in the same period. Traffic on the Great Lakes was heavier than in 1939, external trade continued to increase despite the growing shortage of shipping and the limite ing of marksts in Europe largely to Domestic exports reached a 10-year In 11 months the total was $1,081,337,920 e-mpar- ed with $823,204,582 in the same ;months of the previous year, a gain of $257,433,347 or 31 per cent. The totals do not include gold ship- ments, . Imports in 10 months at $877. 400,000 were up about 48 per cant. from the $584,400,000 figures for the comparabl® 1939 period. At the end of Octgher the faverable balance of °xports over imports was $99,000, 000, CITY FUELS COAL ¢ COKE ¢ WOOD PHONE 2997 5 QUEEN STREET Karn's Drug Store FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT ®, 0. Brantford R and Builders' Suppli McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 BASSETT'S JEWELERS ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER When in Need of Drugs 'Call FOWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 3 Armsirong Fuels oke - Wood TW HURCH ST The Year O ment, air training buildings and

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