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Daily Times-Gazette, 1 Mar 1947, p. 9

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PAGE NINE BILTMORE JENSATIONAL, DARING FILM "SAMURAI" TOPS DOUBLE BILL MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY Unpr Jorced fraternization, playthings of the Japs, the shame story of humanity 'Samural" (pronounced Sam-ur-i) will pe flashed ore your very eyes on during a special two-day engagement starting Monday. h so fantastic, the vile world; their ruthless, lurid and beastly actions toward white Women, Some who | may have been your daughter, sister or sweetheart, are written in blood and heart-ache in the sensational Pres duction "Samurai" for the first e dared to be shown on any public screen. Bared of the usual Hollywood trim- mings, "Samurai" tells a direct from the shoulder, daring beyond belief, factual record of the vicious and in- human actions of the little sons of heaven toward beautiful white women caught in the mesh of war. Their enormities, thus far only plctured in part, now comes out unveiled and un- adulterated in one of the greatest ex- of the crafty and unscrupulous actions of these cruel and brutal en- emies of civilization. "Samurai" 1s a production everyone in Oshawa and vicinity should avall themselves the opportunity of witness- ing during it's premiere local showing at the Biltmore, ADDED FEATURE = Relieving the tense and dramatic a of * » the BI kg! management has selected to be shown on (the same program "Our Hearts Were You Gay" co-starring Gail Russell Diana Lynn, just about the funniest comedy-romance to reacn the screen in a long time. Describing quite simply the actual experiences of two precocious young debutantes who are permitted to make h d trip to "Our an P P Hearts Were Young and Gay' embraces tll the hilarious situations into which two beautiful innocents might walk on their first thrilling visit to Paris. They literally turn Paris upside down snd stand London on its dignified ear. They create havoc and disaster with greater ease than a tightrope walker does suspense. Featured in the cast are Charlie Rug- MARKS! The King Of The Cowboys, Roy Rogers, makes a 'guest star" ap- pearance in Republic's newest Tru- color Musical Western, "Out Califor- hia Way", Monte program Pitti Miss Big." FHI AYRES TODAY Regent -- "She Went To The Races" 1.35-3.30-5.25-7.25-9.25. Ldst complete show 8.55. MARKS -- "My Dog Shep"-- 12.30-2.45-5.20-7.50-10.30 "Lone Star Moonlight" at 1.40-4.10- 6.40-9.20. Last complete show at 9.10. Biltmore -- "Danger Signal" -- 12.43-3.16-5.49-8.14 and 10.34 p.m. "Silver Stallion" at 2.02- 4.35-7.08 and 9.33 p.m. Last complete show at 9.33 p.m. les, who certainly needs no In jon, Dorothy Gish, Beulah Bondi, and two new handsome leading men that the girls lead around by their re- spective noses, Bill Edward and James Brown, Lewis Allen deserves credit for directorial perfection in this fast-paced comedy which was written for fun-- successfully, Audiences of all ages will respond to the joyous victory of the four young people in this picture and their double-barreled romantic complica- tions. Hockey Dance Fine Success H. M. PIPER Correspondent Ajax, Feb. 28.--Please don't for- get the services tomorrow morning at 11 and again at 7 pm, in the Ajax Church. The attendance at both is improving. The C.G.IT. having lost out to the Trail Rangers in a church at- tendance contest over the past three months, are treating the lat- ter to a banquet in the Sunday School room of the church this ev- ening. The W.A. of Ajax % Church will meet in the school room on Thurs- day evening 'at the usual hour. Roll «all to be a verse from the Bible pertaining to the death of Christ. A very successful dance was held at the Ajax Community Centre on Thursday evening, February 27. The dance was given to raise funds for the Ajax Midget Hockey Team, and was arranged by Messrs C. Johnson, G. Hood, J. Koch and F. Bland. Mr. J. McWalter's being Adult Advisor and Manager of the Ajax Friteen Club. The neighbors will be interested to hear that Major and Mrs, Dunn, formerly of Ontario Street, Ajax, are again moving from London to take up residence in Brantford. Miss Betty Morrison, our genial cashier at the Marketeria, and MARKS BIG VARIETY PROGRAM AT THE MARKS ON MONDAY -- EXCITING ACTION AND SPICY COMEDY Elliott plays the role of Sam Cotten, the romantic and incorrigible Sam Cotten who changed the course of an empire with his dreams of rapid tran- | sit. It was Sam Cotten who discovered the White Mule Lode in California and opened the trade with five In- dian tribes. It was Cotten who res- cued the U.S. Calvalry when they were lost. All deeds of spectacular cour= age and audacity were laid at his door. In direct contrast to Sam's hold« ness and daring was the gently born and fashionably reared Ann Arneson, portrayed by Vera Ralston. Ann's father, played by Reinhold Schunzel, was one of the far-sighted men of his time who realized that the country could never expand as long as it's communication system remained arch- alc. He hired the brash Sam Cotten to see that his newly inauguarted Pony Express mall went through un- molested by hostile' Indians and the manuipulations of the rival stagecoach lines, to whom the Pony Express was a dangerous economic rival, Elliott and Miss Ralston display compelling warmth in thelr character- izations; as a romantic team they have every attribute. Joseph Schild- kraut, undeniably one of the screen's best character actors, deals expertly with his role as head of a rival Stage Line, and suceessful contender for the affections of Ann Arnesen's beautiful young step-mother, played with suave assurance by Gall Patrick. Reinhold Schunzel, a European actor of the old school, acquits himself well as Ann's aging father, who loves his beautiful new bride with more ardor than dis- cernment and who, in the end, is destroyed by her selfishness and av- arice. Added Hit "The Fabulous Suzanne" As the story goes, "Suzy" is an enchanting young lady (in the person of that delightful screen star, Barbara Britton), a waitress in a diner, who suddenly discovers she has a very lu- crative talent for predicting fluctua- tions in the stock market. The fun begins when the money starts pour- ing in, and the wolves start chasing the glamorous milionairess. To add to the glamorous millionairess. To add to han e playboy (Richard Denning) WATCH OUT for this zany trio of mirth-making stars, Dennis Morgan, Joan Leslie and Jack Carson, who are heading for the Regent screen where Warner Bros.' mewest film comedy, "Two Guys From Milwaukee," makes its local debut on Monday at the Regent. MARKS! Barbara Britton, Otto Kruger and Veda Ann Borg are shown in a, scene from "The Fabulous Suzanne" which comes to the Marks on Monday. It is a spicy comedy starring Rudy Vallee. On the same program is William Elliot and Vera Ralston in "The Plainsman and the Lady." and the other a prim, be-spectacled ex- woman-hater (Rudy Vallee), are broth- ers, and the third is their father (Otto Kruger), Bill Henry, who is always an attractive romantic lead, is cast as Suzanne's boy friend, struggling to cope with her new-found fortune. Boasting a top-notch cast, an un- usual story, and fast-paced dialogue, "The Fabulous Suzanne" is comedy at its best . . . racy, riotous, packed with moments of high hilarity. If you enjoy a farce with plenty of zip and plenty of fun, don't miss Republic's "The Fabulous Suzanne." REGENT "2 GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE" IS FAST, FUNNY COMEDY Star-studded cinemantics pace the screen at the Regent Theatre where Warner Bros.' newest comedy, "Two Guys From Milwaukee" which opens Monday at the Regent Theatre. Take an open-hearted prince, team him with an © "minded tax! driver and enter them in a 24-hour race for the affections of a beautiful but slightly wacky manicurist and you've got -- you guessed it!---ninety minutes of fun that 1s neatly packaged, wrapped in laughter 'and romance and embellish- ed by a trio of Warner Bros', bright- est stars, namely Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson and Joan Leslie. Prince Henry (Dennis Morgan) makes a deal with his aide, (8. Z. Sakall), whereby he gets 24 hours to meet the people and learn about democracy, party of young friends are visiting in Beaverton over the weekend. The Girl Guides were entertain- ed by the Nursery School Mothers at a skating party on February 25. Refreshments and entertainment at the Community Hall. Miss Cavanaugh, Reg. N., of Lon- don, Ont., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cavanaugh of 2 Elm Street, Celebrating wedding anniversaries last week were Mr. and Mrs. L. Bois of Nelson Avenue their 26th, and Mr. and Mrs T. Leigh of 20 Beech Street, their 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dalmage and daughter of Beattie Avenue, left to Jaks up residence in Glasgow, Scot- nd, Mrs. C. Purdon, 25 Ontario Street, has been ill in bed, we wish her a speedy return to good heatlh. Tom McCormack of Windsor Ave., who has been suffering a broken ankle, had a bit of a set-back due to too much activity, but is getting along fine now, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright, 25 Mary Street on the birth of a daughter. . Plane Converted For "RED" Dutton Weston Aircraft Ltd., at the Osh- awa Airport, continues to play a leading role in the conversion of planes of all types. Last fall the firm reconditioned a number of planes for Canadian Pacific Air Lines. Recently the firm completed the conversion of a twin-engine Anson Mark V which since has been sent on its way to Calgary for delivery to "Red" Dutton, formed N.HL. hockey star, who is now manager of the Standard Gravel and Surfac- ing Construction Co, of Calgary. ORGAN RECITAL C. A. Walker A.C.C.0. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Sunday, March 2 at 8.15 p.m. Collection for Re-building of Organ in Coventry Cathedral ... Again We Feature QUEEN: SUNDAY DINNER served from 12 to 2 p.m. also 5 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. OTEL Our Menu This Sunday! ROA ROAST LEG ROAST PORK FRUIT COCKTAIL TOMATO JUICE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP CELERY, QUEEN OLIVES, DILL PICKLES ST TURKEY Cranberry sauce Mint Sauce LAM and Apple Sauce ® Mashed Potatoes ® Mashed Turnips ® Corn-on-the-Cob Strawberry Short Cake Vanilla Pudding and Fresh Raspberries Lemon Pie Strawberry Jelly Assorted Cake Tray TEA--COFFEE--MILK! The Same Full Course Dinner Is Served at Noon as Is Served in the Evening Bring the Family for 2 Treat This Sunday at the Queen's PHONE 1790 FOR RESERVATIONS Mrs. Gertrude McTaggart, Prop. before he broadcasts what's supposed to be a campaign speech for himself to the people of his mythical Balkan kingdom, who are about to vote on whether they want to keep a Prince or elect a president, Prince Henry's short, sweet brush with democracy shoves him into the hands of palsy-walsy cab driver Buzz (Jack Carson), a resident of Brooklyn by way of that famous Wisconsin beer BILTMORE--Scene from the sensational daring beyond belief story of Jap atrocities toward white women, "Samurai" which will receive it's first Oshawa showing on the Biltmore screen next Monday and Tuesday on the same program with the uproarious comedy-romance "Qur Hearts Were Young and Gay" starring Diana Lynn, Gail Russell, Charlie Ruggles and Dorothy Gish. centre that figures in the plcture's Bacall. And it winds up with Henry a surprise tag to the picture that we think you ought to see for yourselves, but we'll give you a hint: it ups the star content of the film by two big names. Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson are more than smooth enough and funny .enough to bewiteh bother and bewlld- er the lovely Joan Leslie, not to men- tion their loyal legion of comedy- loving fans, Janis Paige moves along the path to stardom in a juicy role as the gal who's supposed to entertain the Prince but settles for his aide. Rosemary DeCamp 1s charming as the mother of little eight-year-old Patti Bi . B. Z Sakall? Why, he's for laughs, but natch. WADI IN ARABIC Wadi is an Arabic word that means a small stream that flows for only & few months of the year. MOONLIGHT MAHOGANY Native custom decrees that ma- hogany trees be cut in Honduras only in the rainy season and by the light of a waning moon. Saturday Night Boo varLeall JUBILEE PAVILION yi STRO WILLIAM ELLIOTT - VE THE GLORY AND GUNS OF WOMEN IN ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT EPICS OF COURAGE. The stirring adventure of the building of the NG MEN AND LOVELY RA RALSTON title, and subsequently into the arms of Connie, Buzz' romantic girl friend (Joan Lesllie)--who went to school with Prince Henry's dream girl, Lauren and Buzz talking about democracy over an open mike, a little chat that makes a national hero out of Buzz and an ex-prince out of Henry. There's GAIL PATRICK - JOSEPH SCHILDKRAU with ANDY CLYDE e DONALD BARRY ATTENTION MEMBERS OF BRANCH 43 CANADIAN LEGION There Will Be a Concert at Legion Hall on Wednesday March 5th Featuring Outstanding Local Talent. Come and. Bring Your Wife. No Admission Charge. -« J. BURCH, Chairman Entertainment Committee. DARING Victims of Forced Fraternization! 2 WHITE WOMEN... broad . . . with men on their minds . . .and fun in their hearts. LAUGHS! 0 Two innocents a- "BANGER SIGNAL" Faye Emerson Zachary Scott added "SILVER STALLION" playthings of the JAPS! t It could have been your daughter-- your sister--your sweetheart! AR THE VILE JAP CODE THAT HORRIFIED THE CIVILIZED WORLD! Town 3 DAYS STARTING MONDAY! MARK Got a Home 'Fiance and a Big Town Financier in a Delicious . . Delightful . . . Di- lemna! [Starts MONDAY! | +t HEA and Last Times Today! "SHE WENT TO THE RACES" James Craig--Frances Gifford ) pTHE COMMOTION OAT ELE 0S PE 2) AT BRD. SL 22, FROM OCEAN To OCEANS EA &, TIA "Dominion of Sports" (In Technicolor) "Rhapsody Rabbit" (In Technicolor) World News! AAAAAAAAAAAAA

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