First Aid Course To Be At. Adelaide House a similar one in Home Nursing, with the St. John's Ambulance Bri- gaders demonstrating bandaging, artificial respiration, etc. Dr. W, 8. Millman will lecture to the classes, and an initial fee of $1.00, (which the way is less than usual) ine uding Hand-book and Bandage, is required, Mention should also be TR fils Fh HHH 4 155858 082 §583 £400 Do you know it takes 360 hampers of tomatoes to make an average load? That represents af good many hours of work, doesn't Quilting got underway yesterday afternoon at the school, the first for this season, and although there weren't many out, quite a bit was accomplished. Soon the canning, ete, ad be all dope and the ladies ve more e to e for these activities, oa Mr, and Mrs, Will Found attend- week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wal- lace Craighead there. They report a very enjoyable time. The Fair performance, and seats had across the entire front. was jammed with the prion attending. SPECIALIZED REPAIR SERVICES ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Towing Service Body & Fender Repairs Duco & Dulux Touch-up Complete. Refinishing Glass Installed Lock Repairs Ignition Service Radiator Service Steering Repairs Specialized Lubrication & . Motor Overhaul a SPECIALISTS IN TRUCK REPAIR "EMPLOY ONLY GOVERNMENT APPROVED MECHANICS COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE POWELLS Garage North Oshawa Phone 4694J FRUIT, FLOVERS DECORATIONS FOR . [RALLY SERVICE - "Our Duty Toward Youth" Subject of Address' At Kedron Kedron, Sept. 18 ~Beautiful flow- ers,' fruit, vegetables with wonder fio sunflowers and branches of. bri with delicate shades of autumn color, delightfully arrang- ed by Mrs, J. Glover and her Sen- or Intermediate girls, lent a HE 8 pisit 2 Staite to our Rally Service on 8 C.F. Wi led the servic A e 1] TAS ALL" the the special theme Joy, sang "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam." Miss Irene Crossman read "Truly Brothers" with good expression. Representing different classes Gordon Townrow, Marion Hayes and Ross E. Lee read pass- sages of Scripture. 'i'ne choir fave ored with an Anthem, Intermedi- ate girls sang nicely "I Would Be True" Rev. G, W. Gardner announced the Crusade Cavalcade, te ing work of the Church at home and abroad, to be held in King St. Church, October 26-30, There are special days for different depart ments of work and every meeting 8 | pulpit and press giving details, but keep these four days open for this event which, we are fortunate in having so conveniently near. pic of his address "Our duty toward youth," and text Gen, 33:14, "I will lead on softly according as , . , the children be able to endure. , , , The to 'the rising generation, Miss Mure oH Werry was pianist. Attendance Mrs, Elmer Wilbur and Mrs, Sam Dewell, Hampton, were Monday dinner guests at Mr, P, Thompson's. and Mrs, Jesse Arnott, Mr, at Mr, Elmer Gibson's, Freenbank. Crown, Maxwell's t the week-end at his Rothe, Lindsay, Mrs, Marguerite Crossman, Miss Jean Crossman, Bowmanville; Mrs, Lindsay, which had the usual attractions, Mrs, C, E. love and were Sunday tea guests at ence Knapp's, Oshawa. and Mrs. Clarence Martin 0 children, Likenra, were ooe's, BowaAatiti Evening Columbus Adult Bible Class held a social evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Scott, Monday ev- ening, with an attendance of 24. Rev, G. W. Gardner gave an inter- Jack" Arnott, were Sunday guests So that pilots will be better prepared to save thelr own lives in case something goes wrong in the deep blue yonder, a special course has been set up, handled by flight test division, air materiel command to train pilots in the use of equipment developed for their safety. At left, Major Leonard I, Wiehrdt is snapped into an upright position as he dives from a tower at Wright Field, Ohio, wearing a Jig which simulates the harness shock of a real parachute jump. At right, "Lieut, Jack Christman lands in the "prescribed manner" after "bailing out" from the tower. After the harness jerks them upright, the fliers are dropped several feet to the ground at the approximate rate of descent of a parachute, esting talk on his holiday, A good program of music, reading, etc, was enjoyed, and with refreshments and social intercourse the event was highly successful, Mr, C. E. Love spent Wednesday in Toronto, Mrs. PF. Crossman, Oshawa, who is confined to her bed for rest. We hope she may continue to make a good recovery ,and soon be out Rev, Mr. Gardner chose as the to- again Mrs, H. Mountjoy and Miss Glad- ys Mountjoy, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Gan- non, Oshawa, Columbus - Kedron Y.P.U, enjoy- ed a social evening at Mr. Percy Mountjoy's Friday evening, Worship service was in charge of Misses Grace Scott and Muriel Werry; re- creation, Misses May Hepburn and Willa Mountjoy. r. W. Jewell, with Rev. G, W. Gardner, assist- ing. Sandwiches and coffee supple- mented the popular corn-roast and a very enjoyable time was spent, thanks to the host and hostess. Mr, C. W. Hoskin was Sunday {ea guest at Mr, Ray Hoskin's, Hdr- mony, There was an attendance of twen- ty-two at Y.P,U, Sunday evening, Miss Grace Scott presented the to- plc "Prayer", using a number of suitable hymns, interspersing her address, Marion Mountjoy at the piano, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hepburn, Joan and Mary, were Sunday tea it i fgcats at Mr, Chas, Grill's, Colum- Mrs. Beecher Millson, Mr, Hector and Miss Addie Millson, Messrs, T. Kinsman and Kennedy, Newton- ville, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mras, Frank Thompson, Mrs. R. E, Lee, Diane and Brian, accompanied by Mrs, A. Stainton and Miss E: Stainton, were guests of Mrs. A. Hawley, Peterborough, Monday. LEGION PLANS LANS EXTENSION Cobourg, Sept. 18.--When prices of materials go down and material itself becomes more plentiful, Co- bourg Legion plans to add a wing to the Legion Hall purchased last year, The addition will house an auditor- jon plus other needed accommoda- n, other reasons. Your loan of from Company in Canada. OSHAWA, ONT. CO: 3 35 3 XR 30 0 35 3% 3 S08 Why More People Borrow at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE It's true. More people do borrow money at Household Finance than any other Small Loans Company in Canada--almost 160,000 in 1945 alone, Household has a reputation for making loans, not turning them down. More than 40,000 borrowed to pay medical expenses. Almost 30,000 to buy fuel. 12,000 to pay for repairs, and 12,000 for business needs. Thousands: of others borrowed to buy clothing, home furnishings, real estate, for education, taxes, insurance and for many $20 to $1000 can be arranged simply and promptly at any one of our convenient offices. Tell us how much you need and how you want to repay. It's helpful to bring some identification with you. There's little else to do. Most times you can even arrange your loan by phone if you prefer. And remember, your loan at Household Finance costs you less than at any other Small Loans We'll be pleased to help you any time. Come in. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE | BACKED BY 68 YEARS OF DXPERIENCE Canada's largest and oldest Small Loans Company with 41 effices in 34 cities D. C. Moore, Manager 15 Simgoe St. South (Over Kresge's) Phone Oshawa 3601 Mors 9 10 § or by eppolniment -- Loans meds fo farmers and residents of P. G, PURVES 13 RALLY SPEAKER Columbus Church Oil Fur- nace Used For First Time (Mrs. M, Dyer, Corr.) Columbus, Sept, 17.--Rally Day services were observed in the Sun- day School and Church Sunday, with a goodly number in attend- ance. Mrs, Ray Scott very ably told the story "True Brothers," while P, G, Purves gave the address in Sunday School, Mrs, W. Scott assisted at the plano, Everybody was pleased to learn the new oil furnace was sufficient- ly ready to turn on and take the dampness out of the building on Sunday morning. Mr, and Mrs, Sid Earl have been spending a few days with Miss Maud and Mr, Frank Wilcoxson, Mr, and Mrs, John Stone were in Toronto on Saturday to attend the wedding of their neice, Marion Brent, to Archibald McMaster of Port Perry, in the Danforth United Church, Mr, and Mrs, McMaster will make their home in Port Perry. Mrs, Jewell is having a sale on Saturday and is leaving our village to, make her home in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, E. Moore and fam- ily are going to occupy Mrs, Jewell's home in the near future. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hayes and Elizabeth will attend the wedding of Miss Margaret Pogson and Mr, Jack Cox in Toronto on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Horace Grills on the birth of their son in the Oshawa Hospital, George McKenzie spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, A. 0. McKenzie, Mr, and Mygs. A. Christie and Dar~ lene, Epsom, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch on Friday of last week, We welcome our new teacher, Mr, Patton, of Orono, to our village, HIGHWAY PROGRESSING The Brennan Paving Co, has completed the south lane of the dual highway between Oshawa and Whitby in so far as the laying of concrete is concerned. The com- pany has started the laying of one of the two strips on the westbound lane, Work is in progress now near the Cubert Street subway. BATHING POPULAR Drawn by the bright sunshine and the hot weather quite a number went swimming off the beach east of Oshawa Harbor yesterday after- noon, There was hardly a ripple on the lake. THE TIMES-GAZETTE Thursday, September 19, 1046 18 Eight New Homes Near Completion Four-Room Vet's Bunga- lows at Bowmanville Cost Only $4,000 Bowmanville, Sept, 18.-- With 8 of the 18 houses scheduled to be erected, rapidly nearing completion, veterans of this town are able to purchase a modern four room bungalow for $5,000, a price con- siderably lower than that charged on other housing schemes. The houses are unique because as much of the material used in their con- struction was salvaged from the in- ternment camp barracks formerly located on the Boy's Training Bchool grounds, All of the bungalows are of the same specification, namely, four rooms, hardwood flooring through- out, hot water furnace, 24 by 26 feet in size and insulated, Eyery possible piece of material from the former guard's huts has. been util- ized in their construction, The doors, window sills, windows, roof- ing (under the new asphalt shing- les,) lumber for double sheeting and two by fours, the asphalt outer cov~ ering as an additional sheeting, make the houses far better con- structed than most new homes fo- day. All of the homes have three- plece bath, plenty of cupboards, washtubs in the cement basement, ample clothes closet space and a back porch, The exterior varies in that some are constructed of wide style clap~ board and others of insul brick, Where the homes are all of the same size and clever use of diffrent styles of front porches and color schemes effectively breaks the mone otony one would expect in a de. velopment of this kind. Most of the houses already cone structed have been sold and should be occupled within the next month, Work started Monday installing the , sewer and water facilities and bull' dozer operations will shortly level the street and clear up the mess caused by the massed construction operations, Ten more of the houses will short ly be built using the balance of the huts at the camp, graphic evidence of what can be done in securing ay homes at low cost by use ing obsolete army installations. Towh Clerk A. J. Lyle explaine ed that the $45,000 left to the town by the McGill Estate some years ago is being used to finance the venture, As the houses are complete ed and sold the money is paid back into the fund and the whole de~ velopment should be sompletad ab no cost to the town. Cardiff, Wales -- (CP)--A doctor who volunteered to help in a type hold outbreak at Aberyswyth is une der observation for the disease, aR rms 127 THERE 5 yo FIENER ( Pe i 1r Kit BONATED a of Pepsi Cola Comy BEVERAGE any of Canada, Limited ENJ oY THIS GOLDEN AUTUMN WEATHER i costs luo them fc u day!' Duo-Tiern AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL. Wirer Hearen ON YOUR LAWN! 'HERE 1S AN OPPORTUNITY TO 'BUY LAWN FURNITURE™AT GREAT SAVINGS TO YOU! Look at These Bargains Smart people will seize this opportunity to obtain their lawn furniture for next year, 50 SETTEES Laurentian Pattern unfinished Strongly built and easily taken apart for storing. Reg. 8.75 Special 449 Comfortable and easy to finish in any color combination A REAL BUY! White Enamelled. Sturdily built, neatly finished and ' fitted with heavy blue can- vas, DOUBLED where wear occurs! Reg. 4.85 Special CORVETTE CHAIRS and DECK CHAIRS These chairs are well de- signed, with strong hard- wood frame and finished to stand hard usage. Filled with heavy blue canvas securely fastened. Deck Chairs, white enamelled Chairs, White Enamel frame, Reg. 8.79 Special Corvette Chairs, Varnish finish, Reg. 4.75. Special Corvette finish. Reg. 5.98 2.49 CANVAS Folding Lawn Tables Neatly made and design- edwto fold flat for easy storing. Unfinished. Reg. 38.65. Special CHILDREN'S ROCKERS Reg. $3.85 . Special. Bargain. ! i) DEMONSTRATOR RECORD PLAYERS Combination type, self contained unit with amplifier and speaker, in attractive sabinet: Regular price 54.95 To Clear 42.95 CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and HARDWARE BELLEVILLE DELIVERY