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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Feb 1947, p. 7

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--_ §.58.1] 2s PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1947 | The Mixing Bowl 10 Percent Increase In Bakery Products Toronto, Feb, 10--Bake shop Son customers may not have a finger + g5R33RE ERY. teehylin | SRL. wf 8 eo He 1 pied ek gi se TB 5 ; g § s bo EZ§Y Ef 2885s hf £1 ETS ! 4: E y | Jill ih br IB § § : : i i I 5 ed gk ( ki i § 88 = is eagle TE i ; TH 3 i ti is 2 g $ i i i 1 g $ : gigd § ERE sg : : ik i iw in : fis LTH Feat g ng to her ¢/o0 The Times Gazette. in on homem: and watch this column £ Cycling Bloomers Return to Paris -------- Paris, Feb. 10 (Reuters)--Balen- ish fashion designer, who two years ago brought back the bustle to stay, now has repro- duced the famous cycling bloomers of the Victorian period. period. In Paris' current spring fashion knees. ey are worn with soft tuck-in A comparitive newcomer to whom Paris already looks for new trends, Balenciaga, concentrates new in- terest for afternoon and evening Wear on hemline than last year witlg ed treatment at the front. ered in ni drapes to form an verted fon etimes it is round and en with double ripple drapesgeq; athe skirt is consistently longer, back than in 1946 and sembles the old-fash- favorite flower this S daisy. It is found in ughout the Solisstiones ei {tily on a black Fiecord riot over many vidlayers' A hee RECOR Gazette classified Me et results, the hem is gathe |= in the ple, but they have a finger on the price of that ple, Com- plaints are coming in to the War- time Prices and Trade Board from price-conscious consumers who maintain that some Toronto shops have upped prices for bak- ing as high as 30 per cent in some cases, All bakery products except bread, were allowed to increase 10 per cent above the basic price charged on Jan, 31, 1947, accord- ing to a WPTB order, Board in- vestigators are following up all consumer reports of overcharges. Some prosecutions are anticipa- ted. Several bakers are under the misapprehension that they are al- lowed to take a 10 per cent in- "| crease on their overall business. This is not so, WPTB Food offi- clals point out." The regulation makes it clear that a 10 per cent increase is 'allowed on each item except bread, Bread is defined as "white bread, vitamin B (Canada Approved) bread, brown, whole wheat, cracked wheat or rye bread." Tarts Jump 20 Per Cent One baker for instance, has in- creased the price of his meringue tarts from 45c¢ to 55c--a jump of more than 20 per cent. He ex- plained to a WPTB investigator that he was not raising the price of his other lines and that he un- derstood it was alright if he took a 10 per cent increase on his whole turnover, "If a baker were allowed to do this, he would be able to take a big increase on certain bakery items, turn them out in large quantities and discontinue other more essential food lines," the WPTB explained, Some bake shops are reported .| to have moved the price of their pies up more than 10 per cent. For instance, a 30c ple may be raised to 33c, but no more, ac- cording to the regulation, Tarts which formerly sold at 40c a doz, may be increased to 44c. Where they previously sold 3 for 10c, the ceiling now is 3 for 1lc. Doughnuts which were priced at 80c a doz, may sell for 10 per cent more, which is 33c a doz, At 2 for 6¢ formerly, they could now od be 2 for 6c, but no higher, ing In Fractions 'Where the increase of 10 per cent results in a split cent, the half cent or over may be increas- ed to the higher cent," WPTB pointed out, "But if the fraction is less than the half, then the cus. tomer gets the advantage of the lower cent." . The Prices Board is anxious to make sure that the new ceilings are held and that no bakers take undue advantage of the authoriz- ed increases. Consumers are ask- ed to phone in any possible over- charges on bakery products at once to the nearest WPTB office. Bakers who don't understand their position under the approved price increases are also advised to check with the Food division of the Prices Board. Worst-dressed Screen Stars Hollywood-- (BUP)-- Fashion designer Ray Driscoll put Judy Garland, who dresses "like a tired clubwoman," at the top of his list of Hollywood's 10 worst-dressed women, "I told her the same thing last year," Driscoll said. "She still hasn't taken my advice." Driscoll's other worst-dressed glamour girls included: 2. Greer Garson. "Her clothes suggest a kewpie-doll complex." 3. Deanna Durbin, "She looks like she got the first grab in a grabbag." 4. Jane Russel, "She doesn't realize it's better to conceal than to reveal." 5. Diana Lynn. "A grown-up who dresses like a teen.ager In distress." 6. Joan Fontaine, "She aspires ing doggedly, rather than beautifully, pto the mode." '7. Jeanne Crain. "You'd think she did it on purpose." 8. Dinah Shore. "She tries to dress the perennial ingenue." 9. Maria Montez, "If she wears any more feathers, she should be .| able to fly by herself." 10. Constance Moore, "Instead of being the best dressed, she is the most dressed." HONOURED Kenneth Mason, of the 4th Ruis- lip Troop Boy Scouts, who was strapped to a bed for 18 months recovering from a spinal injury, has been awarded the Cornwell Badge, the Scouts' V. C. AsPIRIN , FAST--SURE _ GENUINE ASPIRIN MARKED THIS WAY fn CUTS. BURNS and BRUISES ° THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE -. For That Particular LADY Yardley BOND STREET Peer Among the World's Few Distinguished Perfumes 2.50 ---- 4.50 --- y & CUTEX SETS PECCY SAGE POLO SET, Reg. 1.25 KAHANE BATH SALTS RE KAHANE SWISS PINE BATH SALTS .________ _...1.00 KAHANE BATH SOAP MANDARDIN SOAP TAYLOR'S SOAP ENSEMBLE DOROTHY GRAY WHITE LILAC COLOGNE LENTHERIC COLOGNES ... ___.. _. EVENING IN PARIS POWDER ENSEMBLE 0 EVENING IN PARIS COLOGNE 75¢-1.38 GIFT PAPETERIES 39¢-49¢-59¢-89¢ LUCIEN LELONG COLOGNE In LeLong's Unique Decanter Bottle BALALAIKA -- INDISCREET SIROCCO and OPENING NIGHT ° 1.50 - 2.50 -- 3.50 CAREFREE _------ 1.25 --- 2.00 -- 3.00 For a Certain | AN cov of MEN'S SHAVING SETS Shaving Mug and Lotion .... 3,00 Shaving Mug, Lotion and Talcum PROPHYLACTIC CLUB BRUSH" .ccecacccaccane. 3.50 BILLFOLDS SE SSP. 5, | VALOR MEN'S SETS _._ .__ cee .........1.79 SHAVING BRUSHES _.. 1.00 to 15.00 SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS .. FLASHLIGHTS, complete 'WILKINSON RAZOR YARDLEY'S SHAVING BOWLS For Trouble Free Shaving 1.25 Yardley After-Shaving Lotion .. Enlargement Special From Your Favorite Snapshot Negative Enlarged to Size 4" x 6" in Beautiful UNITY MOUNT 48: and Head WEATHER 3g LOTION | Heals Chapped Hands and Rough Skin of | 2.50 1 25 \ No Value 12 tablets 24 tablets cob LIVER OIL For Lingering TAMBLYN Stores Sp --_--_ NZ \7 uggeslions. SPARKLE TOOTH PASTE Whitens Dull, Dingy Teeth TAMBLYN GOLD LABEL CONTAINS: 2,000 International Units of Vitamin and 200 Inter- national Units of Vitamin D gram. 16-03. Bottle 1.00 Praag, CE ------ RE ROLLASH EYELASH CURLERS >. wt J rgats. -- SN SALOTYN TABLETS Relieves Head Colds Aches and Rheumatic Pains . o100 29¢ Attacks Dandruff ot its Source Stops Excessive Hair Loss Prevents the Formation of Dandruff Gives the Hair a Better Groom Complete Satisfaction or Money Refunded 1.00 For a Delicate Skin Chk db ld dl ll ll lL LLLLLLLLLLLLYL \f onller ers -- NalAAALN LOR 3 3H SMALL BUBBLE LATHER CLOSER SMOOTHER SHAVES COLGATE SHAVE STICK COLGATE SHAVE STICK REFILLS COLGATE AFTER- SHAVE LOTION 20a Stays Moist Longer! 23¢ 49¢ GILLETTE SHAVING CREAM - - 33 MENNEN SHAVING CREAM - - 39: MENNEN SKIN BRACER 59:-1.19 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM 33:-49: PALMOLIVE SHAVE LOTION - - 49: AUTO-STROP BLADES - - - 25 ENCLISH LILAC LOTION 19:-33: MINORA BLADES - = 10:-25¢ PAL BLADES - 25:-59:-1.00: GILLETTE BLADES - - 25:-50¢ FAST SERVICE in PHOTO FINISHING by the better Mirror-True Process Rolls Developed and Printed A Trial Will Convince You! oS ST 3 MINERALS ~3OED A FULL MONTH'S SUPPLY TAMBLYN coLD REMEDY 6 KING ST. E. $915 with B super-keen Gillette Blue Blades a Beauty and a Bargain Complete Holds blade like a vise--absolutely preventing edge vibration. Non-clogging slotted construction. Skid-proof--never side-slips. Solid bar guard for greater shaving Cleans Teeth Freshens Mouth Modern Liquid Dentifrice 19: - 33¢ in convenient to be dissolved in the mouth. Each tablet is foil wra) hand; speed and comforts an efficient COUGH MIXTURE tablet form - HINDS HONEY & ALMOND CREAM Keeps Hands Soft and Lovable 29; - 49¢ - 98. FRUITATIVES' LIVER TABLETS TIREDNESS CONSTIPATION BACKACHES, ETC. PHONE 760 ov ---- INTY'S Cleanses and Beautifies the Teeth PAR-OL PURE MEDICINAL PARAFFIN OIL 16-0z. Bottle 63¢ | will try to answer the ques- tions you send in. Address all of Citizenship: "My wife and 1 have been residents of Canada for 17 years, but have never taken out citizenship papers. We want to visit Sweden, our birthplace, this summer. My wife has no birth certificate and we cannot get passage. How shall we go sbout it? How long will it take to get citizenship?" First the trip to Sweden. If you consult your Swedish Consul, J. Ander, 517 Jarvis St, he will give you all the help you need. About the citizenship, you file your declaration of intention to become Canadian citizens in Room 13, City Hall, Take a picture of yourself and your wife, and also have at your fingertips the day and year you landed in Canada, your ship and your port. Your first application will cost $3.00, your second $10.00. * You will have your citizenship papers in 1% to 2 years. x x «x Brown Eggs vs. White: "Are brown eggs more nutritious than white eggs? Our grocer sorts out the brown eggs for his favored customers." Actually, the color of the shell makes no difference to the food value of the egg. Brown or white, if it's a Grade A egg, it's good. I'm afraid your grocer is pulling his customers' legs. x % x Widows and Widowers: "How much longer do women live than men? Is it because they are more even tempered? What is the pro- portion of widows to widowers? How many widows re-marry? When?" Life insurance companies com- pute that the average life of a man is 63.7 years; of a woman, 68.4 years. The average woman lives five years longer than the average man. Why? Guessing, I'd say it was because women are tougher than' men. At any rate, women collect four-fifths of all the life insurance paid in Canada. There are four widows to one widower in Canada; 38% of widows re-marry and most of those re-marry within 2 years. * x %x More Sugar?: "Is it true the sugar ration is to be increased? It so, when?" Sugar rumors are flying thick and fast. An increase of 10° pounds per person per annum may be granted Americans this coming spring. This would in- crease the individual American ration from 25 to 35 pounds. If this increase goes through, Cana. dians may get the same increase. But in the meantime, don't pam- per your sweet tooth, and keep the lid on the sugar bowl. Each week in this column we letters to: KATE AITKEN, 225 Jarvis Street, Toronto 8 February Good News is now in all Tamblyn Stores Get it and try New Cookies AW Money-saving oN 1402" SHE" 1 NOXZENA

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