PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Phone 703, All Departments Whitby Editor, W. J. Duthie, Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson ; To Present Plans New Sewage Plant Girl Guides Sell Cookies -Raise Funds To Town Council : Slated to come up for discussion at Monday's meeting of the Town Council are plans for a new sewage disposal case with the Scouts' Apple Day, the Girl raising Whitby Girl Gilles are uides use this means of needed for the effi- plant for the town of Whitby. The plans call for a completely new plant, 40 be built just north of the present buildings o and the consultant engineer gave a rough estimate of the cost of this new plant as $150,000. Via The plans were drawn up a e OAT oF the Whitby Pubic Util- ity Commission by W. B. Redfern, the town's consultant engineer, fol- At Evening Service '| tor you will receive value for your lowing a joint meeting last June of the ois the P,UC, and the Board of Health, when the problem of the smell that emanates from the present plant was fully investi- gated and discussed. Noticeable For Some Years This smell, odor, stench, call it what you will, has been a subject for acrimonious argument' over the ast two years at least, and has n brought up in Council regu- larly once a month, At the time of the joint meeting all present made a thorough investigation of the plant and the creek into which it flows, and all were agreed that something should be done about it. The net result of the meeting was the commission of Mr. Red- fern to draw up plans, either for a new plant, or for repairs to the present one which would make its operation more efficient. Tempor- ary measures were also ordered, namely treating the creek water with chlorine, but according to Councillor Joseph Wilson this has made little or no improvement, His house is very close to the point in question and he states that, particularly on warm days, it is im- possible to keep the windows open and still breathe. Will Be Larger The plan calls for a larger plant, one which will handle the expected increase in population in the town, and is desigred so that it can be built around the present plant and use most of the main sewer pipes now laid. Becaus® the sluggishness and winding course of the creek are thought to be the main reasons for the unpleasant stench prevalent in that area, the plans call for the Piping of the effluent down to the ake, At present the effluent flows Jie he creek just beside the sewage nt. Another innovation suggested is that the sprinkler buildings will be open instead of roofed in. Men who were overseas will remember that most of those seen in the United Kingdom were of this type, and during war years one was built in Ajax and is giving satisfactory ser- REV. CHARLES MALCOLM, M.A, Dy Pastor of Whitby United Church, who will be in charge of the evening service tomorrow, when the 120th anniversary of the church will be marked; presentative from the provincial Department of Health was present to discuss the possibility of a joint sewage plant to serve the Ontario Hospital and the town, as new plants are needed in both places. Discussions and investigation showed that the added expense of such an undertaking, due to changes necessary in the town system, and the amount of main sewer needed to unite the two systems, made it uneconomic. The town was advised that it was unlikely that the pro- vince would be willing to bulld & joint plant. At Monday's meeting the Council will discuss the plans presented, and will decide whether it is feas- ible to go ahead with them next year, whether the matter should be voted on at the December polling, or whether it should be postponed cient running of their organization. All next week the girls will be calling at your homes and jaking orders for cookies to he deliv on Saturday, If the cookies are up to the usual standard, and we are assured that they will be, they are a bargain at the Prices offered. If you do order from the girl solici- money and will be helping a worth while organization to be self-sup- Plans to Open Photo Studio Following a desire fostered in her many years as an amateur photog- rapher and developed during two years spent as a photographer for the Public Relations Section of the C.W.AC, Miss Marjorie Ruddy will open a studio in Whitby in the near future. Miss Ruddy is well-known in Whitby and district, She came to this town with her father, the late Robert Ruddy, when he was ap- pointed County Judge. She attend- ed Whitby High School and Ontario Ladies' College and has taken an active part in the work of various | organizations in the town, Al Pres. ent she is the leader of the thy Girl Guides, Of interedt to amateur photog- raphers in town, will be the an- | nouncement that Miss Ruddy will | carry a full stock of supplies, and will have these available from the beginning of next week. Miss Rud- dy will start work as a commercial photographer at once, but will be unable to undertake ralt stu dies before the end of the month. W.M.S. Fall Fair Draws Crowds Despite Rain Although their Annual Fall Fair fell on possibly the worst day of the season so far, the ladies of the United Church Women's Missionary Society were very pleased with the crowds who attended the fair yes- terday to see the many displays and to have tea, Booths crowded with baskets of fruit and vegetables, tables of home" cooked cakes and cookies, and dis- plays of sewing and fancy work vice, At the time of the meeting a re- | for a time, NOW PLAYING Two Shows at 7:00 and 9:00. Saturday Matinee at 1:3 J ALAN MOWBRAY GEORGE DOLENZ « - JOAN FULTON . NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Owing to repairs necessary in the waterworks Syse tem, residents in the area bounded by Keith Street on the south, Byron Street on the west, Gilbert Street on the north and Athol Street on the east are hereby notified that the water will be shut off from 1 p.m, to 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 20. Public Utilities Commission TOWN OF WHITBY. were all arranged to attract the eyes of the visitors, and by the time the fair was over just about everything that could be sold had been. A Toronto visitor was the lucky purchaser of a beautifully made quilt, and the apples which were exhibited drew much favorable comment. Mrs, A. W. Richardson officially opened the fair, and tea was served by the Evening Group of the W.MS, under the convenership of Dr. L. Hunter. Mrs. C, E, Bowman and Mrs, Albert Sturgess were In charge of the fancy work booths. Mrs. R. W. McQuay presided over the tables of home cooking, fruits and vegetables, and Mrs, George Foster looked after the sale of Christmas Cards. Church Brevities 120TH ANNIVERSARY The Whitby United Church will celebrate its 120th anniversary on Sunday, October the 20th, with Rev. Watson Langdon, B.A, B.D, as the guest speaker in the morn- ng Mr, 's theme will be ® Church--The Glory of the World". The Whitby Baptist Church is withdrawing its morning service and will celebrate with the United congregation, Rev, F. T, Darnell will assist Mr. Langdon. The choir, under the direction of Mrs, Vernon Rowe, will sing a spec- ial anthem, and Mrs. Douglas Holll- ay vit be ie soloist. © qvening service, the minis. ter of the church, Rev, Charles the in Es Pa id Mar. w ev, vid Mar- shall, minister of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, assisting, Rev. A. Gordon Channen, rector of All Saints' Anglican Church, will bring the message, his theme being "Milestones". The Jeo e of St. An- drew's and All Saints' will be wore shipping with the United congrega- tion in the evening. At this service the cholr will lead in the service of praise and will sing two special anthems, Mrs. E. B, Killen will be the soloist. "ANNOUNCEMENT on Thursdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ia a Wy machines, Expert Workmans Guaranteed up If In need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. PHONE 6% -- OSHAWA At Internationa 7 Mate One of Ontario County's representatives at the International Plowing Match at Port Albert, Lloyd Parrish, R.R. 3 Uxbridge, is seen receiving a few hints from his father, Ellsworth Parrish, during the sod plowing competition. In the intercounty junior farmers competition, with horses and jointer plows, Lloyd, along with Lloyd Ball of Uxbridge, won second place for Ontario County. They obtained 150% points just two and a quarter less than the Brant count y team which ame first. Ontario County men to gain rating in the tractor competitions on Thursday were Jack Beaton, Blackwater, Ronald Marquis, Sunderland, and Russell Mor- rison, Beaverton, Farm Once Part of Clergy Reserves, Sale Recalls Its Early History Crown Lands and Clergy Reserves form part of the history of a farm sale of local interest. The pioneer family of Courtice are loosening their tenure, with the sale of the farm in Darlington Township, Dur- ham County. Reaching Port Hope in May, 1835, Robert Courtice purchased from Alfonzo Hinds of Oshawa, part of Lot 32, Concession 1, in the Township of Darlington. To this property he added an additional acreage purchased from the Church of England in 1865. ~ Deed In Copperplate The original deed recording the purchase of this portion of the farm is an interesting document, Covering seven pages of foolscap, the indenture, written in the char- acteristic copperplate handwriting of the time, tells how the rector of 8t. John's Church, Darlington and churchwardens of the church ac- cepted an offer for the purchase of certain "Glebe lands". It also tells that "under and by virtue of letters patent heretofore issued under the Great Seal of thie sald Province of Canada, formerly called Upper Canada--All and 8in- gular, that a certain parcel of land nd premises known as Lot 31 in the irst concession of the sald Town- ship of Darlington in the said county and province were forever granted and set apart as, and for a glebe and endowment to be held appurtenant with the Parsonage or of the said St. John's Church, Dar- lington. Bishop Strachan Signed It "The indenture is "Signed Sealed and Delivered" in the presence of, John Toronto, (John Strachan, D.D| Lord Bishop of the Diocese of To- ronto) A, McNab, D.D, (Rector of the Church) and Anthony Dixon and Charles Clark, (Churchwar~ dens), The "John Toronto" who first signed the indenture is the Bishop Strachan, who founded King's College and Trinity College of the University of Toronto. He was also famous or infamous to all students of Canadian history. Descendants of Robert Courtice have held these lands present day, and they are now heing eld for Leo Courtice by Bowman and Rowe, of Whitby, local agents of the Willoughby Farm Agency The Times-Gazette classified ads. bring quick results, Births WHITE--At Whitby, on October 13th, to Mr Mrs, Harold A, White, , and Mrs, 0) a daughter, (Diane Lynn), Mother and baby doing nicely, MoQUIRE--Mr, and Mrs. Willlam Mc- Guire are happy to announce the birth of Sed Michael, at 0) the cuhawe Ge Hospital on 0 October 17, 1040, Both well. GUARANTEED - IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO ToL TH 130 Brock St. N, Whitby A " WE HAVE "zzz Z. ITEMS IN SHORT SUPPLY ALES until the | sold Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events and of Visitors to and from the A de eciied bY TELEPHONE 703 - The general meeting of the Vis- count Greenwood Chapter, of the I.OD.E, will be held in the Library on Monday afternoon, October 21, at three o'clock. LE 2 J Mr. Benson 8. Hamilton, who for the past two years has been chief clerk at the Whitby Branch of the Dominion Bank, has been appoint ed accountant at that branch, LB BR J The October meeting of the eve- ning group of the W.M.8, of the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs, Albert Sturgess, on Monday, October 21st, o'clock, Mrs, Astley's Group will be in charge, at nine * » o Dr. and Mrs, Blake B. Beaton cels ebrated their 30th wedding anniver- sary quietly on Thursday. A sure prise presentation was held for them on Sunday when P. R. Mc- Leod, Harry James and Donald and Robert Beaton gave the couple a mixmaster, LI BR The Whitby Art Study and Ap- preciation Group, which usually meets on the second Tuesday 'eve~ ning of egch month, will hold its regular October meeting on Tuesday evening, Oct. 22, at the home of Mrs, G. J. Fothergill, Byron St. North. The subject for discussion will be "Mediaeval Sculpture." Ev- eryone interested will be welcomed to this meeting, > o> Auctioneer William Maw con- ducted a most successful auction sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday of this week, the prop- erty of Alf. Cooper, Ashburn, Ont. In spite of the wet weather there was a good attendance, with every- thing selling at high prices. A John Deere tractor, used for some years, brought $000.00, a spreader for $200 and cattle brought from $100 to $150 each, Other ar- ticles sold equally well, The total of the sale was around $4,000. Water Drinkers Go Short Tomorrow While necessary repairs are being made to a broken valve in the waterworks system on Brock Street South, residents east and west of Brock Street between Gilbert and Athol Streets will be without water between the hours of 1 and 3 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, TENDS SOLDIERS' GRAVES Ipswich, Australia--(C)--Task of tending United States and Austral. jan war graves at this Queensland town has been allotted to herself by Mrs. A. IL, Manson, For years she has attended the graves of ser- vicemen buried in war cemeteries here and has correspended with wives and mothers. Announcements DON'T FORGET ALL SAINTS' PARISH Gulld Bagaar, October 30th, in ihe Parish Hall, at 230 pm. A plendl display of articles will be on sale. Watch for further announcements, ANNIVERSARY "AT HOME", AT Whitby United Church, on Mondsy, Octob .m, Speaker--Rev bass; Mrs, V. Row Smith, Harmonica. mission 25 cents. Everyone welcome, Whitby Classified tector Pads -- Mirror Heads Bike Generator Sets -- Piston | Starter 'TREAT YOUR CAR ~MONEY CAN B If We Haven't 229 BROCK ST. SOUTH . PHONE 746 Steering Wheel Covers -- Seat Covers -- Fuel Pumps == Universal Bumper Guards == Push Pull Switches -- 20 Amp. Fuses -- Gear Shift Knobs -- Tail Lamp Lens -- | Relinérs -- Champion Spark Ground Cables and Straps -- Heel Pro- Exhaust Deflectors -- Hydraulic Brake fluid -- Choke Wire -- Speedometer Cable -- Wedge Cushions -- Tractor Lamps -- pressors = Cut ! Outs - Battery Boxes and Pliers -- Box End Wrench Seis -- -- Horn Relays -- Pencil Guages up to 120 pounds CHRYSLER AXLE 'DEAL for TRAILER WILSON'S AUTO PARTS Plugs -- | w= Chrome Ring Com- Switches -- Heater Switches NEO-0-LITE TEST AC & DC UP TO 550 VOLTS TO THE BEST OIL UY. "SPITFIRE" - It we'll Get It FOR RENT--LARGE WELL LIGHTED offices to rent in the centre of the Business section, Apply by phone Whit- y 5 - GIRL OR WOMAN TO year old child, sleep in, Apply Dr. R, Colville, 95 Liberty street, Bowmanville, Ont. (Octal) FOR SALE----NICE SNOW APPLES FOR sang. hand picked and some ground. ers, R, B, Reed, 223 Pine street, Ris: Phone 312, (Oct. 19) WANTED---WANTED TO BUY, POUL. try, highest market prices pald, also feathers and horse halr, Apply N. Lemberg Brock street south, Whitby. Phone 644 or 993, Whitby, WANTED TO BUY -- ALL KINDS OF EER cB 300, SF font 3 . Parker, BF Brock St. 0 Phone os. FOR SALE-ONE CORN CUTTER FOR sale, $12.00, L, Summers, lot 32, con. 3, Whitby, MS Resuming Teaching Ragan steeN 214 Colborne St. W, Whitby Phone 484. Wanted OLD HORSES At current prices, Will take away dead or disabled Livestock with- in a day, free of charge. Tele- phone No. 7, Woodville, Reverse Charge. EDWARD PECONE; Prop. WOODVILLE. ONT. Weddings LANDER--BALMER A quiet took place at Whitby pry. Bsc e on Saturday, October 12th, when Dorothy Marguerite, daugh of Mr. and Mrs. George Balmer, Whitby, was united in marriage to Donald . Hartley and Mrs. R. Lander, Orillia, The ceremony was performed by Rev, Charles Malcolm, They were ate tended by Miss Evelyn Balmer, sis- ter of the bride, and Mr. Fred Harden, After the ceremony the young couple left by motor for a to the B8tates and western points, Upon their return they will reside in Oshawa, ! The wedding took place on Fri- day October 18th, at 4156 St. John Strezt west, Whitby, when Rev. A. Mansell Irwin united ir marriage Marguerite Elizabeth Tonkin, dau- Lander, son of Mr. | ghter of Mr, Ernest Albert Tonkin, of Oshawa, and Ronald Clive Whit. ney Howell, son of Mr. James How- ell, Oshawa, They were attended by Miss June L. Clark and James Cawker, of Oshawa, Visiting Mayor Not So Lucky The Mayor of Port Colborne, H., H. Knowles, was involved in a minor accident in Whitby yesterday afternoon when the car he was driving collided with one driven by Wm, Spencer of Whitby, The collision occurred at the corner of Dundas and Centre Streets during the heavy downpour of the early afternoon, and is blam« ed on the downpour and the slip- pery condition of the road. Damage was not serious to either ear, Want Ads--The little fellows with the big pulling power, 4 Saturday Oct. 26th. WHITBY GIRL GUIDES ° ANNUAL COOKIE DAY Saturday, October 26 Orderg will be taken by girls who will call at your home next week. Orders taken will be delivered --hlue ® FOR 244 BROCK SOUTH INSTALL A... heat regulator NOW! © CONSERVE FUEL I ime. ® SAVE STEPS OA ® THERMOSTAT conrp page 1 FURNACES or Bgjrg Se ------ ® ADDITIONAL coprogy ° NOC CLIMBING CELLAR STAIRS JAMES SAWDON & SONS OLLED PHONE WHITBY 524 |, Any tire casing can fail , . , even yours! If a tire J a con. ventional inner tube blowsout... Bor Whitby 103 Dundas E. OOD YEAR LIFEGUARDS $ CAREFULLY AND SEE IF YOU DON'T AGREE . . The single air es 3 +» « « your tire flat- Yo i Sg The reserve air chamber of a Life Guard remains in- flated long enough for you to make a safe, smooth stop. i WHITBY MOTORS Phone 647 bY! \_/ I f