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Daily Times-Gazette, 31 Jan 1947, p. 12

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pace TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1947 W se Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results Money to lon. a oh Suite 20) 1 and aa Hotel. Phone 20, NGAN, ol JosgrH P MA je King St. Basi, ( la Res, Phone 837. ERNEST MARKS, 11 Eng E. Sitor 1 Kin ce JMB eagles | 25 Real Estate For Sale TUCK, OPPOSITE POST Ghee Hours § t0 12. 3 0 &. ; oF to 6 pm. 6--Insurance TEACOCKE'S SERVICE. Sousuit ws for of your imsurance Roy 22 Street Bast. ang Phons (FebS) (Feb24) . 23--Women's Column OFFICE, | REAL, EST. ep Evening srpolntments hardwood INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneras Directors 8 a Articles Por Sale .. 38 Articles Wanted ... 37 Assos Wanted '... 40 Auditors Airlie vain 18 Pemale Waa! 'Houses For. Instruction Household Repairs 14 INSUrANCS ...oeee Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. 23 Male Hel Male or Female Hun Wank. « ves 308 Money to Loan . La sense 18 Rent . 28 [ ] sesses 10 vee B «2 Wanted to Rent .. 3! (Above rates ordered at a All Classified Advertisements CLASSIFIED AD RATES EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION original order. Subsequent SS. iuing) TAAL, SUVISIULIS Supers Professional and Business listings--§5.00 month for less, 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initia) letter, bbreviation de t as tull word. Box charged 100 agditionar, before publication. Office Hours: Wearing Apparel .. 33 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word 40 5 1.00 25 . a 05 01% MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Dally 8-6; Saturday 8-5. SPENCER SUPPORTS, ALLY designed. Phone 3445J. (Feb) 31--Wanted To Rent SMALL APARTMENT OR 2 OR 3 rooms wanted for 2 ladies. Suitable for 24--Personal RECORD YOUR VOICE AND MUSICAL talent, Send a [smsge bv. by record. Re: cords pla; can be on any pila; Phone 802 for EE DON'T SUFFER FROM In your Rawleigh dealer help. % teful users on reguest, BROADLOOM_ RUGS, NEW hw tors' tom aT dth, Write Acie Rug , lo cme 188 King West, amtiton, (Marcnaz} ag LL 'ele (Pos) Eas a on, bu Nicely decorated. Phone 1409, ter, gata ESTATE, OSHAWA AND ia ity, Interested in Home, Business or Farm. Contact G. L. Nolan Broker, 25 Prince | Street. Phone 4153, (Feb.29) NEW BRICK 6 ROOMS, BATH, floors, double lot. All con- Jealence. Apply 3224 Beatty Ave., Sftey 5-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, LIGHTS, water, good basement, front verndan, Bria ves Horch Oasis Possess! Ave., North Oshawa. (241) Jamo. NEW 5 ROOMS, OIL HEATING, unary tubs, (Feb) _. 1--Veterinarians : PRG. B_ BOOTH fd N--Funeral Directors i COMPANY PUNERAL | ind a Feb20) "9_Money To Loan AND Bt. 1) extra room in basement. rig har floors, lent 'eo This a North pape ot of t Oliy. U, Jones Real Batate, a 4-ROOM FRAME, NORTH i cif convenience. 'Thirty Bight Hu Hundred session' Fob 35. Notan Real tate Broker, 25 Prince St. (24c) BUILDING, TWO APAR ents. West, or 200 (Feb.1) FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED BRADLEY BROS, RL ML Re : Barrister, suite No 4. 262, (Peb20) 10--Instruction Phone 2255. , H, B. . manviile. , H. MOSIER SHEET METAL Als, conditioning, Dealer for Pease Furnaces. Phone KEITH CRAGGS, Pi AND DB. Sstisut workinanubip. All Phone 3639. vt tFebas) saws: GRAVEL, CINDERS, Robert 7134. (reba; oa re. | Z9--Rooms For Rent Ba Lan So NEW SERVICE ATLL E -- 2 Ontario St. Phone (Peb20) . 14--Household Repairs jones, 0% 2% = ' Phone 401. (Peb8) SELLING? LIST WITH US DO IT NOW I can sell it for you. Belling is our business Nothing too large or too small Exclusive listings preferred Your satisfaction guaranteed. Courteous and prompt service is a must in this office. If you have a real estate problem drop in and talk it over. EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate and General Insurance 82 Simcoe South Phone 1550 (Member of Ontario Real Estate Board) (24¢) EXCEPTIONALLY FINE HOME NORTH 8 rooms, sun room and maids apartment; large living room with open mantle, four lovely bedrooms, two baths, double garage. DEFINITELY PRICED WAY BELOW COST! For Information: C. H. FRENCH REAL ESTATE (26p) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR SL Lbdade Ary 0 953 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- Poi iiohion, brizileges if desired. i dinette, i , Dan home, for quief iness DOUBLE, ROOM, TWIN DES Gentlemen erred. 157 Agn Te Li ., ade) Dalton, 75 Charies, 16--Dressmaking TWO EXPERIENCED. wD. DRESSMAKING, ALSO | y "pny dresses. (24c) % | mower. 3 TMENTS 30 so hail do Sownustatis, suitable 24¢) | 35----Wearing Apparel ly to Post Of- fice Box 55. Apply (26¢) TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for cou ple about to be mailed, Phone 4681J Feb.5) 3 RITE rooms wanted, Will 0 $25 reward for same. Phone 3628J. (26¢) THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms. For two ladies, Apply Box 12, Times-Gazette. (26b) WOULD LIKE THREE ROOMS FOR ng business couple, on or about ist. Would appreciate any an- Apply Xx 8, Tines-Gasetle. | o (25¢) SUITABLE LIVING ACCOMMODATION urgently required by Assistant Man- ager of Dominion Bank. Two children. Apply G. E. Snyder. Phone | 800. 24t1 SMALL | HOUSE IN OR CLOSE TO with steady Eee. Phone 163712. (23e) THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! *THE NOOLENS HAVE HAD A SPAT AND THEY'RE GEWING READY TOSPEND THE EVENING WITHOUT SPEAKING = By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten L 36--Articles For Sale 38--Female Help Wanted NEARLY NEW BATTERY" CHARGER, (capacity 12 Batteries), Number of used 15 and" 17 plate batteries jcne year old). Phone 4674W. (26b) OUSENIVES WANTED TO DO SEW- ing. at home. Spare time work, mak! doll" pointment. "CLEAN-EASY" PORTABLE MILK- machines--Milk Coolers--Electric pall heaters--Oil Burning Brooder stoves. Now available at Irish and Drew, 182 Simcoe St. South. Phone 4442W, (26t1) FULL SIZE STEEL BED AND SPRING lady's brown fur coat, size 16, Two brown overocats, size 38. Blue over- coat, 42. Phone 731. (26a) HIGH CHAIR, EXTENSION GATE, 3 buckle overshoes, size 7. Boy's blue coat and hat size 2. Baby blankets, blue bunny bag, lady's high heeled oes, 51%, lady's spring tweed cy size 15. Phone 2633, (261 ELECTRIC WASHER, TYPEWRITER, vacuum cleaner, Singer sewing mach- ine. Please leave your name and tele- phone number. Phone 2247. (26a) KITCHEN STOVE AND ICE BOX, FOR sale. Phone 4512W. #26b) ) MARSH FOR TRAPPING MUSK- y ply statioe Roving and rent to (24¢) a a Er "tadent aged daughters, desperately in need of living quarters. PHONE 4448 Will take anything. Te (24c) 32--Automobiles For Sale h 1 DODGE SEDAN, SERIAL 9452054, 4 and tibss, 1153, Price Ba? 1, 1, North Osh- awa. ff Bg ey uh! 25b) '28 DURANT, SEDAN, RECENTLY overhauled, serial T1736, @200, F, W. Brown, 49 Oshawa Blvd. (24c) 20, Heater. Price $150, Must sold tonight, J. Henderson, 310 Mitchell Ave., Oshawa. (24c USED CAR BARGAINS (hydraulic hoist) '34¢--BUICK COACH '34--FORD SEDAN '34--FORD COUPE "33--PONTIAC ' SEDAN '33--BUICK SEDAN '32--DeSOTO COUPE '32--ROCKNEY COACH '31-WILLY'S SEDAN '31---FORD ROADSTER (Model A) '31--LaSALLE CLUB COUPE '30--FORD COACH (Model A) '30--BUICK PLATFORM TRUCK 30---MARQUETTE SEDAN , '20--PLYMOUTH SEDAN '28---CHEVROLET SEDAN and a few others. CASH OR EASY TERMS DODD MOTOR SALES 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH PHONE 3344M ' i (26a) 33--Automobiles Wanted BLUE PRAM. TWO HOT AIR FUR- naces. In good condition, Phone by a GOOD WHITE STEEL ICE BOX, 75 lbs. $30. A bargain. Phone a ) a SMALL GAS AND COAL RANGE, ALSO Btevens 12 gauge single barrel shot n and shel 1 white enamel bath ub seat and 1 seamstress lap All new condition, 19 Nassau. Phone 3502J. (25b) COAL BURNING BROODING STOVE, with thermostat, other poultry equip- ment. Phone 1651W1, (25¢) TWO 600 X 16 TIRES. TEN DOLLARS, Also kitchen table. Phone 1458]. (25c) GOOD USED PHILCO CAR RADIO FOR 8 clothes, Phone 1836M for = URGENT, HOUSEKEEPER WANTED at 206 Roxborough, (24c) YOUNG GIRLS for part-time work, afternoons. Apply CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC & HARDWARE (25b) LARGE WORLD-WIDE COMPANY has an opening for an Experienced COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Apply MASSEY-HARRIS CO. LTD. MARKET ST. WORKS BRANTFORD, ONT. (Mon-Wed-Fr1) Cnrysier Product et. Apply Steph Garage. 15 (25¢) y | 39--Male Help Wanted Rate for Advertisiag under this heading--3¢ per word each (nser- tion. Minimum charge 45 cents. AVALCN EVERY Nine till 12 (Tues-Fri) DANCING AT THE . and Sat. West, 43--Auction Sales instructions from Having received Jack Lowrey, 171 Roxborough Ave. 1 will sell by Public Auction, Saturday, ru :30 pm. 1 Moffatt 4- burner Elettric Stove, 1 Kitchen Range, Day bed, Dressers, Washstands, Kitchen Chairs and table, platform Rocker, Wicker Rocker, Mantle Clock, ven- port, Rug 9!2x10, smaller rugs and runners, electric table lamps, 72-plece Dinner Set, Lawn Mower, Bedding, Pictures, Dishes, Kitchen Utensils, Trunks, Large Quantity of Tools and many other articles too numerous to mention. Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer ) T have been authorized to sell for Mrs, Mary A Willlams, 31 Elgin St. East, on Saturday, February 1st, the suuuwing household Furnitures: Wash- ing Machine, Electric (Beatty White Cap); Singer Machine (Drop Good); Cook Stove {Happy Though: Electric Plate; Heater; Electric Iron; Gramaphone (50 Lop ords) ; randah Chairs; Linen; Bedding; Drapes; Eicnen Table; Cushions; Pillows; Chest o! wers; 3 small Tables; Wilting case (ink stand very old); ps; Violin; Large quantity of Garden 0s Ladder; Lawn Mower; RAL AND SET OF UNPAINT- ed shelves. Apply 44 Ontario Street, Apt. 2. (25b) DAVENRORT WINE, WAYSAGLESS, en to full size bed. New condition. EI Mitchell Ave. Phone 357TTW. (24c) EXPERIENCED ALL ROUND DrHOL sterer, who car slip covers and sport tops. Good op portunity and wages to right man. Write to H, Erickson, 14 Lauder Ave. Toronto, (251) NEW PHILCO CAR RADIO, WILL FIT '46 Dodge or Plymouth. Lakeshore Auto Wieckers. Phone 3362, (24c) 25 ROASTING FOWL FOR SALE, C. R. Burrows, Harmony Rd, 8. (24d) DRY HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR kindling. Phone 3288J, (24d) FISHING TACKLE! TRUE TEMPER and Bristol casting rods, $4.50 and up. South Bend, Bronson and Shakes Sspedie Reels; $5.75 up. Silk and Nylon lines Canadian and American baits, Fishing BRICKLAYERS 30,000 BRICKS AND 8,000 CINDER BLOCKS JOBS IN OSHAWA. BY CON- TRACT OR HOURS. ALEX VAJDA Phone 4117W after § (2511) 39a~--Male or Female Help accessories, guns, rifles and tion. Smith Potteries, 353 King West. Phone 472. (244) COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT just received. Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. D.V.A, credits accepted, Meagher's, Simcoe oor. b.8) APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR the position of combined Cholrleader and for Newcastle United Church. The village offers other ex- cellent teaching opportunities, Ap- Qualifications, experience and APPLES, B8PYS, B 5 Salle, also cocking onions and po tatoes, carrots, wax turnips, delivered, Shaw, 262 St. Julien 8t, Phone anasd. (23d) LA- VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY is ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. Trewin (Mon-Wed-Fr1) DESKS! DESKS! WRITE TODAY FOR FULL PARTICU- lars of our office desks, steel filing cabinets and miscellaneous office furni- ture for immediate delivery. Coopers Desk Shop, 326 Queen W., To- (21g) CASH FOR rd TO '41 CAR IN GOO! condition. dealers. Phone br + Cars wanted ai Highest (rebiste) D | SEVERAL ) | Simcoe 8. [3 Bud Fone 3 (Massy | M Reid. Phone 204. Phowne | ; USED HEATERS AND COOK stoves. Thoroughly reconditioned. 156 before 6 p.m. (Feb.10) OIL BURNERS SALES, PLUS A complete, Reliable Service. Out-of- town w. dale. Phone 4046J. (Feb18) bey 85¢ PER d installed. Geo: 66 Bond West, (Feb23) REFRIG! EA TORS -- ORDERS TAKEN ow for th household Ri A Bell's ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8, Phone t. KEPT IN 8 tor all makes of washers. Jack N. Phone SILENT GLOW OIL SURNERS FOR Electric. FOR | cookstove. jacket heaters. eto Cooks y | snd Sharp Phone (Jan21tf) WRINGER ROLLS TOCK Bid- dulph, 3800W (Jan25) 63 Simcoe St. plicants will state age, salary, ex also when service available, Apply W. Newcastle, (20a) - | 41--~Employment Wanted PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT DESIRED by young man, full or i time, de- abl 4 bi) ities. Position with future preferred, but not essential, salary, Box 11, Times-Gazette. (26e) rospects oderate Trunks; 2 Steamer Trunks; Club B® 8; Quantity of Dishes; Cooking Utensils; 2 Copper Kettles, very old and Fri Quantity of other articles too numerous to men- tion, Sale 1 p.m. Terms Cash, Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (24e) Membership Now 91 In Senate Ottawa, Jan. 31.--(CP)-- Senate membership has swelled to 91 with the introduction and swearing in of two new Senators from British Co- lumbia and another from Quebec. There still are five vacancies. In traditional ceremonies on the red-carpeted floor of the. Upper Chamber, the oaths of office were taken yesterday by P. H. Bouffard, K.C., of Quebec City and Stanley S. McKeen and J» Gray Turgeon of Vancouver. Senator Wishart Robertson, gov- ernment leader, accompanied all - | three to the front of the Chamber. In addition, Senator Bouffard was sponsored by Senator J. F. Fafard (L-Quebec), Senator Turgeon by EXPERIENCED, 8S. FILER, KNIFE sharpener; also trees taken down. 127 Montrave Ave. (2 25¢) EXPERT REPAIR ON ELECTRIC ranges and all iA electric 110uses hol (Feb ai 1) Senator C, J. Venoit (L~New Bruns- wick) and Senator McKeen by Sen=- ator Norman Lambert (L-Ontario). For quick results--Times-Gazette Classified Ads, are best, Rebuilding Of Poland Progressing Warsaw, Jan, 21.--(CP) -- Poland has suffered far more than most outside countries realize and only now, two years after the liberation of this capital, is she getting into the swing of reconstruction. Apart from the fascination of the current Polish politics, the most vivid impression a visitor gets of "new" Poland is the immensity of the task to pui the country back on its feet. The besis has been laid and U.N. R.R.A's mission chief to Poland, Brig, Charles M. (Bud) Drury of Montreal told The Canadian Press: "I think this government is doing an extremely good. job of recon- struction considering the condi- tions." "The reople themselves have shown incredible initiative and in- dustry in getting things gong agan," he said. "Theyre amazing at im- provization." UN.R.R.A, has been a tremend- ous benefit to Poland. Drury has won the complete confidence of the leading Cabinet ministers. He also has been successful in the fight against strong outside opposi- tion to keep the Polish UN.R.R.A. from international politics. There are some British and American of- ficlals who would have used it as a political weapon. Poland's economy is drastically affected by the shift to the west through the addition of new west ern territories in former Germany and the loss to Russia of eastern areas. As a result Poland will become a more industrial country than in pre-war due to the acquisition from Germany of factories in Silesia. " The leftist government has init- fated a planned economy, based on a three-year reconstruction scheme combined with the nationalization of all heavy and key industries. This is in line with the policy be- ing followed in Czechoslovakia and other Eastern European states. This does not mean a communist economy is being established in Po- land, Although the government in power has political sympathy with Russia. and also is somewhat tied economically with the Soviet, Po- land still acts independently in ec- onomic policy. The goal here appears to be a Socialist program--more radical than the Britich Labor government and more restrictive to private en- terprise but certainly not a full Communist planning. SPRAY DANGER Warning is issued y National Health authorities at Ottawa against carelessness in handling certain insecticides, It is declar- ed that some of these substances are toxic, if inhaled too freely, so that one should not stay in their vapours for long periods. The doctors and health specialists also advise protection of the eyes when using sprays. They should not be spread around near open fires, either, since some of them are mixed with inflammable sol- vents. Businessmen State Views On Affairs Toronto, Jan. 31.--(CP)--An 18- page brief from Ontario business- men to the government of Ontaiid wes presented direct to the assembl-~ ed Cabnet yesterday by an 11-man delegation, headed by C. A. Tullock of Kitchener. The brief, compiled by the tario Associated Boards of and Chambers of Commerce, which Mr. Tullock is made recommendations in the fields of: natural resources, highway safe- ty, transportation, education, tour- ist trade development and labor- management relations, In the ab- sence of Premier Drew, the Cabinet was assembled under Agriculture Minister Kennedy. Increased technical training in agriculture was among the educa- {ional recommendations. which in- cluded consideration of teachers' salaries, improving the professional status of teaching and the "further development of teacher and student exchanges with other communities." The brief advocated year-round tourist advertising, curbing of mis- leading tourist advertising and the improvement of meals and facilities. The preservation of wild life was also sought, Inspection of tourist camps by inspectors non-resident in the insected areas was another sug- gestion, i In labor relations, the business- men sought an education program of the "mutuality of interest be- tween management and labor." Law enforcement of collective agree= ments was suggested, and limita- tion of collective bargaining to rates of ray, hours of work and "other matters commonly recognized as be- longing to collective bargaining." They gought "expression of opinion free from any intimidation." Among the six points put forward for traffic safety were testing by the police of applicants for drivers' lic- enc:s, further consideration to "an effective form of compulsory insur- ance" and year-round, province- wid2 safety campaigns. Will Signed 'X' Ruled Legal Calgary, Jan, 31--(CP)--A $14,500 wil] signed only with an "X" was ruled legal by Judge J. W. McDonald in district court here. When Charles Eggie signed the will last summer ha was suffer- ing from a paralytic stroke, Un- able to speak or write, he signed his will with the "X" mark with the assistance of a friend and in the presence of a third person, it was testified. Eggie left $14,600 in bonds to his brother-in-law, James Ander- son, with whom he had lived for more than 30 years, London--(CP) -- If a minister wants to empty his church, he can do so by preaching for 55 minutes, Rev. H W, R. Eisley wrote in the parish magazine of St. Michael's, Wembley. On- Trade of t, further development. or, sales supervision, confidential. WANTED AGENCY MANAGER A large, well established Canadian Life Insurance Co. requires the services of a man between the ages of 30 and 45 capable of taking over a high grade sales organization and interested in Applications are invited from men who are confident they have the qualities required including selling ful life i broad local contacts and, of course unquestioned reputation and and references. Apply by letter giving full particulars, age, education, qualifica- tion, experience etc., to Box 13, Oshawa Times. Replies strictly CONSUMER'S RATION COUPON CALLNDAR FE BRUARY CONSUMER'S RATION COUPON CALENDAR SUN MON THURSDAY FRI SAT 3 4.95 6 MEAT COUPON M71 Valid 7 prii | 37--Articles Wanted I+ | GsED SEA TES, RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, Christian's Electric and Hardware, Sim- coe North. Wed-Fri-Mon) ; 18--Automabile Repairs SMITH'S RADIA REPAIRS, RE- PRY oun Femuile poy John Bt. Pre 0 { 5 Buciness Opportunities TAXI SERVICE FOR SALE. RSE, Ta SEE 7 (242) 1 22--Lost and Found using Peb20) | $8 per month, Mosgher's, SUN RENT, ultraviolet, cold - Al GM. AUDI- ; "8 LEATHER [ol Mans, leather coat, 4 COAT, BROWN MOUTON, SIZE EE condition. Phone 3987J. _ (26a) COAT, SIZE 6 YRS. $10, Phone (26b) eds | TTGHEST PRICES i FOR RON Phone (Febl) SPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone FIM, ] PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL. son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North Phone Open evenings. (Feb24) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, og Oarrying a big stock of ike overcoa ote and Pants, 21 Bond St. W. Sam Schwartz. (Feb?) 36--Articles For Sale CABINET BATTER holds 75 1bs., both in tion. Apply 347 Mitchell Ave, (26b) 1935 PHILOO RADIO, Binet set, $25. Phone 708M, (26b) Y RADIO, ICE BOX | 3831W. perfect condi TUBE CA- | Tim GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Feb5) 38--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO DO house work. One day per week. Phone ) AN EXPERIENCED PAYROLL CLERK. 5-day week. Permanent position. Box 3, es-Gazette. (23t1) MODERN HOME, ALL CONVENIENCES, three adults, requires household help. es. COFFIELD WASHING MACHINE, AL- 80 'cedar chest for sale, Phone bir live in. Private quarters, good wi 5 Phone 378. 1) 10 13 11/12 BUTTER COUPON B41 MEAT COUPON M72 Valid | 1415 16 17 2 1819 SUGAR-PRESERVES $41, 542 BUTTER COUPON B42 MEAT COUPON M73 Valid 2122 23 24 25/26 27 BUTTER COUPON B43 MEAT COUPON M74 Valid 28 CANADA BREAD CO. 248 KING W. "The Quality Goes In Before the Name Goes On" LTD. PHONE 2420

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