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Daily Times-Gazette, 1 Mar 1947, p. 5

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' member to brin, wi ied ¢ Andrew's and other at St. George's. |. Kiwanis Club who entertained them SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1 947 THE DAILY TIMES.CAZETTE Guide News 1ST BROWNIE PACK The regular Teeting 3 was the Falry Ring. The Brownies then . "Princess around and gave their Gold A n musical game was then en- Petty BY an which all i 3he Brownies went to their Corners, where tests were Golden Bar Brownies. passed . el Skipping, Braiding, , Rings and Songs Tweenies A Law, and Motto. The Powwow closed With 4 song and the Pack were then shown a calendar that was made by a Brownie in Eng- land, the use of a used Christmas card. rownie Taps %y closed the meeting. TE Ey wu id open ns held on wi Braiding was passed : Helen Gar gison, Joan Soo, Cindy. McVelty and San and Toy of ti passed ding ng e was Ma Garrison, Joan Soo, Cindy velty a and Beverley Mercer, Part! elr hair was passed b Joan Soo, Helen Garrison, Beverley Merser, aud 3 Cindy McVeity. Scott took charge ale es on their Golden taught them knots, r taught 'the their hr ue Tweenies ht the girls Jet Mrs, starting on on heir" i Solacn Hands, Packie Rg one b n rest of the Golden B: Thome Brownies thelr Intelligence for their Golden Hand B whi the following girls please re- shoe polish, a cloth to Soply polish, a cloth to shine shoes and newspaper for the floor; Joan Clough Snetla Canning, Eleanor Woods, Mari- lyn Fletcher, Beverley Pine, Maxine and June Hall, How about a better tend; next The Golden Text Jesus washes the disciples' feet. "A new commandment | give unte you, that ye love one anon even as} have loved you, that ye also love one another."~John 13:34, all, directed by The C.G.LT. son, welcom ed over a brief busin Bhe called upon the of the ba box of used clothing and tollet soap to the convener in charge of overseas relief parcels, The Horticultural Society has in- vited the Company to an illustrated talk on birds .at Centre Street commencing at 8 o'clock. Instead the regular meetin oui the, Silas lease meet at St. Echool not B. an \ 7.30, The Se Be 1 be over shortly after nine on sented by . was won by Betty Henderson and pre- sented by Mrs, N. Webster. girls ho s0n| ing o'clock. 4TH OSHAWA from other The Comj pany gharted its meeting with the Gut e yer. f those who Leng Cig a Firsy gp ig ey Watson, | plano solo by Gloria Webster, elen Pratt, Larene Johnston, Evelyn | and folk dances by the groub. Laurence, Betty Knapp, Betty' Adams, | The loaders | and girls Eathered Porothy Fisher. Joan Jorsplp A ry Eres by Mrs. ad The Guides played a game which The service included Scripture was called "Belts and Lanyards." It oui 18-13) a stoty, was very exciting. The meeting clos- | 'The th Taps. py Marie {Enflippians 4 4 hood," and the ed wi hymn "Take My Life, "" in which the guests joined, While tea was being prepared, there was a sale of needlework and home- -- 6TH OSHAWA week, girls? The meeting closed ih the Brownie prayer, squeeze and Taj Fas orget to start your plants, STH BROWNIE PACK + The meeting of February 25 held in St. Sad con School with only one od an lowing Tweenies were enrolled by Commissioner Mrs. John Kinder: Kath- Ann Lesley and Ann Golden Bars were given to Marlyne Oléments and Ann O'Connor. A lesson in Health was given along with a suitable health song. One Brownie laughed so hard that she The pigeon action 80! was also played and much enjoyed. he All Brownies are asked to bring knitting to the next meeting and also to wear full uniform for points. Ann Lesley put the squeeze away. Guests for the enrollment were 8th Brownie jdocner Mrs. P. Roberts 1 Th sed, With rayer, and "Good Epeetis hy pray 1 BROWNIE PACK The 10th Army Citadel at 4.30 yesterday and as $he ice hig not suitable for hag th thelr ning ceremony and each prove $0 oh on her Fairy Gold Brown Owl took the following Brown- es out to pass their Trafic T } Barbara Fulton, Evangeline Rober: Helen Phalr, yn Mowbray, Mur- Siaaman. Margaret Cooper, Dorothy Gl Biles received Golden Ben Jani ard, Barbara Fulton ana Shirley Thompson. Congratulations! Now to complete She o Golden Hand! a Tweenies : Tween Who ais taking oT tet Ta pis adseting closed with Brownl a jo quesss after a Tow es had and the smile and cheery sp! Ton mT, PRONE PACK em 8 Dpenee Fairy Rin after which the Brown practised their Powwow ceremony. It took several tries before they formed the ring correctly. As a re- ward for their hard work Brown Owl read a lovely long falry tale. Brown Owl then set to work train- ing the Golden Bar Brownies for their next badge. Many merry laugh re- sounded through Vine hall as a ball Fens ox its umd snd 8 & Brownie had retrieve essages were better this week. Will those who still slip- 8 bit practise with mother be- ore next meeting, n Broviiie, from the 11th 0, Pack are working en Sound, These 2 By their way abroad ednesday oon. Tawny Owl and Packie took them on a * Look d Listen" walk. As the test was not Sompleted the Tailes of those success- n Donna Coline r 'next week Collins tue Away Dn The eting and py | Thompson speak on birds, Girls are and | Evelyn k met in the Salvation | Ald est: | with a "Girl Guide" Jackknife for played es went "home" hia 8 pleasant | tri cooking, in the charge of Mary Moody~ cliffe. After refreshments, Mrs. Morwood layed Mrs, oR no gory points were chiefly on account of granny knots in u thanked Mrs. W. Wendt, who es. Congratulations to Marilyn Snowden | ¢ "+10" dancing and singing an on passing here Knitter's Sate, win | P. Bennett, Mrs. J. Bissonnette and On Monday next, the Gul os Mrs, Webster, who perpared the lunch. meet at 7 p.m. as usual and t en 80 | Everyone joined hands in a friend- to Centre Street School where they | .p,.; circle and closed the evening with "Taps." Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR SUNDAY, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou has denied Me thrice." Thus ends tbday's lesson, How much Jesus loved these men who MARCH 9th had shared His work and witnessed reminded to bring bus fare, and come in uniform, STH OSHAWA The Company welcomed eight new Guides at an enrollment ceremony this week: Mary Jane Love, Janet Benson, Pay Meagher, Joanne Cowan, Mary Hambly, Mary Leveque, Donna Mary Dionne and Margaret Duquette. post necnd during last two weeks: Te ie Leveque, First Ald, Bus and Telephone, Nature; Beth Courtney, Bus and Telephon; Margaret Anne MacDonald, Health, 11TH OSHAWA The meeting opened with roll call and Rees, on Kay Fenton, Lorraine Mc- Donald, Patsy Jackson, Beverley Bull, and Anita Bot! were presented with their Second Class Catherine Laidler and oa assed Further Knowledge of the Phased ir Ap Laidlaw also passed First i Bquare Lashing was taught in the Corners, During the course of the meeting of Orchid Patrol won the knot relay and Trillium Patrol Shing first in "A Game of Common Lorraine McDonald was presented will be the guests of the Horticultural Society 1 hear Mr. Stuart LJ Parliament. By The Canadian Press MONDAY: The Commons will discuss extern- al affairs, The Senate will not sit. YESTERDAY: The Commons heard Agriculture Minister Gardiner say beef produc- ers will be able to sell all they can ship to Britain for some time after 1049 expiry of the UK. agreement; say the government to be able to accept all grain offered by farmers for the next three crop years to the full capacity of elevat- ors, gave committee endorsation to extend powers of the Canadian Wheat Board as sole marketing agency for wheat until expiry of the British contract in 1950; rejected' a Progressive Conservative amend- ment to have the Board distribute profits to farmers annually instead of at five-year periods; heard Re- sources Minister Glen announce a Dominion-Alberta agreement for protection of forests in the Eastern Rockies watershed; heard Labor Minister Mitchell announce labor exit permits have been discontinu- ed; heard a clash between M. J. Coldwell, CCF. leader, and John Bracken, Progressive Conservative leader, during consideration of the Wheat Bill The Senate did not sit. selling most boxes of Christmas Cards in the Company. The Patrols were rearranged with Kay Fenton as Patrol Leader and Lor- raine McDonald, Jackson, Bever- ley Bull. Evelyn Berry Berry 30d Ah Anita Bot- ey were appointed 'The meeting Slowed with Taps and the Guide prayer In keeping with Girl Guide and Boy Scout week, the company attended St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday evening I 13TH OSHAWA The meeting opened with "God Bave the King" and the Guide Prayer. At- tendance was taken and Tos ction made, followed by Patrol Games were enjoyed and during Pow. WOW SODngs were sung. Dr ng the week- Bedmaking ini by the fol Ruth Lockwood, Ru and Ruby Ruti- Ald by: Jean Brown she Beulah Bennett. Joan McLean ust. Lesson on the above topic for buy March 9 is John 13, the Memory Verse being John 13:34, "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love rdon. | and girded Himself." He poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them on the towel. When He came to Simon Peter, the latter said, "Lord, dost Thou wash rize | My feet? Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou know- est not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. "Peter said unto Him, Thou shalt never wash my feet, Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, ¢ [thou hast no part with Me." Ashamed, Peter answered, "Lord, not my feet only, but also my hand and my ~head." Jesus said "He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all. For He knew who would betray Him; therefore said He, Ye are not all clean." Jescus Chides Them After He had washed their feet and all were seated, Jesus repri- mahded them in His own gentle way: "Ye call Me Master, and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. "If I then, your Lord and Mas- ter, have washed your feet: ye also ought to wash one another's feet, For I have given you an example Joa Le should do as I have done "Verily, verily I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if $e do them." Many people, old and young, to- day, think certain tasks are "be- neath" them they call them "men- fal" tasks. If Jesus was not too great to do such a task as this, should we not be ashamed to feel that any task is too lowly for us to do? Jesus knew well who it was of His intimate friends who would be- tray HIm, but apparently none of the others suspected Judas, even after the following incident Jon place, Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray Me" and He was troubled in spirit. Now John, whom Jesus loved, was leaning on the Master's bosum, and as the disciples looked at one another, wondering which of them Jesus meant, Simon Peter beckoned to John and told him to ask Jesus who it was that should betray Him. Jesus answered John by saying, "He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it." So saying Jesus dipped the sop and gave it to Judas. Satan entered into Judas then, John tells us, and Jesus said to him, "That thou doest, do quickly." No man af' the table guessed, even after what Jesus had done and said, that Judas was the betrayer. Some of them thought that because Judas had the bag containing all their money, that Jesus had told him to His acts of goodness! things of which they had need ; for the feast of the passover, or and THE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH The Guiding Star LOF Hall, 20 King St. W. went out into Services, Sun. Feb. 16th TPM. MRS. A. BENNETT OF TORONTO. EVERYBODY WELCOME KING STREET UNITED "CHURCH REV. J. V, McNEELY, M.A. WALTER H. JACKSON, Hii Bos ht i = SERVICES OF WORSHIP AM.--REV: T. H. P. ANDERSON P.M.--Pastor's Membership Class P.M.--The Church School 00 P.M.--REV. DR. W. P. FLETCHER Violinist, Douglas Gray -- Soloist, Mrs. Ralph Taylor Friendship Group of the W.A. Will Be in Charge. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH MORNING SERVICE 11 am. Mr. David Peebles SUNDAY SCHOOL 2.30 p.m. EVENING SERVICE 7 pm. Rev. B. 8. Morwood 'Sacrament of the Lord's Bu J SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. A. D, CORNETT, M.A, D.D,, 0.B.E, Minister B. G. GEEN, L.T.CM, Organist and Cliotrmastar DIVINE SERVICES SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd 11 AM.--THE FAST GOD DESIRES 2.30 PM--SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASSES 3.30 PM.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS : 7 P.M.--THE SIN OF MORAL INDIFFERENCE YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US. Eh £5 knowing Peter, said, "wilt and Baptisms at Evening Service down thy life for My sake? 1! THE SALVATION ARMY Corner Oak and Simcoe Streets = Phone 4455 MAJOR AND MRS. H. G. ROBERTS, Commanding Officers. A GREAT WEEK WITH 4% COMMENCING GREAT EV- MAJOR ROSS ANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN MARCH 2--MARCH 11 is E47-YOUTH FOR cunisT | Major and Mrs. Rass SUN--THREE POWERFUL National spiritual specials MEETINGS IN THE CITADEL 11 AM.--BROADCAST SER- VICE Each nane at 8 p.m, this dy- namic Evangelist will bring in- 2.15 PM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASSES aspiring messages from God's word. 7 PM.--BATTLE FOR SOULS STORIES OF BOWERY MIRACLES Miracles are being wrought in His Name THE NEWFOUNDLAND THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA ARE REVIVAL OSHAWA'S GREATEST NEED EARNESTLY INVITED TO AT- TEND THESE SERVICES. Major Ross 1s a tish High- lander and has been\ instrumental in winning hundreds\of souls for Christ. MRS, ROSS OTED A short Memorial Service will be Is 2) held Sunday evening for our late p comrade, Stephen Butler, SINGER ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, C. J. W. TAYLOR, D.C.M., Organist an oirmaster SERVICES OF WORSHIP, SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd 11:00 AM.--THE GOOD SAMARITAN 2:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 3:30 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS: 7:00 P.M.--PEACE OF MIND A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL, NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH COR. SIMCOE AND ARLINGTON Rev. B. S. Morwood, Minister Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist "Suffer Little Children To Come Unto Me, For Of Such Is The Kingdom of God" COME AND WORSHIP 11:00 A.M.--SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM "ChHRISTIAN CHARACTER" (1) IT'S ROOT 7:00 P.M.--EVENING FELLOWSHIP ' PREACHER--MR. DAVID PEEBLES OF CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH ALL ARE INVITED CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH "INDEPENDENT --- EVANGELISTIC -- MISSIONARY" Centre and John Streets GUEST SPEAKER REV. HAROLD K. GERMAINE Representative of the Sudan Interior Mission WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES The Ordinance of the Lord's Supper Will Be Observed Following the Morning Service Sunday School at 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 8 PM.--PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING, CHILDREN'S MEETING, FRIDAY, 6:45 SATURDAY, 8 PM.--PRAYER MEETING KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) Rev. H. F. Davidson, M.A., Minister Mr. David Jenkins, Organist and Choirmaster 10.00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A. M.--HOLY COMMUNION 7:00 P.M.--PUBLIC WORSHIP 2:30 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ORNER KING AND MARY STREETS Ta STOR--REV. RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER--MRS, F. VANDER-VOORT 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--"BOLDNESS IN COMING" ~The Lord's Supper-- 7:00 P.M.--"BEARING HIS CROSS" A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP THE PASTOR IN CHARGE NASSAU STREET GOSPEL HAL Sunday, 7 p.m. GOSPEL SERVICE WED., 8 P.M.--BIBLE READING. FRI, 7 P.M --CHILDREN'S MEETING. . FRI, 8 PM.--PRAYER MEETING, A Very Hearty Welcome to All A WELCOME AWAITS YOU|------w---- "aston | Free Methodist Church |__sezzw PASTOR 3822w Passed her Tenderfoot. Beverly Park- {ll passed her Second Class. Keep up the good work, girls, C.G.IT. News SIMCOE STREET UNI GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 ALBERT ST. Rev, N. Kritsch, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 a.m ~ NAMES WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 7.00 pm -- EVENING WORSHIP [] Street United Church oy 'held on Monday evening. Games were played from 7.00 to e Worship Service was taken by the "Senior Group Sh Mar Marion Black- and the ted. Mrs. Mina Wilson er; Miss Margaret Love gave ih the pture reading and Miss era JFhompson real a chapter of the Taps, IRD OSHAWA Mrs. Collins, secretary of the Local Association, was 8 gust. She sta while the Guides had Corn. A short business meeting was con- ducted by Mrs. L, W. Currell, Parts ve been chosen for the operetta and rehearsals are now under- Way. Come to "COLLEGE HILL" SUNDAY SCHOOL 601 MONTRAVEAVENUE Gloria Bennet received 3 P.M. Every Sunday ebster the guests at the door. The program 03 ers, and an reiting kn tying vy a Powwow aides sang the i Polish, inl Jotsrnations) Guide Jong, 3 which rata: that 3 embers 'of a worldwide inte sunds orning were asked un m at St ay Foil Jha I gh Bo -- ning oi OSHAWA in Tends for- a for the forth- ies Annie and , while Jean i, ee Foll owing Patrol Corners, the comp- | any i hioyed a new game called * t."" Perhaps it would AL Te gi rs to locate the clock if it had been smaller and less noisy. the first attempt to discover which hat it was under, some enthusiastic Guide knocked the hat off the clock! How- ever, on a second try all patrols man- aged to locate it correctly. To mark the conclusion of Scout- Guide week many of the girls attend- church in uniform, some at St. class Guides and the Captain, would like to thank the at dinner; Barbara Litster, Joan Mathews, Mary MacGregor, Mary Moore snd Gertrude Moore. turn, Shir- As a Thinking Day Jey Myers and Jean rr delivered a MAJOR BILL ROSS of Toronto, converted Policeman NORMAN RUMNEY Tenor soloist also of Toronto SALVATION ARMY SONGSTERS of Oshawa SINGING USHERETTES CLIFFORD TRICK & HAROLD HEPBURN Instrumentalists SONGSPIRATION, DUETS, Etc. MAJOR H. G. ROBERTS, DIRECTOR Simcoe St. United Church SAT. MAR. 1 -- 7.30 P.M. GET A CHUM AND COME /, «ss It May Be But This is Worthy of 1 AM. WE ARE CERTAIN that those who attend the morning worship and hear the pastor explain, by means of questions and answers, the facts of Christianty, will gain a deep- er understanding of what fit means to be a Christian--Why not come tomorrow? IMPOLITE 10 POINT ATTENTION! 7 P.M. WE ARE EXPECTING A full church tomorrow evening at our radio service to hear Rev. Jones deliver a truly inspiring message entitled-- "Transformer" There's an organ recital at 6.45 p.m, --and a grand song service from 7- 7.15 p.m. Come tomorrow -- bring the family, bring your friends. 'Young people will feel particularly at home in this friendly fellowship. 2.30 P.M. WE ARE HOPING to number our Sunday school in the three hundreds to- morrow! There are classes for every age and interest. You'll be welcome--as a visitor or prospective member. Come--tomorrow--2.30 Corner Albert and Olive r: Rev. E. Donovan Jones B.A. @ Organist: Mr. J. Robertson ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH "The Church with a Challenge" 17 ERIE STREET 1st Street South of Simcoe Subway 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL OBJECT LESSONS! CHORUSES! Rev. F. T. Jones "LORNE PARK COLLEGE CHORISTERS" Twenty Mixed Voices, With Harmony and a Message. Othe . . Great raiens Don't Miss These Outstanding Services song service CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. BE. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 AM. Subject: CHRIST JESUS SUNDAY SCHOOL 1220 P.M. at 8:00 o'clock through Christian include testimonies of healing Science. The reading room at 1 Simcoe St. Bouth Room No. 3, (upstairs In Bassett Block) will be open dally from 2 to 5 p.m. and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. excepting Sundays and legal hoil- days, where is Bible and Christian Science literature may be studied and p and placed for periodicals. ' Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet ; lh Al LE He came to Peter, an upper room of a house in Jerusalem, Thou shalt mever wash my feet," but and after supper He laid aside His outer garment, poured water into a basin and i Pra fost, drying' them th His tows} ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON : Scripture--John 18 - By Alfred J. Buescher Jesus said, "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me," so Peter allowed a, "not my. feet i _but my hands and my head. Vo When Jesus had finished He told the ~ disciples, that as He, "the Lord, and Master, have washed your feet: ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For J have given you an example, that ye ahould do as I have done." Jesus toid His disciples that one of them would betray Him and when they asked who, said the one to whom He! gave the sop, and He gave it to Judas Iscariot who soon went into the night, MEMORY VERSE--John 13:34,

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