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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Jan 1947, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TI SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1947 ~ Week-end Radio Programs wr Fre Y, TCBL. [4 'S80 580 © ALO' BEN (NBC) 230 TORONTO" CFRB (CBS-CBC) 860 1010 TORONTO CJBC (MBS-ABC) TORONTO OSHAWA BUFFALO CHUM CEKDO WKBW "1080 "40 G5 SATURDAY EVENING CKEY--WBEN Wi aE views 3d. of ion , uca and. Alcohol --National Problem Waitin' for Clayton Li Frank Fate 3 cen! Voice ot Fines ews, Greene 00 Cock House A a ada a Fit En li Massey e Old Ranch House axe Believe Ballroom :30--Sh: §:30--Footlight Parade 8:30--Norman Cloutier 8:30--1 I 10:00] 15:00 Judy dy Canova Show ue 10:15- 8 1s Holly ywood 11:05---Ti; 11:10--D'Artega Presents 11:15--Late Dancing 11:15--Music 11:15--Geo. Hic! 11:15--Hit bu 11:25--Footnote 11:30--Your Favorites WEBW----WGR--CFRB-- 12:00 ews--Say 1 It With Music 12:00--CBC News Bulletin CBL--CJBC I :05--News Summary WEBW 12:05--Log Cabin Farms Orch. 12:05--Johnny Long Orch. 12:15--Johnny Long Orch, 12:15--Ted Straeter Orch. LG 55--News Summary 12:30 Don Bestor 2 F30Johnny Long Orch. News 3 30 Three Suns Trio 12:45--Lee Sims, Pianist 12:55 News 1:00--News SUNDAY MORNING 7:30~Call to Worship :00--News 8:00--Sun: :00--~News Summary WEKBW :00--Farmers Musical Almanac WOR Ap Organ Recital WBEN :15--Lutheran Hour CKEY 30] 1 Servi WBEN r h. W 2 wood CKDO 10:00--Songs from Heavens Alrways 10:00--Message of Israel WEBW 10:00--call to Worship : CFRB | 10 Sunday M rning Serenade 10° fioneg Radio Pulpit 10 i» Forecast 1030 Crean Melodies 0:30--Tor. Jewish Hour :30--The Sou WGR CFRB WEKBW 4 West. ¢ hurch Service WSR y Harbor CBL 50 Pros News CKDO 100" Church Services WBEN lan Fiten, Church 00~Church 20 poopie Church 08--Catiton United Church 1 Bloor St St, United Church 30--The Goneers Album SUNDAY AFTERNOON { WBEN- :00--~Warren Sweeney, News an Gems 12d 3 t Lake City Choir Crooners 10--World of Sport :15--Gattuso Presen SESEEREES Fong Mine t Quartet way Melodies ra In Miniature Mayor Reports 1 {00--Pentecostal Church Service CKDO :00--Gemstones CFRB :00---Wayne King Show WGR :05--An Orchid To You CEEY :15--Humanitarian How, Dr, Fink--WBEN 1:15--Br.-Israel Fed. CFRB 1:15--Waltz Time 1:15--Sports Question Box 1:15--Just Mary Stories 1:30--U, of C. Round Table :30--News Review 30--Avenue Rd. Churc :30~-The Sym oa WGR :30--Sammy Kaye's Serenade, WKBW :30--The Sunday Hour CFR! :30--Way of the Spirit CKEY WKBW CBL WBEN CKDO CHUM :00--Rob., Merri Show WBEN--CIBO :00--School of Christ CHUM :00--Hollywood O WGR :00--Thomas L. CEKDO CKEY CFRB nto Cons. of Music tal Report CBL CEKEY n House as CFRB WEKBW CBL 5 CHUM 2:30--Once Upon a Tune "~3R--CFRB 2 30--Bands of Ailisrics CKEY ; od 2:35--Chapel in ¢he 8 3:00--The People 2 x 3:00--Memorable Music 3:00--Novatones, Ted Steele , er, Dr. Danfield :00--News :00--New York Phil. :00--~The World Parade :05--Sammy Kaye Sun. Seren :15--Concert Varieties :30--Melodic Sketches :30 Fred Victor Mission ' 3:30--"One Man's Family" 3 3) Potsiboro inners :30---Mus! :30--Pr esent From Hol Hollywood 45k Po ttenall. News :00---The Suis Elds 4:00--Are ese Our Children WKBW---CJBC 4:00---World's Most Honored Mule L 4:00---Dians Lynn 4.00--News and Little Show ing Hi-Lites 4:30--Hour of Charm 4:30--~Church of the Alr 4:30--Breslin's Present 4:40 Police A 4:45--News Summary 5: News 5:00---Symphony of the Alr WB! 5:00--A Halt Hour with the Bible, :00--S8tories For You Rg Yarnions of Peace :30---8inging Stars of Tomorrow CBL em AL Time CKEY :30--~Coun nterspy SEW :30--~Victor Record Album :30--~Time for Music :30--H Calica Sings 5:35---Oft Record 5°45-- William L. Shirer :45--Moon Dreams 5:45--News SUNDAY EVENING 6:00--Press News 6.00--Sunday Evening Paty JBC--WKBW 6:00--The Catholis Hour WBEN 6:00--'Ozzie and Harriet' CFRB--WGR 6:00--~News; Twilignt Musicale CEKEY 6:00--Ballet Club CBL 6:15--The Score Board CKEY Ji=Leon N Nash, Organist CKDO WBEN WEKBW--CJBC CBL WGR :30--N 6:3 30--Willle Piper :30--CBC New :30--Kate Smith Sings :30--Norman Clout'er CKDO :30--Nick Carter CEKEY '30--Bob Burns Snow WEAF 6:30--Green Hornet CFRB 6:33--Weather Forecast CBL 6:38--Vancouver Symphony Orch. CBL 6:45--Jim Wells, Sports BEN 6 :45--Twin Plano ime 7:00--Record Shop 7:00--St. Stephen's Anglican Church CFRB :00--Gene Autrey Show :00--Drew Pearson WEEW :00--Jack Benny Sho BEN :15--~Monday Morn. Headlines, WHEW :30--"Blondie" WGR :30--Fhil Harris Show, CKEY--~WBEN :30--Music for Canadians CBL 7 30--Stump the Authors WKBW--CJBC 8:00--News CK! 8:00--Advent. of Sam Spade yas 8:00--Salon Concert CE 8:00--'Books and Us" CJBC 8:00--Paul Whiteman Hour WEKBW 8:00---Edgar Bergen WBEN---CBL 8:00--John Collingwood Reade CFRB 8:10--D'Artega Presents 2 15---Dorothy Hamilton 8:15--Gisele La Flec! CJBC 8:30--30 Minutes of iver Linings 8:30--Hollywood Radio Theatre CFRB 8:30--The Crime Doctor WGR 8:30--Fred Allen CJBC--CEEY--WBEN 8:30--Men of Music CKDO 8:55--Ned, Calmer News 9:00--Press News 2 20 Wailer Yincnen, News :00--Wayne nj ow 9:00--Hildegarde Show, WGR--CFRB 9:00--Manhat. Merry-Go-Round WBEN 9:00--Sun. Eve. Concert Hour CJBC 9:15--Louella Parscns WKBW 9:30--N.H.L flockey fin ! Adler 9:30--Jimmy NES WGR CFRB CFRB 9: 30_madie Bracken Show 9:30--Album of Familiar Muse 9:45--The Policewoman WEB 9:45--The oy thing Singing El en E 10: No Theatre Guild of the Alr, we 10:00--Gabriel Heatter Give The Family a "Treat" This Sunday! -- and -- at the... You'll Find Our TEMPTING, DELICIOUS AND SATISFYING! The same sumptuous dinner is served at 12.30 noon to 2 pm. as is served from § to 7 p.m. "OUR MENU TOMORROW FRUIT COCKTAIL TOMATO JUICE CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP CELERY OLIVES PICKLES * ROAST LEG OF LAMB Mint Sauce % DRESSED PORK TENDERLOIN * ROAST CHICKEN and DRESSING * GRILLED SIRLOIN STEAK To Order * TENDER SWEET HAM sweet' ssos MASHED POTATOES MASHED TURNIPS GARDEN PEAS : DESSERT VANILLA PUDDING & FRESH RASPBERRIES APPLE PIE & CHEESE -- HOT MINCE PIE CHERRY PIE -- COCOANUT CREAM PIE ICE CREAM & CAKE STEWED PRUNES -- PEACHES & ASSORTED CAKES TEA--COFFEE--MILK Due to the Great Number, of People Who are Continu- ally Making the Queey's Hotel Their Rendevous for Sunday Dinner We Advise You to Telephone NOW-- 1790 FOR RESERVATIONS! :00--~Take It or Leave It WGR--CFRB 0:00--~Don Ameche Show WEEN :15--The Old :00~CBC National News Songs CBL :30--N.H.L. Hockey (Resumen) CKEY 0:30--""We, the P WGR Hawai CRpo eople jan Harmonies ise pri] 0:45--Press News KDO ; k Review Conn :00--Back Home Hour WKBW :00--~Dominion Network News, CJBC :00--~News; Say It with Music, CKEY :00--News WGR--WBEN---CFRB :00--Readers Take Over :10--Rainbow Rendezvous :15--8kyline Melodie 3 Kaipn Hubbell, Sports y ph Hu :30--Music You Know 55555555 oe 3 tin a, p30 Amer. 4 :30--Meet Me at Parky's :30--Sun, Night Concert Orch, [feito itt dt 12: : WBEN--WRG--CFRB :00--CBC News Bulletin CJBC--CBL 12:05--Geo, Towne Orch. WGR--CFRB 12:30--News CFR! 12:30--Charlie Spivak Orch. WGR 1:00--News CEEY-WGR MONDAY MORNING 5:00--Say It With Music 5: 50-550 Rangers 00 Bay It With Music 6:00] WGR--WBI 05 Top o' the Morning 6:10--Clint Buehlman :30--F :30--Music on Parade :40--Wake Up and Sing 6:45--News and Noveltuties :45--Gospel Singe: :00--News; Musfea) Clock 00-~GB0 New: 700--New. :00--Hit "The Deck :05--Tic Toe Tunes Top o' the Morning Weather Reports America's Top Orchestra :15--Clint Buehiman .25~Howard and Shelton :30--Headlines :30--The Texas Rangers 7 Bei Clock 7:30--Press New: CKDO 7:30---CBC News and Interlude 7:30--~News Reporte: WKBW 7:35--Fun at 'Breakfast 7:40--Top o' the Morning 7: 305 ercdiator Parade 7:45--New: 1 15 --Oroen Ramblin, . 7:45--Moonlight and 7:45--Music On Parade 7:55--~Melody Highlight 7:55--News 8:00--Jim Hunter, News 8:00--News 8:00--Martin Agronsky 8:00--Volces of the Stars 8:00--CBC News and Interlude 8:00--1050 Roundup 8:10--Hal Kelly (Sports) 8:13 Thre Trey Review HU CFRB WBEN---CEEY WEB CKEY CFRB | WGR | CFRB | 8: AS Musteal lock CKEY 8:15--Clint Buehlman WBE! 8:15--Morning Devetions 8:15--Music on Parade 8:30--News 8:30--Two-Ton Baker 8:30--Press News 8:30--Clif Edwards' Show 8:30--Musical March Past 8:30--Roving Reporter 8:35--1050 Roundup 8:40--Percolator Parade 8:45--Music for Monday 8:45--Music on Parade 8:45--Gospel Singer 8:45--Rosa Rlo. Organist 8:55--~CBC News CJBO | 9:00--News CFRB-WGR-WBEN-CKEY | (Kenney) WKBW WGR C | 10:00--G 10.00% :00--Vest Pocke CBL | WKBW--CHUM | CFRB MLES-GAZETTE 9 '0-Ereayiast Sup WEBW----CJBC 9.00--~CBC BL 9: A or \n the Wildwood CKDO CHUM 9:00--Unity Vis 9:05--All Time 9:10--Especially For You 9:10--~Movie Reporter 9:15--Early Date oi 15--Winger Wonderland CHUM :15--Oklahoma Roundup CFRB-WGR yi :30--Melody Incorporated CHUM 9:30--Daytime Classics 9:30--Morning Melodies 9:45--Jimmy Palmer Orel, 9:45--Relax and Liste; 9:4 mi 00l of the 'Ar New. 00--Hollyw 1 :00--Maurice :05--Ma ey '15--Parade of CKEY 10 :15--Dept. of Highways Rd. Rept a 10:15--8Susan Booker 10:15--Hollywood Revue 10: J--gouthiand Sin, ing SS Rymus ns of all Churches '30--Kate Altken :30--Ethelwyn Hobbes :30--Rom, oh Evelyn Winters a Melodies 0 oN Eoin: t= Sh :45--Music in Marchtime :45--Novelette 45--Jane Weston :45--David Harum :45--Club Time 10:45--Waltz Souvenirs 10:45--Joyce Jordan, D 11.:00--News 11:00--Consumer News C 11:00--Breakfast in Hollywood WKBW 11:00--Arthur Godfrey WGR--CFRB 11:00--Road of Life CBL 11:00--Morning Varieties CHUM 11:00--Fred Waring Show CJBC--WBEN 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom CKEY 11:15--Big Sister CBL 11:15--Betty and Bob CKEDO 11:30--Aunt Mary CFRB 11:30--The Hollywood Story WKBW 11:30--Jack Berch Show WBEN 11:30--News CHUM 11:30--Chuck Yagon Serenade 11:30--Grand Sia. 11:30--Melody Parade 11:30--George's Wife 11:35--8tork Club of the Alr 11:40--""Household Counsellor" 11 :45--Do You Remember Tt ht ht pt ptt pt Bp pa 11:45--Voice of Memory 11:45--Ted Malone, Columnist | 11:45--David Harum Serial 11:45--Laura Limited W | 11:50--News GR CBL | HUM MONDAY AFTERNOON 12 jo0.-Boving Ri | 12.00--N. Shore 12:00--N 12:00--News; Mus | 12:00--Pictures in "Seroay 12:00--Kenny Baker Show 12:00--Kate Smith Speaks | 12:00--~BBC News 12:05--Pick the Hits 12:15--Reading 'tween the Lines 12:15--~Luncheon Music C! 12:15--Farm Broadcast 12:15--Lucy Linton 112:15--Keep Happy 12.15--Aunt Jenny Stories 12:20--Listen Ladies 12.30--Lorne Greene, News 12:30--World at Noon | 12:30--Luncheon Club BEN | 12:30--CHUM Valley Folks CHUM | 12:30--News KDO--CJBC--CFRB | 12:30--Ont, Farm Broadcast CBL e Fars Digest ews | DO | R | 3:00--News 12:30--~Romance of Helen Trent Sas 12 30 Rollyweod Reporter 12:40--Your Hit of the Day }3:45~Luncheon Music --Blg Sister 12: 45---WKBW Dance Timers 12:45--Westward Ho! 12:45--Our Gal Sunday 12:45--Words and Music 12:50--Music Box 1:00--One O'Clock Varieties 1 00--Baukhage Talking 0--To The Ladies )-- News )--Big Sister Serial )--Romance 00--Sketohes in Melody 23535388 Gang Roth Kitchen Malone orner Malone 's News Corner the Band Rhythm 2:00--News 2:00--The Second Mrs. Burton 00 D900 00 9 0 1 tt 1 tt tt tt et a 3 tu Kenney Show :15--Melody, In :15--Quarter Hour Concert :15--Jack Berch' Show :15--Ethel and Albert 2:28--Masquerade 2:30--Styles In Song 2:30--News 2:30--Joan Baird 2:30--Bride and Groom Show 2:30--Lone Journey 2:30--Pop Concert 2:30--Sammy Kaye 2:35--Showtime 2:40--Betty Crocker 2:45--Rose of My Dreams 2.45--Ridin' The Range 2:45--Dr, Paul 2:45--Troplicana 2:45--Light of the World 3:00--Ladies Be Seated 3:00--Parade of Melody 3:00--Make Mine Music 3:00--1050 Matinee 3 '00--Telln-Test 3:00--Life Can Be 3:05--Stu Kenney Show 3:10--Interlude 3:15+Salon Concert 3:15--~Melody, Inc. 3:15--1050 Matinee 3 15--Lucky Seven Quiz WGR 3:15--'"Ma Perkins' WBEN----CBL 3:30--Woman's Page of the Air WEBW 3:30--"Pepper Young's Family" WBEN--CBL 3:30--Musft a La Carte CJBC 3:30--News CHUM 3:30--Meetin' with Keaton WGR 3:35--1050 Matinee CHUM 3:45--Lucy Linton CFRB 3:45--Geon. Barnes Octet Beautiful; B CJBC 3:45--Right to Happiness WBEN----CBL 3:45--Melody Inc WEBW 4:00--Four O'Clock News CFRB 4:00--News WEKBW--CKEY 4:00--1050 Matinee CHUM 4:00--~Tommy Bartlett Show CJBC 4:00--Backstage Wife WBEN 4:00--Hit Review CBL 4:05--Club 580 CKEY 4:10---Romance in Rhythm CFRB 4:15--Stella Dallas WBEN 4:15 Tide CKDO 4:15--Melody, Lh WEKBW a 15-1050 Mat! uM 4:15~W id CBL 4: 18--Cooking dg of the Air CBL 4:25--News WGR 4:30--Adventure Parade 4:30--Lorenzo Jones, Serial 4:30--News 4 :30--David Rose Show 4:30--Afternoon Recital 4:35--1050 Matinee 4:40--Matinee Miniature 4:45--Perry Mason CFRB 4:45--Dick Tacy WEBW---CJBC 4:45--Norm tilen, Organist WGR 4:45--Tea Danc CB! 4 3 roune Widder Brown WhEN 5 :00--News CKEY uperman CFR. Hf Terry and the Pirates > 'W---CJBC School of the Alr WGR WBEN CBL CKEY one Music by Cugat CKDO ortia Faces Life, Serial, WEEN 'amily Favorites z ky King 5--Gondola Csidelights Make Believe Ballroom fi 1 RPTPrer i I] Waltz Lives On Veterans' Varieties q lor You Jack Armstrong Story Time ust Plain Bill, Ser'al Remember When ight on Song 5 A frous and Ginger 5:45--Front Page Farrell 5:45--Musical Program 5:50--Art Young Ah Ar Er PA 0 UT ER tn tr EA A A EA ea Ten ( ------------. PORTAL.PAY MEANS NO CARS -- PACKARD Detroit, Jan. 11--(AP)--The por- tal-to-portal pay demands of labor, if granted, would wipe out the United States automobile industry, George T. Christopher, president of Packard Motor Car Company, said in an interview here. Portal pay demands, if granted, would "eliminate cars," he said. "There simply would be no indus- try, nothing--including jobs." T.U.C.A. Activities T.UC.A's "champeen" bowler, George Wall, was finally defeated. Joaa Bolbas obtained the high score of the evening with 181. Shame on you George! Shall we blame the little rabbits you didn't catch that afternoon? Other high scorers of the evening were George Wall with 176, and Norma Bolbas with 166. Heavily burdened with skis and toboggans, some of T.U.C.A.'s more energetic members took advantage of the snow provided by the weatherman for Sunday afternoon. Friends without skiis came in handy when some of the beginners en- deavoured to reclimb the hills they had valiantly fallen down. To his sorrow, one member discovered 4 | that a toboggan just won't stop with knee-pressure alone. How's the knee, Reg? Coffee and hot-dogs were greatly appreciated at one of the restaurants as the members re- laxed after the invigorating after- noon. T.U.C.A. was well represented at the "Ski Meet", sponsored by the CR.A. held at the Genosha Hotel, Monday night. Thé& illustrative movies were enjoyed by one and all The first Wednesday meeting of the New Year was replaced by a movie upon the suggestion of Pres. Ken Brisebois. There will be bowling as usual Saturday evening. The regular business meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon at the home of Doug McCabe. We are asked to meet at the parking lot at Athol and Simcoe St. at 1 o'clock. LEON B. NASH, Organ 6 Simcoe St N. IN Sunday, 6:15 p.m. -- CKDO Presented by Phone 4400 chofield a ATCM., RMT. Recital SURANCE OSHAWA Agency INSURANCE : N.H.A. MORTGAGES : REAL ESTATE The Ironrite ironer requires little space in your home... is an attrac- tive piece of home equipment and operates with knee operation similar to an electric sewing machine. CHRISTIAN' The POPULAR IRONRITE IRON Will give years of ease. Years of satisfaction. Years of pride. The Ironrite lined in appearance, comes in white porcelain enamel and is the only ironer on the market with two open ends to facilitate the ironing children's clothes, etc, .'. . easy mechanically fool- proof, mounted on rubber case ters for easy moving. to operate, ironer is stream- of shirts, dresses, Visit Christian's and ask to ER 219 see our home economist for a demonstration which will be gladly given ... you will be amazed at the ease with which the lIronrite will perform the arduous duties of ironing. Make Your Home... A Healthy One WITH THE AID OF AN ELECTROHOME HUMIDIFIER It has been proved that homes have been made much more healthy with purified washed air. The Electrohome is a neat, compact and cuiet oper- ating piece of equipment which will bring purified air to your home and will also ease your heating problem .« « proper humidified air protects your + valuable furniture, CHRISTIAN Electric & Hardware OSHAWA TOE A ® BELLEVILLE

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