"TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN 7 ¢ Child Actors Make i Children's Films ¢ © By NORMAN CRIBBENS (Canadian Press Staff Writer) London, Oct, 16--(CP) -- A tall handsome woman with a humorous nou slender ive hands , "and any adults in the should Day secondary roles," br example of how a movie can glamorous as well as in e is "The Boy Who Stopped " American industry if a fictitious juvenile en~ ed with powers of magic could 0] the Falls. 1 newspaper carriers, / is made for the hi . 1 purpose of our work." ! Prom surveys made throughout Xe land, Miss Field has discovered i t only the outer London suburbs . and "hard-boiled" Glasgow provide ¢ sophisticated child audiences, é Some "Ham" Acting i, "For the majority we find it nec- essary to slow down the tempo of a film, because children don't like, sudden action without previous 'warning. A certain amount of 'ham' acting is necessary in order to make the action clear to them." Children, she added, do not laugh at jokes about old age, weakness or other people's misfortunes but ¢ hoary jokes, such as a jug falling off a handle, never fails to raise a . jaugh. Sometimes purely secondary & ts that pass unnoticed with ; adult audiences are keenly followed * by juveniles, ¥ "only long shots of fist fights are i 'shown as it is found that close-ups * of blows which a child can identify [ 'with itself cause distress. L, "Sp far," Miss Field sald, "we . have been wary of filming old clas- . slo tales, Unless these were prop- - , erly adapted to the screen the { stories might be spoiled for ever for chelldren, just as some old classics L have been spoiled for them through made into chores at school, £ "We are, however, trying to devise ¢ ways and means of ucing the i olassics for children, We regard L this work as a long-term policy." . Every film before being released is seen by an advisory council of 17 members with Lady Allen of Hurt wood as chairman, Members include representatives of government de- ents and of national bodies terested in the way children use r leisure hours. "Our aim," said Miss Field, "is to give children the best they can take Thrift-Minded Canadians Given Chance To Buy Savings Bonds Against Rainy Day Million dollar bables! Yes, sir, that's Joan Gilmour and Gwen Tetlock of Ottawa, who got themselves quite an armful ($1,000,000 each to be axact) when the photographer found them at their work in the national vaults where Canada Savings Bonds are being packaged for distribution to the country's banks, investment dealers, trust companies and similar institutions which will have the new bonds for sale on Oct. 15 and after. Joan and Gwen were so enthusiastic about the bonds they put the calendar ahead to the opening day of the sale. "Anybody can be sitting pretty with Canada Savings Bonds," the girls declare, Ottawa, Oct, 10--Less than a year | men, there will be no knocking on ago, in the dying hours of the| doors to solicit applications, Bonds Ninth Victory Loan, a group of fac- | will be on sale at all banks, bond day and save all they can for the future, Here is the chance." Hollywood Happenings reporter, 5 Hollywood stud 1 also pictures that are 's why I came to see you." "Supposing you describe these hallucinations to me." ical plc ving me Mad, I tell you, The other night I saw 'The Dark Mirror' and that made it worse. There were two Olivia de Havillands being psychoanalyzed in that picture, Now at night I dream of four Bette Davises looki at ink blots and telling the doctor what they mean. Sometimes I see Gregory Peck shaving on a ski run with a straight razor. You know, doctor, you're be- ginning to look like Vincent Price." "Hmmm, this is serious, Tell me, do any of the other pictures affect your dreams?" "Yes, the 'Private Eye' films. Sometimes I dream I am Alan Ladd, or Dick Powell, or Humphrey Bo- gart, and I run a detective agency in Los Angeles, And I have a sec retary who is Lucille Ball, or Ver~ onica Lake, or on the best nights, Lauren Bacall, And I keep stumb- ling over corpses, see? And then I meet up with Bill Bendix who gives me a terrific beating. I do a fade- out and that's what's driving me nuts--I never get to the final reel and find out if Clifton Webb did | - the murders," "Well, now, this isn't too bad. I've had many people come to me with the same symptoms. What you need is a change of diet. You should see some comedies." "That's just it, doctor, Where am I going to find any? I've seen the latest Marx Brothers' picture five times, I haven't been able to find any other comedies that were worth seeing. "Why not?" "I don't know, doctor, Maybe Hollywood has lost its sense of humor." "In that case, I can see no solu~ tion to your problem, You'll have to suffer these dreams until Holly- wood turns to another cycle," "I hope it's soon. Say, doc--did anybody ever tell you that you 1| looked like Ingrid Bergman?" BREAKFAST BACON CHEERS AUSSIED People Down Under Get Pork After Three- Year Lapse By JACK HOLDSWORTH Canadian Press Correspondent Sydney, Australia, Oct, 15.--(CP) --Pork is back on the Australian home menu after a three-year ab- sence. The federal government has released pork for civilian consump- tion after denying it to Australians during the war because of the needs of Britain and the United States troops in the Pacific. Supplies are no longer needed by WANT TOGETRID OF PIMPLES? =. Try this simple method. | Results may surprise you! V1 you have pimples, blem- Bd ishes or blackheads, try i=3 this proved way. Cleanse with mildly medicated Cuticura Soap as directed, then apply Cuticura Ointment. Preferred by many nurses! At druggists everywhere, civillan table has created a new cooking problem for many of the 280,000 Australian girls married since June, 19042, They must now meet public demand, Most butchers sold their week's quota within a few hours the day it was released for sale, } The re-introductiin of pork to the and before the war produced 95, 000,000 pounds of pork annually. Australians ate 54 per cent of this ota), and the remainder was expor- For better-tasting bran flakes, look for Kellogg's oldtayellow package. ry the big economy size. As you know, some of the peorle need Kellogg's ran Flakes «// the time... all the people need Kellogg's Bran Flakes some of the time . . . so isn't it lucky they saste so good! THE GREATEST NAME IN CEREALS tory workers in Brantford, Ont, sent a formal request to National War Finance Committee ficlals asking that some form of d sav- ings be continued even though the war was over, These men and women, like thousands throughout the country, felt that their bond purchases were a topnotch savings plan and they didn't want to lose a good thing once it was within their grasp, Beginning with next week, on October 15, Canadians everywhere will have another opportunity to salt away their dollars in a good in- terest-bearing savings plan to be called Canada Savings Bonds. The N.W.F.C. and its complex organiza- tion is, like savings stamps, blood banks, scrap drives and all the other wartime operations, a thing of the past, "But the desire of the people to increase their stake in Canada, and at the same time add to their fi- nancial reserves, has not lessened." a department of finance spokes- man sald herq today, in describing houses, trust companies and sim- ilar financial institutions, and in most cases the buyer goes to the seller instead of the reevrse, as was the case during Victory loans. A payroll savings canvass will be made in all plants where such a canvass is desired, and both pay- roll savings buyers as well as oth- ers will again be allowed to buy on the instalment plan, All Cana- da Savings Bonds will be register- ed and will not be transferable or assignable; but they, like the Vic- tory Bonds, can be sqld without trouble at any bank for cash should the need arise. It is felt that al- though they are not transferable, they will be accepted as security for bank loans because they are badges of the holder's thriftiness and re- sponsibility. There will be four denomina- tions--$50, $100, $500 and $1,000. No buyer may take more than $2,000. The interest coupons will be pdy- able annually, The interest rate is 2% per cent, "Remember, the whole campaign is entirely up to the individual citi- MOFFATT RESTAURANT model 20-6AT, This is a six slice toaster built to solve your toasting CHRISTIANS [[|0DERNl shone Apstiances COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT bid...Goods Well Displayed are Half Sold... MOFFATT HOT PLATES Model E18-1A Heavy duty single burner hotplate esigned for heavy work and steady use. Has i § . 7 thei 4 i | one 6% inch-900 watt Moffatt Red Spot element, three heat switch, chrome plated steel body and black porcelain top. Model E13-2 Heavy duty two burn. er hotplate similar to above in equipment and finish problems. Designed for continuous duty in hotels, institutions and restaurants, It toasts all types of sliced bread or buns up to 1 inch thick on both sides at once, in- cluding sandwiches. Equipped with internal timer which rings bell when toast is ready. 12 features of superior construc- tion, Only » the new bonds. "There is. no mere supposition by us here in Ottawa," he added. "We recently had a sci- entifically conducted poll made by experts among present bondhold- ers of the $3,000 a year and under class and found that 83 per cent, wanted another opportunity to buy government bonds this year." It is pointed out that the Canada Savings Bonds are not needed for the government's fiscal commit- ments, Nor is Ottawa using this bond drive as an anti-inflationary measure, "We know that the peo- ple want these bonds, so we are of- fering them purely as a service to the thrift-minded men and women ting of the country," it is explained. or leaders here recently,| The Canada Savings Bonds, and wason sald she wouldn't give | the methods of selling them, differ o work in Africa "for any-| in many respects from the recent BERLO and every now and then to give Pu My gen," an official here declares, "This time, there will be no gener- al canvass, no bands, speeches or flag-waving. We feel that most people want to tread cautiously to- STO MOTH DAMAGE FOR § YEARS OR BERLOU PAYS FOR THE DAMAGE ® Worker from Angola Specializes in Art Regina, Oct. 15--(CP)--Back to land of the deep-voiced Bantus the west coast of Africa is where t Dawson will be fol a term of 'art 1 studies at Cleveland, Ohio, blond native of Niagara Falls, is enjoying her second furl from Angola, Portuguese West where she has been a United missionary for 11 years, the Women's Missionary 5% E for the damage. pg | oioct i. Wi 1 for five yoars--only $4 & years 21 fe 3 ; i MOTHSPRAY i x Victory Bond campaigns. This time, sald the Bantus are a very | except for professional bond sales- 1 race and are "born actors." are also the most foot-loose African tribes and are found in y all parts of the "dark con- tinent." The United ' Church has three mission stations in Angola -- at Chissamba, Commundonga and Lut- Amo--with 35 missionaries in the , Their work includes religious education, hospital work, medical " administration and teacher train- Universal EE | Refrigerator | [ UNIVERSAL COOLER is 17 ou. ft way out in front with Portable Commercial type) | combines : Plug-in DISPLAY CASES de double door MOTT re cae nce Wi smart appa fective refrigera= ; pacity an Universal Cooler portable plug-in display cases are made by one of the largest manufacturers of commercial refrigera~ tion equipment in the world. Have the best for your store. tion, Stainless steel interior trim. Lhl 1) With this Universal Cooler your foods are kept sweet and . fresh longer. You eliminate waste. Foods are in full view Similar to above of customers where they invite a purchase. jdeal ma- £% 248 2 FR TER Fey MET EET £ES EE eT} GWT SFT EET poh lhl ib ib ub ud vial ab it ahi HOUSEHOLD FINANCE: Has a Reputation for Prompt, Dependable Loan Service 3 Xn [ 2 cu. ft. model. B all but capacity. ar chine for many "682.00 2 3 3 Uniform temperature insured in all sections : i . full set of platters included . . . glass sealed in rubber : . . enduring "Porcelite" finish does not check, chip or discolour . . . full length wrapping shelf on back . . . roomy base compart: ment . . . full vision exterior lighting. MOST FOR YOUR MONEY and you can buy it ON EASY TERMS -- 6 and 8 foot sizes. A Telephone call will bring you complete information. wa in native ts, > She that since the establish- ment of the first mission in Angola \ In 1886, 15,000 natives have em- braced Christianity and there are » Shdained native pastors in the All chrome p, stand, Black ie and When you need money, you naturally want ft quickly. And you certainly want to do business with a dependable concern. We're proud of our reputation and record. And it is important to you, in case you need money. Because when you borrow, you want $0 be sure you do it the right way. You can arrange your loan of $20 to $1,000 promptly, at our convenient offices. Just indicate the amount you need and how long you want to take to repay. Phone first, then come in. y Your money will be ready -- usually the same N t day you apply. That's about all there is to it. [ ) Fluorescent Units Last year alone, more than 160,000 people Twin 40 watt reflector-type TWIN 100 WATT used Household's friendly service--a record units ' i 42.00 23.95 = that speaks for itself. And remember, Household WITH TUBES LESS TUBES Finance loan rates are the lowest of any Small OSHAWA Loans Company in Canada. HOUSENOLD FINANCE PHONE 1000 HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM Commercial Cooking Utensils STOVE POTS SKILLETT Heavy cast aluminum with reinforced heavy aluminum 18%" dia x 2" handles. and rounded bottoms. deep, 11" handle 3" i id 3 13%" dia x 9" deep with cover 7.05 13%" x 12" less cover ' 22 90 heavy construction 20%" long x . 13%" wide x 11" deep with tri- 16%" x 12" with cover vet insert. CHRISTIAN'S | "rons -t en ) PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED 1 troubled with itching rectal sorene 'roa 2 8 g i : E BACKED BY 08 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Canada's largest and oldest Small Loans Company with 41 offices in 34 cities D. C. Moore, Manager 15 Simcoe St. South (Over Kresge's) OSHAWA, ONT. ; Phone Oshawa 3601 Hourt 9 1o 5 or by appolniment = Loans mode fo farmers and residents of nearby lowes 1H i itd il i } E ; if Ii Bi i fx pF i | 35 ji l i i 5t % 4 48 XX 5 ve i ts i E 5 i i = 33 Lo : i & i is i i i