_ Thz Mixing Bowl! Hello, Homemakers! When the sun sets low over the garden and there is that azure-blue haze--Its ber, Bummer is making her t , . . time to garner late fruits, It is also time to prepare for frosty nights, The following hints about fall duties are apt to go unheeded ~but the neighbours told me so, .. Small quantities of root crops, such as beets, carrots, turnips and salisfy should be stored in a root cellar or dark basement in moist sand, either in piles o in boxes. Iu ou put in alternate layers of vege~ pt sand, the roots will not shrivel, When they are gathered the tops should be cut off, Cabbages may be wrapped In newspaper and stored in a dry box, Green tomatoes should be wrapped in two thicknesses of paper and put in shallow boxes, Proper ventilation of the storage room is essential, A window should be constructed for easy adjustment during very cold weather, RECIPES Onions au gratin; Green onions, stems and all, are washed, split and trimmed or pulk skin, Boll em in ] Li 7 very little water; serve on as with a thick white sauce, Sprinkle | AR Jnioresing double Wweddig with grated cheese, girl's grandmother, ceremony took place recently in Regina, Sask, when grandmother Photo shows Marjorie Orton and her husband, Jack Faber, on the is Mrs, Margrethe Falk, and groom William "Universal Aunts," Jobless Girl's Idea A living in London found hepself without a job, Having a large number of nephews and nieces, she was continually pursued by let- requesting help, it being always ase sumed that she was available and prepared to deal with fhe problem of the moment, Successful Venture From the demands her own fam~ ly made upon her, she realized the need for some business organiza» tion which was prepared to deal with. the various emergencies in people's lives, so she cided to start that business herself, Install ing herself in a small office, with 8 telephone, one chair and a desk, she became a Universal Aunt, That was in 192%, | wit 4 By 1046 the original Universal Aunt has become an organization known as Universal Aunts Limited, with offices in Wilton Place, Lon don, and employing, in addition to some seven or eight full-time regu~ lar workers, a large number of part- time outside workers, These offices are divided into three departments: Allocation, Domestic and Housing, Usual Fees The Allocation and Dcmestic de artments are run very much on he lines of ordinary employment agencies, charging the usual booke ing and engagement fees to em ployers, and a fee of 10 per cent of and LEFT, Veal with Green Peppers: Dip veal cutlets in milk then in flour to which salt and pepper has been added, Brown in a little fat in hot frying pan, Remove to casserole; add 2 cups diced tomatoes, % cup broken spaghetti, cover with trim- med scalded green pepper sections, Bake in electric oven of 350. degs. for 40 mins, Sauted Summer Squash: Pare summer squash and cut into slices dbout an inch thick, Dust pieces with salt, pepper and a pinch of mustard; dip in beaten egg, then in fine crumbs, and brown in a greas- ed frying pan, Turn and cover; let cook 12 mins, , Chicken Burger Sauce: Heat to- gether % cup fresh catsup, 1 thsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. small chives or minced onion, dash of chill powder, few grains cayenne, 2 tsps, Wor- cestershire sauce, salt to taste, Serve with diced chicken between split buns. : whole egg, and % cup sufar until lemon coloured, Gradually stir in 2 cups scalded milk, Cook in double boiler, stirring constantly until mixture coats spoof, Cool Juiekly. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla; chill; Peach Layer: Combine 1 pint of crushed peaches and % cup sugar. Chill in electric refrigerator, Meringue: Gradually add 3 tbsps, sugar to 2 beaten egg whites; beat until meringue forms peaks. Alter parfait with a meringue swirl and large cherry, Sore 68. LJ . Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Times-Gazette, Send in your suggestion on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies, American Matron Amazes Russians Washington, Sept. 11--(CP)~--Per~ haps a woman would understand this exchange wifich took place at a news conference when Mrs, La- Fell Dickinson, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs which has many Canadian af- fillates, to her recent 26-day tour of Russia: "I enjoyed shopping in Russia resndonnly, Mrs. Dickinson said, PLUM WHIP 1 tbsp, plain gelatine, % cuf plum juice, 1 cup cooked plum pulp, 2 tbsps brown sugar, 2 egg whites (beaten stiffly), 2 tbsps cold water, % cup sugar, % tsp, salt, % tsp. cinnamon, 2 thsps, lemon juice, Soak the gelatine in the cold wa- ter for five minutes. Add it to the hot plum juice, sugar and salt and stir until dissolved. Add the plums hin have been mashed and mixed | with the brown sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice. Chill until partly thickened, then fold in the beaten eg§ whites, Pour into a mould, chill until firm, then unmould and serve with cream, Five to six ser- vings, . BLUEBERRY UPSIDE-DOWN |sketches fail to mention , her CAKE but who must be sixtyish although 1% cups blueberries, % cup brown | she doesn't look it, told of a Rus- sugar, % tsp, cloves, 1 thap. butter, | 8lan man dinner companion who % cup water, % cup shortening, % |®sked:--"How many years have voup'milk, % tsp, vanilla, % cup su- | you?" gar, 1 beaten egg, % cup enriched flour, % tsp, salt, 1% tsps. baking er, Combine blueberries, 1 cup of |8round'the party and all the men "brown sugar, cloves, butter and wa- | Seemed excited, My interpreter told ter, Simmer 5 'mits, Pour into [Mme they were amazed that a wo- greased 8-inch square, cake pan, | Man of my age would even leave Thoroughly cream shortening, van. | her fireside to say nothing of flymg illa, and % cup granulated sygar, | N8If around the world with a party Add egg and beat well, Sift flour, | Of strange men." salt, and baking powder; add alter- | From that moment the men nately with milk. This is a heavy | treated her as tenderly as if she batter, Spoon over berries; spread | Were an old lady, offering their evenly. Bake In moderate electric | 8rms and "almost wanting to carry oven (350°) 40 mins, ud » n -- men in our party they might PEACH PARFAIT take some lessons on now ta on Pudding: Beat 2 egg yolks, 1 [ladles get about." # With Party of Six Mrs. Dickinson, who comes from a prominent Keene, N.H, family, went to Russia with a party of six men of the American Society for Russian Rellefe who went there on invitation to see how relief mater- lals were being used. "I am virtually a teetotaller as you all know," she told the report ers, "But ny friends insisted I try vodka and drink it in the proper fashion--in one gulp, I did it and I didn't taste anything. And I Sint feel anything either," she But, she sald, a friend who had been facing a tonsil operation tried the experiment with her, "She told me the vodka had so burned her throat that it cured her tonsil Houde She hasn't been bothered ce." 1| Mrs; Dickinson said she ha asked if American aa ue ot equal rights as they had in Russia. foi hi ha ® dni that we didn't ashamed. And were Rati e sal © was em when the Russian Tama ve not indulge in many racial' animosi~ ties, asked her about the Negro question in the United States and the anti-Semitism that exists in "The Russian . women, she said, Were friendly, desperately anxious for peace and friendship with other peoples, particularly American, But I am sure, if thelr country were Nain Miacked, they would go, ou t side by side wi y men", Mrs, Dickinson sald, the SE -------------- ELEPHANTS SALAH T OF TERROR Capetown, Sept. 16 -- (CP) -- A young married woman and her son recently spent a night of terror and suspense while two fully-grown elephants trampled round their lonely cottage at the edge of the a forests hs Cape Providence, ; woman, , A. Botha, alone in the cottage with her ous son when a terrific crash on the roof caused plaster and bricks to fal, She peered into the darkness ahd saw two massive cephants "Oh, what did you buy?" a woman reporter asked, eagerly. "Not a thing," Mrs, Dickinson re- plied, and, while the male reporters struggled with that one she added something about shortages and ex- change troubles, Mrs, Dickinson, whose published JUST TRY THIS TONIGHT @ waken tired when can do ot nb ad isilela of ha ple are doing! Th hig uke' 2 cup of Bralting e to w fresh and alert each Pid Bo | For Ovaltine acts in three ways: taken warm at bedtime, it fosters sound sleep, without drugs. Second, it Supplies essential food elements to rebuild vi while you sleep! vinliy Third, it also furnishes imp her] vitamins and minerals ous, mo. ioral hy sacs So why not try Ovalti beginni tonight? See rho tramping arond the cottage. don't up refreshed and | From dusk to dawn the elephants vigorous in the morning, ready | Paraded around the house, One up- 10 start the day with a song. rooted a tree and the other hurled : i & heavy branch on. to the roof caus- > ing extensive damage. pT. a n A With the first streaks of dawn, AL) t the elephants broke branches from the trees near the house and then disappeared into forest, nate pudding and berries, Top each d," she sald, "and I told | tion \ Hy ¢ 4 luxury hulld! ent Here is Mrs, Needleman who, with Squatting Is Not So-De Luxe The Commaunist-led movement of squatters who are taking over so-called in London is bringing wrinkles on the brows of British officials, Taking over these squatting," but it is not as luxurious as one might i 3 five-room Kensington flat, A vo-touts RUBE Suk ST io do herd light ters, telegrams and telephone calls | under her salary for ten weeks or a first week"s salary to the employee, The Allocation department provides sec~ retaries, governesses and compan- fons, the Domestic department nurses, lady's ma and domestic staff The Housing department which in view of the acute housing shortage in Britain today. is snowed find--or endeavor to find houses and flats, service suites and bed-sitting rooms, The scale of char is that authorized by the Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' In- stitute of the United Kingdom, Secvice Given Many country-dwellers already known Universal Aunts as the peo- ple who will meet their children at the station, take them across Lon. don, and pu them into anolner train, having given them lunch and taken m to the zoo in the interval, The charge for the meet ing and care of children is ten shillings for the first hour, plus ex. penses, and three.and-six per hour after, or thirty shillings for the whole day, The employce receives an average of four shillings an hour, plus her expenses for this work, Many elderly people and invalids depend on a postcard or a tele- phone call to the Aunts to save a tiring and often fruitless Journey to London, and an ex- austing day's shopping, They find that the Aunts are experienc. ed shoppers, often able to track down goods In ghort supply, which someone with only a few hours to spare in London would never be able to find for herself, TRE TIMES-GAZETTE Thursday, September 10, 1046 1 Young Disgraceful, Says Nonagenarian Toronto, Bept, 12-~(OP)~--Young people today are a "disgrace" be~ cause their parents haven't brought them up properly, and girls in res- taurants "who puff at thelr smokes like men" are disgusting, says Mrs, Phoebe Woods of Toronto who has just celebrated her 99th birthday, "Where would some of the gills of today be if they head to ] charge of a home? They wouldn't know what to do" She continued, "And when I was a girl no one would think of smoking cigarets." Mrs, Woods has five children, two of whom live in Toronto, buf she prefers to live in the Fern Ox~ ley Home here because "I am very independent and having looked af« ter myself for 99 years I'm not go= ing to be & burden on my family now,' STILL INADVISABLE There is no federal law forbidding the total destruction of coins by thelr owners, SALADA Y (" \ ESTABLISHE 1859 -- Subigs bia Dien salied the oreot ATLANTIC & PAC! CARDEN ¢ FRESH her two children, are established in to do her on a portable fixture, Housewives Asked To Help Retailers 'The co-operation of housewives is sought by retailers to help them to deal with the shortage of wrap- ping paper and paper bags House wives are requ to take shopping bags or other tacles with them and thus help to relieve the situa The Wartime Prices and Trade Board has had to curtail production of wrapping paper, shopping bags and brown envelopes in order to divert Kraft paper to the manu- facture of multi-wall paper bags. These bags are used for packaging a variety of food stuffs both for domestic and overseas purposes, Multi-wall- bags are also essential in building construction, The ces ment industry alone, which is a big GRAPEFRUI ORANGES CALIFORNIA VALENCIA'S, 8344's CALIFORNIA MARSH ) OWNED AND OPERATED BY FIC tee to. 01s. . Vbgdlables DLESS FANCY, 120's Dox, 25¢ Dos. 49¢ M ob mM ol \ US HROOL Stock up now for school days and cool days. MUSHROOM . °""* CLARK'S OXTAIL user of this type of bag, has reach- ed a production level nearly 35% over 1046. Prices Board officials state that housewives can help In this emer- gency by not insisting on packaged goods being wrapped, and by using their own baskets or bags to carry home supplies. WEALTHY "*'° GRAVENSTEIN BUILD NEW TOWN Edinburgh --(OP)-- Joseph West- wood, secretary for Scotland, has ALEXANDER "* COMBINATION APPLES B.C. CRAB APPLES ""°Y 8:Ibs, ¢ 6-qt. basket Bh i 49 * basket RADE . GRADE: » « MacINTOSH COMBINATION GRADE « «+ &:lbs, 23¢ 1 GRADE + » 0-qt. bakt, 49¢ SCOTCH BROTH CELERY "*: GREEN PEA VEGETABLE announced that a new town of 25,000 will be bully in central Fife w & government-sponsored corpors ation, CELERY HEARTS CAULIFLOWE GLOBE AND MAI The Globe WILL NEWFOUNDLAND BECOME CANADA'S and special articles from St. John's Ken W. MacTaggart now appearing in FEARLESS POLICY = FIRST WITH THE a No. 1 CANADA No, 1 GRADE Poa BISCUITS PEAS STANDARD . WAX BEANS °" TOM. JUICE "©" QUAKER OATS - INCE? Read On-the-spot reports on the Newfoundland A&P Really Fresh BOKAR COFFEE hb. 35 Constitutional Conference L STAFF WRITER BLOATER PASTE MILK CATELLI OLD CHEESE ° HPRICOTS whote un MALTED MACARONI and Mail NEWS GM-44-14 Extra Large Yellow, Cooking POTATOES 10 " 25¢ pss BRODIES FLOUR ..\siva SPAGHETTI SAUCE KETCHUP SPICE Royal Manor 134 Oz, ge . i WYPOF CLEANING FLUID CLEANSER WHITE SAIL NORVALL'S = SPAGHETTI PASCAL No. 1 Grade 2 for 25¢ 12. CAM 3" 17 78-1b, $1.55 No, 1 wn LEGS 1:lb, Phos. 25¢ Ll & aden 8 ox 1Ge 20-02. Tine ¢ 4 20-01, Tin a 2 20-01, Tine 19¢ * Large Pkg, 19¢ SELF ANN PAGE BREAD MILK 0% 15) wg Ctn, 4 200m, 25¢ Tine Tin 69¢ 16-0, 9¢ Pkg. Ib, 33¢ - . Ib. 4Y- PITTED CUT UP CHICKEN THIGHS |b. BREASTS kas 16.30 # GRADE A ROASTING CHICKENS: 42. 73 OATS Judi BEEF HEINZ « » HEINZ ASPARAGUS ***" - CLAM CHOWDER "*** CAMPBELL'S CHICKEN NOODLE CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE TOMATO CAMPBELL'S FLOUR 3 Tine 25¢ 2 Tine 15¢ 2 Tine 15¢ 2 Tine 25¢ 2 Time 25¢ 2 Tine 25¢ 3 Tine 25¢ Tin 12¢ Tin 12¢ 2 Tine 2]¢ Tin g¢ CLARK'S « « oo Tb, Bag 23¢. eo 48-01 Pky 17¢ (i \L & Ib. 45¢c Tender Juicy Cuts Well Within Your Budget PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN or WING BONELESS ROUND - - - - © 45¢ PRIME RIB ROAST ri rive rite to. 35¢ BRISKET - - - - - - nn ld » 4Qc