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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Feb 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1947, ANT AD SECTION : BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles For Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted ... 37 Wan 1--Auditors d ..."%0 1 THAN TESSIS, ACCOUNTANT AND HA) Apply Box 27, Oshawa ine. ditor, orms prepared, secretarial Bra T0083" 295 Arthur Street. (Peb. 13) CERTIFIED GEN- 8 aE eae 29 Alger Bldg, King ] Phone 2127. Consult! ne ac eountant and auditor. (Feb! 2--Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETO. Ta By 61, sce So CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa. Phone 4 EO. P. Annis, BA, LLB. (Ped) SS inte 4 REED Kise Street Hast Son King Street GRIERSON, OREIGHTCS & Barristers, oto. Bank of Building. 8. D. HUMPHREYS, 1.0. Solicitor Simcoe St. North. Phones: Sttice ® sit; 'residents 8. Money to loan. AMES R. MacBRIZN, BARRISTER Ja Solicitor Suite 201 70 King East, Genosha er (Febl) Phone 349. (Febl3) MANGAN, E.C., BARRIS- Baticitor, Money to loan. Office ter, . East, Oshawa. Phone 43 en pons = (Pebl) FRASER, ' Commerce TW 9 THREE INSERTI {Above rates apply only to or Professional and Business INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral Directors 8 Female Help ted ... Legal Notices ..... 42 Hel MWanted .... Money to Loan .. Nursicg Service .. 13 Optometrists ..... § CLASSIFIED AD RATES ON! 1.00 EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION 25 iginal A ordered ~ a later date constitute a mew original order) 20 words or less, 20¢ Sadition: for Each initial letter, abbreviation § and ¢ sign. figure count as a full word, Box charged 10c additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office Hours: Feuraeons 0... Personal .......... 4 Personal Services 12 Pets ard Livestock 34 Radio Nepairs .. 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Ben Sstate Por cesses 39 Boy pat Wanted ....e.eee 88 Real Estate Exchange ....... 37 Rooms For Rent .. 20 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted .. . Veterinarians .... 1 'Women's Column 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 33 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word 40 of a5 03% £05 01% order. Subsequent insertions 00 per month for all words over 20. Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. 22--L ost and Found 30a--Room & Board Wanted BLACK AND WHITE TOY ERNEST MARKS, SOLI- eitor, 11 King E. BARR 2. Phones: Office 55, Residence 3687R. (Feb2) SINCLAIR. K.C., BARRI wa SoNcitor, 'Bank of Montreal Bulld- ing. Phone 99. (Febl) PARKHILL, ETC., J e loans. National Housing Act 8 toans. 28 Simcoe North. PRone to) 1614. | Answ 15 7) MANNING SWARTZ, Soliettor, NIN Er Monaey, to loan. Bas- Solicitor, Ns No. ¢ Phone 281 Res 287TIW. (Peb1) 4--Chiropractors 'TERRIER 10 lbs. 4 paws, chest and tip of tail white. Phone 568W, Rew! (36b) YOUNG MAN DESIRES ROOM AND board in private home in outskirts of town, also use of g chicken house. Apply RE" FOX TY ELIM TALL DOG. STER | 5)ight white streak on breast. ®lajer Jones noufy Jim Cawker, Phone £W, ort Perry, (35¢) LOST--TOY TERRIER, WHITE AND Brown face, two black spots on side. ers name of Sep y. Belongs to oJ. (34¢c) small child. Phone 24 LOST--THE LADY WHO TOOE THE black seal coat by mistake at Masonic Temple Friday night, please call om. 31--Wanted To Rent 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR APART- ment for mother and daughter. Adults, THERE OUGHT A BE A LAW! =| PAIR RODE THE SAME ELEVATOR IN THE CITY AND NEVER SEEMED TO NOTICE EACH OTHER, [] By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten "THEN THEY BUMPED INTO EACH OTHER AT A SUMMER CAMP AND YOU'D HAVE THOUEHT THEY WERE OLD PALS. HIVA,CHUM' WELL WELL" IMAGINE MEET- ING YOU HERE. IT'S A SMALL WORLD 36--Articles For Sale STOVE, COAL AND. WOOD, GOOD condition, just like new, enamel front. nr 210 Quebec | Bt. (Thurs. -Sat.) LARGE SIZE JIG SAW AND pi $32. Phone 374TW2, (36a 368) ONE SMALL BAND SAW, $25. PHONE 3391W after 5 o'clock. (36a) UNDERWOOD STANDARD PORTABLE Jjprustter. A-1 condition, PRODS (36¢c) Central. Apply Box 101, es-G (36¢c) APARTMENT OR FLAT. WANTED, (downstairs preferred). Reliable party. Box 103, Times-Gazette, (36¢c) BARGAIN, 3 SUITES, BEDROOM, DIN- ing-room, living-room. Brand new con- dition. Very modern, walnut veneer. Rate for Advertising under this eadingies 3c per word each inser- Minimum charge 45 cents, 14th, 387 (36b) RUMMAGE FRIDAY, FEB, i 2 Seionk, at Simcoe Hall, Also complete ski outfit, Q 1d effects. All ex- YOUNG COUPLE URGENTLY RE- quire 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms or = | 23--Women's Column SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY designed. Phone 3445J. (Feb?) tree. | 24--Personal Optometrists ©. H. TUCK, O POST OFFICE, 3 to 5. Phone Cena. Hours 9 to 13, Thos BO Raven ir your Raw! ot ful users on ody FRANK DANZEY, ducts. Phone 1960 for danves. It to use Watkins, ge FOR WATKINS 8 PRO- Maron?) Vi WANTED, CHILDREN'S Tar 8, TO train for radio. For information 'reply ne 78. | to secretary te. Box 34, Tim (321) BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW MODERN decorators' colors, custom made, Jee, up to aoe. width, Write Acme cine Bug Spas No children, Please write ox 105, Times-Gazette. (36b) cellent ply 305 TALMAN SWEET APPLES, ALSO NO. 1 for sale, Phone 2553J. (36d) quality. Best offer secures. Ap- Julien, (36¢) 6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE BY BELL TEL- Phone executive. Possession required as Jossiple, Contact Mr, Gil- rig "4000 local 1. (364) 2 OR 3 OLEAN UNPURNISEED ROOMS in Ox 1 Phone 37164. (35¢) 4, 5, 6-ROOM HOUSE, APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, or 4 rooms, Wanted immediately by tamily ror 4 4 WHITE FIGURE SKATES, Phone nel HOUSEHO! FURNITURE, PRACTI- Sany now, 7 pe. dinette suite, mohair Ches! eld suite (wine). Combina- tion ste 5-pce, Ste orm plete, vacuum cleaner, Apply M. vinsky, Cochrane Rd. N., thy. (365) SIZE 6. (36a) KITCHEN RANGE, COAL OR WOOD, EY and 4 ft. beds, eo 6 kitchen Res; bl POLY: oo Apply Box 21, Times-Gazette, (34t1) EX-SERVICEMAN AND ONE child, three or four oc MCRL or house. Phone 3502. (34c) ASSISTANT MANAGER OF DOMINION Bank urgently requires five room house, or duplex, unfurnish 3¥o sop aren, Phone G. BE. . 2 Roal oon For Bale 4-ROOM iNsul BRICK HOU! y- dro, water, 458 Floyd Avenue, 41813. (360) 9--Money To Loan FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED BUNGALOW CHRISTIE ST. -- 5-ROOM BRICK: Large rooms, hardwood through- out, newly decorated; hot air heating; fully insulated. : POSSESSION MAY 1 See this today. EVERETT G. DISNEY 82 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH a Phone 1550 8T., BRADLEY BROS. |. : DLIENTE FOR first Eo BS as M. P. Bwarts, Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No 4. Telephone 282. (Feb20) 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. CLASSES BRICK, CHARLES Boar ing, nadwood floors, new ofl lt! cupboards on each flock, newly Gecorated. Centre hall Bi garage, Owner rents 6 rooms at 5 Pe month and occupies 5 rooms. is is a good property and very suit- hn for apartments aug store. Pos- session 30 days. Easy terms. U. Jones Real Estate, 61; Prince St, (36¢) 7-ROOM HOUSE, INSULATED, CENT- rally t drive, stucco ts mence each Monday. Shorthand, osu. ing, Bookkeeping and all subj Oshawa Businsss College, 18 Bt. North. Phone oH ) 11--Building Trades age. March 1st, one fers SB 6 and 8 oveinga LOTS FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE, 50 ft. Jen, Apply on premises 103 BUILDING CONTRACTOR, CARPEN. ville 388. (341) ty repairs, remodell signing, Thomas ain, 12 Sommerville (Peb.27) Ave. Phone 1503J. CARPENTRY . pair. SUTERATIOND. and general repairs ptyonings H Boyd, 16 William x, a 'el ) SILVER - FLEX INSULATION FOR homes, old attics, no sue pagel M. HENNICK Real Estate Broker We sell a a small down pay- stores, gasoline stations, and we loan rooms for 1 i ity by Phone 4681) ® 5. 4 es Two to three thousand square feet of floor space suitable for light manufacturing. OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHONE 2771 (36¢) UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR fens housekweeping, Inqaie aged lady. tral. By February h. Phone ow (34¢) YOUNG GENTLEMAN REQUIRES room near GM. partial board if pos- sible, Box 41, Times-Gazette. (34c) APARTMENT WANTED 3 or 4 ROOMS UNFURNISHED By Assistant Manager of Zeller's Limited and wife. No children. Phone J. R. BULING, 1065 Evenings call Hotel Genosha, (351) 32--Automobiles For Sule '31 CHEV, QOA0H, GOOD SHAPE, '29 Whippett coach, good motor, new tires, runs well, Powell's Garage, North Osh- oh (36¢c awa. Phone 4 XK CHEV. O H, SERIAL 604519 5310. 20, ier good mse 366 "Diew: (36b. '36 DODGE D4, BUSINESS COUP! 9465064, 5 new tires, 600x16, ar heater with defroster. $333. F. A. Fletcher, 581 Howard Street. (35b) or ey O 8n; Bed, 3 ( ) chairs, 2 drop le: tables, centre table, 37--Articles Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON mattresses. Phone metal, 635, Cedardale Metals, back O.NR. Station. (Febl) 38--Female Help Wanted CASHIER WANTED FAST, ACCURATE and experience in Grocery and but- cher store work. Apply Mowbray' 's, 272 Albert St. (364) HOUSEKEEPER, YOUNG WOMAN, would consider ons wiih small child, work very light, cl to Main Street, Robinson, _Brooklin, _ (360) one school Sir motherless, Bom home. All y 0s. A, Ashman, 11 Latti 'ste petieviie, 3%) Donald KITCHEN DINETTE SUITE. TWO- tone natural color. Almost new. 169 Park Rd. 8. Front door, (36a) ACE, GOOD Fri. =n i COAL OR GRAVEL LOADER FOR SALE 17 ft. conveyor, 20 horse NE USED HOT AIR FURNACE, condition. 20" size fire 026R. (Wi GIRL WANTED FOR TYPING AND IN- voicing for Branch office in Oshawa. Phone Mr. Lush, Room 404 Hotel a . » Genosh WANTED, EXPERIEN( COOK HELP- er, by Queen's Hotel. (35¢c) THIS AD IS ADDRESSED TO THAT t work an HAgneLo w jenttion and Shuten, enty of power for loi an fine Phone Bowm 626 or 781, Price $1050. This jan has never been used. (35¢) who eg office hours, but aspires to have her own business and not have it interfere with her household duties. No stock in- vestment Jcestnry, living In north One reconditioned Ford A motor ex. All new parts, includes all gaskets; labor extra, $85. One new heater, Ford or Mercury trucks, with two defrosters, $33. One used Southwind gas heater, like new, $30. GENUINE FORD PARTS A. F. COX and SON PHONE 666 (36¢c) WHITE, ICE BOX, CAPACITY 75 ibs. $20. Phone 3875J. (35b) west A Box 49, Times- ph PPIY J (355) ER MAID, STEADY EMPLOY- ment. Must have goo references, Ap- ply Commercial Hote (35¢) YOUNG SALESLADY FOR GI eria in Oshawa, Solicit and take orders, intelligent, with Jgn education, Please state 1 lars, Box 44 Times-Gazette. URGENT, WANTED HOU! Apply 208 Roxborough Ave. 39--Male Help Warted LIN OPERATOR, STEADY PO- OTYPE sition, good hours and wages. Jour- Deyman or improver. Timis.Gassite, ONE GAS RANGE, THREE B practically new, Phone 3628J. SUPER HURRICANE GAS Class B, battery, timer and new, Box 41, Times-Gazette. URNER, (34c) ENGINE, switch, (34c) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS §5¢ PER . ft. Measured and installed. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. (Feb23) SEVERAL USED HEATERS AND COOK stoves. Shoroughly reconditioned. 156 Simcoe 8., before 6 p.m. (Feb.10) ITT SRDS TAKEN now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator Bell's Ref! or ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 2 os Fel b) SILENT GLOW OIL SURNERS FOR cookstove. idokes heaters, etc Cooks and Sharp Electric. Phone 4501. (Feb21tf) MILK - 33--Automobiles Wantec work for {£ phone jh io Pods) SED GRAVEL, CINDERS Evans Cartage, RR. 3 Bow. a one oA ed METAL Yor Air Sondition . Dealer for few 1d PebStr) EEITH CRAGOS, PAINTER AND DE- REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA AND VICIN- ity. If interested in Home, Business or Farm. Contact G. L. Nolan Broker, 25 Prince Street. Phone Line (Feb.29) 5-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD '34 TO '38 MODEL COACH OR SEDAN, in good condition, Cash. Phone nEW, (35¢) SPOT CASH POR YOUR CARS AT Dodd's car lot 378 Park Rd. 8. Phone (Feb18tf) STUCCO Dassmeny, lights, water, gan close ool, Forty. bye us and sc oh on Shoo. Possession orn 26 Orchard Ave., North Oshawa. (301) workmanship. All work - he guaran. PAINTING, a SPRAY, DE- $F Meenna. Phone Obes 10G4W. wel Bowman- (Febl14) nlage. Robert a utr, Phone Oshawa 77J4. (Feb24) 'ARIO FLOOR BANDEHS. FLOORS sanded, finished. floors Phone pri (Fens) 12--Personal Services For Quick ¢ Sale! LEAVING TOWN! INSUL-BRICK HOUSE 6 rooms and summer kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, 3- pce, bath, garage, good hot air furnace. Everything in excellent condition. CASH. Apply: 109 ELDON AVX. 29--Rooms For Rent 3-ROOM FLAT light (35) , Buai P. A. VON GUNTEN, ERT § Your patronage solici Sireet Veet: (Feb20) quiet pr d. Apply 17 Elena St. (36¢) Pp! COMFORT. BED- CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor en 1271 Simcoe 8t. North Phone (Mar3) Cars i ES 2 witgkiag. = or est ma 34--Pets and Livestock Gaine Poultry Farm, i 433, Mon. Wed.Sat ) GIBSON'S BARRED ROCKS BUY d Rock Chicks from a reli- "CLEAN-EASY" as ric i} or Burning Brooder stoves, Now available at Irish and Drew, 182 Simcoe South. Phone 4442W. (26t1) PORTABLE tilk Cool STOP! THINK! Why feed an idle team of horses? Why walk behind a back-breaking 2- wheel tractor? RIDE A GIBSON TRACTOR WORK IN COMFORT! Lowest priced four-wheeled Tractor in Canada, We can make delivery NOW. HOUGH & COLLINS 33 LEYTON AVE, at Danforth Toronto / (36) RANGES. 'who died in the BOY TO DELIVER GROCERIES AND for store work, full time preferred. Opporutiy for business education. Glecoft Grocemeateria, Ritson 8. (34c) MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH BUS- iness. Real opportuni iy. We help you get started. rite Rawleigh's Dept. fm-5- 310-0 A Montreal. (Feb 6,12, 19) EXPERIENCED WEAVERS ON CROMP- ton and Knowles Looms. Good w. Handcraft Weavers, 1 Pottery Rd., or ronto. Ger. 4764. (341) 39a--Male or Female Help Social Secretary Required By Local Club MUST BE mihi Bl-ENOWN mw FULL OR neh TIME APPLY BOX 102, TimG-Cazlte EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER _ RE- quired, Ideal working conditions, 5-day week. Box 46, Times-Gazette. (35e) 41--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED TYPIST WOULD LEE typing to do at home, Manuscripts, ef Quick mail service, Phone Sik EXPERIENCED TYPIST AND PAY- roll Clerk. Box 43 Times-Gazette. (34c) EXPERT REPAIR ON ELECTRIC d all other electric house- janges an hold appliances. Frank Snudden. Phone 2887R. (Marll) 42--L egal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Credisors of Margaret Agnes Scott, late of the Township of East Whitby in the County of Ontario, Spinster, Township of East Whitby, November 16th, 1846, are re- to send particulars of thelr COAL LARGE SHIPMENT ust received. Some with reservoir. Dif- erent sizes and axe, D.V A, your Barre: bie lo Jong-esiablished "o blood-tested For rec birds. bred-in tasty early and continuous production of large eggs, don't overlook our Fain, . Hatches Yeon, Write for circular and price lst. & tow Bu started chicks at JRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK makes of washers. Jack Bid- ao 68 8imcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Feb25) SERVICE CLEANERS -- 16A ods St. Phone (Pel 20) 14--Household Repairs FURNITURD BEFATRED AND "RE. Upholstered. Bes out materials for Phone ay. . ton, 75 Charles, 18--Automobile Repairs (Feb8) RADIATOR REPAIRS, RE- Oo oulls 251 Jobn Bt. phone ABLE FURNISHED room vacant, in private home, con- to MN or ROOM FOR RENT, 194 Division after 6. "Be SUIT 1 PERSON. Ladies preferred, 48 Albert St. (35b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, GENTLEMEN preferred, Abstainers only, Phone 38W, (: goon TO nk BEDS, CLOSE TO and rvice. Continuous hot . Phone 2437 after 5. (34¢c) 3 parti-Coloured All Donaid prom E. Gibson, Bow- Ontario. i manv. Phone Clarke 3811. ye. e, (Mar12) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ples, grown dogs, blacks, blondes, reds mile west Ocha Wa shens awa, Queen Elizabeth Highway. (Febl4) 35--Wearing Apparel 29a--For Rent SUN LAMPS Band RENT, SU N KRAFT 8 Busines Opportunities cold $6 per 'mont I Mesgh er's, Si 30--Room and Board uarts tube. North, (Feb.8) ren. 10-13 10-12) ROOMERS AND BOARDERS, 135 CE- lina Street. (34¢) GARAGE, SERVICE STATION, BLACK- 30a--Room & Board Wanted [sch atock. Owner retiring on account of one BE 22--L ost and Found MAN'S WALLBT IN OR NEAR BANK of ontzenl, yesterday, Containing business Box 47, ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home for young man. Not more than ten minutes walk from business sec- tion, Apply Box 041, Times-Gazette. ROOM AND BOARD FOR RELIABLE irl, in vicinity of GM. office. es-Gazette, (35D) iste) BROADTAIL yi QOaT, SIZE is, SIL- ver fox collar, Buiiiniage sale, Sim- coe Hall, 387 Si (36b) ONE a EVENING GOWN, size 14, worn once, i reasonable. Apply 147 Brock St. E. Phone 3967W. (36b) WE BUY AND SELL USED NG, sterilized, cleaned, and pressed like OIL BURNERS SALES, PLUS A complete, Reliable Service. Out-of- town customers solicited. W. Borrow. dale. Phone (Feb18) VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. Trewin (Mon-Wed-Fri) 37--Articles Wanted USED SKATES, | RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, Christian's Electric and Hardware, Sim- coe North (Wed-Fri-Mon) new. Carrying a big stock of ov suits and pants. 21 Bond St. W. Sam warta, (Feb?) 36--Articles For Salo MANTEL RADIO, NEARLY NEW, $25. Phone 2025R. : i (36a) ONE 7" BENCH SA SAW, BALL BEARINGS with two saws, good shape, $23. One drill press, nearly new. $12.50, App! 42 Cordova Rd, Phone 3061J, Gob) ) ice boxes, cook Stoves and heaters, (Feb5) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. King West. SPOT CASR PAID FOR G00 USED PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388. Open evenings, (Feb24) | cl aims to the undersigned before March 26th, 1 ol ATLEr Whi date her estate will be distributed ad among, the parties sniivied ogee ecutor will not be liable for any claims of which he as not then received notice. DATED AT OSHAWA this 10th day of February, 1047. W. E, N, SINCLAIR, K. Bank of Montreal 'Building Oshawa, Dutatio, ftor for , E. Ray Scott. (36a) For quick and fast results -- use Times-Gazette classified ads. Get the BEST Prices in Your Next RUCTION SALE! Phone 716 W. J. SULLEY AUCTIONEER @ 20 years experience in Pro- perty, Furniture and Farm Stocks! "Satisfaction Our Motto" ernment if an atomic flash should IN OUR TIME by Howie Hunt "I DO SO love you--but did you ever stop to think what this does to the only white shirt I've got to my name?" « * -~ Government By Television Could Be Done Washington, Feb. 12.--(AP--Don't laugh at Senator Alexander Wiley's proposal for government by tele~ vision. A television expert sald today it could be done, Wiley has asked: what would happen to the United States gov- wipe out the President, his cabinet and all of Congress? In case of such a clean sweep, Wiley has suggested that govern- ment functions could be carried on from the various states by televis- ion or radio hookups. Charles Kelly of television sta- tlon WITG told a reporter Con-| gress could legislate by television | right now, on a limited Only five cities -- Schenectady, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington--are on the tele- vision network. But Kelly says the network will extend to Chicago within a year and a half, And it shouldn't be too long before it's pushed to the west coast, Then, he said, 1t would be simple to have a television Congress. All the stations would be booked together as on ga party line. Owners of television sets, could | whole show, too. "I have only one regret," Kelly sald. "With Washington wiped out, I won't be here to, see it." Labor On Air (Continued from Page 3) ous. Here in order of their impor. tance are the items most interest- Hp . ision to support the Saskatchewan government through the Toronto Labor Council and the Ontario Federation of Labor in its stand egainst Liberal opposition and other anti-labor groups over its newly-enacted Trade Union Act. 2. A decision to elect two dele- gates to appear at the annual con- vention of the Ontario Federation of Labor in Toronto February 16. One delegate will be Oshawa and District representative on the Fed- eration's executive board. Elected were M, J. Fenwick and W. Jones, 3. A decision to censure Alder- man Clifford Harman for endors- ing the Oshawa Courier's election campaign in a letter published in that newspaper January 17. to advise Mr. Harman he will not receive support of the O.D.L.C. so long as he associates himself with the Courier while it remains hostile to labor, 4. A decision to support the United Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union in its request for regular hours--either 10 am. to 10 p.m. or 11 am. to 11 pm. with a two-hour closing period from 6 pm. to 8 pm. 5. 2 decision to repeat a request to radio station CKDO for free time on the air to present labor's Views on matters of common inter- est, 6. A decision to submit to the Drew government a petition for the appointment of a permanent labor relations board with unbiased ref- erees to carry out conciliatory measures when necessary. Discuss Harman Letter Commenting on Alderman Har- man's statements in the Courier January 17, Mr Fenwick said with raised voice: "Alderman Harman must decide on which side of the fence he is going to sit. Either he's a labor man or he isn't, his actions this year will prove the point." And with that he read aloud a letter from Alder- man Harman written by his law- yer It denied knowledge of anti- labor motives when the letter was published and claimed to be strict- ly a letter of personal thanks 'to publishers of the Courier for help given during the municipal elec- tions. Representatives of various unions who submitted reports at last night's meeting included: P, R. Clark, Local 2784; United Steel- workers of America, from the Ped- lar People's plant, Oshawa; Delbert Johnston, Local 2458, US. of A, from the Whitby Malleable Iron and Brass Co., Whitby, Everett Welsh, Local 2375, US. of A, from the Bowmanville Foundry Co. Bowmanville; John Barker, Local 205 of the Fur and Leather Work- ers from the Robson Leather Co. Oshawa; Herbert Bates Local 218, FLW. from the King Bros, Tan- nery, Whitby; Arthur cal 222, UAW.A, from General ic Employees, Oshawa and E. A. Jones, [Local 189, United Rubber Workers at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Bowmanville, Reardon, Lo- Motors, Oshawa; James Corse, Civ- 'KARN'S DRUG STORE (The Family Drug Store) PHONE 78 - 79 Next to Post Office HARDWOOD FLOORING Lald and Finished Complete! FLOOR SANDING! M. LEGGETTE PHONE 3744W1 YOUR TIRE STOCK! You have always an endless supply of spare Tires -- on our shelves. In any emer- gency, phone us.. In no time we'll have a New Tire on your rim! We aim to give the most in Tire value. Most SERVICE, as welll Agents for DUNLOP TIRES "THE WORLD'S FINEST" Expert Vul izing and Recapping IRWIN AUTO PARTS "Oshawa's Largest Tire Doctors" 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. PHONE 1094 NOTICE ADDITION T0 NORTH OSHAWA SCHOOL (Section 11, East Whitby) Sealed tenders will be received by the Architect, John Burnet Parkin up to 12:00 noon, TUESDAY, MARCH 4th, 1947 for the construction of an addition to North Oshawa School (Section 11, East Whitby) Ontario, for the North Oshawa School Board. Plans, specifications, instructions to bidders and forms of tender may be obtained after 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 12th, 1947, from the office of John Burnet Parkin, Architect, 648 Church Street, Toronto. : Office Space For Rent ABOUT APRIL Ist Looking forward to the completion and occupancy of our new addition at the rear of our present plant, we are inviting enquiries from any suitable business firms or individuals interested in obtaining desirable office space. Several alternative locations might be considered and re-locating of some of the departments of our printing and publishing business arranged accordingly. It is 'expected space will be available about April 1, APPLY TIMES PUBLISHING CO. of OSHAWA, Lid. Times-Gazette Bldg. 57 Simcoe St. South CoH Telephone 35

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