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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Jan 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1947 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral Female Help Wan Articles For Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted ... 37 A Wanted ..., 40 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor, Goverument § reports and insome tax forms prepared, secretarial Phone 1004J. 29. Rint T Do ay Auditors ......... 1 Automobiles For Automobiles Wanted ......... 33 A Repairs 18 Supplies Insurance 8. LB. HOPKINS, eral accountant, 24 East. . Phone 2127. 3 gE. eer i i hy countant 'and auditor, Gals) Auction Sale .... 43 Instruction Barristers 3 ow ie gn _ tunities 2-- Barristers 20 tunities AL anted LOUIS 8. HYMAN, Loans arr EE hone 67, Res! CONANT AND anys BARRISTERS, Ta Simoos Se St. Oshawa. Phone 4. Allin P. Ronte BA. LLB. £0. GREER, K.O. BARRISTER. 160. J chesigence" 14. siden Phone 3g oiled: £0. Orbriage apne (Febl) eh BA CEE IN NAPPA SERN sudo RIERSON, CREIGHTCS & FRASER. iy etc. Bank of Commerce Building. A W. Soniior. Solicitor Phones: office 814; Money to JAMES R acBRIEN, and Sdilewor be 1 201 Gi Hotel. Phone 349. BARRISTER 70 King Bast, LL ter, Sollee _ "mooie 837. pt MARKS, BAS eitor. io King E., Ofce 55, Residence Beer. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BARRISTER i Solicitor, Bank of Montreal Build- ing. Phone 99. (Febl A. J. PARKHILL, mortgage loans. National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. (Jani?) MANNING PF. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res 287TW. (Febl) 3--Dentists (Peb1) | ' | SPIRELLA FOUNDATION G Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent sespane. Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ..... 42 Male Hel Wanted ... Male or Female Help 8 tJ 3 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Bale ......cc0000 38 Estate Wanted ....e.ee0 38 Real Estate Exchange ....... 37 Rooms For Room and and EJ L] esses 10 we 98 Rent Board. Board een 39 Bom Wanted ... Optometrists CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION ... ONS onal an All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office Hours: bove rates a to original order. a ordered a Te TSI or a new. original order) Profess! d Business listings--$5. 20 words or loan, 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation $ sd ¢ Sif, S6ure count 43% full word, Box charged 10c additional, ves 39a | Veter Women's Column Wanted to Rent Wearing Acparel , AD RATES 20 Words Each Add" or Less Word 40 02 a5 0314 05 O1lg Subsequent . 29 30 veces 308° 1 3 . 3 3 seer 8 00 per month fog MUST be in by 6 pm. the day Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. 23--Women's Column | 25--Real Estate For Sale GARMENTS, Nature's own principle of UPROTS ne Platt 0013 Your $3000 2mm Steet. ust completed. Modern ath. Good sized new four. bungalow kitchen and 24--Personal MUSICIANS INTERESTED IN FORM- ing old-type apd modern orchestra. Box 950, Times-Gazette. (9b) LONESOME! LADY AND GENTLEMEN friends of respectable personalities seek your acquaintance. Many hold splen- did positions, means. Information free. C hip , Box 113, Durham, Ont. livingroom with Hot air Hard floors. Immediate possession. EVERETT G. DISNEY Saal : ESTATE, LISTING 82 EMO ST. SOUTH PHONE 1550 (8at-Mon) 4-ROOM FRAME, LIGHTS AND WA- ter, good basement, Large lot. Taxes y-one dollars. Price three thous- 8. J PHILLIPS, 13%; SIMCOE ST. South, Phone 959. (Jan22) 4--Chiropractors SCECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health Products livery under $1. Phone 21TR. oe jaa) 25--Real Estate For Sale 6-ROOM INSUL BRICK HOUSE, ALL pos- . Bloor East." Phone 3142W. (9c) (9ag) DOUGLAS BRYCE, and Friday. 5--Optometrists C. H TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours § to 12, 3 to 8. Phone 1516. (Feb5) JURY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS 9 am. to 6 p.m Evening Sppolutinénis. A. E Johnson, Optometrist. Pho! one 2. 6--Insurance - TEACOCE'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consult un for oy of your insurance of insurance includ! necds. All life. 821 ns Street East, phcne Res. 3160W (Feb) 7--Veterinarians ba se. B. Boom Ii B West, Oshawa. Phone 21. ( 8--Funeral Directors DALTON 'BURIAL Coup ANY FUNERAL Home -- bulance Service, 75 Charles Street. PR 1889. Phone ow ) 9--Money To Loan ' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages. Apply M. a Swans. Barrister. Bassett Block, 4. Teiephone 282. ld. FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY we Ai TOAD AND FP SALE REEMENTS North Shore lt ol Co. Ltd, 40 ALGER Bua. PHONE 81, OSHAW. (Tues. Thurs-Sat) 9a--Loan Wanted EX-SERVICEMAN REQUIRES $2000 TO invest in new business, Good security. If interested write Box 909, Times- Gazette. (8c) 10---Instruction REGISTER NOW COM- Simcoe 1 1--Building Trades PAINTER AND PIRST-CLASS NDECORA- tor. P. Danniels. Phone 2718R. (Tues-Sat) ri y LARGE BUILDING, TWO APAR' AND |E. U | TMENTS upstairs, 1 hall downstairs, suitable for store, ce hall or afiatnente Gon cellar. Apply 200 King weet, ups and dollars. Terms, Possession in twn weeks. Nolan Real Estate Broker. 25 Prince St. Phone 4153. (Thurs.Sat.) 9-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. MODERN conveniences, At 1208 Simcoe St. N. Price $5,000. Cash $1,000. Balance as rent. Phone 1630W after 5. (8c) HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE, 33.800. Apply jo 231 Mills Ave. Pos- session in 30 da; (81) PROM SE WITH AD- NEW Joining lot, double garage. Wired for electric stove, Apply 254 Clarke St. (9c) $4800 buco wingaiow. tard: wood floors, built-in bath, up-to-date kitchen, situated in Whitby. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA PHONE 3399 (9a) FOR SALE, MAKE OFFER. LOTS 83 and 89 Mitchell Ave. 25'x100'. Lot 527 Howard Street, 25 o 25'x107". Contact W. Bosnell, es' ronto 9. Phone LY. #710, Foronte." (8c) UPLEX, MODERN CONSTRUCTION, ten rooms, 5 lower, 5 upper, finished recreation room in basement, Early of the Upper Spi spartme ent, Jossession orth east location, near Motors. Rea- sonable price. Phone 4023W, (8¢) WAREHOUSE, APARTMENTS ABOVE, bivle guage, Irivsie ausevay, Apply y (7c) GROCERY & MEATS 7-ROOM BRICK DWELLING Store attached, 20x40, well equipped and well stocked. Turnover $500 per week. In Oshawa, PRICE FOURTEEN THOUSAND | WARM gentleman, TERMS NOLAN REAL ESTATE BROKER 25 PRINCE ST. $8800 BRICK RESIDENCE, SIMCOE ST. ' NORTH. 8 splendid rooms, including extended living-room with sun-room, 3 good bed-rooms New heating equipment. POSSESSION 2 WEEKS OR EARLIER C. H. FRENCH REAL ESTATE THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten Em, 73 THIS ONE'S SO EASY 4 TO HANDLE. THE COACH IS 31--Wanted To Rent 36--Articles For Sale HOUSE URGENTLY NEEDED Business executive with family of four requires house as quickly as possible. PHONE 1000 Ask for Mr. Bush (8b) ASTRA MANTEL RADIOS, WALNUT finished, Cabinet 5 tubes, dynamic May be purchased on terms according to WPTB, '. Good- rich Stores, corner King 4 ig Ritson Rd. Phone 247. (8b) QUEBEC HEATER, MEDIUM SIZE, first class shape. Hircock, Thornton's Corners South (8b) GOOD USED FINDLAY COOK STOVE. Irish and Drew. 184 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 4442W. (8b) SEVERAL USED HEATERS AND COOK stoves, Thoroughly reconditioned. 156 Simcoe S., béfore 6 p.m. Feb.10) R SALE, JHOR OUTBOARD MOTOR FO! good - condition, $85. 351 Leaite Te TRUMPET, SERENADER, SILVER FIN- ish, used but in good condition, Very 32--Automobiles For Sale GMC. 3-TON STAKE TRUCK, Serial 10624, 6 tires, 700x20, racks. Price $398. R. Hoy, 237 Bloor West, Oshawa. Phone 4571W. (92) '35 PONTIAC COACH, SERIAL 521013415, 5 tires, 600x16, Heater. Price $309, Moore, 17 Quebec 8 st., _Oshawa. (9a) '28 CHEV, CO. ACH, SERIAL 251069, | 5 tires 440x21, Price 3100," 5. Aldred, '121 Westmount, Oshaw: (8b) 33--Automobiles Wanted WILL PAY CASH FOR '41 PONTIAC or Chev. in perfect condition, Private. Phone 2087J. (Tc) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe St. North. Fhone 4695W. (Jan30) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT Dodd's car lot 278 Park Rd. 8. Phone 3344M., (Jan18tf) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS ~ Cars wanted for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Phong 3362: evenings 1278 anl5) $200-$600 IN CASH WILL BE PAID BY 28--Houses For Rent FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Owned by elderly gentleman who desires responsible tenants. Owner will retain one room and also wishes to board with tenants. This home is in good condition and locality, Children no handicap. Reply stating your circumstances and other infor. mation to BOX, NO. 906 29--Rooms For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT. PHONE 463TW. (9b) BEDROOM, FOR Apply 38 Colborne West. (9¢) 3-ROOMED APARTMENT FOR RENT. Young couple preferred. Box 911, Times-Gazette. (92) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, tinuous hot water. Phone 4411W, CON- (8b) ) 4 4-ROOMED FLAT (NOT HEATED), AL- so garage. Reasonable, Ii Jan for car from '31-'38. Phone 18I5M. Janil4) 34--Pets and Livestock BABY CHICKS. TURKEY POULTS from Government approved and blood tested breeders. Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids and Broad Breasted Bronze. Booking orders now. Gaine Poultry Farm, Whitby, Phone 433. (Mon.Wed.Sat.) REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, Serviceable age and Jounger; Rag Apple breeding; from good R.O.P, dams. Pric- ed from $100. up. James T. Brown, Newcastle, (9a) HOLSTEINS, COWS AND HEIFERS; springers and fresh cows, also young pigs. Ralph Davis, Phone 2413, Bow- manville, (9b) PUPPIES FOR SALE. PHONE a82ye, (9b) R. | Heater $8.00. Happy Thought r ble. Phone 1857 after 6. (7c) McLaughlin Cutter, like new, w. Price $35.00. minion Organ Piano Case Walnut $25.00, Ruud Autohot Automa- tic Hot Water Gas $40.00, Jacket Heat- er, A-1 shape $12.00. Ruud Coll Gas Heater, for water $5.00. Circulator Stove, Findlay. Like new $35.00. Quiche Stove, or wood Di Adverty heading=se' yet we Ir under each inser- 45 cents. SEATING EVERY TUESDAY, THURS- day and Saturday nights at 3 Saviors Arena, Whitby. Special for parties of 50 or over. 39--Male Help Wanted ar ONCE, FIRST CLASS. RN y or garage, Good p equipped shop, employees' benefits, Only those ex- fast and' thorough with re- perienced, ferences nced apply. Box 819, Thaser Gazette. EXPERIEN( YOUNG BUTCHER for store work, experience necessary to assist in slaughtering. Apply to Box 838, Times-Gazette. (41) Pa + well coal $20. Table with 4 chairs $10.00. 3-burner oil End Table, Walnut $5.00; 'Table $5.00. 4 Parlor $5.00. Moffatt Combination Gas, Coal and Wood, ivory and green trimmings $59.00. Can be seen at A. F. COX & SON 168 KING ST. WEST (8b) See the NEW ROYAL COMBINATION FLOOR POLISHER and VACUUM CLEANER Immediate delivery. FREE demonstra- tion in your home, Liberal allowance for OF, Lous! present cleaner, Terms arranged accordance with WP.T.B. PITTS ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 Bond St. East, Oshawa Phone Jas? HARDWOOD CUTTINGS, $3.00 PER load. Phone 3288J. (7c) COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT just received. Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. D.V.A, credits accepted, Meagher's, Simcoe Son REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for the household Refrigerator Bela Refriger- ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8. one Ww. (Jan12) Fy ig Red Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. (Jan23) SILENT GLOW OIL S3URNERS FOR cookstove, jacket heaters. etc. Cooks and Sharp 'Electric. Phone 4501. (Jan21tf) OIL BURNERS --- SALES, PLUS A Reliable Service, Out-of- N BLINDS $5¢ PER asured and installed. agorgs. POLICE PUPPIES FOR SALE, APPLY 466 Albert St. (8b) REGIS' COCKER SPANIEL PUP- Jles, grown dogs, blacks, blondes, reds rti-coloured. Reasonable. Waubena ennels, mile west Oshawa, JSueey Elizabeth Highway. (Jan.14) 35--Wearing Apparel ONE RACCOON FUR COAT, IN GOOD condition. Cheap. Apply 33 Hall St. Phone 2714J. (9c) MAN'S TU TUXEDO, 42 42-44, STOUT, PRE- war, Excellent condition. New Stetson hat, 714, Phone 2516J, (9 a) Sosnion" 219 Court St. Ree) $6,200, BUYS 5-ROOM ATTRACTIVE, INSULATE TODAY, THE SILVER- Flex way. Reflective panelling work, factories, garages, stores. For further information, Phone le 1352W. ND, GRAVEL, CINDERS fill. H B. Evans Cartage, RR. 5 Rv. manville. Phone b2) H MOSIER | de 'METAL os Alr conditioning. Dealer for new idea and Pease Furnaces. EEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND corator. Also industrial spraying Ex. cellent workmanship. All work guaran- teed. Phone 8639. (Jan26) 8AND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM and general hanlag Robert Mur, Courtice, Phone oo 7734 (Jan24) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters. Variety ot colors Pree esti- (Jan24) | o oors an trim, aa possession, Holden, 67 King East, Phone 92. (8b) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, PART CON- b: 3s, Garage. H. French 5 Thurs.Sat.) ONE ACRE, AND 4-ROOM COTTAGE, electricity in, 2 miles from Oshawa on No. 2 hway. Lots of fruit, Price Thirty Plvi undred Dollars, mediate ton, Nolan Real Estate Broker, Prince St. Phone 4153, (Thurs.Sat.) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, with garage and extra lot, Phone 1433J Spl pan a ini _ (9a) ARE PLAN BRICK, OAK ors up a0 d down. Gi e. Gildden- EF it. District. Possengion eb . 1st. H. French Re! (Thurs.Sat.) mates "Phone ville Bromley and Son. (Janl4) Pa anlo, FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS a san, nished. Old floors re. finished. * Phone 3434J.--4277J. (Jans) 12--Personal Services P A VON GUNTEN, watchmaker. Street West. shop rid 46 King Your patronage solicived (Jan20) NEW SERVICE CLEAN Pod Ontario St. Phone 707 BES (Gans) 14--Household Repairs REPAIRED AND RE- for PURNITURM uphoistered. materials recovering. Bk Char! Phone 401. 8 (Jans) 20--Business Opportunities BUSINESS FOR SALE, PALM'S (opposite bus terminai). Rent Rn 0. Feb. 1948. Apply at Store, (9a) 22-- Lost and Found BLACK DOG, T FRID. ing, Answers to "Nigger", See AY MORN- Phone 3126W. (9b) GOLD RIMMED GLASSES IN BROWN case lost Thursday. Finder please phone 46340 (9a) taining WALLET LOST FRIDAY, CON- nine Lind of money, Return to Tod's (9b) 25 Women 3s Column SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY Phone 34457, (Feb) BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON TWENTY ACRES Between Pickering and Whitby on Kingston Road BEDROOM FOR RENT, Apply north front door. 159 Celina St. (7c) d | (OUBLE ROOM, WITH TWIN BEDS, gentlemen preferred. Phone 4691R. (Tc) LADY'S BLACK FUR COAT, SIZE 18. boy's mackinaw, like new, size 16. 256 Groom's Ave, (9a) 7 FT. SKIS, POLES, ALSO BOOTS, size 10. Men's white figure skates, Rea- sonable. Phone 1812R. (9a) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR QUIET couple, not far from business section. Box 845, Times-Gazette. (72) WARM ROOM, QUIET HOME. NO other roomers or boarders. Newly fur- nished, spring mattress, hot water, 123 Elgin East, (Te) FURNISHED ROOM, presented, Centrally Toon N Phone (Jan .9) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR Apply 202 Ritson Road South. 29a--For Rent FOR RENT, SUN KRAFT SUN LAMPS ultraviolet, using cold quartz tube. $6 per month. Meagher's, Simcoe orn, 30--Room and Board BOARD PRE-SCHOOL AGE children by day, week or month. Good home cooked meals. 173 RENT, (71) ) syncronizer with flash WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned, and pressed like new. Carrying a big stock of overcoats suits and pants, 21 Bond St, W. Sam Schwartz. (Feb?) 36--Articles For Sale S00 X a6, 2 TIRES, 1 TUBE, $9. COLE- camp stove, $5. Skates, girl's, I size 7, C.C.M. $4.50. White, size 5, $1. 50, 226 "Johnson Blvd. oft Cuber. (9a) 4-BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE, ELEC- tric washing machine, dining-room suite, 454 Verdun Rd. (9a) CAMERA, 35 MM. 35 LENS, 300 shutter, bullt-in range finder and flasn un. Lens hood, 70, Phone 3377, (9a) leather case, tripod, FULL LINE OF FARM reasonable, Apply Box 910, Gazette, (9c) Times- Celina St. (9c) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home. All Pisisrred. 94 wil West. Phone (7c) |31--Wanted To Rent Reception hall with firepl liv- ing room 35x20 with 9 ft. fireplace, dining room 20 ft. square, sun. room 18 x 20, large sunny kitchen. Second floor has large master bedroom ensuite with bathroom and study 18 x 20, with imitation fireplace. Four other large bed- rooms; two complete bathrooms. Basement has recreation room 3, x 20 with large fireplace, large laundry room with fruit cup- boards, large bedroom and wine cellar. House constructed of solid brick throughout; built 15 years ago, PHONE PICKERING 116 (Thurs.Sat. Tues. Thurs.Sat.) URGENT! Have you a house to rent or sell to reliable young couple, with 1 child? North-end preferred, but not essential. Best of references. State particulars to BOX 902, Times-Gazette (9a) ARD FOR INFORMATION eading tO my rental .of 3-bedroom house, Will pay up to $60. monthly. Must be clean and modern. Highest personal references available, Occupan=- cy desired after May, Box 904, Times- Gazette, (Thurs.Sat.) $25 REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORM- tion leading to small PL three or ar t, Business man or wife, Total abstain- ers, Box 850,-Times-Gazette. (7c) URGENTLY NEEDED 3 OR FOUR UN- furnished rooms for family of 3. Phone 4118W, (Jan9) APAR WANTED, FURNISHED or unfurnished. Private' bath. Young couple, no children, Anytime before April 1st, Phone 1973, (6d, conveniences. Young lady |8 PC, lam COOKING APPLES AND POTATOES, for sale. Phone 2553J. (%e) SOLID WALNUT DINING-ROOM 5 round table, Phone 4320M. (9b) BED, SPRING AND MATTRESS, % size, ize, practically new. Phone 3431J. (9¢) MIXED HAY. "EVENSC . APPLY ETEVENSON'S Road South, next to C.P.R. tracks, (9b) WEBB PAINT SPRAYER, heater, gasoline camp stove, also guitar, 118 Church St. Phone 3305J. (9a) STEEL CRIB AND GO-CART, GOOD condition, Phone 2840M. (9b) CARD TABLES AND CHAIRS, WOOD- en. 2 canaries, male and female. Water colour picture, river scene, by Wadham, Canvas 3 ft. x 4 ft. Phone 4643J. (9a) PHONOLA CABINET RADIO WITH RE- cording attachments, Perfect condition. 330 Athol East. (9b) CONTENTS 3 ROOMS, FIREPLACE, studio couch, stove, tables, chairs, dishes, beds, refrigerator. Sell separate- ly. Phone Whitby 2124, (9a) WINDOW WITH [2 LIGHTS, 24 x 24; Annex with waterfront and. stove pipes. Phone 2195W, (9 98) RADIOS, R.CAA. VICTOR, 6-TUB Mantel Models, Walnut Anish, $43.50. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe St. Oven prise (9a) 933 FF C MOTOR COMPLETE, ) wy condition, js 4306J. 933 FRONTEN (7c) TS, 12388. Open evenings, JACKET | GIRL BE ing. trade. town customers solicited. W. Borrow. dale. Phone 4046J. (Jan18) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK for all makes of washers. Jack Bld- dulph, 638 Simcoe St. N. Phone Sw, 7 Days Guaranteed Delivery on VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure. Free estimates and installation, J. W. Melley. Phones: Days, 3287; Noon or Evenings, 4101W. Distri- butor for MET-WO Industries Ltd. (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 36a--For Exchange 2 DOUBLE BEDS AND MATTRESSES, cxchange for two single beds, with or without mattresses, Apply 135 Celina St. (9a) 37--Articles Wanted WANTED, GIRL'S FIGURE SKATES, sizes 1 and 2. Also ladies', size 8. Mrs. Irene Joyce, R.R, 2, Baltimore, ont. (8b) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635 Cedardale Iron Metals, back CNR Station. (Febl) ENCED POR EXPERI TER AND nace man. Apply Queen's Hotel. (7c) YOUNG MAN. With thorough foundry mould- ing experience, especially on squeezer machines, required to fill position of instructor. Should have had 'at least one year in' High School, prior to learning the moulding trade, The position offers good pos- sibilities for the right man. Ap- plicants please state age, exe perience, height, weight, etc. APPLY TO BOX 912 TIMES-GAZETTE (Sat. Tues.Thurs.) WANTED---CAPABLE YOUNG for Cost Department, Apply Fittings Limited, Mr, C. Solmes, (9c) ENERGETIC SALESMEN, TO REPRE- sent pew type fluorescent display sign Unit is ble and easy to sell: Can net good man as much as $100 per week income. For full parti- culars, write, stating sales exper! ene. ) to Box No. 913, Times-Gazette, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Prepare NOW for Spring Examina- tions. Write M.C.C. Civil Service Service School, Toronto 10, Ontario. SKATING EVERY TUESDAY, THURS- day and Saturday nights at Taylor's Arena, Whitby. Special rates for par- ties of 50 or over. (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 41--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE, now available. Phone 1526. (9¢) EXPERT REPAIR ON ELECTRIC ranges and all ihe electric Tous hold 2887R. (Feb.11) 42--Legal Notices LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO SESSION OF 1047 PRIVATE BILLS Persons intending to apply ii ah the A of Ontario for Private ig Yt commence at once advertising thelr intention to do so in order to comply with the rules governing such appli- GOOD USED FURNITURE W ; ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Febs) SPOT CASA PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, Sook stoves. 24 Bond West. PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone (Jan24) 38--Female Help Wanted HOUSEKEEP] ER WANTED TO LOOK after elderly couple. 238 Mary Suey MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTED FOR housework. Sleep out; Phone 1745. (8c) GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small home. 2 children. Sleep out. Phone 2731 after 7 p.m. (8b) TO TAKE CARE OF TWO children and do light housekeeping. Sleep in, 84 Cadillac South, (7c) EXPERIENCED KITCHEN WOMAN, Apply Queen's Hotel. (7c) TWO DISHWASHERS FOR GRAND Cafe. Good wages. (58) Capable girl for general house- work. Good home, good salary. Two adults and one girl of 8. Write: : 111 VESTA DRIVE Toronto. (7c) 39--Male Help Wanted ENERGETIC BOY TO LEARN PRINT- Excellent opportunity to one who is seriously interested in plan- ning a future in this business, pply to H. Cowley, Times-Gazette, (tf) DELIVERY BOY WANTED, APPLY Karn's Drug Store, (8b) Coples of the rules may be obtained on pplication to the undersigned at the Parliament BU 'Toronto. LEWIS, Clerk, Legistlative Assembly. Toronto, January llth, 1947. New School (Continued from page 4) and they now request a vote of the ratepayers. Three Questions Asked In summarizing the whole project it would appear that there are three important questions to ask ourselves and they are: 1, Why does Whitby need this new school? 2. Is the site selected a proper one as to location? 3. Is the financial position of the Town of Whitby such that this ex- penditure is warranted in relation to the financial ability of the Town to assume this obligation or, in short, can Whitby afford the new school? The answer to question No. 1 is as follows: al Town Can Be Prou I ask you ore im- portant function of society than the matter of education for our children. Is it not the wish of all parents that their children be given the benefit of all advanced methods in teaching and school surroundings. This is the aim and object of the Board of Education of the Town of Whitby and in this connection I should like to remind you that the Town may well pride itself in the sane and sound tion of its educational system. It would appear obvious that there is complete public confidence in the character of rep- resentation on the Whitby Board of Education and in view of this con- fidence it would appear that their recommendation in connection with staffing and supplying school ac- commodation should be given sim- ilar endorsement. It seems to be generally admitted that new school accommodation is needed in Whitby. Our answer is an eight-room school with auditorium and in support of this we submit the following figures of attendance in our public schools. Ling St. School--292 students -- 61 classrooms -- need at least 9 Dundas St. School -- 164 students -- 4 classrooms -- need at least 5. Brock St. School -- 78 students -- 2 classrooms may soon need more, These figures are based on clas- rooms of 35 pupils.while modern trend is to have rooms of 30 pupils. We need at least five additional classrooms today and yet it is sug- gested to build a two-room school. What of the future? The old Dundas St. school is ob- solete and has outlived its useful- ness. The King St. school is overcrowd- ed with one classroom in the base- ment. This might be considered to half a room which requires staggering of attendance, The Department of Education after careful study and considerat- ion recommended our proposed plan and expenditure, Present classroom facilities are depriving our children of proper ed- ucational advantages in that a num- ber of small children who under Department regulations could right- fully be admitted can not attend. The plan as proposed would lend itself to room for kindergarten use if required and the whole building would be of distinct cultural value to the community. Site Suitable In answer to the second question regarding the proposed site our an- swer is borne out by the architect's survey. Present attendance is dis- us | tributed as follows: 23 pupils N. and W. of the CPR. 45 pupils E. of Garden St. 47 pupils in an area bounded by Chestnut, Brock, Dundas and Cedar streets. 11 pupils W. of Brock and N. of Dundas, 28 pupils south of Dundas or 24 south and east of Brock. Eighty percent of the pupils who will attend the school will live with- in reasonable walking distance, Exhaustive study was made in the selection of a site. Department re< quirements demand approximately six acres. No comparable site was to be found in the Town of Whitby without involving the demolition of homes and possible costly expropr- iation proceedings. Can Afford School In answer to the third question as to whether Whitby can afford the school we believe that the Town of Whitby since the time of its incorporation was never in a better position end it may be said that very few communities can show such a favourable financial position and few municipalities hold prom- ise of greater future growth. The existing debenture debt of Whitby is $208,637,23. The existing assessment of Whitby is Sosa, 811, building permits were $300,- 46 new homes were built. The financial position of the Town of Whitby Is indicated by the fact that offers to purchase debent- ures of the Town for the fifteen year period proposed to liquidate the expenditure are: 1st five years -- 2%. 2nd five years -- 2% %. 3rd. five years -- 3%. Do these figures indicate an un- healthy financial position? Consider the fact that the Dominion of Ca- nada is paying holders of the bonds of nine Victory Loans an interest rate of 3%. Consider the cost to ratepayers of the Town of Whitby for High School and Public Schools including de- benture and interest over the last seven years. 1940--$36,936; 1941-- $35,836; 1042--$38,581; 1943--$37,- 786; 1044--$37,343; 1945--$19,672; 1946--$23,865. Savings Considerable It is apparent that the savings in our educational costs commencing in 1945 by virtue of 509% grants is considerable. The 1945 and 1946 figures are all the more striking by the fact that all round school costs have increased particularly teachers' salaries and on this subject it can be said that the teachers of Whibty are on a salary basis comparable with any similar municipality in the Province of Ontario. On the basis of the 50% grant the new school would cost the rate- payers $112,500. It is also our con- sidered opinion that this grant will continue for ;the duration of the issue. The tax levy on a $4,000 as- sessment would be a maximum of $12.00 for the first year and steadily reduced there after. Is it. worth three and one-fifth cents a day to an. average taxpayer in Whitby to provide educational advantages in the Town that will eventually pay a rich dividend? Town League (Continued from Page 5) scored three in a-row. J. Haire scored on a long shot from the blue line assisted by Lowe and Shearer, and Lowe made it 4-2 on a pass from A. MacDomald. Finally the scoring ended when A. MacDonald scored his third goal of the evening unassisted. Lowe and MacDonald with 4 points and Haire with one were the best for Whitby and Butt ~| and Roffey played well for Pick- ering. Lineups WHITBY ROTARY -- Coach, Mr, MacDonald; R.W., Sutherland; C., A. MacDonald; L.W., J. Haire; Def, Lowe and Keirstead; Goal, Love- lock; Alts.,, Shearer, Stott, Barnes, King. . PICKERING ROTARY -- Coach, Mr. Boyes; R.W., Bath; C., Smith; LW. Bertrand; Def, Potter and Irwin; Goal, Fallaise; Alts, Scott, Matheson, White, E. White, Coates, Hiltz, Butt. Price Yards vs. Shorty's Cigar In the second half of the Bantam schedule Shorty's Cigar handed Price yards a 3-1 pearing. The game started out with Hart scoring f Shorty's assisted by Johnston. Brad ford made it 2-0 assisted by Curl. Price Yards then began to press and were rewarded when Kassien to make it 2-1. Shorty's won out as second goal making 3-1. Bradford, Hart the goal shone for Shorty" Kassien and Donald yes we Price Yards, There was only on penalty in the game and this was to C. Disney for holding. Lineups PRICE YARDS -- Coach, B. AL lard; R.W,, Disney; C., Beaton; w., Donald; Def., Rints Rov Goal, Lee; "alts, Williams, Grant, Hewson. SHORTY'S CIGAR -- Coach, Mr. Hawes; R.W. Lehman; C., Hart, LW. Johnston; Def, Lavis and Simpson; Goal Bentley: Alts., Beck- man, Bradford, McLean, Curl MIDGETS Maple Leaf Billiards vs. Malleable Iron In the Midget section both teams that won showed a great edge over their adversary and neither of the games were close, In the opener Maple Leaf Billiards won an easy 7-3 victory over Malleable without half trying. The line of Litner, K. MacDonald and Lyons showed plengy of speed and passing ability as they accounted for all Maple Leaf Billiards points, Litner col- lected three goals and one. assist. MacDonald finished with 2 goals and one assist and Lyons had two goals and one assist. The Malle- able Iron team tried hard but they lacked finish. Sawdon from Heffer- ing was their first scoring combina~ tion, then Keane drove in a loose puck and L. Disney got one unas- sisted. Johnson, although he didn't get in the scoring, played a good game for Malleable as did Brown for Maple Leaf Billiards, Lineups MAPLE LEAF BILLIARDS -- Coach, Mr. Vorvis; RW. K. Mac- Donald; C., Litner; LW. Lyons; Def., Neal and McLeod; Goal, Gal- loghally; Alts.,, Noble, B. Brown, Brown, Swituear, MALLEABLE IRON -- Coach, Mr. McMahon; R.W., L. Disney; C., Johnson; L.W., Martin; Def., Rous- seau and Keane; Goal, Love; Alts, Harlow, Heffering, Sawdon, Childs. Hillcrest Dairy vs. Ajax Ajax really went to town on the Dairymen as they handed them a 10-2 shellacking. It was all Ajax and the Dairy team weren't in the running at all. The whole Ajax club gave a good performance and they really turned on the power, Delaney was the best sniper as he collected three goals unassisted. Deeth and Rowand were next with two goals apiece, then Carlton with a goal and an assist. Watson and Colling each collected a goal, and Balsdan an assist. Little Alex Mac~ Donald prevented the Dairymen from being whitewashed as he score ed both the Hillcrest Dairy goals himself. Moss and Levine also wnedu hard for Hillcrest Dairy. Two pene alties were awarded, both to rile crest, Moss for tripping and Mace Donald for holding. Lineups HILLCREST DAIRY -- Coach, Lovell; R.W., B. Clarke; L.W., Mac~ Donald; Def, Lavine and Moss; Goal, Adair; Alts, Bruce, Munroe, Henderson, Moore. AJAX -- Coach, Lawess; R.W., Johnson; C., Ariss; LW, Ward; Def, Deeth and Balsdan; Kemp; Alts.,, Delaney, Le Hay, Col- lins, Russed, Rowand, Gemmel, Carlton, Burrows. JUVENILES Kinsale vs. Empire Life The opening game of the Juven- ile group was by tar the best of the evening with Kinsale coming out on top, 3-0. The game was a rough and tumble arfawr with both teams giving everything they had. Both goalies were sensational and Coates earned his first shutout. The first half was scoreless but Childs finally broke the tie assisted by Hooker, Then Kinsale began to roll and the first goal was reversed with Hooker being the goal getter and Childs assisting. Hooker finally ended the scoring assisted by Gibson, making the final score 3-0. Hooker, Childs and Coates were the key men on the Kinsale squad. Burt and South- well showed up for the Insurance lads. Penalties were awarded, one to each team, Childs for boarding and Southwell for tripping. Lineups KINSALE -- R.W., Hooker, C, Childs; L.W., Lawrence; Def,, Burt and Hanks; Goal, Coates; Alts, Shell, Linton, Thompson, Gibson, Davidson. EMPIRE LIFE -- Coach, Don Gaine; R.W., Barnett; C., Turan skey; LW. 'Burt; Def., Southwell and Thompson; Goal, Toms; Alts,, Richardson, Bruce, Purdy. King Bros, vs, Mercantile Tigers The final game of the eve: was much like the first Juvenile game only on a smaller scale, the Tigers getting the jump on Bros. and staying there for a 4-3 victory. Fletcher, speedy left wing. er, performed the hat trick, scoring three goals and was assisted on twq of these by Hoar. Lovell got the final Tiger tally. King Bros. made the game very close and they car. ried much of the play but were poo around the net. Mowat got the firs King Bros, tally assisted by Ander. son and Haire. KING BROS, -- Coach, Ralph MacCarl; R.W., Haire; C., Ander. son; L.W. Mowat; Def., Allard ang McGregor; Goal, Adair; Alts., Van. stone, Houston, Walsh, Heron. MERCANTILE TIGERS -- Coach Jack Adair; R.W., Lovell; C., Hoar; Fletcher; Def., Dickson and Brown; Goal, Ross; Alts,, Mikicel, Sundin, RENT ---- An Electric Portable { SEWING MACHINE | In Your Own $5 Por | Home Month SINGER SEWING | : MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St Phone 69¢

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