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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Mar 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1947, WANT AD SECT JON < S57 'BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Articles Por Sale .. 38 | Puneral Dir Articles Wanted ,.. 37 d ... ¥0 1--Auditors NATHAN TESSIS, ACCOUNTANT AND pity Apply Box 27, Oshawa Times- (Mar.15) RAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- Ba Enters wh eo repr: Phone 1004. Arthur Street. ._(Marl3) NS, CERTIFIED GEN- PIN W A in East. 1 ntant, 2 pr countant and ay. (Mari) 2--Barristers Auditors ..... vies 3 Supplies Instruction BARRISTER, ETO, LOUIS 8, HYMAN anges Bo NE none 01, 'Residence Rant CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL. lin P. Annis, K C., 7}a Simcoe Stree South. Phone 4. Residence 739 (Maris) KC. A w.. GREER. WwW. C. Residence 234. Je Ovoricae Bat. : (Aprl) eee. RIERSON, CREIGHTCS & VRRRER Ldn Back of Commerce Building. (Aprl) HUMPHREYS, K.O., Sotncitor ., 6 Simcoe St. North. Phones: Office 814; residence Money to loan. (Aprl) JAMES R. . MacBRIZN, and Solicitor Suits 200 10 Genoshs Hotel. East, Phone 349, _(Mar13) N, Eos BARRIS- , MANGA! - Office NEST MARES, BARRIRTER, SOI pre 11 King E. Room 2. Phones: Ofce 55, Residence 3687R. (Apr2) SINCLAIR, K.C., BARRISTER ia Bolleitor, Bank of Montreal Build- ing. Phone 99. (Aprl) ARKHILL, BARRISTER, Fortaags loans. National Sousiag ha . (Mar17) emia aati ------------------r MANNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Money Notary. to loan. Bas- Hina. suits No. 4. Phone 283. Res 28TTW. (Aprl) 4--Chiropractors 9 ROOMS tree. | g¢ "East, Hot air 5--Optometrists i ------------------------------ ©. & TUCE, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 3 to 8. Phone Ouswa. Hours 9 to 13, bres ETC., | SIX 5 en SEVEN ROOMS, NEAR 148 Onureh, Large lot, garage. Waoted ......... 38 Gardening and Household Repairs 14 Houses Por Rent ,. ves [} Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. Legal Notices ..... 42 NE INSERTION Wo NERTION see THREE (Above rates Apply only ordered at All Classified Advertisements CLASSIFIED AD RATES cossesenessense Ab ERTIONS og) BACH ADDITIONAL siditsivk 25 a later ast aatituty a a new original order) Professional and Business listings--§5.00 20 words or lesa, 20c additional for all Bio over 20. initia) letter, abbreviation § and e sign, figure count as a si a word Bos aryed 10c additional, before publication. Office Hours: Dally 8-6; Saturday 8-5. Pets ard Livestock 34 Radio Nepairs ... 17 25 | Real Estate Agents 19 esses 10 we 08 2 Women's Folumn Wanted to Rent . Wearing Apparel , 20 Words Each Add? or Less Word 02 034% 05 H1% Subsequent insertions oe a5 00 month for MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day 24--Personal - 34--Pets and Livestock 1 'radio. For Tar Lo train for secretary, Box 34, to Ary (58b) 25--Real Estate For tale 1 YOUNG SOW ABOUT 225 1bs. from high producing sow. Jendid Dagon type, not bred. Price 00 r, Thornton's Corners . N. fica 20275. (58a) Age ig J grown asonable for quic sale: oy subena Kennels, mile west of ee! Elizabeth Highway. (57¢c Good garage. "i section, convenient to and Col Owner occupied. App Box No. 219, rH imes- Gazette. ( 5-ROOM HOUSE, STU0CO, HOT WA- ter heated, hardwood fi Possession April 1, 3; acre Ina "Nolan Real Estate Broker, hs Prince St. (58¢c) ALBERT Quick . U. Jones Real Estate Broke ron (88¢c) BRICK HOUSE ON Fg 35--Wearing Apparel ) | ANNUAL BANQUET OF CO THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By. Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten THE DAY YOU _ = MOVE OUT- PRESTO! THAT'S WHEN THE APARTMENT [| FOR RENT COMPLETELY f DECORATORS 3 Z " 7 2-9 a) SAMPSON, CHICAGO, 31, ILL. dvertising under this per word each inser- * im _ charge 45 cents. Rate for heading-- tion. ht of ght (58a) awa 204, IOF, Cd March 11, at 7:30 p.m, Al WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned, and pressed like new. Carrying a big stook of overcoats suits aud papts. 21 Bond St. W. Sam Schwartz, (Mar7) 36--Articles For Sale BLACK AND WHITE ENAMEL EN- Setoeise cook stove, new condition. Eulalie Ave. (58a) te, ood floors, two rooms fur- ae in attic. Immediate Apply 363 Athol East. Phone 49740.) | n GURNEY, COAL AND WOOD STOVE, cream and green enamel, double warm- ing Sloset. Apply 200 Huron 8t., eve- (570) | hold be p 40--Agents Wanted WANTED--MAN FOR RAVWLEIGE BUS- iness. Permanent if For particulars write ML-C-310-103, Montreal, Canadas. (Mar.8-10-22-20) 41--Employment Wanted EXPERT REPAIR 1 INSUL BRICK, BOUSE. acre land and 12x20 June 1. Phone : 3081J. AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS 3 intments. 8 4h. Re pn Eve! is. Phos 28 2. COAL OR WOOD STOVE, ) black trim, FRAT CABINET STYLE good condition, also guls wine winter coat, size 16, Phone 3! (57¢) STROMBERG CARLSON RADIO, LONG and short wave, 186 Verdun Rd. (57c) WHITE White kitchen 6--Insurance (Aprl) Ss "ROOM HOUSE ON NASSAU STREET. Reasonably priced for quick sale. Phone 3919M. (87¢c) (56¢) 8--Funeral Directors Home ~ Ambulances Service. 72 Caries Street. Wstablished 1889. Phone 401 9--Money To Loan OLIENTS' | MONIES AvallanLs TEE Pl ed Telephone Far HE REGISTER NOW. CLASSES COM- Ing, Bookkeeping and ai secretria ug secre ects. Oshawa Businass College, 18 Simcoe St. North. Phone Ilan Building Trades a. BROUGH, DECORATING tad Fiinune. 24 hour service. Phone (Aprs) oR RTO, CARPEN- uy Jopmie. Biilip 8 Fung, de- 2 Sommerville Ave, Aig 18035 (Mar2 CARPENTRY, HOME ALTERATIONS. and general repairs. Call hone, S878 Boyd, 16 William E. Phone ATR, SILVER - FLEX WIEN Soy homes, old attics, Reflective panel work for factories, stores, garages. In- formation phone 1352w. ____ (Mar24) H_MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK, ay conditioning. Dealer for new idea Pease Furnaces. Phone * 4505). (Apr5tf) FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT Variety of' colors. Free esti. mates. Phone collect 653, Bowman- ville, Bromley a and Son, (Mar14) KEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- Sotator. Also industrial spraying. Bx. t workmanship. All work guaran- teed. Phone 3639. (Mar26) | 6 Lovely 2-Storey Summer Homes 5 Bedrooms Bonnie Brae Point Fireplace in Living Room 2 Modern 1%-Storey Homes With Many "Extras" in Each Built to NHA Specifications, South Oshawa. New 4-Room Bungalow North Section of City. Hardwood Floors, Built-in Cupboards in Kitchen. For Information About These Tie How Homes Call 4400, Jchoficld SURANCE IN Agency REAL ESTATE BROKERS 6 SIMCOE ST. NORTH (57d) 29--Rooms For Rent M IN PRIVATE FURNISHED BEDROO] home. - Continuous hot water. Gentle- man preferred. 209 Bond East. (58a) 29a--For Rent . | Phone cantar. black trim. 263 St. Julien. 2607. (57b) COAL AND WOOD RANGE. ALSO HOT- plate, Apply 538 Cubert Street. (57b) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK tor all oes of ashen, Jack Bid- dulph, 63 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3800W. (Mar25) STEEL N 55¢ PER 82 ft. Measured and Installed. Qos Reld. Phone 201. 66 Bond West. Maca; OIL hae SALES, PLUS A complete, liable Service. Out-of- town customers solicited. W, Borrow dale. Phone 4046J. (Mar18) SILENT GLOW OIL Z3URNERS FOR cookstove, Adckes heaters. etc. Cooks and Sharp Electric.' Phone 4501. (Feb21tf) VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. Trewin (Mon-Wed-Fri) SEVERAL USED HEATERS AND COOK stoves. Thoroughly reconditioned. 156 Simcoe 8., before 6 p.m, (Mar19) COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT feren received. Some with reservoir. Dif- erent sizes and makes. D.VA, Sradita rth. (Maze) 37--Articles Wanted USED SKATES, RIFLES SHOTGUNS, Christian's Electric and Hardware, Sim- coe North. (Wed- -Fri-Mon) USED _ VIGTROLA, | IN ¢ GOOD CONDI- tion, . Phone 4007M. (56¢) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388. Open evenings, (Mar24) SPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box. Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. PROBS SIM, ard) SUN LAMPS FOR RENT, ultraviolet, using cold per Meagher's, Si SUN KRAFT uartz tube, PAINTING, BRUSH AND SPRAY, DE- coe North, (Marg) HIGHEST Palos PAID FOR IRON metal, Cedardale Station. 1 cKenna, Phone 1 esiw. PAINTER AND FTRST-CLASS NECORA- . Dannlels. Phone 2718R. gi fener avin A Robert Muir, Phone Oshawa 8 7734 (Mard per hang! J.P. (ADF) (Mar15) | Av PLASTERING. SMALL JOBS AND RE- pairs, Immediate service. Phone BW: Cc 12--Personal Services WOULD LIKE ONE OR TWO POINTY Sais put in ASR Hops at North Oshawa. Enqu! Wilson, North dshawa. (Mon. ~Wed. ~Sat.) En nol Repair shop at 46 K A r 1 Street West. Your patronage solicited : (Mar20) 14--Household Repairs 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR COUPLE, in rivets home, Apply 83 Warren (58b) 3000 USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 58 King West. 3326W, (Apr5) 38--Female ¢ Hap Wanted 31--Wanted To Rent 2 LSDILTS TS DESIRE 2, 3 OR 4 UNFUR- about April 15th. De. pendabic, bo both abstainers. Apply box No, 218 ._Times-Gazette. (57¢) ACCOMMODATION URGENTLY NEED- ed (unfurnished) by four adults. Re- liable. References. Phone 2815J. (57c) YOUNG FOR GENERAL housework. "Liberal time off. Call 3229 after 6 p.m, (58c) TENCED SWITCHBOARD OPER- ator, about 25 hrs, weekly. Apply es-Gazette, (tf) REQUIRED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, live in, Apply Jarrett, Balmoral Hotei, Bowmanville. : (56¢) TRAILER WITH CI>TTON OF BUYING or 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished om outta, Apply Box ASSISTANT MANAGER OF DOMINION Bank urgently requires five or six- foom house, or oaplex, upluiplshed, n. hy T 800. one br PURNITURD REPAIRED AND RE- Upholstered. See nur materials for rd D. W. Dalton, 75 Charles, 18--Automobile Repairs SMITH'S RADIATOR REPAIRS, ng rebulls 251 John St. Phone . Oshawa. (Mar20) 22--L ost and Found 6 MONTHS RENT For Unfurnished Downstairs Apartment or Duplex. For veteran, Wife and 10 Months Baby. Clean, Quiet Tenants. Best of References. PLEASE PHONE 1148W (57b) GIRLS TO OPERATE SEWING MA- chines on ladles' sportswear, while earning. Apply Sportrite Junior Limited, ichmond West, 3rd oom (570) S0MBONS CAPABLE e. Family of three, ncoe North, Phone 57c) GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED TO AS- sist with housework. Highest wages, private quarters and separate bath- Residence situated in Pickering Village. Apply Box 217, Times-Gazette, (571) 39--Male Help Warted SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT wanted Snel ly, Mus} be reliable. Apply 78 Bond St. (58b) HOUSEK of Adults, 1687J. EEPER, full chi Pply 488 IN FRONT OF 241 RITSON RD. na", in leather pr er holder. please phone or return to above ir" (58a) , CAP. LATE MODEL Pontiac. FL may have same Paying for ad. Phone 2357J4, son) LOST, BLACK AND SILVER F REY- ' molds Fountajy Pen, between Alex- andra Arlington Avenue. Finder Please a Mrs. Young at 19080, 24--Personal SMALL SHOW CARDS AND PRICE cards. Prompt service. Phone wn BROADLOOM BUGS. NEW MODERN ] a ors, custom made, seam- 3 40 an width. Write Acme Rug 5 'est, Hamilton. (March22) 2 Actomebiles For S.le MOTORCYCLES, PAR' sorles. Phone 41217 whee AD Acces. (Mar31) 33--Automobiles Wanted SPOT CASH FOR YOUR A Dodd's car lot 378 Park 20'8 Phote 3 334M. (Mar18ti) LAKESHORE AUTO A Cars wanted tor wrecking. prices paid. 62: BE eninge 1378 ) YOUR C CASH FOR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Sim: North Phone 4695W. oy Bt, (Apr3) Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads. quicg and sure results, - RELIABLE YOUNG A FOR gon route, Apply Tod's Bread. LINOTYPE OPERATGR Wanted STEADY WORK Good Scale TIMES-GAZETTR Oshawa WA- (58) Paid |. 288TR. PRIVATE April 1st, desires ferences. Apply Box SECRETARY AVAILABLE ition, best re- 16, Times-Gazette (87¢) Fly-Tying Proves Lucrative Hobby Calgary--(CP)--If you're short of fishing-tackle and have plenty of ambition, follow in the footsteps of George Campbell of Calgary--and you'll have a thriving little side- line. Campbell, a milkman by day and a fly expert by night first got the idea three years ago when he took a factory product apart "to see what made it tick." He says his success in the busi- ness is due to several British fac- tories being bombed during the war. The factories had produced a var- iety of fishing equipment and al- though Alberta anglers had little trouble--if any--in replacing some equipment, the all important fly re- mained scarce, As a result Campbell and a num- ber of other Calgary fishermen be- gan tying their own flies and found a ready market in local sporting gods dealers. Dealers say most of the home- made flies equal in quality those formerly imported and they admit that the local industry is almost as- sured of a thriving future. Campbell says he has turned out about 60 dozen flies this year and hopes to break the record of 3,000 he tied last year by a substantial number. All of the flies are of the stand- ard pattern--Royal Coachman, Grey and Brown hackle--and his special- ty is tying parachute flies. Last year he designed one which brought up 50 fish in the Bow river, but he sass he's keeping this one for him- sel Although he finds his hobby re- laxing after regular working hours he adds that "occasionally, I dream of being chased by huge green and red flies." Dickie The Duck Personality Plus Ottawa--(CP)--Ever hear of pere sonality keeping a duck out of the roasting pan? That's the life his- tory of Dickie, web-footed pet of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Svend Gilberg of The Gilbergs brought Dickie, web-footed pet of Mr. and Mrs. Svend Gilberg of Ottawa. The Gilbergs bought Dickie in the summer of 1939 with the idea of fattening him up for a Sunday roast later in the winter. But they didn't count on Dickie's personality. Dickie learned to caress the boss with his beak, to swim with the Gilberg children and to purr when they rubbed the back of his neck. He even got himself house-broken. FOOTBALL FRUIT The fruit of the pandanus plant grow to football size. JUST PAT IT ON! , | wizardry of modern broadcasting, . | this Czech citizen finds a new, id cated in Copenhagen, Oslo, Stock- ' | Rio de Janiero--for Canada is tell- already had located a standard medium-wave broadcast station, was chosen as site of the new pro- Ject's transmission set-up. After experiments, solving of air- wave "kinks," and added impetus to expansion due to coming of peace, the service today broadcasts programs in a dozen languages to Fadiences in the United Kingdom, ontinental Europe, West Indies and Central and South America, New Zealand and Australia. Canada Calling Broadcasts Use Dozen Tongues By EDWARD CHANTLER Canadian Press Staff Writer Canada today calls the world! The denim-trousered workman sitting before his radio in Prague touches a dial, sits back, lights his pipe and hears the words: "Kanada Vola Coskoslovensko!" By a flick of his wrist, and by the Spricht Kanada!", "Canada Roept Nederland!", "Halla, Sverige!"--tl's ing the world! Canada call- friendly neighbor. It seems to him as though Canada calls him per- sonally to offer samples of her cul- ture, her music; literature and news of her people. The same scene could be dupli- is back on the air. As most rural listeners in On- tario and Quebec know, "His Hon- or" is no less than Andy Clarke, that gleaner-announcer of the "Neighborly News" program. Andy returned to the microphone after an absence of two months due to illness. While he was away, CBC pro- ducer Don Fairbairn took over the Sunday morning chore of reporting items of interest from weekly news- papers, I --_------. ENGLISH FOR IMMIGRANTS holm, Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Bor- deaux, Berlin, Havana, Lima and ing the world, via iaternational| short-wave, what makes her "tick," her people's aspirations, their arts, and their sincere desire for globular goodwill and friendship. How the CBO has evolved its present system of international shortwave programs is told by Stu- art Griffiths, supervisor of CBC's European section of foreign lang- uages, Montreal. Since 1936, the publicly-owned system advocated inception of in- ternational broadcasting facilities. But other problems of domestic ex- pansion took priority and it was not until 1942 that the government authorized construction of trans- mitters and studios for the new service. Sackville, NB, where the CBC grants from Europe who take up an elementary course at Cape Technical College will be taught enough English in one year to tion, Concentration will be on reading and conversation, DEADLY MALARIA world every year. In other words, whether it's "Hier "Habla Canada!" or * bP "The Mayor of the Little Places" Capetown -- (CP) -- Iimmi- pass a seventh standard examina- It is estimated that malaria cau- ses 3,000,000 deaths throughout the N.S.W. Folk Love Harbor Bridge Written For The Ca: Canadian Press BY LEONE KENNEDY Sydney, Australia--(CP)--One of the most beloved structures in the world is the Sydney harbor bridge, sometimes called the "Big Coat- er." Into the voice of every Sydney resident--and there are 1,300,000 of them--creeps a strong note of pride | and affection when the huge steel discussion, bridge is under Sydney residents themselves laugh at their fondness for the bridge but it would never do for an outsider, particularly anyone from Austra- lia's second largest city--Melbourne --to raise eyebrows at such a dis- play of emotion. Anyone in Sydney can tell a stranger about the bridge. They will say it took six years to build, that 50,000 tons of special steel from England was used, and that casual- ties among the workmen occurrea when they fell into the harbor. They will recall that the bridge was built from both ends and met in the middle "right on the nose." And theyll chuckle recounting a dramatic but unscheduled incident the premier played second fiddle that day to a captain of the King's Hussars, The captain, a member of the New Guard which was described od a "Fascist" organization opposed to Lang, swept up on his horse and slashed the ribbon with a sword a few minutes before the premier was scheduled to snip it. The man was dragged from his horse and rushed to jail, the ribbon replaced and the opening ceremony was resumed. The bridge, two miles long and Joining what is known as the North Shore of the harbor to the rest of Sydney, cost about $32,000,000 and is still' being paid for at its toll gal THREE YEARS TO BUILD Karachi, India--(CP)--Work on the three-year construction of Karachi airport which is to be de- veloped into one of the world's biggest airfields at a cost of more than $6,000,000, will commence this month, Two new sets of run- ways more than 6,000 feet long will be constructed. NEW HOME desired). Located on No. 2 Highway About 1 Mile West of Oshawa 6 Room Semi-Bungalow With Built-in Garage (Room Over Garage). Air Conditioned Oil Heating System. This Beautiful New Home Will Be Completed in the Near Future. (Acreage around home available if Opposite Mount Lawn Cemetery Phone for Appointment -- Oshawa 4264W1 Z srorseon dl 72 ftom is at your toe when you drive with = SUPERT EA « GASOLINE % We Advise the Use of-- ASTIC FLOORING You have often seen floors in homes and business offices in plain and artistic designs with various colourings . .. no doubt you have wondered how these floors were laid . . . perhaps you imagined them to be an expensive installation. Here is the story: The floors you saw were undoubtedly mastic floors, and are not considered expensive, especially when Mastic flooring presents so many advantages . . . they are easily laid and will retain a high polish with very little effort. There is another distinct advantage over other kinds of flooring . .. if a certain section becomes sufficiently worn to require changing all that is necessary is to change a square or two . . . the cost a matter of a few cents. In the laying of Mastic Floors there are innumerable designs that can be arranged and colors to be chosen. 3 We will be happy to furnish more information together with estimates upon request. This Advertisement In The Times-Gazette GASCOIGNE Roofing and Sheet jig? SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO 17 Prince St, Osha WHITBY PHONE 743 | RES. 229%

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